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Lewd/Skimpy/Revealing clothing general
Pasties, maebari, piercings, see-through, barely there, clothing cutout, useless clothes, etc.
A thread to welcome the peak of fashion sense, where less is more
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If you don't read japanese, the inventory in this says she is wearing "Chai Mail" and it makes me laugh every time
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A proper clothes should accentuate woman's beauty. Not cover it!
I can't believe he only ever worked on 1 animation.
What a waste.
Thats the result of him blowing 3 episodes worth of money on single episode.

I too would like to see Ragnarock City OVA.
I love this girl.
Is there any more?
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I love the idea of this being essentially a high-class lady type of dress
No, all pics of anime girls in lewd/skimpy/revealing clothes on the internet have already been posted here.
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