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Women are Beautiful. Life is (mostly) Beautiful. So what’s more Beautiful than Women creating the Miracle of Life. Post what ever images makes your heart warm based on this topic. The Rules Are:

1.The images should be of a neutral to a loving nature, couples of any sex can be shown (so as long it's a female pregnancy). Also, distressing scenes are discouraged, but are only allowed if she is rescued, or healing with some support.
2.Animals, or Kids can be shown, but only as an addition to the beauty of the woman’s gift, rather than the result of it (obviously).
3.PLEASE refrain from adding hyper-forms of pregnancy, X-ray, and birthing it’s just a bit… too weird. Also: Shota, Loli, Zoo, Incest, etc. Are also, obviously off-limits.
4. Stories are allowed, so as long there is an image to accompany the context, but the above content rules STILL apply to the writing.
5. But most of all, HAVE FUN!
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Cute <3
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(OP Here)

DESU I was not expecting it & I find it rather creative. However, if the infant is semi-organic it makes sense, but if it's completely mechanical, it's a tad odd, but still funny LOL. This image I found on Danbooru kind of explains the biology I have in mind, although it's still a bit weird, but very well rendered.
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Like they always say: "A spoon full of Yuri, helps the medicine go down".
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(OP Here)
Even though the interest in this topic is rather small, I'm just happy, or even proud of you all for sharing this kink/fetish/empathy. The creativity is actually quite surprising given the subject, (most especially with the addition of a cyborg bundle of joy LOL).
I also want clarify that monster girls are also permitted, because it always great to add variety to the 'gene pool' *wink* *wink*.
So you guy can go WILD!!!
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(OP Here)
Come on! Don't be shy, even eldritch """abominations""" are permitted. Let's just allow humanity to evolve a bit <3
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(OP Here) I'm doing a bit of a cheat with my rules. Eula technically isn't pregnant (yet), but I couldn't resist her warm & thankful smile for the gift.
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There better be a gallery with all of these you fag, if it's you whose creating these, then make a gallery.
That's a good idea, BUT: "How do you create 1 on this site?" Because, I DON'T have a blog & judging by your comment, it either means I've 'Struck-Gold' (although relatively smallish), or it can be used as evidence for whatever means. Hmm... Maybe I should create an account on E-Hentai to dump what I've found online. I'll keep that in mind, so as long as it's coming from a good place :). Thank fren!
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Early days, but it's getting there <3
I'm sorry... I have some bad news. The image gallery I've found on Pixiv, seems to have been deleted. To spill-the-beans the images ARE AI, but at least the creator took the effort to correct the programs fuck-ups. I Don't know which program it was, BUT I'll KEEP My promise in creating AN E-Hentai account. Just hold on, I'll rescue WHAT I CAN, but if I fail, I hope some brave fag will create it in spirit.
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From "Inugami: Doggy Dojo" on steam, which has a nice take on the problem of immortality.

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Some art from "Kitsune no Oyome-chan" by Batta.
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Sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116398053
The original Pixiv file names were intact, so they're easy to reverse search.
Wtf does "used as evidence for whatever means" mean?
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Kitsune no Oyome-chan mentioned.
Thank you for the reverse search. DESU, I'm a fucking idiot when it comes to tech, fren :). I was unsure "if" I offended you , or anyone else, so I was trying to show that I meant no harm, and as the saying goes: "You Can't Unring a Bell", so it would of been pointless to delete it, because the internet is basically forever.

I guess I'm just an eternal 'summerfag' fren. But, thank you anyway for the original request :).
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As the supreme gaylord faggot who requested such a gallery: Thank you. And no worries on the AI front. Unlike most people who seem to hate it, I welcome our new AI overlords despite the fact it might cuck artists out of a job, simply due to the fact that the way things are going right now, by the time it becomes sentient, it'll be AI that does nude deep fakes and shitty fanfics instead of the killer of all humanity.

>Catcha: v4gh0d
You are 100% correct, but remember people also panicked about this issue (although to a lesser extent) with Photoshop. Tech DON'T want our throats, they literally want to get high on their own programing. And what I forgot to say is that the reason why the image looks o good is that it's the editor/artist that fixes the AI fuck-ups. You actually HAVE to know about anatomy + Rendering to make it good even if it's glowing like radiation. I sadly also HAD to crop some of the more juicer parts due to the rules of this board, (such as Kafka taking a kind loving to the rear, missionary style). I just happy someone more Tec savvy than me found the gallery.

FYI: I'm an artist & I also don't get why people are scared of this tech. If you can't beat them join them, or rather tie a chain around their necks & become my bitch, so I can ACTUALLY make you good at rendering DAMN IT!
>And no worries on the AI front. Unlike most people who seem to hate it, I welcome our new AI overlords
Most people like AI.
This looks nice.
Just a friendly reminder that:

/e/cchi is NOT for:
- Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
- Images featuring one woman touching another in a blatantly or suggestively sexual manner. These images belong in /u/.
(OP Here)
OH! I had no idea. I'm sorry for not knowing the those rules. If it's TOO rule braking you can happily delete it, (I personally don't know how to do it properly). But, if this is a "strike 1 warning" I'll refrain from uploading more Yuri & Hentai related content. Thank you for the massage & I'll be more careful. Have a wonderful day.
shut up faggots
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Hey honey. Thanks for the new phone, I've gotten something new for you <3. Here's a sneak-peek. Don't keep me waiting XXX
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HONEY! Don't take a picture now. You that it's rude to take it while a lady is eating... ... ... Oh fine. BUT not on the lips... I'm going to use it later on something better ;3.
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(OP Here)
Most of these images are taken from Pixiv & it's surprisingly difficult to find nude versions that are more... 'Subtle' in there affections. This is actually quite heartwarming to know that even when carrying an extra life, the woman is still viewed as beautiful. I've also noticed that the men & women tent to embrace them in an almost always protective way.
However, most of us often have fantasies of being a hero in dramatic situations, but I also want to warn that if you type pregnancy you WILL find dramatic to distressing and... frankly the evil.
Pixiv may be a goldmine, but also littered with a hell of a lot more "acid-pits" (even putting DeviantArt to shame).
I'm most likely 'preaching-to-the-quire', but I also DON'T want some poor sod being cock-block/torn by a wildcard of a site. Happy searching, but please be safe frens :)
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>using AI to generate pregnancy images
Old and busted.

>using AI to pregnify normal images
New hotness.

Based thread OP, pregnancy is life's greatest miracle I love women so much it's unreal

(OP Here)
I've actually been researching fetishes & it turns out that breeding/pregnancy is more common than what people would like to admit. There were even stories of escorts receiving more gifts than usual when pregnant. It's actually an instinctual response (most especially for men) to get protective around vulnerable people. One researcher even said that it's the 'caveman brain' activating when successfully seeding a woman & knowing that she is with your child excites us to a point of almost being addictive. Some Men & women who grew up in large families often times develop this affection, due to (mostly) positive exposure to these people & in turn creates a type of "sexual imprinting" of an ideal partner.

BUT, it should be noted that NOT ALL FETISHES ARE SEXUAL & NOT ALL women create this response. Similar to how emotions can be fickle, so is the arousal. So you guys shouldn't have to worry when you see a pregnant gal. Just recognize what you feel, gain your composure & just kindly, (but also subtly) observe her from afar until the feeling is more manageable. You are NOT a freak for caring, just care for her in a responsible way.

Be safe everyone & have a wonderful day!
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that is unquestionably /d/ material
Huh... My bad, my bad.
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Sorry fren, so here's an elf!
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A strong woman, WILL have a strong child.
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Stable Diffusion thread is that way –>
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I was just giving you a heads-up - I'm fine with it myself, but there are plenty of people who wouldn't be, which is why /d/ exists
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Soo... Do you suggest this thread should, 'go-the-way-of-the-dodo', or rather migrate to THAT board? That board is a tad extreme in most cases, but (hopefully) with the laid out rules I made, I can at least delete the more... "inflatable" examples if they come. However, the biggest issue I have is deleting some of the damn posts. I tick the fucking thing & press delete, but every single time it refuses to do so. Whither it's me being an eternal 'summerfag', or my general internet naïveté, I have no clue.

Either way, I'm just touched by the gentleness of the anons who posted. It just goes to show that there is (although a rather small) audience, who enjoys the more respectful version of female reproduction. You don't have to go all apeshit to create something arousing, (Ecchi is the case-&-point). But, I theorize that pregnancy is a bit TOO 'biological' for most & it's NOT my place to 'kinks shame' anyone, in fact it actually makes the problem worse, (but that's another story).

If I end-up eating a ban-hammer & I have to wait a month to (hopefully) re-enter, that's okay with me. I'm just happy to of have expressed my kink in the 'wild west' side of the internet. Thank you for the warning & have a wonderful day!
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>Do you suggest this thread should, 'go-the-way-of-the-dodo', or rather migrate to THAT board?
the thread itself is fine - pregnancy has been allowed on /e/ lately, it's just the multiboob tentacle girl that belongs elsewhere
>However, the biggest issue I have is deleting some of the damn posts. I tick the fucking thing & press delete, but every single time it refuses to do so.
I think there's a time limit after which you can't delete them anymore
you can always report the post as "not softcore," and the mods will delete it eventually
The delete function is for your own posts only, even if you're the OP - and there's also a time limit, usually in the same session you posted it in.
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Thanks for the info, but HOW do I report my own post(s)? Rules ARE important & I would be a hypocrite to not stick to the main ones. I apologize for this naiveté, but you live & you learn fren.
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>spade tattoo
thread title says "beautiful" pregnancy, specifically
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(OP Here)
Good day Frens! Out of curiosity I just want to know what my fellow anons think about this kink/fetish? In this post (>>2874195) I've stated that I'm doing (VERY) amateurish studying on such a topic, and I explained my perspective of my love for these women, and I just want to know yours. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!
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Producing beautiful blonde babies with Bismarck!
idk, idc, but next time you make a thread put a goddamn disclaimer for AI images because this is awful, thanks
>idk, idc, but next time you make a thread put a goddamn disclaimer for AI images because this is awful, thanks

I'll keep that in mind next time. You live and you learn, I guess. Thank you.
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