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Previous Thread: >>2902452

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



>Search terms
MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
MMDモデル配布あり, MMDステージ配布あり , MMDアクセサリ配布あり
MMDモーション配布あり, MMDカメラ配布あり, MMDエフェクト配布あり

Pastebin & Catalog: https://rentry.org/3DCG4Chan
Does anyone have SURA.'s Alter-Ego motion?


Waybackmachine has no download, and the archives for /e/ don't yield anything either.
here's the of a thing. i buyed this cheap. https://tstorage.info/lrwjawl1tpq6
Does anyone know where to get this sex motion?
Not the natsumisan dance, I want the sex dance
Anyone have the Mesmerizer motion by mocaproject?
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Newbie here. Any recommendations for heads? Playing around with a body model currently and would like to know if there are any heads that would look nice on it. Pic attached is the body I am experimenting on.
I know that Jashinmary models are of average-shit tier, but maybe does anyone have this one?
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Does anyone have this model?
does anyone have the latest Tarara Tarako MMD models?
Does anyone know this password?
does anyone have this motion?
What's a good way to make existing plain panties into striped panties? Just drawing on the texture makes weirdly distorted stripes.

I tried messing around with Blender but have no idea what I'm doing really... any tutorials or something please?
>gumroad/user/9995446924968/post/DACVx @ kemono
now i don't have to reupload this one anymore hoping that someone will eventually convert it to mmd because i'm too skill-less for it
Which of the girls
looking for https://booth.pm/ja/items/6188497 model
Anon, can you recommend me some models with good cloth/body physics (type of cloth does not matter, just a good physics) ?
Ripper anon, if you are still here, can you free those models from nicovideo prison for us?
there's only one there and it's risky boots
Can anyone get this scene from HSR?
>tagged as mmd/mikumikudance
>it's fbx
son of a bitch these are some game models i actually would like too
why do you taunt me so
Has anyone made a luce model yet?
Its time to learn blender anon.
Bitch Luce has existed for like a fucking day be patient
Yet i have seen like 4 on VRChat.
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Contact the author. IIRC, he shared with other iwara creators.

You need to consider the UV map, too. If the polygons are even and go in a straight line but the UV map is distorted or vice versa, you will get distorted lines when you try to draw them straight.
1. Make sure you have the UV Editor for PMXE installed.
2. Edit the texture and reload the model (Ctrl+U in PMXView) if you've already loaded it during the current PMXE session or just open the model in PMXEditor.
3. Enable Wire+ display in PMXView for reference and look how the polygons are distributed in your material.
4. Open PMXEditor > Edit (E) > Plug-in (P) > User > UV Editor-Exporter Plugin > UVEditor.
5. Select the material from the drop-down list.
6. Realign the vertice dots of the UV map to make your lines straight (or edit the texture to match the mapping; you can use UV Exporter to export UV maps to use as overlays in texture editing), update and check, rinse and repeat if you didn't get it the first time around.
7. Backup and save.

https://bowlroll.net/file/18705. The hakama, specifically. Not for weak computers.
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Christian Luce.
does anyone have these and is willing to share?

Am I crazy or did all the videos with the 紳士向け tag get wiped out on nico?
There's more shit to worry about Niconico than having R-15 tags getting removed!
>(Updated on 10/30)[Important / Announcement] “Implementation of Usage Restrictions on Overseas Access for Certain Services”
>・Article 3 was updated to reflect changes in the scope of regulations based on social conditions, international circumstances, and amendments to laws and regulations both in Japan and abroad, as well as the implementation of usage restrictions on access from outside Japan.
>*Even if the “Display Sensitive Content on Some Devices” setting (Japanese Only) is turned on, these usage restrictions will apply when access is determined to be from outside Japan.
Basically they just decided western trannies are too bitchmade for sexy stuff.

The fall of the yen has weakened it, now it has to obey
Thank you.
Did they also introduce skippable 3DPD video ads (like YouTube) before & after watching videos now, or were they there before and I simply didn't see them for some reason (but now that I'm using a Japanese VPN, I do)?
P.S. Funny that I could still advertise seigas even without a VPN.
It's not the tag but display-restricted videos only, which depends on automatic moderation.
Is this also why my followers list is suddenly no longer available?
next on the list fantia?
Yeah, I figured as much it was going to happen. No Gaijins allowed.
Chiming in again to see if anyone's found the Luce model, because it's definitely out there - I've seen videos. Can't find it on the regular sites, though...
Let's not forget that the Seiga site has been geoblocked to Japan as well.

Good luck trying to get those password protected MMD models without a VPN.
anime figures are in demand
Well, time to forget about MMD from Japan.
Now China models are more popular than ever.
yeah but we still have to jump through hoops to get those models too esp if you can't get one of them chink accounts to begin with, or you somehow end up getting banned for whatever reason like that one anon pointed out
at least in jp land, bowlroll and 3dnico still work just fine (from what i can tell of the latter), it's seiga that's the impasse and that's really only meaningful for password-locked shit assuming they don't give the hint on the br or 3d page or their twitter, and god knows most of the people who try to be overly secure use privatter list distros or dm-only shit so that's just gonna be some kind of autistic lockout method anyway
but i don't need to supply the chink spies my phone # assuming they accept that region to begin with and there's clearly a chance to get banned anyway
>but i don't need to supply the chink spies my phone # assuming they accept that region to begin with and there's clearly a chance to get banned anyway
was actually meaning to say, i don't need to supply the japs that phone # like i do the chink spies
>> next
Anon, I...


Bowlroll could croak anytime, because the owner cannot handle the costs of running it (which is why he added more ads).

Losing Bowlroll would be a major death knell to the entire MMD community!
Can someone please get this GI scene.
ts akjwerlc1xwn
someone with Nashie-C Styled Kagamine Rin?
Don't forget 3dnico, they are connected if one falls the others may too.
How are they connected? The problem is whether or not the Bowlroll host can continue paying for the server.
so anyone got any of nimure's models from September to now?
thank you anon, thank you very much
Does the bowlroll dude has a Direct donation link/paypal/patreon/fantia/fanbox in that order?
Somebody have this motion?
I was only able to see a Fanbox for donation
you can read , nico video, nico image, nico 3d .
think think bro
could someone link me to the new mmd video site that launched a few months back, i forgot what it was and can't find the link
this maybe?
that's the one, thanks

Hey ripperanon can you snag this one?

someone please.

Wish 4chan didn't have such tame rules.
YEAH, if niconico falls.......
wait a minute... niconico image with the passwords is OH NOOOOOO
Even if Nico goes full gaijin hater and hides behind region blocks nothing happenes.
Their videos are shit, the content uploaded to bowlroll, seiga and nico3d are shit as well.
I don't even know when was the last time I've downloaded something good from there.
Ripper anon, Please cut these out.
and what about nico 3d
Thanks a lot!
Garbage tier models 95% of the time or free preview version models for the paid models.
Good quality models are not downloadable.
The really big name 3d modelers moved to booth to sell their models.

And there is no need to worry, there will be a workaround this gatekeeping eventually.

Already checked most asset libraries on github, can someone get this please
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It's almost there
all 5, ts aoljduf1f4rd

26608 - no a-pose, no physics
92016 - OK
80345 - OK
39713 - OK
91740 - no physics
can someone share this model please?
Ripper anon
Is it OK if I ask you to do this as well?
>Wish 4chan didn't have such tame rules.
huh wat u mean
Much appreciated, Ripper Anon.
>You need to consider the UV map, too. If the polygons are even and go in a straight line but the UV map is distorted or vice versa, you will get distorted lines when you try to draw them straight.
Thanks for the response. However I had not much luck with this, even when straightened out the vertices, the stripes turned out blurry.

In the end I made the stripes from alternating materials. That also has the advantage that I can give them different shaders so that's pretty neat.

Could you grab this one too?
Sure, it's neat, but you did ensure that the texture resolution was sufficiently high for the scale of the UV map, right?
ts vlaiirjyxalr

ts d6ben2amlozf (fails to validate, likely won't work)
Hopefully soon if it will go as far to block proxies/VPNs in the coming days.
Converting it to pmx worked. The mesh is just all out-of-order as far as parts are concerned. Thank you!
based and thankspilled
They already block ZenVPN, the only free VPN extension for Chrome that was working for me. (Unless ZenVPN was simply lying about one-site access remaining free indefinitely with no strings attached.) Setting up ExitNodes {jp} for Tor still works, though.
Thank you so much for using your time and skills to do what I asked.
wait so the purpose of this kind of texture is so you can change the skin colour anytime you want? neat
also why does 4chan need you verify email or make you wait for 15 minute before posting wtf
Hi ripper anon, can you please grab any of these?

ripper anon, can you please?
so this model was never shared publicy?

only vid of it are the two by the above guy and one on nico by the person who made the model.
What's the point of making a model if you're not gonna put it in the hands of creators who can make good use of it.
anyone have this model?
someone please.

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I recommend just ripping the head from any model you like
anybody have this MMD model from booth?
Thank you very much!!
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>What's the point of making a model
Is it possible to export Koikatsu animations to VMD?

I know you can export models so the bone mapping work exists and has been implemented before.
does anyone have all old arlvits models?

here's the old download sites

旧配布サイト1 https://ux.getuploader.com/arlvit/
旧配布サイト2 https://ux.getuploader.com/arlvit_n2/
if they wanted to make money from it they would of set up a store page or fantia or something. its seems as it just a hobby.
no, they want to get hired by a large company for a salary
you can't guarantee money when people are frequently pirating you'are'our're've shit
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could someone help me fix the nipples on this model. when physics is on, they just stay in place while the rest of the breast move.

Here anon, I fixed it!

Btw, do you have the full version of this model or is this the only pmx you got? Like do you have other outfits of her?
Any good way to get around the region lock?
Can some kind anon help me to get Ace Yoen's Miku model? For some reason youtube made the mediafire link not clickable and the model creator is currently inactive
i bought jeanne a long time ago. i was shocked ot see it had gotten updated.......
i think hagakure was shared a long time ago, too.
psds not included to save space

....i cant read the captchas anymore. i probably wont post ever again.
wow nice, thanks!!

i only converted the swimsuit version to pmx as that way i wouldn't have to worry about giving the clothes and stuff physics.

Here is the fullset if you want to convert the other outfits. there's both unitypackage and a blender file. https://workupload.com/file/nytatE6yuhJ
Don't give up bro, follow your dreams
Enjoy https://www.mediafire.com/file/ql9l0ho7tfviir4/Miku_-_KH_Style_%255BUploaded%255D.zip/file
Has anyone tried to add other shaders to WSS, different from the basic one? How to fucking do it?
what is wss?
anyone know where to start datamine mobile games? there's some honor of king and mlbb model I want to get
Breast physics in MMD are usually glitchy for me, specifically they tend to jitter even when the model is at rest.
But I've recently found that replacing all of the rigid bodies with cubes fixes it. Are there differences between the shapes of the physics beyond just how the shape influences collisions?
Spammers get more active with American elections approaching, I guess. I remember this happening before, but I don't remember when.

It feels this way, but I have no conclusive evidence. Could really be just the way they collide with other rigids (e.g., a sphere or sausage rolls on a flat torso rigid, potentially rotating around itself, while a hexahedron just slides without rotating) instead of the shape influencing how the mesh deforms and hangs.

Waifu Sex Simulator, something like MocuMocuDance but comes with a large collection of uncredited MMD assets, including a whole bunch of MMD motions and accompanying audio tracks you probably won't find elsewhere. Obtainable from kemono.
>but I don't remember when.
how do you not remember when presidential elections are every 4 years
and of course it's been like this every time
but the real big shift was in 2016 and that's when all the election tourists showed up
t. one of the oldest fags in this thread
I think it's just easier to put cubes closer to each other without overlapping, which is what causes twitching.
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anyone got nimure's jane doe?
thanks for the share anon.
>i think hagakure was shared a long time ago, too.
i tried my luck in the archives, but i didn't find her, only links to the dlsite page
Does anyone know anyone who accepts mod commissions for MMD models?
I have a few models I'd like to commission.
anyone know this but with english version instead?
Seconding. Also, if a kind anon has a VPN, I'd be interested in sending a link to some videos i'd like to donwnload from niconico but can't access anymore.

can anyone help me with this? i know that the decryption password should be 121022, but it won't work
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THIS pls.
A creator on Iwara called ankown recently disappeared. I was steadily downloading their videos, does anyone happen to have them?
oh fuck no, not him too... that sucks

If I remember right, some months ago he wrote that he was releasing videos private-only because of personal issues. I guess those got worse...
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Don't waste posts, just provide them off the bat.
Do you happen to have any of his videos then? I try to download from the creators I like, but I had only downloaded a few over some afternoons, and he was gone then next time I tried to check.
>> https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/HO5N51plvwwC
Please re-upload to a normal file sharing service
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