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By Kusujinn
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Their really good but why their own thread?
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technically /aco/
Anybody got Kusujinn's uncensored Backrooms stuff?
Censored nudity bruhh
Kek what did she do?
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That was the whole comic, author never says.
Also rest of what that dude draws is feet bondage, before anyone goes desperately looking for source.

This could be a forced/sentenced enf thread now maybe?
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Sorry my folders are a giant unorganized mess. I have one catchall for public exposure.
You will never be japanese.
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This is pretty hard to find where it is just /e
why her hair looks different here?
she needs bandaid correction
The OP is the original concept of the character. She's also older in that image. She grows her hair out since that's the only thing she can legally cover herself with besides her arms.
kek, this is avant garde.
What did she do where that would be the punishment?
As much as I like the concept of everyday nudity, this is just cruelty.
Casual nudity and ENF is divided into "vanilla" and "impotent micropenis degradation powerplay sadist shit", the latter of which is what this thread is manifesting.
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She seems to be doing alright.
I thought I recognized his art. This is that footfag.

Glad to see he's catering to my fetishes now.
Stockholm syndrome is never alright.
Getting used to constant humiliation and suffering is never alright.
Even from a logical standpoint - just how is she going to fare in the winter? Stay at home all day? Thats confinement.
I think you're overthinking this. Have you noticed that the legal reason for this punishment is never mentioned? Because anything would be complete fucking nonsense and the artist knows it.
She should get fat and never bathe or shave. I bet that would invalidate the sentence.
Probably, but then if you want to draw some nude girls just draw some nude girls, you dont have to make up an excuse for them to be nude.
[spoiler]The girl looks wonderful btw, just great.[/spoiler]
>spoilers dont work here
I disagree. Having some BS excuse for ENF is always better than just "her clothes disappeared." Admittedly this excuse is dumb but the pictures are cute and I enjoy her more annoyed than humiliated expressions.
Wish the artist would draw some fucking nips though...
Are you shure this is ENF? Shes getting used to it.
Eh? It began as that. It might be more exhibitionism now. I don't know, is there a fetish term for "forced exhibitionism"?
Yeah, thats why I was making my point - if you want to draw nude girls just draw nude girls.
She can't be THAT used to it, considering >>2892244 is her in the present day. If she was completely unbothered by her nudity I doubt she'd grow her hair out as a way to cover herself.
Forced exposure
This isn't that extreme at all, fucking babies.
Of course she can't solve the problem. Blackboard is backwards.
>waaah waaaaah some pixels depicting fictional circumstances are suffering on my screen! :(
how does it feel to be this level of retarded?
I think you're missing the point.
The fetish is not just about ogling a female body.
I believe that the majority of fetishes are based on some kind of power dynamic, and this is no exception.
In this case, the fetish is that she is disempowered by an all-powerful but neutral entity (the government).
So she's nude because of someone who isn't you, and even if you're sympathetic, you can't help her, which means that you kinda just have to accept her nudity and look at her and you're not legally or morally in the wrong for doing so.
It's stupid because this would never happen, but part of what makes it so hot is how bullshit and unfair it is.
Do I think this is what goes through everyone's conscious mind when cranking one out to this, or even when drawing this? Hell no.
But this is what I think caused this extremely specific fetish to occur.
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I only have this one, but not the uncensored tickling one.
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ITT Consequences.
The fetish is definitely enf. It's that she's embarrassed nude in spaces she's not supposed to be nude. Power dynamics I think are secondary or incidental. The enf threads and crowd like to think of outlandish and complex scenario's sometimes to spice up the enf factor, which is always the primary point.
>complete fucking nonsense
This is 95% of hentai and is a boner killer.
The ENF factor is a power dynamic factor in the first place. So I don't think super specific variants of ENF is driven by a power dynamic fetish.
Rather, because the emotion of embarrassment is just as essential to ENF as the nudity, it requires more background, and more justification.
Why is she naked if she doesn't like being naked? ENF scenarios are there to justify keeping her naked. And different scenarios hit on different appeals within the fetish.

In this case, the appeal is having it be permanent. She's not just naked until she gets her clothes back. She's naked forever.
Being legally sentenced is just the reason why she's naked forever.
Nothing more disappointing than seeing an artist do an unbelievably hot concept well, and then going to his profile and seeing that it's just an island in a sea of feet slop.
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Another one.
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I'm glad she's still not getting used to it.
Why does this man hate nipples?
They should make her cut her hair. Having hair that long is definitely an unfair forced nudity advantage.
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Because adding nipples automatically makes a perfectly sfw image nsfw. Duh.
Is Sentenced to Nudity supposed to be family friendly?
t. her lawyer
I already lost my license for this. Might as well enjoy myself.
Some people are not degenerates and like their sex stuff to be pleasant rather than unpleasant.
Define "unpleasant" in the context of hentai.
Someone not liking what is happening. The point is I don't want to masturbate to people suffering. And I think it says some very not-good things about humanity and its history that so much porn and hentai is like this.
ENF is by definition women not liking what is happening to them.
some people enjoy embarassment so I think that definition is way too narrow
Yeah. there are ways that people can like to play or push their own boundaries. There's a difference between that and actual suffering.
considering the artist has nipples throughout their other work but has gone lengths to refrain from it here, I'd assume yeah, I guess it's not supposed to be porn. Except for the people who like their porn without porn.
the ones with ass are decent though.
Day 15, apparently.
Gotta pay money for the unblurred version.
He seems to prefer feet.
me on the right
God I hate moire
She's not even allowed to wear shoes? What if she steps on a nail?
shoes would hide her feet from footfags, defeating the purpose of the punishment
Still, this punishment seems very poorly thought out. She's allowed to hold objects, right? Couldn't she wear a backpack and position it over her chest? Grow her hair really long and use THAT to cover up? What's-her-name isn't considering her options.
>Grow her hair really long and use THAT to cover up?
Yes. That's why the OP is >>2892244. The original concept of the girl is that she can't legally wear anything else, so she winds up growing her hair out to cover herself.
I assume she'd get in trouble if she actually WORE a backpack, however. She can probably only hold a bag in her hands.
any chance you've got a bigger size of this?
I get that this "legal punishment" is bullshit but I'm strangely invested in finding loopholes. If she borrowed clothes from a friend and refused to take them off, what would the police response be? Publicly stripping her? That's sexual assault; can't do that.
Honestly she should have just refused from the outset. The police can only ASK you to comply; they can't FORCE you to comply.
>Publicly stripping her? That's sexual assault; can't do that. Honestly she should have just refused from the outset. The police can only ASK you to comply; they can't FORCE you to comply.

Do you think strip searches are illegal too? Because yes, they can take your clothes off by force. If empowered by a court, police can do anything; They are just the enforcement arm of the state, and the state decides what you must comply with

The subtext here is that the court and police are corrupt perverts and enjoy that she is forced to do it
Strip searches ARE illegal, at least in America, outside of controlled environments and matching gender officers. If I am wrong about how that works in Japan, please let me know.
>bare pussy
I approb but I feel like given her status, she should have an obscuring 70s bush.
Maybe bare puss is part of her sentence?
My headcanon is that she flashed some government official on a dare so she was sentenced to public nudity as punishment. By this logic, she's reminded of her "crime" every time she goes outside. What I like is that the vibe from other people doesn't even feel explicitly lustful or sexual. It's more like they're either embarrassed for her or making fun of her. She never seems to be in any kind of danger of being touched or groped so it all feels borderline innocent.

Would love to see the author continue the series.
Going with this internally from here on out, that's great anon.
Shes too young for a bush, thats all.
I also like that the focus is on her humiliation above all else.
There's too many doujins that have a promising ENF premise for like 10 pages and then she starts getting groped and fucked and making ahegao faces and her hips are moving on their own and she forgets to even be embarrassed.
How young is she supposed to be?
I was under the impression that she was a high school student.
I always headcannoned that her strictly enforced nudity was a hail mary attempt by her legal team to prevent her from being punished more severely (decades in jail or fined an amount that would leave her family financially destitute) that miraculously worked.
Too young? She has a day job. I was thinking she's in college.
Nah, these pics scream "Japanese High School" setting. >>2892251 >>2892247
No idea where you got the day job idea from. Nothing from what's posted here implies that she has a job to me.
This one, and the last one. She's holding a briefcase, unless that's common for Japanese schoolgirls?
It's a fucking satchel holy shit.
Satchels have straps. Get your terminology straight.
Those are common Japanese school bags, yes.
I thought she was in highschool, but that's still 15-18.
Old enough to have pubes.
this is now my fetish
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