Previous thread >>2893857Screenshots, manga pages, production art, staff drawings, etc. from non-ero shows, manga, and games.
And not to steal the thunder of Kaedeko-anon, but he posted this near the end of the last thread.>Greetings, Kaedeko fans! It's been a while. I know a lot of you have been eagerly awaiting the more recent Fanbox posts. I finally got a new subscription. Here they are!>September:>>October:>>>>November:>>December:>>>Happy Fapping! And have a Happy Holidays!
>>2922094Kaedeko-anon, here. Nah, it's all good. Thank you for resharing!
>>2922090i love official breast lineupsmore?
>>2922142Those are smoll but there you go
>>2922089I still remember my surprise when I was watching the ova from the game and saw this, sucks we didn't get Black Rose in the shot since she too is supposed to be there.
>>2922205They should have done more than that single image. A minute of that scene animated that way would have been better.
>>2922207I mean it is still considered official with the GIFT Subaru being female during the chat with Kite in the onsen and having the tits with nipples visible.
BTW>>2922223yuushibu the firts one>>2922224ro-kyu-bu the secondand this is from ishuzoku reviewers
I found 2 pages from Futari Ecchi manga which has a drawn pussy. Yes. It's not an edit. They are in chapters 96 and 97
>>2922234>>2922235It is absolutely an edit, the aliasing and black levels on the lineart is completely different.
>>2922226Took me a while to make the shitty edits and screen caps but I'll post them since technically they are ecchi scenes but I'll delete them if people here don't think it fits.
>>2922257Also pardon the shitty quality, the original quality of the show when it was made wasn't great and since I'm doing it on my phone it got scaled up.Also I still found this part funny.
>>2922258And this is the one I'm iffy on if it's ok to post but I'll post it anyways and like I said before I'll delete it later if it's not ok.Now later this week I should finally get to work on the Aki Sole books.
>>2922259Fuck me I forgot to upload it.
>>2922251I thought it was official since I took it from MangaDex where you can read mangas online.
>>2922261Why would that make you think it's official? Checking the volume shows it's not there. Some groups edit pages and mix them in a chapter for some reason.
>>2922205It's also something that if the ESRB had noticed was a pack-in with a Teen rated game could have got the game pulled from the shelves. Anything that comes in a game box is considered for ESRB rating and bare nipples would have bumped the game to a M or AO back in the early 2000s. But since Quarantine was such a niche title with an extremely limited run, it slid under the radar.
>>2922094Also, another good news for Kaedeko fans. It seems that in his next compilation book (out December 27), he will finally remove the compromising leaf as he promised earlier this year.
>>2922268I doubt this.
>>2922268>>2922275Even if he does, it's just going to be a single line. Anything more and he would need to whip out the mosaic.
>>2922265Instant AO, no question. you could get away with barbie doll anatomy with an M or even a T depending on how it was framed but actual nipples? Nah
>>2922268- OH REALLY- can't wait, though it's unlikely imo that kaedeko would really make an actual "scene" with kanna BUT this is the first step in that direction~ - insert *uooooghhhhh.mp3* here >:D
>>2922310Exactly. Perfect example. Neptunia VII came out in 2015 as a Teen rated game with CG scenes like this one.
Freezing has an underrated lineup of hot official art.
>>2922361Exhibit B
has shiromanta's fanbox had anything notable recently?
>>2922446he reposted a pair of Inklings viewable to everyone back very early in October, that's been it
>>2922455You mean the characters from the CoroCoro manga?
>>2922341I have a huge raging boner for Sister Gigant
>>2922678Yuzuki (the teacher) from Kiss×Sis
>>2922680do we have more of the other girls?
>>2922691From what I've heard, the artist behind the series has been doing a lot of lewds for the girls. If I'm remembering right, they're publishing the manga on a platform with far less restrictions, so they can go ham on the lewd stuff and not hold back like they used to
>>2922733I hope we get more of the busty glasses chick.
Nothing about the Nobeta rewards yet?
>>2922691>>2922733I can't post most of the content as it involves the brother too, but we're getting all of Ako and Riko now.
>>2922691You could say that, yeah.
Here are the Nobeta rewards, Merry Xmas and enjoy bros!>>2922769Illya sex!
>>2922842Ohh, nice! Thank you, anon.
>>2922769sex with Illya
>>2922885and Miyu
>>2922883>>2922885>>2922886>>2922888I wish one day a proper version without the stream would be leaked ToT
>>2922842Thanks as always, and a Merry Christmas to you too, Nobeta-anon!
>>2922883>>2922885>>2922888I appreciate the animators drew the nipples even though they knew they would be obscured with steam.
>>2922951Any series where something has to have steam added but someone fails to make it completely effective are doing something right.
>>2922769remember what they took from us
I think those are official, they were posted here long ago
>>2923012Art book has some nips
>>2923007>>2923008>>2923009>>2923010which book are these from?
>>2923071>>2923071>pussy and cum juicesIt's not official.
>>2923095But were drawn by an official artist or not?If don't I get excited for nothingbtwTo Love Ru guys drew some details to have a guide for the final sketch
>>2923280The conclusion the last time they were posted was that they're edits from someone who was an artist on the anime
>>2923280They're from 2chan. There isn't any reason to believe they were drawn by someone who worked on the anime. That doesn't mean they weren't though.
>>2923383>>2923386I took the image from an auction page, certainly can't say that the image is real with 100% certainty, but I would be surprised if they were fake.Are you sure the image was taken from 2chan?
>>2923413I >>2923386 was talking about the images you were replying to not the image you posted
>>2923420Ok I'm retarded, what a shame about Ilya's images, she doesn't even appear naked in the graphic novel.
The Illya images are from 2chan. They're part of a way larger set an anon from /a/ kept track of for years.The running joke is that the style was so strikingly similar that futaba thought it was an animator from the show that just posted them anonymously for shits and giggles. Which is where the idea that it was "official" art came from. I like to think that it is.
>>2922361Apologies for the Satellizer spam but there's just a mass influx of hot art for her.
>>2922842Thank you kind sir.
Damn i miss the Maken-Ki art Takeda used to make, kinda weird how he just stopped doing art of it the moment it ended
>>2924010>>2924011>>2924012>>2924013>>2924016>>2924017Why even post these arts when she has lots of official nipple images plus an official hentai of freezing,
Merry christmas!!
Merry Xmas bros! Here are the last December Nobeta rewards, enjoy.
>>2925842Thanks Nobeta anon. Happy Krimbo to you as well.
>>2925842Much obliged, anon.Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
>>2925842merry xmas bro and thank you.the art on the special one is so good
the uncensored version is present in the artbooks and posters, but for some reason it's hard to find on digital media.
>>2925987Do you have the Satoko and the Rena pictures?
>>2925990from the past treads? yes.but I still couldn't find the source of those images. especially the one of Satoko, which I can't find anywhere outside of here.
>>2925842Once again thank you kind sir and have a happy new year.
>>2926028I meant the original source or the full pages haha. Thanks anyway.
>>2925842Merry christmas and bless your nobeta filled heart, anon
>>2925987mion's bottom half looks conjoined, wtf.
Can't believe she wasn't raped here
Is there any sort of repository for nude scenes in manga? Specially ones that didn't had them in the anime adaptation
>>2926542The closest of that we have is fapservice but site is very slow and almost all online galleries are broken most of the new content is posted on their discord server now and they have a cooldown if you want to see the new content for free.
>>2926542Might be able to find some on the usual haunts if you use tags like screencaps or official art. Not always guaranteed to get such results, but that should help compared to generic tags like nude
>>2926671That site has become unusable ever since it came back, since retarded AIfaggots just spam typical AI dogshit cancer all over the comments, whereas people USED to actually talk about the currently airing series or published manga with fanservice.Fucking AIDS
>>2926671I don't believe you by "site is very slow and almost all online galleries are broken." WOE works to fix them 24/7.>>2926708Huh?
>>2926717What exactly was hard to understand about my post? Now that I re-read your post again, you seem a bit ESL, so I guess it makes sense.
>>2926542There is a site called chikubiwiki. It is very good, it shows both anime and manga nudity. The problem is... That the site is now region blocked, at least in my country, I cant see it anymore :(
>>2926737Yeah I checked and it's blocked here too, damn
>>2926764Maybe someone here knows if there is any vpn that makes it accessible
So it seems like theres a new aiksole
Shiromanta finally updated. The title is interesting if DeepL is even remotely close to translating it correctly. Not sure if he's apologizing for taking so long or if he doesn't care to update it anymore
New Nekopara artbook is out digitally on Amazon if some mad lad wants to drop 5400 yen on it
>>2926807Man, I've got a new holy grail to look out for then.>>2926864Finally a clear-ish shot of Shigure's nipples.
>>2926737>>2926764How does region-blocking work with urls? Can't someone just automatically save the pages and place them in a mirror site?
isn't shigure a human?
>>2926917She is. She's also Kasho's blood related sister. Those are just prop ears. And she's wearing a buttplug tail, too.
>>2926913I have no idea, maybe someone wise enough could help us access that site
>>2926913It's just rangebanning IPs from specific regions. Blocked on my default US IP, cleared the cookies for and retried after connection to the Tokyo node on my VPN, works fine. Same for buying shit from somewhere like dmm/FANZA
>>2926938Oh I made it work! Thanks! Im using Urban VPN if someone is interested, its free and can connect to Japan
>>2926940as long as you don't poke the site off your VPN you should be fine, it'll get pissy again if you refresh while disconnected
Shiromanta updated.
>>2926967Unless the guy draws some goddamn nipples, I aint giving him a cent.
I never knew that Rikka's panties were ever drawn in official art, I guess because this is too small for the boorus. Neat.
>>2922094>>2922128FUCK I wanted the newes one but my sub expired hours before the post.>>2922268I assume there's been no follow-up on this.
Anyone got shiromanta's recent fanbox posts?
>>2927186Rikka is very cute
>>2927212Dude, calm down, you're spamming since the last thread about Shiromanta, I want to see it too, BUT it's useless to ask if someone have shiromanta's recent stuffs, don't worry if someone had his stuffs, it would have been uploaded already. Just be fucking patient omg.
>>2927237Different anon but in my defence re:Kaedeko I signed up last month since there hadn't been a dump in months and then Kaedeko-poster showed up an hour later, so now I'm just praying.
>>2927239he updated at the absolute last minute after roughly two months of inactivity, likely whoever it is that's been dumping is waiting to re-sub after the rollover which kicked in a few hours ago
Speaking of Kaedeko...'s the newest post! Happy New Year, everyone!
>>2927294Thanks anon. Might you also have the high res version of the swimsuit original?
>>2927296Everyone was asking for hi-res stuff of the SFW stuff last time, so here. I forgot to post the link. Amazing.
>>2927300Appreciate it. Always like to keep the set complete.
>>2927294Thank you jesus
Looks like Kemono had a New Years gift for us.
>>2927294Thanks Anon
>>2927196About his new book, it's out but hasn't been scanned or can't be found online yet.I should get my copy in 1 or 2 weeks, so we'll see at that point but I still have high hopes since it's heavily suggested that she's fully naked and Kaedeko just published the mother fully naked for the first time too this week. Wait and see I guess.
>>2927387Let us know when you get it.
>>2926807I'm not the most familiar with who does art for the Konosuba media, since I know there's the manga, light novels, and anime. Who did this particular pic?
>>2927408Artist's name is Magu. They are a professional animator but did not work directly on Konosuba.
>>2927294Glorious big breasts and a loving bush. The perfect woman.Thank you for this!
>>2927294Did this Kaedeko guy work in any mainstream anime or manga?
>>2927294perfection. tempted to buy his books but im afraid the content would be seen as "problematic" from customs
>>2927409Ah, so it's not official? Do they have a pixiv or anything?
>>2927841Their twitter doesn't have anything linked so probably not
Hello. Gentlemen.This is a message from Japan. I purchased Gakikyonyu 2 by kaedeko.And this is unfortunate news.This is a report on Kanna's illustrations.There were leaves left.It was the same picture as Fanbox. However, there was also an illustration with this white liquid attached. In both illustrations, the leaves hid her secrets.repeat.There were leaves.I would appreciate it if you would continue to believe in the author and support him.
>>2927992Unfortunate. When's he gonna release that fully nude one?
>>2927995There are 9 types of R18 illustrations. All R18 illustrations are the same as Fanbox.
>>2927995I don't understand.It's possible that it won't come out.
>>2927992thank you for the info Japan man
>>2927992That's pretty much what I expected. I don't think we'll ever see that part of her exposed. And if we do, it will just be a simple line; nothing spread open.
>>2928070Maybe one day.
>>2928073I suppose. How long was he drawing Kanna before he exposed her nipples?
>>2926028>>2926055>but I still couldn't find the source of those images. especially the one of Satoko, which I can't find anywhere outside of here.Those are DVD extras. As is often the case with such production sketches. From Higurashi Kai.
>>2928074I think he started drawing her in 2020 and the nudes finally started happening in 2023, so three years?
>>2927999I hope not. Dude teased a while ago that it does indeed exist and he had plans to release it in a future book iirc.
noob question:Are you familiar with ahri-gallery-jq5s6 ? Is there a better and more comprehenssive daily updated website that collects content from all kinds of sources?
>>2927348And only lasted for one single day, I bet it was some kind of mistake because the patreon and discord upload were interrupted by the fanbox but now it returned like before, only updating patreon and facebook while totally ignoring fanbox.But at least we know, the fix is possible but that would means ignoring all these furry uploads in patreon and the admin of kemono would never allow that
>>2928113Hopefully soon then we'll get her fully exposed.
>>2928149well most of the artists that got "updated" have no new posts, and the others I've seen only had public posts added and nothing paywalledcompletely useless
>>2926807Fuck me I forgot about this and missed it, now I gotta start hunting for it.
>>2927081Do we got an date on the new VN's release? I wanna save up as much as I can to get the limited edition.
>>2925987Fun fact: 07th expansion did a popularity poll in 2020 and released Ryukishi-drawn oppai mousepads for the 1st place, 7th place, and 70th place characters. There's an article on the 07th expansion wiki about it but this is the only image I could find
>>2928221Yes, most Fanbox updates were only free posts.That's always been a thing though. You can just follow a creator for free, and then send Kemono your session key, and it only grabs the free posts.I saw that at least ONE creator had their paid posts imported, though. Just called "サインこす" in Kemono. Though they mainly only have content that would go in either /h/ or /b/ (loli.)But it proves that it did actually work for the couple days it was live.
> for Frieren (and a bunch of other anime) did KA for the Maplestar Stark x Fern animation.
>>2928709God, that explains why the Maplestar animation is so goddamn good.
>>2928322It's been working on Neko for the better part of a month now, and they seem to be making a point of not importing repeat creators there with few exceptions
>>2928748There are apparently way more archivers than I am aware of... what is Neko?
>>2928709Dude's asking for trouble
>>2928709Fern is so hot
>>2928748>It's been working on NekoNot completely.Some artists' pages have nothing at all or the posts just imported the text but not the files themselves.Seems like the servers just give up if the files are too big or something, which is a shame since it was actually paid posts that it was trying to import.
>>2926918>>2926864Can't wait for the Shigure route in Nekopara Extra. I just hope Sayori doesn't get demoralised by the fags asking her not to publish it because "Shigure will suffer". happen to have Tearontarons fantia? It's loli stuff, some of the images are sex with characters from his non-h manga. If you want samples check his Comic LO chapters.
>>2929101>I just hope Sayori doesn't get demoralised by the fags asking her not to publish it because "Shigure will suffer".Sayori is based as hell i don't think you should be concerned about thatAlso we have a confirmation of After coming out in april if all goes well
>>2929101Yeah we need an official incest route
>>2929260Especially since she's the only character who can have children with Kashou. We need a cute ending with her holding their baby surrounded by their family of cats.
>>2929177>we have a confirmation of After coming out in april if all goes wellYou made my day anon. Do we have any confirmation from Denpa about the English and/or special edition?
>>2929283Every single Nekopara game has come out in English day and date with the JP release. I don't see why this one would be any different.
>>2929486Can you post the upload from the end of last month?
>>2929264I dont remember the lore the conveniently human shaped cats cant have cat human hybrids?
>>2929546There are catboys, too. Humans and catgirls are incompatible. But the lore is even darker if you think about it. You've got a sentient species in the cat people with human level intelligence that are actual second class citizens that need to earn the right to even travel on their own. They grow to adulthood in less than three years. There is nothing outright stating this, but they might also die after they hit 15-20 like normal cats.The whole scenario is really dark if you think about it.
Does anyone know a good site for scans of artbooks, settei and things like that?
>>2929804e-hentai and sadpanda both have a fair number of books scanned. It's not just doujins and h-manga.
>>2929804Whoa this is like the first time I see official lewds of AoTis there any more?
>>2929804Nice tits armin
>>2929900...should disable its Patreon and make it so that everyone can view its settei.
>>2930005Even if they had to have a delay, some of those series haven't been public for years.
>>2930005Those that are behind a paywall have nudity? Or they are like that because it was hard to find them?
Some nude Gate girls
>>2930039I wish more of those for other series included nude versions even if they only showed that much. It still can't beat the nude manga versions.
>>2930038Gunbuster has the best girls.
>>2930037One part nudity, one part literally buying and reuniting seperated materials piece by piece to their shows. anyone have the settei for thiskotoko from in spectre
>>2930070Selling digital access to something you don't actually own the rights to is kinda scummy though.
>>2930070There's nudity in what's available freely too.>>2930093It's not good, even if it is because of the cost of buying new ones. There is a comment on the site about not reselling for profit too. I don't know why a delay needs to be so long if there was one.
>>2930093My understanding is it's more an effective crowdfunding for someone to acquire and preserve and distribute. Also I think the idea is that complete sets are free, everything on Patreon is technically incomplete still.
New Nobeta has arrived, this time being another doujin. As always, enjoy bros!
>>2930260Appreciate it, sir.Phyllis has a very dirty mind.
>>2930260Thank you as always, Nobeta-bro.
>>2930260Thank you anon
>>2930070Why'd the owner do that? He normally shouldn't do that.
>>2930260Thank you kind sir.
>>2930260thanks anon!
>>2930038Don't remember the cross being there when I saw the show. Pretty ironic since she a soviet
100 Girlfriends
Here's another
>>2930968Thanks man! There should be a lot of that in settei, thanks for taking your time to find and share!
>>2930968Some things should appear in the series itself and with other girls too, but this is still good.>>2930988There should be, but even among the ones with nudity a lot don't show much. Just because it can't be aired doesn't mean it shouldn't be included for reference.
>>2930973damn this official?
>>2930878lol they didn't even remotely stamp out the Russian Orthodox church even when they were actively trying, by the time they made Gunbuster things were pretty chill
>>2931020NTA but if I don't recall wrong one of the artists drew that doodle mid production but I could be wrong.
>>2930260Do you plan on adding the ASMR that they said they are adding for the Patreon/Fanbox?
>>2931360When it comes out, yeah.
>>2930968>>2930970Are these the only two or there's more?
>>2931517Just these two, unfortunately
>>2931741Puffy loli nipples are my favorite thing about this manga
>>2931741>>2931759Is there a lot of good fanservice? I thought Made in Abyss was just a guro manga.
>>2931763I only saw the early chapters and it's most only the main girl, but they do nipples quite frequently for a manga not focused on fanservice at all, I could never find any places compiling the good stuff tho, although I did find a nice guide for some chapters in a reddit thread about what to avoid kek
>>2931763I would say that Made in Abyss fanservice depends heavily on your taste.
>>2930292I still don't know why the heck >>2930070 happened.
All this time, I didn't know AIR was a titty VN
>>2932816Basically every VN Key has made that wasn't Clannad Prime has porn. But then they made a spinoff game that was. Which makes it a bit more wholesome... but at the same time I would have liked to see Nagisa getting railed by her husband.
>>2930970Can someone redraw just the nude outline (no clothes, egg, bunny ears) including nipples?
fanbox importer seems to be back again at kemono. let's see if it'll last more than a day.
>>2931402Thanks in advance, anon!
Looks like they released a Jan 1.5 reward, includes .psd of the Chinese dress version, enjoy Nobeta bros!
>>2932906Now if only people imported the ones that havent been imported for years.
>>2932946Thank you kind sir!
>>2932946Ah thanks
>>2932830>but at the same time I would have liked to see Nagisa getting railed by her husband.Me too.
>>2933061>>2933062>>2933064What's the deal with Sayori seemingly not wanting her stuff to be uncensored? Like these VNs for one, but I remember a short manga or two from faggu that ended up getting removed from their site for unknown reasons. Don't remember if it was in an eromanga anthology, but there'd be even less reason for it to get removed at that point too since she would have effectively signed the rights to that chapter away to the magazine itself.
>>2932946Thanks, bro
>>2933061>>2933062>>2933064Is that from the new art book?
>>2933120I mean the title is right there in the picture...
>>2933061>>2933062>>2933064If I hadn't gotten sick I could've had ordered this by now.Is it still available on Amazon JP?
>>2932830I'm pretty sure Planetarian and everything after Rewrite has also been SFW only, or am I tripping?
>>2933199Oh, it's possible they stopped doing porn after Little Busters. I haven't been following them closely.
a classic.
Tsunashima Shirou just dropped this on twitter
>>2933515good timingI’ve been reading through Winvurga
>>2932906It lasted for two days this time around.
>>2933753I think it's more they need to attract people to link their shit or however it works, while it appears to be working the updates are all largely free with few exceptions
Sayori posted a preview of Nekopara After H scenes, looks like the whole game will be very yuri (considering we already know Shigure x Fraise will be a thing too)
>>2933806I really only have two things that I desire to make After a good title:More girls taking it in the pooper.Shigure getting railed.
>>2932946Bless you anon
More Nobeta (RIP pettanko) for everyone, last Jan rewards now out, as always, enjoy bros!
>>2934062Thanks a lot anon
>>2934062Yo thanks!
>>2934062I am fine with small boobs Nobeta as long as we also get flat Nobeta.
>>2934062It's kinda funny how you can tell how explicit the nudity will be based on how big her boobs are. Thanks, anon.
>>2934220silly faces and 'mysterious fluid' nobeta pics are still nowhere near the typical "Phyllis' deluision" chapters
>>2934062>dangerous download blocked
>>2934292Open in Windows Sandbox if you're scared.
>>2934414its more that im just not able to download it at all
>>2934467What browser? I know Chrome/Edge has a bunch of security now that limit .zip and .rar files from being downloaded. Firefox tends to work with me fine.
>>2934482chrome. it was fine all the other times
>>2934490google knows better what you need to download, trust google
>>2922842Can some anon reupload Nobeta-202412F-Tier2(1).rar? It went into cold storage and premium account is required to download it.
>>2934892lmao, what the hell
>>2934062Thank you kind sir.
>>2934675Wow i didn't expect to see such a nice artwork of Marlene. Blue Gender is such an underrated anime. I'm saving this one thanks
>>2935200thanks anon, i love you
>>2933515>write story>have tons of unimportant or side characters get raped>never cross the line with the main characters despite many near misses>end shit and move to a more lenient magazine>start having main characters get raped across multiple chapterslove this series, it taking as long as it did to escalate to this point really makes the rape hit harder
>>2934062Do you have any info on the ASMR that is coming out this month for the rewards? If it leads to a link to buy it I'll likely buy it since I loved it.
>>2935509Jinki? Worth reading?
>>2935512jinrouki winvurga and the sequel rebellionif you like rape, yes
>>2935511Nothing yet, I'm assuming it'll be apart of the 700yen plan, which if so I'll be able upload here.
New Kaedeko stuff. The mom this time.
>>2935572catbox moe seems to be down for me.
>>2936017You can't post that.
Is Gelbooru and Danbooru still the kings for official art? I tried Sankaku but that place is pure cancer, even with tag blacklists its still full of trash
>>2936064Pretty much, besides the occasional uploads on panda. shitkaku totally shot themselves in the feet like 3 times by letting the site be raped 10x over by AI gayness, and before that, hiding a lot of patreon/fanbox uploads and pulling the "if you pay our subscription we TOTALLY pay these artists bro, trust us. also you get access to these images again".I highly fucking doubt they're in contact with thousands of patreon/fanbox/etc. artists on the regular to coordinate portions of the site's subscription money going to them, the shithole is ran by like 4 retards at most and they can barely manage to have the video player work properly for 90% of the days in a year, let alone probably coordinating this shit with thousands of artists.
>>2936038I'm guessing /h/ material, but what even was it? The archives have been totally borked the last several days from what, as far as I know, was an incident on /v/.
>>2935888it's timing out a lot but eventually you can get through
>>2936106Of course they aren't. They're also acting in extremely bad faith by hiding the source links, which they used to display. The site is dead to me.
>>2936017So... you're telling me Shiromanta draws dicks and fellatio, but he doesn't want to draw nipples on his girls? >_>
>>2936064Sankaku has been a lost cause for years, ever since they first embedded a crypto miner in itDon't know why it even exists still
>>2936017Oh shit, based. Hopefully he keeps going and doesn't pussy out.
>>2936138Well he draws the boy getting fucked, so yeah, it makes perfect sense that a faggot would draw bare cock before ever drawing a single nipple or pussy.
>>2936017Oh I guess that one hasn't been uploaded to Kemono yet.
>>2936144>>2936064Sankaku is pure shit, I don't know why people still choose to upload stuff there. It's unfortunate that I see a lot more art there than on Gelbooru
>>2936198And within an hour a post you like can be buried by 19 pages of AI dogshit.
>>2936177>>2936197How are you guys even viewing the image on the archive? This is all that happens for me besides the crunchy ass thumbnail. For literally any image on this board, actually, not just that deleted post.Was this always the case for /e/, that its archive doesn't actually save the images/videos posted, just the thumbnails? That fucking sucks, man.
>>2936293You're using the wrong archive
>>2936297Thanks for the heads up
>>2936297How do I change my archive?
>>2936313Go into your 4chanx settings and select a different one.
>>2936315Got it, thanks.
>>2936198Sankaku has lax rules and so got a boost after Danbooru started doing "gold account" shit for loli. Gelbooru was near unusable at the time due to constant reposts and JAV screenshots.Over a decade later, they've managed to retain those users despite doubling down on AI and ugly camgirl ads, and still trying to push their dogshit "2.0" revamp.Sankaku was just in the right place at the right time, nothing more.
>>2936333Did anyone archive the sites for everyone to see?
>>2936333Let's not forget all the granny and fag porn ads on gelbooru too that they really went all in skirting ad blockers for nearly two years, and instantly nuking any and all complaints on the forums about that. Huge faggots.
>>2936138The nipple thing is genuinely bizarre, even before he started the manga and drew fairly regular /e/ and /h/ stuff there's still no nipples on the girls
>>2936462Under a different name, I take it?
>>2936463Nope. Still on his pixiv, not that there's much. Pretty much at the same level of what he posts on his fanbox now
>>2936462Even if some artists have a preference for hiding nipples, they should occasionally show them too.
>>2936470Or make variants...
Does anyone have a link to download all AIK SOLE doujinshi?
>>2936795As far as I'm aware, not all of them have been scanned and put on the usual places. And I do not know of the most recent one from this past comiket being scanned yet either. I've been hoping for it to be, but the one from '23 didn't get scanned until April of '24.
>>2936462Like I said man, to draw cocks before even a single bare titty is fucking whack. At least for him it "makes sense" since he is an actual fag, but I've seen other artists do this before, and they don't draw buttfuckers. I don't know what compels one to be this way.
>>2936109>as far as I know, was an incident on /v/.Elaborate, please.
>>2937037nta but I heard that someone was spamming gore to get the archives down, never got confirmation of this tho, I know there was some cp on /v/ too
>>2937037Yeah, I heard it was more of the latter here >>2937085, apparently around 1TB of it too.
>>2936297Which archive am I supposed to have for that? I checked them all the ones in the settings and none of them work. kinda stale tbdesu
>>2938511Might be why the last illustration was the mom.
>>2938511This is how I learned the Fanbox portion is fixed and I have a year's worth of shit to double check.Now when's the Fantia part fixed, the Seishokuki guy delivered constantly.
Sakura by Yakou Hiroshi, one of the animators of Naruto Shippuden.
>>2938576Damn this is big stuff, but again censorship-kun spoils the party
>>2938511gag tits with almost zero hips looks more comical than sexy
>>2938511I guess that's why Shiromanta refuses to show nipples
>>2938752That's not Shiromanta lol
>>2938755I know. I meant Shiromanta doesn't draw nipples so people feel somewhat unsatisfied while still making it lewd enough to keep people anticipating more which keeps them from getting bored (though I guess Kaedeko also refuses to show something, though that feels different for some reason)
>>2936333I stopped using danbooru after I realized it turned into a massive circlejerk, where they refuse high quality submissions for whatever reasons, but let low quality shit up because 99% of the uploaders are contributors/approvers/mods/etc.
>>2938752>>2938759Makes zero sense, showing nothing forever is what gets stale. Many people think he probably just can't actually draw them well.
>>2938882If that's the reason, there's plenty of time to practice doing better.
>>2938884That's what you might think, but some artists have been at it for years and still just draw dots for nipples. When Isekai Maou's manga finally showed nipples it was basically the same thing, same with Trinity Seven IIRC.Like, still better than absolutely nothing I guess, but still pretty big letdowns. Some artists just don't ever really improve or develop their styles and stay forever the same.
>>2938888I'll take mosquito bites over barbie doll any day of the week.
>>2938890That style isn't great, but it's better than nothing. Barbie doll is still better than some other ways they could be censored all the time. It's very rare to see some type of nipple that makes me wish it was censored.
Nagasarete Airantou has been ongoing for 22 years now and after over a decade of just panties and barbie doll boobs, they finally started putting nipples on the girls.
>>2938893>>2938894>22 yearsJesus, that's gotta be one of the longest, if not the longest cock teases for female nudity in basically any manga/anime series, right? Like one that actually happened/committed to showing some bare titty and finally did it, not shit like Fairy Tail or Bleach that will never ever because their respective authors are pussies.
>>2938751I beg to differ, the underdeveloped hips, together with the big breasts show that the latter are the abnormality, and she's still a child, despite how erotic her upper half has grown to be, which is the whole appeal of oppai lolis, at least for me. This shit is just a matter of taste at the end of the day, so I can't really say you're wrong, only that you have bad taste.
>>2938893Is it an attempt to help with declining sales, or has it gone on so long someone new has decided they are allowed?
>>2939215I think it switched magazines into one that allowed nipples.
>>2939200And here
>>2939232Knew about this.>>2939233>>2939234Didn't know about these though. Shame it seems like they're gone in the official colored release.Still, point kinda remains the same even with Kubo. Something like Blue Exorcist shows nipples in the tanks (albeit only for Shura IIRC), despite also being published by Jump/Shueisha who are known to be rather prudish most of the time. Guess some circles are better than nothing.No clue what Mashima's deal is with avoiding explicit nudity though and just going the Barbie tits route, especially being published in the same magazine as Kanokari, which had a whole cuckold sex delusion chapter. Some parts of FT and his newer series just seems to be thinly veiled torture/ryona + dismemberment fetishism though, which is why it's even weirder how he just seems to refuse going "all the way" on drawing a bare boob.
>>2939243Jump isn't entirely against nudity. It ran To Love Ru, after all. And yes, TLR Darkness ran in a different magazine, but Yabuki had tons of underwear and the occasional nipple in the first run of the series.
>>2939296I don't know how they determine what's going to be shown, but some magazines can have some manga with sex scenes next to other ones that can't show a nipple.
>>2939296Yeah, I'm trying to remember if TLR even had the nipples in the magazine release though. I know Yuuna-san didn't in its magazine release, and there was that whole shitshow they faced for the transparent page "nipples" thing they did one time. Actually ever since that happened, to me it seems they've been even more harsh on fanservice in general for WSJ, and now anything besides some basic cleavage is basically relegated to Jump+ or their higher age rating publications.
>>2939310No, nipples were added in the tanks.
>>2939319I should know, I typeset the tank versions to free the nipples.
>>2939319>>2939320Alright, seems it was already pretty rough in magazines even back then.
>>2939296Is this an edit that transplanted the butthole?
>>2939418Yes. I didn't notice that when I posted it.
Alrighty, here are the first of the February Nobeta rewards, includes an Onsen doujin, as always enjoy bros! No Phyllis at the end though which I was disappointed at...
>>2939439Thank you as always, Nobeta-anon!
>>2939439It's all bigger boobed Nobeta again this month. Thanks anon.
>>2939439>No Phyllis at the endThat's for part 2
>>2939439Thank you kind sir. has niwatori5948’s fantia/fanbox or work ?
>>2939439Lmao, they forgot to add Phyllis and made a side note.
>>2940749His stuff's on Kemono, just not updated
>>2939439Just saw that they added a new ASMR for February for Tier 3.
>>2941647Am I misrembering or did he never post Shirane's uncensored dicking? Vol 29 supposedly.
>>2941672There's plenty of dickings that haven't been posted yet, unfortunately. [spoiler]Like his mom.[/spoiler]
>>2941676377 posts above this one with only 105 images. Rename this the "Link to official non-/e/ content" thread.
>>2941647>>2941672>finally get the Kokuyou paizuri scene in Tsugumomo that was promised/teased about like literally 9 years ago, by the character herself>makes the dude get cum on his face like 7 times in a rowYoshikazu is pretty fucking gay for this, not gonna lie.
Who has Kaedeko's latest work?
>>2942180Only new thing is the mysterious fluid version of the sportswear picture which is linked elsewhere in this thread.
>>2942293Where is it? Please tell me the URL.
>>2926737any clues to what the rest of the url is? Nothing's showing up in searches for "Chikubiwiki">>2939444our loli queen is growing up...
>>2942675The top fucking result on Google dude.
>>2942675>>2942675>>2942738Can't access the website too. Is it dead or just limited to Japan IP only?
>>2942740It's not dead.
>>2942740Japan only, you need a VPN
>>2942741>>2942742The fc website isn't working for me, even with a VPN welp
>>2942752clear cookies related to the website, should be anything related, reenable your VPN, revisit the site.
>>2942752I use urban vpn extension on firefox, works like a charm
Sherry, unfortunately only posted with censorship.
>>2943367We got this uncensored.
>>2943371>>2943367I still got yet to scan the AIK SOLE books along with other 20 books but I can add this to the list.I had to delay everything I had since last year due to my mother landing on the hospital due to heart failure and was stuck there for 2 months. Luckily she's fine now but fuck did I aged from that, plus disrupted everything I was working on including my actual job.
>>2943371It would be nice if the manga could use some reflections or other ways to further test some limits.
>>2943380We appreciate the efforts anon, even if they are delayed.>>2943381Unfortunately, not everyone is Yabuki Kentaro.
>>2941530You're in luck, they have just released the ASMR track, but of course they made it the top tier plan... Which I'll drop down back to the 700yen one next month. Otherwise enjoy bros!
>>2943432Thanks Anon
>>2943463jesus christ
>>2943463He's a big guy
>>2943432The tweets say it's track 2 (Track 2 – "Let's Take a Bath in the Hot Spring with Nobeta!") but the script in the download is for Track 1 ("It's okay to rest for a bit, right?")Did they just get their own bonus wrong or wha?
>>2943615I believe so, the end of Track 1 leads to the hotspring so I'm guessing they miss timed/released the Twitter post in wrong order.
>>2943367>>2943371Only Sherry? No Roxanne?
>>2943657There were some others with that one, but Roxanne wasn't as naked in that group of images.
>>2943657and miria
>>2943659>>2943367Where are these from and why are they putting stickers over the important bits?
>>2943658Oh my dear god. Roxanne chara-design is really something else. For me Isekai Meikyuu anime was the best ecchi adaptation since a long long time. Thanks anon!>>2943660Even Miria! Cute nipples and cute tail. Meaning the animation staff also made one for Vesta right?
>>2943666There might be more, but this is all I have.
>>2943663I don't know why hiding those is that necessary, but xexex36
>>2943463>>2943477As of the final tankobon she's managed not one but two kids, also what the fuck is up with her foot in that pic lol
>>2943668Gonna need to bully xexex36 into putting some nippples onto Kashiwazaki Sena.
>>2943658cute big breasts and pussy
>>2943432Oh thank you once again. I'm gonna get a big pay soon thanks to a headrest from my car nearly killing me due to manufacturing shortcutting by Chrysler so I might take over for you on their top tier stuff if everything goes well, currently waiting to hear if my lawyer managed to get about 20k extra.
>>2943660>>2943658Wait, I don't remember having the crotch slit on the book that came with the BDs, I should double check them again.
>>2943917based BD buyer bro(assuming they're not the NA BDs)
Got some more Nobeta stuff, including the second part of the ASMR audio and some correction. As always, enjoy!>>2943916Damn, sounds rough, hope you're doing ok. With the top plan, you shouldn't need to though, they don't often release rewards for it so you'd be kinda wasting your money if you went with that. >>2943615Looks like it wasn't an error on their end.
>>2944196Thank you!
>>2944196Thanks bro
>>2944196Also them milking that bear costume picture again with no nipples, just added milk.Appreciate your efforts anon.
>>2944196Nice thanks
>>2944196>This is just another of her delusions, right?
>>2944196Hey, just a question, is it possible when you share the new stuffs to rename the files on gofile? I mean, keep the orginal file, but just add something to differentiate them between parenthesis? For example " Nobeta-202502L-Tier2 (Valentine).rar " "Nobeta-202502L-Tier2 (doujin).rar" "Nobeta-202502L-Tier2 (onsen).rar" "Nobeta-202502L-Tier2 (asmr part1).rar" . It's a bit painful to download something, and notice it's an old reward or something I don't care.It's only my opinion of course, no need to do it if you don't want to.
>>2943937No, I imported the Japanese BDs, I never cared for the EN versions since they tend to be shit, hell I was disappointed with the EN Spice and Wolf BDs for the original show because they didn't even bother to upscale the video either, shit is grainy if you try to watch it on a good monitor compared to the Japanese BDs plus their lack of merch. >>2944196Ah I see, then I'll look into the future if they start releasing more stuff on the top plans and maybe join some other artist and get their art from there.
>>2944490Yeah sure, that's fine.
I say it counts
Is the Little Witch Nobeta Alarm Voice/Mezamashi Voice CD ripped?I got my Nobeta fumo today and it came with the cd.
>>2945197Uhhhhh, why's there an onahole?