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itt: partially nude, minoan style, clothed but tits out, casual nudity
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Good thread. I'll help you out, friend. :3
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Tits are beautiful. I wish people weren't so uptight about women's breasts. Goddamn christian puritanical moral values... :/
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Am I... am I getting this right?
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I really hope Minoan dresses become popular again.
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The reason why I keep watching Maison Ikkoku.
i have been wanting to make this thread for a long time but i just couldnt think of what to call clothes-that-specifically-dont-cover-the-breasts
>breasts out
>useless clothing
so thanks op, i guess
yeah, it has been the same for me for years, i was never quite sure what to call it. if any other anons can come up with good terminology, feel free to let me/us know. i think "partially nude" doesnt really nail it. "minoan" however is more unique and the best word to describe what we mean so far.
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Nipple free/female nipple free/casual toplessness/Minoan style clothes thread?

I propose we call these the Minoan-threads, to honor the awesome culture that actually once upon a time allowed their women to live free like this.
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it is settled then
good luck making the next threads with that and not having to explain or argue about it for 100 posts
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That's all I can remember about Chirality. The last city was mandatory Minoan for every female.
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