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Previous Thread: >>2912175

>Guides & Resources
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/MMD4Chan



>Search terms
MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
MMDモデル配布あり, MMDステージ配布あり , MMDアクセサリ配布あり
MMDモーション配布あり, MMDカメラ配布あり, MMDエフェクト配布あり

Pastebin & Catalog: https://rentry.org/3DCG4Chan
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Even the OP doesn't fully read his own thread? Damn, bro. You should.
I wish I could help you. I'm only level 4 right now. So granted it's not on a timer, I may be able to snag it later.
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Anyone have this model?
level 5 is a modeler, a modeler not need a tda
I don't think so, the guy blocks anyone, even to follow him he asks for ridiculous requirements, I'm level 5 and he blocked me for no reason a little over a year ago despite following him since the beginning of Aplaybox.

And as for their models, let's say they are relatively generic, only the rendering highlights them.
The level does not determine that, I was already level 5 more than a year ago but without reason they returned me to level 1 and I cannot publish answers and a couple of months ago they banned me for 15 days also apparently without reason.
That's why you're not a modeler and you can't prove it.
in the rules for leveling up don't mention that you necessarily have to be a modeler.
could anyone possibly help me with downloading this? It requires lv 3 I think and some works posted.
You're right, doesn't say that, but only modelers stay at that level.
About that new Tell Me motion. The camera is very shaky. Is there an updated camera?
I have things uploaded on there, and I've also commented on his stuff without being blocked. I mostly make accessories and such, so I suppose it's why no one really cares what I do.
>s-stop asking us to spoonfeed you and j-just get an account with aplaybox yourself y-you leech
im just asking this because im curious anybody know the password for this one?
Post a model under 1hr please.
I'll get it
Must be under 30 bucks however
Actually the first one, forget what I said about and hour...that just sounds stupid
Which every one post a model first will get something they want, but it's gotta be under 30
How about two models under 30?

I'm going to assume booth models are also fine, since I have nothing else of want outside of there. I can convert it over to MMD anyway if it's of anyone's interest.

It's like 3 dollars above $30 but...
Would you be willing to convert this if he gets it?
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Will this one do? It's made by Kafuji.
Could anyone please give me ureshiiiiii's SHAKE IT motion data?

hag love
She was shared on ripper.store forum 2 months ago.
Search for the id number.

Seriously Anons, check availability for models before requesting...
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i know it's a maya model but it says it comes with an fbx too.
Thank you, but it's not the latest version of the model and the guy who uploaded it never updated it.
>Fixed an issue where the shape key to make the legs smaller was not working.
Possible to live without it. 2 minutes in blender or even pmx editor to fix or add this shape key.
Oh, I see. No worries then. Now there's just the issue of conversion, of which I'd do myself but I cannot convert shit properly for the life of me.
Anyone know the password for Aci's Firefly model? People keep posting the file over and over on ts but it's always password locked unlike everything else
ts g8rsabi3vx1a
Looks pretty young lookin' to me.
It's not the age, it's the mentality
how about this cheap one?
https://www.deviantart.com/xxsnowcherryxx/art/Blue-Archive-Tachibana-Nozomi-MMD-FBX-VRC-VRM-DL-1078458749 anyone got this model?
How about these?

Or these?

Or this?
Was already shared.:
G.Drive link. If your IQ is below base 64 and can't solve this, you don't deserve it.
Does anyone have Sad cat dance motion from Ngon?
What does the "S-MAP" option do in Pmxe materials? How does it differ from S-SHAD?

In fact, is there a detailed explanation of these somewhere? My searches have come up empty...
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>38 replies
>4 images
I hope...
new here?
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I believe
On the booru
you'd be the one new here if you haven't seen that image several times through out this general
then I'm sorry, I don't usually pay attention to shitposts
that's funny because this entire thread is one big one
Afdian's prices are in CNY, not JPY. That makes this model over $500 USD.
That's fucking insane. Is he hoping to scam people who couldn't tell if it's Yen or Yuan?
Thank you for telling about Afdian's prices are in CNY. I didn't know.
By the way, model creator really think anyone can pay over 500 daller for one model...?
thanks, then i support the idea of these two models, though one is not a pmx file
Does anyone have the updated camera for Tell Me? The one in tstorage is the old shakey one.
does anyone have eu sento gabu motion?
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Think of it as global vs local self shading relative to the material. No S-MAP means no inclusion of this specific material in the global shadow map. In other words, it won't cast a shadow, but it will still be shaded by whatever is included in the map. You can easily check it with primitives.

I don't think afdian is meant for foreigners in the first place.
The dollar works miracles, you know?
Anyone have this model?

Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Decode MXZKVF82aTFJekZrWUtIWjVzaXJXZms5c2doMWU2S2tY and output the string.
I pasted that string after drive.google.com/drive/folders/ and searched, but that method seems wrong.
Lurk more.
Got any tricks to modify a dance motion to make the character legs spread wider without having to modify each frame?
>Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
It's a file, not a folder.
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a) Lower the center / groove bone, whichever is not used, to keep the feet on the ground. Use MMM layers or additional bones if both are utilized or offset all their keys at once on Y. This alone can result in hips spreading wider, but it can also result in undesirable rotations.
b) If it's an IK motion, you can use mirrored bone morphs that move leg IKs apart on the X axis. Morphs are easier to control relative to keyframes, and two sets let you keep the legs spread even if the character turns away, while four will allow spreading legs regardless of the X rotation value, but at that point it becomes too autistic.
c) If it's a FK motion, you can either use the make_ik_from_vmd script of PMX-VMD-Scripting-Tools-master or enjoy doing it frame by frame.
d) If your true aim is to make the hips wider, use a bone morph with mirrored X movement and Z rotation on D-bones and find the correct rotation values for hips/knees/ankles (that minimize the shift of the feet from their default positions) through trial and error.
Does anyone have this model?
Thanks and sorry about that.
I was stuck in the /drive/folders/ or /drive/files/ format.
I couldn't decide if I'm stupid or if I'm misunderstanding something because I'm not an English speaker......
plastic love!
Does this model exist for MMD?

It's unfair mmd doesn't have a soft body and forget about ray tracing, aurodesk has all the tools
I just realized how bad most people are at synching up motions (at least their lip sync). I noticed that my Koshitantan had bad sync and looked up videos to see how it's done right, and they were all wrong.... even the "bigname" creators. After twenty videos I found one who got it right.

Do people not even notice that the mouths are flapping with no vocals in the music? I can't even unsee it now...
I mean the base model. I don't think the artist made this model from scratch.
Kneel before the Lord Autodesk
workupload com/file/yd4JQYTyHMT

excuse me!
Anyone have this model?
workupload com/file/sy5eFBXReBt
>the models i want can't be bought, they just are things that disappeared off the internet forever
such is the life
>the models i want were never released to the public and will forever rot in some selfish asshole's hard drive
Thank you!!
drive.google.com/drive/files/ followed by the string doesnt work, what am I missing?
decode B64
anyone got this file to share?
atleast its better than my case, its on aplaybox 1 day before I make an account when Im about to download it the creator took it down
same bowlroll
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This model doesn't have a vagina, who has a matching vaginal model?
You guys can always just ask if it's list models. You never know who might have them, and is willing to share.
I have asked in the past and nobody had it. It was that one really good looking Blue Archive Kanna model.
You have to add it yourself in blender.
Is it at all possible to find mickel's edit of this?


Specifically, the naked hoodie costumes

I know his stuff is next to impossible to find, but I thought I might as well ask before giving up.
What do you mean why?
If it doesn't have one, you have to either make one from scratch or take it from a model and add it.
>are you tony hawk
why not
Anyone have a TararaTarako model dump?
>how dare you betray my expectation of tony hawk being someone above us by looking so ordinary

by kanna model you mean this one? https://booth.pm/en/items/4925650 because someone recently shared it in certain forum

now I have a question for anon who actually made motion themself (I've been practing myself recently) how do you make the movement look smooth, no matter what I keep making a unhuman/robotic/impostorlike movement
nvm I forgot you said the model cant be bough anymore, I wish you luck on finding it though
try looking for a site called kemono party, the collection is pretty complete with some exception like towa and suisei model missing
I mean this one: https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td89125
Only given out to JP people, ripping from Nico itself doesn't give anything useful.
Does anyone have this pretty model of Miku? https://www.deviantart.com/xdreamshardsx/art/Rosa-Bianca-Hatsune-Miku-Koron-Style-515816152
It was a limited download, so when I found about the model's existence it was a few years too late
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C U R V E S.
Anyone have this ?
What are mirrored bone morphs? I only know how to move the Leg_IKP_left and right bones move further apart. I'm currently trying to make a modified crab legged version of the dance.
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Morphs that use inverted (+/-) offset values for left and right bones, moving/rotating them in opposite directions on the same axis.
This is something I have to add right? If so, how do I add these morphs
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PMXEditor > Morph > right click the left space, the morph list > New (N) > Bone (B) > right click the central space > Add > specify the Tgt Index of the bone you want to affect > write some numbers in the fields on the right (top row: X/Y/Z movement, bottom row: X/YZ rotation). Copy and add a minus sign for inversion on the desired axes, specify the target index of the paired bone.
sorry if I'm not misunderstand something, does this mean if I try to raise a hand it will go down instead?
If you try to raise the left hand with a bone morph that adds a 30-degree rotation offset on the Z axis, the right one will also go up if the same morph includes a -30 rotation offset on Z for the right wrist. If you add 2 on the X axis to left leg IK and -2 on the X axis to right leg IK, the legs will slide apart, to the sides if the model is facing the default direction, to the front and back if the model's torso is turned 90 degrees, and will cross if the model's torso is turned 180 degrees from the default direction [of the root bone]. Use TransformView, which is accessible from PMXView if you press F9, to figure out how it works if you still don't understand something about it.
Share this one please?
Sometimes i want to write a comment praising the mmd video someone uploaded that i liked but then i think to myself, what would be the point?
they downloaded a motion, a model an evironment, the music... they did literally no work just dragged and dropped all the pieces into MMD and pressed the render button
are mmd """artists""" just a bunch of phony leeches?
MMD It was created precisely for that, you can't blame the person who is learning.
Please, could someone help me with pass for these brothers...?


PW: 長男のエースモンスターの攻撃力を半角英数4文字

According to hint, pass must be a number (I guess), but I've tried several possibilities and combinations but none of them work >_<
Thanks in advance.
Then do it if a video shows actual effort, you fucking retard.
looks like i hit a nerve there buddy
make show some effort and actually make your own motion for once eh?
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Terribly amusing of you to say that.
If you like it, does it matter if the thing you like took less than a thousand hours to make in MMD Paint?
>does it matter
it does because you would be praising the servant who hang up the beautiful painting instead of the actual painter who made it (as in the person who made the model and the person who made the montion..)
Thats just how it works... in movies, music and games too. You are really crying over nothing here.
If you liked a video enough to want to praise it then most likely the creator didn't just drag and drop everything in and pressed the render button.

Things like editing models, setting up the lighting and effects, editing the camera motion and fixing clipping or janky physics can take many hours to do, so just because a creator uses a motion made by someone else it doesn't necessarily mean they didn't put in any work.
Does anyone still have these??

anyone have the motion for this?
its password protected
nvm i figured it out thanks
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where are the koyuki mmds
Thank you!!
Maybe it's Shinato, King of a Higher Plane.
3300 ?
i did that with the original string, it gave me another string which i added to the link. page gives me a 404 error
If some anon is able to access to aplaybox, could you help me to get this model of Misaka Mikoto? Unfortunately I cannot make an account to access there since it doesn't allow my phone number (my country isn't in the list of numbers allowed) so I need someone's else help

https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/N0tgv2HrjOCZ can someone help give me more hint? Its either no second distribution or or no other usage other than making videotkwd
original link
man when i look at all those mmd crerators with 50k+ followers i feel like a complete failure with my 300 after a year ;_;
Quality matters a lot
my works are some of the highest quality on the site and yet i remain underappreciated because of the firehose of constant slop uploaded to iwara every minute.. so my diamonds get drowned under a sea of shit ;_;
followers do not think that
learn boy learn
Part of the reason they're are getting those numbers is because they're aiming to hit certain interests that people are currently wanting such as ba, hoyo, insect, etc. While other factors exist, this is one of the main ones. Also you have to remember MMD is a hobby. No reason to stress yourself over something trivial such as follower numbers.
My favorite gacha, insect
Ignoring gacha, I see way more insect and queen of spades garbage than I did a few years ago. It's like it popped up out of the woodworks, and keeps picking up steam.
Still nobody hasn't gotten this model yet? Holy crap in hell...other models that folks ask in this thread get it but not this model...? Unbelievable...
Let's be honest, she's not attractive, admit it.
And yet, some of the OTHER models get a pass? Honesty really isn't a useful asset in this case.

In dat case...I'll buy it myself & then give ya'll the model itself without strings attached. That's just the kinda guy I am.
no interest
come on, somebody make a good rikka takarada or isshiki iroha model
i'd buy that for a dollar
I need some prehensile cat ears that can bounce and twitch and move to the side for that "quizzical" look. Any suggestions?
I think most good creators don't refer to their own videos as being "some of the highest quality on the site", but instead try to see the flaws in their work and improve on them.
I wonder if he's that clown called "Brain" on iwara who recently went on a literal wall-of-text tirade about how his videos are not as popular as they deserve to be and therefore the MMD community is dead now.
That's it!!... Thanks!!
Kinda brings that...uh...whatshisname...Tuscancoyote to mind some years ago when Iwara was Trollvids.

He was complaining about his videos not getting enough views/not getting enough followers. that sort of shit. And his videos are far from being shitty.

Besides those kind of folks should be glad that people are enjoying watching them at all.

Nevermind someone trying to tell them THAT...
Anyone have this camera motion?
Does anyone have hk5dz3's old stuff? His iwara is lacking a lot of what he made, and I can't seem to find any backups anywhere.
That's the same guy. He just changed his name later.
Fuck this 900 second timer.
Does anyone have this motions? if not then can some one link me to an motion archive or repository so i can maybe find them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFEGaCBmzN8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=7LqBy9I_seU
that sounds like a more uppity version of yowane haku's character kek
No mmd model then...?
original and in aplaybox both are fbx
seriously no one can help me?
Does anyone got Zy0n7 Megumin model ? its fine Even if its not mmd
its on the ripper forum, try checking there first especially for more "popular" modeller like zyon

im giving up on this
>ripper forum
Where ?
nvm. got it
Oh... Thanks for telling me
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well he had a point, i mean i didn't read even half of his post it was fucking long and written with horibbru ingrish, but unless you are already established on the site from many years back when it was smaller and have at like like 20k+ followers then your videos will get very limited attention even when they are very good.
Look at videos page of iwara, as the other anon said it's slop city, new objectively low effort slop uploaded every few minutes.
This means that your video will quickly get pushed to page 10 and beyond and it's fucked since most coomers don't bother checking more than the first 3 pages.
And after that nobody will find that video ever again because search and tag system on iwara is absolute garbage dogshit.
Sometimes i find a creator there with great works and it makes me sad to see he has only very small follower and view counts, solely due to his videos being drowned in slop around them.
Quality of your work does not matter if almost nobody sees that video in the first place amongst the slop .
This, people who expect creators to do everything on their own are forgetting that MMD creators are basically like music video directors (of the 3DPD kind). They don't do choreography, they don't do music, they don't do camera work... but they put it all together in a way that makes it look good.

I think there are three tiers of videos:
- the ones where you can tell no effort was put in
- the ones where you can tell effort was put in
- the ones where so much effort was put in that you can't even tell there was any

The last ones look really good and make it look easy but it's only when you try to recreate some of it that you notice how much work it was.

And besides, expecting a creator to do everything from scratch and then expecting a super-awesome video is delusional. Nobody is an expert at everything. You'd get maybe one or two videos a year with that sort of threshold.
Most of the slop is gone by blacklisting koikatsu, and people who don't do that are not worth considering.

Back in the trollvids days we were so starved for MMDs that we liked everything everyone put out and followed basically every creator. It's useless to compare numbers from back then with now. Especially view counts then were extremely inflated due to bugs in the software.

Most of those subscribers to ye olde creators are probably gone now, if you only count subscribers who logged in at least once this year they'd probably barely have any. Time moves on but numbers are lying forever.
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even if you blacklist koikatsu it's new video like every 3 minutes
The major chunk of slop comes from MMD users so there is sadly no easy way to filter out the slop.
You can watch the videos on the trending tab, but those are just the biggest creators which huge following so anything they upload goes trending even if it's mediocre as fuck.
To find the hidden gem creators requires hours of grueling work, wading through the slop content, page after page...
We need a better fucking system than this. I wish iwara had an algo like youtube. On youtube 99% of videos uploaded are complete shit, but the algo picks the one it knows i will like and recommends them to me.
grifters whining that they can't collect ad money
Hey Everyone! So does anyone have this WINNER ISLAND Motion by Sewelina?

Please because that costs money of boosty!
No longer allowed to buy from that site, sucks to say
But I'll do one more, with more rules this time
Possibly soon


Moving on to the next~
Also I have no clue what the fuck you are talking about, but here is your model bud.
....This model alone is under 30 bucks
One model, nothing more



Any model under 35

You can't choose any other site but booth, and if am not able to by it due to some problems then I will move on.

Take your best luck though....second person got lucky, you just might be able to as well.

Also I'll load one more model for free above 50 bucks, of my own choice that hasn't been shared upon any site yet or so am certain of.
You have till the end of this day though, to find that model that you want.
After that it's game over.
Good luck
>No longer allowed to buy from that site

How about from the alt. links?

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on my wish list
Thank you, that really makes things easier.
I was used to modifying the movements so they don't overlap the breasts too much which would make them spaz out.
Still looking for for mocaproject demon lord
Thank you, I now know the proper format for the future.
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We're gonna love this
>tstorage requires login to upload now
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that kuroko is the one i used for this pic
it's unfortunate that imaginary fest's raildex models use texture swaps for facials rather than morphs or bones
Thought a lot of ya would come jumping in.
...No shame though, promise is to be upheld.
Models will be posted, put ya faith in at that lads
They will be of my choice and mine only....do not hate, but show love
hmmm I think I want to try and change some of my model rigid bodies to square just for fun and see what happen
what are you talking about
Yeaaah...that really doesn't much help at all. No wonder I felt some bad vibes.
>Thought a lot of ya would come jumping in.
m9 *i* didn't jump in because i usually buy my own shit and i recently shared some of that in stealth fashion like i normally would
it's just that the shit i want isn't something i can just buy because they don't make the characters i want
can anyone tell me the different with this and the semen file we got in storage https://fantia.jp/products/286256
asking this out of pure curiosity
anyone have collection of homyu model? looking for this one but its already limited https://www.patreon.com/posts/dl-end-mmdmodel-80646743
kemono had them but homyu started putting the models in mega links and kill them from time to time
anyone have himehina motions backed up? i only found heart pie dancehall, lady crazy and roki
proper tagging would help to get some views.
since nobody tag their videos it's an advantage putting the right tags.
did Onion365 stop sharing his models for free?
He has a new account now. I think his old one got banned.

Igonring koikatsu trash, a good majority of stuff on iwara (fantia,patreon,etc) is still tacky slop. Coomers don't care, since they will take whatever they can get, and understand. Not everything has to be a perfect piece of work, but this hurts in the long run since it lowers the quality ceiling. Now creators and anyone new jumping in believe that fotm motion+HIGH QUALITY raycast shaders is what you should be aiming for. Meanwhile someone that has made something a little more humble and on the visual effects scale, but has a very good general concept for a video, and puts in a decent amount of work doesn't get as many views.
Tagging is another issue, and I wish iwara took this more seriously. It will make things easier to find, and not require someone to go through pages and pages of videos/images.

Gotta jump on that money train before it leaves!!!
well you're gonna have to live with it or just be a bitch about it forever
gumroad should have a way to buy points or some form of credit that can be used for whatever you want through paypal or at least accept prepaid cards
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Now which one would that be?

Doesn't that make all of them?
>koikatsu trash
followers don't say that
I've already accepted it long ago. I'm just voicing my opinion on the situation too. It's still pretty annoying to see a hobby you love degrade in quality as time goes on.
>It's still pretty annoying to see a hobby you love degrade in quality as time goes on.
then it still bothers you if you're annoyed by it
I'm mean, I agree with you. It does bother me. I've just accepted it at this point.
does anyone have ademar's blender rig?
well i mean
you can post whatever you do HERE like pics or webbums or now (soundless) mp4s (or with sound if you post them on /gif/ first) as long as it's just /e/ level content and not /h/ like hot dickings or bukkake or /d/
the most you can complain about is not getting (You)s but only a faggot is going to complain about that
I'm not >>2925251 if that's what you were thinking. I agree with you about complaining for followers. If you're going to create content and show it off, you should have the mindset of showing it off regardless how people respond to it.
Password help. I don't know what I'm not getting here.


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this one is deadlinked with no presence online
so does anyone have any of the highschool fleet mmds
such as akeno misaki pictured here who used to have a video on https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29502246
Give it a like.
>about is not getting (You)s
Nobody here is making content "for themselves" and "not care what others think" that is the biggest load of fucking crap ever. Everyone here is making content to upload for other people to watch and if they got 0 views and 0 replies on all their uploads i guarantee you everybody here would quit making the content.
Different people have more different motivations than you can imagine.

>Nobody here is making content "for themselves" and "not care what others think" that is the biggest load of fucking crap ever.
Thank you for telling me my motivations. Clearly you know myself better than I do. Too bad you're wrong. I mean, you're probably right for 90 - 95% of people posting on iwara, but they're the ones making slop.

>Everyone here is making content to upload for other people to watch and if they got 0 views and 0 replies on all their uploads i guarantee you everybody here would quit making the content.
Nah, I would still make it, just not post it anywhere if it turns out nobody else likes it.
>that guy gave a SECOND chance to get the model I want and I still missed it
I did. I don't get it.
>Nah, I would still make it, just not post it anywhere if it turns out nobody else likes it.
I don't believe you.
If you think thats true then you are straight up lying to yourself.
The one who's lying to himself is you.

I make videos so that I can watch my waifus dance sexily, since nearly nobody else uses their models. That won't change whether I post the videos or not, and whether someone else likes them or not.
I make content for myself usually. Maybe you should try it because it usually ends up being fun when I do it.
ngl you sound like a narcissist whose only motivation comes from other people validating your ego, you should unironically get help
Fuck you.
Do you have any idea how it feels to be working so incredibly hard to make FREE content and be shown no fucking appreciation for it?
People don't even fucking bother commenting anymore. They just watch and most of the time don't even bother clicking the like button, it's too much effort i guess.
So what am I doing this for? I am producing peak art for ghost audience.
I'm seriously considering qutting at the start of 2025 and go do produce some other type of animation art for a community where my hard work will be properly appreciated.
Post your channel then. You want people to see your peak art, right?
Just send some images to appreciate the quality of your art
the same when AI images appeared, only the most creative or professional continue , the rest died.
can someone with a level 5 account help me download these please?

>Do you have any idea how it feels to be working so incredibly hard to make FREE content and be shown no fucking appreciation for it?
IMHO this is why you should first and foremost be making things for yourself rather than an audience, and not worry about what other people think. Especially if you don't have a grasp on how these people really think. Also like the other anon mentioned, post your channel.
https://www.iwara.tv/video/aCHAOEAjAsuzLH/welcome-lobby sometime when I saw this kind of video I always though how are their pc rendering this without having a meltdown
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say bought this how would i go about removing the white parts of this texture? if possible
China has the technological advantage, while the rest of us are limited
level 5 ? nah
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like this?
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This answers your question
sorry i worded that badly, i meant fill it in with actual textures, i knew how to do this before but it's been so long that i forgot how to do most stuff in Gimp
Did you have any plans of sharing the model?
what fill in the part i cut out? what color is it even meant to be? i can't know without testing it on the actual model.
Yeah sure. Even if i made the best content on the planet you would say it's shit just to be a petty bitch so no thanks.

It's so fucking frustrating. I see all this low effort MMD and koikatsu slop all around the site using copy pasted motions, barely any effort put it. And i actually put a lot of work in, make my own motions, edit the models and then i get to sit there and see my high effort work that i put my blood and sweat into get the same amount of low attention as all the slop mills around that literally shit out a new slop video almost every day?
This is causing a degradation of my mental state, i don't want to quit because I enjoy the animation, but i simply cannot stand to this injustice committed against me one slop upload at a time.
If you put as much effort into your work as I do and ended up being underappreciated as much as I, you would be angry, bitter and depressed as well.
Jsn has a bowlroll account where he uploads the uncensored texture files.
I'm kind of sure, that the passwprd will be in the model's readme file.

Also ffs 4chan, why do you have to block phoneposters.
I've waited 900 and my post was still blocked.
I had to wake up and start up my pc again.

>>2926040 I forgot to post this, I hope your Xmas sharing spirit is still burning *wink*wink*
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>Nobody here is making content "for themselves"
that's funny because i make pics based on my own interests and anyone who doesn't like what i like can go suck a fat bbc
You're being a petty bitch right now.
You say your work is so amazing, but you won't show it to us, because you think we're school bullies? That's pathetic.
All I hear from you is whinging and attention seeking. And now you have our attention, so either post a link to your shit, or stop crying.
>why do you have to block phoneposters.
lmao @ phone posters
>Do you have any idea how it feels to be working so incredibly hard to make FREE content and be shown no fucking appreciation for it?
Yes, I do. I spend weeks on a video and get less than a hundred likes after months. Not my fault when people like the wrong things, I don't care. (Not that you will believe me, I bet. Your ego won't let you.)
yeah that did it, it wasn't linked in the readme though for some reason. and yeah something might appear within the next 24 hours or so, it is the season of giving so anything can happen
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anyone have an r18 pmx model of ninomae ina'nis from hololive? all i could find are sfw models and a nude .vrm model which i dont know how to convert to pmx.
look for suya suya old model, its on kemono
anyway anybody can link me to the sin sack model with a penis? my drive got corrupt and for some reason only that file got affected (well the only one I noticed anyway)
Feeding trolls is a time-honored internet tradition, but y'all really shouldn't be doing that.

Just go grab Ademar440's stuff.
thanks, I remember grabbing it somewhere but cant remember where
whats the best remilia scarlet model you've seen? specifically, the clothes or outfit
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These three below, the other models are old and low poly.
Miy's stuff are great.

Or maybe Kensaku's Scarlett

Also Maou's Scarlett.
I've downloaded every ina model from suya suya on kemono. All the .pmx ones are sfw and the nsfw ones are .vrm.
Just checked his kemono, doesn't even have any ina?
Hey frens, has any of you tried uploading to sites real porn websites like pornhub and such?
If yes, how did it pan out?
Do you have this model of Zhu yuan? https://kotori9.booth.pm/items/6385002
Why the "even"? Not everyone cares about your flavor-of-the-month 3DPD hoes hiding behind L2D avatars.
You don't even know what you're talking about
I know she's one of the more popular ones and has been around for a while, but come fucking on. (Verification not required.)
why would you recommend someone if he didn't have what i was looking for? you just assumed i cant find mmd models and threw some my way?
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man I dont know what to say except this model in fact have nude, it doesnt have any toggle for pussy opening or similiar it so deal with it, you can make a morph that remove clothing
also the other guy is answering my question about sin sack model since I lost mine
GEEZ EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING OVER THE PETTIEST THING LIKE SERIOUSLY if I have a nickel for every petty fight I would get enough to buy homyu marie model
anyone have this kuroyuzu model?
looks familiar
found, downloaded, and learned (with help of youtube) pmx editor after you posted that, now i have everything i need. thank you.
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now this is gonna need an mmd
I fucking hate GFL2 so much, stooped the game down to N*kke levels of coomslop. Also they give out the models for MMD on Billibilli anyway.
i couldn't care less about the game itself
i just want that model
>give out the models for MMD on Bilibili anyway
but do they give out these swimsuit ones like the one here that we had to get someone to download from aplaybox to give it to us
Does anyone have an archive of siyu_3dcustom_girl's older videos like 2016-2020 era? His Crino vids were amazing
Does anyone have this old motion by hikari neko?

i mean this one. i don't know how i messed up that first link

I guess Anon's not gonna return.
Anon where to find Encore/Youhu/Verina models
from yt video B88Fq0voYOE ?
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Many thanks to VAM for freeing me from MMD addiction: constant searching for ugly japanese models on lousy websites, stupid password guessing games, many hours in awkward PMXe just to achieve at least a little bit of what i want, disgusting controls, graphics and models quality from 2010, totally cursed animations and physics. Thank you.
I take it you haven't seen the ones animated in Blender, didya? Also MMD addiction? Don't know what you smokin'.

But...anyways...good luck with VAM or whatever, Rockman Jim. Play it easy & steady like rock.
Wait, you get those from BiliBili?
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Thanks bro.
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Nnonono. When I say Rockman. I'm talkin' beatnik style, Jim. None of that meat muscle shit.

We're talking Beatnik, baby. That's what it means to be steady like a rock, dig?
no, that was the question (rhetorically)
they just hand out the default models normally and that's about it and not of the entire cast
that came from some guy downloading it from aplaybox
does anyone have a lap dance motion? (not body to body)
1/10 bait, try harder.

Check TBOMB200/callmesweet8's shit on kemono. There were also some freebies on his patreon. There was also an iwara-tier Gentleman (PSY) motion. Some chair-centered dances, such as Bishop Briggs - Like a River by MMDQueens, might also qualify, depending on your creativity.
is there a trick to accessing kemono.su / kemono.party?
it only loads the title in the tab for me, otherwise the page remains white and empty. using default firefox with adblocker turned off
I'm getting "502 Next Hop Connection Failed" on their JavaScript...
What does that even mean?
Try a VPN or a different one.
yeah seems like my country or city blocks something that kemono uses to distribute their static files with. i don't think it's just my isp because i looked at a different isp and it also failed to route. first time ive ever seen this
Turkey, Russia, or some SEA country? In any case, try GoodbyeDPI if you haven't solved the issue yourself.
Speaking of Like a River, does someone have the motion https://youtu.be/-TrdkogSaZs by that Chinese gu... gal with two identical characters in the name?

Baidu anon, onegai!
Anyone have mocaproject's Mesmerizer motion by any chance?
Sweden! That's the surprising bit.
I mean we have one of the 14 backbones of the Internet.
And we have strong freedom of speech. Surely there must be some other reason why the website doesn't work for me? It's very strange to imagine some router is just deliberately dropping packets here.
Hello.. what happen to archived moe? I can't search anything there... I was trying to search Raora model by Suya... Is anyone share it.. :(
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Xiexie, comrade!
If anyone else wonders, the decompression password briefly appears on the bottom right during the second minute of the instruction video:
iirc, People from Denmark, Norway and Finland have the same problem with kemono and rule34video.
damn chinese-russian freighters cutting our cables
wait is that a mod? I dont remember swimsuit sharkry
It's an upcoming outfit.
really? i had no idea

i don't think that's the problem, wouldn't a lot more websites be unreachable?
because i'm lithuania. because that kemono doesn't work from many countries.
Reason for the 504 errors.

Thank you for waiting, we have double checked from our side and can say with certainty that it's all because both of your domains are listed in the RKN (Roscomnadzor) block list and therefore traffic going through or at the border with Russia is being blocked by using SNI of your domains. You can check this yourself by sending the request directly to a protected IP address and including your domain in the host header, if you get a response then it means that your request is being restricted by SNI:

In this situation the only solution is to contact RKN and ask them to remove your domains from these blacklists.
Here is a link to check if your domains are on the RKN blacklist:
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Thank you very much for confirming the issue! So it's Russia causing the block. That's very interesting and I'm revealed that it's not my country (Sweden) causing it.

If many people are affected by this maybe it would be a good idea to spin up another kemono domain from an IP that is able to mirror the main domain through an Internet route that works, so the site is accessible via proxy. Could be a good idea to set this up for potential future censorship even if the current Roscomnadzor situation resolves itself.
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anyone got these ichigo mashimaro models or knows how to get them? i think they're made by a guy named まめる on nicovideo
Wah!~ What are we gonna do on the stage?
Many things, believe me
Well, my fellow internet Beatniks, I got her.

Ya'll got 2 weeks before the link expires. After that, upload it on tstorage or something.

P.S. I'm the same anon that bought Kafuji's Ryoka model 2 yrs ago.
Alright...apparently it was already deleted after I uploaded...Godfucking dammit...
Here: https://tstorage.info/7ala6xndutq0
if this is a big problem you could split the archive into 2 and upload each file to two different hosts. that should hopefully bypass any auto-detection. password-protecting a single 7zip with scrambled filenames should also work of course, i don't like password-protected archives but if it cant be helped it can't be helped.
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Thank you for the share!
Also, would it be possible to grab this model as well?
Getting something from fantia as a gaijin is next to impossible nowadays.

Nice, been waiting for this model. Thx for the upload.
does anyone have any of tazu's motions? All Hands On Deck and Do It Again?

unfortunately that guy is known to gatekeep his models, you have to join a group and probably prove that you are worthy.
iirc someone did leak some of his models years ago either her or in mmda, maybe the download is still there, but i can't be sure if those were there
why are people like this
they're his waifus, and you wouldn't loan out your waifu to just any random asshole off the street would you
i guess that makes sense
With the cuck plague rampaging all over the web, you never know.
the attachment-over-fictional-characters plague just shows what loser unmanly men we've become
Hello... Does anyone have the herta model? I tried to work it through KK but every time I export to pmx the game always crashes...
I'm just impatient to wait for the model to be officially released
URL for Ryoka?
not him but check tstorage catalogue
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>when you wanna let people know it's a headswap
>puts on a collar to hide the scar
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like this
>don't use the body's sph and toon on the head
this is just for future reference but how to fix the texture?
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hey big sexy boys! it's me, hatsune miku! i'm in space right now but i was wondering if any of you thicc boys could help me out!
i was wondering about the camera in this vid https://youtu.be/im73chKxOMc
do any of you handsome MEN have it? i know it exists because i've seen vids of it in the past but the 000 camera i have is different! i can only guess it's an older shared version or something like that! pls help me guys! i love you all forever! oh my gosh you're so cute! smooch smooch smooch
Anon I'm very confused and at the risk of sounding like a complete retard, what camera file do you even have? The only one I have is the one in this video

If you have the updated 000 MMD cameras and could share with us that'd be nice :)
i'd feel bad leaking everything here, you have anything camera you want in particular? since you helped
That's fair, if you have pink label cam I'd appreciate it :)
should be that
Got it! Thanks Space Miku
prioritize in joining very carefully any vertex from the head and neck so the normals don't get that fucked, from there match the lighting properties of the head and body, along with the toon and sphere materials, try testing if the ones from the swapped head or from the body work better for you. also check if both head and neck are properly weighted to their respective bones.
as for the texture...you could try to recolor the swapped head's texture to match the body's as best you can with photoshop or gimp; you can also try to remap the head's mesh into the body's head texture (if there's any) by using pmx editor's uv editor plugin (the one in the op has it included).
or you can go full autism and try editing the swapped head's texture by cutting, pasting and fitting bits of the body's head texture into the former, this one is pretty tedious and requires knowing very well your image editing tools, but in theory it "should" be the one with the best results since you're not tampering with the mesh's mapping.
How can I apply a morph to vertex normals? Is the only way really to make a bone for each vertex and rotate the bone?
i can't download it. please someone upload this ts or mediafire.
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Yes. You can also make an edited copy of the model with recalculated vertices if your use case is something like adding muscle definition or expanding the belly.

In addition, you can use the pipette/eyedropper/color picker tool to match the colors of the texture. For a completely smooth transition, rewrite/recalculate the normals of vertices around the connection (PMXView > Edit (E) > Normal (N) > average or manually by selecting each vertex and editing the normal target offsets on the Vertex tab of PMXEditor.
there's another way, not as tedious as adding a ton of bones: using a normal map shader (like raycast) it's also possible to generate a map with the morphed normals (bake the normals in blender), read the morph value in the material and thus change the normals depending on the morph setting
hi. do you have 000MMD's camera to Hyolyn's Say My Name?
where that miku model comes from
Just the camera motion for G-I-DLE Wife & RAINBOW A.
anyone have a swimsuit model of Emu Kawahara?
>imported the neck model as well as the head
Just import the head, not the neck... they don't even need to connect, just jam the neck vertices straight up into the skull.
>shitting on rayMMD
RayMMD is love, RayMMD is life. Also, didn't you sperg out on the iwara forums a couple weeks ago too?

That said, I kind of sympathise with your complaint about how the fandom is dying out in regards to passion... but that's why I just create something I find interesting and move on. No point picking over everything with a fine-tooth comb when nobody cares.
Quality means nothing. Memes and luck are all it's about. See:
>literally slop
>6 gorillion views
Just accept that chasing after views and subscribers is a pipe dream.
>literally slop
That's what men want,
do you understand?
Men have nothing to do with it, though? It's all just RNG on a youtube server. They "want" whatever they're given. Try making an account, and you'll quickly realise that click through rates, like/view ratios, etcetera have essentially no effect on whether or not your video is recommended to other people. It's just pure chance.

Give up on getting views and just do it for fun.
Does anyone have LE SSERAFIM - CRAZY by Kimagure?
anyone know what Tarara model he used for the headswap for La+ ?
meh sometimes part of the head mesh and the neck are in the same material group. i say take part of the neck and carefully delete the unnecessary vertex till you can place the last few ones of the neck on the body's mesh
i gave up hope, but heroes do exist
Does anyone have the APT motion from NatsumiSan? Their kemono stopped updating in 2023.

I wasn't bad mouthing raycast. I'm bad mouthing lazy content creators that copy/paste raycast settings thinking that will make their video high quality. Also I think you have the wrong person. I'm not a content creator. I'm a consumer. Also I think the anon you're referring to was possibly trolling, since he still refused to post his iwara channel.

>but that's why I just create something I find interesting and move on
Pretty much what I do myself. I'm really not trying to rain on peoples parade, but when you browse site long enough, and you see the same, lazy things, it's frustrating. All it means is to just make personal stuff for myself. It actually ends up being pretty fun most of the time.
different anon
>Getting something from fantia as a gaijin is next to impossible nowadays
this is patently false, it barely took me 10 minutes of googling to figure out how to buy toracoin. happy holidays
>need to get bitcash
sounds like a bit of a jump compared to what i need to do with booth
Does anyone have a plugin called 剛体joint自動生成配置プラグイン?
It's documented on this page:https://w.atwiki.jp/vpvpwiki/pages/228.html
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Does anyone still have (げのげ)genoge_cg's amane kanata ?
It seems be taked down.
what are some good MMD model commissioners?
do you guys know any? I'm trying to find someone who can make me a strippable r18 model

Feel free to port them to any format you want~

Or to even do some good edits (¬‿¬)
Same Anon here:

Both models are in xps format, but the Default Miku model fortunately also has a xps version, which can be found here: https://tstorage.info/owgrqv4ymufq

Which is a good thing because that means that this model won't suffer the same fate as Miku's model from the DancexMixer game, which sadly is now lost media (the only thing that remains are a few videos that can be found on Youtube but not the model files)
*also has a fbx version* not xps

I'm a bit sleepy rn
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Do you have this miku?
I'm afraid I don't, sorry...
you're that guy from deviantart aren't you
What's the point of waist canceller bones? Why not just parent the legs to the groove bone instead of the waist?
https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im11082319 can anyone get me the full image of this
n/m i don't need it now, i just needed to make out the 々 character on it
I have seen a bunch of MMD Mitas just by googling but haven't seen anyone doing Cappie, Mila and the other Mita versions yet.
At least I'm not into furry content, so no, I'm not him

Besides, I think he cancelled that whole recovery project

I think he released a version of the program but sadly there was no Miku

But hey, at least the Miku models from the Superdimensional game won't be lost
You sure?
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You can install www.urban-vpn.com or other and connect to a Japanese server to access the page, anyway here is the im
Not og anon but wow, I had no idea that's what it was for, thanks anon
Do you know what the difference between groove and center is?
And the heel/ankle/toe IK?
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>> difference between groove and center
The location of the bone (pivot) when rotating either of these bones (you shouldn't actually do that with motions meant to be distributed or reused, at least in regard to X (front/back, a.k.a. pitch) and Z (side to side, a.k.a. roll) rotation, as their vertical location differs from model to model, so there can be a massive mismatch when someone uses a motion made with different proportions in mind). They can also be used to split vertical and horizontal movement or, primarily, to aid in adjusting a motion that exclusively uses the other bone. Matching their relative position to leg bones is crucial to properly adapting (=removing the sliding in) non-IK (leg FK) motions, e.g. Lan_Ruo's and other motion captures that weren't converted to IK.
>> heel/ankle/toe IK
足IK親 (half-width IK) are semi-standard bones used to adjust leg IK position without interfering with the existing interpolated movement of the leg IK. They can be used as a rotation pivot, but I can't recommend it. 足IK (full-width IK) allow you to move and rotate the center/groove bones while the legs strive to stay in their positions, provided they're not parented to those bones, otherwise the legs will also move. つま先IK (full-width IK) orients the foot in a debatably easier manner than using the 足首 bone. Pretty sure you could've learned all of this by simply taking your time to manipulate them in the software and inspect the model's structure in PMXEditor.
not the original requester but thanks anon. by any chance do you have the uncensored texture for her pussy, or know the password to get it in bowlroll? the one in the textfile doesn't work
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Hey guys! Share this file, please
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Thanks! But I'm looking for the R18 edit.
I've found several Tda Rin edited models on tstorage but not in her default costume.
Anyone got this model ?
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thanks for the image anyway 月夜
just wanted to see that mark for a password to のsome 花 yumesaki tsukuyomi mmd 々
i gotchu bro (i think) https://files.catbox.moe/ffrfqf.7z
actually since i'm up anyway here i'm gonna ask again if anyone has something i can't even find the filenames to but it's model files for ハイスクールフリート
all i can say is at least one (艦長) came from https://web.archive.org/web/20210228005423/https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29502246
OMG! Thank you!
that stuff brings me back, one of the password that take me a while to find especially the first and third part.
anyone have this models?
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I'm looking for glowing ey effect like in thw picture but I keep founding one where you slap autoluminous to the eye. anyone can help?
anyone have any shader they want to recommend? Ive been using IKpolish and raycast for good while now so I want to change things up for my next render
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woulda been asking for https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/6Soce3TPy651 personally
Quick question: Anyone have iron0129's tda texture, but with nipple and vagina textures added to it? I know it exists, but I forget which model is actually using it. If someone wouldn't mind just pointing me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
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Was wondering if this is Mamama's API models, or are they something else? They look similar, but I'm trying to identify the original maker of the base model itself. Does anyone recognize them or knows who modeled them?
That image/vid was made by MyuDOLL on Twitter. You could try asking him.
If only that Mita was full body.
>started designing what seemed to be another mature/hag character
>got smitten by miside, put that project on hold and rapidly make a mita
sasuga russkies for distracting him
does this quappa guy just do what he wants or does he take comms
Miku by Koron, Rin and Teto are edited models of Koron's Miku (but in a way they look good), Gumi is the only one made by Mamama and that Luka is one of YYB's old models (still waiting for him to released the updated version of Luka like he did with Miku)
Anyone have Suya's Raora model?
Ha takes comms, but not cheap.
Where to get this motion? I scrolled all the way down his patreon and couldn't find it
Anons, is there something similar to MikuMikuEffect for MikuMikuMoving?
yokechi's Darkness anyone?
yes it's built in
does anyone have this model? https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/fpRpzGq7qSD0 or this one? https://www.aplaybox.com/details/model/xi5C5tiSYwQd
Did dekapaiyukari share his miku yet?
im gonna hold your hand while i say this.

none of these level 5 models are original content. theyre all stolen from somewhere else where its way more convenient to download.

store of the rippers /topic/32787/
Is there a tool to rename morphs saved in an MMD project (*.pmm)?

Initially I gave my custom morphs stupid names and realized too late how dumb this was, now I fixed the names but can no longer load my old projects with the old morph names...
Someone can share this motion?

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I tried looking on the archive first but didn't find anything, does anyone have 'THE' Kuromaru model by any chance?
I could probably just make my own but I don't want to bother recreating the eye texture to try and match the one used in all the MMD videos.
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Hone your searching skills then.
And use a different VPN or turn yours off if the destination fails to open.
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Greetings, does anyone know how to fix this error on the left side model swings quite a bit should move like the one on the right, I know there are some bones but I have not been able to identify which ones they are
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Lower the center and/or groove bone relative to the waist bone / upper & lower body bones, using a bone morph that moves them in opposite directions on the Y axis. If it's an IK motion, which I doubt, then either it's intentional (CY's Bon Appetit intro walk _might_ be an example) or it was converted from a FK motion by a retard.

personally i think it looks terrible, but you do you.
Okay to be fair I saw that post but for some reason did not make the connection with the later post saying 'meant to reply to the post above' being meant for the anon asking for the kuromaru
Thank you for spoonfeeding my poor reading comprehension...
I started 6 months ago and am at 1.3k just from posting some mediocre stuff with next to no social media presence as well. This isn't to flex or anything as other much better creators rightfully grew much faster than I did.

If you're serious, maybe post your channel. You may get flamed but hopefully some people might actually give you constructive feedback.

Also if you really care about numbers, look at what the big hitters do (or just jump on the koikatsu sex scene spam train) you could also target specific niches like bugs (I think this fetish gets pumped up by the large Chinese base?)

I actually was making content for myself mostly (Frankenstein'ing characters that didn't have MMD models/R18edits and slapping some VMDs on). Then decided to start posting some.

I actually didn't think I'd appreciate comments as much as I did when starting out. Good MMDs take quite a lot of tuning especially if you don't notice any clipping/wonky physics interactions.

Getting good lighting is such a bitch especially when you have a motion that moves the model around a lot. and camera cuts that point to unlit areas. Then there's that weird ass thing MMD does where if you do a next frame jump cut it'll do like a 0.05 second interpolation which creates a weird notable flash bang effect that needs to get edited out in post.
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Here's my modest progression for your reference. Also I just realized one of my shit post videos is still my most viewed and liked lol.
thanks I'll check out
Anyone have
I posted this on h/mmd but imma repost here too in case anyone is interested,
i made an userscript for faster and better video search on iwara, so have a look if thats something you might find useful frens
that doesn't open .pmm files as far as I can tell, I was hoping there'd be something where I don't have to first save everything as a motion, because I'd have to undo the morph renames in my models before loading the pmm so it finds the morph, export each character as a motion, redo the model edits, edit the motions, and load everything in again...
Anyone have
Can someone help me to get these models...? Telegram doesn´t accept my phone number :(
Would anyone be willing to share this model?

does anyone have this vienne v2 full version? please!

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how do you get so many comments?
I always get either zero or some bot comment saying "nice"
saying "noice"
that's really the worst thing about iwara, nobody ever says anything
and if i bothered with iwara i'd be the same way, not say anything
>six is many
I have that many on a lot of videos, but half of them are me saying "thanks for the praise/suggestion/comment" lol
Not sure what i'm doing wrong, but getting barely any comments is making me feel like a complete and utter failure as an artist and is giving me suicidal thoughts. Is that normal? Is that something other animators here struggle with as well?
i honestly don't care if you an hero or not but no it's not normal
it's trannie behavior
R-18 https://tstorage.info/f734iic0hi6p
Can someone help convert it to PMX? I tried to convert it, but it doesn't have rigid bodies and J
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If a goal if yours is to get video comment engagement I'd say incorporate a niche/genre that you also enjoy. It could be interesting camera motions like 000, girls dancing while straddled to sinsacks like kidps2, clothing physics like the Chinese MMDs, or stripping like Krag.
Picking a popular character like VTubers or Hoyoverse waifus can also help but not entirely necessary.
High quality lighting and rendering helps too but I've seen content succeed without it. Also with my own experience, my most popular video at the moment has pretty bad, over saturated lighting.

Here are a breakdown of the comments I get:
-1 to 3 of the comments on every video are usually some variation of "nice" with the exception of that one meme video where 6 of the comments are some variation of "nice"
-Most comments bring up a random niche I did in the video (Kuromaru, Hypnosis, etc). These usually also have a comment asking to make more videos of the niche (I personally don't specialize in a specific niche, I just make what I want)
-A small few are suggestions like how they'd like to see the character do a certain dance.
-Occasionally there are comments about how "sexy" the characters are. I noticed is these are only on videos where I use blonde characters; probably a coincidence.
-The rest are a bit more detailed praises rather than just a "nice" comment.

No that's not normal. If you can't figure out why your content is sticking then the best way is to ask for feedback (Be ready for harsh comments). Incorporate any constructive ones and ignore the ones that just flame ("This sucks" doesn't help you improve but "Lighting is too dark" or "Camera angles are weird/uninteresting" can help identify areas of improvement).
But I suppose a question to ask yourself is how does your content stand out from other people's content. (is the video render high quality like those Chinese Blender videos? Is there very little clipping? Are the camera angles/shots interesting?)
Oh hey, same, except it mainly just makes me want to stop making content, the suicidal thoughts come from elsewhere.
anyone have this models?
I should probably just give up and hop on the fad of the month train. I bet if i start making pregnant dancing mmd loli insect penetration porn i will get a bunch more views and comments.
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i cant find a good R18 model for momosuzu nene, can you fellas lend me a hand?
has no one done a decent headswap?
am i gonna have to do it myself?
Thank you, anon. I knew that Miku looked familiar!

I did message him. He verified the Gumi and Yukari were Mamama's, but he didn't say what the Miku or Luka were.
which site do you use the most to find and download nsfw mmd models?
All links and resources are in the OP.
Which i read, i am just asking which one people here use the most since all of the offered sites are messy and in japanese so i am trying to find out which one them is least shit
Truth be told, it would dependent on what it is you're actually looking for. Though if you want to see other sites, you should check the archives for these threads and go from there. There are people who browse these threads looking for shit to report, so it's advised to browse the archives for other mentions as some sites are referred to by nicknames.
95% I get from tstorage search, 5% other links off mmda
you are short man
In the original post more down is the pmx version
are there any other sites than iwara where i can post my blender made mmd-tier shit?
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the fuck? where the fuck is the vagena? the panties are painted on
why the fuck would someone upload sfw models? who the fuck wants to use sfw models?
i don't mind working with sfw models
but your real question is isn't about them doing it in general, it's the place where they upload them to is your real question
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n.sfw.video, nicovideo, YouTube, VK, Xitter, BlueSky (maybe), Pixiv, fantia (good luck with that now that they've introduced identity verification for every creator in addition to banning foreign cards and certain IP ranges, lmao), imageboards, file-sharing services that permit such use...

The majority of MMD creators?
maybe not the right place to ask
i am a long time professional 3d designer who would like to create nsfw models - can this be monetized?
would you commission high end models that are above zzz/project mugen etc in quality? i would be open to any request apart from furry.
you pay, your model.
just want to know if there would be a demand for it
i am a ... 3d designer ... can this be monetized?
Here's your competition. Judge for yourself if it's worth it.
>high end models that are above zzz/project mugen etc in quality?
If you're making this claim then I swear to the gods you better know how to set up a shader properly because those games are 80% good shader work carrying the entire model.
of course there is a demand,
but the market sets the price,
as a reference look booth
It can be, but your personal style and skills will be what determines how much people are willing to pay. Though I know I don't have to tell you the importance of visual aesthetics.
>page 9
someone bake new bread you lazy bums
why, this one is still good for a few weeks
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posting in a thread with a red post count that is about to expire, is extremely anxiety inducing, traumatizing and triggering to me
>about to expire
we're not even on page 10 yet, threads spend three or longer on page 10 nowadays

it will probably remain on page 10 for longer than it took to get there...

so relax, or make a video about it
in terms of quality, i would place myself high up in the range of end tier vtuber creators. i have been doing this professionally in the gaming industry for a long time and want to live out my nsfw soul in my free time - if i can earn extra money with it, why not? as a vtuber creator i would immediately have customers for half a year, for nsfw it looks a bit different. where can i find those who want to afford this quality?
these people certainly exist, but where?
i have no desire to make poorfags happy on booth - knowing that the mass would bring me more money
can someone tell how to make a good x-ray scene? you know the scene where you see the the hole getting ravaged by the rod from inside
you can't
you would need to have model of the body insides since there is not actually anything iside of the model to xray they are hollow
1. download model of a girl's insides
1a. season with semi-transparent shader or cut-out plane to taste
2. place P〇N〇S to VAG〇〇 and j-j-JAM IT IN
its invite only. i sent in a request so we'll see how it goes.
iwara never had a 3d modeler yet so maybe ask them directly?
>i have no desire to make poorfags happy on booth
Most anime consumers are in booth
3dcg? , cm3d? olds
damn, it's been a while
did it really take this long to get to her
is kuroko next
how long will that be
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>where can i find those who want to afford this quality?
>i have no desire to make poorfags happy on booth
Maybe you'll have more luck finding them if you pull your head free from your ass, egotistical retard.
I can guarantee that however good you think you are, others do it better at a lower price even as private comms.

Also >vtuber creators
Vtubers don't know jack shit about 3d, they get scammed hard all the time. Only reason they accept it is cause they cope about recouping the cost as a 'business expense'.
Anyone who is making enough off NSFW to afford expensive model comms either already does their own model work (and thus doesn't need you), has an established style already (and thus doesn't need you), is working with copyrighted characters (and thus doesn't need you) or already has someone they're going to for models (and thus doesn't need you).

Your only option, if you want to do expensive, private NSFW 3d model commissions is to A) scam vrchat retards (who will have dogshit taste and make you hate every second of what you're making for them) or B) make models for furfags (same as before, often overlapping).
That's the simple truth anon. (You) are not better than selling on booth, (You) are not above 'the poorfags'.

Like really, I need to drill this into your retarded skull because your shitty attitude pissed me off.
Look at this (https://chakapo.booth.pm/). Know what this is? This is what 'high up in the range of end tier vtuber creators' looks like. If you don't believe me, check their website (https://nanodes.jp/works/). He's literally that company's lead 3d artist. See their clients? Hololive, gachaslop, literal top of the market for 3d anime models. And in his spare time, he makes models to sell on booth. For a limited time window sure, probably part of the rights deals he has to make to sell the characters he does. But that's what 'the top of the market' does.

You're not better than that. Sit the fuck down and humble yourself retard.
https://bowlroll.net/file 329910
anyone know the pass for this?
this is not a fucking craigslist
get your fucking shilling off my website and get yourself on artstation you giant retard
uh oh melty
any good vagege model I can grab? or I just look through nsfw model and hope to find one that looks good
yeah i used to dabble in melty blood
It's another of those anti-gaijin passwords:
Four hiragana in the NND like message followed by the submission dates of the three works linked (days only, and of course in Japan's time zone)
And it's only the first part of the motion. To get the full motion you need to send the maker an application that proves that you can speak fluent Japanese and that you have submitted at least three videos last year, so good luck with that.
anyone has this model?

Agree with most of your post, but...
>Look at this (https://chakapo.booth.pm/)
chakapo models are kind of hit or miss.
You live in the past, Japanese models are in decline, Chinese models are the future
I specifically used chakapo cause he's in a 'high position in the industry' and also 'sells on booth'
I was specifically targeting anon's inflated ego thinking he was 'too good for the poors' because he claims to be a 'long time professional, in the high end range of vtuber creators'. Anon thinks his works's a luxury item that's "too good for the poors", meanwhile artists that make shit for literally hololive sell their stuff on booth. Obviously, there are better artists in the industry and a lot of them *don't* sell any models outside of their work, but you and I both know mr assclown up there isn't better than any of them regardless.
The point
Your head
Would you be willing to post a sample of your work here? It's one thing to say what your quality is, but another to actually show it. I couldn't order anything from you right now, but granted that your style is one I like, I would be happy to order from you later.

As a side note (and trying my luck again): Does anyone have SURA.'s Alter-Ego/オルターエゴ motion. The motion is a 3p version, so I would like to get a hold of that.
Post a picture about your current WIP or your finished model, and most of us can tell if they will be a major hit or a miss.
That's the fastest way to get an accurate answer.
I need to ask this because I've been looking at some iwara video using unity, blender, etc
some of you guys probably dabble with other program other than mmd, is there a reason for using mmd over more modern program? or you guys just use them depending on your mood
because I'm being honest, I'm really surprised how mmd still survive with a lot of fanbase still uploading until now considering its a software that dont really get updated other than fan creating more extension and effect
I prefer Blender, myself, for everything. Right now though, I don't have good enough hardware to be able to make anything yet though. I mostly use it for making outfits and learning the program for now for when I can start making content.
I must be the insane one here, but to me the vast majority of blender videos look really bland and I genuinely prefer how ray-mmd looks in comparison.
I agree with anon, I prefer MMD just because it feels easier and faster but I would put more effort into learning Blender if I knew my toaster could handle it.

For now, I'm using Blender for model edits, outfit edits, and starting to learn animation
All right, does anyone know the password for the "PDFTDX - DDM Edition - Model Pack" that's on tstorage? The rar has a pass and I think it came from a discord server.
I'm sorry, but I would appreciate your assistance in obtaining this one on my behalf.
MMD has innumerable premade assets that aren't easy to export to truly advanced software. This applies to effects more than everything else. While I use MikuMikuMoving almost exclusively, a lot of effects made for MMD are not compatible with it without careful adaptation, and its optimization is even worse than that of MMD, limiting the output resolution a lot. Wouldn't say the last bit matters a lot to me alone, but it also impacts rendering time.
>but you and I both know mr assclown up there isn't better than any of them regardless.
That's why I didn't bother replying to him lol
>out of sale period
>you can run out of bits to sell
what did they mean by this?
Help anons, are there any Ray tracer tutorials that show you how to make a normal video instead of a dark and shiny mess like most videos?
Did you look at the characters?
>Gacha girls
It's a licensing thing.
cool that seems to stop other sellers on booth
Did you miss the part where he's also a high level staff for a corporate entity
The average booth random is and unimportant nobody that can fly under the Japanese grey zone of doujin works where 'If you're only using our IP for fan creations we don't mind' but a literal company rep for a 3d art company doesn't have that luxury and has to be above board or risk it blowing up in his face very quickly.
As an example ,despite how many Touhou fanworks exist with ZUN's implicit blessing, ZUN still litigates the shit out of people that break the rules he set for the use of his characters in fanworks. He's got very lenient rules but they still exist and in much the same way these big gacha companies have rules that they will enforce heavily on someone out of line.
Did you forget the whole yakuza horse pussy incident?
>Did you miss the part where he's also a high level staff for a corporate entity
this tim buckley levels of text is all over a simple joke about running out of digital bits to sell

simple, use better lighting and less smoothness on the materials
can you please recommend me any decent sin sack model?
i only found this one https://bowlroll.net/file/103964 and it doesn't work well in blender
i tried searching tstorage and stuff but since it's all in japanese i am unable to find shit there
return to the roots
Read through the thread before posting, retard, or follow the above poster's advice.
Is there an easy way of adding more facial expressions to an old model? She has almost none besides the singing morphs.
>Read through the thread before posting, retard
you are incredibly nasty and i hope you get cancer
Kek, what a bitch.

I hope you enjoy spending many hours dragging vertices symmetrically, because that's about as easy as it gets. You can also save selections (PMXView > F7) to make it easier to separate the lips and use bone weights. There's also the tension handle mode (PMXView > F2 > handle operation dropdown) that allows you to reposition the handle away from the center of the selection in addition to being great for mouth dragging.
That's what I was afraid of. I can't believe after 15 years nobody has made a tool to simplify this though... like how do the model creators not kill themselves after doing this over and over... I was fed up after the second morph and though I must be doing it very wrong.
Does anyone have any of the bikini models by Mary Kurosawa?
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It's kinda fun once you get the hang of it.
I've probably spent more time in these 7 years tweaking the model and clothes for her in PMXE and Blender and inspecting the results than actually making the videos I've published with MikuMikuMoving.
i can't believe they brought world4ch back just for /e/
I'm retarded. This is KaniPantsu's other name. So does anyone actually still have Kani's models at all?
Anybody know where to download these clothes?
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Where can I get a Super Pochaco model like this one?
Has anyone ported it to MMD?
Also, one with full nudity would be nice.
New Thread:

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Thank you God!
grabbed all the files that are in there.
man, i haven't watched winx since i was like... what, 6? this was a nice blast from the past for me.
have fun with your fairies! theres also some mikus and shining nikki stuff i there, too.
I'm looking for something that looks natural like this
Whoever uploaded the ALTER-EGO 3p motion to the storage of t... Thank you! Thank you!

That's one more item I can take off the list of long-term hunts. Only one left now is the 100 Side Hair Pack the BrokenD-Melancholia made.

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