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who has the best tits? do you prefer shape over size or vice versa? discuss..
I love bitches with weird ugly lil tiddies.
Hu Tao
Mikoto's boobs are amazing in shape and size
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those are the best, yes
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I think my favorite is always a definiteblend of shape and size. I'm in it for the long haul so I need them tits to look nice in the future too.

02's tits look amazing in this art

I love some fat knockers though or some big plump tits but those aren't good for the long run.
lucy has that greek statue body type
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This artist is the definition of realistic proportions (@skchkko)
>Muh realizm
Just say you like a certain size without needing to invoke alleged real world standards that don't really mean anything for 2D
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This ..
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Every time I see this, it just turns me on
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exquisite taste
I prefer someone who wins at both size *and* shape.
Yabuki kentaro is a god
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A combo of both
Preferably if the size is slightly over the cupping or the hand

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