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INAZUMA/Shoji Sato/HotD/Triage X thread
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Well that was anticlimactic
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Yeah that's basically typical of Satou really... hoping that this builds into something really good at the end.

Just wanna see Yuuko fight for her life. Looks like her plot armour is yet again strong...

Also, I hope this is her combat outfit till the end. Looks so right for her. Maybe another Taimanin collab up from grabs...
When was the last time Arashi and Mikoto showed up?
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Holy fuck nice
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Ah man I want to see this months post so bad, why do credit card companies have to stand between me and this.
No wonder these threads have died down a lot, it bugged out twice so I had to wait 45 mins before being able to post then given completely inhuman captchas until I got it right on the 6th or so attempt.
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It's halloween
Well, my prayers were answered thanks to some based Italian guy who uploaded it, best Halloween treat I could ask for.
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does anyone else watch hotd every october because of halloween
You care to share it, chief?
It's on the panda, and the scraping sites that don't arbitrarily choose not to include image sets.
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