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Wearing nothing but school ribbons or ties.
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God I love this shit.
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I love how popular this look is that it shows up everywhere nowadays.

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Here's a higher res version. Please download the zoomed version, not the thumbnail version.
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How do I go back in time and make this standard wear for girls in school? What would I do to convince, say, 15th century kings to implement these as standard? That women should only wear what's necessary for their safety and nothing else but a ribbon for identification, like for what school they attend.
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Most school uniforms derive their designs from military uniforms, so you'd probably have to go back to the days of the Roman Republic and assist the Gauls and Celts in their fighting against Rome, then help them to continue onward to invade the rest of Europe until eventually the battle uniform of 'naked with some paint' becomes standardized enough that the Japanese sailor uniform takes its inspiration from Gaesatae warriors.
Hard to go through "Nude" "Neck Ribbon" because so many don't work for /e/.
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What do you think of naked necktie?
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Do you prefer your nude neck ribbon scenarios to be 'Accepted and standard school uniform that nobody reacts to' or 'Shocked on-lookers ogling embarrassed school girls'?
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>Accepted and standard school uniform that nobody reacts to
That one.
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I was thinking of that clip when I saw the topic. Here's a longer version with context and sound.

... never mind, It seems /e/ doesn't support sound. I guess I'll remove the audio stream and post. Source is HxEros.
Goddamn. I love this shit.
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Was planning on picking up this guy's CG set (RJ01263066) but I completely forgot about DLsite recently eliminating a bunch of payment methods. Bummer.
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Cool. Might try using one of those point card service-things in the near future, even if they're a tad shady.
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There's some great shit in here.
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Yeah? Guess I could try getting in touch with 7hoshi regarding doing an English TL, eventually. Been a while since I've translated anything in the vein of a CG pack, and it'd be cool to see the author further establish themselves in this niche.
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Oh, I have no idea what it says. I just like the pretty pictures.
>Seto Kanon-san and Sakiyama Kyouka-san, good morning.
>Hm? Who would the man next to you be? Entrance of the general public is forbidden
>Again there are impossibly beautiful girls 'dressed' absolutely shamelessly. Perfect beauty from top to bottom
>I was in the peak of absolute paradise when I got to feel up Hisashiro's pussy in front of the school entrance, but now you'r etelling me I get to feel up all of the student council girls...?
>When they spread their legs some of their pussies main such a pretty vertical slit, while some of the ones with more separated lips let you get a peek inside.

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