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/e/ - Ecchi

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>>2868750 Previous thread hit image

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what yomrtsw8u can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Pony secret tag cheatsheet: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Previous Thread Highlights
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So do any of you anons ever upload your generations to the AIbooru? I see some great stuff here that is not on there and I think should be. I tried uploading stuff there before and it does tags automatically so it's super easy too. It'll also help others find your art.
No highlight bros lets gooooo!
>If unsure about what yomrtsw8u can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.
You really liked the meme huh

I'll give you a pass since you removed the dead link to the archives, also, thanks for the quick bake
it's just Pony that doesn't know them, intentionally so. Similar to Arknights, it knows the franchise enough to even reproduce NPC clothing, but knows no characters from it.
let's goo.

I even made a girl with realistic size breasts this time. Should've included an SD1.5 background.
What's a good style lora for feet? Footfag here, I'd prefer to have them toes not looking like blurry messes, although SD has gotten better with them more often than not.
Also, is there a good checkpoint for flare pants specifically, preferably with different patterns?
I've seen some good ones for yoga pants or spats, but nothing really for flares on citivai
Rigged highlights fellas we'll make it one day.

If I can't even make the highlight reel why would I upload my shame to another place
yeah the highlighter doesnt care about how sexy an image is hes just looking at the fucking backgrounds as if that equals effort
havent tried it yet but saw this just came out
then why do half the highlight images have simple and bland backgrounds?
I dunno, you get some decent feet already just with "foot focus" with something pony based
the fact that you used the word half is very telling
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>You really liked the meme huh
Second time baking this specific bread. Taking small steps at a time.
>If I can't even make the highlight reel why would I upload my shame to another place
Show me your stuff, I'll tell you if it's good or bad. Reply to this post with of few of your generations.
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Requesting a topless edit of Oriana Thomson.
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Requesting Vocaloid IA walking around in Vaporwave settings. If said setting can have a pool the better but that be optional. Just keep the girl fully naked.
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> tfw I made it into every highlight image, one of them is half my stuff

Based highlighter is doing god's work. Don't worry anons, you'll get there.
>spams basic olympus xl images
fuck off
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Alright, anon. You've been diligently asking for this for the last three threads. Here you go, hope you're happy.
I wouldn't be happy about this
Of course not, your life is shit, why would you ever be happy?

I'm hoping the other anon has something to look up to.
alright I think I fixed them more or less, they're in the same album
the bigger one is a result of a schizo experiment
I mean her breasts got smaller when you took off the top, instead of sagging down.
That's actually a fair point. Hm. I wonder if I can make this better. Thanks for moving past my low effort trolling, anon.
I think this is better. Thanks for bringing it up.
what are good prompts to make it look like they're twerking?
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Quick appreciation post to whoever was OP and highlighter for this thread. Thanks for doing the thankless work, we'd be like /h/ otherwise.

Shampoo from Ranma 1/2, demon sword, dragon bikini , mouth piercings, begging pose, on knees, thigh high boots
Chubby women deserve love too!
no. they dont allow inpainting either, slop booru
Nice tits! Thank you!
someone uploaded a couple of random gens of mine to that website but nah, unless there's a place similar to pixiv where I can dump my stuff and organize it I won't bother, not bothering with pixiv either, it's more of a practical thing for me, aibooru is anything but practical

it's not that they don't, I think the images need to be approved manually, at least it used to be the case, considering the quality of the images is all over the place the approving process seems to be completely arbitrary
Then it seems they changed the rules. Still, no one cares about slopbooru
I've been trying it out myself and it's surprisingly good. Picrel is getting that previous "elf but wearing sorceress' clothes so she's busty" gen and inpainting with the prompt only containing "flat chest". This in-painting model has no baked-in VAE, so you'll need to remember to assign one.

See catbox for trying to do that same thing with the model used to gen it in the first place: https://files.catbox.moe/2rkweq.png
They get plenty over in /d/ with the /y/ invasion gang.

I thiught it was kind of a joke when a man asks for an edit on an ai pic, we live in a society.
I think we should follow the same rulings as other boorus in this regard; don't upload your own stuff, upload quality works from others.
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Its pretty good but depending on lora it can lose all style so not truly useful. I'd be better off figuring out how to train loras on XL with 8GB so I can get them running on animagine.
Or find someone who wants to bake me one 1girl for shitposting edits.
jesus christ your idea of "highlights" are shit.
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What advice would you guys give for those who want to spice up their gens since some anons are trying to make their gens something worth being saved by others? I think you can make some nice gens even if you're working with SD1.5.
nta, but let's see yours, then. What do you think is bad and what would you do differently?
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Summer soon.
I'd rather there not be "highlights" at all than have them encourage low effort shitposters.
Highlights from last thread were garbage, too.
I get that the thread is pretty reduced down to 1girl, standing but there's just no reason to "highlight" shit that still has completely fucked hands, garbled details, are massively JPG'd out or literally are just 1girl, standing, emotionless, hands at side doing nothing.
I'm not seeing your image. Forgot to attach it?
Can you repost the thread's highlights but circle the good ones?
When you're writing the prompt, ask yourself:
>One girl doing what?
You're not even worth humoring.
"good" for me is too reductionist so how about instead I cross out all the shit that has no place there.
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any idea why it rapes hair/eyes like this? Absolutely crisps them
boy are you picky
picky picky
based on what you said, these are not the images I would have guessed. i mean its taste, but I really question some of your choices here.
i appreciate the highlight posts, they're nice.
Do you think something was missing? What would have been your highlights? What do you think we should be "encouraging" (lol).

> You're not even worth humoring.
nta, but he has a point. People coming here and being AI gen sommeliers without providing quality content are the same as users in anonymous image boards that constantly complain about the shit posting without providing any quality content in return. Be yourself the change you want to see, or some other corny crap.
Are background men allowed in scenes like public nudity?
Like I said, if I were going by "good" it'd be too reductionist. The ones left are visually distinct enough in some way or at least stylistically appealing in some fashion.
>Do you think something was missing? What would have been your highlights?
>I'd rather there not be "highlights" at all
as "I'm not putting in the effort and I have no need to justify myself to you, go fuck yourself."
>What do you think we should be "encouraging"
Not fucked hands, garbled features, bare base SD1.5 gens with zero style or effort bullshit, that's for fucking sure.
>without providing quality content
Assuming I don't post things because I'm not ousting myself on an anonymous image board is a stupid fucking take.
If/when I post content I'm not going to include some diatribe for some schizo to try and associate with anything that vaguely resembles what got posted. It's an anonymous image board. The entire point is to be anonymous.
I'm kind of happy the gen I was somewhat proud of got passed over so it could avoid the inevitable crossout.
>1girl standing: bad
>1girl, standing on water: good
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Yeah I know the Pony guy did that but I didn't realize it was so much, I'm probably gonna be waiting for the Cascade models anyway, and if we're lucky in the meanwhile SD3 Medium will prove to be a good upgrade
Awesome highlights! I love EDG!
Feel free to backlink it and I'll give you an actual full, honest critique.
My point with all of this isn't to just call everything shit. It's that "highlights" like these make the entire thing worthless because even if there's something somewhat decent mixed in it's reduced by being put next to garbage.
look anon, I personally ain't here to hard rag on your opinions. the highlights aren't some cutthroat competition to hand out awards, it's a nice way to encourage posts. its how almost every amateur art community works. give your feedback when things are posted and live your life.
Nah I'm fine with going unnoticed. If someone likes what I post enough to say something that's a bonus.
If I were to give some advice on making better gens.

>Traditional media
Traditional media prompts will make you gens stand out in general. Oil painting, watercolor, sketch, painting, etc. Tag advantage of any of them and it might give your gen a more natural feel to them.

If it's not there to improve the image, then you probably don't need it. Go ahead and blur it out or make it something like tachi-e. "Stylish and simple background" may help.

If you don't know what clothes to use, try using wildcards combined with an emphasis on a pattern. Here's an example that'll give you some interesting results. "(revealing clothing:1.2, argyle cutout:1.3, argyle print) argyle legwear, uneven clothes". Letting design clothes based on bizarre prompts like this will probably give you some good ideas on what else to make.

If the image is focused around a certain body part. Make sure to add a pose, task, or perspective that emphasizes that area of the body.

Don't be afraid to use more abstract artist styles like Amano or Umino. You might find an interesting artist combo to make a unique style. Cartoonish expressions on realistic model/styles can make for some funny gens as well.

All that said I need to redo the eyes on this gen.
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The ENF thread (ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female) has been a thing since forever so it is.
Spiral eyes can be a little hard to get down at times. I think there are some hypnosis eyes loras that make it easier to do if you use them at half the strength.
>it's a nice way to encourage posts
I'd argue these sorts of highlights are more discouraging than anything.
Imagine putting in effort, getting put into highlights but then getting put directly next to >>2870168
Kind of diminishes the point, doesn't it?

(also apologies to 2870168, but you posted it because it was garbled so you got used as an example)
(also generally when models do shit like that it's because you're using too many tags it/lora's don't really like to have together due to their sample set; the best way to "fix" it is to usually start removing details/the more specific tags)
I know I'm feeling pretty discouraged from posting anything knowing that there's someone so hypercritical ready to jump down my throat. If you're so upset I don't see why you just don't make your own highlight collage to show off your superior taste.
>I know I'm feeling pretty discouraged from posting anything knowing that there's someone so hypercritical ready to jump down my throat.
If it's an actual criticism (this thing is wrong, you can improve by doing x etc) you can use that to improve the quality of your posting.
If it's just shitposting (you suck, your model is garbage, it's blurry), it's just a shitposter and it's safe to dismiss it.
No it was not tag or lora dependant, it just crisps shit like that on the inpaint model. I assume its just inherent to the model or I'd need to try on a1111, but cba.
kek, its fine
What I have been doing since the 1.5 days is posting gens that I really like despite composition, style or background
Also, if you are using 1.5 models you can use various hacks for the pose, such as these:
So you can just focus on the rest of the elements of the image
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posting a picture this time so people can see the girl i'm asking for a lora of instead of making people download the zip first; would anyone be interested in making a lora for SDXL of Bernoulli from the game Crash Fever? she has a pretty low amount of images and I just don't have the resources or knowledge to make a lora of her myself

if nobody is interested in trying then i'll stop asking, but just wanted to make sure i posted an image of the girl at least in case that made people interested

zip file of images: https://files.catbox.moe/kbg801.zip
i want her to crush my skull
with her dainty feet
i want the resounding echo of my cranium cracking
to shake the foundations of the cosmos
i want her delicate feet
to shatter my worthless bones
beneath her divine weight
i want my dimming eyes
to gaze upon her
as she plucks
the pulverized
of my
ardent brain
from her
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I always knew you were an artist
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hello fellow gooners
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Woot woot, title image! Let's go!
she's gonna catch a cold!
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I should probably just delete all my gigabtyes of gens from the initial NAI leak without second thought
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Damn I didn't realize I was using an old negative, I was genning steamy ass pics for no reason
Can I get a really cute reverse trap? Something like pants, shirt and tie, short hair and then something like visible boobs under her dress shirt or high heals would be cute.
>reverse trap
Isn't that just tomboy
Is tentacle hair usually pseudo-sentient or does it take brainpower to control like regular limbs?
Tomboys are specifically girls who do sports or mechanics and who have like overalls, shorts, tans, and such. Reverse traps are girls who wear masculine clothes like pants, suits, ties, and so forth and can be mistaken for guys but not necessarily into sports or mechanics.

Think Rika or Haruhi as opposed to Revy or Winry or Ed.
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pretty sure I didn't get it right but here's just a reverse trap
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your crossed out image list has absolutely 0 consistency or reasoning. It's literally just "images I like vs images I don't like" which is fine but nobody really cares about what images you in particular enjoy.

There's at least 3 image pairs that are nearly 1:1 in both the crossed out list and the uncrossed out list.
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> Realized I posted the unfixed version.

I apologize, here's the fixed version.
Incredible! Hands are a bit off though.
Fucking lol
That is better than I could have imagined.
You're retarded.
So you consider Revy to be a reverse trap?
nta, but dudes, are you being stupid on purpose?

Reverse trap -> You think it's a guy, but it's a girl wearing dude's clothes.
Tomboy -> A girl that does boyish stuff, has short hair and is in general playful.
just admit you're blind and accept it.
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A tomboy for reference. Please take this into account.
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bath bunny has a hammer for a hand. pink Cammy has mangled hands. top left is the most generic 1girl standing with inconsistent shading. fireworks is just completely lol.

plain backgrounds in both acceptable and unacceptable. center of frame both acceptable and unacceptable. flat shading yes and no. complex shading yes and no.

you have no rubric. you have no metric. you have absolutely no objective measuring stick.

images you like vs images you don't like. which is fine, but nobody but you cares.
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>extra wet
I see you are a gentleman of taste as well
>has short hair
often, but not necessarily.
>bath bunny has a hammer for a hand
>pink Cammy has mangled hands
so you are blind. cool.
bath bunny's hands are hidden which are whatever. It's at least stylistically distinct among the crowd. And I don't know what world you live in where you think pink cammy's hands are mangled.
>top left is the most generic 1girl standing with inconsistent shading
Calling sayanon "generic" is pretty weird but okay.
>fireworks is just completely lol
It's not "my" list. This is the already existing list. The ones being crossed out not belonging doesn't mean I'd necessarily include the ones not crossed out. Not being crossed out merely means it's "fine" for what the expectations of "highlights" are.
Focus less on the ones not crossed out and look more at the ones crossed out and try to figure out why they don't belong.
I'll give a hint. Chances are it falls under one of three categories.
>something is actually completely fucked
>it's boring, stylistically, compositionally or both
>it has zero /e/ elements(and probably one of the other two things)
there may be other factors but that's about it. Some are much worse than others. I'm not tiering them.
>images you like vs images you don't like
bold of you to claim I "like" what's not crossed out.
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You're an autistic troll parading as a critic so this is your last (You) without a link to your works or a genuine criteria list.

That is a a toe, a finger, a finger, half a finger, and the longest pinkie finger that ever was. If you saw this on a bitch in real life you'd shriek in horror.

I won't bother pointing out the rest of your retardation.
What's wrong with fireworks?
nta, but I see, how would be the correct way to display them on that angle and pose?, I thought they looked fine so I didn't inpaint them
Note if its your work, I do not mean to single you out. We're all here making images for free trying to improve and sharing our shit.

Those are not fireworks those are light trees standing tall above birthday candles.

I do not mean to shit on you, only point out his inconsistency in judgement. The thumb is just a little short and the pinky a lot long. it would be just inpaint gacha, drawing it properly yourself, or controlnet. personally would have tried 3-10 rerolls and then given up.
>it would be just inpaint gacha, drawing it properly yourself, or controlnet. personally would have tried 3-10 rerolls and then given up.
On those cases with small details like that I just sketch over it and then i2i at low denoise, that always work just fine
I'm always open to any criticism, more with my local gens since I change my settings quite often to see what works the best
It's easy to see why they're generated like that
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She's a big girl
>calls someone an autistic troll
>while trying to point to THAT as some grand inconsistency
the projection is fucking real.
There's unironically worse things to get picky on about with pink cammy. The hand is perfectly fine and isn't going to get a second glance since it's better than what most real artists would manage with that pose.

And again. I repeat. Don't look at things not crossed out. If I were autistically picking apart everything then there wouldn't be anything left. Instead focus on what is crossed since those are what are actually "bad."
>There's unironically worse things to get picky on about with pink cammy.
Such as? legit curious here, I'm sometimes very bad with the perspective and proportions

Also since we got some analists here I would like to ask for feedback on this gen that I'm working on, I more or less fixed the hands sketching over it but I'm not sure if the rest of the image is fine
I forgor my gen..
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You know, you guys could be posting quality gens you made instead of arguing over the quality of gens others have made.

Good tastes.
Firstly I love you and mean no harm.
inpaint the womb tat at 1024.
blur/sketch the strap over her right arm cause it's also part boob seatbelt.
I personally would have to find a new base seed because she's both wearing her jacket and laying on top of her jacket and I don't see an easy fix. I think few people would actually notice that though.

Are you using PAG/AYS/FreeU/DPO/ and all those goodies?
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Bangal Satania
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thats a perfectly correct hand. not gonna bother reading the entire chain but take your meds.

2nd one does things to me for reasons I do not know
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AWESOME! It really makes he difference. Is very interesting to also see the changes from the raw to the upscaled/edited versions. Nevertheless, those are some really nice IAs and Incredeble backgrounds.
>blur/sketch the strap over her right arm cause it's also part boob seatbelt.
Ohh I see it, funny since didn't intend it to be like that at all
>I personally would have to find a new base seed because she's both wearing her jacket and laying on top of her jacket and I don't see an easy fix
Yeah, I think I'll tweak my prompt to avoid any unnecessary stuff and try to get a good seed later

>Are you using PAG/AYS/FreeU/DPO/ and all those goodies?
Ngl I don't know any of those and have never used them before
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fucked up leg, fucked up bra strings, fucked up jacket, fucked up succubus thingie, fucked up collar, possibly fucked up bunny ears and fucked up flower.
Depends how much you care about making it not look like AI though.
If you dont then its the leg, ribbon on collar and lastly the jacket being wonk, but semi-passable. Inpaint the succubus crest into high res too, rest's fine for ai sloppa
from top to bottom:
hair melting into eyelashes/eyelashes melting into eyebrows
little weird hair tinge
the leotard has an uneven line broken up by the arm on the right(her left), and since I'm talking about the leotard anyway, the bit down by her crotch is that the elastic line should probably be slightly further towards the edge
the gloves are a bit inconsistent as a whole. There's weird notches jutting out , the glove on the left side is missing a fillet, the part past the wrists has a bar on the left side while it's got nodules on the right.
The blue is that the boot is kind of a bit wonky and the heel is sticking a bit too far out from behind the gloves.
what's not mentioned: the hat's kind of a little off but that's a bit hard to really properly angle on. Also the underhair behind the neck is a bit too skin-tone. Also also; the more personal gripe is that there's a lot of splotchiness/uneveness to the colors. This is the real bitch to fix since the only real way to do it is to use style lora's that are trained in a specific way(and even then it can vary by seed).
You can see what I'm talking about a bit better with this(it has a curves layer up that adds a lot of contrast to make it more visible)
there's other shit but honestly I'd consider just throwing it out and restarting. There's enough weird/wonky anatomy/perspective shit that it's probably going to look a bit weird no matter what you do.
And I'm assuming you're still on lowres step so it's not a super huge loss yet.
(also the red circle on the glove is the weird seem on the thumb, the blue line is the jacket needing to be brought down)
kinda nitpicky.
The perspective is fine on that guy's gen, even if he restarts its unlikely he'll get anything that'll require less fixes than that, its always a few hours of fixing to get things right.
eh, 3/4 top down shots are usually always wonky with perspective relative to body sizing. Actual artists have this issue a lot, too.
The more major concern is the entire right side beast/collarbone situation. It's a pretty awkward mess.
Also I didn't really realize it specifically but the whole pelvic area is a bit elongated. The navel is also out of place and should be a bit up and to the right, but fixing that makes the stretched pelvic area a lot more noticeable.
>fucked up leg,
Alright, how is the leg fucked up? how would it be correct? for the rest you mentioned I more or less see the issue

>hair melting into eyelashes/eyelashes melting into eyebrows
Oh true
>the leotard has an uneven line broken up by the arm on the right(her left), and since I'm talking about the leotard anyway, the bit down by her crotch is that the elastic line should probably be slightly further towards the edge
the gloves are a bit inconsistent as a whole. There's weird notches jutting out , the glove on the left side is missing a fillet, the part past the wrists has a bar on the left side while it's got nodules on the right.
The blue is that the boot is kind of a bit wonky and the heel is sticking a bit too far out from behind the gloves.
Also true, I totally overlooked it

>And I'm assuming you're still on lowres step so it's not a super huge loss yet.
Correct, as I replied to the other anon, I'll tweak the prompt and find a good seed

The lines and circles were a good reference to further understand what's wrong, thanks a lot

They're all things that make the computer better at consistency. All the ones I listed work with each other but even just using any one will immediately give improved results. EVERYONE should be using them.

Free U and DPO are performance neutral.
PAG is performance negative.
AYS is performance positive.


for pony, 3 regular cfg and 2 PAG cfg gives good results. it needs to be off during hi-res fix or it will shit itself. tick the box.


set the sliders to what the page recommends.


DPO lora, plug and play. I prefer it to be merged into my model. Autism DPO supremacy.


AYS is built in to comfy and SD next. I don't have it running on forge. not ready to make the jump to sdnext. lets you get the results of 30 steps while only actually using 15 steps.
While we are at it, I have questions about shading in general, sometimes the slop machine darkens or lightens random body parts, in this case I do think the face should have a solid color all across of it right? because the light source is behind her and given the posture, the light between her eyes/nose shouldn't be there right?

But what about this one >>2870069 where the light source is at the top, given the pose, which parts of the body should have light?
get a 3d modeling program and move the lighting around
But do you actually do this?, can you post and example please
no way, ai sucks dick at shading so i try not to pay attention to it
Thanks for the info, I'll check them
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Is there any way to get control over the anus or is it purely up to your artists?
make a lora
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/p086wg.png

Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/j8mfmb.png
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Platform boots love
rerequest for >>2869989 with no pubes
Not gonna lie but when you're done with that image I'd really like it to be shared. It's cute as hell.
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For this i used (bending both knees down, hands on knees,back upright,leaning forward,) along with things like motion lines, you'll still have to sort through gens of course
Oh I will, probably not that pose but the outfit and the general girl's appearance will remain
Funniest part about /hdg/ imploding has been how much their shit is leaking into the other threads. We never got the nai hater(s) in here. Maybe we all should make our own highlights instead.

>bath bunny's hands are hidden which are whatever.
Thanks for defending my honor but yeah they're not perfect. I was thinking of fixing them funnily enough. Didn't realize my failure to do would cause the battle for middle earth to begin.
You are beautiful and I love you. We all make oopsies and her hammer hand is not a catastrophic error. The user you're replying to is just a faggot who went on a tirade telling us what images he did and didn't like. Claiming anatomy errors were one of the criteria despite "liking" many images with anatomy errors.
That's genderbent trap. Google reverse trap
Cute gen tho
leg has to be extended/thickened below the knee. maybe above the knee too a bit till it looks right overall
>nu OP asked for criticism two threads ago
>someone gives criticism
>schizo decides to sperg out
no way anyone could've predicted that would happen.
poor girl has a thumb for an index finger
eh, it fits the style, even if its a tiny bit too thick
neck is too long if fingers are that style then
also the ear looks like a 3d model or something, it clashes
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I don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment anon. Highlights are just one guy's opinion also, no need to take it so seriously. At the end of day it depends on what you think these threads are for. For fooling around? Only 100% quality gens virtually indistinguishable from non-AI? Tech discussion/news?
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Can't really help if you don't provide the settings you used. Here's the ones I used, so hopefully it helps out.

I don't use the inpainting model for redrawing faces, btw. It's better to just use the original model for that. The inpainting model is more useful for changing parts of the image while still making sense and remaining proportional.
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it's not impossible that there is a light source from above her, such as a light bulb on the ceiling or a sun-roof.
Or another window on the right
long neck is the character's feature, ear is within style, the 3D bit is from it being a little too big/protruding too far
Seems to be an issue with the model, then.
>redrawing faces
Thats the only thing I need local for, characters NAI doesnt know. If I do it with the normal model its going to clash with everything around them and leave unfinished hair bits, generally clueless as to head vs neck/body sizes etc.
dont bother with light. you might aswell learn how to draw if you want to fix that aside from common sense
>don't upload your own stuff
Why? You're allowed to, there's a meta tag for that called self upload. I think it's a good idea for anons to upload to their stuff to the AIbooru because we can't get images from archived threads after they're pruned since the archive.moe doesn't save them, it only saves thumbnails. Also some anime have only a few images on the AIbooru and I've seen good stuff for those works posted here. At least if stuff is on the AIbooru, it makes it easier to find.
this kinds reminds me of shana
this style is so nice
this reminds me of iida pochi, is it trained on her art?
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Requesting the impainting of a luxury bedroom background, and making the surface she's climbing on the edge of a bed.
Cool. Got some more Maid Dragon art?
If you've seen good stuff, then why didn't you post them to the booru? Anyway, I'm not going to die on this hill, people certainly can upload their own stuff. It's my opinion that there should be at least one peer who agrees that it's a good image first.
Man I didn't even intentionally do that but you just hit one of my core memories.
>Man I didn't even intentionally do that but you just hit one of my core memories.
red hair
zettai ryouiki

god i miss shana so much, i love that anime
Her good character design got imprinted into my brain subconciously. Not a bad thing mind you.
>If you've seen good stuff, then why didn't you post them to the booru?
I did upload a few pics I saved from 4chan ages ago but I can't be arsed to do any more. I also see plenty of stuff on there tagged as self upload sop it's common. I see good AI art here for shows that have very little on the booru and I think it would be good if anons uploaded their own stuff there.
Nice pic, it's cute, but just a reminder that we're on /e/ not /c/.
We can see her thighs
oooooof the feet...
oof the extra thumb as well
i'm out of practice...
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such bad lifting form, girl
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it's already dead, most of the maintainers left months ago
At some point I was really into Shana series and universe, its kindo f impressive how the anime adaptations and story progress made me stopping care so hard, man that was one of a hell trainwreck
It's still a huge archive of prompts, some of them good. But that's only useful to people messing around with AI, not a general audience.
>he says aibooru is crap
where are you going to save the images posted here then? because archived moe isn't saving them
NTA but just my simple suggestion, download all images, upload to catbox, create album, save album links in a rentry somewhere.
Here's an attempt.

Not what you requested but I like how this turned out: https://files.catbox.moe/n1fmtr.png

Bonus: https://files.catbox.moe/h44djp.png
what did the janny mean by this?
Who knows. It could've been a shitposter caught in another thread and all his recent posts got purged.
Probably "racism" if I had to guess.
Both attempts aren't too bad. They mesh well with the artstyle of the original pic.

Only real issue is that it gives her a bit too much hair.
would be really pushing that rule if so, but it still has nothing to do with the second post which got yeeted. im not even banned and the rest are still intact
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"third world" isn't racist or an insult. These countries exist as a fact and can be found on the wikipedia.
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oh yeah, that is kind of un-Shermie. Here's a quick remake with "short hair".

Here's the mask in case another Anon wants a go at it: https://files.catbox.moe/92d05s.png
god damn I love fat thighs, catbox?
Much better.

Just fix the foot at the bottom right, and you're good to go.
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vanillaware https://files.catbox.moe/lx5tss.png
Already had it~ Though I didn't have the style loras so I'll grab those later.
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crisis averted
a few planets is a small price to pay for the sake of her foot

I am an autist for sure
lemon angel..
now I wanna read her vn
it's too bad steam is a shit

glad you liked em
her 1.5 loras are cursed, while that one works the best it aggressively fights her hair
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feet love
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I can't stomach yuzusoft but I'd probably try again if she actually ate a lemon like that
cute, nice touch with the alternate artstyle
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Don't worry about her, snow elves love the cold!

Thanks for writing all this up. I had none of these before you mentioned them.
I love the colors on this one! Is that from a Lora?
its this lora but i had to fix the colors in post
no idea how to properly color grade so i just kept messing with opacity layers until i liked it
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Don't know why but she kind of comes off lizardy
You're welcome and lovely elf! The half bodysuit held up with a belt is fucking hilarious. Is that a character? prompted? rng?

I should mention for PAG,
cfg + PAG cfg = whatever your old cfg was. So if you had a model that likes cfg 5 its CFG 3, PAG 2. Model likes cfg 7? CFG 4 PAG 3. pag cfg needs to be lower than regular cfg or it will fry.
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>it aggressively fights her hair
That... That too is a thing with her. MMD bros, as an example, always report that working with her hair is always a trouble. No wonder the request for absurdly-long-hair/non-euclidean went unanswered.
Would party with in an 80s cyberpunk adventure
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some nice stuff in the past few threads while i was taking a break
i'm not linking 46 images
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nice heels
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Very cool, I love the green in the shading.

Mostly RNG I think, she's not an existing character. The boots, gloves, and cloak are prompted, but other than it's only 'white clothes'. I think it's because the ExpressiveH LoRA is cranked up, and I have 'medium breasts' prompted, so it just finds a way to display the goods on some gens.
Naked school week?
this is nice
Catbox is slow from my experience. Also the benefit of a site like Aibooru is that you can search for pics from specific shows and have things organized.
Death by snu snu
And this is why we don't do show and tell anymore...
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I started recently with SD and I found that it is much easier to make quality images with SDXL, specially pony-based models, than anything SD 1.5. Now, are there tags I can use in the prompt to change the style? All the images I generate look like they were done by the same artist. For example, this image was generated with:

source_anime, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, nsfw, 1girl, solo, loli, naked, sitting on the beach
Negative prompt: source_pony, source_furry, monochrome
Steps: 8, CFG scale: 2.500000, Seed: 43, Size: 832x1216, Model: autismmix_sdxl_lightning_4step_q8_0.safetensors, RNG: cuda, Sampler: dpm++2mv2 karras
There's a tag sheet in the op, plus you can check danbooru's wiki for an artist and try their name, or get an artist lora from civit
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Artists really don't work that well in pony, some do and it's experimental and not sure if /vt/ gave up mining the coins or those anons did in /h/ for the artist tags since Pony dev nuked them for "art integrity" or some bullshit. Why people use loras again, if you want the middle ground of artists in the model and no loras really can try ef+hll setup but it's on sd 1.5.
artists work fine it's just there's a specific list of artists for pony only
i advise using only source anime and score 9 and 8 in positives
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File deleted.
loras really help for altering the visual style. I'd also recommend trying various finetunes, momoiro is nice for a cutesier style, and the last couple of days I've been trying rainpony, picrel, also using a flat vector style at a high weight. It can be hard to shake the default styles of these models though, I was incapable of removing the outlines on this one. I miss the lightline 1.5 lora sometimes, maybe I should try using some of the old 1.5 models in a finishing pass.
last one, I promise
bro, cum is /h/, not /e/
Artist work fine, you just have to be careful to tiptoe around Pony's quirks so it doesn't reset into 2.5D mode with scratchy linework.
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Using the full score_9, score_8_up, etc. will make the model use the artists that the furry who made the modelliked, and his taste seems pretty subpar. I personally forgoe using the score tags altogether but other Anon's suggestion of "just score_9, source_anime" works well enough to give a bit more stability without overruling the style.

If you really want different artists though, LoRAs are still unbeatable. Don't use the lightning model.
Take this shit to /d/ where it belongs.
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More of Flannery and Usagi Tsukino naked together
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I found these on the new 4chan e archive and they're dope
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this sort of very pale white skin is so good

>I can't stomach yuzusoft
how come? moege overdose?
some of their vns are in my ever expanding backlog, I only went through the first hour of sanoba witch and then forgot to finish it so I don't know much about their stuff

>nice touch with the alternate artstyle
that one is now my favorite style lora on pony and one of fav styles in general, it's too bad using loras on my rig is painfully slow
bless the anon who trained and shared it

damn, well nai can do her just fine and even heart of apple does a decent job, so I think if someone trained a good lora of her on pony it wouldn't be a problem but that's probably a lot of effort in just picking out the right images alone

that sounds very interesting and I might try that but don't take that as a promise or something that'l happen soon cause I don't know when/if I will do it
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>that sounds very interesting and I might try
Thanks for even considering it...
>but don't take that as a promise or something that'l happen soon cause I don't know when/if I will do it
Don't worry. After learning that her hair is once again a troublemaker can better set those expectations. Honestly believed that it was just a tag or two away for it to be done.

Also, while the absurdly-long-hair is self-explanatory, what it is meant by non-euclidean hair is that it does not really need to follow normal laws of growth/lenght/thickness/flow kinda like it does in pic related but even more extreme. TL;DR: As long as it gets everywhere, it is OK.

Tho if you (or anyone else) has another take then by all means go for it.
uoh https://files.catbox.moe/4q4hvn.png
that's definitely an uoh of all time
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I think you overcooked your migu a bit.
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Obsidian Miku is the best Miku.
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Fitness freak Miku would have something to say about that. Not to mention slime Miku, hag Miku, mecha Miku,...
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For me, it's off-model Miku.
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I wish we could get more hags.
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> hero beer
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yuzusoft is just boring. Meh comedy, boring SOL, nothing really happens. Hardly the biggest moege fan either so that doesnt help things
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post foreheads
sorry I like bangs
they're still there though.. just un-banged for a moment
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>Obsidian Miku is the best Miku.
Mah migga.
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The downside of living in a lewd futuristic distopia is you don't know if the cute cybergirl is a cyberprostitute or a mercenary, so if you ask in the wrong way BAM! game over
Why not both?
me about to move her bangs and reveal that juicy 5head
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I think we can, actually
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Very nice
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sorry, I knew /e/ is no dicks or penetration. I dont know how I didnt notice no cum.
a prostitute is just a specialized mercenary, yes.
cum implies that sex has happened. in manga ecchi means playfully sexual, meaning no actual sex. the most body fluids you'll get in classic ecchi is the nose bleeding of the guy who just got an upskirt glimpse.
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Man, I'm retarded.
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Deleted because typo in image.
This took way longer than I expected, so I hope someone finds these useful.

Big image:
Lora images:
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Damn based anon. Thank you!
Didn't do all of them, just the ones I downloaded since they looked like they had good gens to me. Might do the rest if that is most of them, didn't count them at all.
Also realized when doing these that the page has multiple loras for the same artist. George Kamitani has at least three on there.
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This is incredible, anon! Thanks for the great work.
wait are these loras or pony secret codes?
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Can you make this sketch of Origami from Date-a-Live into a full-scale art-piece? There was a thread in /h/ that took sketches and turned itno art but it's gone now. Thank you for your time.
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is this too real?
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It's fine this is already great. Thanks again.
imo body can be whatever, but face needs to be more anime (flatter nose, bigger eyes)
yes way too real
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not big enough
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is this better?
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much better, maybe just the lipstick is too much on the first pic
this is fine
you probably want "animal" in your negative here, unless you really did want background cat and not nekomimi
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They're LoRAs.
I'm struggling to find them though. Doesn't seem like this one in particular is searchable on Civitai.
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You have achieved true anime, congrats
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>download the whole zip just to see someone using my lora
>he skipped it
The problem here is that you really have to be careful about lines with double sense or the lack of double sense in your words
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I don't think it's that hard, just a combination of skill issue, 1.5 being 1.5 and her loras

>As long as it gets everywhere, it is OK.
it's good you mentioned that cause I was thinking of something crazy like this

makes sense
I used to think moege isn't my thing but realized it's just a matter of time and place when it comes to reading it (for me), sometimes it's nice when nothing really happens
I realy like her pose here and scenery is nice too

it's the crazy or depressed migu for me

based thick-thigher

my fucking sides. I love this
dont you hate it when you wake up with giger hair? its the worst..
based (You) giver
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Looks like someone got biten by the fractal bug. Tho what I meant by "As long as it gets everywhere" is much, much more simple... Or I think it is "simpler" because of, at first I was like:
>OK her normal/initial loras go all whacky with her hair
>but it looks really nice and kind of "fits her" (*)
>so asking for this same effect, to with much longer hair, should not be that hard....
Or so was I thinking till it was pointed out that the newer loras make that more difficult to pull off. By her initial lora I meant pic related and >>2870608 by the way.

(*)The hair going whacky like that in those images fits her space theme better than just the normal way absurdly-long-hair tag is done and helps her to stand apart from billion of pics of Hatsune Miku/other vocaloids done with said absurdly-long-hair in mind.
Is the hair sentient somehow? Otherwise it should just be bunched up on the ground behind her.
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boob it is then
someone should run them a bath
guess dino is the food this time
this catbox doesn't seem to have metadata, what's going on here?
It's a jpeg. Guess he just wanted to post two images at once.
thanks, can you provide full prompt so I can copy and generate for other loras?
oh I'm retarded nevermind
How long does it take to learn enough to make a pretty consistent style? Like

My images just vary so much in style it's offputting
use some artist prompts and/or loras, easy
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that man is using a mix of loras that he finds appealing. you should do the same. you can also just mix tokens or artists inherent to the checkpoint. try 8um, vum, or wfj at the beginning of your prompt and see if you like it.
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Baltimore at home (not that bad actually)
Btw you guys are really slow recently, what happened? you were on turbo modo a few days ago
video james
prompter's block
I'm prompting sfw 1girls, chibis and other non-coom shit now
Dunno about other anons
>Anon, where are those gens I asked you to make?
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1 day? 1 year?
I dont know, I've been doing this stuff for 6 months and still have not settled to an style. Thats what I wanted since the beginning but never settled on one I keep

But there are people here that has been very consistent to the point you can always tell when they post even when they do some minor changes.

It depends on (You) entirely
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Yeah. The weirdness of the hair is what I liek of these pics. Double so as few artist ever took adventage of her hair to do creative stuff with it in the way they did with Miku(*) It fell on the AI and it's general quirkiness to finally do something interesting with her hair.

(*) see https://gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9088316 for a creative use of the absurdly-long-hair tag on Hatsune Miku
I dont know other anons, but In my case I've been dedicating so much time to SD that now I have lot of shit to catch on my gachas
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Rescued from /hdg/
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Added Midori
really need to get face detailer werkin in my WF...
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im surprised theres no feet thread on /e/
is it disallowed or something?
It's just that nobody likes feet
I only like loli feet and I won't post loli on /e/.
cute slut
i'm fuckin gone when er dlc drops desu senpai
where cun?
Inpainting and changing prompts between upscale is so much easier than fucking around with area conditioning
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theyre a bit hit or miss still out of close ups, based on the furries progress gens it'll improve with e2. unless you're asking for uuuohhh, then that's not my thing, personally
>pls ignore the weird clothes, I believe they're from the lora bakes I'm testing during my queues
thank you
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Been re-doing my wildcards and trying out new additions to them.
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hypothetically speaking what do you even do for patreon tiers?
why are those images so blurry
wait. it's my eyes, full of tears... uoh
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Cute IA by the way. Needs to be more exposed though the idea of the fractal also begin part of her clothes/suit is also an interesting prospect.
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Errr.. This is the pic I mean by the fractal begin the bodysuit.
Character requests is the usual thing, though that's easier on NAI or if you're a baker. Could also share prompts or loras, but I'm guessing most of the paying audience don't do AI themselves.
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From what I've seen it's character requests yea.
Bottom tier get to see uncensored or whatever or see the Pic
Middle tier can vote
Top tier can pick characters to put up for vote
Cool, how did you make it?
Who would even sub for sloppa patreon when nai is 25 bucks
a lot of people still think ai imagen is some sort of magic
some don't want to bother with even typing
So show me some successful slopatreons then
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anytest v3
I don't really know much but I think almost everyone here heard of bbc grifters like floox and truck-kun, I think they earn at least 2k bucks a month
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shave dirty bitch
is that a new anytest model? ooh
damn your vendetta against pubes
i just checked and there's a v4 model too from 4 days ago, actually
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that's because it's dall-e 3
this was the prompt used for it

great angle
I wanna gen but life is cucking me
Update went wrong and now shit's broken. So I'm troubleshooting.
I don't have a computer that can run these programs. Maybe in the future, who knows? Can they draw images as if from Mikeou?

She's rather prolific and I find her girls pretty cute with huge eyes and soft curves. She's known for drawing for Melonbooks and VNs like D.C. III, Fall in LoveX4 Tune and Himesama Love Life. You've probably seen her art before or watched the H anime Himesama Love Life. I haven't seen her cutesy style used for any images posted here yet, which is surprising to me.
Likewise Ryouka, who also draws for Melonbooks and has a similar style. You should at least know her from Minato from Akaneiro ni Somaru saka or the Seiiki series of translated VNs.
There are online services too, even some free ones if you want to give it a try.
So what do those 20-30k AI computers actually do? Out of curiosity, I'm not buying one, I'm just shocked they cost so much
I tried a few and they gave me barely recognizable images. Plus they really can't be trained, can they?
I don't think most people are doing any training even with local setups. Mostly just prompting
2nding this
where to grab that model?
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If you want to get in on genning w/o hardware, the only worthwhile site I know of is novelAI. Its what alot of people use on /h/ and /e/. $25 for unlimited gens. can do pretty much any artist that has 100+ booru images and characters around 70+ pics, offers the best currently available style-true inpainting aswell (>>2870216). Its generally better than local aside from characters with no booru presence or very specific nsfw tag stuff
Mikeou and Ryouka with same prompt "1girl, blonde hair, blue eyes". Ryouka might've been closer to the pic you wanted if I tried "game CG", specific series or specific year, idk dunno the artist
could have posted something better or at least linked /h/ posts using NAI kek
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Any recommendations for a model/lora that can draw skin like this?
They usually run or train large language models.
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$25 a month? Or $25? One's pretty cheap, the other's pretty expensive. I never thought of paying for one. The free ones I used, as I said, gave me some pretty weird shit. Multiple hands, images that looked like a Picasso left out in the rain, you know, weird shit.
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its per month. Its pretty cheap imo but ye, income dependant.
Yeah, I know the free sites are rather questionable quality-wise. I looked through both threads real quick to find examples and all of these aswell as pic rel are NAI gens
cheapest plan is 10$/mo
I heard it's not worth it, but not sure what that means in practice
its not worth it because you only get X currency and no infinite gens at standard resolution, so you end up burning through that rather quickly.
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I'm genning expressions for SillyTavern and I can't seem to manage this one. What prompts do I need?

>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime, 1girl, god rays, cinematic lighting, medium breasts, medium_breasts, large_breasts, mature_female, wavy black hair, long hair,<lora:OdaNon-Prod-1024:0.2>, <lora:AIイラストおじさん:0.1>, sweating, laying down, unbuttoned_shirt, open_shirt, , blushing, steam,<lora:8i49kc:0.5>, <lora:sdxl_hades2_v1:0.5>,wide_hips,wavy hair, ,sweating,sweaty, wet, light brown eyes, Standing, white background, pink nipples, erect_nipples, navel, looking at viewer,
disgusted, disgust, pity, contempt, sneer, raised eyebrows, kimoi, looking down nose at viewer, it_was_like_she_was_looking_at_walking_garbage_(meme)

>huge_breasts, straight hair, curly _hair,score_1, score_2, score_3, skirt, underwear, ribs, laying_down, pants, leaning back, from_bellow, anger
Sorry, didn't mean to reply
try "scowl" maybe "parted lips" or "teeth" or just "closed mouth" in negs
Or use controlnet
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no idea really quite what you're going for but here's catboxes to grids with variance
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big fat squirrel tits
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threw a koikatsu cap into img2img
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Thank you so much for answering my questions. You are awesome. Have a Bellfast.
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Dear personal blog,
remember when I downloaded that shitty resolution animu pic 25 years ago when I was a teenager? I really wish I had that because it reminds me of better times.
Well guess what, I don't need it anymore because I recreated it with the power of AI from my memory.
Now this is true power!
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Or green?
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np, but its flatfast now
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I love the outfit
gz. Can't wait till AI gets even better so we can have on the fly illustrations for text stuff without going through all this pain
nice, so clean, which model?
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Made a quick Anytest checkpoint comparison
the reference picture: https://danbooru.donmai.us/media_assets/21173413
Only the first one has the hand pose right at 0.8 if guidance end, damn
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Same, annoying that pony can perfectly do chinese outfits and dresses, while I can't get a fucking ribbed sweater reliably.
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Was it this one?
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Oh, did I post that gen before?
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More complicated scene and different guidance mode this time. Sorry for the random furry.

Yeah anytest doesn't always get hands perfectly, though it's still better than direct t2i in my experience.
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Nice pic too.
Such a pretty background. Did you use a Lora for it?
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Lucky Lou at home, also I'm using a new ESRGAN upscaler which does exactly what I want: soften the edges and reduce the red lines on my base gen and compared to the previous one that I used (eula anifilm) this one doesn't add that slightly annoying film grain
Here is the link to the upscaler if anyone is interested:
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It's from an anon in /hdg/
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That's the one!
Amazing, never thought I see it again.
Have you seen it recently or how did you find it? It would be so hard to describe it to someone because the is so little unique to it.
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Anyone got a good method/lora/setting for good eyes when using SDXL/pony based models? I'm already running FaceDetailer. One of the few things I feel were easier in SD1.5
(pic related is reweikPonyXL)
If your character/lora/style has bad eyes and they're not super unique you can lower their weights for the detailer pass, or even turn them off. Also make sure you're running detailer at a high enough resolution. I use guide size 768 max size 1280, might be slightly overkill but the defaults are definitely way too low.
yeah as other anon says increase res on detailer, ez
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Thanks, that's already an improvement. I'm still fairly new to SDXL and just copied the FD workflow from a tutorial. These threads are invaluable.
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Is that a pony-based model? Doesn't look like one, but I had the same issue with her pussy sucking in the dress >>2870894 it was a huge pain to inpaint.
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is pony
dress clinging into groin is a feature so far as im concerned, tailors should aspire to recreating it
boxo por favor
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Not too common that we hit bump limit before image limit, is it?
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This is usually the norm, in my experience. That said, threads where someone throws a hissy fit because he thinks the quality is too low are historically slower.
True, but I don't see this as a bad thing since we had a lot of discussions in this particular thread
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i love slingshots
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how do you prompt this wall slam pose
This one I got with "selfie, outstretched arms, aggressive", but it will take other things, depending on the context.
oh, clever clever
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Danbooru's mods gave me a builder account, so I can search with more than two tags. Looking at your post, I just searched for "1girl blonde_hair from_behind pond". The same image is on Gelbooru too:
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Whatchu talkin' bout willis?
Threads fall off page 1 after 200 images, that's hard-coded in the board. It's just that some threads get from 200 to 300 faster than others.
Can I get a girl with blond hair and blue eyes with moderate boobs up to her knees in the ocean while splashing water and not realizing her tie side bikini bottoms are floating away?
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ran out of patience
inpaint hell?
that and wanting to re-render it in 1.5, both take a lot of time on my machine, slow gpu is the leading cause of all half-assed giving upness
beautiful red hair
pretty nice
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Interesting concept. That pyramid-scape looks really out-there.
Thanks. I love it, I wish there was more maid dragon in these threads.
looks sorta simplistic and toon style rather than anime style or eastern
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I really love this piece but its fried as fuck. Is there a way to generate it so the color is more softer?
glad you like it
Thanks, that looks great. Also, just be mindful when posting Kanna since loli is technically against the rules on /e/. The pic you posted here is fine though since she doesn't look like a child.
>but think that flat-ish shading
That does indeed resemble western cartoons.

/e/ rules state that art has to be eastern styled. An eastern artist drawing in a western looking style isn't going to make it on topic.
Western toons have little detail and are flat with little or no shading like that image.
Is it really all about shading? This can't be right...

If I were to start deleting stuff for /aco/ I would start with stuff like these >>2871581 >>2871470 >>2870416

I mean the same pic would get thrown out of /aco/ for being too anime in the shape of her face, eyes,expression. So does it just have nowhere to go?
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Absolutely perfect, I love this
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looks nice
Is this a lie, or does the post/image/IPs/page counter not show (bump limit reached) for images?
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This girl looks fantastic.
This is the only thread I've seen people use OlympusXL. What is the advantage over animagine that it was trained from? Model page only mentions some 90 art styles.
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Think the /h/ tourists went back to /h/ to post their /e/ gens.
If you don't believe me, look at any thread on the board with 200+ images and pay attention to the next thread when it reaches 200.
What is the difference between a character lora and a style lora? I want to move on to XL but I want to carry over my custom 1.5 mix style
Specific character vs an artists drawing style
Actually, now that I look at the catalogue, there are very old threads above 200 images that get bumped to page 1.
But I know I'm not crazy. /edg/ falls off page 1 after 200 images every time. It's been like that forever.
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Retraining lora on animagine. You guys made me realize Pony is really bad at 1girling, it's not just the backgrounds.
I don't know, Im mostly satisfied with pony girls but its true the envoirements are lacking so I've tried a couple of times to get back to standard xl that includes animagine.

And by god, I gave up in a matter of hours. I got so used to dump 20 shitty pictures to the pony trainer and getting something decent that I forgot you need a bazillon 1024x1024 pictures to get a very basic animagine lora.

Im also way to used to how obedient pony is compared to standard xl
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Y-you too.
Why not do a pony lora made of animagine backgrounds?
You're right. I though it might be XL itself that makes characters easier to train (and styles harder), but no it's just Pony.

I'm guessing it learns better when it understands what's going on in the image, and that requires proper anatomy knowledge.
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I have not tried myself but Ive seen some really nice backgrounds on pony on certain loras.
For example I got one Made in Abyss style lora that pulls out some really sweet fantasy backgrounds.
Problem is, as you can expect, it affects the style of the characters as well.

It would be nice to get an style lora for backgrounds that doesnt affect the characters, but I wouldn't know where to start
There are already a couple background loras, all you really have to do is train on good images without any characters
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Damn, looks the uncool snitch barnacles live here now.
sorry bro i had to
it was too realistic, make it more anime and you should be fine
Oh, so it wasn't just me. Nice, I was feeling bad for being a snitch, but I can take solace in the fact that there's more than just me.
>0 nudity
>head shaped like a beach ball
so this is where our brain power sits at the moment.
> lewding a little girl
> that looks like a little girl
You have to go to /b/ for that.
My man I'll meme the next about >cartoons and the non correlation but that's not even anime.
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How do you get a background like that? I've been trying with
>window, neon glow, moonlight,neon signs, bloom, pink_light, cyan_light,dim_lighting, glowing, shadow,chromatic_aberration,
And getting nowhere.
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Your CFG scale is 7. Try turning it down to 5 or even 4. If you still find the color is too saturated, use the Vectorscope extension to lower the saturation.
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Is this too lewd for /e/?
i wont report it but males arent allowed so watch out!
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Nice scas footsies. Where can i find the lora?

Looks like some cro, what mix is that?
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very nice
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How do you guys do regional promting?

In 1.5 I used the "composable lora" add-on, marked the zones, filled the sheet, created the prompt with the "AND" and then I had results, that could vary a bit depending on the model but it mostly worked.

But with XL (pony) it doesnt seem to work at all, it only seems to take lot more ram to work but doesn't seem to work at all, its not that I get bad results, its that it completely seems to ignore the whole thing and only shows some sort of abstract art
I don't use webUI, but composable lora is last year's tech. Use regional prompter or forge couple.
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(excessive pussy juice:1.3)
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something about her face...
faces are not that tall
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i'm using https://civitai.com/models/396256/retrowave-or-ponyxl and tag like space station/night city
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That was more easy than I expected. there was some mixing in there on the eye colors, and would need fixing but aside of that...came out easily
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OP here. Ready to go.
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I guess this should be it, right?
New Thread:

Now that the thread is full.
Is this for the request at >>2870106 ?
If it is so.... PLS MOAR
heh I see it now
made for postmortem cum tributes
tempted to inpaint a certain idol but working with loras is a pain

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