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Previous Thread: >>2905578

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:
(Due to the lack of upkeep on the docs, they are an enormous mess. Change it to "Viewing" mode instead of "Suggesting" if you want to be able to see them.)

If you know any other noteworthy ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and Videos, then add them to the docs. Changes have to be approved but anyone can add things to them. On the same token, make sure to check the docs for certain games before advertising them in the thread. If they are in the docs chances are they are already known.

As usual, any and all content is welcome.
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This one is part of a large sequence. The two girls get into a water hose fight before the black haired girl feigns a truce to do pic related.
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The brown haired girls does this in retaliation.
Finally finished that P5 story I posted a pol for a few threads back. Here is the link for anyone interested. I always like to get feedback on the things I make.


Thinking about making another video next unless I get strong inspiration for a story. Ideas or suggestions for either are always welcome!
A new illustration by Kusujinn featuring Komi-san as a nude art model.
As an artist myself I can't get off to nude models... It's like getting off to plaster construct
I will give your story a read later, thanks for sharing.
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Topless alt
What was that series that ends with the girl accidentally streaming herself naked and getting her account banned?
I've noticed a lot of ENF and other naked anime girls has moved towards "realistic" body proportions lately.

Maybe I'm an old fuddy duddy, but I miss the pencil thin wastes and the gravity defying perfect orb tits of yesteryear.
Oddly, it's harder to draw a good looking cartoon anatomy than just reference one of photos from internet.
InksGirls' Streamer series.
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I've read many novel with "naked in public" plot and found many of them author immediately made a girl(s) naked within the first 2-3 paragraph with some kind of set up and the rest 90% of story is a girl spends her life naked until the end. I find this kind of development a bit boring.

IMO, It is a lot more interesting when a girl progressively lose clothes/get stripped off her clothes through out the story, getting more and more embarrassed as her underwear and body are revealed, and only become fully naked (or almost naked) near the very end.
No, it's manga.
I've noticed there seem to be two major schools of thought within ENF fiction. There are those like you, who are primarily fascinated by the stripping process, and those like myself, who care more about keeping the girl naked. This is ultimately a matter of personal preference and you have no obligation to enjoy the same things I do, but in case anyone's curious, I'll explain what I like about prolonged nudity, since I saw comments in the last thread that appeared ignorant about it.

First, with the girl fully nude, you might think maximum embarrassment has been achieved, but then you'd be wrong. A possible next step, if it didn't already happen before or concurrently to her stripping, is for her to receive the devastating news that she will no longer get to wear anything. A few ways to achieve this are blackmail, contracts, curses, laws, and medical conditions. What makes this hot isn't for us to actually see every moment of her naked life, but rather her dawning horror that, from now on, everyone she meets will see her naked, and there's nothing she can do to prevent it. She might consider staying inside indefinitely, but end up caving to threats of expulsion from school or firing from work. She could try to fight her way out of this, but if so she should fail or take an agonizingly long time to prevail.

Additionally, the prospect of being stuck naked has absurdly embarrassing implications on her daily life. In the hands of the right author, it's basically an infinite shame glitch. They should start small with simply going outside, and then escalate to things like riding public transportation, attending school or work, confessing to her crush, competing in a tournament, giving an oral presentation, and getting interviewed by a TV crew (without censorship, of course). It's important that the author keeps throwing her into a variety of distressing social situations, or else she gets used to it and the story devolves into mind-numbing exhibitionist slop.
One major issue I see with a lot of progressive clothing loss stories is that they have a tendency to end as soon as she's completely naked. Maybe you can have one good 'scene' where she's exposed, but beyond that it's hardly more substantial than the typical anime ENF scene where a girl is walked in on changing, the MC goes "UUUWWWOOO" and then the camera pans to the sky.

I agree that the best long-term nudity stories are the ones where the nudity isn't the entire focus - just the premise for the first chapter. Sometimes this is done poorly and the author is just writing a boring SoL drama where one character is naked. But when it's done well, it's about the implications of her nudity on other social aspects of her life.
Like if she's on the softball team, but can't wear the uniform. Rather than cutting part of the roster for this technicality, they make the rest of the team play naked so they 'match'. After one game of playing in the nude (and predictably getting destroyed because the team was too embarrassed to focus), they start to bully the ENF to convince her to quit of her own volition so they can wear clothes to practice again.
Sometimes the best chapter of a permanude story is actually the one after she gets her clothes back. Trying to adjust to her old life only to realize that people still treat her differently, people know exactly what she looks like naked, and that she's still going to be known as 'that exhibitionist chick' until she moves away.

I've seen people say that permanudity would eventually be treated as 'normal', but I don't think that's the case. It's kind of weird, but if you think of her long-term nudity as a 'disability' it makes the story come more naturally. Imagine the girls of Katawa Shoujo: Clearly they're much more than just their disabilities, but that's only how the other students at Yamaku Academy see their peers. When they're out in public, people stare a bit or make far too active of an effort not to stare.
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Yeah, that's it
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That new 4H game is about to release in 3 hours.

Stripping process is certainly what I like but what I am really interest to read is how a characters themselves react/think to their different state of their undressing. My favorite kind of a story is when an author put a character in a loop of [lose cloth(es)/exposed > embarrassed > get cloth(es) back >. lose cloth(es) again]

A girl doesn't have to progressively lose more and more exposed either. If story set up a character as someone who doesn't like to show her body. She would never get used to being exposed and can still feel embarrassed at something as simply as someone saw her underwear even after her full naked body was seen before. If author is really good, this kind of story can continue very long and remain enjoyable.
It's out! https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01279330.html

Tested the demo with Unity autotranslator and Sugoi plugin and it worked pretty well
Nice, I hope someone shares it soon
>My favorite kind of a story is when an author put a character in a loop of [lose cloth(es)/exposed > embarrassed > get cloth(es) back >. lose cloth(es) again]
As long as she remains naked long enough to properly soak in the embarrassment, I also enjoy this kind of story. In particular, I like it when she has to do it as part of her job or a game. However...

>She would never get used to being exposed and can still feel embarrassed at something as simply as someone saw her underwear even after her full naked body was seen before.
This doesn't ring true to me. I firmly believe people can get used to anything if they are exposed to it enough times. Unless the girl is brain-damaged she's going to see the pattern soon enough, though I guess this could be solved by giving her a curse or medical condition that prevents her from getting used to it. Otherwise, although it may not work exactly the same as prolonged nudity (if the events occur unpredictably, instead of a sense of inevitability, the girl in this scenario will have anxiety, wondering when she's going to lose her clothes again), this scenario presents a challenge similar to that of prolonged nudity, where the author has to escalate the intensity in order to keep her from getting used to it. Aside from the social situations I previously discussed, this could alternatively be achieved by keeping her naked for longer and longer each time, potentially making it permanent after enough iterations.
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I wish ENF artists would draw lips more often. It makes a big difference
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Some of my favorite ENF happens when the girl is unhappily complying with some kind of dare or punishment.
or especially a bet made overconfidently
That is one of the better reasons to lose clothes anyway... Most options are contrived.
4H newest game.
Any translation instructions for retards? I'm guessing no one makes patches for jap unity game
I like ENF where a cocky girl loses a game and is forced to get naked.

>You wanna play a card game, eh?
>Let's do it! Just so you know, I'm really good at this!
>Okay! How's this then - the loser has to do EVERYTHING the winner wants for the whole day! Deal? Great! Let's play!!

>30 minutes later
>Waaaah!!! I lost! I lost bigtime!!!
>sign says "I lost! I'm a weak p*ssy who got completely defeated!"
>Please forgive me already!!!
>*murmur, gossip*
there's a plugin that translates unity games automatically as it's running. https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator
thanks fren
Yeah, that's a classic scenario. I love it when it's somehow a consequence of her own actions. Here are a few more ideas. She could be running for student council president, and make a joking campaign promise of attending school naked. She could get caught shoplifting jewelry and sentenced to nudity. Or she could try to strip her rival naked but end up falling into her own trap. Or maybe she's a shy exhibitionist who sneaks around naked for fun, but someone stumbles onto her clothes and takes them. Or she sleeps in and is now running late, and then she answers the phone in the middle of changing clothes, so she ends up unwittingly leaving the house naked.

And it doesn't necessarily have to be due to a blunder, either. Desperation is also great. Maybe her new job has a peer-pressure-fueled tradition of working naked on one's birthday, or her rich grandpa's will requires her to live without clothes for a year if she wants the inheritance she's been counting on, or maybe she's a journalist doing a documentary on a nudist colony and they refuse to exempt her from the dress code. Even in a permanent nudity scenario, she may have to decide whether to show her face in public ever again.
For some fetishes, realism makes it hotter. And I think ENF is one of them.
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Butt slaps are highlight of any ENF. No better way to remind girls of virtue of modesty.
>tfw 774 will never draw h again
Reminds me of one of my favorite circles that had something in the works and then just randomly stopped updating, now years have gone by with complete radio silence and I'm half convinced they just died
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Nothing wrong with appreciating works of art.
It's from "Lily & Ivy" specifically the fourth chapter.
>As an artist myself I can't get off to nude models... It's like getting off to plaster construct
Interesting, I always assumed people said this sort of thing to be polite or downplay the sexual aspect of it. I did a few years of art courses in university as an elective, and the 2nd year drawing course had nude models. During that semester we had 5 nude drawing sessions with a different model each time, unfortunately turned out to be 4 guys, and only one female, she was a cute 20 year old and I found seeing her was extremely hot.
I of course remained respectful, didn't act any different than I did when we had male models, just focused on my drawing and doing a good job. If I even thought about the sexuality of seeing this nude girl in the moment I could feel myself getting turned on, so I had to push those thoughts out of my mind so I wouldn't have a boner in the middle of class, but I was certainty thinking about her when I got home later.
Maybe I'd feel different if I did dozens of sessions with nude female models, but I don't think I'll ever stop enjoying seeing nude women, even in innocent situations like figure drawing.
I think context matters a lot here. If someone is coerced into nude modeling and is clearly really embarrassed by it, that can be hot, for example if they thought they would be modeling clothed or something and then were pushed into taking their clothes off at the time. Bonus points if the people involved clearly have ulterior motives and are just using the art modeling as an excuse to expose her.

If she willingly signed up for nude modeling knowing full well what she was getting into then yeah, that's not really going to do much for me.
I agree from an ENF scenario perspective, a story of a regular nude model isn't going to do much for me either, not much better than a pinup model, but when it's in real life it's a different experience. It's hot seeing a nude cute girl in person. Seeing her face, making eye contact, exchanging a quick smile before it starts, her disrobing and climbing onto a small platform in the middle of the room for everyone to see, taking the time to eye over every part of her body from whichever angle I decide to place my easel, meanwhile she remains there posing up as everyone eyes every inch of her.
idk it's extreme mundane as a story, it's not ENF, but I found it hot and I think it's different because it's in-person.
I think the same applies to EUF, normally I don't care about stories/drawings of a girl seen in her underwear, but if I saw it in-person it would be hot.
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from a small game
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Name of game?
In the filename.
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"Venus cover" It's not a very populated tag, but it's the tag for the classic "one arm over the chest, and another over the crotch" ENF pose.
When he finishes Nagatoro he will go back to hentai (I'm being delusional)
I thought Nagatoro was done already?
You're right, nvm
I can't find the name of that game
whoops forgot hopw to reply. I can't find the name of that game. pols tell?
I can't find the name of that game. Pls tell?
It's RJ01114642 you can dl it on nyaa
Damnit I can't find it. I've never used nyaa before
nvm found it
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The absolute pinnacle ENF situation in my view is when 2+ naked girls are so embarrassed, they hug their naked bodies together in embarrassment. Breasts smushing together, thighs tangling, hips tightly embracing. Anyone else got versions of this?
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Desperately hugging each other for cover
I would like to thank kiido, yodin, btt, foos423, mistgreen, and tsun for keeping ENF MMDs alive in 2024, although half of you are starting to way overuse hypnosis

rip ram8, ykmn, aquinas
with the way that he was drawing Shikki in the extras of the last several volumes, i'd actually be pretty disappointed and honestly surprised if he didn't follow through and do some more hentai. I wanna see more Shikki streaking, but even if not nagatoro related, at least something in that lane. He clearly still likes drawing it.
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Elaborate ENF is fun.
I just had a dream about an Enf scenario. Basically it was Koyanskaya from the fate franchise (for some reason) having to do a concert and ending up losing her clothes (either they dissolved away because of some spray or just stripped by the crowd)

I wonder if this could be a good comic?
Reminds me of that scene from the Super Sonico anime where one of her friends plays a prank on her by making her stage costume out of material that dissolves in sweat. The front of her dress falls off in the middle of her performance. It was a pretty hot scene (pun intended) but it would have been way better if it wasn't censored. :(
Got a full comic of that pic or is it standalone?
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Here’s the second page
Pants splitting is without a doubt my favorite enf situation, it's a shame that it's so under appreciated

I am humbly requesting people post whatever pants-splitting images they have, if you have any at all
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Thank you very much that was pretty good
女だって時間停止できるんだからっ![spoiler]use lens[/spoiler]
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Meanwhile Nobeta
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pretty funny euf in dandadan
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Can confirm this game is incredible, have to resist cumming full-time and I still have cum several times. She starts out really embarrassed/ENF then it becomes more pure 露出狂 as you break her reason down, incredibly hot the whole way through
what's the difference
I would assume sakusei is jsut fellatio and handjobs and stuff and ecchi is actual proper sex, at least that's how ecchi is used in my experience
I'll surely find out in my next session, this screenshot is from 2 and a half hours of play.
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It's taken me 7 captchas to post this.
This site is becoming unusable
Oh! >>2917562 was this.
Love Momo but it was played too silly for me to get hard.
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We can do better
Same but the scenario is good. The way shiratori ran up to them had me keking
That's a nice edit, way better.
Wish they them all lose their underwear, or at least their panties, there's they would have stayed on while speeding in and out of the water as fast as they did.
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Looks like AI art, thanks for the torrent because I wouldn't pay for it
It's too consistent to be AI.
retard lol
You can also play it directly online here:

All in all, I liked the game, the way it works, everything. It was quite hot watching how the girl gets more and more used to exposure, and moves on to riskier adventures. And when the "Master" plays the "nude" prank on her at the beach, that was amazing.
Sadly, near the end things get too sexual for my taste, including getting cummed on, sex, and even "rape". It would have been perfect if all that was optional, or didn't exist at all.
It also has a few bugs, got stuck a couple times, and I feel like there should be some kind of completion for the "earn 1M" task, which stays forever even if you have many millions already.
Still, all in all, it was worth playing, just maybe skip that part near the end.
One of my favorites is when she's mildly annoyed,but doesn't refuse or anything. "Do you boys really like this sort of thing *that* much?"
(pic related)
>You can also play it directly online here:
Thanks, anon.
>Sadly, near the end things get too sexual for my taste
What do you think about a female evil dominatrix witch type character making main character orgasm without penetration? Thinking about adding stuff like that in my game. Technically it's not sex and it's very humiliating. I feel like masturbation and assisted masturbation are still fine as far as ENF goes, you know as an optional scene.
God tier ENF situation. Just enough innocence to get away with it, with enough curiosity to make it lewd.

Close second is tomboys angrily showing their pussy when someone mistakes them for a boy.
>Close second is tomboys angrily showing their pussy when someone mistakes them for a boy.
If they do this, they probably don't think much of this kind of exposure.
It's still fun and in genre in my opinion. It usually comes back later as a flash back that embarrasses the girl, or the girl actually learns why boys like to see pussies and get embarrassed after the fact.
> Thanks, anon.
You're welcome!
> What do you think about a female evil dominatrix witch type character making main character orgasm without penetration? Thinking about adding stuff like that in my game. Technically it's not sex and it's very humiliating. I feel like masturbation and assisted masturbation are still fine as far as ENF goes, you know as an optional scene.
As long as it's optional, I don't have any problem with anything. Let the player choose, and don't penalise either option, so everyone can have it his way.
But, as you asked, I'll weight on the specific idea you propose. I think it depends a lot on how things go. For example, if she blackmails or threatens the main character, and physically abuses her to make her cum, that's probably too much for me. But if she uses some magic/potion/whatever that makes her more aroused, and she ends up having an orgasm by herself, that's very different.
Forced touching or sex, or extreme blackmail, are the lines that break it for me. Some playful blackmail is ok, violently removing/destroying clothes too, but if she masturbates her against her will, that's not ok. I know it's a bit specific, but that's just my take on it.
Good luck with your game, anon. Looking forward to try it!
Oh, and there's something more I'd like to add here.
I loved the "selfie" mechanic. It's a good way of exploring the girl's boundaries, slowly overcoming them, shooting riskier pics on more exposed places. But I found it a bit sad that the progression stops halfway there, and when she finally ventures fully naked outdoors, there's no option for fully naked selfies. All selfie modes require at least one piece of clothing, which doesn't really make sense, and makes the endgame a bit less fulfilling.
>For example, if she blackmails or threatens the main character, and physically abuses her to make her cum, that's probably too much for me.
Well, it's probably going to be viewed by the witch as a reward for obedient pet or something... Villainess being nice and deciding to help mc get off. I don't like notion of targeted or malicious rape.
Imagine suffering this level of paranoia.

>should be some kind of completion for the "earn 1M" task, which stays forever even if you have many millions already.
Uh, Anon if you hit the goal you can sleep and talk to the Master, then she buys an "office" to make more extreme orgy videos, even using it to trigger outdoor scenes.

If a game has English it's probably available from the /hgg2d/ pastebin (if decent) on /vg/ or if not there then f95zone (for MTLs and non-2D h-games/VNs).
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Don’t really see much of this, but I’m a big fan of when artists do character costume swaps with the implication that the swapped character literally stole or bullied the clothes from the referenced character.
What do you think is the best ENF game of all time?
I don't know, they are all flawed in different ways. I remember Terrible Laboratory having the most scenes I liked, so I guess that.
Probably Naked Sugoroku Story before it stops being enf.
Pregcess of Zeven was great, up through about the third dungeon (which is conveniently what was covered by the free demo).
Hazuka-shina chan was good implementation of its premise but loses steam near the end of a pretty short game on top of lacking serious replayability (not that Zeven had this, either).
Roshutsu had potential to be the GOAT, but sadly the dev lost interest (and apparently the entire source code??) so it's probably never going to be a 'proper' ENF game beyond the basic sandbox stuff.

Still upset that there was a proper ENF mod for Skyrim, especially with the deluge of content for keeping a PC naked. The closest thing we ever got were a few heavily-scripted linear questlines when I was holding out hope for some kind of systemic add-on that could be stacked with any other number of mods. Basically some way of adding long-term consequences to streaking that would make NPCs react with something other than a lewd comment followed by amnesia or instant rape.
Course of Temptation promises something similar, but between being a very early access title and being entirely text-based it's still not quite there. That said, I am extremely excited about its future development as everything we've gotten so far is gold.
>Pregcess of Zeven was great, up through about the third dungeon (which is conveniently what was covered by the free demo).
Yeah, I remember loving the Zeven demo and being so fucking hype for the full thing, only to realize that most of the content I liked was already in the demo and after that point it escalated too much into just sex all the time so I lost interest. There were one or two good scenes after that point though I guess
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>Uh, Anon if you hit the goal you can sleep and talk to the Master, then she buys an "office" to make more extreme orgy videos, even using it to trigger outdoor scenes.
Uh, this must have got bugged for me, because I did it many times and the goal never got marked as completed, even if I had much, much more money... Odd. I'll have to replay it for it to trigger, I guess. Thanks!
Anyone played that game "name something of the Tower town"?
well its' 1000万 which is 10 million not 1 million maybe you didn't earn enough
Zeven did a fun job of escalating, but then like most ENF games, it goes too far after that. I think Sugoroku is a master class in drawing out the MC's embarrassment before that point, though.
Is this from an actual game?
Yes it is just blocked by ds screen gap
I thought Roshutsu got folded into My Naked Life and the guy joined that development team? Maybe I'm just confused though
there is something to be said about idealized proportions having their own appeal in ENF though. Realistic is more believable, "this could actually happen" type of thing but to have an absurdly voluptuous woman be nude... like theres just so much more obscene woman to show off and gawk at so it makes it even more embarassing
To each their own, but for me an idealized body type makes it feel much more like "this was created to be sexually appealing" and thus makes it feel less embarrassing to be seen, in the same way as a staged exhibitionism shoot
Yes and no, Roshutsu still gets updates on occasion(against all odds), it's looking more like MNL is the one less likely to see release.
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someone did a pretty good nude edit
I hope he still goes at it. He was the exhibitionism GOAT.
boob shape from heaven
The guy making Roshutsu spun off to make My Naked Life but left. He did make an update for Roshutsu sometime afterwards, but he hasn't done anything really since.
Failing to commit to the gag and drawing the nipples at a higher fidelity makes it look like shit and their balls should be removed.
>clam being hidden by a clam
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Is the game like that
Goddamn I love TER.
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why does the style remind me of hai yorokonde
ENF Connoisseurs

I am delighted to announce I have found a new ENF MMDer on Iwara. It's been to long. Let's enjoy his content before he becomes a faggot and fucks off or puts it behind a paywall like the rest of them.

based iwara poster
wish there was more reactions or trying to cover or some recognition that they're naked or something, hopefully they improve and don't just leave.

unrelated but I heard a story of a woman forgetting her phone in a self-driving car and it drives off and there's nothing she can do to stop it, and it gave me an idea for an ENF scenario idea.
a shy exhibitionist girl gets in a self-driving taxi car, she reaches a secluded area of town, strips off in the car, and leaves the car door open so it won't drive off while she enjoys sneaking around naked.
some people come walking by and she hides.
they recognize the car is self-driving and assume someone must have forgot to close the door so it was stuck waiting, so they close the car door and it drives off with her clothes.
this is more than she bargained for and has to make her way home sneaking through the city butt naked as best as possible.

or it could be she closes the door without realizing it will drive off, so she desperately tries to open the door as it speeds away but it's locked, and inevitably she has to make the walk home naked.

or a similar self-driving car idea, girls skinny dipping in the rain leave their clothes/phones in the car so they wont get wet, but the car is scheduled to pickup up one of the girl's brothers from soccer practice and drive him home, so it drives off leaving them with nothing.
Not sure if they've been posted here before but I found this creator https://www.iwara.tv/profile/11556621 who made some pretty good stuff
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The guy admits in the videos he's pretty new and is doing a bunch of experimenting, but he's using some fun effects I haven't seen before like the water. I'm sure it'll come with practice.
This anime is actually pretty good for ENF content as far as I remember. In fact it's in the perfect format for it, short episodes with different situations, like gag manga's anime counterpart (ENF gag manga are great too). There should've been more...
Source is Splash Shot. Why didn't you provide the source and save me a half hour of trouble Anon?
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Would anyone happen to know any artist to recommend for an Enf comic commission?
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I googled the title at the top and got something else but it seems to be the same artist
I didn't see -this- version of the pic so far.
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>Would anyone happen to know any artist to recommend for an Enf comic commission?
How about this artist?

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