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>Images and videos

>DOA XVV guide

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)

>Previous thread: >>2860793
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We need more naked Nanami and Amy
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Did they do something with the latest update?
I always stuck on the blacks screen.
it happens occasionally to me too. Sometimes if I leave it long enough it will start the game, other times i've had to back up my mods and reshade files then uninstall/reinstall the game. depending on how fast your internet is this may be the quicker option.
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You mean a black screen when booting up the game? Yeah that happens to me too and I just force close it and restart.
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Nut inside Shandy
Nut inside Elise
Nut inside Nanami
Nut inside Kokoro
Nut inside Yukino
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Plow the dealer on her own table!
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But if you do that she wins
I still lost 1000 coins, cumming inside her 1000 times is her punishment
>Lobelia's alt hairstyle finally released
I've been waiting for this
Long hair Lobelia is still best
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technically it's still long, just curlier
Is there a mod that desaturates the color of Lobelia's new ponytail? Similar to the mod that desaturates her normal hairstyle?
Why are there 2 /doa/ threads on /e/? We should let one of them die.
2 Lobelia threads
Lobelia's birthday

Steam [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN4VNJph1xw]
Cause the other one didnt use the subject field so it shows up in the search if you type "dead" and also wasn't linked in the previous thread for whatever reason. So it was created without being linked for like 3 days.

I can see why it happened.
Delicious, will always go first.
I suggest we keep to this thread then.
Eh whichever works and I'll keep both open. It's not like one thread was made by some bad actor or anything. Also this board is so slow that both can probably live and make it to bump limit naturally.
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I killed trillions on Lobelia's birthday
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Livestream happening on the 27th with information on the new Venus being added. New Venus will be voiced by Reina Kondo.

Pre-release teaser [https://youtu.be/a1IjHaPjEJM]
Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/live/wk131eoZGDk]
Koharu's sister
According to the tweet by the producer, it'll be a simultaneous release on both the domestic and international versions of VV.

Full tweet here [https://x.com/doax_vv_staff/status/1805569064414462004]
Watching the teaser, maybe we'll get a swimmer character?

I'd doubt TN would recast Lisa.
it's nico isn't it
Other important things to note, only the first star suit will be available simultaneously for both domestic and international versions.

Seems like the second and subsequent star suit will only be available in the international version in advance.
Nah, its a new girl. They got her VA on deck for the reveal livestream. Even the producer stated that the "new Venus played by Rena Kondo will deliver a "new cuteness"."
NiCO is voiced by Sumire Uesaka, this is a new OC since the VA is new to the franchise
Just to add, if the plan was to bring back Lisa/Nico or any other OG into VV, they'd just do a surprise reveal during the stream (like Tina's re-debut). But they've already revealed a new VA which rules out the OGs and confirms an OC reveal.
It's Mila
any kind brother willing to share the doaxvvposechange mod?
Nut inside Tina
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>not a high pitched voice
>serious sounding demeanor
>practicing diving
Are we finally getting a choco sporty tomboy?
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Meant for >>2875689
That's my hope too, a choco swimmer girl.
Even if true it's still unfortunate that they're too cowardly to make her fit and will just put her head on a slider tweaked normal body. Just the slightest hint of strong legs or tummy would do.
>make her fit
Who knows? Nips generally don't prefer toned women but the new girl is (supposedly) catered to the international fanbase.
American girls are such sluts (compliment)
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If it's her feet in the teaser then she's not choco:
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Does anyone know how to install this mod to DOA5LR without using uMod? Reshade might be the only option however it's messing with my brain

I will rape Ayane
First, you neeed to extract those costumes from the game, there's a tool named LR Photo Studio, you can view the models and decide where to extract them, then look for a tool named texture tool, and swap the textures from the models with the textures of that modpack from the picture, save the changes and load the costumes by using another tool named autolink.
Owner-san non blood related imouto.
God i love Tina so much
new girl, swimmer, seems to have a more serious/frank personality
Shandy's little sister with Nagisa's awful personality.
Can't wait to see her get facefucked
what mod is this?

and why we have two same threads?!
someone made a thread with no title first, presumably someone else ctrl+f'd "DOA" and found nothing, assumed there was no thread and made this one and now we have two.
ctrl+f'd "Dead or Alive", rather, since that wouldnt pop up in the catalog for the other thread
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She's looking kinda sunburned in this footage. At least her face is.
forgive me lord for I love this girl so much
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Post more naked Amy
I got Raise the Sail for Amy last week, but I noticed that the link for the common body type for that mod by Teddy is dead. Is there any one else who made a good version of that mod, or am I out of luck?
I just downloaded the mod to check.

You are logged into LL right? All downloads are broken unless you are.
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I feel like I'm going insane, I tried again and it worked. I was logged in before and it was saying the download page was removed by the author and it didn't exist. I'll chalk it up to a ghost in LL web code.
Here's an Amy in thanks, This was my first costume for her so I need to grind some stuff out to get her props and posing cards.
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Its the first of a new month. Reminder to give the cheating dealer a visit.
But the カジノ reset days ago.
DMM resets on the first of every month.
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My bad. I guess I got it confused with EN. I glanced through the JP news page and saw something about the Casino when Reika was added, but I wasn't paying attention and just assumed it was an early reset(turns out it was just saying more items were added for her).
As usual I put Nagisa to work and she cleaned both out in a single session just now(EN needs to fast track the new QoL already):
Help anons,
I tried the "Venus Vacation Resolution Patcher" (from loverslab) to upscale a vanilla DOAX to 3440*1440 (21:9), and it just didn't work. I still have the black bars. I also tried 4K with same resolution, but it just stretches the image and UI without removing black bars. Anyone knows a fix?
remove that patcher and follow this guide
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Not bad workaround, cheers anon
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damn this outfit is godly
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I tried both methods, manually hex editing and the patcher, from the start, and it doesn't work. I have the latest Steam version (english). Did I miss something in the settings, perhaps?
anons, does someone still have this mod?
damn i used to have it
forgot to save it when i reset my folders a while ago
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need more hitomi
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Is there no way to auto this?
Nope. That feature was even requested by the VV comic artist during a livestream with the producer.
they should let us to get all items that we pass.
Penis Vacation is too brutal of a gacha
How do you get the wheels again? It's been a long time since I touched this game and I only recently re installed it
You get wheels mainly from the event shop during the week of the pool hopping event. You trade event currency for them.
You can also buy 64 total wheels for v-stones in the owner shop during the week of the event. These aren't paid v-stones despite being in the owner shop either.

Once the pool hopping week has passed the button remains on the home screen since the wheels don't expire right away to give people a chance to use them. This might be where any confusion comes from since you would see the button but dont see any wheels in the current event shop.

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