INAZUMA/Shoji Sato/HotD/Triage X thread
>>2907852 that was anticlimactic
>>2907854Yeah that's basically typical of Satou really... hoping that this builds into something really good at the end.Just wanna see Yuuko fight for her life. Looks like her plot armour is yet again strong...
>>2907854Also, I hope this is her combat outfit till the end. Looks so right for her. Maybe another Taimanin collab up from grabs...
When was the last time Arashi and Mikoto showed up? fuck nice
>>2913639Ah man I want to see this months post so bad, why do credit card companies have to stand between me and this.No wonder these threads have died down a lot, it bugged out twice so I had to wait 45 mins before being able to post then given completely inhuman captchas until I got it right on the 6th or so attempt.
It's halloween
>>2913701Well, my prayers were answered thanks to some based Italian guy who uploaded it, best Halloween treat I could ask for.
does anyone else watch hotd every october because of halloween
>>2913805You care to share it, chief?
>>2914177It's on the panda, and the scraping sites that don't arbitrarily choose not to include image sets.
Holy fuck it actually happened, I almost didn't believe my eyes when I saw them show up. Had lost all hope of ever seeing any of the unscanned works and we get it all at once, my dick is so happy.
>>2915495I don't even know anything about Precure but god fucking damn NO HE'S HOT
>>2915562Nor do I but that goes for most of the things he draw, if anything that's a plus though cause I can't fap to something that I've got emotional attachment to unless it's an ecchi series. I didn't mention it because it could come off as a complaint when I was super grateful, but the C104 version of this that's edited and has more pages wasn't uploaded when the others were, then a day after a different guy uploads that, so now there's really nothing else to wish for aside from things like more poster scans, a few small 4 page doujin and some obscenely rare and expensive Triage X + Fire Fire Fire one which I saw go for like 40k yen recently which is just unreasonable. But all of that pales in comparison to what we've just gotten, it was basically the holy grail of Inazuma works and I won't dare ask or wish for anything more until far into next year.
>>2915495>Unicorn Overlord>Inazuma also ignores the big tiddy CF for the elf sisters and the cousinthat girl gets no love
>>2915852Being the designated main girl in a game where you can freely choose your own waifu anyway is an immediate popularity debuff.
>>2916124Nobody likes the "gimme"
It's been a year since the last translated chapter was released. What happened?
>>2916199I've completely lost control of the plot.
>>2916199I mentally checked out when they ruined Oriha with the unnecessary timeskip.
I really wish we had proper scanlations. I'm still getting volumes as they come out but the english release is so slow it's really easy to forget what happens and it's not like I mind rereading a previous volume or two to get up to speed but fucking hell. Vol 28 doesn't even have a date yet and I wouldn't expect it any time before June the way shit goes. 26 and 27 where a year apart.
>>2916460I'm curious but what does she look like now?
>>2907852Very cute
>>2917537I don't even know who this broad is supposed to be. Certainly not my Oriha. She's so tall now even her tits look smaller proportionally. Awful.