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Bonus points for official art.

Double bonus points for gifs, screencaps, or stitches.
File: vInQVeg.gif (1.38 MB, 500x281)
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1.38 MB GIF
for me, it's rossweisse
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695 KB GIF
File: Rias Smaller.jpg (1.44 MB, 1500x2168)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB JPG
What's your thoughts on the Hero artstyle?
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1.07 MB
1.07 MB PNG
not a fan myself
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193 KB JPG
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Rias is perfect
File: ExQ0k-TWUAAGv-Q.jpg (172 KB, 640x800)
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172 KB JPG
It's fine. I've "enjoyed" the ending op of Hero many times, but its a definite downgrade from the old artstyle. Rias was a lot sexier in it, for example, whereas in Hero she looks more like a generic modern day waifu
it's the eyes
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3.29 MB WEBM
just started watching this and I can't get over just how much of a detestable pervert issei is
Do subs make it worse or better?
One thing that did annoy me about the show is how Akeno's tits are usually undermined.
They're meant to be larger than Rias's, but some scenes like this one don't make it that way.

At the very least DxD Hero rectifies this with scenes like >>2876018 where the size difference is more blatant. I just wish Akeno had more scenes...

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