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File: 1733020200581494.png (354 KB, 1250x1250)
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Artists of ALL experience levels are welcome.
I'm serious. That includes you. Yeah you. The guy/girl who's never picked up a pencil before in his/her life. You're not only welcome but encouraged to post here.

You know the rules:
> 1. Include full names and what series your characters are from.
> 2. Keep the request SIMPLE.
> 3. Compile multiple images into one or link to a gallery for additional references.
> 4. Try not to bump requests.
> 5. REQUEST drawings ONLY; this is NOT your personal deviantART page.
> 6. No AI deliveries.
> 7. Do not hijack requests.
> 8. PLEASE request only ONE drawing at a time.
> 9. Artists, post a sample of your work when "taking X requests".
> 10. No shitposting.
> 11. Keep it /e/.
> 12. If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
> 13. Have fun
Also, please post deliveries to the /e/ booru just in case a requester misses a delivery

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky:

Color & Edit Thread: >>2915171
Previous Thread: >>2892381
File: LingerieRias.jpg (2.16 MB, 1600x2071)
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Requesting Rias Gremory in just her black crimson bra and panties, teasing taking off her bra like in the bottom left pic while on Issei Hyoudou's bed (bottom right pic)
File: President Ann.jpg (2.99 MB, 6768x2920)
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Requesting a pinup of Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 wearing Ms. President's (from Golden Boy) red dress.
File: Daisy (Uh Huh!).jpg (793 KB, 834x1615)
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Please draw Strikers Daisy spreading her navel like a pussy.
File: Solo Elf.jpg (1 MB, 3273x2623)
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Requesting Lucia from Chronicles of Mystara masturbating in a pose that prominently features her cute bare feet
File: Talim_wet.jpg (863 KB, 3668x1911)
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Requesting Talim emerging from a body of water with her dark skin all wet and glistening, maybe as she pushes her hair out of her face.
File: Gloria In Excelsis.jpg (773 KB, 1378x1200)
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I'd love to see Gloria (aged up to a teen) spreading her butt and saying in a Scottish accent
>Tung ma fart-box, ya wee bawbag!
File: yukastrugglerequest.png (2.4 MB, 1916x1454)
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Requesting a take on Yuka Takeuchi trying to button up her blouse but her big tits are making that difficult.
Upper body shot, maybe a slim waist to emphasise her bust, no gloves.
File: Rikka Splits.png (1.35 MB, 2632x1087)
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Requesting Rikka Takarada from SSSS Gridman doing the splits in the same pose as Samus on the right, please.
Would be fun if her jacket and skirt fall away from her a bit as well to add some humour to it.
Hoping for some ecchi of Naoka Ueno from A Silent Voice posing in a catgirl-themed dominatrix costume.
File: Mizuki Nakahara.png (3.98 MB, 2704x1823)
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Requesting Mizuki Nakahara in her dress flashing her tits.
File: Rally Vincent stripper.jpg (3.62 MB, 4316x5460)
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Requesting a picture of Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats upside-down on a stripper pole while wearing a sexy cowgirl costume with knee-high (or thigh-high if you can make it look good) heeled cowboy boots. Please depict her as being embaressed/surprised after one (or two) small handguns she's concealed in her boots falls out and onto the floor while she's upside-down on the stripper pole. On the bottom of the reference picture I've included three handguns that could be concealed inside a cowboy boot.
File: Sabrina.jpg (596 KB, 1229x1000)
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/r/ Team Rocket Sabrina pushing down her panties while leaking strings of pussy juice and making eye contact with the viewer.
File: asahi.jpg (3.23 MB, 3119x2000)
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Requesting Amagami Asahi from Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi taking a selfie on the mirror doing the one finger challenge
File: Guild_Sweetheart MH.png (1.91 MB, 1533x1608)
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1.91 MB PNG
Requesting the Guild Sweetheart/Moga Sweetheart from Monster Hunter Tri (more references of her: https://imgur.com/a/KgWjn3i + https://files.catbox.moe/usj6iu.jpg ), with this kind of christmas outfit https://files.catbox.moe/g6i4v9.jpg (no need to be exactly the same), flashing her breasts in the same way as https://files.catbox.moe/x2e5qy.jpg , and looking at the viewer with a cute smile.

For her hat, I would like you keep her actual hat, but Christmas themed, like a red color, with christmas holly, maybe ribbons, you're free to choose what you want to be christmas themed

If possible, keep her skin color slightly tanned please, something like https://files.catbox.moe/usj6iu.jpg.
File: Good Fortune.jpg (840 KB, 1025x1545)
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Can I get the fortune teller from "Ys III: Wanderers" lying on her back with her very long hair spread out around her and covering her pussy with her crystal ball.
File: sketch-1734303741030.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1440)
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Requesting May And Sabrina From Pokemon (Both Wearing The Same Bikini Bottom In The Top Pictures) Sunbathing Topless Like In The Reference Pic Please
Requesting something similar to the reference picture on the left, but with Marie Rose from Dead or Alive in a niqab. To elaborate, I would like one panel that depicts Marie Rose wearing a niqab with most of her features hidden (basically everything except her eyes and her silhouette) and a second 'x-ray' panel that shows that underneath the niqab she's wearing nothing, but bondage gear.
And Don't Forget To Color It Please
File: Patriot Mako.jpg (523 KB, 1280x1676)
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Requesting Gamagori's POV/a behind view of this image of Mako going streaking with the American flag draped over her front, with it being completely open in the back and exposing her butt
File: SakuraBuruma.png (2.02 MB, 2008x1168)
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Requesting Sakura Kasugano in her Gym Uniform adjusting her bloomers like the art on the right.
Make sure she's somewhat toned.
File: 21fee68iBm3MNbNCU.jpg (768 KB, 3097x1691)
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Requesting Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5 casually resting her huge tits on her table in public
File: Extremely Heavy Chariot.png (1.45 MB, 960x2536)
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Requesting 2 pics of an adult Chariot from Black Rock Shooter (girl in the top pic. I imagine her looking a lot like Charlotte from Last Origin aka the girl in the middle pic): One in a similar position to the one in the middle pic, but serious, and one with her breasts bursting out of her clothes like in the bottom pic.
File: Samus in the wild.jpg (2.2 MB, 4000x3162)
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Requesting a picture of Samus Aran from the Metroid games wearing her now-tattered zero suit as a crude loin cloth/jungle bikini after crash-landing on a remote jungle world.
File: 1731356841390168.jpg (93 KB, 835x1200)
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Requesting Hinata doing the following things that was mentioned from this clip of Smiling Friends while she is in her birthday suit.
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Requesting a drunken Tsunade with christmas ornaments hanging from her nipples
File: 1733682776786.jpg (1.37 MB, 4000x3000)
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Requesting Nessa being naked with Ariel
File: Maypia maid.jpg (916 KB, 1638x1706)
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Requesting a pic of Maypia Alexymetalia from Agent Aika wearing this maid outfit, but standing with her back facing the viewer, like the girl on the left. I would also like for her panties to be visible, just like the girl on the left.
File: wrapped up.png (2.44 MB, 1176x1844)
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Requesting Seidr from Fire Emblem Heroes naked, wrapped up, and bound like the lower image. Maybe use her sashes as a blindfold and bondage, and an orb as a ballgag.
File: 1678219581702946.jpg (277 KB, 1276x1691)
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Requesting Yuuko Sagiri from Triage X pressing her breasts against the glass while in the shower
File: Character_Arlecchino_Game.jpg (1.14 MB, 3460x2048)
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Requesting Furina and Arlecchino from Genshin Impact comparing boob sizes like the right image, either in bikinis or topless.
File: ShortstackTaigaChristmas.jpg (588 KB, 2273x1513)
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Requesting a shortstack Taiga Aisaka from Toradora! in a Christmas-themed pinup like in the refs (subtitles optional)
File: 1705022437878.jpg (1.57 MB, 2096x4009)
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Requesting a redraw of Sayo in the shower.
File: Sketchsheet7.png (829 KB, 1000x1250)
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I liked yours despite me never having seen Highschool DxD. Got done with the sketch for it, have some input, I would appreciate if we can keep the stockings/garter (I will add the belt if you're okay with it) because this is my fetish. I also was positioning the lamp in the background to be the light in the scene, but up to you if you would rather some more dramatic lighting or just having her whole body lit up like normal. Also I can try to get her more on-model but since this is a pinup shot I made her a bit curvier, and the face isn't 100% the same. Up to you if you wanna be homosexual or tho idc.
Requesting either Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex wearing the garment she's wearing on the left while standing in the pose on the right or Balalaika from Black Lagoon squatting and while wearing the outfit on the left. Please do not include any eclairs in your delivery.
File: comm2.1 (1).png (1.26 MB, 2843x1949)
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Requesting Rias and Erza making Christmas cookies with their lady parts covered in ribbons.
File: Suu Stripping.png (2.13 MB, 1676x1216)
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Requesting a rear shot of a more bottom heavy Suu (Monster Musume) stripping off her raincoat, exposing her large butt
File: Estellise Ref Sheet.png (1.82 MB, 1646x2321)
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Requesting Estellise in her swimsuit shyly posing and showing her swimsuit, asking the viewer/Yuri how she looks. Perhaps with a bit of a sunset mood and her skin all glistening and wet from the sea breeze.
File: Veronica-figurine-pin-up.jpg (714 KB, 2566x2879)
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As it turns out there is a figurine of timeskip Veronica from Fire Emblem: Heroes in which she has some really nicely detailed legs in tight leggings.

I'd love to see a pin-up of her that capitalizes on this, Veronica without her dress posed in a way that really shows off her legs and heels while she keeps her regal look. She could either be topless or maybe she's still wearing a bra together with her heels and leggings.
Thanks if you pick this up.
File: Charlotte Bunny.jpg (407 KB, 3434x1603)
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Requesting Charlotte Aulin in a bunny-suit and posed like in the reference image, perhaps while holding a tome.

OR here, three things:

A. I don't want the stockings, sorry to say.

B. I would prefer normal lighting.

C. I'm fine with her being on the curvy side.

Still awaiting the finished product, though. Keep it up.
File: 1734134690141748.png (1.27 MB, 1856x3000)
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1.27 MB PNG
Anchoring for my Mitsuru request
Kanade covering her nipples with little mahjong pieces
File: AncieWhatAView.png (995 KB, 1171x847)
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Requesting Ancie with her perfect tits out on full display
File: GYO-OrnakAAQCHI.jpg (121 KB, 849x1200)
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Requesting Ryza in wedding(dress) lingerie
Feel free to try Lila, Serri, and Klaudia.
Requesting Diana Cavendish from Little Witch Academia wearing the wetsuit Lara Croft wears during the first level of Tomb Raider: Underworld. Please draw her with her wand instead of the pistols. Also please modify her holsters so that she only has one and it's for her wand.
File: Claire_Witch.png (3.75 MB, 1900x1900)
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Requesting Claire from Fire Emblem: Echoes wearing one of those sexy witch dresses from the same game (and if you want you can draw her "corrupted" into a witch too, but I'd be just as fine with her just dressing up)
File: Asuka_Bikini.jpg (497 KB, 3754x1979)
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Requesting Asuka Kazama from Tekken wearing the outfit on the left.
File: 6161212616.png (1.8 MB, 2576x1921)
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Requesting Tsubasa from Symphogear taking off her shoes, revealing her cute feet. Preferably a candid shot where she's unaware of the viewer.
File: Kiriko_Public.jpg (1.08 MB, 3967x1945)
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Requesting Kiriko (Overwatch) sitting somewhere in public cheerfully asking if you would like to play with her ofuda covered tits
File: Selvaria.jpg (502 KB, 4000x1500)
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Requesting Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles lying naked on top of the viewer with a horny look on her face.
File: mozarella cookie.jpg (1011 KB, 1548x1862)
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requesting the mozarella cookie from the kr game cookie run as venus/milf, taking a sun bath while presenting her pussy like the reference
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Requesting Usagi taking a shower
File: Magilou in purple.jpg (1.4 MB, 3960x2016)
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Requesting Magilou from Tales of Berseria wearing the lingerie on the top left.
File: newartistnobully.png (9 KB, 336x479)
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>Requesting Usagi taking a shower
>Artists of ALL experience levels are welcome.
>I'm serious. That includes you. Yeah you. The guy/girl who's never picked up a pencil before in his/her life. You're not only welcome but encouraged to post here.
I took that part of the intro post seriously.
this daisy looks like Pauline Hanson
File: TomoRef.png (888 KB, 1278x810)
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Requesting Tomo Aizawa from "Tomo-chan is a girl!" looking disheveled and slightly horny after receiving lots and lots of wholesome love through kisses and compliments. Ideally, the pic should focus on her huge tits too, with her top being very loose/almost falling off
File: scathach_e_request_.jpg (2.03 MB, 5821x3508)
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Requesting Scathach from the Fate series wearing the stockings and long gloves or the left pic and the dress and high heels of the middle. Let her dress top have a slight nipple slippage like the far right pic.

Have her lounging on a dark-lit stage, smoking a cigarette from a fancy holder like in the bottom right pic.
File: Annette all oiled up.jpg (125 KB, 1028x910)
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Requesting Annette from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (pre-timeskip) naked and covered in baby oil while posing like the girl in the reference picture, but with a lustful and eager expression on her face.
File: 1712199270332.png (999 KB, 1014x881)
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Requesting Hakufu standing naked on a bathroom scale as she's not amused her breasts are causing the weight gain.
File: alice draw request.png (2.41 MB, 3200x1600)
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Requesting Alice from Asura Buster drawn similar to what's shown on the right, with her raised leg on her book.
Requesting Ms. Smith from Monster Musume being nude under the mistletoe and flirting with the viewer.
File: Edea bikini.png (3.7 MB, 1942x1649)
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Request Edea from Bravely Default in a revealing, tight fitting swimsuit similar to the top right refs. Whether its a more on model shortstack or bigger proportions is up to you.
File: sakura buruma.png (1.59 MB, 2264x3592)
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File: Drawthread Request.jpg (3.92 MB, 5482x2944)
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Requesting this to be redrawn as Suguha Kirigaya and Kanamoto from Sword Art Online, please.
Main preference for changes would be to give her a more toned tummy with wide, fertile hips since she does kendo, and for her expression to be more similar to the one shown here, to show she's been corrupted to his side.
I'll provide some video links for him below since there aren't many drawings of him.
File: tsunade_ornament_tits_WIP.png (445 KB, 1500x2000)
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Here's a WIP
File: For4chan.png (2.11 MB, 1536x2048)
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2.11 MB PNG

Okay, this ain't bad, though I'm not sure about the number patch on her leg.
File: Yumi sling bikini.jpg (672 KB, 2286x2132)
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Requesting Yumi Ozawa from Persona 4 wearing a sling bikini.
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Requesting Isane at a nudist resort for Christmas vacation.
Nice (not OR)
File: 1733502397625203.png (681 KB, 1080x1920)
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Requesting a fusion of these two
Requesting sketch of Lucia from Contra Operation Galuga spreading her legs to expose her panties.
File: Nanami Suikoden II.jpg (518 KB, 3009x2115)
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Requesting Nanami pulling down her pants and flashing her cute round butt.
File: 51225521.png (1.35 MB, 1645x795)
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Requesting a legs and feet-centric pin-up of Yukiho from Idolmaster with the dress and sandals shown in the ref.
File: Lina and Naga.jpg (3.41 MB, 4896x3216)
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Requesting a recreation of the picture on the left, but with Lina Inverse and Naga from Slayers. Please keep the first-person viewpoint, chains, and outfits.
File: 1717543340103.png (1.07 MB, 2512x8191)
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Requesting Sayo getting Drunk during the holidays
File: 1732038649914569.jpg (261 KB, 621x1080)
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Requesting Hinako sunbathing naked after teaching a class.
File: ng3kasumi.png (3.95 MB, 2814x2384)
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Requesting DOA's Kasumi in her Ninja Gaiden 3 outfit tryna get her tits into her suit like the art on the right.
File: Rin Tohsaka stripper.jpg (1021 KB, 4300x1920)
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Requesting Rin Tohsaka from the Fate series working a stripper pole while wearing this dark red outfit. Please depict her as eager to make money by pleasing old men.
File: tsunade4chan.png (874 KB, 1500x2000)
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Requesting Karen embrace her nudism if she was Plankton.
OR here. Thanks for the delivery. Merry belated christmas
File: Eris tsukimichi 3.jpg (396 KB, 698x1588)
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Requesting Eris from Tsukimichi (Some refs with her full body and expressions : https://files.catbox.moe/r4q8n5.png)

I would like her doing this pose https://files.catbox.moe/46dxqt.jpg but nude please.
File: GegeFfCaEAA4w-1.jpg (233 KB, 973x1470)
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Shimiko from Blue Archive in leather bondage gear
File: Linkle got lost.jpg (1.67 MB, 6488x2000)
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Requesting a picture of Linkle from Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors chained up and wearing nothing, but her gloves and boots.
File: HotStuff.png (610 KB, 1095x630)
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Requesting Malva putting sunblock all over her naked body.
You got social?
File: razor (robopon).jpg (1.09 MB, 1830x1964)
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requesting razor from robopon trapped in a claw machine with the claw squeezing one of her boobs to the point she milks
File: SPOILER_image.png (77 KB, 587x895)
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Sorry for turning this into a sauce thread, but does anyone know who the artist is? I got this from them on discord around september 2023. I dont have their id anymore and i forgot their name on twitter as well.
I remember that they had a tomboy like kuro gyaru with tattoos as their oc
This was the piece i got from them
File: IMG_8444.png (1.76 MB, 1054x1491)
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Requesting Toru Hagakure turning visible in a public setting.
requesting viola pressing her pussy against the camera and asking her mom why it itches when she is around
File: 1725515847668381.jpg (288 KB, 1214x1799)
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Requesting Nico Robin dancing to NSYNC's Bye Bye Bye in her Deadpool cosplay.
Nice ass
Requesting Minako wearing nothing but a whipped cream bikini
File: 106.png (495 KB, 1000x1250)
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Sorry! Got really busy with Christmas and other drawings. I didn't forget about this one, and now it's my top priority drawing.
I'll start the colouring right after this is posted, but depending when you respond I will still be hurry enough that any changes should be easy.
Requesting a nude pinup of Hera Hammerhead from the Lord of the Rings anime movie.
File: HappyNudeYear.jpg (582 KB, 3005x2334)
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Requesting Rias Gremory celebrating the new year wearing nothing but a Happy New Year sash
File: Asuka as a biker.jpg (2.73 MB, 4316x1900)
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Requesting Asuka wearing a red leather bikesuit (with no bra or panties) while posing like the girl on the left.
Only change I'd make is making her waist a tiny bit thinner.
File: #74.png (3.64 MB, 2000x2500)
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Delivery I think?
Okay, this is real good, man. Glad to see it.
File: 1717953051221.jpg (480 KB, 2432x2373)
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Requesting Tifa and Chun-Li standing naked together side by side.
Requesting Florian and Penny from Pokémon hugging and kissing naked. Make their proportions as accurate as possible, and have Penny without her glasses.
File: gran blue brown waifu.jpg (929 KB, 2034x1202)
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requesting fediel from granblue fantasy spreading her legs and opening her pussy
Kind of an open-ended request, I want to see Rule 63 sexy genderbent versions of male characters. In general, it doesn't matter who; HOWEVER, I'd like to see dudes who have not previously been depicted as girls (no girl Link, no girl Cloud, no girl Terry Bogard). Who's your favorite male video game/anime character that isn't generally repurposed as a girl? Let your own lust go wild and draw that guy as a girl.
(Cammy's ass for image tax.)
Loving this! Have any socials you can share if you dont mind?
File: ThreeChicks.jpg (1.15 MB, 2542x2328)
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Requesting Usagi, Hinata & Orihime posing together based on the left image

Feel free who to place in the middle
Erm, actually
File: Rosalinde _ Pose.jpg (521 KB, 3644x1846)
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Requesting Rosalinde from Unicorn Overlord lying on a bed in "the_pose" with an overall seductive attitude, like she's been waiting for her lord to come to the bedroom.
File: Moira Burton's boots.jpg (461 KB, 2712x824)
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Requesting a pinup of Moira Burton from Resident Evil Revelations 2. Please draw her wearing nothing, but her boots while posing like the girl on the left.
File: 1679499460593769.png (305 KB, 400x667)
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Requesting Aisha seducing the viewer by lifting the side of her skirt to show off her thigh.
File: Bumblemoon.png (1.11 MB, 1164x703)
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Requesting Usagi naked as she suits up for a Bayformers Bumblebee cosplay. Which is just her cosplaying the Transformer as a human woman.
File: Like what you see, baka.jpg (1012 KB, 1826x1629)
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Can I get the pic on the right with Asuka wearing Blacked underwear and saying
>Like what you see, baka?
File: Akko Kagari.png (3.75 MB, 2507x1788)
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Requesting the left pic with Akko Kagari (LWA).
File: 98641731.jpg (1.35 MB, 2418x1014)
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requesting the brown cat girl on the left blushing as a gust of wind lifts her dress revealing her hairless cunny while viewed at a low angle
File: Levy_Mcgarden 6.jpg (44 KB, 480x719)
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Requesting Levy Mcgarden, fully nude, sitting or lying and presenting her foot, maybe like these positions https://files.catbox.moe/snfse9.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/yxeo4c.jpg , I would like a simple teasing smiling expression, but I would appreciate a variant, I would like a slightly pissed / annoyed expression too please (obviously, consider the variant only as a bonus)
File: talesofdate.jpg (1.54 MB, 3072x1728)
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Requesting where the top left characters are replaced with the Date A Live characters Mayuri (bottom, no last name) and Kurumi Tokisaki (top middle/right).
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Requesting Ami eating Pizza while she's watching TV without anything on.
File: IsaneCream.jpg (1.32 MB, 4000x3000)
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Requesting Isane in a whipped cream bikini
Requesting Gene drawn wearing a full bodystocking, transparent lingerie, or a cowprint bikini (milk might be nice too) please
File: veenagold.png (2.24 MB, 1259x1295)
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Requesting Veena sensually stripping off her clothes, licking or biting her lips in anticipation
Sorry for the late critique, but my only real suggestion is making the bed a bit taller and changing the shading on her breasts, coz it kinda looks like scars ATM.
File: GhGIyD_aUAIUlxb.jpg (933 KB, 1300x1838)
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933 KB JPG
Requesting Revy severing beer naked
Requesting this legendary pic with Liko and Roy from the current Pokémon anime.
File: Zelda metal lingerie.jpg (912 KB, 2500x2120)
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912 KB JPG
Requesting a pinup of Twilight Princess's version of Princess Zelda wearing the metal breastplate on the left while posing like the girl on the right. Please draw her with some sort of purple metal panties that match the purple metal breastplate.
File: CUL mooning reference.png (2.95 MB, 2040x2000)
2.95 MB
2.95 MB PNG
Requesting Vocaloid CUL mooning the viewer
File: GGkixfpXUAAG-r3.jpg (1.77 MB, 2544x3272)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB JPG
Requesting Flannery watching television naked
Requesting a pinup of the Yu-Gi-Oh monster card 'Warrior Lady of the Wasteland' exposing herself like the girl in the reference picture.
Requesting Mai celebrating her SF6 trailer while being drunk and naked
File: desscara.jpg (757 KB, 1692x1637)
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757 KB JPG
requesting desscaras squirting at the camera
File: 1644036425538.jpg (45 KB, 1280x720)
45 KB
Requesting a naughty nudie of Kasey from Super Crooks.
File: 1650956729929.jpg (1008 KB, 4000x3000)
1008 KB
1008 KB JPG
Requesting a full-body pinup of Nanako the one-night stand from Ninja Slayer.
File: 1736205973349948.png (3.04 MB, 1664x2432)
3.04 MB
3.04 MB PNG
Requesting Lorelei shivering in the nude
File: 1728172374696.png (2.19 MB, 3407x4720)
2.19 MB
2.19 MB PNG
Requesting Kodachi Kuno sunbathing
File: milked maniac.jpg (810 KB, 2056x1266)
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810 KB JPG
requesting hex maniac on a cowgirl outfit getting milked while in four with a gapping pussy and a sign that says please fill her (optionally add a gag character like popuko as the farmer)
File: VollyTifa.jpg (1.3 MB, 4000x3000)
1.3 MB
1.3 MB JPG
Requesting Tifa playing naked volleyball
File: 1737390612534023.png (604 KB, 685x1731)
604 KB
604 KB PNG
Requesting Soi-Fon posing for Playboy Magazine
File: cumback.png (3.63 MB, 1856x3000)
3.63 MB
3.63 MB PNG
I'm sorry I could not finish this one. I just kept coming back and it just never worked. attached is the closest this is going to get.
Does it need to be this pose?
I might give this a go!
Nope, it can be any pose you want
Requesting Boa Hancock hula dancing naked

mods do something about this spammer or is this actually okay? Nearly half the requests ITT are by the same nutjob.
Doesn't take a genius to see the pattern here.
>has so many requests I can't even quote all of them without the system thinking I'm posting spam
I literally cannot even quote 80% of these without being deemed spam myself but I counted 30
>>2923683 >>2923468 >>2923424 >>2923411

*Can mods actually do something about this spammer
Any time I've pointed out his spam, the jannies left his requests up and removed my comment instead. Seen it happen to other people as well.
Perfect! I'm cooking up something good! Hopefully have it done in 6-7 hours
Thanks in advance
File: Tifa 2.png (1.86 MB, 2480x3508)
1.86 MB
1.86 MB PNG
All done!
Version 1/3
File: Tifa 1.png (1.81 MB, 2480x3508)
1.81 MB
1.81 MB PNG
Version 2/3
File: Tifa 3.png (1.67 MB, 2480x3508)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB PNG
Version 3/3
OR here. Thank you for your delivery. It's not perfect, but I'm very happy to have received it. Thank you for pulling through.
OR here, this is absolutely dope

Thank you very much.
You're very welcome! I love Tifa, and your request was fun to draw! Got to draw a cool perspective shot
Its pretty inspired I won't lie
File: 1737402827604375.png (1.94 MB, 1476x2464)
1.94 MB
1.94 MB PNG
Requesting Nico Robin meditating

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