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Previous Thread: >>2864449

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



>Search terms
MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
MMDモデル配布あり, MMDステージ配布あり , MMDアクセサリ配布あり
MMDモーション配布あり, MMDカメラ配布あり, MMDエフェクト配布あり

Pastebin & Catalog: https://rentry.org/3DCG4Chan
Man the day i try to touch MMD again and start searching for models is the day Nico is fucking dead.
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Is nico still DED?
Still ded together with multiple Kadokawa services.
I'm surprised it didn't affect their gacha game azurlane, since kadokawa owns manjuu and niconico.
can someone help?
ts kqc0p3dnt595
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Out of curiousity, how big are my files supposed to be when rendering an animation into a videofile?

I created a short shitpost avi file at 60FPS for 1000 frames and it turned into 8gb bloat, which seems pretty fucking excessive.
anyone have this model?
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Don't do raw rendering. Use the UT Video Codec instead, it's lossless yet brings the size down to sane. YUV420 BT.709 is the standard choice and results in up to 17 GB (without letterboxing) for 3 minutes of a fully fleshed out crisp 1920x1080 60fps Ray-MMD video with noise and many moving parts, like picrel, but roughly <4 GB a minute on average. <3 GB for 4 minutes of a single-character test against a white background with no effects and relatively static camera. The filesize is directly proportional to pixel luminosity and change frequency, as well as the resolution.
I tried out the various rendering formats build into MMD, only two functioned to begin with. One looked like shit the other was the bloat, so I took the bloat and turned it into a 20mb mp4 with a converter to decent results. I figured something not right when the codec just refused to work.
Remember: MMD has never had any built-in codecs. This has always been the case. UTVideo is downloaded and installed separately.
anyone have this?
Here you go lad

BTW anybody knows what's the model used in this video? https://www.iwara.tv/video/AsyaM2WZTdIRYP/2nd
sigh i doubt anyone will have these old videos but im looking for REO02's old mmd stuff with medaka kurokami in it; blue hair, usually blushing? i just want to see an oldie but goldie but its like they were nuked off of the face of the earth. the only proof they existed is old articles and dead steam wallpaper engine items
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op image brown IA :fright:
Consider checking the booru.
I think is NJXA2nd body
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has anyone tried to make models more cel-shading friendly without needing to use Raymmd or other shaders?

also [spoiler]what do people here think about Kabalmystic's model edits?[/spoiler]
Is mediafire just dead dead, I can't download anything even if I can see the list? Like these stuffs: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m9jaswp8zew3t/Asu+v6
not really, how would you do that?
What do you mean by "making models more cel-shading friendly"? Pretty sure cel shading in MMD/MMM only takes using toon textures and toon-based shaders.
>> "spoiler"
If one is in the picture, I think this model looks like shit.

Works for me. Might be your antivirus or hosts, idk. Mediafire is one of those oldschool hosting websites with scammy ads.
does someone have this motion?
basically simplifying or redrawing the textures so they use flat colors, using simple lines for details, using simple spheremaps for materials like crystals or metals instead of using them for skins or eyes, using colored edges. that kind of thing. i basically did that for the models on the image i posted.
I believe it's on tstorage? If not I'll see if I can upload it later I remember seeing it somewhere
what are some packs with bdsm assets?
How can I fix ugly spots like this that appear occasionally in darker spots?
>get home from week long vacation, ready to goon to softcore enf mmd on nico
>were down when i left, pretty sure they'll be fixed by now
>they posted a message today saying they'll be down for a month
By correcting the model's texture & checking if there are any semi-transparent materials in that spot, which use a transparency-incompatible material, and/or using a different material for the body.
there's tricks to avoiding the adware redirects on mediafire including the rc method if you don't have like a ublock or whatever variant
Does anyone have this model?

any of yall have this motion its not available on his kemono page
i noticed that Lovemax keeps mentioning that he uses a semen model by Cyalon but i've looked through ALL of his stuff on different platforms and couldn't find it anywhere. does anyone have a lead as to where i could find that model?
Has seru released his finished wip yet?
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Thanks, the texture file did have an alpha layer (RGBA PNG), but removing the alpha didn't fix it. Can you elaborate what you mean by correcting the texture? This area is only a single vertex layer, there's nothing transparent or semi-transparent here.

I noticed that the black spots go away if I set "CUSTOM_ENABLE" to 0 in the material file. Similarly with the default material instead of skin material there are no spots. Normals also look good. So I don't think the texture or vertices are the problem?

Funnily, if I edit ALPHA_MAP_FROM to 0 (i.e. to use the constant 1.0 value for alpha), the black spots also go away but white spots appear elsewhere through which I can see the background... and there are multiple spots within a single tri so it seems more like a shader issue.

So I'm at a loss here, any more tips?
Little more details please
its not on tstorage, I just checked again
What's the advantage of sdPBR over RayMMD? Seems to be more of the same to me
In my opinion sdPBR is easier to use if you are new to MMD, but isn't as powerful or customizable as RayMMD
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>> Can you elaborate what you mean by correcting the texture?
Irrelevant if there's no clipped semi-transparent texture layer (skin overlay) there (which was what I experienced in a similar case to your new find, where a hole that ignored the geometry appeared on the forehead because, IIRC, an overlay was higher in the material list than another overlay under it) and these spots come with the material.
Do the spots move across the skin if you rotate the camera or change the direction of main light? If not, it might be an overstretched UV map (ruled out by the bottom of your screenshot), or a flipped face (2-side or actual double-layered body—how many vertices get stored in F7 if you select a single perceived vertex with box selection?), or normals if you only checked the UV mode (the bottom) instead of normals.
In any case, you have a solution/workaround now.

I'm currently trying to adapt it for MikuMikuMoving, and it's noticeably heavier. The setup is easier in MMM compared to Ray-MMM, as more DefaultEffect strings work out of the box, so you don't have to manually assign OffscreenRenderTargets as much. It has more variations of elements, such as lights, skyboxes, and posteffects (plus adaptations of other effects), but I can't get the lights to cast actual light, only the volumetric maps work thus far. The skybox\skybox_*.fx skyboxes use much worse quality .hdr images. Most of sdPBR controllers have used Japanese names from the start, which doesn't matter for MMD, but MMM cannot parse them. The controllers offer fewer customizations per unit.
https://tstorage.info/7ttbotnarbi7 Here you go
i'm sorry but most of mmd stuff is trash slop
literally copy pasted motions slapped onto premade models dragged in, you have 1000 videos using the same dance and same model.

I won't respect anyone who isn't creating their own motion, that is actual animations. If you use premade motions you are nothing but a slop factory hack and i don't want to see your slop shit.

Thank you for listening.
or poses, don't forget poses
everything is just cookie cutter when it comes to mmd, that's why you barely see anyone doing anything remotely original
downloading and using a model is one thing, but it's almost always some premade pose or motion/animation so it's just all devalued when you could use the time to tell a story with the character
if they at least altered the motions or something but no.. it's alway the same thing, even the camera movement is usually part of the motion so exactly the same
i don't want to watch the exact same video with the same dance, music, model, except the girls hair color is different this time, over and over again
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i can't remember what picture it was i did, but i remember i was taken aback one time by a guy asking me if he can have the pose file i used for it and i was just like, i do all my own posing and i don't save poses because i don't want to do the same picture nor do i want someone else to
it's kind of an annoying culture
like we're downloading models made by someone else generally, so at least meet the creativity part halfway there
MMD is 100% about premade motions, that's what it was literally made for, so complaining about that is pretty disingenious.

For me it's about the models, and how they're used in the motion. I want to see my waifus in different clothing dancing sexily. I will fight you if you try to campaign against premade motions.

Besides, few people could hope to animate as well as most premade motions, so even if you got rid of those, there would not be any more content that you like than there is now.
>there would not be any more content that you like than there is now.
but the content i like would be much easier to found.
There are many videos out there i would love to see but will never manage to find them because they are buried under gallons of slop.
I want the new iwara tag system to make it mandatory to tag if the animation uses a 3rd party motion so i can blacklist it and watch only works from people who actually put in the extra effort.
I think an "original_motion" or "original_animation" tag would probably be more effective. You could propose that and then just have to lobby to start using it, rather than everyone else.
thank you!
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>Do the spots move across the skin if you rotate the camera
>or change the direction of main light?
>it might be an overstretched UV map (ruled out by the bottom of your screenshot),
Maybe, maybe not... that section is a weird part of the model because it's small strip of tris using the "front body" texture, and another small strip of tris using the "back body" texture, with very different UV mapping.

Certainly making the UV map larger makes the spots smaller, but doesn't eliminate them.

Another interesting point, if I turn off "ray.x" in the accessory panel, there are a lot of similar spots in most parts of the model. So that suggests that these spots are supposed to be filled in by something ray.x does, but they get missed somehow? Weirdness continues.

>or a flipped face (2-side or actual double-layered body—how many vertices get stored in F7 if you select a single perceived vertex with box selection?),
It's not a 2-side material and the texture is on the right side, so I guess it's not flipped. There are two vertices along the line of different UV maps and elsewhere a single vertex.

>or normals if you only checked the UV mode (the bottom) instead of normals.
I checked that with normals enabled, the white lines point outward in the right direction everywhere, is that sufficient?

>In any case, you have a solution/workaround now.
Well, it means the material loses all its bump maps and such and looks flat. I'd really not call that a workaround... although moving the camera is but I have to move it pretty far because new spots keep appearing when the other ones have moved away.
somebody have this?
Anybody got the Midas Touch motion?
still gonna shit on it and call it boring
that's alright, everybody has a right to be wrong on the internet
including the cookie cutter machines just churning out copypastaslop
That's right, mmd can't reach MAYA
sdPBR is garbage, the shadows are absent, the color is horrible
instead of coming here complaining, why not go and make your own unique models and animations.
Is it kosher to duplicate a material using Duplicate Parts -> Duplicate Face to have the same mesh with two different textures? Obviously only one of the two would be opaque at any time.

PMXE complains about it, but it seems to work fine, and reduces duplication of all the vertices and vertex morphs. (And if I need to adjust weights I only need to do it once instead of for each texture.)
woah woah woah, what are you crazy?
Why not?
is possible with good tools.
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>> the shadows are absent
Clearly a skill issue caused by not RTFMing.

Your description suggests the spots behave like a sphere map, but in a similar case from my experience (corner cliffs from ファンタジーな海+sky) they do not. My case can be solved by
>> #define ALPHA_THRESHOLD 2.0
in the material or using a shader as the material (which are special shaders themselves).
(Or setting ALPHA_MAP_FROM to 3 to cause a similar effect.)
Since I'm using my own patched version, you will also need to add an #ifndef condition to that definition in the material_common_2.0.fxsub to obtain the following. Do not change its value there.
#define ALPHA_THRESHOLD 0.999

>> Maybe, maybe not... that section is a weird part of the model
That white mark in the upper left corner is an overstretched UV map, alright, but since the spots don't stick to it, neither the UV map nor the normals are relevant.

Any vertex/UV morphs applied to one will also affect the other, and you're forced to stick to the same UV mapping. I'd rather combine the textures and use UV shift morphs.
>Any vertex/UV morphs applied to one will also affect the other, and you're forced to stick to the same UV mapping. I'd rather combine the textures and use UV shift morphs.
Yeah it's for different clothing textures, so that should all be fine and actually intentional. I'm not a fan of combining a bunch of textures, that tends to cause mipmapping issues at the edges and also changes the bump maps because of the scaled UV, and so requires custom material edits. If duplicated faces cause no other issues they seem like the path of least resistance for my use case.
Duplicating faces also exacts a toll on performance even if they are hidden (lower toll if the material is not being rendered), but I guess you'll find it negligible if you aren't using one of those super-high-poly clothing models and have a decent rig. Furthermore, morphs also have a performance cost.
Testing conditions: single model doing the 挑発ぶるんぶるんre "dance" with unlimited FPS, RTX 2060 6 GB / 16 GB RAM / Ryzen 7 2700X. duplicating all faces of all materials brings the count up to 333,724 (with 106,521 vertices) in MMM and 189,414 for the MMD-compatible version (57,626 vertices).
1) With a barebone Ray-MMD for MMM setup, the performance in motion dropped from 8 to 4 at the start and from 4 to 2 fps further on.
2) In a blank MMM scene, from ~93 to ~32.
3) 42 fps vs 31 fps (not recompared in MMM) in a set-up ムムム's indoor pool scene with a wet skin material assigned to the model.
4) ~290 vs ~250 fps in a blank MMD scene (and 215 vs 97 fps when using the MMD versions in MMM; however, if I turn off rendering for the duplicate materials, it rises to 164 fps).
5) ~380 FPS and ~315 FPS if I delete the remaining 248 morphs. ~250 FPS if I duplicate both vertices & faces instead of just faces after deleting all morphs. File sizes: 3.283 KB, 3.844 KB, 7.628 KB respectively.
>>2873272 has a point. While not so bad when it's amateur content, it's pretty sad when I see people wanting money for copypaste mmd videos.
What are the models used in this video? https://www.iwara.tv/video/irkcoVpl11drqz/love-sexy-azur-lane-wiki

I first thought those are the 'Asu' models because they looked similar but turned out to be not the case
https://tstorage.info/4uzqp5cry4pn gotcha dude
nice, looks like a game rip from trails
i'd rip models into mmd from my steam games
but i don't know
Potential answers:
anyone have the motion for Oppa, Do you trust me by 000MMD?
head swap using this body base

NJXA 2nd with pussy edited , Okay okey
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HOLY SHIT BROS we about to be fucking RICH
I'm so glad they're focusing on the real issues like making me rich, and not getting sidetracked by making the site usable or anything.
Alright, time to start churning out that gacha slop! What's the FOTM nowadays?
they just added donos
so now gooners can send you tokens which you can turn into money later
you can now pay tent with MMD slop
>heres free money
why are you like this?
Because , I like money
It's not greed it's just.....
you know
is there any list of mmd animators from this thread on iwara?
i cant find a job so i guess i gotta start making genshin impact tda headswap hai phut hon videos if i wanna eat
if lazy hoyoslop with 1000 times overused motions starts making the big bags where the uploaders who put actual effort into their videos will barely make anything i'm gonna sledgehammer the fucking iwara servers
i am so fucking tired of the lazy copy pasted dancing slop
She finally finished it!! Magnetic by nikisasan looks so much better and fluid
Mainly because I really just don't care about money, and I really hate the idea of money making incentives changing what kind of content people will create. I don't think this will be good for creativity, and I don't think it will be good for variety. It will make the good stuff even harder to find. Also, I'm an optimist btw.
>. I don't think this will be good for creativity, and I don't think it will be good for variety.
you are way overblowing this
the token system is a gimmick, you won't ever be able to make any big money with it, the absolute top creators will probably make like 1k a month tops while the rest it will be like 20 bucks at most so not even close to be an incentive to produce hoyoslop at all
is there?
i would really like to check out content from local anons
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Here's something cute that I made. For my goonheads who like cute girls dancing and stripping.

I'm gonna try to work this one soon.

Attached is what I'm working on next.
Looks good! I like that you actually had her strip off her clothing

Is the magnetic motion shared yet? There is one on tstorage but it's incomplete and very jumpy, not as fluid as nikisa's so keep that is mind
Thanks, anon. And the one currently up isn't the right motion, since it was uploaded before nikisa's release.
That's true,
There are few who can really make good animations, but is difficult for us
Stop it, let me dream
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can anybody help with the pass please?
Well fuck all of you then. I bought a bunch of the iwara tokens and wanted to give some to the anons here but i guess you don't get shit.
I will just send them to some hoyoslopper instead
One anon posted his video above

I personally don't post my shit online yet cause I'm only just learning and I'm very autistic about good content
please start using iwara.zip
Make me
oh boy now we're gonna have more patreon shills here that i'm gonna make sure get banned for advertising
Pleased to see you've taken critique to heart and improved. The stage is by ムムム, by the way. He uploads anonymously for whatever reason.

>> Then I used XRAnimator to do some mocap for the strip.
Not what I set out to look for but very interesting stuff to look at nonetheless, thank you

This is it, very cool. Although idk why dude just randomly dropped a download link to a eel by the same creator and I actually downloaded it
The question devil strikes again: what are the models used in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Vh_7BEpFI
I love how every video I could find using this model didn't bother crediting the model at all and every kashima model I could find on tstorage or bowlroll is just not this thing, it's like the entire MMD community unanimously agreed to absolutely obliterate any historical record of the making or the maker of this model. Or maybe I just need to improve my research approach.
a question for someone who uses blender

When the "decimate" modifier is added to reduce the number of polygons when exporting it in fbx the file size is reduced but when I export it as pmx the file has a similar size to the original but visually it has fewer polygons.

What do I have to do to also make the file size smaller?

In pmxeditor I join the vertices by distance and it works but the textures are distorted and in blender I tried it but it seems to ignore it when exporting the file in pmx or xps
Apply modifier,
export file
Check your morphs when you decimate, sometimes they get fucked up
Very good job anon, this is how a good video looks like, it's clear you put some real effort in instead of just copypasting a model and a montion onto it.
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>been monetized for 12 hours now
>0 donos
it's over bros.. i am a failure
Time to kill myself.
Would anyone happen to have these two videos downloaded and share them? Or at least know somewhere where they can be downloaded from?

MMD "KILLER B" [マシュ]:


MMD "Conqueror" [マシュ]:
i refuse to support or follow any artist who engages in privating elitism
Ho! my comrade, you knew it was just an illusion
Time to learn, just look at the ones that have most likes
anyone know where to get the model?
Holy fuck piconano retweeted that godlike miku bj. Thank fuck he's still alive.
It was a kit made by @shiboru_arata long tme ago for kashima, deleted from bowlroll. The maker has really good models but he just share them with specific japanese MMD´ers. TT^TT
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cope and seethe. check my 90 cents.
appreciated! i'll go back and add him to my credits.

by the time i'm good at using xranimator, i'll have Become the anime girl
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iwara takes 10% slice of that pie and once you cash it out later you also have to tax it so that is another 20% slice for the government and in the end there is barely anything left...
capitalism was a mistake
Anyone got MMD runnin on Wine?

I mostly got it to work on Wine 9.0 (64bit), except for the codecs. I installed utvideo and ffdshow, and they show up in the render dialog, but the bottom half gives an error message while selecting, and the top half along with ffdshow allow me start the render however the resulting avi file is garbage (only contains random noise/static). So I can only render in raw avi, which works but... 800 GB files are a mess and probably going to kill my M.2 drive in a hurry.

experimenting a bit further, it turns out I can use ffdshow with the Huffyuv encoder, which is lossless like utvideo, but only compresses to about 25% of the raw size... so 25 GB per minute of 4K/60fps video. And it's badly cpu-bound, so rendering takes twice as long. But still a little improvement.

Yet I want to get utvideo working. I described the problem wrong though, MMD will start rendering but then an error pops up "Could not use selected compressor"... which looks like I am the first person to get this message since there's not a single mention of it elsewhere, outside of the exe file.
Go to that user's videos and look at the descriptions, then google a relevant query, then some more.

Maybe it's time to accept some things just weren't made with Linux in mind and nobody has worked a way around it either because it's impossible or because nobody cared about that.
thanks for your time, I had already done it but as I mentioned only visually it changes but the size varies very little from the original

thanks, I will review it although what I export is only accessories such as a shoe or clothing without bones and not rigid but with many polygons
>it is still down
Anyone with more knowledge on why it is still down?
I'll buy and share Midas Touch by NatsumiSan, if anyone can get and share Magnetic by NikisaSan I would really appreciate it as I really want to use both
Kadokawa is under attack.
Lots of reasons, they are kind of hated for almost everything.
As much as I want Kadokawa to die for killing Kemono Friends I don't want that to happen at the cost of my models
They are hated for way more things than KF.
For example i hate them because they have been trying to force "global standards" to all anime studios not only the stuff they do to give anime "a better image".
>>> #define ALPHA_THRESHOLD 2.0
thanks for that, the value 2.0 totally didn't work for me because the entire material disappeared instead, but 0.998 made the spots smaller and with 0.997 they were gone

So you were right that it was an alpha issue although I have no idea where the "alphaness" is coming from. Unless it's from the sunlight that has to travel through a window, and is not due to a material property after all. Then it's weird that changing the material would fix it, isn't it? (But also, then why was only that one strip of tris affected...) Oh well, it's fixed now whatever the root cause was.

>That white mark in the upper left corner is an overstretched UV
well that was just because I tested what would happen with a randomly increased UV map size with no regard to the texture

i wish wed get an update on his new work
its supposed to be a prisma illya one
so hows it going broskis, are you all rich yet from all the fat wura coin donos?
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Literally the opposite.
i sent out a bunch of donations to my favorite artists so i actually lost money.
And the worst part is i haven't even got a single "thank you" back yet from anyone.
Fuck them then. They aren't getting a single more cent from me in the future. I mean sure, it's only 3 bucks, but i had to toil away at my shitty dead end wage cuck job i despite to make those 3 bucks, so the least they could do is show the minimum amount of gratitude.
so far my average donation rate over the past 36 hours was on the high zeroes per hour
Its great. I'm like Scrooge McDuck minus all of the coins
You're like those simps who donate thousands of dollars to ethots and expect attention in return
Why are people freaking out about automatically being in the creator program?
They don't like free money I guess
what the fuck, why is nobody donating to me??? are the donations broken?
i already quit my fucking job to live off of donations on iwara and i'm not getting any why the fuck not???!!
kek in all seriousness any dweebenheimer thinkin i'm running a charity here should just lose their jobs and go become a useless beggar that hangs out on beauregard st near the intersection with little river turnpike
I have no friends or social lie. Parasocial relationships with porn animators are the only thing i have.
And it's not like i'm asking them to my friend, all i wanted is a short "thank you" to show that they appreciate the support and that i am not just a number to them they don't care about at all.
Taxes for the king, no matter where you live
You know, they're just pennies
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why get only pennies when you can learn how to draw dimes like a real superstar
or a super st. R. like kevin R. nash
I wonder if they will expand this into a commission system like skeb, or a subscription system to replace patreon that's starting to clamp down harder and harder on this content.

The 10% fee just for sending funny internet moneys from one account to another seems pretty steep, even if they make the on-ramp/off-ramp slightly cheaper than others. I can only imagine that it's to cut down one person donating to another donating to another and so on, though for what reason would that even be bad?
So iwara is about to be attacked by payment processors soon too...

Does anyone have this Linaria model?
they aren't
it's just one angry jap kicking up stink
if you like his videos i suggest you download them, i feel he is getting close to going full schizo mode and nuking all his content
>The 10% fee just f
10% is extremely high, we are talking jew levels high
these are not some bank transactions, it's funny money being tossed around a local database on the site between users, the fee should only be applied when the tokens are being withdrawn into real cash
holy shit this guy is losing his shit over it
>noooo how dare you let me make money without my permission you MONSTERS
he is acting is if the admins raped him or something
>this tonin guy pushes BBC
Lol, he shouldn't get any money anyways.
Okay, tell me more
>he is acting is if the admins raped him or something
so he's a modern feminist kek
not now, busy looking for lost things
Does someone have this motion?
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what the fuck what an overpriced piece of shit
it's not nearly worth anywhere near that
please don't support that not even by pirating that motion
support motion creators who aren't greedy shits
This is America
Anyone has the new ILLIT - Magnetic motion by Nikisa san? It looks incredible in comparison to the old one on tstorage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYPKdPdlL8s
Why don't you try making a motion yourself to know their worth, entitled nigger? Even if you have experience, it takes a week of full-time work per minute on average, and I suspect many just pirate them anyway, so living off of motion making seems unfeasible if you don't have a passive income source or aren't a big name already. Judging by the beginning of the video, the motion seems to be of decent quality, too.
That was before, now you just look for the indicated video and put it in with the capture AI you will have to adjust some things like fingers and expressions, but it is relatively easy.

Lmfao, even QuickMagic outputs shit, especially if it can't see the full body. I've seen motions that use it. For example:

And established creators will probably keep making things the way they are used to, as they should be able to see the difference in quality and will likely find it easier to make things from scratch than post-edit a machine output.
hard to believe that being said here considering the grammatical (lack of) prowess of certain people that come here
Of course you have to have a minimum knowledge of what you do and what you have to fix to make a decent animation and not just publish it directly as it is captured, it has worked quite well for me in shorts and saves me a lot of time.

And of course manual creations will continue.
Welcome to 4chan
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit.

least schizophrenic japanese mmd user
Anyone got either of these models?


why not buy them and support the artists? 1000 jap dollars is a very reasonable price
really amazing job with the facial expressions, she's a cutie
It's just that Booth can't charge my card so I had to buy them on Gumroad with a higher price //
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Looking for that model. Does anyone have any?
pay through paypal
Was looking for some dock/harbor stages...

Did anyone download these before nico died with all its secrets? (Or maybe you are psychic and can guess the fucking password...)

Or other such stages instead? The only one I found without password was https://bowlroll.net/file/131840
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Whaddaya know, I am indeed a psychic with otherworldly knowledge of where to check first if your password source page is down.

Also see:
葱焼町 ver1.1 (?);
ステージ配布(海辺) by nimoo (a single fisherman's hut);
https://bowlroll.net/file/311176 (?)
And google things like "mmd dock stage."
oh fuck, why do I keep forgetting that the wayback machine exists... thanks
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They updated maintenance notice with blog post link of their situation and apparently datacenter was mega fucked by ransomware.
hopefully they'll learn to not build an infrastructure with a single point of failure in the future, and invest in better opsec (though of course that's easier said than done)
personally i hate them for refusing to work in a new 2d fighter maker, specially when they can easily update the old as fuck 2dFM2002 for modern standards for Exa Arcadia's use.

Here you are.

anyone willing to buy and edit this?
anyone have this model?
if i get about 20 followers from each video i post then to get to any meaningful amount of followers like 10k i would have to post 500 videos.
This is impossible .. i would have to produce the worst most low effort slop ever and post daily..
The only way to signal boost is by getting on the trending page which is impossible because only uploaders who are already massive get on trending.
it's over bros, i give up ;_;
'It's about quality, not quantity
at least it's better than youtube, where the video I uploaded gets like 5 views per month...

The only viable way is to shill them everywhere on social media. People are too lazy to find the good stuff on their own.
>'It's about quality, not quantity
bullshit, there are videos on iwara that clearly had a lot of effort put into them next to videos that are literally drag&drop model and motion slop and they both get same amounts of likes and views
>make shitty video
>upload it on youtube
>do nothing
>someone else post it on leddit
>get over 1000 subs
>People are too lazy to find the good stuff on their own.
specially on iwara, there is no way to find videos beause nobody bothers to tag properly literally the only way to find good videos is by going through all of them one by one which is an impossible task with like 300 new videos uploaded every day
Nonsense guys, the only way your videos will be allowed to get any views is if your videos have BBC/Blacked/sinsack, which makes up 2/3 of the content uploaded onto that dump we all know as Iwara. Just look at the new and trending videos.
Can anyone share this motion?
Does anyone know if blendy's Akiha model was ever shared? I saw some people saying that he shared it a long time ago on twitter, but can't find it anywhere
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this should just be a place to post pics or gifs/webms but it's like /soc/ for whiny shills begging for e-money for their cut n paste lewd dance projects
>though of course that's easier said than done
No kidding, against the state-level attackers that hit them. After all, let's not pretend it was a coincidence this happened within weeks of them rejecting the censorship demands that VISA/MasterCard sent on behalf of their masters.
you're gay as fuck. quality over quantity. quantity is the game of chance. quality gets you explosive growth.
After getting 1-5 subscribers per video for 2 years on youtube a random "miku shooting herself with a gun" animation i made got me like 70k followers(and also got me banned), its mostly random at this point unless you release really specific stuff, the least random(but still random) way is releasing stuff on twitter hoping a big artists retweets it.
OK, i know where to get character models and stages now, but where the fuck do i look for items and stuff? Nico is still dead.
Also google keeps getting more and more retarded giving less relevant results, and Yandex sometimes doesn't archive sites properly.
Almost makes me want to learn blender and scan my pantry to make stuff.
Just share a real number with the Party, come on. It's that easy. Remember, the Party is your friend and wants to see you succeed as long as your interests do not go against its own.
>items and stuff
Deviantart, converting props from 3D Custom Girl or other 3D H-games. Check the free section of booth.pm
There's plenty of options.
>quality gets you explosive growth.
not it doesn't.
it's 60% of it is sheer luck factor if you go viral or not
your videos need to not be total shit to go viral of course but most of it is still luck
>just give the chinese your personal info
this soi would give north korea our nuclear codes
True, I absolutely would give your nuclear codes to North Korea if I happened to get my hands on them. Fuck America, I can't even directly buy MMD-related stuff online due to its virtue-signalling sanctions. (I technically can, but a workaround will cost too much to set up.)
does anyone have the mobiusP motions? now with the nicovideo site dead I can't get the passwords.
Have you checked the wayback machine for the passwords?
hi, does anyone know if azur lane cheshire magician costume exist anywhere or this model is only a custom model that private to this video only??
well this was a neverending story after all... turns out that while ALPHA_THRESHOLD 0.997 got rid of the black spots, in a different pose white spots started appearing now... see screenshot

But I finally found the actual cause: the black spots are the images of the back of the sclera, which I had set to an Editor/ClearCoat material, and used the editor to give the sclera more brightness using EmissiveRGB.

Turning of the emissive properties, the black spots also disappeared. Looking into it, there seems to be a bug in the Ray-MMD emissive layer, that overwrites the customA property of materials in front of it. But customA is actually used for the rendering of materials with bump maps, so I think the shape of the spots is actually the shape of the sclera but scaled by the UV map.

Anyway, there's a fix here, which creates a separate emissive property instead of abusing customA, also fixing transparent materials in front of emissives:
He uses like-revealed passwords, and I don't think those can be obtained this way (Nico doesn't load for me through the archive now anyway)...
...but for some motions you will be able to find an answer online if you google the link or the author's name.

Looks interesting, maybe I should include that in my patch.
It still relates to transparency though. I forgot to reply earlier, getting lost in adapting sdPBR, but the process behind empty dots appearing might be related to gbuffer transfer losses, or texel filtering while the texture is compressed in the gbuffer, or whatever.
>a bug in the Ray-MMD emissive layer
>in my patch.
Along with the bloom bugfix posted in one of last threads, I wish there was a somewhat comprehensive list of known bugfixes, something to check when you notice something odd about raymmd to see if it's a known issue with a fix
and you'd also convene with the hamas thinking they wouldn't kill you just because of that attitude being too trusting of anyone outside our country's parameters
Any recommendations for a water ripple effect that works with raymmd? Beamman Water just won't reflect the skybox so it looks gray... because the ray skybox isn't an actual model material I guess. I could load another skybox inside but that messes up the ray lighting.
and by ripple I mean those produced where a model touches the water, not just the general ripples provided also by the ray water material
Probably not, but I would pick them over the rabid Zionist regime and its dogs if I had to choose one to entrust my life to. At least I wouldn't be blasted into pieces and then used in false propaganda by those who I expected to protect me, kek.

MirrorWater, although it creates crude waves rather than ripples.
But there's no beating the hamon material from sdPBR.
>At least I wouldn't be blasted into pieces
heh lol
so anyone got any wura yet? i am curious if my art just sucks dick or if nobody is just donating to anyone
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not a limbless person, just a sandtrap
Is this model public (teihen508's Kagamine Rin)?

I think the naked body creator could be tarako.
I don't think TararaTarako was even in the picture 5 years ago.

What a stupid android, she could just wiggle her body up the stone to get out.
what's not seen are the stakes her limbs are tied to
Help! Does anyone know the password for this?

Not tararatarako, this tarako (たらこ):
Google the name to learn the correct reading and copy it or use GT with kana input. If you're an absolute fucking retard and don't even have a clue about the password, Google Translate that description first and always do that before asking.

Yeah...never made publicly. :(
reupload this from baidu
can someone help?

>this tarako
that one never shares shit, he should just take too many vaxx jabs
can someone help?
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I can now add that rendering quality is noticeably better in similar conditions and it can do much more, but it also demands much more from your GPU. You will need either a high-grade card (I think you'll need at least a 12 GB RTX 2080) or low-end settings (neither personally confirmed) to get decent in-project performance in MikuMikuMoving with it. (This is not as big of a problem in MikuMikuDance, but in MMM I seem to be limited to an even lower rendering resolution than by Ray-MMD for MMM—trying to render in 2160p froze my PC for a good few minutes and failed, but I had a bunch of other software running then, including Bluestacks and Vivaldi.) However, cascade shadow mapping for the main light (and main light reflection alignment??) seems to work better in Ray-MMD.
Color control is easier in Ray-MMD, and Ray-MMD lights cast shadows without a radius limit (plus they already work in MMM, lol). On the other hand, Ray-MMD breaks down in MMM, with a possible crash depending on how you proceed, if you edit the material map with non-included texture resource-utilizing or offscreen-render-utilizing effects present, while sdPBR doesn't seem to do it—its materials are assigned from the main dialog (both break down if you remove the last existing skybox). Ray-MMD is also more widespread and thus has more community-created resources.

tl;dr: for juicier colors (or 100% compatibility with MikuMikuMoving), go to Ray-MMD, but if you have a high-end rig and want a more realistic look, sdPBR is better, and it's also being actively developed, while Ray-MMD is more or less abandoned. (With some weak action going on in the dev branch on github.)

Captcha: K0PRAW. Raw cope? Uhhh... no?
So top is sdPBR bottom is Ray-MMD?

At least I like the look of the top one better, or bottom just has the emissive setting dialed to 11?
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I went with default "emissive x4" materials in both cases (yellow in the case of Ray-MMD + a light that actually emits light instead of just volumetric fog).

The effect selection can be compared here:

I also realized that I didn't use SSR in sdPBR for a more proper comparison, but the one that works in MMM without solving the gbuffer issue was ugly, and SSR in Ray-MMD requires Reona's Ray-MMD SSR fix to work the way you see there anyway.
>but it also demands much more from your GPU
That's the reason why MMM is not for rendering
ts l1pmxfp3g2vg
does someone have this motion?
Is there anyone, who could download this erofu?

PW: mxrj
Hey, how do i render if i only have a gtx 970?
it will just take longer that's all, I start it when I go to bed and it'll be done the next day (at 4K it's about 3 hours per minute of 60fps video...)
Ahh. It's going to take forever.
For now I'll stick with mmd
How do I set a bone so that it moves with another bones, but only in one direction?

What I want to do is apply the breast motion to a cloth layer in front, but only make it go out and in but not sideways or up and down as that looks weird.
Just your usual CN 3d assets site.
ts wabifnc6tx34
Thanks bro
Thanks fren!
Baidu is the only site where I can't make an account as a foreigner.
Can anyone get this model?https://blender.kim/81735
does anyone know what model this is?
baidu link

HTTP 404 - Not found
I mean, I can set the axis limit and that works when manually moving that bone or in a motion. But it looks like there's no way to limit motion that comes from the parent bone or the append setting.

Is using colliders the only way to achieve that?
can someone please share how to make 8K VR180 videos with mmd?
It's this person's only video: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/bambina/videos
link dead
This is the link for the model https://blender.kim/81735.html?btwaf=73135796
What are alternatives to postrim lighting? Weeks ago I remember someone speaking about an ikeno (?) effect but I can't find it for the life of me
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I don't think that guy was talking about MikuMikuMoving, as the best it can offer for videos (on my machine) is 1440p. Although that might be just a VRAM issue, as it's throwing an OOM error, but if so, it's likely to be even worse on your GTX970 than on my 6GB RTX 2060.

But what he said does also apply to MikuMikuMoving at resolutions it's capable of.
Some MMM data:
1) Rendering 10 seconds at 30 fps in that pool scene took me 15 seconds with effects disabled.
2) With Ray-MMD, 77 seconds.
3) With sdPBR, 162 seconds.
You can watch the results here at the maximum bitrate of 73 Mbps:

You can use IK angle limits with circular rotation, which is what I did for the sewing machine in Alice's house, seen at the end of this showcase:
But I suspect it might not be adaptable to your needs. Here's the setup anyhow:
I think you need physical bones (bodies) constrained by joint limits instead, which is how modelers make breast curtains or necklaces only bounce up. Front slide Z -1?
Alternatively, just add a -Z offset to your clothing bones / nullify non-Z movement and rotation.

I don't see it either, so it must have a tag that is only visible to logged-in users.
Looking at the avatar, I bet it's loli.

Tried googling? Query example: "making vr 180 mmd."

Try searching the last thread for "light." <Ikeno> is likely a memory write bug.
well the girl is Inazuma from Kancolle, but given that it's Blender, most likely a custom head swap instead of any of the available models of her

>I think you need physical bones (bodies) constrained by joint limits instead, which is how modelers make breast curtains or necklaces only bounce up
Yes that sounds exactly like what I need. I haven't had much success working with joints yet in the past so I forgot about them... could you suggest a model to check out how this works?
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The Sister - Center Fix, or ぽじお式シスター, but this picture from December should be more than enough to understand this aspect.
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Oh lol yeah ig that makes sense
I wanted the shirt, it's openable via morphs and I wanted that for my waifu
I know I can find a random shirt and do the opening animation myself, it just won't look as nice haha

People who have harnessed the power of Blender, approximately how long did it take you from start learning it to producing your first video with it? I'm losing my shit learning it and starting to doubt if I'm actually retarded or have ADHD, maybe my brain is just too rusted.
could anyone help me with this download? Thanks in advance


I wonder which Chinese site BowlRoll's referring to.
It's been reposted so many times here, starting with the famous aplaybox, that it's endless. Do Japanese people really think they can do something about it?
Does anyone know the shader/effects this user: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/toonmmd ...and this user: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/guilty_blood use?
how can i add a jiggle to a pregnant belly in mmd? do i need to learn all that blender shit?
Same way as you add breast physics in principle, so no you don't need blender at all.

But weighting it properly will be more difficult because of all the different bones involved (comparable to butt physics), so I guess blender would make that a little easier. For a decent approximation you can surely just use pmxe though.
where can i download that guy with the bag over his head i see often used in videos? thanks frens
thanks fren
it's known affectionately by the mmd community as B-Bag. B standing for Blasephemous of course.
did this assclown change the pass or am i doing it wrong
is it not
I thought it was "Sin Sacks".
Wtf are you talking about? That model was always referred to as Sin Sack.
woops, in the wrong timeline again, geg
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What's the rush, lmao?
Both have their contacts in the descriptions, by the way, so you could just ask them directly.
Cross "shadows": XXシャドウ (im10212009).
Ripply water: MirrorWater.
Reflective floor: WorkingFloor or MirrorFloor.
Shader: hard to say for the second guy. Some non-toon shader that hardly uses physical-based shading (this might be an illusion caused by using skydomes as stages or reflective floors + low shadow density) but at the same time makes use of normal map materials, whose appearance very strongly resembles Ray-MMD, and if so, it's using main_ex_sphmap. The first guy uses some non-toon, non-PBR shader. Could be ExcellentShadow in combination with N3+C.
Also some form of diffusion and one of the myriad effects (possibly "Fireflies") spawned by Soboro's TexSnowLite if not the original.

Also see Ademar440's public files for a version with PP already attached if that's what you want.
+ RyuS1, a.k.a. David, is the original porn Sin Sack.

Who knows, but there's a non-password-protected link on Pixiv.

BDEF4_Recoat from na7 plugins would be enough to put in the weights for most torsos, but if the bulged area is weighted to several torso bones—as it should be—you will run into a hideous deformation issue if she crunches. My best solution for that was to make a separate mesh with most of the upper body weights gone, except at the edges where it joins the rest of the body.
Bone chain: movable base bone parented to lower body > hidden bone parented to upper body 1 and locally parented to the base bone, with a bone tracking rigid attached > child physical bone with all the weights, physical body joined to the bone tracking rigid. Probably improvable by using IK bones to limit rotation.
+AutoLuminous for both and possibly sdCrossFilter for light glares (AL also has this functionality, but it looks different) used by the second guy.
This is your reminder that if you download a file off of Bowlroll that requires you to be logged in, the uploader can see your Twitter username and potentially contact you if they feel petty enough.
of course that's only if you're retarded enough to login by twitter instead of a proper bowlroll account like a decent person
Can anyone share this ?
pass ?

Question: What is the pure digital song title of Broken Eyebrow (Charlie Puth)?
I try put in a buch of title but it doesn't work
>not just using a burner github account
kek what a bitch
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But of course.
What body is this? Her tits are gorgeous
That one doesn't work.
When will nico come back up i need to download some models
They say around a month or so as of June 14th.
Too bad Niconico is down so I can't fucking get the effect anyway.

Fuckng ransomware fuckbro.
As for N3+C Shader, the author of that shader got rid of it so I can't find that shit too.
But the one I do find on bowlroll is password protected and guess where the password is? Yup, Niconico, down and fucking RANSOMWARE'D!
Lurk more, newfag. >>2874642
I guess I should also warn you to pay attention to spaces at your destination.
Don't fucking call me a fag...4chan asshole.
I guess I was being way nicer than warranted.
newfag, kwab, raped and gaped
does someone have this motion?
Can someone help me with this password? It seems to be the lyrics of a song in the description, but I couldn't figure it out
DId you happen to download the model ? the file is no longer available for download
Please tell me someone saved it, she's just so cute
Someone please download and distribute this stage.
password is PTSY
In progress
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Did anyone happen to grab this before the sales period ended?


Can this be shared please
Does anyone have magnetic by nikisasan? The version on ts is not it :(
This is a Lafite model that I converted on commission from others, and with permission I post it publicly, enjoy.
this is a preview of the Lafite II model.
How to remove certain vertexes from a morph in PMX?
Does anyone have the MMD model of Yoruichi or Kocho Shinobu made by waifummd?
>Sir you must add dick to girl to fuck and tape
Fucking indian commissions never make any sense.
Here's for Motions!!

just say "good morning sir do not redeem" and be on your way
That's not the real Midas Touch and Magnetic. Someone was trolling us.
can someone help?
Fuck faggots that won't share

ts 2rn5thwtonfi

I bought Midas Touch, if someone could please share the real Magnetic I'd be grateful
ok ok. sorry.
Does anyone have sexy lingerie models?
Almost everyone who isn't strictly dealing with SFW. Why don't you check the links from the OP—that is, the opening post of this thread—before asking such basic questions, newfag?
I checked the contents.
ejgchggbtjke Midas Touch MAISON It also had a missing piece.
8w8uvtc0vg6h Magnetic HOT PINK
why are there so many midas touch on tstorage
they're all different sizes too
Folks tend to re-upload files, probably to ensure preservation or for easy access from the personal upload list. At times, someone decides to do a little trolling and changes the contents or makes an honest edit.
Can someone who has this share? Can't get the pass now with nico down.
How do you animate those pretty hip/leg vibrations when a girl cums? Is it lowerbone, or what bone I mean?

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