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>>2876435 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Made it in the highlights. Nice
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I hope either cascade or wdV can satisfy my sword pose autism with pure prompt because I'm fucking done with pony
Requesting an all-nude Vocaloid IA with posing with a katana.
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Kinda sad that NAIv3 has a monopoly on sword holding especially on huge breasted characters
kinda sad that NAIv3 has a monopoly on permanently blurry images
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This is my first time trying inpainting. Original gen on the left, inpainting on the right. Was really fun.

I couldnt get pubic hair to peak out in the original gen no matter what. One or two trys with inpainting did the trick. Same with the tongue piercing. Bug trouble was the hands and arms. Took a little bit to get them somewhat acceptable.

I now really see the value of inpainting. My cyber goth is now much closer to what I envisioned. Hopefully i can get mugged by her someday.
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Any tips how to make this more consistent with every frame? I used DreamingAI's comfyui tutorial and used autismxl and sdxl vae and lora of a certain anime girl (feel free to guess). 96 images and 30 steps with a batch size of 4.
>Dark Magician Girl
Oh shit, I'm gonna go pick that up.
Tribal girls.
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Requesting more of Usagi and Flannery naked together like them at the beach and shit
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For Usagi's birthday recently, requesting her celebrate it in her birthday suit
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testing out the new legs
stop posting /aco/ this is /e/
That looks like an anime version of The Little Mermaid so it can be posted here.
Yeah, lets git naked
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>We like to joke a lot about them but jannies are not that dickish, post some Kuro in subtle ecchi and they will look to the other side.
I'll take your word for it.
>dump a bunch of old-ass 1.5 broken unedited shitty gens
>several get into highlights
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i was under the impression that it's the style that matters most
It's the whinefag
1girl, nude, and she's slipping on a banana peel
Based highlighterbro

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ChatGPT says:
"The image employs a typical anime style characterized by clean line work, vibrant colors, and dynamic shading, depicting a red-haired female character running on a beach. The exaggerated proportions and flowing hair align with anime conventions, while the provocative nudity and body emphasis indicate the ecchi genre."

all I did was ask it to analyse style and genre
more of
walking around that house please
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Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
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requesting your prefrontal cortex removed
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It was rigged from the start.
This is not critizism towards the person that does highlights, its just something I always find curious.

I make into highlights in every thread, BUT the images that make into the highlights are always the ones I less expected to be in there.
Same here. Based highlighter is doing a good job, but I do get surprised sometimes: ie. >>2876959 did not make it.
I haven't made it in highlights because gen was taken down day later after posting it. Wife still ended up being in highlights by NAI means, so I'm happy either way.
person doing the highlights is biased towards trash.
unironically. it's what they want the thread level to be at. it's the only real explanation.
Not to mention the unironic /aco/ shit included. And I'm also about 50% that bondage/shibari/etc. in the way the 'highlighted' images are, are /d/ territory.
anon, that image is splotchy and artifacted to literal fuck. Whoever has been posting that shit REALLY needs to learn how to properly upscale and using lora's that actually fix the jpg'ing shit.
Though that's also the sort of shit the person doing highlights has been pushing for whatever retarded reason so yeah, I guess I, too, am surprised it's not included.
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yeah it's time to unironically ditch the highlights idea
I don't want to shit on effort posters but I'm pretty sure current highlights are made to not offend anyone
with previous op I actually liked the highlighted pics but he burned out too fast, understandably
lol, you sound like a sore loser.
Nah, I like the highlights. I would like it more if it were more people doing them (and then maybe posting a catbox gallery instead of pics), but between one dude doing highlights and no one doing highlights, I'll support current highlighter all the way.
tits that size are dangerously /d/.
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we wont tell anyone
Pretty sure /d/dg is all about futa and degen stuff no? didn't know /e/dg has a breast size limit
I've been active in this community since October last year. In every thread I've participated in, 2-4 of my gens have made the highlights. This suggests one of two things: either the highlights have always been "trash," in which case, what are you doing here? or the current highlighter has a varied and inclusive taste.
Maybe they pick some highlights for the theme rather than the execution. I think it's good to recognise a diversity of gens because it encourages improvement at every level.
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Older highlights were fine for the most part.
Current ones are trash garbage. Being "inclusive" helps no one. It encourages people are are outputting garbage to keep outputting garbage and it shuns anyone who put effort in by being placed next to it or not getting included because whatever they did was done well enough that it wasn't actually obvious effort was put into it.
Current era "highlights" are basically "OMG is that a LE HEKKIN BACKGROUND?!?!?!" while ignoring all random continuity and anatomical issues.
It's not like this thread is very complicated. There shouldn't be a super high bar or anything; but the bar that was set before was that it was clean and didn't have any super huge obvious flaws. But that's been thrown out the fucking window and you're pretty much guaranteed to get on if you just spam enough low effort garbage.
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Post which gens should have made it from the previous thread and mark which gens you think are trash and let's see
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very nice
no, go fuck yourself. You don't actually give a fuck you're just looking for an out to try and derail the point I'm trying to make.
Inclusivity is shit. The bar should be that something is clean with no large glaring errors and, ideally, has some sort of actual style or something that makes it interesting.
They never do it, it's always "it's trash" and no images attached.
Why are you so angry?
It's just highlights, bro. I'm sure you will be able to make it next time!
anon, you're veering way too close to hissy fit levels of butthurt. Maybe try to keep the conversation civil? I think it's a fair point he made, can you point out what is trash and should not be there?
Okay, got it. You're just the whinefag
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she is a cute gremlin
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There used to be an unwritten rule (a long time ago) that breasts significantly larger than the character's head are considered /d/. Of course, it's not being enforced that way, but tits 3-4 times the size of the character's head are still kinda sketchy in my opinion.
It is weird if the nose disturbs me more than the tits?
hey now buddy, it's ok. tell you what, why don't you post one of your best gens and we pinky promise we'll put it in the highlights next thread! how does that sound? and then after we'll go get ice cream
Alright, alright, let's do an exercise, compare the old highlights with the new ones to measure the quality of gens posted
On my opinion it's more or less the same but I'll let you guys decide
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It's like that for everyone. I think part of it is that other anons don't have the context you do as the author of the gen - what was going through your mind when you were prompting and picking out something to post.
Listen here faggots, stop complaining about unimportant shit and stop replying to complaints about unimportant shit. Don't engage, just let them rot, otherwise you're part of the problem.

Now post more naked girls.
how about I just circle the extremely obvious errors while providing no actual opinions beyond that.
enjoy the 31mb jpg.
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Complete naked is unbased
Pantyshots are superior. Too bad can't post them.
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>Pantyshots are superior. Too bad can't post them.
Says who?
No idea what happened there, rogue janny getting uppity again I guess
Don't know either, seems like only Miyuki is gonna be allowed because of the chest size.
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>open thread
>no foggs
you should foggs as soon as possible
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>Shirt overhang

I see you have great taste
Thats a nice busty hex maniac. Catbox?
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tribal foggs?
Froggs? I don't understand
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5% tribal foggs
yes but actually no
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and this post too
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Obligatory "I'm not a furry, but" joke.
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Love the highlights. Love /edg/.
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More of Ranko naked with her hair down

And also Faye Valentine at a nudist beach by her lonesome self
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It's not furry if it's kemono!
(see https://files.catbox.moe/8mzt1k.png )
Hey, it's all about personal taste. Sure, there are some real issues here, but I also see a bit of nitpicking.

I agree, the backgrounds aren't great. It looks like the current highlighter is more forgiving about that than you are. Pony's backgrounds aren't the best, so maybe that's why they get a pass.

Only one of the gens could be /aco/, and that's the Disney one. Western characters drawn in an anime style aren't /aco/—they're anime. Just like when Bruce Timm draws Asuka and Rei in his style, they're not anime; they're western art.

Since art appreciation is so subjective, maybe we should just let everyone enjoy what they like and let it be.
>red pen schizo didn't mark my image
Yeah I'm winning
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Just enjoy yourselves lads and post gens =)
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>my gen didn't make it to the thread highlights, so the thread schizo won't even see it
I'm winning HARDER
Red pen schizo if he was a cute anime girl

>Hey, it's all about personal taste
This isn't about personal taste though. That's why I focused entirely on errors and left taste out of it so that it couldn't be skewed by that bullshit argument.
>Pony's backgrounds aren't the best, so maybe that's why they get a pass
This is completely irrelevant. And a lot of the backgrounds getting highlighted were from 1.5 model gens with their background vomit.
>Western characters drawn in an anime style aren't /aco/
Yes they are. If it's an /aco/ character, it's /aco/. If it's a chinese cartoon character drawn in /aco/ style, it's /aco/. This isn't super complicated.
>Since art appreciation is so subjective
I'm not being subjective about it. I'm intentionally being objective.
These are HIGHLIGHTS. This implies they're supposed to be of an actual bare minimum quality.
It's not like I'm looking for perfection. There's still a lot of weird/wonky shit not marked. Just pointing out that "highlights" kind of lose their purpose with this sort of fixable shit being included.
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>There's still a lot of weird/wonky shit not marked
watch out bro
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To put it on context, the thing on her hand was supposed to be a razor
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Wouldn't that just make him impulsive and adhd
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It's another person making them now, old bakeranon left. About a month ago?
>If it's an /aco/ character, it's /aco/. If it's a chinese cartoon character drawn in /aco/ style, it's /aco/
Strangely enough the /h/ rules go far more in-depth on this point than ours. Specifying that what matters is the image's origin and style, not content.

Which technically means everything you make is /aco/ unless you're a japanese genner/drawfag, but that part is not enforced afaik.

Anyway, think of this one as a test.
Does it matter? Just use different lora mixes for both boards. I use Japanese artist as a base here and if I go to aco, I have an aco mix
Huge saggers on sticcs
I just don't see how or why it's hard to keep western IP's strictly to western boards. If it's something to your own personal taste then sure, whatever, I'm not stopping you from hitting the generate button and keeping it to yourself or posting to twitter/pixiv/whatever. But this is a thread congregated to a certain category - things posted should, largely, curtail to that.
>Which technically means everything you make is /aco/ unless you're a japanese genner/drawfag
I've actually made that point on /h/ but to an even further extreme. There isn't a japanese made image generation model so, technically speaking, even if a nip handcrafts a gen it could still be argued to being /aco/ unless they did their own finetune that answers to runes. It's a bit too reductive of a point to make though since, yeah, if you wanted to enforce that then the threads wouldn't exist at all.
/e/ and /h/ are different from /aco/ due to style, stop being autistic about it
Request, can somebody make a high angle, peeping down inside a sundress from behind? Preferably small chest. Thanks.
NTA, but I would argue its what the loras are trained on rather than the image generation model. If some Japanese guy used a #2 pencil to draw doujinshi, we're not going to say its not Japanese. If you post gens where 50% or more of the influence is from easter artist, then I say its fair game.

I lean that IP origin doesn't matter and really the style does, but don't care much either way.
>I just don't see how or why it's hard to keep western IP's strictly to western boards

because that's a very peculiar rule and most people don't see it in terms of IP. in art, there is style and subject matter. anime is a style; the character is the subject matter.
you also labeled samus as /aco/ but that character was created by a japanese game designer for a japanese video game company? and the style of that gen is clearly anime.
maybe it's worth stepping back or moving on from this issue since it's really something trivial that's beyond your control.
>you also labeled samus as /aco/
because it has an /aco/ comic book art style. The overly pronounced nose doesn't help it.
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you are right about the quality of the images in the highlights, but with your approach other people are more likely to get defensive or attack you instead of listening
especially when you say (I assume it was you) dumb, unproductive and provocative shit like
>person doing the highlights is biased towards trash.
>unironically. it's what they want the thread level to be at. it's the only real explanation.
if I had to guess the current OP approaches highlights with more of a previous thread recap mentality rather than analyzing each image and their quality

there's also the occasional complaining about anons not making it into the highlights, but putting more images to cater to them is probably part of why there's more low quality images in there recently, you can't please everyone
your criticism would probably be more effective if you posted images like
to begin with
>this is a board congregated to a certain category
So is /aco/, even if some people treat it like a trash pile. Western characters in an anime style would then belong nowhere.
Nose erotic
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I call it trash because that's what the people who made it treat it as. It's not like these are actual handcrafted artistry - "it's type funny words press buttan" shit to them and it shows by the lack of effort put into fixing anything.
There isn't going to be someone in 10 years going "hrm. yes. that was finely crafted tiddy." In fact, there isn't even going to be someone looking at it again in 10 months, much less 10 years.
Pretty sure /aco/ doesn't have open hostility to weebshit styles. I don't bother checking it but I know /aco/ also has two sdg threads, one for more realistic styles and another for non-realistic.
Meanwhile I'm pretty sure there's more than enough actual eastern art of western IP's to facilitate random threads, but you don't happen to see any for them on /e/ or /h/, do you? So why would the AI threads be any different?
here you go

Very nice
A young elf girl with very long wet hair hiding behind a tree naked next to a lake while a group of adventurers in the background found her clothes and are searching for the person they belong to.
Nah guess it only matters to the one complainer. As long as good gens don't get deleted.
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Thank you. I don't mean to be demanding but is it possible for it to be viewed from behind her? like over her shoulder.
not a sticc, apparently
last thread was very educational
Yeah, not sticc, but not bad. Thanks for the saggers
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Not demanding, I just didn't read the request properly. I can see why you requested it though - its annoying to get the angle just right. I had to rely on img2img. This is as close as I could get

Bimbo ghislaine?
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that was odly specific
I always try to be specific. Thanks for the image!
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nah dude you lost me there.
you're clearly in your own bubble and in your bubble, anime = tiny noses.
first of all, that's still a small nose. secondly, japanese artists are not confined to drawing small noses. you just need to look at bengus or ghibli as examples. I mean open your mind.
I'm convinced we're dealing with an autist or a troll at this point
If you know then why did you respond anyway
please step away from your keyboard and take deep breaths and maybe think about doing something else for a while
Actually, can you make it so she's hiding behind the tree instead of next to it? That's bothering me more than it should. It's an excellent image you baked for me.
If you don't recognize 80's era comic influence that's on you, not on me.
Also it being samus is irrelevant. I certainly didn't recognize it as being her. I just saw generic blonde hair, blue eyed girl with a ponytail with prominent nose, heavy musculature and prominently defined lips.
>I'm convinced we're dealing with an autist or a troll at this point
So you're going to refute all the other errors pointed out? Because of a single thing you want to split hairs on?
kek I also had the "short-haired fujoshi" style in my head
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Well, I "can" but in the end is rng, and its hard to get all the right elements at the same time, for example in this shot she appears behind the tree, but its looking to the viewer instead towards the guys.
It cant go as precise as to put her hiding behing the tree but looking towards the background.

Now, is not that is impossible or somehting, but you would need to wait until the perfect gen, and my gpu isn't very fast, so I can try 10-20 times but no more
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Requesting Sayo Hitsugi doing casual nudity shit.
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Requesting these two naked wrestling.
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Requesting Usagi and an older Chibiusa depicted in the image at a nude beach
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I just came around to take a look at it and I quite like it so far. Thanks again to that Anon who shared his catbox the other day.
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pretty sure that's too /u/
Please, show us how it's done. Post your best gens. That's what this thread is for. Sharing gens. Alternatively, stop writing. Your vitriol has been given too much space already.
I pretty much didn't touch any model that wasn't autism until I found midkemia
Oh no, don't worry. My CPU can't do these at all so I have to rely on everyone else and you guys are awesome.
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Is Midkemia really that much better than autism?
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your spear was useless anon.
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"Yoshi yoshi. Ii ko da."
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ironically, tits on a sticc is all in hips/thighs
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Now let's have her do some fun in the water.

It hates it.
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Take me out from pony hell please, being so close yet so far with mere prompts is starting to get frustrating
Many pony base models can do Brem with pure prompt bro, just letting you know
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Welp, Dawntrail is done downloading. I'm off to queue!

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