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>Images and videos
https://pastebin.com/EjQciwYU (embed) (embed)

>DOA XVV guide
https://pastebin.com/X0ZBwHyB (embed) (embed)

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide
https://pastebin.com/xHrgQi6p (embed) (embed)

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)
https://i.imgur.com/302w0FF.jpg (embed) (embed)

>Previous thread: >>2892978
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Please post Hitomi!
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She cute.
Especially with that hairstyle.
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Hey! Who turned off the lights???
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Reminded me of when I unlocked Kokoro years ago. Only time it ever happened to me.
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rarest VV bug I ever got was double Kanna, for the few seconds it lasted it was pretty sweet
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Two oni...
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I will nut inside Hitomi
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Is this what the girls see until they get invited to the island?
No from a seiso owner san...
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>Kokoro in the dark
Must now molest
kokoro fights four kings
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damn oni !!!!
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Marry Monkers
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reproductive sex with Honoka
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Those babies will have a lot of food
need more flower necklace
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anyone know how i can get amy's hair bun mod working again i haven't used it since her new hairstyle came out but i tried to swap back and it doesn't work i already tried reinstalling the mod and it still doesn't work
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I need more (non-lewd) Shizuku pics.
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birb indeed
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how do you change poses like this?
yea i know but nothing happens when i press it i also tried changing the keybind in the ini file and i still cant get it to work
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Still works on steam.
A mesh or shader hash must've changed on the DMM version.
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Impregnate Monica
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And marry Monica
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Nut inside Momiji
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After marriage
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Big fat megs
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Those milkers have life on their own
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a lesson on what!?
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I dunno
I never studied it
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based Shandy poster
oni sex
I want to drink their milk
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I wonder what Tengu milk tastes like
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Where can I find this type of chalkboard?
I will drink Amy's milk
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Technerd's milk
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I'll marry Amy
Also, delicious technerd pubes
twitter link?
Amy is for sex sex sex
>Its (You)r birthday
>Some girls just politely wish (You) a happy birthday
>Honoka sings for (You)
>A few girls like Shandy, Helena and Nanami asks what (You)'d want for a present
>Fiona asks for some alone time with (You)
Is it still possible to download DOA5 without using steam? The version from fitgirl keeps redirecting me to download from Steam for some reason.
Nanami can gift me children
shizuku would gift a shitty diaper she pulled out of a garbage sack, crap all over your yard and scream like a banshee outside your window all night
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what about Hitomi?
>still possible to download DOA5 without using steam

why not download the steam version?
I'd ask for her hand for marriage first.

But anon, she's not a raccoon.

Pretty sure people commonly download the free DOA5LR and apply an unlocking app or something.
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An overabundance of paranoia, mostly. I ended up doing it anyway.
I wish the game had subtitles in the main menu...
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I'd love her sounds she'd make when being petted tho
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I will drink Amy's milk
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Impregnation comes first
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Owner san, would you like to taste Patty's patty?
I want Eyes on Me Amy
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But of course
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Coconath sexo desu
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This one is just for me, owner
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Sure, having a tengu and an oni with magic powers in the island is totally real, but a spirit fox isn't
Dumb technerd
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Which one do you prefer to eat? Patty's burger or... Patty?
Our children exist
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I can't remember
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Patricia is a weird name for a japanese
the dark nipples are the best for patty
Dumb gyaru, needs impregnation correction!
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She's a mystery pacific islander
in yurop and the UK, foxes fill in for raccoons. They are fucking hooligans.
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I'm taking pictures of Patty to create a LoRA to generate her in AI
Since the AI model I used doesn't work anymore
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Bed the dealer
The sexcretary doing pole dances after work
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thank you... blessed anon
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Sacrificing trillions to Momiji!
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Nut inside Leifang
Nut inside Momiji
When will those frauds at Team Ninja add Lisa to the roster
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Punish the dealer until she gets triplets
Koharu has a big butte
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Every day
Only triplets?
Kanna's birthday!

So Momiji will get the worst colour
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sex demon birthday
Four horns?
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extra horny yeah
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lets fucking go
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gzzzzz broda
KT bums still haven't given her new alt hairstyle yet
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How can you make the girls to level up faster?
I have a lvl 78 Miji and a lvl 70 Nyo
I have a lot of food and a lot of clovers for Miji's birthday.
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do they only give out ssr3 accesory tickets on anniversaries? I haven't had any in fucking ages
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These episodes feels different than the other girls' episodes. Like they'd been throw out in a hurry, knowing that she won't be as popular as the others.
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the fact that Ayane dislikes this suit makes it hotter
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>At 6/6
>Wanted Yukino
>Got Koharu to add to Nanami+Misaki
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Fat purpleninja
Wherever I am, I must always rape Ayane
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She gotta realize it's for breeding purposes
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>Being able to force himself over Ayane
Calm the fuck down, Ryo.
You already have several bitches that are willing to sex you
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Good things are meant to be shared.
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God I love Sayuri.
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Love me Monkers
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Which char is that? Those eyes do something for me
That's Pai Chan from Virtua Fighter (guest in DOA5).
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Kanna, Marie, and Lobelia are my first go to's IF we get to see fully sensory VR in our lifetime. Also assuming something is created where we can import models of our favorite girls from any type of game/show/movie.
Lobelia goes first...
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My Cleopatty
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Delicious gyaru butte
Delicious gyaru bush
Source for this gyaru?
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I wish I had her hourglass desu.
I'm short about 30 coins.
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I want to unlock her non-dyed hair but I'm still short in coins, besides her clock
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I got it from a /v/ thread, I think
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It's Momiji's Birthday!
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Momiji Millenium
The new suit isn't bad but she should have gotten Kanna's colours

Red and Momiji go together
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Happy Birthday to my wife
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I just reached level 80 for Miji (my first level 80 girl).
Should I stop leveling her up, right?
Also, Owner-san totally wants to do her, according of what she's saying. Can't blame him tho.
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I love Momiji so much, bros...
Spent like 50 of her favourite food + 200 clovers to make her reach level 80 from 78.
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My Miji is only level 72 desu.
It'll be a while before she hits 80 since there are 2 girls ahead in the queue.
Dear lord, muh dick
Do you have the sauce for that delicious Miji?
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I think some anon from here took that pic.
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Impeccable taste then.
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Repopulate the Hayabusa village with Momiji
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Shaved Momiji is also nice
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>no Miji birthday thread
people don't really care about Momiji
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We need a new NG
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it's not an 404
people just don't care to post in it
I love Momiji
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She looks like an [spoiler]isekai[/spoiler] heroine
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Who doesn't?
Is there a difference between the normal skin and the sweaty skin?

Can someone post pics?
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I dunno, but the sweaty skin looks very lickeable
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Still would
I dont get it
This modded hairstyle should be added as an official one.
Looks so damn good on her.
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Made for nutting inside.
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And have many technerd kids
>not damaged Raise the Sail
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I'll damage it in my bed
Amy is made for starting a very large family!
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Her body seems perfect for bear many children without any problem
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Nut inside Elise too
Tried to hide the seam on Koharu's crotch.
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New VV project to be announced on the KT Live at TGS 2024 stream. Misaki's VA will be in attendance.

Stream [https://www.youtube.com/live/Cj3NIx8hEN0]
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>"Venus Vacation series"
That specification is funny.
Wonder if it'll be more vaporware like that AR thing or that mic testing thing.

Or an announcement that they're moving to VV2
Honestly it could be any multitude to things. From a mobile port to a something that works with the KT app that they've been pushing.

We're almost 8 years in so a VV2 or even an overhaul update seems possible. What are the chances that they've decided to re-add OGs if a VV2 even gets announced?
they better add marriage feature or something close to it.
I wonder if it will be a major upgrade to the existing game or something standalone. Whatever it is I hope we get to develop more meaningful bonds/interactions with the girls
My bet is that it'll be a phone gacha version
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I want an actual volleyball game with all the VV OCs
crop those feet yikes
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Not my screenshot
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It'll never happen but i can only hope
>Monkey's paw
Mobile gacha game where you roll for 'cards' like IM@S:CG or Senran Kagura New Link.

OGs return but since its a mobile game, it is just a 3D chibi model.
>no Dead or Alive in the title
There won't be any girls from Dead or Alive series, will there?
>There won't be any girls from Dead or Alive series, will there?
Nah, there'd definitely be DOA girls. The bigger question is which ones?
Honoka and Marie Rose to help sell the game, and that's pretty much it.
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people will refuse to play if theres no actual DOA girls in it, and they just made a TC for kokoro so its not like theyve abandoned the OGs
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Kokoro is Owner's wife
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No-one expects the Kokoro Inquisition!
Kokoro is for breeding
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By Owner-han
>By Owner-han
Literally me
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That's right, Owner-han!
captcha: asskh
They sleep in my room.
it's not technically sleep if chloroform is involved, anon
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I don't need to chloroform my wife.
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Source of this? More info?
Nobody imported new character into the game, right? things like 2B, Tifa etc....
They did, but those replaces some of the girls, so it sucks
Any place were to see these specific mods (the one with new character)?
I plan to make one for the PS4 version of the game mostly (but will certainly add compatibility to the PC version).
Dunno, look arround loverslab
I will.
I somehow managed to activate a bug in which the girl keeps the special expression through different animations, and she'll keep that expression even when talking.
I remember seeing somebody having that same bug on a X's post.
Shrine Maidens shouldn't have such big floaters tho
Breed the birb while spanking and fingerblasting monkers
Drink birb milk
Post more wet Miji
it looks like paying 5000 paypig stones for a permanent wet skin is worth it
I just click the shit out of the spraying bottle while taking photos.
>Got Kanna's birthday suit in 1 roll
>Got Kanna's birthday suit in 1 roll
>Got Momiji's birthday suit in 1 roll
I'm glad to share a birth month with these 2 Venuses.
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been trying to get good jiggle physics in blender. There really isn't a definitive method that doesn't come with flaws.
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Does anyone have a link to these mods? The tits and texture are perfect.
Are those not Hi-Metal's skin mods? Only asking because I'm using KF2314's.
I don't know at all, I didn't even started to "play" the PC game yet, I only played on PS4.

I want to start porting stuff to the PS4 version (VR), so I'm a bit late about all these mods.
>Hi-Metal's skin mods
Seems like it: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/118051-mod-skins-textures-v3-created-by-hi-metal/

But I don't see anything for Marie Rose, if the anon that posted the Marie Rose one have some links, that would be great
Ah, well that explains the question.

HI-METAL's skins are considered the 'default' but he's a bit lazy and only has 4k skins for some of the girls. Newer girls or those that he doesn't fancy only get a 'test' skin. KF2314 is the only modder (so far) to offer a 4k skin set for everyone available (including different nipple sizes and bush types). There are other skin mods but those only cater to a specific body type (eg flatties only) and/or a specific fetish (puffy nipples).
His Marie skin is here [https://www.loverslab.com/topic/118051-mod-skins-textures-v3-created-by-hi-metal/?do=findComment&comment=3745456].
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On a side note, looks like KF2314 is coming up with v2 of skins.
Thank you for the info, I will also check KF2314 one then.
I will try to download and archive as most things as possible.

I'm very surprised that the modding community didn't got further than that though, I modded other games, and made tools (that are for the moment private) that allow to modify stuff very easily (everything in a single webpage), and thus, doesn't have to swap files, and do all the shit that I seen in those mods guide lol. I can also modify the terrain, since I plan to import DOAX1&2 hotel room and more to the PS4 version (I guess, I could do it for the PC afterward too).
Thank you! I quickly searched through all pages but I missed it!

My first goal will be to import Tiffa and Benedikta to DOAX3
There was a mod manager for VV which had an online database that modders uploaded to and doubled as an archive. But the server died and the person running it went MIA.

The mods themselves break if KT updates that particular set of costumes since mods are heavily reliant on hashes. Its also a weird way to foretell which costumes might come back if a mod for an old (or at least older) costume breaks.
Well that suck, at least, no issue like that on the PS4 version. I will see if I will be able to do something for the PC version to prevent this.
>had an online database that modders uploaded to and doubled as an archive
Did anyone make a backup of it?
I guess I will need to scan and download as much shit as I can.
>Did anyone make a backup of it?
Highly likely that the person who ran the server has a backup. Otherwise most of them should be from either the mod discussion or mod release threads. Its highly likely that the old(er) mods don't work (like most of minazuki's mods).
on the topic, anyone know what mod this one is? the nipple texture is exquisite.
I think those are the maroskin by eromaro? I remember his being the one to feature dark nipples for Patty, though the image looks darker from reshade.
Gotta love this cute, horny hostess
Do these mods improve the polycount of the models?
Some of them do. LunaticDawn bases his mods using this as a template.
That's just normal wetness.
Oil is persistent between load screens and is more intense.
Which mod do I need for the swimsuit they wear in the shower in the gacha section? Basically I wanna be able to toggle them nude while they're showering there in the background but not sure which suit they're wearing
Its the R suit Loquat a.k.a. Square Bikini.

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