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Previous Thread: >>2859715

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:
(Due to the lack of upkeep on the docs, they are an enormous mess. Change it to "Viewing" mode instead of "Suggesting" if you want to be able to see them.)

If you know any other noteworthy ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and Videos, then add them to the docs. Changes have to be approved but anyone can add things to them. On the same token, make sure to check the docs for certain games before advertising them in the thread. If they are in the docs chances are they are already known.

As usual, any and all content is welcome.
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It seems FoxEye, the person who made the Sufferer Fanbox game from years ago made some art of the protagonist recently. There are a couple other images as well, but they were behind a Fantia paywall.
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Also, if anyone hasn't been watching the thread since the bump limit, a couple of chapters from the third volume of "Don't Call Me a Naked Hero in Another World" have been translated: >>2868789
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Jigoku Sensei Nube Neo chapter 108
In case nobody has heard of it.
Excellent as usual
The bottom sliding down is great, I'd love to see more like this.
The ironic thing is the item she ordered from amuguzon was a towel that would never fall down or come undone accidentally because she was afraid of this happening
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Love the naked invisible scenario
Anyone got the Camp Of Dares CYOA saved up?
Thanks a lot, I love that story.
So, did Part 2 just never continued?
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Best chapter yet. Glad the project is ongoing.
Night Lotus is the continuation. There were other stories, but most were unrelated.
it's furryish so I imagine nobody here gives a shit but there's is a new ENF game with Mouseley (the mouse version of Ashley from RE4 which was a big meme a year ago when the remake came out)
8 endings depending on clothing, 15 minutes per run, US$3, might be cool
Apologies if the F word irreversibly ruins your boner
you didn't give a title tho. not a furry ofc, it was my friend that was wondering...
I was reading some stories in the OP (with the wayback machine as pastebincucks deleted a lot of them), and most of them seem to be female only.
Maybe I am on the minority on this, but for me ENF is not effective if there are no male onlookers. If it is just women its not as humilliating.
oh yeah
Resident Cheesel: Moushley
point and click genre
beggers can't be choosers when it comes to ENF, right?
>beggers can't be choosers when it comes to ENF, right?
that's what my friend said yeah, haha...
I actually prefer furry ENF, so thanks
shit's hard to find
>wants to read about dudes
you gay or summin?
Are you familiar with Naked Penny?
It's the Star Citizen of ENF comics
>come up with an idea for a comic wherein the MC comes across an irremovable collar that causes her to be nude all the time
>start a twitter account in 2018
>start a patreon in 2019
>maybe actually start posting the comic in april 2020
>patreon is largely used to farm money and upload YCHs and porn
>as of last month, 4 years since the comic was first publicly posted, it is up to page 75 of chapter one
>it's largely been dream sequences
>she still hasn't put the collar on yet

in researching this I saw he'd posted in early 2020 a screenshot of the script he'd written, and that little bit of script took place further along the story than the comic itself is 4 years later
but at least the art is nice
bonus: the site has had a URL hijacker for god knows how long now so your only way to read the damn thing is scrolling through a very busy twitter account (and the original pages are too far back for the timeline to load), pony up for the patreon, or conveniently look at e6, it's all there
I am, yeah. Good recommendation.
>but at least the art is nice
Probably the biggest plus, though I don't entirely like the big heads. Most stuff is awful-looking like funkybun or that bythebook comic.
Though I think my current favorite as far as images is remanedur's ENF stuff.
I agree but seems a lot of people here are into that. Female only enf never felt real enf, they're already nude together in locker rooms and baths ect.
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Can you people stop saying this retarded obtuse shit. Like, it's fine if you want cock in your straight porn, you do you. But doing these dumbass "it's not really embarrassing if there isn't a dude" rationalizations are getting annoying

It's the same example every time "they already get naked in baths and locker rooms together" as if your brains can literally only conceive of ENF as "dude walks in on girl while she's changing" type deviantart-tier cringe shit. There are innumerable situations where girl-on-girl ENF is still fundamentally embarrassing. It doesn't take that much creativity to think of even one example

Do you really think if a girl is stranded naked in the hallway of an all-girl school she'll think "oh this is a significantly less embarrassing situation for me cause we're all girls phew"? Because if you think that, you're dumb as shit
Saying you're gay and like cock because you prefer there to be a fully clothed male character present in the background is even more retarded
Why is the "ITS NOT ENF IF ITS FEMALE ONLY" argument in every single goddamn enf thread.

Women get easily embarrassed over everything. Women are socially judgemental of each other over everything. Women are self-conscious of themselves and others over everything.
My bad, it's definitely less gay if you nut while staring intently at blushing male faces
There is an entire board dedicated to yuri, if you are only into yuri then why don’t you just go there? You can post all of the shitty lesbian dom/sub stuff you want with no males to tempt you.
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Nobody said it had to be yuri, retard, and I'm certainly not saying you aren't free to keep roping to dudes as you like. It's without fail you people who keep starting the "needs more men, no idea why anyone would like female-on-female ENF" shit. Then when anybody explains why of course you turtle up with your "whatever, just go to /u/" deflect. Wimp-ass. If you can't handle the argument, stop bringing it up you obsessive fags
What argument can't we handle? That you're gay unless you pretend men don't exist?
Boy you gotta acknowledge how funny it is that you have to keep wheeling out the "I'm simply acknowledging that men exist" defense when your core complaint is literally "It's a lot harder for me to cum if there aren't any men in my porn"
It’s not nearly as bad as it used to be but a few years ago like 80% of the posts in these threads were lesbian CYOA stories so I think the hostility is warranted.
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>Ten posts in the ENF general? Maybe someone dumped a few cute images.
>Oh, no, someone just decided to sperg out over someone's preferences. Again.
Don't know what I was expecting, really.
The spam was cringe and the art was bad, for sure. Old bad blood is one thing, but the whiny "don't get how anyone would like CFNF, that's not real ENF" shit is cancerous validation-bait.

I'll drop it there cause this shit is already derailed, but all I really want is peace believe it or not. I can poke fun at how gay it is to jerk off to boners in straight porn and you can poke fun at how I'm just a latent /u/fag, and that's fine. But enough of the braindead "just don't get it, DAE think ENF needs boys" posting. Take that shit to Reddit goddamn

Anyway, here's a peace offering
I might have exaggerated a little bit there. It's still stupid to say it makes you gay when the women are obviously the main focus by a significantly larger margin. To me, male onlookers make the embarrassment a little more impactful. If you disagree with that it's fine. No need to make it into a contest to show how much more straight you are.
Peace and love, you do you. I'm just tired of the derail-bait. Nothing wrong with liking men in ENF if that's your fix. Here, have Bocchi
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Here, even I got some CMNF in my collection
There, a dump from my collection. Hope you can forgive me, anon. Not that I care or anything, baka
Anyone got that one?
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Yeah I've been reading through all these posts and some of the attitudes seems like either bait or pointless gatekeeping.
I like CFNF, I like CMNF, I like ENF, simple as.
Bocchi the embarrassed
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I sometimes hear the argument that CFNF is better than CMNF because the girls can lean into it to tease/humiliate the nude girl while the guys will look away, but I feel like that's an entirely manufactured phenomena/trope and it doesn't align with reality.
Writers don't have to push this trope, they could just as well make guys tease the girl, not look away, make it more humiliating, etc.
When a girl or a guy teases/humiliates the nude girl, the guy doesn't magically become a villain while the girl is given a pass - if it's deserved or if they're good friends it comes across as lighthearted. If it's bullying, guy or girl, they come across as bullies.
I don't like ENF stories that end up where the girl is constantly naked and the whole country says it's no big deal. It's like the whole population has been brainwashed and for them it's completely normal. Stories like the ones from tammy smithers for example, or the surprise assembly. I prefer when a very limited number of people are in the know or if the girl herself has the tease of nearly getting caught.
Okay let me put it another way.
Girl only enf situations lacks an erotic tension to me. enf is not just embarrassment in and of itself to me. Like your example in pic comes across as more a bullying/sadism territory centric thing to me than enf. Girls only kind of dulls up the situation and the surrounding emotions. Guys around adds more to the taboo, and the erotic tension and understanding in the embarrassment of those involved. Yuri is a different thing and I'm not much into it, and can't really relate fully to the sexuality in it.
And it's got nothing to do with seeing cocks. I don't things turning into ganbang either.
Don't why you get so aggro elitist about this. It's different taste's at the end of the day. I just can't get into your brand of shit and I get kind of bugged when scenario's remain purely girls around or it veers into yuri.
Yeah, it's a lame offshoot of exhibitionism. I like my ENF focused and punchy, not drawn-out and tepid.
Permanent or extended nudity is definitely boring, but I like the potential consequences to be more social rather than getting in trouble with the law.
You mean things like a oneshot or end of the story where the girls reputation is definitely damaged? That I can get behind.
Doesn't necessarily have to end on that. Could possibly lead to escalation or more ENF.
Miku!!!! I've been thinking about Miku quite a bit lately, so this is nice to see. She looks so cute like that...
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I wish they actually showed her topless, but I love the concept of her misunderstanding and taking her bra off. Any other manga/anime/etc with this concept?
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Manga is Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan
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I'm glad to see the debate has subsided and we can finally get back to posting embarrassed naked girls.
Yeah I agree. It lacks an element to shame if it’s females only
move on
Move on from what exactly? Having a civilized discussion about our preferences? It's not our fault someone decides to derail the thread by throwing a temper tantrum because they disagree with us.
No men allowed in /e/. There are /y/ and /cm/ and other boards.
youre circlejerking. the discussion has been had in every other thread and both sides always just say the same thing. i know its the same people too. enough
> Women get easily embarrassed over everything. Women are socially judgemental of each other over everything

This, so much this. There is a unique appeal to end situations being caused by rival girl characters. There can be guys in the background but they’ll be too embarrassed to even watch. Women can be competitive and aggressive and they do that through shaming/gossiping. Maybe it’s just me but there is something feminine about the whole thing. I don’t mind guys but, again, they won’t really celebrate the girl’s embarrassment, but the rival girl will shamelessly do
What if you add enf kino images while sperging?
Basically picrel is what I mean. If anyone doesn’t understand the appeal of enf cfnf then just look at this cross ange pic, girl gets locked naked by other girl, and she gets laughed at by fellow schoolgirls who will probably gossip at it too. Idk why but it feels extremely feminine. And if it was male students then they’d be covering their eyes in shame (which I understand why)
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>There can be guys in the background but they’ll be too embarrassed to even watch
>And if it was male students then they’d be covering their eyes in shame
This is consumer brain, literally no normal guy in real life on his own will look away "in shame" or be "too embarrassed", the only reason you think they will is because writers keep pushing that retarded trope.
Guys can and will just as easily laugh at her, shame her if they're in competition with her, and celebrate her embarrassment.
You can change the female characters laughing at her to male characters and nothing changes, and it'll actually make it more embarrassing for her because they'll hang around because it's a rare opportunity to see as much as they can instead of just walking by.
Realistically speaking guys might not be covering their eyes in crazy amounts of shame but they won’t laugh… in some cases yea, but the whole gossiping/shaming other women gives a real feminine vibe. Guys will be indifferent to the humiliation of other women whereas for girls it’s one potential rival being gone. Look into female intrasexual competition
For example, back in the vine days pantsing videos and shower enf videos were really common, idk if I’m allowed to post a screenshot but basically it would be a playful giggling girl completely embarrassing her friend in public. Maybe since I grew up with that I have a preference for it, but I can’t imagine a guy doing it, and most people would agree that it would be weird or creepy for a guy to record his female friend in shower, but not as weird if the recorder is a woman

But like I said I could be biased due to growing up on vine which could have affected my brain development
But like I was saying this is just bullying embarrassment. Where's the eros in the situation? Does nothing for me personally. Male observers or general public not specific to girls add that tension. Situations like yours could appeal to me if there was another element like wider exposure from filming her or something.
Also yeah it doesn't need to be a "debate," it just turns into one when certain people get pissy and aggressive about it. I like explaining nuances.
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>but they won’t laugh
>Guys will be indifferent to the humiliation of other women whereas for girls it’s one potential rival being gone.
That's definitely not always true, it really depends on the personalities of the people involved and their relationships with each other, I don't think it's useful to make a broad statement like this.
>the whole gossiping/shaming other women gives a real feminine vibe
I don't think this is even entirely true either, if a guy sees a naked girl then he's probably going to tell his friends, especially if it's a funny situation, word will get around and she will get teased about it.
>but I can’t imagine a guy doing it, and most people would agree that it would be weird or creepy for a guy to record his female friend in shower, but not as weird if the recorder is a woman
I remember the vine days, and I recall seeing a few instances of guys doing this to girls and vice-versa. The context matters for why the guy is doing it, if he's doing it for sexual gratification it's weird and creepy, if he's doing it to humiliate, instigate a reaction, or tease a close female friend then it's not seen as weird or creepy between each other (at least not beyond what a girl doing it to another girl would be seen as).
This was somewhat common across all close groups of friends, and males tend to have male friends and females tend to have female friends, which is why you don't see it occur across genders as much, but it did happen.
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For fucks sake, don’t start this shit again!
The discussion was fine maybe 10 threads ago, but after a certain point people just need to realize they're regurgitating the same points for circlejerk's sake. This thread is way too niche for anyone in here to not have read all these points multiple times

inb4 some inevitable "well, *I* didn't manage to get in on the conversation for the last 10 threads" post
nice, i didn't know this was still being worked on
My bad, didn’t start the discussion but just wanted to give my take on the glory of enf-cfnf lol. Tho I always added pics with my responses I guess it’s probably smart to wind things down
Also holy shit sauce please
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I just occasionally browse here and pick up pics. Perhaps it's just pretty common opinions or people into it and not a "circlejerk." And if some fag is gonna go irate on my opinion I'll feel obligated to follow it up. That's all.
Damn what is that from?
My Instant Death Ability is Overpowered.
That's the only ENF scene in the whole show. In fact it's the only nude scene in the show that I can recall.
>Perhaps it's just pretty common opinions

Spouting "pretty common opinions" in a "does anyone else..." format is the definition of a circlejerk, dumbass
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Pretty universal way to express opinion and invite discussion. Regardless you should calm your ass, it's just fetish talk.
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Girl-on-girl ENF is hot in a bullying context. Women can bully other women in a way that men can't. It's rare that a man can get away with pulling a woman's pants down (though I have seen it done).

ENF is at its best with a mixed audience, though. An all male audience is too rapey, an all female audience isn't embarrassing enough. Ideally the crowd should be having fun at her expense, but not planning to turn it into a gang bang.
couldn't get into the dares one, too voluntary, but there's some great ENF scenes in this one
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It's all contextual really. The ideal audience for me is one of attractive interesting people with a healthy attitude to sexuality who can enjoy the sight of a naked woman without being creeps about it.
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The girl shouldn't be consciously into it, because that's just exhibitionism and is boring, but I have to be able to believe that she's getting a thrill out of it on some level.
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There's a lot of subtle distinctions! Which is why I believe it's the fetish for true intellectuals and we are all very smart for having it.
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I'm so lonely and horny, bros
For me, the appeal comes from it being a happy medium between the character being observed and clearly caught, but the characters aren't out to humiliate her or stand and watch, they just move on without interest, which is even *more* embarrassing.

Does anyone know anymore mangas with gigantic nude girls
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Good GOD, I love size change enf. Shrinking is great but growing is exceptional.
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Anyone want to help me brainstorm a few new comms I'm doing? I got an ENF wardrobe malfunction comm of Nico and Robin done last year and I'm getting new ones of Vivi and Boa Hancock soon. I have a general idea of what I want to do for Vivi (see the reply), but I could use some inspiration for Hancock. I was thinking of going an annoyed/angry-to-be-nude route but I can't find any good images to use as inspiration. Thoughts? Old comms attached.
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The robin comm
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And my current source of inspiration for the Vivi comm
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Handcock's outfit reminds me of pic related, might find some inspiration from it
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or maybe some kind of nopan on stage
Fairy tail was truly kino for enf
> There's a lot of subtle distinctions! Which is why I believe it's the fetish for true intellectuals and we are all very smart for having it.

You’re definitely right about the subtle distinctions part, and lol I never thought about it being a fetish for intellectuals, but maybe…
Yea pretty much how I feel about it too. One of my fav enf scenes is when mirijane strips Jenny in front of her sister and other guys at the pool.To me that’s the perfect scenario, the enf isn’t accidental but intentionally done by a confident daring rival girl.

Picrel is my all time favorite. But again I watched this when I was 12 so maybe I’m biased lol
>I never thought about it being a fetish for intellectuals
I think situational fetishes generally involve more thoughtful or at least a higher sensibility types cause they use such and such factors and combinations to get off instead of just common unga bunga sex bobs and vagene.
Here's one thing that I think influence's a person's perception of ENF moments:
Do you prefer ENF told from the naked girl's perspective or from the perspective of an onlooker? And based on your answer, what's your preferred medium for ENF content?

I've noticed short-term ENF (like wardrobe malfunctions and pranks) tends to be more focused on the nudity itself while long-term ENF (like stolen clothes or some kind of dress-code change) tends to be less concerned with describing the nudity than it is with the PoV character's reaction to the nudity. As such, different mediums are often used to reflect how the ENF is implemented.
Now that's comedy. Are there more jokes/situations like that in that manga/comic?
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>I think situational fetishes generally involve more thoughtful or at least a higher sensibility types cause they use such and such factors and combinations to get off instead of just common unga bunga sex bobs and vagene.
I've wondered if I was alone in this, I don't really enjoy 99% of the mainstream porn type stuff, with the shitty makeup, overproduced lighting and cameras and shitty acting. It would take nofapping for a week before that would be enough to cum. I always love seeing the look and appearance of the bare female form and how it moves and jiggles, but I can't stand how fake the rest of it is.
Do fellow ENF enjoyers feel the same way?
I don't usually read ENF written stories, I did enjoy night lotus and I think that was from her perspective.
Generally I prefer doujinshi/anime/tvshows/movies for ENF content. I find the execution is better in these mediums, and usually scenarios work better when the character's personalities are a bit developed.
pic related is the only other one I have saved
Third person following the ENF, which, yeah, means I prefer text smut.
Though I like longer-form stories that focus on describing the nudity.
Yea I actually never fapped until I was 18 and was never on pornhub or any of that, and it wasn’t because I was super religious but that I just genuinely didn’t like porn (traditional). I hated the screaming/moaning and the dicks and the fluids, it didn’t really feel intimate either. If it weren’t for pantsing/enf videos I probably would have never fapped funnily enough
Searching for a MMD werea touhou character of blue color is forced to dance with some technological thing because of a revenge of other touhou characters, while slowly being undressed
>Do fellow ENF enjoyers feel the same way?
Yes, as you say the female body is desirable but the pornography of it is too tasteless. The only 3D porn i'm actively into is voyeur. The scripted stuff is a turn off.
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For Hancock how about an image where she’s doing her bend backwards pose but hands are stripping her as she does that.

Also while we’re on the topic of comms, I’m thinking of making a commission in the future and could use an opinion. Which sounds better, an embarrassed naked girl chasing someone who stole her swimsuit or a lady who drops her towel while answering the door?
I feel like I rarely see the former, so that one.
It has its moments. I liked the invisible thief being forced to work naked at the store as a punishment and her bitchy classmate taking pictures to blackmail her. The main girl trapped in the spiderweb in front of the entire school with her clothes melting was another one. TV station exploiting magic girl nudity needed some suspension of disbelief but was fun.
>I liked the invisible thief being forced to work naked at the store as a punishment and her bitchy classmate taking pictures to blackmail her.
definitely my favorite part
shame the blackmail didn't go anywhere
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The other guy already mentioned her extreme looking down pose, but what about just a standard wardrobe malfunction involving that? I’m a big fan of Enf featuring a seductress accidentally showing off more skin than they mean to, seeing the cool, confident lady turn into an embarrassed blushing girl is especially hot.
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There’s also that scene in Impel Down where she gets strip searched and forced to wear sea stone cuffs. Maybe instead the guard lady can decide that Hancock is such a security risk that she has to spend her entire visit naked and handcuffed, with her looking angry and embarrassed.
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And of course, there’s that scene from the 3D2Y movie where she gets her clothes half dissolved, you could always just do that, but fully off
>tfw you're invincible but your clothes aren't
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The best kind of invisibility.
Invincible, not invisible. The girl flying kicked through a dragon's death laser and it burned all her clothes off.
Yes! This is 100% how I feel
If anyone knows more scenes like >>2872001 it would be greatly appreciated
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I also don't mind if it's accidental humiliation, as long as it's girl-on-girl. I like this scene from Shobitch, where the main girl accidentally pulls wakaba's pants (and panties) down in front of the entire school during a race. If they showed more reactions from the crowd it would've been the perfect scene.
>Punishes all the guys for seeing her vag
>Doesn't punish girl for pulling her pants down
ENF where girl has to expose herself to prove she's a girl?
>Do fellow ENF enjoyers feel the same way?
This. So much this. Thanks for finally putting into words how I’ve felt for so long.
What is this?
not /e/ but I remember in She's the Man she flashes her boobs to prove she's a girl. https://youtu.be/UeMeaTdV1r4
NTA but I was thinking the exact same thing.
Those comics are great, never figured out what they were called, we always use to just call them "Korean Comics" back in my day *sip*
>be me
>throw a kraft single on her vagina
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Can i get this translated? Girl forgets her swimsuit and has to do swim class naked 1/4
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This is the fifth time I’ve seen this concept, and yet every time it’s middle schoolers. Is this just not a thing for high schoolers?
Idk but i want more of the scenario
Nice butt
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Just finished chapter 13 of Naked Hero! This one kicks off a new plotline by introducing an elf girl who needs the party's help. There's less of a focus on nudity than the last chapter, with the focus instead being on how this new girl doesn't believe Runa's cursed and thinks she's doing all this of her own volition, so it's all still very embarrassing for Runa.

Nice to see you still got some steam for translations.
I hate how dedicated I am to this stupid fetish. I've seen pretty much everything, am always hungry for more and if I ever go more than 24 hours without fapping I get dangerously close to spending money I don't have on commissions.
That's no problem when you have an empty bank account like me. You'll never waste money on commissions then.
Who's the artist?
Good to see Runa's harem is expanding.
Are you doing this for free or are you being paid
Fun fact: Amanda Bynes developed self-image issues after making this movie because she hated how she looked as a boy.
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I'm being paid in (Runa's) exposure.

It's just a hobby I do for about an hour each day with my friend (he translates, I typeset). We started this because we wanted Naked Hero to get a translation, and when we're waiting for more volumes of that it turns out there are plenty of other ecchi manga out there that have gone untranslated.
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I don't blame her, the way she looks as a dude fits right into the uncanny value, which must be hard for someone like her because she's hot af as a girl.
great work as usual, appreciate you and your friend taking up and continuing this hobby.
I like the new girl, she has been a fun addition to the mix
would like to see this translated as well
ENF Scenario:
short dress that grants powerful wind magic
It's sexier when the enf is younger.
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I think you need less suspension of disbelief to accept a middle schooler being convinced into doing something like that than a high schooler.
Not necessarily, I think one could argue that there's more pressure of not getting a bad grade in high school and that might lead to more desperate attempts to maintain good grades.
Highschooler is not likely to make such a mistake. And if they made it before in middle school they'd definitely never make it again.
The ID tag is a strangely erotic accessory. Glad it's been going around lately-ish.
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I want more hypnosis enf. It’s especially hot when they snap out of it and realize they’re naked
yaneko uta fanbox
Shinobu Kocho, Ochaco Uraraka and Nico Robin, whose clothes suddenly disappear and expose their naked bodies in the streets

I wanna make an Enf commission and have two ideas for it but can’t decide between the two. Would it be considered rude or annoying if I asked the artist to choose between the two ideas?
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Forgot to include picture with post
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They're bodies are developing and going through puberty, so they're a lot more conscious about it.
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Nudity is still a lot more personal and taboo in middle school. In high school people are starting to have sex already
I've never done or requested a commission but I feel like it would be onerous to put that decision on the artist, but it really depends on the person, some are cool with it, some might even prefer having more agency over what they want to do.

Hey, thanks, I was looking forward to seeing their reactions.
so literally pedophilia
no because it's about how they act and their thoughts about their own body, not about the body itself. The older you get the more nudity just feels like no big deal.
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I disagree, kind of why I wish anime would shy away from setting everything in high school. College and adult settings have far more storytelling options. There's more at stake, characters have relationships, jobs, responsibilities. An adult character with a full-time job and a reputation has a LOT more to lose if they get caught in situations like that.
You are completely out of touch with reality
I can't typeset. Not a very good translator.

Pink letters: Wha...?

Speech bubbles: Aw, daang...
I forgot my swimsuit.

Red letters: Yeah, there's no helping it.

Transparent letters of absent swimsuit: Okura.

Okura: Teacher!

Sorry, but I forgot my swimsuit!
Can I just watch today during pool?

Sign in her shirt: Okura.

Teacher: Hmm?

You can't.

Book held by teacher: 5-3 P.E.

Red letters at the bottom: Gara (sound effect of a door being opened).

Teacher: Didn't you hear there was a new rule starting this year that you have to swim even if you forget your swimsuit?

Red letters on top: Pokaaaan. (Sound effect for surprise).

Okura: ...eh?

Okura: Eh...??

Red letters, both on top and bottom: Sowa. (Sound effect for chatter in the background).

Okura: Eeehhh!!?

Red letters on top left of Okura: Why did they make such a rule!?

Guy's thought bubble: When I see a girl naked,
it makes me want to touch my dick.

Red letters on top of girl in the background: Don't look!!
>The older you get the more nudity just feels like no big deal.
id say its the complete opposite
Teacher, speech bubble at the very top and right: Good. Everyone's here.

Black letters with the little heart at the end, right and middle: This is great <3

Teacher, speech buttle top and middle: Pool's open after today. Don't get carried away and get hurt.

Girl with big tits and short hair, thought bubble in the middle: All the boys' peepees are poking out...

Red letters in the middle bottom: Moji, moji, hirahiu. (Sound effect of skin being rubbed against swimsuits).

Black letters next to the pissed girl with black hair and ponytail: Guys are the worst!

Teacher, text at the bottom left: And so just everyone knows, even if you forget your swimsuit, you're required to attend the swimming class.


Thought bubble, top right: ...I can feel their intense stares...
How embarrassing... ///

Teacher, text bottom left: That said, hurry up and let's start warming up!

Guy, text on top right: Are you just going to say you're too embarrassed to do the warmups properly?
Hah, hah... (Not laugher, it's panting).

Okura, text at the left and top: O-
Of course not!!!

Red letters on bottom left: I'm not embarrassed at all!!

Red letters both left and right of the boy: Hah, hah (Panting).

Red Letters on top of dick: Gu, gu. (Sound effect of dick being a dick).
perhaps this isn't the place for anime reviews but that show started out as interesting and then went absolutely nowhere
sad! many such cases. don't even remember how or if it ended
Some guy, top right of panel: So that's how a girl's down there looks...

Red letters right and left of Okura: Doki, Doki. (Sound effects of heartbeats).

Some guy, top mid of panel: A-amazing.../// A girl's open-legged slit...

Some guy, top left of panel: Uuhyo <3<3 We can totally see her pussy!!

Some guy, bottom middle of the panel: Also, her nipples. They start getting big around this age...

Some guy, bottom left of the panel: I want to touch my dick so badly right now.

Red letters, top right of panel: Sowa, sowa. (Sound effects of chatter).

Okura, thought bubble, top right of panel: E~n (Crying) They're looking so much~

Red letters, top left of panel; Purin <3. (Sound effect of butt jiggling).

Some guy, Bottom rightmost of page: Hey, look!!! She has a mole down there!!!

Red letters top right of page: Hiso. (People talking)

Some guy, small letters bottom right: You're right... how sexy...

Red letters left to last dialog: Hikuhiku <3 (He's laughing)

Some guy, text to the left of last one: Hey, you too, take a look~

Red letters left but on top of last dialog: Hiso.

Some guy, text left of last one: W-well, that is... N-now that I take a look...
Okura-chan is really cute...

Red letters under last one: Hiso.

Some guy, middle bottom of the page: What, you're trying to show off? You still got a hard on! Ha, ha!

Some guy, text kind of top of last one: Wha...!? ///

Some guy, text close to the bottom left: T-that's not... it's not that... you see... I'm...

Red letters at the bottom and left: Hiso.

Red letters at the middle left: Hiso.

Some guy: It's Okura-chan's fault for forgetting her swimsuit, so of course we're goign to look!! Ha, ha! Don't hold back. Ha!
Red letters, top right: Biku. (Sound effect of flinching).

Black letters, right of Okura's ear: Gunu~ (Sound effect of struggling).

Teacher, bottom right of panel: Hey, you over there, correct your posture.

Some guy, top right: Okura-chan... I can fully see your asshole~ ///

Red letters, top left: Puri <3, puri <3. (Sound effect of butt jiggling).

Girl, bottom left: ...I-if, if I had forgotten my swimsuit... all the boys would be looking at my embarrassing place... ///

Red letters around last text bubble: Sowa, Sowa, Sowa (Sound effect of chatter).

Some guy, speech at the top right: This pose shows off her pussy so well <3 <3 Lick it <3

Some guy, speech at the bottom right: You should bend your upper body a little more~ <3

Red letters next to Okura's pussy: Puni (Sound effect of a pussy flinching. Yes, it's very specific).

Okura, thought bubble: T-they're looking at me naked... but I'm okay, I'm okay...

Red letters at the bottom left: ...This is too embarrassing, after all~///

Red letters: Hah, Hah... (Okura's panting).

Speech bubble: Shut up! Perverts!! Stop watching~!!
Need more of this kind of ENF. One of my favorite scenarios. Especially if she is embarassed about her pubic hair
Of course nudity isn't a big deal during early childhood, but I do think the embarrassment of it peaks around mid to late teenage years before it starts to fade out during the 20s.
I'm not saying older people wouldn't be embarrassed at all, just that I think they'd be more likely to laugh it off, while younger ones will feel like their entire lives got ruined.
Can someone who is into MBTI describe what each type's ENF reaction would look like.
Thank you so much!
They've already started having sex in middle school too
Watch some enf mmd's. They're so oversaturated with easy to edit hypnosis shit and I'm so fucking sick of it already
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in case someone asked for source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119704405
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not exactly embarrassed, but I do like the expression

The full video btw, truly a gem for girl on girl enf enjoyers, and male audience too

Mirajane’s face right before she pulls Jenny’s bikini down gets me everytime
Do you like Leaf_HPC
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From Cyber Pants Mizutaman/電脳パンツ ミズダマン
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anyone know where I can get these 3d models? is there a free repo of them somewhere or paid?
Who's the artist for this one?
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They're made in Koikatsu. There's a thread in /h/ if you want to learn how to use it.
Koikatsu looks like trash desu.
Depends on the artist. I personally wouldn't mind if a client gave me an option between two ideas. I might like one choice better and be more motivated by it and naturally produce better art because of that. Did you have an artist in mind already? If not, let me know! I love enf, but have never drawn any (for some reason)
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It's cute when they try to play off their embarrassment for laughs
Would’ve loved more of this kinda embarrassment but the doujin she wasn’t embarrassed at all
One of my favorite images. It's like the purest and simplest form of ENF
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Almost through with Appointment of Pandora. Does anyone have any other good game recs? Preferably ones without too much rape.
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Found a short doujin by Chinese artist on pixiv. Idea is pretty interesting.


It's about a school where student are punished to take of pieces of their clothes in according to the score of their test (out of 100) and stay like that until a next test

90+ Don't need to take off anything
80-89 - Take of skirt
70-79 - Bra and Panties
60-69 - Panties only
0-59 - Naked
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Reibaishi Izuna Ascension chapter 5
I really liked Magical Girl Celesphonia game, even though it's theme is not exactly my jam, the game is well made, I had fun finishing it and even doing a bit of post-game content. You can do virgin run and unlock scene gallery after finishing game.
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Naked Hero chapter 14 has been uploaded! Runa loses access to her towel again in this one, and because she's here at the elf village for a good reason she can't just back out and avoid the embarrassment.

Man, they said "slut" a lot that chapter.
Thanks for translating! It feels like the series is finally doing something with its premise now.
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wtf Kaguya is there
Thanks! I'll give it a shot.
>looks under the towel of a woman apparently only wearing a towel
>calls her a pervert
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[ENF] Elio's script "Firefly, you must dance naked." / ホタル / 流螢
elves man, also that witch grows more rad every appearance. she harvests maiden embarrasment when regular fear would work, bet she's going to turn the deamon king into a constantly naked and embarrassed girl by the time he's free.
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Maybe not the right place here, but I need advice.

I want to write a short ENF story about puss in boots, but I’m stuck. I know that the ENF will happen to the owner of puss, who is now the youngest daughter instead. But I’m not sure where to continue after she stripped of to pretend she’d been mugged.
I think we need more context.
>I know that the ENF will happen to the owner of puss, who is now the youngest daughter instead
The youngest daughter of his previous owner? I only watched the most recent movie of Puss in Boots but I don't know that is.
>she stripped of to pretend she’d been mugged
Why did she do this in the first place? Unless she's incredibly dumb this feels like it needs a stronger premise or justification for why she strips off.
Ultimately, what does puss in boots have to do with the ENF at all? It sounds like you don't have any ENF with him involved, so why do you want to shoehorn him in?
Right place or not, this is just the sort of thing I like doing.

So first of all, I've just read an 1889 translation of the Perrault version, and I'll try to reference elements of it as you apparently seem to be.

So starting from the river scene (we might be able to do something with the 'cleverly hunting small animals' section too, but I can't come up with anything just now that doesn't feel overly contrived), needless to say it'll be the princess herself that takes pity on the allegedly noble girl, who is terribly embarrassed not just at being seen naked by the princess but also because she's humorously self-conscious about her figure, which will have to be described in considerable detail, and especially her large boobs. Then when the princess's spare outfit arrives it naturally doesn't quite fit, especially in the chest, and the now-disguised girl finds herself uncomfortably close to overflowing the bodice but can't possibly mention it. So when they reach the first field and the workers dutifully announce that it is hers, the girl suffers a spectacular wardrobe malfunction in front of them, fortuitously forestalling any attempt to confirm the claim. The princess then offers her a second outfit, one with a "more modern" and much shorter and more lightweight skirt. They discuss stockings going out of fashion, and the girls is self-conscious because of course she's never worn stockings in her life. When they reach the second field, then, she disembarks and the light skirt is immediately lifted by the wind, again averting difficulty with her ownership claim.

Finally, at the castle, let's say that the ogre now has to be tricked into transforming by telling him that the lion thing is too old-fashioned and the thing to use for scaring people these days is mice. It's skeptical until the girl is brought in and duly runs from the room in a panic when her outfit suddenly comes undone at the same time as the mouse appears.
For a proper climax, we could add another scene in which the cat, realizing that the princess has started to enjoy her new companion's adorable embarrassed reactions, causes another even more extraordinary highly public incident during the feast, which is what finally convinces her to "adopt" the girl as a new "sister" to "play with" from now on (if this is too close to yuri for what you're going for, a marriage to her thus-unseen brother should be fine too).

Now I see that in some of the earlier versions the cat is in fact some kind of fairy in disguise, and that would kinda be helpful for explaining some of the obvious plot holes, both the old ones from the version I read and the new ones I just introduced. Maybe it's a fairy that usually only does mischief and decided to do a good deed for a change but hasn't quite got the hang of it yet?

And speaking of which,
The other anon seems to be referring to the classic fairy tale itself, which includes a scene in which the cat instructs its owner to bathe in a river, then hides his clothes and yells "thief" when the king comes past, in order to pretend to be a nobleman and also fall in love with the princess. This is from the most popular version, written in French in the 17th century, although the earliest written version is apparently from the 16th century and in Italian. And yes I did just look all that up on Wikipedia.
>she stripped of to pretend she’d been mugged
That should be 100% the cat: she's already bathing and gets her out without explaining pushes her to the carriage, or gets her naked by robe malfunction while it pushes her to the carriage.
Overall the girl should get naked every time the cat achieves a win for her.
This is kind of retarded, but ENF by MBTI personality type would be kind of hot in a clear concise diagram.
This is one of my favorite types of ENF. Adult girls who look young enough that their nudity doesn't matter. I love it when characters just don't give a fuck she's naked.

Truly the patrician's ENF.
Recently, I venture into novel section of Pixiv and find that there are many great ENF/Exhibitionist/CMNF/Humiliation story. You can understand all of them with Google Translate.


Note: these authors post many AI-Gen pictures that they created as illustration for their novel. Their works might be on your block/hide list.
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The rest of this turn into something quite brutal.

[Ibitsu na Circle (Ibitsu Sugiru)] Kyoushitsu no Omocha.
Naked Story has a few good non-rape scenes
Ah, I see this is rough translation hell. Bummer.
The link to the translated Guglielmo bathhouse story from a thread or two ago is dead all the way to the root. Does anyone have an alternative? I can only find it in Japanese and I keep forgetting which volume it's in to begin with.
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Wish I had a better translation tool. I mostly understand but it feels like it got some stuff wrong. I guess if I’m wishing I could wish I understood Japanese, but whatever. The first one about the beauty pageant sounds good.
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Y’know, what are some other good Enf idea’s for fairy tales?
If you are using Firefox there is a send to DeepL addon that makes it easy to translate chunks of text using arguably best J/EN model.
Addon's called "To DeepL" https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/to-deepl/
There is Chrome version, but it needs to be installed manually.
>You look so young that there is no problem with you being nude at the beach!
Is that a thing? I feel like no matter how young you are, you should be wearing SOMETHING when out in public.
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Anyone have any good OL based stuff?
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[独裁スイッチ] 社長になってブラック企業女上司達に復讐してみた

It is one of the work by Dokusai Switch

I don't think there is translation
Damn, is there a gallery at least?
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There is raw on e-hentai and nyaa
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Tsugi wa Anata ga Yarareru Ban Death (次はアナタがヤられる番です)

A school setting on-going manga where terrorists occupied a school and forced student to do lewd thing. There are 4 translate chapters out on Mangadex. You can find untranslated chapter on some raw manga site
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New chapter are released on comic walker every 2 weeks or monthly I am not sure.

It's just endless rape isn't it?
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I gave it a quick look, because the art is very appealing to me. Looks more ecchi than hentai and I didn't see any outright rape scenes. It's definitely more about humiliation

But I'm not gonna lie, I don't know what audience this shit is for. It's actually kind of bleak in a way that's just a little too down-to-earth, yet is clearly meant to play to people who just want JK ecchi. Fascinating. Some of the panels are pretty good though
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Love the look on her face
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Mephidros mmd on twitter
Did someone cum in her or is she squirting?
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Squirting, theres no diccs in their other posts
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Love this pose
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Heres a standing version
That’s good. Squirting is very cute, and I’m not a fan of ENF that involves sex.
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Embarrassment but slightly smile from the situation developing with her crush
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Rest is patreon exclusive but I assume it leads to wholesome sex.
Try Hentai Nexus. The anchira domain was taken down but last I checked they got a Danimaru doujin I was looking for. I really enjoyed that one. ENF works really cute when the girl is seen by her reciprocal crush.
Rest of that guy’s doujins can get really wrong though.
That is such a cute premise! There’s this one my hero academia comic where Ochako gets naked in front of Deku for the first time. She’s really embarrassed, but she’s happy at the same time. I should probably find it somewhere, it’s so cute.
Nice video but hypnotism at the end kills it for me. I want to see the girl being embarrassed god dammit
these cunts are so good at missing the point sometimes.
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Do you like skirt/shirt/clothes tied over head?
What doujin are you talking about?
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Chapter 15 of Naked Hero is done! This is the last proper chapter of the volume, concluding the elf village quest and setting up the next volume's big mission. There's going to be one more upload after this, just like with volume 2, a collection of bonus content from the volume. After that, a bit of a break before the next project.


At the rate Naked Hero updates, it'll be quite a long time before Volume 4 finishes. In the meantime we still have Volume 1 uncensored to look forward to, so I'll keep an ear out for that too.
Great work.
Commit immediate suicide
Anybody else feel like they have grown out of enf? It’s not hot anymore, guess I’m just old. It feels like juvenile fetish for boys in puberty now, guess that phase took 15 years longer for me than for normal people.
I'm probably just sexually dysfunctional because I don't particularly crave or think about sex all that much. I like naked bodies, and the taboo of nudity in particular, and I tend to specifically only like it so long as the taboo itself remains intact. Sex tends to break the taboo. Sex is what getting naked is "for" right?

I guess this is the difference between "lust" and "eroticism". When I see an embarrassed naked girl, I tend to think about it empathetically. How is she feeling right now? That really does it for me, more than like thinking about the "power" I might have over her and how I could channel that power into sex, theoretically. I probably won't be able to "grow out of" ENF because I just can't picture myself wanting anything more "advanced"
I can kinda see why you would think that, like a "teehee, I can see her underwear" thing, but nah.
It plays well as a titillating contrast to my psyche, that being social anxiety and a disinterest in intimacy.
Grown out of ENF? So like if you see a woman IRL that has her dress blown up by the wind and she's not wearing underwear you'll just be like "meh"? You'll just think "she should have worn underwear" and immediately stop looking?
Or you're with a gf and she comes out of the shower in a towel and it falls off and she blushes and covers up, you don't find that embarrassment enjoyable in the slightest?
idk man, I can't relate to that.
The only thing that's worn down for me over time is just I've seen and consumed so much ENF content that all that's left is over commercialized porn with bad acting, and rewatching old stuff never hits the same. Or some of its become so cliched that spotting the punchline a mile away makes it seem juvenile.

Overall ENF enjoyment is mostly a thing I enjoy when I'm single though, kinda like porn in general, when I have a gf I don't really care or think about it and just enjoy sex as usual, don't watch porn anymore, just enjoying enf moments if they happen but I don't seek them out.
This was the same artist, i follow them on twitter. There’s no enf in the doujin https://nhentai.net/g/482351/
This discussion reminds me I discovered the kink was named ENF due to dailymotion and videos with that name.
Sucks thay they all god purged. I miss the catfight stripping pool party ones.
ENF is the first fetish I've ever developed, and continues to be the most erotic for me. I couldn't imagine growing out of it.
The idea that such maturity can be called sexual dysfunction in the modern era is depressing. The less advanced the better, I remember an anon here calling ENF inherently minimalist by nature, truly the perfect descriptor for it.

I find individuals like yourself who can simply appreciate a woman at her automatic nude form and be satisfied far more functional than the bbc obsessed anons on other boards on this site.
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That's actually how I feel about ENF nowadays desu. I still enjoy it, but it does feel like a juvenile fetish, especially in the ways it's protrayed. I do still love nudity and it's by far my favorite "fetish", but it feels like I've grown out of ENF in particular. Naked girls are more than enough to get me excited.
YES! THIS! Thanks for finally putting into words how I feel about nudity and sex.
I've seen "le tired gamers" for awhile now but I never expected to see "le tired fetishist."
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the image you posted here is actually the very first piece of pornography I ever saw

to follow along with the topic, I don't think I've outgrown it, but it's a tired fetish community now because every concept has been done over and over

even when we get new stuff it's usually just a variation of something that came before it, at least for me it feels like I'm chasing some high that will never be satisfied
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Any ENF where a girl loses her swimsuit and the lifeguard thinks she's drowning so pulls her out of the water?
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>Anybody else feel like they have grown out of enf?
Not really. I just always liked softcore more.
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This is a rather old manga named "Kurogane Hime" It's quite bloody action manga with gimmick that when main girl use her powerful sword move her clothes will torn off and become naked. Some characters around her think she' s exhibitionist because of it.

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Of course main girl doesn't like bring naked. You can see her shy face every time she uses the move.
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It also have many great action scenes
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This manga is already finished with 21 chapters total.
It doesn't help that most people I've found that are into ENF trend younger [spoiler]and trans[/spoiler]
I remember finding a French ENF series I don't remember the name of on there
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>[spoiler]and trans[/spoiler]
I haven't seen or noticed this for ENF, among artists at most there's been a 1 or 2 western artists that I'd wager are trans that sometimes mix in ENF to their typical art, but that's fairly rare and they do all kinds of other kinks way more, they're just so into porn much more than most. Even trans consumers I feel like there's a ton more other kinks they'd be more into like gender bender or futanari. Trans is usually pretty extreme while ENF is mild humiliation, so I don't think there's much overlap.
Was it Serie Galante
yeah that was it
damn, I didn't know there was 27 of them
nah its still hot
tbf i dont bombard myself with ENF 24/7 so that probably helped
also i was always more into casual/accidental nudity and ENF supports those
Sounds entertaining enough
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Guy is seemingly overslept. Girls think it's ok to change their clothes around him, trying not to wake him up. One brave girl find his sleeping face cute and goes up close to look.

Of course. the guy has awaken and realized the situation he is in but he can't let the girls know that.
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nah if anything I'm more into it now than ever. It's really the only thing I'm into porn wise
I see thanks. Nearly makes me feel they wanted to be caught. I really like scenarios like that, they didn’t need to do so in that room and could have just woken him up but still got through it teasing each other
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If there’s one thing I can’t stand about ENF artists sometimes it’s the regurgitation of the same four or five embarrassed naked scenes from the same three cartoons.

“Here’s that scene from SpongeBob for the millionth time, but with a Fire Emblem character!”

Just make something else up or at least find a lesser known scene to parody.
Yeah, that's pretty easily the worst thing about westoid ENF artists, they're basically all deeply autistic and grew up on cartoons, which combined into this fetish. It's not exactly like "mixed onsen towel accident" or "Oh no the slime is dissolving my clothes" are much higher brow tropes, but they're not just directly ripped from a specific scene from a cartoon.
please help bros, does anyone have a collection of the machine translations for 4h's visual novels? i want to play them so bad but all the links in the archives are dead
its a huge shame only one was ever properly translated and its just zenra toukou training which imo isnt nearly as good as basically everything else they've made
Honestly, I don't know why its not on every thread along with the docs. The 4H games machine translation was the best thing ever done here
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Talking about 4H, it seems his new work is in development. It would be in the style of "優良健康生徒審査会の記録" which was IMO my favorite work of him.

That spongebob one of them holding on while a hook wedgies/strips them has been so done to death. I don't mind seeing a 2-3 variations of the same scenes, but it feels like there's a hundred variations of that one and it's way too much, and it's not even that good of a scene. I always assumed it was 1 guy commissioning all of them, but definitely agree different scenes would be way better.
I hate when I end up in the shitty art by autistic Mexicans part of Pixiv
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Seriously, I’m so sick of the SpongeBob parodies. I swear the western market is obsessed with riding trends into the ground. You’re already dealing with some sort of wacky nonsensical world, is it that hard to come up with a way for the characters to lose their clothes without ripping the entire sequence off of a cartoon from the 90s?
The ed edd and eddy one is the most overdone. There are so many identical low quality images based on the same specific frame that I thought there was a single obsessed autist requesting it all.
I suppose that was the first introduction a lot of people had to public nudity so it left a mark.
I laughed and enjoyed the first time I saw an ENF depiction but after over and over I’d assume there is someone paying comissions of thise around.
Irony is that those old cartoons had more diversity for that, like KND’s episode they send a lobster robot to rip off the trunks and snap a pic of the ass underwater, stuff like Donald duck’s losing towel, even Powerpuff Girls and that episode with the micorscopic organisms in the rain that were degrating buildings and did so to their clothes when they attempted to fight unprepared.
There was a lot, either because they needed cautionary tales for the children or because of the writer’s fetishes. It’s just weird people got so obsessed with the spongebob one.
Wow I never saw that one done in an ENF scenario
No, but I've somehow grown into enm alongside it. Whoops.
Same. And a bit of light femdom when that’s involved.
That's the best. Can't beat the bathhouse story.
What the hell is all this about Spongebob and Ed, Edd, & Eddy? you guys are almost making me curious enough to stomach looking at westoid porn.
i'm not a terribly forward or dominant person sexually. the implied coercion of some enf media is more practical for me to self-insert into; it's something i more or less require irl as well with others. admittedly there are massive downsides to my nature in that way. like, people will get worried with me over issues of consent when i'm silently praying they do their worst, despite communicating beforehand about my preferences. i'm unsure how to navigate this and am open to suggestions weh
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Nah. But its neat to see where enf has evolved new fetishes for me over the years. Turns out I also like hypnosis/mind control lol
Basically one early episode of Spongebob had them being warned of the hooks and bait as the people above water use then to fish the characters. While Spongebob is cautious at first, his Starfish friend just eats the bait and the like laughing at him. Eventually the hook pulls him up scaring Spongebob shitless but Patrick just has fun jumping off and falling down.
Both of them then keep playing with the hooks but eventually one gets locked in Patrick and he is dragged offscreen. Spongebob notices his own clothes got pierced by the hook to his horror.
He goes back to his Crab boss with his clothes being repeatedly pulled by the hook, and during that scene the boss’ daughter and female friends were lunching there. The boss says there is only one thing he can do, so spongebob tears off his outwear in front of all those girls who start laughing at him.
Then he notices the hook was in his underwear as well. He is pulled up through the water, he grabs a tree, the underwear tears off and he is flung nude to the glass door in front of all those laughing girls and has to run back home naked.
Many of early Spongebob episodes were cautionary tales against lying, mistreating your friends, cheating exams and so on. That one was about not ignoring warnings of danger.

Some artists on pixiv depict an ENF scenario in a similar situation, with a girl having her clothes hooked from the skies, being pulled up the clothes ripped and she is slinged nude in front of people and has to run away home naked. The last time I saw that was with Weiss’ mom from RWBY when I was searching ENF on pixiv.
That scan is so crusty she might as well be fully clothed by it
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People might find this strange but when it come to media/art, recently I find 'partial nude' or 'half-naked' a lot more interesting than 100% naked body. The thought of something like "Only thing they have to hide their body are their panties" is simply more interesting than "Wow!... they are completely naked!" for me.
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That scenario in particular never really clicked for me. Might just be too brain rotted >>2876346
, but it makes sense for hooks to be used as antagonists in a cartoon fish show. I don’t get using them in settings above water with humans. No one thinks it’s weird that giant fish hooks are dangling from the sky? They’re just gonna go mess with them?


The Ed Edd n Eddy one is simple and dumb. The guys are all wearing tight speedos to show off, then do a three person human pyramid, at which point the comically tight speedos tear off of them leaving them in a nude human pyramid. Imagine that but with female characters from whatever show is popular at the time, even if it’s its grossly out of character for the characters the artist picked.
I love that pose. The fact that she’s bottomless is also really cute.
Thanks for the explanation lads. I have to agree that these sound like pretty terrible scenarios for ENF.
I feel like I’m a lot more forgiving of these kinds of things than most of the people here. Sure, the format’s a bit overdone, but it’s still cute regardless. Besides, those kinds of things are probably what gave most people ENF fetishes in the first place.
This is really cute, is there more context behind it? I searched around based on the filename but couldn't find anything.
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Not him but....It's just she getting bully by forcing to expose herself. Here is artist pixiv
Thanks, some nice other art there too
wish we got more from the MC desu
My problem is only it’s overdone. Being stripped against a window in front of a bunch laughing girls and forced to run away naked is a really good scenario.
Doing that over and over with 3D models copying the same scenario again and again isn’t.
I dont see an issue with doing that inherently, my problem is more if it actually makes sense for the characters and their universe. maybe thats just me being autistic or something lol
like the hook one from spongebob is stupid af and i cant get off to it because how would that happen anywhere outside of that universe? and i've even seen crap putting human characters into the spongebob universe just to do it to them, wtf
but also from spongebob, the invisible spray wearing off, or at least the scene after where they try to cover each other while being humiliated under the spotlight, that works a lot better for so many more characters, so i dont mind it nearly as much
i get the appeal of wanting to see characters you're actually attracted to in these scenarios but personally i also want it to make sense. if they do that then i have no reason to complain
>my problem is more if it actually makes sense for the characters and their universe. maybe thats just me being autistic or something lol
This is the biggest thing for me, I want it to be grounded in the reality of the character's universe. It doesn't have to be realistic but it should be consistent, just plopping any character into a world of giant underwater hooks just ruins my suspension of disbelief. We get so many things when we see existing characters, their personality, their relationships, a whole backstory, but we also get the rules of the universe that they came from and when we don't respect those same rules it becomes a drawback.

Now maybe if they added some context like they were transported into this strange underwater world somehow, they don't understand how they're able to breathe underwater and then it turns into a nightmare with a giant fishing hook that ends up stripping them - then I could get behind it. Maybe that's too much of an ask for a small comic ENF character swap I guess.
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I've been messing around with character.ai and came up with a bunch of fantasy RPG themed ENF scenarios. This one is a character being forced into the class "Topless Tank", front line fighters forbidden from wearing tops that attracts a lot of aggro. Of course the characters in the Chabot never like this situation, providing plenty of ENF fuel
That’s a very good point. ENF scenarios that are lore accurate are always the best.
unfortunately we don't have anyone willing to host some files for the thread
Can anyone upload the Camp of Dares and Night Lotus stories somewhere that ISN'T ufile? That site doesn't work for me
Post cards?
I think the juvenile nature of ENF is part of why I like it. It’s cute.
Big agree. "Cute" and "adorable" are the words I'm most drawn to in describing ENF. Even when the scenarios are particularly cruel, there's just something utterly moe about the way girls get embarrassed about their bodies
are these the only ones still around? also whats the quality like? im just curious, because i fucking love the concepts of their games, the zenra toukou stuff turns me on like nothing else, and since it turns out only zenra toukou training has ever been translated after well over a decade of 4h being around, i just said 'fuck it, i'll do it myself' and decided to start translating zenra toukou school. but im not just throwing the entire script into a translator in half an hour and calling it a day, im going line by line, combining mtl, my idk, n4? level japanese, and actually understanding the context to make something somewhat natural, and at least readable. im already about 1/5th done, so please dont tell me im wasting my time and a decent mtl is already out there somewhere
though, with how many times the mtl has turned 'hisahara' into 'hinoohara' or some other bullshit, i doubt any other mtl would be as readable as what i'm working on, lol. now im not gonna pretend my own tl is on the level of training's, or even close to 'good' or 'professional', and i definitely wouldn't want it to be sold on dlsite, but i'm trying my best out of love for what 4h does. if there is no surviving mtl for school, or there is but its shit, then i will comtinue and share my own tl here when im done. i've wanted to experience this game for so long, and i want other people to have a decent experience reading it too. im even trying to keep it consistent with the translation for training. like for example im not a big fan of translating zenra toukou shuukan as 'total nude scholastics week' and prefer the more basic 'naked school week', but thats what im going with because thats what the other game does
Precisely. It’s very natural, if that makes sense. Being embarrassed in the natural way most people would react to being seen naked. It’s kind of realistic as opposed to most fetishes (a lot of ENF isn’t really that realistic but you get what I’m saying, right?). Plus, I like seeing girls covering themselves.
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Curiously, which one you're translating? There are like 4 naked school week game by 4H.

Are you doing the sequel of the translated one? (pic related)

In cast anyone interest, these are 3 fan fiction story based on 4H naked school week games where character from "IDOLMASTER Cinderella girls" go to 'training' in the said school. Use any machine translation and you can easily understand them.

yes, its zenra toukou school, officially 'total nudity school' on english dlsite and vndb. the sequel to zenra toukou training, the only translated one, and the one where that cg you posted is from. since im using the 'official' titles, it makes the intro kinda read awkwardly because it says "total nudity school training 2 - total nudity school" lmao.
also i know they make a ton of these games and i love it. i wish we lived in a world where all 4h games had at least decent translations, but i guess its up to me alone to provide that since it seems literally no one else has any interest whatsoever in translating more of this stuff, apparently. if i finish zenra toukou school then one day, i'd like to at least also do the original zenra toukou shuukan from 2010, and zengaku 2. those are my priorities because the 'actual naked week itself where everyone is doing it' stuff is my favorite
its a lot easier to translate school right now cause i dont have much else going on at the moment irl, so if those other translations ever happen and no one else does them first, it would likely be a good while from now. also i know zengaku 2 has parts where you have to click a map screen and idk how translating that would work. the program i used to extract school's script apparently dumped the game's files, but they're in weird formats i cant open, so i dont have access to the cgs or character sprites or any other graphics. so basically im not sure how i could edit the text on those graphics in zengaku 2, and a 'proper' translation might not be possible. or maybe that stuff is somehow part of the script, idk.
anyway im rambling about hypotheticals, right now im just doing 2014's zenra toukou school. look forward to it, assuming any other translation that exists for it is either lost or godawful.
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IMO, I don't really like Zengaku 2 because once nudity become 'normal' thing everyone do without problem, it loses the charm.

My favorite 4H work is probably "優良健康生徒審査会の記録" (the one with medical examination in school). It's pure ENF with no sex.
I was the one that made those MTLs back in the day, a lot of them were kind of crappy compared to the tools I have today (was just using google translate back then) so I wouldn't mind remaking some of them if people had any favorites they wanted.
this looks like the artist traced over 3D models
I've been into the fetish for roughly 20 years now, and I can't say I've grown tired of it. It's a simple classic. >>2875717 I also am kind of like this anon though. I've never really liked porn with sex or insertion or anything really past that point, and for some of the same reasons. There's a cheeky thrill to seeing something you shouldn't, and it's a fetish you might luck into occasionally.

I've seen upskirts, girls pantsed, downblouses, and even some wardrobe malfunctions. It's always a pleasant, socially acceptable buzz that sticks in the mind.

You're not going down harder paths are you? That's where a lot of ENF guys do end up. They push the envelope into things like public sex, rape, or more than simple ENF, and I can see how you'd get bored if you're getting into harder stuff. It's like someone who's doing meth might not be interested in weed anymore.

I'd reccomend taking a break, let you dopamine recepters recharge a bit, and try again. I know a few months with ENF and I'm that horny teenager again from simple skirt flips.
Nah, I have to disagree. I was an old ENF guy back in the Geocities and Indian Outlaw era. ENF has exploded in diversity in the last five or so years, namely in relation to technology.

I guess that's something else good about ENF - you can always put a modern take on it as society adapts. Until girls are freely walking around naked, there will always be ENF content.
>IMO, I don't really like Zengaku 2 because once nudity become 'normal' thing everyone do without problem, it loses the charm.
im sorry bro but that is a horrible opinion
but if it makes you feel any better, im pretty sure 2010 zenra toukou shuukan is also pure enf with no sex so if thats something you enjoy then you might like that one at least a little bit if you havent played it yet. i would honestly prefer no sex in these stories myself, but thats just how japan does stuff. it always, always leads to sex, no matter what
that would be nice and very appreciated, but to be honest, unless you also know some japanese and are gonna heavily edit them, like i'm doing, i'd still like to make my own translations of them. i want to see these games get something even slightly close to the translations they deserve, so while it would be fine if you made those for now, i'll probably make better ones myself eventually anyway. these tools absolutely cannot handle names or context, and sometimes they just shit themselves over stuff like too many exclamation marks. an unedited mtl script would still be an absolute mess
but ultimately my absolute priority is seeing the translations be preserved. please guys, when i'm done with zenra toukou school, do whatever you can to keep the translation around. dont just let it die forever
Since the year is halfway over, I wanted to shout out foos423, tsun_mmd, btt, kiido, ram8, and mistgreen for being my top enf/strip MMD creators so far this year. Please check them out if you like MMDs
>once nudity become 'normal' thing everyone do without problem, it loses the charm

I agree with this

I can't read japanese, so I don't know anything about those VNs, but there's one that has a description about a former idol having to makeup for her naked school week that seems like it might preserve the unexpected, only one naked appeal
nude, vulnerable woman will always spark arausal in me
now, my likes have grown kinkier
for instance, now I like when the girl is both embarrassed and turned on, and may even orgasm
Can you post some good stuff you have saved from those days?
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Getting reluctantly turned on from embarrassment and thus increasing the embarrassment and having an unwanted orgasm is god tier but it's so hard to find stuff that strikes the right balance.
find about this specific enf variant on literotica recently and since then I'm obsessed with it
unfortunately, couldn't find any other similar story there
Honestly I was naive and thought it would never end, and never saved anything. Even when the board shut down, there were a few refuges and havens, but it eventually died as that core community fragmented and the places we went allowed harder stuff too.

With Indian Outlaw's Storyboard you at least knew the girl wasn't going to be gangbanged or swallowing gallons of cum at the end of the day.

One of the OG sites that inspired a lot of people in that day though was collegecodeofconduct.com, and it's still kicking (although barely). Id recommend hitting the archives as the newer stuff strays from the original concept originally.

The basis is a college has a dress code that is supposed to instill modesty in women by basically only allowing a top and a bottom. The thought is if a woman can't wear panties or shorts under a microskirt, she'll opt for a longer skirt. The idea gets corrupted though as there as Inspectors that strip girls to check for compliance, and obviously a girl wearing close to nothing can't be hiding a second layer, so girls who dress modestly end up stripped the most.

It's a lengthy archive with a well defined world, clear and concise rules, and stories from students, men, Inspectors, teachers, and people outside the college. Lots of ENF too.
>It's a lengthy archive with a well defined world, clear and concise rules, and stories from students, men, Inspectors, teachers, and people outside the college. Lots of ENF too.

Have read some of these old stories and I always found this kind of stuff excessively autistic. As soon as there's all these codified in-universe rules about naked in school programmes or mailgirls or inspection/presentation or registered permanudes or whatever the fuck else, it just gets really unrealistic and boring.
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in case anyone wanted proof im actually doing what i claim to be, here
also i wanna blogpost about 4h stuff and idk where else to do that and needed an excuse to post, lmao
anyway getting into this game led to me learning some interesting stuff online.
first, turns out 4h has a fuckton of games. its not just zenra toukou, theres all that magical girl stuff, kurokami whatever, and tons of other random things. i cant reasonably make decent and readable half human/half mtl translations for them all in my lifetime, and desu im only really interested in the zenra toukou series, so for anything that isnt that you guys are on your own
second, thanks to some other guy on vndb really into 4h stuff, i learned that this franchise is, for lack of a better term, a 'cinematic universe', lol. characters actually reappear and reference past stuff, and for autists like me who care about understanding even tiny references, that means there's a correct playing order. apparently zenra toukou school is actually third (well fifth but the first two games are supposedly non-canon) and theres even an alternate universe retelling of a game. one part of me wants to do all the tls in order, but then it would be literal years before i reached zengaku 2 so maybe not lol.
and third, theres that 10th anniversary thing that does have the zenra toukou girls but idk if i would tl it because it has a bunch of their other characters too. and when the zenra toukou girls are meeting the magical girls, who i doubt share a universe with them, its probably safe to assume its non canon and safely skippable anyway

i might be the only other person on earth getting so into the lore of a porn vn series but i cant help it, the concept is a huge turn on and the cgs have been great 'material' for me for years lmao. i wanna actually know the context of that universe now beyond just zenra toukou training. and from the dialogue i've tl'd so far, i really have been missing out
A man without culture or taste, I see. Shall I pull open the shower curtain for the umpteenth time for your debasement, or would you play in a realm of fantasy authors have painstakingly created with rules and order?

but really idk I'm a big fan of autistic rules. I'd probably cum quicker to sign that simply said "Women May Not Wear Clothes Beyond this Point" than an actual naked woman.
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And lastly, capping off this round of Naked Hero translation: all of the bonus content from Volume 3, as well as the little promotional mini-scenario I scraped along the way.


That's all we'll have for a while, I bet. At some point in the future we'll get the Volume 1 nipples version, and Volume 4 is still many months away. In the meantime I'll recharge my batteries a bit and figure out what to work on until those volumes release.
Not the other guy, but much of the appeal of that - even in the example you brought up - is the implication. It's hot conceptually, but in execution is boring as fuck. The big appeal of ENF, to me, is novelty. These dumbass "naked in school program" and "mailgirl" stories and shit rob so much of the novelty and make it mundane. Make it a thing that everyone just has to treat like "normal" in an awkward gaslighty way.

Though yes, shower curtain pulls are boring as hell too. My ideal ENF scenario is something with a bit of adventure. Situations that contrive to keep someone nude for as long as possible by sheer farce without making it a matter of law. Naked Hero is great for this. Even if it leans on the aspect of the naked curse as much as possible, it finds new ways every chapter to get titillating scenarios out of it, just from honest-to-god misfortune on Runa's part. That's hot, that's cute, that's the stuff I live for.

Least favorite ENF content, by far, is any situation where a girl just has to get naked as a matter of course. Hot to think about for 5 seconds, but actually witnessing that scenario is profoundly stale.

That dress code inspection shit sounds so dull it makes my eyes glaze over.
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Thanks a ton for translating these. Sucks that we have to wait so long for updates, but I’m looking forward to seeing where the story goes next. Fingers crossed for some Chris centered Enf as well.
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Hey. I wanted to say I’m really enjoying it so far.
There is something odd, nostalgic and old to it, from an era people were attempting newer things I think. Everything today follows a set staple, more boring in a selection of scenarios.
ignoring technical feasibility, what game(s) do you think would be best-suited for modding ENF mechanics into?
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Shantae might be a good fit. The games already have a lot of soft core lewd content, in a magic/theoretical mod I could see it being made to go over the edge.

There’s a section in Pirate’s Curse where you have to sneak around in a skimpy Slave Leia outfit reference and get a game over if seen by anyone. Just do an Enf version of that, with her in the classic Enf pose the whole time, with the losing animation changed to something fitting, like getting spanked or something.

Then there’s dancing and gambling mini games that could be tweaked, parts where you get in trouble with the law/get evicted, sections where you race through an obstacle course full of attacking innuendos, suggestive boss fights, potential teleportation mishaps, etc. Lots of possibilities.
there used to be alot of skyrim modded videos on youtube of the main character and companions being nude, covering in the classic pose and looking kinda embarrassed while hiding. really I've not played a lot of recent video games that arn't indie, 4x, rts or porn.
ss13/ss14 and fire emblem where women get a second health bar that destroys clothes.
I’m trying to see if I could hunt down 2 anime ENF scenes from the past

One involved someone pulling a prank with having fake strings on their swimsuit, which ends with someone pulling actual strings from someone else

The other involved someone having an immense aura, so when they gradually move toward them to console them, their clothes kept getting ripped off

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