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Previously: https://rentry.org/marniecchive
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Why did the previous thread get deleted?
>some autist reported a lot of western art + stuff he thought was western (not only in that thread, but in multiple)
>jannies remove a lot of pics
>people start arguing
>thread gets deleted
That's was all. It's better to not talk about it.
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so, the eternal story of why society can never have anything nice, retards re'ing...

why is that not surprising?
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Follow the rules or don't post at all. It should happen more, especially on the other boards.
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Kairou's stuff (AI and actual art) were posted and deleted in that thread for being western
Meanwhile somebody posted Kairou in this thread anyway
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nice edible butthole
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So basically, the correct course of action for when someone shitposts by whining about muh """western""" art is to report and ignore it if we dont want our threads deleted? Gotcha
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