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By Kusujinn
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Their really good but why their own thread?
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technically /aco/
Anybody got Kusujinn's uncensored Backrooms stuff?
Censored nudity bruhh
Kek what did she do?
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That was the whole comic, author never says.
Also rest of what that dude draws is feet bondage, before anyone goes desperately looking for source.

This could be a forced/sentenced enf thread now maybe?
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Sorry my folders are a giant unorganized mess. I have one catchall for public exposure.
You will never be japanese.
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This is pretty hard to find where it is just /e
why her hair looks different here?
she needs bandaid correction
The OP is the original concept of the character. She's also older in that image. She grows her hair out since that's the only thing she can legally cover herself with besides her arms.
kek, this is avant garde.
What did she do where that would be the punishment?
As much as I like the concept of everyday nudity, this is just cruelty.
Casual nudity and ENF is divided into "vanilla" and "impotent micropenis degradation powerplay sadist shit", the latter of which is what this thread is manifesting.
good shit
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She seems to be doing alright.
I thought I recognized his art. This is that footfag.

Glad to see he's catering to my fetishes now.
Stockholm syndrome is never alright.
Getting used to constant humiliation and suffering is never alright.
Even from a logical standpoint - just how is she going to fare in the winter? Stay at home all day? Thats confinement.
I think you're overthinking this. Have you noticed that the legal reason for this punishment is never mentioned? Because anything would be complete fucking nonsense and the artist knows it.
She should get fat and never bathe or shave. I bet that would invalidate the sentence.
Probably, but then if you want to draw some nude girls just draw some nude girls, you dont have to make up an excuse for them to be nude.
[spoiler]The girl looks wonderful btw, just great.[/spoiler]
>spoilers dont work here
I disagree. Having some BS excuse for ENF is always better than just "her clothes disappeared." Admittedly this excuse is dumb but the pictures are cute and I enjoy her more annoyed than humiliated expressions.
Wish the artist would draw some fucking nips though...
Are you shure this is ENF? Shes getting used to it.
Eh? It began as that. It might be more exhibitionism now. I don't know, is there a fetish term for "forced exhibitionism"?
Yeah, thats why I was making my point - if you want to draw nude girls just draw nude girls.
She can't be THAT used to it, considering >>2892244 is her in the present day. If she was completely unbothered by her nudity I doubt she'd grow her hair out as a way to cover herself.
Forced exposure
This isn't that extreme at all, fucking babies.
Of course she can't solve the problem. Blackboard is backwards.
>waaah waaaaah some pixels depicting fictional circumstances are suffering on my screen! :(
how does it feel to be this level of retarded?

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