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>>2856314 (Previous thread)
>Screenshots, manga pages, production art, staff drawings, etc. from non-ero shows, manga, and games.
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Wow, Ibuki's bigger than I thought.
I should read the Franxx manga instead of watching the show, huh.
Not really, just enjoy the official art on its own
Those don’t look very official…
as official as can be, it was drawn by the dude who did the artwork for megaman legends, and the promotial artwork for the classic series around that time (mainly the covers of the jap ports for the ps1)
Really? Jesus.
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A pair of nudes of China-San by Tsuruta Itself (Spirit Of Wonder)
Because they aren't. They're fanart. It's like thinking that John Romero's new Doom levels are "official" even though he hasn't worked for id software in 25 years.
Falls under the 4th item mentioned in the OP post: staff drawings. It's just meant to be art from the people that worked on the original/official product.
yup. I love when people bitch about posts in a thread without reading the OP, lmao. This thread is meant for official drawings AND drawings made by staff/former staff. We've had these threads for a few years straight now, and people still bitch without reading the OP
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I'm trying to find Yuragi Yuna staff material but no luck. not even in sadpanda
the best I can find is some audiction previews

Couldn't find your image in higher quality so here is an upscale. Better than nothing. I have a few more that are non-upscale.
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looks like AI-generated shlop now
Yeah, didn't want to say anything to be polite, AI upscaling always looks like shit, lol

The blurry pixels are fine and preferable. At least they're what the artist actually drew.
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I don't think I see anything out-of-the-ordinary...
Interesting plot... and choice of clothes this time too
Please zoom in or see an optometrist, lol. Her hands, eyes, toes, and nipples are all fucked up along with the lineart in general looking weirdly shitty, especially around the hair and face.
Not even the eyes becoming twirly shit? Her right hand becoming some sort of pine cone? Her left hand looking like she was picking her nose?
Thanks anon
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I'm not sure if this is edited or not
Guys, is it fucking hard to say the source and the origin? « She's "..." from "...", this pic is from this particular artbook » or at least put the character's name or series in the file name? Saucenao isn't omnipotent you know.

Example: Narusegawa Naru from Love Hina, from the artbook "Love Hina" na Hitobito by his original author.
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Agreed, anon. I appreciate anything anyone posts in here, but it really helps out when some explanation is given, especially when the whole point of the thread is that the art shown is official or semi-official. Sometimes saucenao helps, but it misses pretty often, too.

On that note, >>2878736 seems to be an edit of the pic I'm posting, unfortunately, unless someone has a "no, the artist came back and edited it themselves" explanation for it.

>>2878730 source would be nice for this. She's cute! Looks like the Seiken Densetsu artists, maybe?
Filename reads as Purimura. No character with that name in the franchise I can find, but admittedly my knowledge with the series is really only SD1 and 2.
I saw a miniscule version of this the other day and can say this is just a shitty edit.
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Did not know this existed, neat.
Pretty nice and pleasant to have a source huh? It doesn't take time and no effort to give a simple information.

Message for all the participant of this thread:
Just stop posting things like these>>2876748 >>2878730 >>2878736 , and make posts more like these >>2876790 >>2876997 >>2877984

Guys, if you don't have all the informations, it's not a big deal, just give at least the name of the manga/anime/game. If you want to share particular pictures in this thread, and if you know it's official, that mean you know the franchise.... riiiight?
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Just found out the creator of the yuri manga Shino to Ren has a fanbox with 18+ content of the series
Shit, 3k yen for the good stuff though. At least someone was based enough to upload the stuff up to February. Would love to see the recent stuff, though.
I think it was an illustration in a premium disc that you could apply for if you bought the entire trilogy when Sega's "Shining Force 3" was released.
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lurk 10 years and watch more anime
The first of your three examples literally has the name of the anime in the image. The third is Chidori and a reverse image search gives you that result, and I'm sorry if you don't know who Chidori is you really do need to lurk more.

The second one could have used more context beyond the character name in the filename though. We did eventually sus it out though.
>The first of your three examples literally has the name of the anime in the image

In japanese, it's very helping lmao

> The third is Chidori and a reverse image search gives you that result

Like i've said, saucenao isn't omnipotent and you can't be sure if saucenao will find your pic before you upload your file, and furthermore , this isn't because saucenao can find your source that you don't have to post the source by yourself

> and I'm sorry if you don't know who Chidori is you really do need to lurk more

And i'm sorry you're MyAnimeList :( . This joke aside, I think it's totally norrmal to not know every fictional character in the world. And to be clear about why I picked this post, it was totally for an example, it checked every things I hate in this kind of thread, shitty file name, no explanation, no context, no source. I could have used this one for example too >>2876624 , it work perfectly even if I know she's Chun-li.

> The second one could have used more context beyond the character name in the filename though. We did eventually sus it out though

That's the problem, we don't have to investigate because someone is too lazy to write few words in its post or filename, like I've said earlier, if you post a picture on this thread, that mean you know it's official, if you know it's official, that mean you know the franchise and the source. I won't lie, the file name "プリムラ" is a pretty weak hint and give no usefull information on google.

Oh btw, inb4 "Haha ESL lolol" like this it's done
There are certain characters which if you're on this anime image board you should have learned who they are simply from osmosis. Chidori is one of those characters.

And you can clearly type in hiragana/katakana so you should have been able to search for さばげぶっ! to find it is that airsoft anime from a few years back. Your phone can translate it as well.

There is nothing wrong with asking for a source, but it was the way you phrased it that rubbed people the wrong way.
Never watched Full metal panic, and Chidori seem very "meh" and not really recognizable, I've never watched Black Lagoon, but I can recognize Revy, I've watched Cowboy Bepop, but before seeing it I knew who was Faye, I don't think Chidori is at the same level than Faye Valentine, Revy, Rei Ayanami or Yoko Littner.

How can I write in "hiragana/katakana" apart "handwriting" it with the mouse on google translate? It take me a lot of time to write it, try to pick the right hiragana/katakana google translate suggest me (when it can understand what I try to write), and won't lie, it doesn't motivate me to try to search with only hiragana / katakana.
Any new Kaedoko stuff?
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Oh yeah, here.
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Catbox links for the full-sized stuff
Based. Thank you, Anon
Fantastic. Thank you sir. Would you happen to have the full size version of the original with Kanna's sister and the fan? I like to keep both versions around and don't have that one.

Here is the original of Kanna without the side nipple: https://files.catbox.moe/okvpj2.png
Everything should before this be on Kemono afaik.
Er, everything before this should be on Kemono. Idk how the hell I screwed that sentence up.
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I wish there was a rape doujin where some van full of dudes grabs a girl off the streets, sits her in a chair, forcibly does her hair and makeup, then sends her on her way.
i rly like the art, i hope its a good one
The artist won't draw her as loli even though he loves shota? Double standards much?
you fuck, you make me sick

i love that body style, is more erotic
Looks loli enough for me.
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Sick bastard.
I've seen one like that where they do the same but with the long skirt by tying it upwards and ravaging the girl.
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Phyllis is a pervert... As usual both the Patreon and the Fanbox rewards, enjoy bros!
Even get a nice surprise at the end. Thanks as always.
Thanks Anon
They really need to get another artist, nobeta boobs are getting bigger with every new doujin
She's a growing girl!
thanks anon, mvp
that means she's fertile now
the image of phyllis and nobeta naked together on the beach is for some reason way hotter to me than the sex.
Thanks anon
Love the Nobeta doujin rewards so I hope they keep doing more of those every once in a while
The idea of full collection in the future is looking pretty good
This. I'd rather have a nude beach episode than just more fucking. They should start doing fun ecchi scenarios since we've already seen Nobeta getting fucked like 5 times.
I'm still holding out hope for Nobeta and Phyllis fucking cause of that one image they did before of them making out naked but without any visible nudity.

but yeah fun ecchi situations would be preferred now, Nobeta on a nude beach or some form of exhibitionism like live streaming would be way hotter than just another rape.
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speaking of, I did do a kind of half assed decensor of that Phyllis image they released a few months back cause I thought her pussy looked really cute and you could kind of trace it behind the black bars so I took a shot at it,
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Also while I'm at it, here was a probably super anatomically incorrect edit I made cause I'm one of maybe 3 Phyllis fans.
While anatomically incorrect, still delicious.
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I indeed prefer Flatbeta or Noboobeta.
I think a good combo of both would be great
Like mostly the former but it escalates to more of the latter
Maybe in a more softcore or hidden/stealth way
Also nice
Great job anon!
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Phyllis's "meowuuu" breaks my heart every time
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twitter has a lot of material that unfortunately is difficult to find using only the googles lens or saucenao
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Were these images posted on Twitter (X)?
Please also tell me the Twitter(X) URL where the image was found.
Curse the nipple length sideburns. Ruining so many otherwise lewd images!
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Is this from another image set? Do they lose the swimsuits?
It's from the AmiAmi merch sets they are doing, no doubt it'll be an image set down the line.
Wow! Thanks for sharing man! Please keep sharing if you find more <3
Honestly going foreword, i hope they keep doing more of them as a pair, feel like there's just way more to do with 2 girls than another nobeta naked and looking happy/embarrassed or her getting raped for the dozenth time
Did someone save the nude version of this image? I think it showed in some livestream
This. Obviously not as if the latter can't be good but if they "spam" it but don't spice it up it loses it's appeal fast.
It was uploaded to this site.

Someone please post some offical Toaru Railgun lewds.
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Best thing I have is this Misaki from an actual animator of the show, so... Enjoy.
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One of the anime artists released a few books with lewds of the Railgun characters, but they are all sketches.
There have been new volumes not scanned. Maybe there's a chance of a few more in those.
Maybe in japanese sites, but if they havent been posted yet...
does umineko have official lewd art?
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quite a lot
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Mostly by Alchemist for the PS3 port as well as DEEN for the anime, but the man himself did draw this as well. Fucking freak.
There's also this one from the man himself, titty mousepad with 3D nipples. Crazy.
Sadly though, not any bare nipples as far as Im aware, unless you really wanna count this manga panel as something noteworthy. Would love to be proven wrong though... :)
This one is done by Remotaro actually, same guy who did the art in Ciconia, which is why it looks 100 times better than Ryukishi's works.
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Ohh okay, my bad!
New mysterious liquid Kaedeko image dropped today.
Need this in a higher resolution...
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Dude skipped nipples and went straight to butthole
Dude needs to draw nipples or I aint giving him a dime.
Is there any Genshin oficial nude or at least ecchi pic? I cant imagine that from a chinese game, but I had to ask anyway
I don't care for nipples so I'm cool with it
Where is this from?
from the dvd booklet
Every anime should have this type of height chart.
Amazing, thanks for sharing.
Fine work, anon.
Goddamn that's one beautiful Neroalice.
Thanks comrade.
So is there any offical frontal nudity of Revy and roberta from black lagoon? i know about their shower scenes but i was wondering if there is more.
nice work, anon. is there a full scan of the booklet anywhere?
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I was curious if I could find anything about Basquash, but the best I could find was a censored reference sheet and a poorly framed photo of the booklet that came in the blu-ray box. so I just put the images together lol. I wonder if the other characters have something similar to this
My senpai is annoying, its a series devoid of really any fanservice but the author's fanbox is basically every girl naked or getting fucked with unfortunate censoring or ambiguity that stops it from going R-18.

He has been teasing a manga for a while now though that shows two of the girls fucking and had a blurred out nipple that I'm holding out hope for he'll continue after the serialized manga ends in a chapter or 2
what is the author name again
does anyone have the nude concept art of sherry from isekai labyrinth?
Can anyone post kaedeko's new POST?
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This one?
So delicious...
Is kemono having issues again? Some of the artists im following didnt update since 7/15
Pixiv have implemented some new anti-scraping shit from Cloudflare which broke the importer. Knowing Kemono, it'll be months before it gets fixed, if it does at all.
are there more of these?
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I've seen some.
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fire force
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Gate still gets some new ones occasionally.
Not manga or anime.
Tokyo Ravens
post moar
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this is edited
do you have the fox girl?
Is there any more of this? I don't really care much for FMC but that Kyouko Kurahashi lived rent free in my mind all this years just because of that topless shot in the second opening.
Do you have more of these? How do you search on Twitter for these? I searched a lot and I didn't find any of these D:
Is there any Tamaki?
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An edit. But this IS official.
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And someone compiled all the storyboard frames they were able to. It's got a lot of missing scenes, but it's got a few more frames not posted here.
How painful is this "anti-scraping shit?"
blu-ray vol1 of this series just dropped today.
I'm not fully aware of how it works but essentially under certain circumstances Cloudflare will trigger one of those 'I am human' checkboxes to appear when you try to access Fanbox. Y'know the kind 4chan used to have. Currently the scrapers have no way around those. SubscribeStar added the same feature a while back and that's why the importer for that still doesn't work either.
It's not impossible to work around. Nekohouse has had a functioning SubscribeStar importer for a while now. It's just a case of whether the Kemono devs can be fucked to make the same implementation for their importer.
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I'm surprised this one was actually there but considering this one didn't have as many characters in the bath house scene maybe the seperated assets were just left there like that
Then again the first 3 chapters of DR2 did have quite a bit of fanservice...
This just a ripped asset from the PC release? Never would have thought they would have a base nude model for the sprites in the game.
Nope, this is from a flash game they did way back in the day (like either before or around the time of the original release)
Im sorry, thats the only one I ever found

Any changes in the Bluray?
This is a quite a specific request, but there were some Ichigo Mashimaro design documents for the anime which had some vaguely defined nipples.

I've only seen the one for Ana, but there must be others (I hope).
I've looked, but never managed to find them.
are there any of the readhead with the massive tits?
the AI upscaling on this one killed all the details
those are nicely detailed.
hope the missing ones will surface one day
Maybe someday there will be a good version of the entire set scanned.
>Any changes in the Bluray?
Sadly I don't think so, I'd check by myself but I can't download the torrent right now.
The torrent is on nyaa, in case you want to look by yourself.
Did the series have censor even?
No, but here is the source:

to find stuff like that, just search for Japanese terms like "設定" or something like that, check for artbooks or just follow the twitter of the animators or authors of the title you are looking for.
I took a quick look at the bath scenes and nothing new, damn BDs arent what they used to be anymore :(
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Does anyone know if this image is edited or not?
There was also an image of Satoko in the last thread but I have no idea where it came from, and I'm curious if there is something like that of the other characters
I could scan it on my scanner however the quality might look like shit since it's not a high end, it's just a Canon so I'm not sure if that would change much.
Do it.
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Heres the Satoko one from a previous thread, I dont know anything about it either though, Id love some context!
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Yakitate japan's heroine (jump series) already had 2 hardcore doujins by the original artist but hes been drawing more lewds of her again recently, sadly mostly locked behind pixiv requests where the R-18 variants are hidden to the people who commissioned but we also got this
Did new Nobeta drop?

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