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>>2895599 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
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> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request anchor
I don't see the anchor anywhere
Or even just water
There's also no watermark on the OP.

3/10, thank you for baking, OP. We needed another thread.
>make a thread
>get flamed
No, we don't. Usual OP doesn't want to bake because he's a wussy, so this thread will do
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Previous Thread Highlights
Now this is true highlighting.
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here you go anon
>There's also no watermark on the OP.
I'll be more worried about the danger of having a short-stack as an OP
She has boobs, should be fine.
Thread theme. Sporty girls, tomboys.
thread purge incoming, then.
But we did that last thread.
I made it bros!!!!
the seething is almost funny
I find it really funny how this guy is hellbent on his retarded thesis that highlights breed shit quality. I guess it must hurt to be so bad that no one cares about the shit you post.
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Is this both, or just tomboys is good enough?
Some people are just dumb and there is nothing you can do about it. Try to reason with them and they'll only drag you down. Best course of action is to completely ignore and not acknowledge it, even indirectly.
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Those meant more for record keeping.
Highlights-Anon is based and hopefully not deterred by the inane shitposting by one troll.
I mean what even is the argument? That the highlights themselves are of poor taste/quality, or that highlights per se are a problem?
Because highlights go back over a year on /e/. Like what the fuck is this tourist's problem?
You should've waited a bit more before samefagging, anonnie
I thought it was age progression?
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It was me, not him. Sorry Anon.
I do think people have started taking it all too seriously and the highlights seem to cause more issues than they solve.
There was a serious issue with the highlights quality after old bakeranon left and this new one took over. I think it's mostly stabilized now, though there's still a bias towards small breasts and fancy backgrounds.
Yeah I mostly agree that this new dude is a fucking retard obsessed with overly busy backgrounds that are half the time falling apart.
Nobody took issue with highlights from the previous baker. This one picks satirical aomslop troll posts for his highlights because of le backgrounds, this shit has to go.
Things are heated up so no surprise there.
The "argument" is but a weak cover for the proverbial butthurt. The spammer is also seething in /hdg/ and it's clearly upset that neither the highlighterinos or the trash gens he was promoting with it did not catch on.
troll and/or retard
Not at all.
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Requesting topless jeans pinups of Chariot du Nord (LWA).
Alright if taste/quality of the highlights is the problem that's a fair complaint. That's different from saying highlights in and of themselves are shitting up the thread.
I'd prefer no highlights but it could be done right.
Something like this?
Yes! More please!
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the style makes her look like a pokégirl
Guys, chill out. I know how to fix the highlights issue.
Ok so, Anonymous picked the highlights this time, right? But people generally disagree with their picks.
So in the next thread, let's give Anonymous a chance to do the highlights instead.
And in the thread after that, Anyonymous can do the highlights. And so forth. So we all get a go.
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I agree, except for Anonymous #3, I hate that guy.
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But Anon, picking highlights would require more effort from Anon than just criticizing Anon's picks.
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How about NOT making highlights and just letting people post gens? It's not promoting quality and causes more issues than it solves. Can we agree on that? Although it feels like highlighter anon is doing it out of spite at this point.
Fun with tanlines.
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>Underappreciated gen, this is super clean looking

Thanks,I usually fix any major ai fuckups in PS before upscaling in img2img
Are you not entertained?
Forgot my pic...
>Can we agree on that
No. Highlights are the posters' personal opinion, they're not meant to say "these are the objectively best posts from last thread". If you don't agree with the picks, just post your own highlights. It's a fucking sdg-thread on 4chan, the fuck are you talking about promoting quality?
Should 4chan steal futaba's そうだね updoots?
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>Can we agree on that?
No. It's fun to see what comes out from thread to thread and something to start a new thread with. Anons then move on on wathever as the thread marches on.
>Someone previously enjoying all the emphasis on tits but also wanted more ass shots.
>It's a fucking sdg-thread on 4chan, the fuck are you talking about promoting quality?
>it's 4chan! just do whatever, we're le Anonymous, we can't have nice things :))
Well then, I hope you're happy with quality contributions from Satellite sir? Fucking idiot.
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Please wait a bit more before samefagging, anonnie
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Of course. Solves anons being too lazy to give (You)s problem. Also we need them just because the amount of seething from "oldfags" is going to be spectacular. そうだねx25
>implying Satellite is posting his trollshit because a "lack of quality" in the highlights encouraged him to do so
Are you serious about this? Holy shit, you're actually dumber than I thought.
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I said nothing about his reasons, dumb fucking faggot. Kill yourself
Well the original idea of highlights in this thread was to promote quality and bring attention to good gens over the slop. If the highlights are no longer serving that purpose maybe they don't need to exist.
I like the highlights, if I'm in them I feel good, if I'm not in them I can complain about it
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>implying the subjective quality of the highlights determines the quality of the gens in the entire thread
You're obviously just trolling. 6/10, I took your bait, congratulations. Here's my final (You) for you.
You fight the spammer by posting new content.
It's all so tiresome...
Why is she wearing loli pantsu though...
No, I am not implying that you dumb fucking nigger. I am implying that your "lemaoooo just let the highlighter post anything and don't call him out, it's 4chan after all teehee" take is retarded.
>It's a fucking sdg-thread on 4chan, the fuck are you talking about promoting quality?
Like, if it's true, it doesn't matter that the thread is getting flooded with namefag slop, right? Who cares about quality, it's 4chan, post whatever you want bro!
Why wouldn't she?
Wow! That looks nice!
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That retarded fag also keeps sniping a thread with slop so he can post his highlighterinos right away and does the same on /hdg/
nta, it's pretty clear that the spammer isn't at all concerned about the quality of the thread. If the complaint is that the highlights aren't good, the answer to that is to point out which ones from the previous thread deserved highlights over the ones that got picked and have a discussion on what makes a good gen and all that. Trolling the thread is just a schizo tactic that keeps giving the troll fuel as long as people are engaged with him.
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Love girls clipping through tables!
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I think picking out specific gens from the last thread is gonna look like you're picking your own. Criticizing the existing picks makes more sense to me. But yeah if it's meant to achieve more than just letting off steam then it needs some explanation as to why it's not a highlight worthy gen.
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>Can we agree on that?

Not at all, I would like to see more highlights from more people, not less.
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You also need to conclusively set the bar you think the highlights should have. You can't define something just by giving examples of what it's not, you also need positive examples.
is table humping /e/? or does that count as using a toy?
IMO, that should be /e/. Rules wise, it's likely /h/.
It shows up in the masturbation thread.
Unfortunate, thanks
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I like the lowered zipper (or just dress cut) in this one, nice.

>Exercises in getting one-piece tanlines under a bikini.
Female masturbation is allowed when done by the girl herself without toys and tables are not toys.

You see, that would be too sane of a take. Some people just get off on trolling.

I say fuck it, if he wants to spam, let him spam. He was already mass reported and the mods don't want to do anything. So now it's on the mods for not stopping it.

The logic is:
> /edg/ has to follow the speed of /e/
> If I fill up the thread so no one can post, the thread is dead and I get my way.

Notice how this is contingent on people playing by the rules of /e/

The mods clearly agree with him, so then we just make more and more threads as needed. Then mods have to either
a) ban the spammer;
b) consider making a dedicated AI board; or
c) ban /edg/ from this board (in which case we'll just migrate somewhere else.

So in short, fuck it we ball
Can she hump a dildo if it's business grade, then?
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Can we just post images, though? I know you guys love arguing, but we already have enough ugly shit with just the namefag's posts. Please post more 1girl.
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It does look like a spambot
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It do be that way.
I'll take some tit shots of her too!
IMO Highlight Reel from Last Thread (Post 1 of 2)

Felt the need to give credit to some standout gens from the last thread, especially given the spam issues we faced. This is only my second time posting highlights, though I’ve been active in this thread for a year. I stayed true to original resolution so if your gen appears smaller it's not because it's less good; you just posted it that way. Here's the breakdown of my criteria if you're interested:

>Limited to 40 gens (roughly 20% of the non-spam posts)
>Gens with glaring errors were ruled out...errors that could’ve been fixed with inpainting. Personally, I always fix errors before posting. I believe this is the first factor that separates "highlight worthy" from "sloppy."
>Some well-done gens didn’t make the list simply because they didn’t fully align with the /e/ genre imo (example: >>2896279).
>Gens with impossible anatomy or oddly placed objects were excluded.
>Finally I focused mainly on composition and concept while paying attention to gens that got positive feedback (You’s) from other anons.
>I aimed to cover a variety of different styles and unique concepts.
>where it was obvious that one anon had posted several gens, I picked only the best of their "series", to give everyone a fair shoutout.

what are my biases? so yeah no highlight reel is completely objective. personally I don't love the glossy 3D style and I tend to gen in a more retro style. despite that I tried to stay open minded and inclusive. so bear that in mind if your gen didn't make the reel or if you disagree with my picks.
IMO Highlight Reel from Last Thread (Post 2 of 2)
juice is almost worth the squeeze for flux, but loras dont add much and every alternate checkpoint i've tried so far is worse
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More of this girl, maybe in some more realistic styles too? Key points are huge tits, big areolas, pasties!
This is a nice witch

Its probably not a bot so much that its just one guy preloading a number of post and redoing the captch as needed. Notice how its only like 5 at a time

Glad you like my gen anon, will make some more
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I don't think it's a bot either. I feel certain that it's SwoliBro who didn't get the recognition or praise that they wanted and turned bitter
it wasn't written for you
for what it's worth, I asked him on /b/ directly
he said he is indeed annoyed that people bullied him for namefagging but it's not him spamming the thread
Sorry anon, please have this as an apology
>he said he is indeed annoyed that people bullied him for namefagging
sasuga namefags
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It's cause people keep giving them special treatment. Why would you go ask a retard if he's really retarded? The whole point of not having names is to prevent this.
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Was playing Free Cities earlier, ran one of my slaves through a NAI vibe transfer, and out came this gen. Was pleasantly surprised by the finger under the garter strap.
It was on tv in Geass.
It is basically worksafe.
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That's really cute
I'm fine with this , they ARE supposed to be highlights after all.
someone deliberatley entered the thread and posted something i disagree with, and now i am mad. how could this be happening?

There's a few in the thread. I don't post that fast.

On it. Gradually.

>She's tomboy adjacent.
Love the background too! She's a sexy elf. But it's a private pool, she can show off her goods too.
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I too like to live dangerously
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Requesting Usagi Tsukino and Flannery at the beach together, naked
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The controlnet makes very satisfying images for your gens. My genki delf feels more like she has a character to herself now
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I saw this coming
With all the games Danmachi gets I cant believe we still didn't get a single one where you can make your own heroine or hero
Have some in two of my favorite /e/ mixes
I still don't understand how its popular. Isn't the whole premise that MC gets superpowers from simping?
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my favorite part is that schizos like the spammer are exhibiting behavior that is objectively way worse than the behavior they complain about and claim to try to fight against

every single time
Pay them no mind. The play is to make it a mod problem. More post > More threads > More complaints board wide > forced action
Dunno it's just one of those random wish fulfillment ones that took off. It's got a kinda interesting premise and I assume the LN at least deviates somewhat to make it more interesting since it's still going on in nipland far as I know. Meanwhile absolute trash slime isekai is off the walls popular and it's the most bottom rung trash generic fantasy shit ever.
Last one for now
if you want to have any chance of "solving" the problem go to irc and flag down a mod to complain. it's about the only thing you can actually do when there's even a fraction of nuance/needed context.
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>stay open minded and inclusive
That's quite the danger. You may actually incluye either the spammer, the other namefag or some serious garbage all in the name of that (much stained nowdays) word. You also somehow have more Highlights than the other one.
Requesting bra removed.
what styles are you using? these look good.
Huh? No, I didn't include either of the namefags and I ignored the spam. When I say open minded and inclusive, I mean inclusive of gens that I personally would not make myself.
I posted exactly 40 highlights. That's 20% of the gens that weren't spam. The highlights have always been roughly 20%: 60 out of 300 images. In this case, the spam left us with 200 genuine posts so I did 40 out of 200. There's no "somehow" about it. I respected the percentage of 20%
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No way
These are just mixes that I use. So from order from left to right is as follows:

> USA + Namespace
> Asagai + JK/Blurry (you can find this in the lora resources)
> "pochincoff" They don't look like the artist at all, but I like the results all the same
this is so hot
Wow so hot
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That perkynes on her tits, chef kiss* what's the recipe?
it's NAI
seems like just "puffy nipples"
That and the artist, who basically just draws architecture. I'm not sure how that worked out.
Dam didn't get in, too sloppy I guess
Super cute Nagatoro
Amazing tomboys, they look amazing
I really love how's she covering herself, how did you achieve that?
Left one I like it alot, box?
Right one is really good too
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We're really missing some ass in this thread

Here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/ihvjo1.png

If I had to say, these are probably my top 3 favorite mixes. I just don't use the 3rd one too much since in some gens, it leans too much on the ACO fence.

Man, broken armor is really hard to work with.
>pic rel
>fail gen
really cute d-elf, I'm in love with her. And thank you for the box
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she big
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No problem anon and thanks. I've been meaning to find a game to make her in - any suggestions?

You say you failed the gen but I actually really like this look. It's simplified white is actually a nice look

>What if trunks had daughter with a werewolf.

Toriyama would approve.
It was a fail gen because it was a bug, I sent the gen to img2img but it loaded a white pic and I denoised it at 0.5 with the full prompt. I really like the result too, I might be gening more of that

Most obvious thing came to mind. Hadn't done competition swimsuits in a while.
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Nice, thanks anon.
are those mostly downloaded loras for local or did you get t hem from civitai?
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I usually go lora hunting on civitai. Just the JD one was I downloaded from the /h/ repository
>the secret sauce is effort
aww fuck, not again
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Don't spam
NTA, but I find that hilarious with Satellite posting about. Also, 2 isn't spam - cat girl anon is fine
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The gloves make this hotter than it should be
leopard/cow print makes everything better
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Pretty happy with this one
>Don't spam

Have you seen Satellite?
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Hm I like the looks of this model but it has weird horizontal lines. Thought it might just be my gens but looking at the uploads on the Civitai also show some similarities.
Holy fuck I just really figured out this AI image shit and I am going into fucking overdrive. Holy fuck this is too easy
Looks like anon will be up all night. Be sure to check out contorlnet and regional prompting
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watch out anon -- its addictive. Next thing you know you'll be spending 2 grand on a 4090 to train your own models.
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You fucking DOG
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/3gyi5q.png
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/o3yddn.png
but anon -- th--thats LEWD!
Really loooove righty, I'd love to get a whole lot more of her in some hi-res.
Wow! I didn't expect more! Also, I would like to see her smile seductively.
She'll try anon -- but its so embarrassing!
Im weak to cow print myself, make everything hotter
Let me tell you, this is dangerous stuff boys
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Why does the WebUI prompt keep running old prompts after you change them? Is there a prompt refresh button I'm not seeing, and has anyone else experienced this problem? You change the prompt and it still runs the old one after you run it again
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Glad you like her anon. Probably the last I'm going to gen of her for a minute though.
Nice! Thank you!
It's highly addictive, completely free and safe. You don't want no part of this shit Dewey.
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Maybe it's laziness or just the fun communal aspect, but I like requesting from other people and getting styles and perspectives I otherwise might overlook.
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Can you remove the clothes of the girl in orange?
Original here if it helps:
I was considering doing that, but it seems like finetuning a model on a single 4090 would take literal months?
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I tried a proof of concept test on using inpaint to create a VN style paper-doll. It doesn't quite work as well for the face as it does for the clothes, but I could probably get it to work a bit better using soft-inpaint. The clothes are simple enough since I can do another img2img after the inpaint to clean up the details and then just cut the clothes out of the new image and paste them onto the nude base. Doing that with the face gives different hair and skin tones which aren't as easy to just erase around. Will take a bit of effort, but I think I'll figure it out.
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Did you delete that one yourself anon?
didn't even get a warning so I don't have the faintest of clues as to why it was deleted.
here's a catbox(that doesn't have any metadata)
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Requesting Setsuna being naked during a vacation in Hawaii.
>faintest of clues as to why it was deleted
I think we can guess :) Thanks for the info.
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NTA but I'm pretty sure "don't spam" was meant ironically in light of Satellite's actions. Or at least I hope to God it was. Surely nobody capable of using a keyboard could be THAT retarded.
Hi I'm the highlights poster. I'm not sure why you didn't get in because I really like what you're posting in this thread. Could you catbox?
Maybe this?
Aren't they both orange?
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The one with big breasts is more of a mustard color.
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You got them both regardless? Thank you! Can you post or catbox them individually?
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Ooh, nice!
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ignore hands
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Oh shit, I missed the extra toe.
I will not.
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Both was easier, so I just masked one of them out for the first one.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
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Alright, folks. Imagine it's the end of the quarter and you have a lot of work to do so your company can soar. On a monday morning, you find this on your way to your computer. How do you even react?
>prompt executed in 55s
agonizingly long gens compared to sdxl
Is this cascade?
flux dev fp8 plus fkey lora
Don't spam
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my tribute to delf
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Anon, mods don't come here. It's fine.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/0bx2uq.png
They do, they made sure that a problematic post like >>2897010 was removed.
Ah yes, thank you mods for doing the good work of protecting this thread from problematic content. Can you imagine what this thread would look like if that kind of material was allowed?
Have you thought about fixing her eyes?
Is she a co-worker or some random slut?
Friendly reminder that >moderation feedback exists
never heard of it
>board suggestion
AI board lets goo
She's your intern, leaves the company in a few weeks.
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Sorry for spamming.
As long as you understand.
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I love my delf in this style (plus the cool action shots). I wouldn't mind if more anons wanted to post her since this came out so well
anon, I have to say I love your mix. It could use a little refining but it has a distinct look to it
> One guy spamming thread after thread with identical looking images.
> It's a namefag.
Checks out, I guess.
Yeah, just filter him, this has been going on for a couple of days. If you report him for spamming, *you* will get a 3 days ban from the mods though.
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>*you* will get a 3 days ban from the mods though
I've been banned 3 days for pictures not looking anime enough
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In that case, I tell her to stop fucking around and get to fucking work.
Very nice! I love this! Catbox, please?
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Thank you, anon. I'm still gonna keep refining it as I find the time.
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>Both was easier, so I just masked one of them out for the first one.
Really? Well, thanks again for the Goods.
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some additional changes, hope you don't mind
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Nice. Wanted to see more of that for a while.
TWO consecutive images with some similarities? hope you're ready to flee to venezuela anon, that level of spam breaks nuclear arms treaties
Nice! I would like to see her panties back as well.
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Nice! Thank you!
Amazing backgrounds, what did you do?
I'm willing to bet that you would feel so much better if you just let it go.
however you feel they wronged you, you are making it ten times worse by holdin on to it.
just let that shit go.
this job you've given yourself, it must feel heavy.
you don't have to carry it anymore.
it's gonna feel so good if you just let it go and breathe. I promise you.
how is the weather? have you checked it out lately? step outside, feel the sunshine, hear the bird song, let go of this mission...and then try telling me you don't feel better, friend.
btw if you need to talk, here is my disc: mdk8558
I have been through some shit and I've done a lot of CBT, I can give you some tips if you like, or I can just listen.
please consider letting these people have their thread
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I need your help. I'm trying to create a non-trap version of this (sfw) pic https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10599921 through prompts alone, because I like the expression. But I can't seem to get it right. The booru tags describe it as flustered and wavy mouth, but in pony they don't really work in the same way. Anyone got a good idea/good tags for the eyebrows + mouth part and maybe the hands as well? "hands up" or even "stop gesture" and stuff like that don't really work (see >pic related).

I know I could just i2i it, but I'd like to be able to use the expression in other prompts as well.
I'm not the poster but it look like 1.5 background, sometime I miss the 1.5 times
its flux
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do you use the violentmonkey extension Get Booru Tags? usually I get very good results with just dumping all keywords in the prompt in addition to the usual + style loras
'against glass', 'beckoning', 'foreshortening', 'open hand', 'outstretched hand', 'reaching out', 'blush'...

also, for the face...be sure to use 'open mouth' plus 'wavy mouth'
What's the story here
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I know, especially since this most hallowed of rules is never broken here. I apologize for the sorry state I left this thread in.

By the way, pretty sure that we'll be finishing this thread by tomorrow.
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I'm not using that extension, I just thought I might be oblivious to some specific tag. Like, "oh yeah, that's clearly (awkward friendzoning:1.2)" or something like that.

Hm, seems like open + outstretched hands (and open wavy mouth) goes into the right direction, thanks
>I just thought I might be oblivious to some specific tag. Like, "oh yeah, that's clearly (awkward friendzoning:1.2)" or something like that.
pony has been trained on danbooru with the tags from danbooru, you get very good results by using the extension and leaving stuff as is.
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Yeah, the danbooru tags were my first go-to (albeit without that extension).
A dash of "concerned" nudged the facial expression more towards what I had in mind. Danbooru suggests using "worried" instead, but that seemed to be a tad too strong for my purposes.
It's not just "in pony", every art style handles facial expressions a bit differently. Like "smug" could be a one-sided smirk or a shit-eating grin or a cat mouth.
>W-wait... Are you serious?!
>We're friends... right?
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I see a bulge, you might have forgotten to remove something from the prompt
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Definitely no penile protrusion. At that angle a bit of mons pubis should be normal.
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Seems like the baked in VAE was the issue as loading in a separate one seems to have removed the lines.
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Aaahh, okay. I see now. Seeking attention in any form, good or bad. So when I made the appeal for your mental health, I was just adding fuel to the fire.
well then.
keep going.
they say you only did 92 images last thread? you know the limit is 300, right?
I'm sure you can do better than 92.
>Seeking attention in any form, good or bad.
which you just gave him
twice actually.
I'm aware that by replying to him again I'm giving him more attention. I'm not an idiot. but thank you :)
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keep going, Satellite boy. you think you can stop because I got distracted by another anon?
I'm watching.
come on.
pump them out.
>Morgan Freeman: He kept pumping them out.
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One from Nemu waifu gen before it stopped.
The hands were always a bit dodgy
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more please.
don't stop
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what is this thread devolving into lmao. I come back from work to this
A butthurt spammer is what happened. The real problem is that the mods have not done anything about it.
except banning the people who report him
> 246 Imgs
> 102 is the spammer
welp, then we just keep making threads since it sounds like it's mod approved.
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Yeah, I wouldn't worry about that. Though we might have to carry over thread themes now, if they don't last long enough for everyone to see them even.
good taste
I agree
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Something about her legs is very sexy.
Could you box? Or which model and loras. Very pretty style.
thoughts on novelAI?
It's the shit
>Could you box? Or which model and loras. Very pretty style
Just RainPony and expressiveh at 0.4, no specific style or other loras. The prompt contains a bunch of probably nonsensical stuff, I was experimenting a lot with this one.
I'm trying to figure it out dunno if I'll renew the sub.
Thanks, I've liked rainpony on two separate occasions now, guess I'll have to try it.
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great at copyright characters, like seriously great
fine with generic settings
kinda shit at other things
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>Thread theme. Sporty girls, tomboys.
I propose next thread theme is a two image collage of a tomboy/sporty girl, and putting her in girly clothes for which she is embarrassed about.
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Anon, did you take my pants again?
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That one came out quite good.
Nice style
Amazing sideboob, maybe rise those nipples. box?
yeah they're a little weird i got tired of gachaing nipples

Thread themes can be something that lasts for a certain amount of time rather than something bound to a thread. Might work out even better since that way people will know how much time they have to contribute
I don't think anyone cares about this, we've had multiple themes per thread, anyway. If you want to gen something, just request it.
have you tied covered nipples, erect nipples?
you can have multiple themes throughout the course of a thread, no problem. but the baker who suggests a theme should also post an example to help get people who just come in something to effort gen ( I remember we did race girls one thread, that was fun).

besides, I literally didn't even see the theme thread until now and I probably won't even have time to gen anything before this one fills up
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i didn't want them that erect tho
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Camping site is such a cool tag, thanks for posting that, anon.
questionable perspective
That's cool, i respect that
How do I get rid of human ears again?
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>Posted the bad fingers

I should just stop posting.
Can the next thread theme be big titty girls with white skirts smiling like this C:
extra ears is a proper tag, just stick it in negatives, maybe weight it up. negpip it if you have a serious problem.
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what is in that bowl...
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I guess this is /edg/ now. Oh well. Genning some meaty junko on the beach before summer ends
sure is, nice one
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really nice
we camping?
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sure thing
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Had to inpaint them out
Very nice
I can still see one.
I can already feel the despair setting in
The potential for "I forgot I have a brother now and I can't do x in the house anymore" situations is high.
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Why? I'm a sucker for huge boobs
>captcha M0RR
do it again
Yeah I can't get rid of it fuck
Oh well
I see a lot more than just boobs
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That's unsanitary, she can get cuntworms!
looks clean to me
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You will never be the real Satellite-chan!
I caught a SITE WIDE 3 day for reporting the spam as spam?
You should be careful, you're gonna get another one for ban evasion. The mods do take their work seriously, you know?
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Nta, but that doesn't technically imply he is ban evading. He could have served his time and came back to complain about it
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spammer hasn't been around for 3 days, I think.
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Ah yes, I finally get my system online and now the img slots are full
Alright, then just wait for baker.
I might just bake it myself
New Thread:

Any well writen ideas on how put forward the case?
it's flux
id use it if they exposed lora training/loading

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