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The thread is for requesting colors/edits. If you want something drawn, go to the drawthr/e/ad.

Drawthr/e/ad: >>2892381


- Respect /e/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Link references instead of including them in new posts.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Don't be a dick to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you, you ungrateful shit.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.

Requesters, feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! If you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.

Previous Thread >>2895056
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Please remove the pantie. If you can also somehow remove the white top it would be the best but keep it optional.
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Can Anyone Remove The Remaining Bikini Parts In Left Of Her Shoulder Please Another Anon Did A Really Great Job
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please add some color
requesting decensor, dark brown nipples and a shaved crotch
Requesting her chest to be exposed (or you can go with a full nude edit if you want), don't change her breasts size please
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Can someone uncensor the pic by removing all Galaga sprites and give her a cute slit?
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Requesting this pic colored https://files.catbox.moe/fsuxcl.jpg
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Requesting for colors and the removal of Pouf. https://files.catbox.moe/8fbs0c.jpg
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Can someone do a naked edit of her?
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Requesting digital sketch lineart/coloring for Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco).

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/jxjgv2.png
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Nice. But I still seeing some leftovers and her left nipple looks blurry. It was really you editing or you used AI to solve this?
I mainly used Torex Inpaint(a lot for remove all stufthen a bit of FireAlpaca, and only at the end, the AI (low denoise )
i never go full ai tard

i did my best, feel free to wait someone for fix it (or redone)

That's okay. I'll be waiting someone to do complete my request. Thanks for attempting anyway.
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Requesting the removal of her shirt, exposing a checkered black and white bikini.
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Requesting removal of her top, please.
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please remove the horns
requesting removing the anus
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Requesting nude edit of Secelia Dote (Gundam).
Re-requesting a colour edit, ref: https://files.catbox.moe/p8n0lf.jpg
To make it board-appropriat/e/, when you're colouring her legs, could you make them the same colour as her skin so that her ass and pussy are on display in the reverse pose?
Requesting bottom bikini removal without an anus or vagina showing
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please remove bikini bottom thank you
req for uncensoring. catbox just in case:
Requesting the characters to be changed to Anti and Rikka from Gridman, please.
Reference below, but I think the heights should be close enough.
The proportions might need a bit of tweaking however.
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Requesting coloring of this Kuon image, she is wearing a black bikini.
Refs: https://files.catbox.moe/voitr7.jpg
If possible can you also give her black gloves?
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Requesting nude edit of Palutena.
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Requesting colored version of this Doraemon sketch (color reference in the pic; panties are white).
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Requesting remove bra and pants please.
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Requesting this sketch of Roll and Megaman inked and colored
Color reference: https://files.catbox.moe/heug49.png
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Requesting a rock and their clothes to be added to the background, please.
Either the Brock or Team Rocket one would be great, thak you.
General idea here:
Ooh, that's good! Thanks!
OR here. Thanks for the quick delivery!
not OR

tough unlike OR, ive always been sad that lilith isn't drawn often with big tits
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Requesting this sketch of Mt. Lady inked and colored
Ref: https://files.catbox.moe/8y33un.png
Requesting the removal of her white dress.
Requesting Karin Kakudate to have her fish net leggings on
Requesting to have the (strategically placed) bubble and towel moved so that her nipples are showing. Thanks.

Larger ver: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10067668&tags=raika9+
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requesting combining this
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with this so theres the cameltoe view with the skirt

basically remove the front flap only
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Requesting naked edit
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Oh that is so perfect, thank you!
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The upper part of the arm (the one with the towel) probably looks weird, but the alternative is to remove the towel entirely, and that takes a lot of time.
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Looking at the image again, I realized I posted the wrong one. (can't delete)
thank you
oh sorry for that
Show her nipples pls
requesting the removal of the piece of tissue on her pussy
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requesting pulling down her top to show her boobs
nice no pants sisters, thank you!
No worries editor anon. This looks good. Maybe a lighter shade of color on the nipples if it's alright? Thanks again anon
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Requesting nude edit
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requesting the removal of the pasties
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>No worries editor anon. This looks good. Maybe a lighter shade of color on the nipples if it's alright? Thanks again anon

choose your color https://colorkit.co/palettes/pink/
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That's.. a lot of choices anon. I think I'll go with this one. The color looks... yummy
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Definitely! Thanks again editor anon!
thank you very much
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requesting removing her leotard
or pulling down her top to show her boobs, whichever is easier for you
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decensor please thank you
Very nice, thank you. I suppose the only thing I'd ask is if her legs could be skin all the way down, so it looks like she's only wearing the heels and not socks like you've given her. Maybe a bit of shading where it makes sense, as well, if you or someone else were feeling adventurous, but it's not a sticking point for me.
Or here, not bad but i'm not a big fan of AI edit, the nipples looks weird, and some parts and colors were changed in the process, like her eyes, and her left hand. Thanks anyway.
Thanks anon!
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Requesting coloring of these illustrations reference and img in high resolution https://gofile.io/d/V0XYRb
Not OR but could you also make a non-glove version?
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She was wearing boots and I shortened them to show more skin, but here is just heels
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Her footwear is *very* weird, because there's no actual distinction between the heels and her leggings. They're one single piece. But regardless, thank you. It looks great.
>the nipples looks weird

can I know what you mean by weird?
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Well, i'm sorry but when you look at them, you can't say it's looks like nipples. It's only a mix of pink mass that "try" to looks like to nipples. Plus it doesn't match with the original art style.

And I didn't mentioned about her left boob that have a weird shape because it take the form of her clothes, but since she's pulling her clothes at the same time, the AI can't make the shape of her boob correctly.

The clothes removing is pretty okay, but the weird nipples and her left boob shape is not fappable for me. (Without mentioning the imperfections on some parts of her body after the AI edit, like her hands or her eyes)
Looks great, thank you!
>Plus it doesn't match with the original art style.

It stops being original artstyle the moment it gets edited.
Anyway, I can help you in two ways (if you want):

1) Edit the original image, but this will most likely be 90% off from the original proportions (mainly because of the white string).

2) Try to make sense of the AI edit from anon, but I can’t do anything about the (bad hands, etc.) since the images have different proportions.
>It stops being original artstyle the moment it gets edited.

I don't agree with this, even if it's an edit, you can make the edition looks like it's the original artstyle, and no one can tell it was edited, like https://files.catbox.moe/gao62m.png https://files.catbox.moe/b8h782.png or https://files.catbox.moe/radmh3.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/cq1qk0.jpg or
https://files.catbox.moe/ljtde7.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/tlafiu.jpg

And when you see these kind of edits https://files.catbox.moe/mndgyv.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ehcsk1.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/2za6z9.png https://files.catbox.moe/hmhvwg.jpg , you can clearly tell that was edited.

>Anyway, I can help you in two ways (if you want):

>1) Edit the original image, but this will most likely be 90% off from the original proportions (mainly because of the white string).

Yeah I know the white strings are the hard part. If there is no solution to keep her original proportion, i don't mind to be slightly modified (as long it's still faithful to the character)

>2) Try to make sense of the AI edit from anon, but I can’t do anything about the (bad hands, etc.) since the images have different proportions.

Like i've said I don't really trust AI edit (and in my opinion, AI edit shouldn't be allowed here, but deserve its own thread), but if it can make at least good looking nipples, I can make a compromise.
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replying to a request on the last thread. I know 2B's scheme is b/w or whatever, but that was kinda boring, so I did a color version too.
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>AI edit shouldn't be allowed here
I meant that I could use anon's work in turn to make my own version, like this one,in case you are wondering yes, I used the ai because I use this process >>2915300 and this is not my image
forgot quote ffs >>2916388
I'm not particularly shocked by the breasts size and form, it's pretty well done, her right nipple is ok, but the left nipple is still weird to me. Even if i'm not satisfied, it's still a nice attempt, so thanks for taking my request in consideration.
Can someone uncensor her body and give her a pussy slit?
>uncensor her body
the only way to uncensor a "hair censor" is to “delete” the hair do you want her hair mess?
Yes. Try to remove the hair that's covering her nipples and pussy
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Looks great. Her pussy is not exactly what I requested. But I can take it anyway
requesting decensor, bonus points for a topless edit
"Artist" here, yeah I honestly just wanted to try this stuff out a bit, turns out it's pretty easy to use the "Colorize" function on NovelAI to unclothe characters and I thought of this thread after finding that. But of course it still has noticeable flaws. Even to get the result I posted I had to try multiple times. I think the best use for it would be as a base for manual touch ups.

I like the idea of an AI edit thread, might be too specific to really stay a thing though. We'll see
Thank you
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Requesting if someone could please pop her tits out, get them to hang a little over the top of her corset thing for that extra depth. I'll reply with a version where I highlight in red what to generally change just in case I did not explain it to well.
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here is the picture with the highlighted parts
Requesting a nude edit.
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requesting giving more details to midna's nipples
like line art and areolaes.
and please color it like her body markings
please remove the cross shaped pastie
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i'm aganist that
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Requesting naked edit
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requesting recoloring her to lilith
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use this
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requesting bottomless edit please thank you
Fair honestly
requesting uncensoring
thanks man
thank you artist
loli are allowed /b/ only
NTA, but I don't see lolis here. And your post is pretty hypocrite, did you saw the others requests?
Not them but I believe the characters are canonically like 11 or 12 years old
Yeah, but in the way how they're drawn in this fanart, they don't seems to be 11/12. (and btw from the leak, Mallow is officialy 14, but Lillie is indeed 11)
They absolutely look like little kids to me in that picture. They aren't chubby toddlers, but they also don't have curves, hair, or adult proportions.
Uhhh ok but nope, they're young yeah (like most of the girls in this thread), but not looks like little kids, they're like 14/15yo on this drawing

And why did you not reacted on the others requests?
I said I'm not them, I don't comment on requests I don't plan on doing. And I'm telling you, those look like little girls. 11-14 to me. I don't know about you, but I've seen naked girls growing up (because I was one of them), and they don't look like they'd be legal pretty much anywhere - which makes them loli, doesn't it? Anything younger than like 15/16 is a little kid to me.
>And your post is pretty hypocrite, did you saw the others requests?

I have no idea what requests you are referring to, but

tl;dr If a girl has a large breast/chest, she's accepted on /e/ regardless of age (unless you post something weird like toddlercon)

this also include Pokémon and its thread, which is >>2916283
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Requesting her dress straps be moved out to the sides so both her nipples are fully visible.
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k >>2917544

ywnbaw >>2917592
Thank you for the colors, it looks great.
You can't compare real life persons and fictional characters, because in animes and mangas body type mean NOTHING.

These are kids/lolis: https://files.catbox.moe/m9xm0l.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/33mhji.jpg

If you consider this as a kid https://files.catbox.moe/hd1yn0.jpg that mean you consider this as a kid too https://files.catbox.moe/dq4pvt.jpg (or this https://files.catbox.moe/psedk4.jpg if you want to keep the character in the same franchise). Yeap, they've the same age, 14yo.

Bonus: Especially when adults are like https://files.catbox.moe/n8ba4q.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/4hqnkd.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/73e26m.jpg

So this is pretty pointless to compare IRL people with anime characters.

For me if the girls have a body type like Misaka Mikoto, Rukia Kuchiki (yeah I know she's 150yo), Mallow, Asuka Langley, they're not kids anymore, but teens. And the fanart of Mallow/Lillie , they've this kind of body type. Teens have common sense (generally), kids not, thats why kids are kids and if you think teens between 13 and 16yo are kids, you have a very low esteem of them (or maybe the ones you knew were all stupids)

>and they don't look like they'd be legal pretty much anywhere

They're drawings... if I follow your logic, since murders and drugs are illegal, we shoudn't show them in fiction, right?
I'm literally pregnant right now, lol.

Look, I'm not here to debatebro you about the intricacies of loli and whatever technical justification you have for what gets you off. I don't care what the canon age of a character is, or whether or not it's fiction. If your 180 year old character looks like she's 10, it's loli shit. If they are explicitly drawn to be childlike, it's loli shit. I don't care if that's a 2 year old child or a 13 year old child, IT IS A CHILD. We have age of consent laws for a reason - no matter how "mature for their age" or "smart" a kid might be, all kids are retarded and don't fully understand consequences. If they did, people would universally think it's ok for a 12 year old to move out, get a job, and get married/start having sex. We don't, because we understand that they're not capable at that age of making good decisions yet. Think back to when you were that age, or even older - 16, 17, 18. Do you consider yourself to have been fully mature, mentally speaking? Did you understand who you were, what you wanted to be, and how to get there? Were you ready to head out into the world and start a family of your own? Exactly.

If a character is drawn hairless, small-chested, big-headed, curveless, petite, and without adult proportions (in regards to legs, arms, etc.), it is loli. If the intent of the designer was to make it resemble a child in any way, even if that character is the same age as a "maturely drawn" character or is like 2,000 years old according to the lore, it is explicitly lolicon.Simple as.

Links 1 & 2 are toddlers (chunky little baby looking characters).
Links 3, 6, & 8 are loli (look like kids, some of them almost look like toddlers even).
Links 4, 5, & 7 are very obviously adults.

You are a lolicon. Stop seething and get the fuck over it already. There's no justifying it with a WELL ACKHUALLY IT'S AN ETERNALLY YOUTHFUL DEMON AND THE ART STYLE JUST SO HAPPENS TO MAKE THEM LOOK YOUNG!! You're a retard.
>IT IS A CHILD. We have age of consent laws for a reason

No, its a drawing, lines and pixels

And I don't speak about sex/age of consent/ law, I speak about MOTHERFUCKING bodytype in MOTHERFUCKING animes and mangas. You should see a FUCKING specialist because it seems you can't differentiate REALITY and FICTION.

>a kid might be, all kids are retarded and don't fully understand consequences

That's why I've said "kids don't have common sense" and "kids are kids", I didn't said we can let them having a job 12, but at 12 you're not stupid to the point for not cooking something alone, when a normal kid can't

You can't even differentiate a toddler, a kid, a teen and an adult correctly? Toddlers shits in their diapers, do you really think link 1 and 2 are toddlers? Seriously? That's the author's style, a chibi style.
If you considerate the link 3 as a loli, you should leave 4chan (or even internet) because you'll shocked to learn she's not considered like a loli, if you want a kind of loli of her, here is it https://files.catbox.moe/38p6mg.jpg (and no I warn you, from your idiotic logic, she's not a toddler), and speaking of link 5..

>are very obviously adults
the characters from the link 3 and 5 are from the same anime, https://files.catbox.moe/cs6bbk.jpg . WOW SO MUCH ADULT, BIG BOOBA ADULT, SO MUCH WOW, you're a woman and you don't even know teens girls can have big breasts, and adult women can have a small body and a flat chest? And speaking about "are very obviously adult", about the link 7, Tatsumaki from One Punch-Man, yeah it's not like it's A FUCKING RUNNING GAG that Tatsumaki is very often mistaken for being a "child" (And not only by the main character), I bet you're aware about the "sassy lost child" meme.

I will repeat it, the fact you can't differentiate toddlers, kids, teens and adults is alarming, furthermore if you can't differentiate fiction and reality

I pity your future kid, you'll give it the spoon and wipe it ass until it will have 18
And speaking of "you're a lolicon", yeah, and? I like loli, and so? Did I break the rules? Did I uploaded loli pictures? Nope. for now it's not agaisnt the law to like fictional loli characters, it's even pretty common on internet. (Even if i'm more into Tatsumaki body type, you know, the "OBVIOUSLY ADULT" from your own words.)
>No, its a drawing, lines and pixels
...of a child, you absolute fucking retard. Or is it autism? If I draw a picture of a plant, did I not draw a fucking plant? Of course I'm not saying that a drawing is a literal living, breathing human being you absolute mongoloid.

>And I don't speak about sex/age of consent/ law
Neither did I.

>I speak about MOTHERFUCKING bodytype
Yes, and that bodytype is children, AKA lolicon.

>That's why I've said "kids don't have common sense" and "kids are kids"
Where did you say that, in your lolicon fanfiction?

>but at 12 you're not stupid to the point for not cooking something alone
Right, because making a box of mac and cheese is the same as a decision which will impact you for the rest of your life socially and possibly medically.

>Toddlers shits in their diapers, do you really think link 1 and 2 are toddlers?
Toddlers TODDLE, that means they WALK, and most toddlers don't need daipers by the time they're old enough to get to the potty without help.

>That's the author's style, a chibi style.
Oh, you mean that style which makes characters chubby with big heads so they kind of look like babies?? What was that style meant to convey again??

>If you considerate the link 3 as a loli, you should leave 4chan (or even internet) because you'll shocked to learn she's not considered like a loli
She is literally in a schoolgirl uniform, you know, the kind they wear AT SCHOOL.
Lolicon is literally defined as anyone under the age of 18, which you yourself stated all of these girls are supposed to be.
You have clearly never seen naked girls growing up (I should probably be thankful), so you have no idea what women look like at different ages and can't figure out how to tell them apart.
>the characters from the link 3 and 5 are from the same anime
Completely irrelevant, we are talking about art and what it is trying to convey. If it's drawn to look like a loli, then it's a loli, and that's all there is to it. I don't care if they're supposed to be the same age, one is supposed to look physically mature and one is not.

No, because she looks like a teenager in that specific piece.

>you're a woman and you don't even know teens girls can have big breasts, and adult women can have a small body and a flat chest?
I never said anything of the sort. Is English not your first language, is that the issue here? Or are you actually just that blind, autistic, AND retarded that you can't understand when you're fapping to a drawing of a kid?

>Tatsumaki from One Punch-Man, yeah it's not like it's A FUCKING RUNNING GAG that Tatsumaki is very often mistaken for being a "child"
Ah, yeah! It's also a running gag in Invader Zim that Dib has a big head, when his head is basically the same size as everyone else's. Because, as we all know, running gags in cartoons are the arbiter of objective reality and should be taken as gospel truth. Don't trust your own eyes!

>I will repeat it, the fact you can't differentiate toddlers, kids, teens and adults is alarming, furthermore if you can't differentiate fiction and reality
Oh my, hello pot!

>I pity your future kid
I gave my 2 year old a dull machete to play with, I'm a harder parent than their father is.

Funny that you're all offended and feel the need to protect yourself against something I never said. Nothing I've said here was a value judgement of any kind, you're just jumping to your own defense because somewhere, deep inside, you think it's wrong to like loli. Not making value judgements once again, just pointing that out to you in case you didn't notice. By the way, anger only has two sources - shame and fear.
Thank you!
Wht are you bringing your activism here?
What activism?
I haven't made any arguments or judgements for or against loli. I haven't said it's good or bad, or told you or anyone else that you're good or bad for liking it. I haven't harassed anyone in the thread for posting it.If you feel attacked by me pointing out that something you fap to is lolicon and looks like a kid, that's on you. That's something interal you need to deal with, it has nothing to do with me or anyone else.
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please remove the pubic hair and give her a closed-slit vagina
>No, its a drawing, lines and pixels
maybe you should read this, about, oh a drawing, lines and pixels


oh even 4chan sticky >>1436774
there is already one here >>2917418
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Requesting colorization edit.

Skin is to be pale, hair is to be blonde, bikini and eyes are to be red, and jewelry is to be golden.
Anon can't tell if something is loli or not.
>of a child

"oF a CHiLd DUUUUH" Still a drawing you retard, killing people on GTA doesn't make you a murderer.

>Neither did I.

*Check the autist post*, *see she's speaking about sex/age of consent/ law. Ok

>Yes, and that bodytype is children, AKA lolicon

Not my fault if you can't make difference between kids and teens

>Where did you say that, in your lolicon fanfiction?

Did you got so much cum on your face that you're blind now? Or you should learn to read before protecting fictional characters. And if you've intentionally didn't read my post, you should not start a drama you fucking snowflake

>Lolicon is literally defined as anyone under the age of 18

YOU have defined lolicon is anyone under 18, the world doesn't revolves around you, I've never seen someone saying Yoko Littner is a loli you fucking degenerate, nor Misaka. (I didn't said they're not underage, I've said they're not lolis) At this point you've just proved you're a fucking newfag and just need to leave this place before being more triggered by fictional characters.

>No, because she looks like a teenager in that specific piece
"She's obviously an adult", *show another official picture of her*, "NOW SHE'S A TEEN!!"

>Funny that you're all offended

Oh strange, you've literally insulted me with no reason when I stayed polite with you until my 3rd answer, that will explain why I'm more hostile now?

>By the way, anger only has two sources - shame and fear

You're the one who have insulted me first, are you ashamed or afraid?

As long it's fictional, it's ok for me, if there are things i'm not comfortable, I won't click on it and won't bother people who like these kind of stuffs. It's ok to kill people in GTA and COD, it's ok to steal stuffs in Zelda, it's ok to rape (or being raped) in an eroge, it's ok to wipe an entire town in fallout, it's ok to dismembered people in God Of War.

Now you should stop making a fool of yourself, and need to get the fuck out with your double standard
Oh dayum, some countries it's illegal, some countries it's legal, so that mean some countries know to differentiate between fiction and reality, and some countries can't, and let some indopakistani pedophile network freely because they were too afraid to be called racist to arrest them when they were aware since ages and had proofs, RIGHT UNITED KINGDOM? Better protect the drawings rather the true victims.

Or to be a teacher and have a relationship with an underage student, and then this student is now the fucking french PRESIDENT and the pedo teacher is the first lady of France?

And I won't even argue about United Arab Emirates, right Aisha?

Yeah, what great counties <3.

>oh even 4chan sticky

Great, no rules were broken here.
Jesus christ dude calm down. I know you're autistic with a room temp IQ but literally no one cares how ashamed you are of being a lolicon. I don't know if you're just illiterate or you're trolling on purpose, but I'm not going to keep saying the same thing over and over again if you're physically incapable of understanding it. I don't know how else I can explain this shit to you, my kid could probably understand it.
stop feed the troll
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you mean like tatsumaki?
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Request nude edit.
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GIFs take a lot of time, post an image instead.

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