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Previous Thread: >>2887618

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MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
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Does anyone have, 見て見てえちちダンス/Look Look Echichi Dance, mmd motion dl?

I wrote a shader for MMD but I'm having trouble making it work for MMM. The structure is like this: There's three OFFSCREENRENDETARGETs(RTs), one gives me the main color and stuff, the second renders to a shared shadowmap texture and nothing to its own buffer, and the third 256x256 one clears all the custom textures I used in the shader, existing only as a placeholder to clear stuff first. They are processed in reverse order, so it clears first, then makes the shadow map, then gets the main colors. The shader itself (ie not any of the previous RT shaders) blends the main RT color with some shared textures written to in previous passes. The problem is that anything I write to the shared textures ends up cleared. Because I think MMM runs the damn shader for every small group of verts with the same weights due to its reliance on gpu skinning. Basically I'm writing something for a group, and then it gets erased by another group's processing. This was my conclusion because when I tried to temporarily move the clearing to right before writing to the shared texture, I only got a foot and some fingers rendered, which I assume was the last group of verts to process, while if I didn't clear altogether it wrote the closest depth and kept that on screen. I really need to clear the depth buffer to get a proper output.
My question is, in MMM, is there a way to get textures cleared in-between actual frames and not in-between shader executions? Only the default framebuffers get cleared automatically in either program.
Has anyone got this? https://fantia.jp/products/68166
Fantia won't take my card.

Or is it the same base as R1N4 and I can just swap the missing bits in?
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I know nobody is probably going to help me with this anyway but if some anon could help me to port this model from Honeycome to MMD I would be very thankful.

I don't care if it isn't rigged or if it doesn't have any bone or facials, I just need someone to help me with this.

Btw I got Kato's card from here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111381820
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Look for monotamago on tstorage catalogue.

Not like I can tell with only that much information, and it sounds like a problem I'd have no idea how to solve, but what is actually the point of the third one? Why even do it this way?
If there is some meaning to using it instead of regular clears, you could try using the time float to choose whether to execute the shader code. (See WaveTiles.fxsub from the Spectrum extension for Ray-MMD 1.5.2 for an advanced use case.) Also, in my experience some remotely similar issues could be solved by reordering the technique script, e.g. \stageSet\FluidBoard\FluidBoard_common.fxsub or \posteffect\CrossFilter\sdCrossFilter_common.fxsub in sdPBR 4.70 for MMM.
ts ficvz3fl6rls
+ tan texture, no idea what's different between the two versions
ts 6279nyl43sp4
ts xr1ip3xawcrp noted as fixed. No idea what.

Also, I hope the Kuroko Anon comes back eventually and drops his edit.:
Thank you very much <3
Requesting Superlady from ren
Anyone have Kaevis - Armageddon?
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anyone have this model?
Buddy, nobody knows how to do that
And even if they knew I highly doubt they would help you
Besides, who knows her anyway?
Non-searchable, sneaky. Any other way to find ts links?

Anyway, thank you very much. The "fixed" texture is slightly darker around the vagina it seems. However I'll probably use this melanin map instead anyway: https://bowlroll.net/file/230382
Does anyone have the spring of life motion by moka?
It used to be here https://bowlroll.net/file/36858.
Another tragic lost of an old HDD.
You have to search archived.moe.
Or ask here and someone usually has a link.
We are not keeping links in a pastebin collection like the "masterpost" in the OP.
Last time (several years ago) when we tried to make a collection of links, it got mass reported and the links were DMCA-d.
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The third RT just exists as a point in the rendering hierarchy that executes first. So I could clear the shared textures I use from there at the frame's start. I'm probably doing this wrong so if I'm being retarded tell me.
A picture is worth a thousand words so let me share the thing then. I made this model back in ~april but put off finishing it due to laziness. Now I decided to dig it up and sort of complete it while the process is still fresh in my mind. The MMD shader and the model itself should be working as intended, the only thing missing is MMM support. Here's the model:


And here's what I have for MMM support so far:

As you can see, the shadowmap, the glow and the sss buffer textures aren't working in MMM.
is anybody able to share these models?
was this garage kit maker ever going to make a kuroko himself
i remember hearing that someone was
does anyone have this models?
Seconding, the armageddon motion is pretty good
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now that nicovideo.jp seiga and 3d.nicovideo are now disfunctional ( or is it just me?) where do you get your models? I'm looking for this one but the download links no longer work. https://fantia.jp/products/118187
Bro is trapped in 3 months ago
ts z17whd9jd6ux
2 and 3
ts 8lxo0cq55awp
ts ppupr99w3gve
So... you're using separate offscreen render targets to execute object-oriented code and create a shadow map & clear rendering for an already object-based effect designed for a specific model structure. Well, makes sense if you want to be able to clear specific subsets without affecting other parts of the shader, but it doesn't seem like clearing does anything at all.

Anyway, this could give you some clues. Any more is probably beyond me:

Maybe look at AutoLuminous code to see how it maps light emitters. More on MMM effect development:

P.S. Those waves somehow give me motion sickness. Incredible.

Until the end of today, it could still be just 1 month ago.

Gotta love those region-locked songs.
bruh I just figured it out. Nico no longer works on my VPN. It used to before the nico hack/crash. It was me this whole time?
K-lite codec pack worked for me! Thanks MMM anon :)
Now we know how to fix that issue lol
>hop on /mmd/
>random Shanoa model
Holy fucking based.
Thanks for the research! I made some test files simulating the most barebones structure of my shader and I may have found the problem.
I made this: a main shader with two render targets, RT "A" that writes a solid green value to a shared texture in a second pass, and RT "B" that clears said shared texture with solid white pixels. The main shader reads the contents of the shared texture to the screen.
Whether I declared "A" or "B" first had inconsistent results, sometimes I got solid white, sometimes I got green flickering. I am assuming from different gpu skinning batches.
However if I moved the clearing to the first subset of the "A" render target (leaving "B" doing nothing), it sort of worked properly. There was still the problem that only the foot and the fingers were rendered from the body, which was probably the last batch of gpu skinning bones.
This leads me to believe that RT rendering in MMM is done asynchronously. What I mean is, unlike MMD, you're not guaranteed a render order as each RT renders independently. So I can't expect one RT's script to clear a texture at the start of the frame every time as it can be executed arbitrarily as fast as bone batching and the fps cap allow. So manual clearing should be kept to the RT that writes to the texture.
Then there's the problem of a single batch of bones executing the entire technique script, which includes any manual clearing.
This is a pickle. I'd need a third .pmx to start off the clearing in that particular RT and not a separate one, as if I add the clearing to a subset 0 dummy material to the main model, it will clear the background contribution. And if I add it to the background, it will rigidly marry the model to the background even more than now. Either way, annoying. I'll try to read up on how existing shaders work, maybe there's a workaround. I could also restructure the shader so the extra textures I use are separate RTs, I think that's how ray mmd does it.
What happens if you use no default effects and load & assign them separately in the desired order instead?
Does anyone know where I can find r18 models of Komi or Nagatoro?
Are there even any or is it just headswapped models people have been using?
Hmm, doesn't work either, but thanks for the suggestion. Scratch what I said above. After looking at it more closely, the green flickering was just plain z-fighting because the depth buffer wasn't being cleared. What really happens is that I simply cannot clear a "shared" RENDERDEPTHSTENCILTARGET texture in MMM from another render target OR even another fx file that isn't an #include. Color clearing works for a RENDERCOLORTARGET, but "Clear=Depth;" for a depth buffer doesn't. Somehow it's not linking the depth buffers with the "shared" keyword at all. I'm just prolly being a tard because I have a hunch that I'm not supposed to clear from another target/file like that. I'll try to rework the entire structure to use proper render targets. I just worry that I might not be able to do shadow mapping that way. Although there's a "Format" property in offscreen render targets, somehow I read in the docs that the default for them is D24S8, which is a depth buffer format. What I'd need to set for the shadow maps is the color target format, not for the depth buffer. I need G32R32F to have enough precision, I tried a G16R16F before and it makes the shadows really bad, and 8 bit would be even worse. Well, the only way is to try. Actually I just tried to set a format for a render target and it affected the color target. Maybe the docs are wrong? The section does look copypasted.
Sorry for spamming, I just figure someone might search the archives for similar info and this may have hints.
>Are there even any or is it just headswapped models people have been using?
probably headswapped by someone like tbomb2000 or whatever his name is, maybe that spartanecchi guy
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an huge shot in the dark, but anyone, somehow, still has those outfits? https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im5382152
(alternatively, if someone has stngp's aot models)
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anybody explain me please how to reduce bangs jiggling? I tried a couple of random guides but for some reason nothing changed
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Any good tutorial on how to make 2D anime with MMD?
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Aside from 針金P's silhouette effects, sdPBR\vs\2bone or animated textures, which are also present in sdPBR, I don't think you have that many choices for true 2D animation in a 3DCG environment.

I don't see a problem with what's in your gif, but reduce the mass to 0.001 or below and set movement/rotation damping to >=0.99. Also refer to the picture.

please reupload
no no it's not a problem it's actualy my personally preferences and ty for your hints, i'll try it in next few days
Anyone has this?
Blender anons, how do I select vertexes in a .pmx in Blender depending on materials?
split by materials in the mmd tab
Share that motion
found it here, iikr it's called "SexMotion2" or smth tstorage.info/42wo9784uq03
Anyone have Parasite motion by Nikisa?
Need to know if anyone backed up the Yoasobi-Ultramarine (群青) motion before it got deleted
Anyone know where I can find back ups of discontinued free MMD motions? Somehow those are even harder to find than paywalled ones
Thanks man
You could try looking up 配布終了 on Nico and Xitter, then looking up what you're interested in at the links from the OP and in Google & Yandex.
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Anyone bought the full version of this model?
i really really really like this model and im hoping someone has uploaded it, link pls
i have a project idea but i need your help. i plan to use a song that doesnt have a motion. in fact, i cant find the song on iwara at all so i might be the first to use it in mmd.

i need a pack of generic, cute dance motions. im not making a tiktok video, but tiktok type motions are probably what im looking for. i dont want crusty ass western dances, i want more of a "cute japanese girls doing cute japanese dances" type of thing. CJGDCJD
you don't need iwara, search on youtube and bowlroll and deviantart
there is literally no mmd content using this song anywhere. i just need a pack of cute japanese dances.
Well if you can't find cute dances, it's time to learn animation, MMM is the best for that.
pretty sure it's a headswap
yeah, I thought the same thing
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What's the recommended video player for watching vr videos on desktop, like these. Might as well also ask if I need some special downloader for them or if any ytdlp fork will work.

ts hkxazl6otj7n
Anybody knows the name/source of the model used in this video? I'm pretty sure it's from a set, since I've seen other models with the same style but I haven't been able to find much on my own (retard)
anyone have kazusa from blue archive?
The body is most likely TararaTarako's Megumin, and the head is from a googleable character.
anyone know the pass for this? i've been trying for a while now https://bowlroll .net/file/318521
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You just need to watch the video very attentively.
It's at 02:31. Blink, and you'll miss it.
davinci resolve doesnt like my video formats... is there any video editing software that just werks with utvideo codecs?
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Aviutl is the common MMDer software that is also the target environment for most PV kits. Wondershare Filmora is a fairly powerful one-time purchase tool (though I wouldn't say its capabilities rival Adobe After Effects), but lately they've been jewing it with paid assets, while free assets seem to gradually disappear from the library (unless they're moved to a different category, which is the case for at least some of them) even if you don't update, being squeezed out by something new, so you can only use the old ones if you have downloaded them previously (unless the above is true).
Not like I don't understand why they're doing that. Selling niche software once per user in a saturated market is not a sustainable business model. And there's still a lot that you can do for free with it.
im not the op but when I tried to put the password in I got the wrong ツ, apparently ツ and ッ is different and the latter is the correct one. can someone who can actually read japanese explain lmao
How do vertex morphs work with bones that affect the same vertices?
If you make a morph with bones in the default position and then try to apply it when they're in a different position it seems to behave arbitrarily.
I assumed the vertex edits from the morph would just be added after the bone deformations, so if you had a morph that moved an object up, it would always move it up regardless of bone positions, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
all i really need to do is patch a whole bunch of shit together and speed some of the parts up.

would aviutl be more intuitive than doing it in mmd?
If you click the material tab in the property editor while in mesh edit mode, some buttons pop up. You can select a material there and then press select/deselect to select/deselect the faces/verts associated with the material depending on what mode you're in.

Vertex morphs are applied first, then bone skinning takes an effect. It can't really be any other way because think about it: imagine some facial vertex morph that makes a smile by pushing the mouth vertices mostly up. If vertex morphs were applied afterwards, if you positioned your character upside down using bones, the smile would suddenly turn into a frown. But that's not what you want. So the vertices are moved by vertex morphs first, then bones move them. Bone morphs are just regular bone skinning, there's nothing all that special about them in that sense.
>If vertex morphs were applied afterwards, if you positioned your character upside down using bones, the smile would suddenly turn into a frown
Makes perfect sense, that's a great example.
The problem I'm having is with a shirt where part of the material (sleeves) is affected by the motion of the arm bones, but the rest of the shirt is not. Maybe I'll have to make a separate morph for the sleeves where the motion is parallel to the arm bones.
VLC works for me some of the time to display as a monoscopic video where you can rotate the point of view using the mouse, but only if the video has some sort of metadata. It seemed that it used to be enough that Youtube recognized the video as side by side VR, but none of Kusemono's videos seem to be recognized correctly. You may be able to find and use Youtube's old VR metadata injector, or a comparable metadata tool written by somebody else. The videos are much better on a VR headset though. I've generally been able to download VR video from Youtube with ylt-dlp or JDownloader2.
An easy way to capture Japanese text from a screen capture is to pause the video at the right part (as per the password hint, a speech bubble at the end of the second verse), screen capture it (ie. print screen key), crop the picture in any image editor to show only the text you need, copy it to clipboard, bring up Google Translate, use the image translate and pick the option to paste from clipboard. By default it will translate away from Japanese, but if you click the <--> button to reverse the language translation, it will show the original picture and you can click the "Copy text" button to copy it to clipboard as Japanese text.
The small one is a gemination marker. Like the double "g" in "faggot." Also can be used as a postfix to indicate a sharp pause (not the case here). Like "Ah-" instead of "Ah..."

You certainly need a video editor to convert your video into a non-retarded format, and things like captions are certainly easier to do in a video editor. However, captions that can interact with objects in the scene (including being covered by them) are, conversely, easier to do within the environment. You can create arbitrary (limited by your chosen font) text in PMXE using the Simple Primitive (Ctrl+P) functionality.
VirtualDub64 is pretty primitive but it works for me to append UtVideo files, delete frames, mux in audio, etc. The available filters may be enough for any small edits you need. Or if you just want to convert the videos to use a more sophisticated tool, FFMPEG works very well to compress UtVideo with another codec.
if someone can link me a premium cunny model i like that hasn't been shared yet, i'll post it. i'm the anon who posted the miku earlier
Neat, thanks. I'll keep looking around and see if I can find anything else if VLC doesnt work out for me.
Then please grab her when the full version is done.
does anyone have this motion?
https://bowlroll.net/file/319844 does anyone got this motion? I knew about this motion a little too late
imagine there's something like this but for stomach bulge instead
surely the same thing would work... as for whether it would look good, compared to animating it manually, I have my doubts
whose model is that anon?
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Fixed a bunch of stuff:
-Hands are a little less ugly, I overdid it with the normal map previously and also the fingers were too thin
-Modified the toes a bit so they aren't as straight and as thin as they were
-Fixed collar weighting
-Made the mouth weights rounder so the upper/lower lip aren't as straight when the corners of the mouth are rotated
-Incisor edges are less round, when they were round-ish it kinda looked like she had a front tooth gap when the upper lip wasn't raised enough
-Fixed the small belt textures so they're less bad
-Changed the SSS variables a bit, though it may be too strong from afar now
-Redid the shader structure for MMM so it should work there now with its shader in the "shanoa_mmm_shader" folder, you can load just shanoa.fx and assign it to shanoa.pmx and it should start working


It's weird, but it seems you cannot address the toon texture from MMM shaders either, so I put a copy of the roughness/etc map into the MMM shader folder and addressed it as a custom one.
Also if you're using MMM and the rain isn't failling/waves aren't rolling, just press "Play" once and it should fix itself. The TIME variable doesn't start ticking properly until I do that for some reason. I was thinking of giving her some glyph weapons but I'm too lazy and the model isn't that great to begin with, so I think I'm done with this silly project.
hey if anyone want to work with Takizawa-san you can go to discord link here: https://discord.gg/f8rHqCnb
What kind of work do?
re-fixing models and creating matcaps
is that sphere maps?
franKly yes since blender exists.
That 4 person collaboration for Kiss Of Life's Nobody Knows. $12 for each member's part. Are you fucking kidding me?
Hey, it's a free market if you don't like it go away >< !
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It takes around a week of work on average to animate a minute of one character dancing even if you have experience and use MikuMikuMoving. That one is four characters dancing for three minutes. You complain because you're too used to creators underselling their work or providing it for free, so you've started to take it for granted, when it's not.

It's falling and the waves are rolling for me, but if I start playback, the waves suddenly start moving perpendicularly (as it would seem).

"Something like this" is very easy to do with my current setup, just need to enable collision for the penis group and fine-tune the behavior. There's only one bone for belly physics though, and adding more would be a bad move due to already complicated weights. Even with the labia, it's much wiser to use regular bone weights or morphs that will not misbehave due to sudden movements or maladjusted motions.
Not to be a VRCfag on main, "something like this" looks a lot like DPS.
If you do a verson of it with Yuuka I'd be very interested to see how it looks, anon
Are there more motions like this?
> ><
this is the wrong website
What I have is just jiggle physics that can be set to collide with what I want. Same as butt and booba physics. To moonlight as stomach bulging, it needs to be adjusted so that it stays in a position reachable with the penis normally. The one in the recording is enlarged to twice the normal size, yet the belly needs to be moved down to make them touch. You can do it by creating another physical&bone rigid around the pubis (so that the penis primarily pushes it away toward the front when moving deeper inside the vagina instead of up the torso) that is more or less fastened to the main one with a very limited joint and can only interact with the penis rigid body group, so anything colliding with it will reflect on the main one (but it will follow the main rigid, and the main rigid moving out of reach is the very reason we'd want an additional rigid), or by assigning that physical&bone rigid to the belly weight bone and joining it to the movable body instead (negative Z limits make the bulge), or by using any other approach. The trick is in making it actually distinguishable in movement & natural-looking to be worth the effort. With low weights, you'd need high bounce/spring modifiers at least.
Well, I think I better go back to Puni Puni
thank you!
Does anyone have honkai star rail r18 models, I've searched and can't find any
anyone have this model?

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3dnico + blender
anyone please reupload
ts ukgyjnbiz0nx
Thank you!
I checked the model, but it was in fbx format and the output was incomplete from the game data. Shapekeys and bones were not exported correctly.
you need blender bro
so mmdbooru is basically dead at this point, right? what happened?
Normies and discord trannies claimed ownership years ago.
Admins and moderators of the mmda booru have their own discord to enforce shitty rules.
Such as not sharing paid content, and removing anything that doesn't align with their views.
If we export properly using AssetstudioGUI from the game data, we can output both shapekeys and bones, so no need editing and Blender.
You said it
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no one will use your shit anymore if you remove all paywall models
If I want a transform to affect normals, that's not possible with a vertex morph right? Only bones?
This was really cool, thanks for making it and sharing.
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Shorts? Way too many.
Lewd shorts? I typically ignore shorts, all I can say is that lovemax has more than that one.
Innuendo/"air sex" motions of any length? Look up monotamago [tstorage/kemono], いわやとまえ (ひもろみ) [free fantia], mm3077 [tstorage], I-Zack [free fantia], デニス [direct handjob/fellatio invitation gestures on bowlroll], plus other motion names from this trash list (excluding the descriptions in brackets; I also got rid of the most inane ones, so you'd probably find more if you have no standards at all):

I heavily recommend checking their compatibility with PMX-VMD Scripting tools before using any of them.

Did you mean Puni Engine? Such a pain to set up, IIRC.

Consider searching properly then, after consulting with the opening post and discovering the tstorage catalogue & kemono. The same models can be found beyond paywalls by merely googling.

Either bones or shaders. So if you want to be able to switch between defined abs and smooth or chubby belly, you're forced to either create unorthodox weights for the abdomen, use a shader that redefines normals in an acceptable manner (regardless, you will end up losing the effects of normals that are intentionally not aligned with the surface), or create several bodies with individually tailored normals and respective morphs applied by default (save the model while in the morph editor).
it's what happens when you invite faggots from other websites and go on and exposin the business
the word should have been discreet
like the part time lovers song by stevie wonder
has anyone here used quickmagic for making motions? does it work well/is it worth the cost?
I haven't. You tell me:
+ https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43482210 (load this for a perfectly compatible model, lean back with the camera, and appreciate the leg movements)
+ https://bowlroll net/file/keyword/QuickMagic
oh finally no more 72
Does anyone have sheesh?
one day I would master mmd so I could make something like this, also did his penish detached? is that an mmm feature or it came from the model
can someone tell me the difference in tararako model? theres like mark2, HI which I assume high polygon and set1, set2. I would try it if my internet keep cutting off my download
I made it detachable & movable with an additional bone and a little bit of reweighing. After some use, I thought of creating a second bone to allow both stretching from the root without detaching, like a real dick, and detaching for when it's needed, but in, like, three years haven't actually bothered.

Perhaps, but having those jiggle weights can mess up the abdomen's shape really bad as the torso folds.

Mark2 is an enhanced version with additional features. The best option in all cases, unless your PizzaCheese is too old for Pedobear to bear. The regular sets are "low-poly" (more like average model size as opposed to >100k vertices) versions.
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Requesting a re-upload for this motion:
need password pls

ts f63pmmeb2siw
anyone knows where can find this models?
I demand you remove her tits at once.
ts 9uhghzybsuh6
Have fun
You like flat girls?
You don't?
hello sirs i seem to have misplaced my japanese block stage and i cant find it again. can anyone provide me the link pls thank you sirs
Sorry but I need to feel something squeezed in my hands
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Bless you.
Dunno why he felt the need to force using a PMM, as I could find no external parenting. Looking at the state of the model, probably just inexperience or laziness. Here's a pack with fixes for the chairs if you decide to update the file, also targeting any other potential users:

Your description doesn't clarify much. I saw several that fit during the summer (winter if you're from the southern half of the globe).

The bodies must be the HK base combined with Tda heads, similar to these:
No idea about the clothes.
i disagree, the stage is called japanese block
more details
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Hello, Does Anyone Has A Vanitosa Motion by Miku Queen? so do Everyone have this motion? plz

that's what the butt and hips are for
Oh Anon...
You sound so gay
I'm not looking to break your heart if your drawing skill is a source of your pride, anon, but I think your picture could really use putting some more information into it, like colors and more names, because I can't quite figure out what you drew.
no problem. the thing on the right is a car under a carport. i cant properly draw a car from that angle. this is the view when you load the stage, but its part of... a japanese block.
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forgot pic
Must be this:
(I googled "mmd house stage" and browsed the pictures.)
yes thats it, thank you anon. i searched da for japanese block, thats why i couldnt find it. the stage is actually called japanese block when you open it in mmd.
how do I make the cloth reflect light like this?
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High material reflectivity, sdCrossFilter from sdPBR and/or Auto Luminous (with 0/0/0 specular values for the material and over 105 reflectivity), and high pixel luminosity (sphere maps, lights, increased reflectivity, and/or luminescent PBR materials), combined.
damn captcha
thank you, anon
[spoiler]is there a jav genre similar to mmd? jav that focuses on dancing and singing?[/spoiler]
anyone know where I can find his mmd models?

I wish, never found anything like it. The closest is basically strip club performances or poledances but that's really not quite the same.

When I was in Japan I'm pretty sure I saw ads for erotic cabaret style shows which might be more like it, but unfortunately couldn't go to one because of reasons. Sadly there don't seem to be recordings of any of these though.
Nico views are still pretty low compared to pre-closure...
no millies?
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Does anyone recognize what body this is?
https://www.iwara.tv/video/M6k4Z8TnXYk33j and/or download link for it?
The shapes remind me of https://kemono.su/patreon/user/64533273 , but it could as well be the work of TararaTarako (although his bodies normally have more detail), the video author himself, or someone else entirely.
Aya Fukunaga Oily Dance
Now I see where all those gutter trash motions came from.
also anybody have last 3 models from this clown?
definitely a TararaTarako body, i can tell by the nipples. though the opening in the tummy of the bunnysuit threw me off, maybe they edited it, or maybe it has a morph for that that i'm unaware of. also his bunnysuits also have morphs to roll down the breast section.
Is this model distributed? Or is it just a head replacement?
I can't p>>2898989
ost the image, why is that?
Yep, it's a TararaTarako from what I can see.
Thank you.
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Forget the above... I feel like I'm the crazy one. ...... This is what I wanted to ask.
>big tits nahida
but why
If there is a distribution centre, I thought I would go there, if not, I would have to modify it and make it myself:-)
link expired https://bowlroll.net/file/116905
anybody knows where I can get it?
why not ?
Anyone have a model for 2023 Racing Miku?
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Anyone have this Mualani custom model

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