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>Images and videos

>DOA XVV guide

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)

>Previous thread: >>2920003
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Koharu's birthday suit looks nice, also long hair finally.
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>>2919235 (Cross-thread)
>>2919236 (Cross-thread)
>>2919237 (Cross-thread)
>>2919238 (Cross-thread)
>>2919239 (Cross-thread)
How to make the game looks "smooth" like this?
My game looks like pic related
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Why are these threads filled with the same characters? There's never a Lisa, Christie, Mila, Helena, even Tina is rare.
Momiji needs a JAV set
Should I roll?

I want to lick Koharu's pits and sideboob.

Are there pics of upcoming birthday suits for next year?
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jannies hate koko threads
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Is this an error? I can't claim it, where can i see how much i have of those?
This is just a guess, but perhaps you have a bunch of SR awakening crystals clogging up the inventory. Maybe they count as "swimsuits" or something.

Try to awaken one of Tina's SSRs to see the count real quick.
Post more naked Momiji
They seriously need to change the UI or how SR crystals work

In some events they just pile up in the hundreds
Have you been good this year?
There was only one SSR awakening stone and after using it up i still couldn't pick up the stone. So i assume it's some error.
link to the mod? Can you adjust the height of the top too?
The mod has the top down by default, I just edited the mod.ini to only remove the panties.

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Would anyone happen to know if someone has made a CC version of this towel?
So that I don't have to use the SR mod and can combine it with other CC mods.
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I want to marry the shrine maiden
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Finally got an Ayane trendy and was able to finish getting her APL P-skills off her Venus Board. Now I just need a Rock Climbing event to max the last two.
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These outfits are pure sex
Boys, I figured out a way to buy Prism on steam. Give me an hour and I'll have an image macro tutorial on how to get it
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Elise's boob is as big as Marie's head
I got Nanami (x4) and Koharu...no Elise.
Dang it
I wanted Koharu and Elise but got Nanami and Elise instead
Still, can't complain much because Nanami is cute as fuck
75k stones and I got Nanami four times and Koharu on the final 3.3%.
The old Noel Charmant banners should have been 3.3% with a guaranteed pull at 3/3 or 6/6.
45k stones for me and it went Koharu, Nanami, Koharu. I wanted it for Elise, but that's my limit this time.
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Got some extra Christmas gifts for Shizuku.
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SEA anon here, these are the language options for Prism, so it should have english subs.
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Merry Nanami Christmas
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I love nanami
Clearwater is one of the better DOA render-only guys and he's not Jewish like 3DLoveandPeace or ultra Jewish like Sreliata

Shoutout to RuneVV3D (although looks like he died this month), 6CW8, NyxDOAXVV (Fanbox is ded but Pixiv is very active), DOAPower, Photonlanccer and EliseLove
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The dealer must be bred
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Is there anywhere I can see the expressions, scenes, and sound rewards from the Venus board? Are all 7 scenes from the bathroom gacha?
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The 7 scenes are just the gacha shower scenes so you can view them any time.
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Ok, thanks. So I will just try to aim for the voice/reaction rewards.
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Would it not be safer to simply create another steam account?
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I guess this is DMM's new year's suit.

Sunrise Dance is still the best, this comes close second.
These are quite awful looking imo.
Honestly don't mind it, but that's because I like wa lolita aesthetics.
Does anyone have all the shower scenes including for Reika, Meg?
still grinding on Reika as we speak. but if you haven't seen Meg and Reika's episodes, you can check them here
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Took them long enough.
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I'm cuming soon inside her
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>Lobelia always shows up
Kek what a cuckquean
>only got one EX TEC lotion
>barely got any relevant tickets
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Fiona is the only only one willing to be cucked.
Maybe the reason why she's still in the island in Prism is because she wants to see Owner-san cucking her with the rest of the girls (and watch it)
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Call me when Momiji gets her TC in JP
Then I will totally start saving and will spend money in this game for the first time.
Momiji TC will just be sex sex sex
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Made it POV in VR and I'll gladly buy 10 of them
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My haul with the free wheels:
>EX POW x1
>EX STM x1
>SSR Awakening Gem x1
>Full Nostalgic Ticket x1 (new Sayuri SSR)
I could have used a TEC EX.
>Momiji told me something cute but I can't understand her
Fucking hell KT, put some subtitles in the main menu, damn it!
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>won't learn Japanese for Momiji-chan
Wow, it's like you actually hate her.
I'm sorry!
I'm trying to learn something but my brain just can't!
my heart...
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pludgy arm
i finished uploading all her TC episodes.
been super depressed but fiona TC lets goooooo
>no massive NY Momiji set from Lazy
Thanks alot! any chance you do this for nagis too?
Happy New Year!

Celebrate the dealer.

PV [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs9b-TDJwLQ]
This fits Monica more, out of place with Tina and especially Kokoro.
Tina would probably have a sluttier outfit and Kokoro/Koharu would have a more conservative one more. Its the reverse for their makeup set, since they got yukata-ish outfits which doesn't fit Tina.
Prefer last year's/Steam's current ninja suits
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already prepared for it. just waiting for it as shown with my Fiona video at start of playlist. remember, i was the one who did the translation for Nagisa's manga.
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Yes! First 10-pull and I finally got Momiji's kimono.
Would rather just paypig for the Selection Ticket and unlock NY Kimono Nanami anyway, did we just get another event in addition to Fiona's TC?
is the EX lotion and SSR ticket pack worth it?
Honestly I'd rather get EX lotions through pool hoping rather than spending money for them.
Easier said than done sure, but still.
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New Year's always has a mini kimono event on the side.
My other goal was Nyotengu's kimono which I got on the 3rd 10-pull. My max was going to be dropping 20k stones.
I didn't get any and I'm at EX4 already with all of my 70~ free roulettes, mostly got trash.
I usually end up buying all the wheels in the v-stone shop as well. So 32k(?) v-stones to go through all the EX courses.

I've netted a few EX lotions by doing this which is why I always buy.
I haven't unlocked Nyotengu yet so even if I paypigged for a SSR Selection Ticket I won't be able to use it on her shop.

Only for specific swimsuits that you really want, whether they're "worth it" is subjective. If you're a newbie I'd do it for Nanami's NY Kimono and Momiji's Evening Moon slutwear.

>EX lotions
Only for whales/dolphins, fastest way to max out multiple girls or powerlevel 1 POW and 1 TEC girl since you can dump 9 EX lotions of a single type on one girl.
I wish I had spare V-stones just to spend for wheels
best paid v-stone packs

1. whenever a new girl debuts, game shits out a 20k paid v-stone only pack you are able to buy 5 times to guarantee an unlock, it's very rare for that to happen though and you're simply unlucky
2. ex lotion packs except the stm one, you get 3x ex lotions and an extra skill awakening stone plus 14k paid v-stones; sold very rarely
3. ssr selection ticket packs, they're only sold twice a year
4. generic birthday/weekly pack of 15k paid stones, 5k free stones and a skill awakening stone

there's also a version for ssr accessory tickets, they're not worth it except for the one where you can buy ssr 3 accessory tickets since pvps are going to be ultra rare now

there are no more pvp events until the next full anniversary and that was a rival event, the only ranked events incoming are butt battles
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Holy grail suit at 3.3%
>down to 100 silver coins with Kokoro
>bet on 10s
>check again
I love Kokoro
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Spent ~180k to get Nanami's kimono
A very large haul of SSRs so it wasnt all for nothing. Managed to get Nyo's as well which is what I was also shooting for.

Now to save for free Reika.
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Don't forget to get the extra props for them.
Enjoyed January's dancer suit from the Makeup set. The rest, not so much.
Great ! cant wait for it!
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This is sad... no nanami, no patty...
Hardcore breeding sessions with Koharu!
Give Monkers a gift for her birthday that lasts 9 months!
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Made for impregnation and keep working in the casino up until the babies are 8 months old
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I spend all my luck on the first day of new year.
You lost, anon?
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I love Monica's big ass so much
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I'm an idiot, but what mod/source are these?
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1: I found it on Rule34 (can't remember if Paheal or .XXX)
2: I think it's one of the generic nude mods for the girls (links in the OP)
3: It's just Monica's lvl 70 episode and funnily enough, I just unlocked it today.
I just started out with venus vacation (steam) and need some advice, I finished all the main missions and am grinding the Fiona event as much as I can, what exactly should I be focusing on/prioritizing for now? fully upgrading my SSR swimsuits? I have made a TEC team and POW team all with SSR swimsuits. should I be using my FP refill bottles already? I'm only owner level 22
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>This game cannot currently be played
Anyone know why I'm getting this on the DMM launcher? First time install, using JP VPN
Is your VPN connected to Japan when you launch DMM/VV? You need it on until the game is running.
Either it didn't install properly or something broke. Try doing a file integrity check and if that doesn't work either, you might need to uninstall/reinstall.

>Need a VPN
I'm from SEA and can access DMM/VV fine without a VPN. Only really needed a VPN during Golden Week when DMM enforces IP checks.
Yeah it's on before I launch it. Note that I have not nstalled VV yet, this is just the "my games" page where I am guessing I'd be able to install it. I've only added the to my DMM account through the store
Without a VPN the DMM client will not launch for me (from USA)
Then the error is probably because the game isn't downloaded. I'm currently playing just fine from the US (after VPN as usual) so the game is up. Click the dots and see if it has a download option or something. If it's still not working then post more screens of the text/error it shows I guess.
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As a new player you'll want to be doing the weekly event matches until you can't progress any further due to stat difference.
Then you find the event match that you autoplay/mindlessly grind without any input from you and run that for event currency.

All the while you'll be leveling girls and hopefully getting useful items from pool hopping events or melon smashing events.

I suggest just taking it easy however. It's a slow grind regardless of how hard you grind. No need to burn yourself out.
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thanks, should i be trying to grind main missions as well for gravure panels? i don't really have the resources to upgrade the swimsuits for the girls I don't use
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You'll get them by doing event matches as well. The final festival from the main festival tab is what you want to run if you just want to grind out gravure panels.

The best time to get resources for upgrading swimsuits would be during melon smashing festivals. If you ever get a trendy during one of those you'll be drowning in upgrade mats
alright cool thanks for all the tips bro
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Is it really Fiona's TC when Owner-san is dumping load after load inside of Lobelia while Fiona is watching?
it's the opposite. lobelia is trying to hook fiona up with owner
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But Lobelia is fine if Owner-san is with Lobelia too (and kinda accepting her feelings for her, so it's a bisexual TC)
>Owner-san is dumping load after load inside of Lobelia while Fiona is watching
That's just foreplay for Fiona.
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Nut inside in that order
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Decided to get 5 wheels with stones and it paid off. That's one of each this time.
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I dunno if niarax still posts here but if so you should allow friend requests to your main discord for a sec. I've been locked out of my account for like a year and despite my best efforts it looks like it might be permanent. Should totally reconnect.

Posting Tina for bait.
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I mean...
Wouldn't you get hard on the spot unpon seeing this?
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This is the ass I'm using in the pool hopping
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Nice pic but why he only makes new girls
You only need Reika AIslop
Since when was there an F rank festival?
Cute fat otaku
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embrace the tsuk
Needs rape correction
cute lil titpig
Post more wet naked Elise
do true colors events eventually get reruns?
The event? No.

The banner? Yes, Misaki TC just showed up early last month.

Every TC girl gets 2 free episodes you can REDEEM, to get the rest of the episodes you need to roll paid stones once.
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blueberry mogs easily it's insane
Sex the lifeguard
cool thanks, im not all that interested in Fiona but wanted to make sure i wasn't permanently missing out on her TC stuff, i want to save my paypig stones for Yukino's bday
In terms of TC designs for me it's Nagisa > Kokoro > Misaki > Fiona > Luna > Marie Rose

Story mode it's Kokoro > Nagisa > Misaki > Marie Rose > Luna > Fiona
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Elise and Nanami are very good but Reika is truly something else
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Impregnate the sexcretary
I want the pornstar outfit
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Everybody loved the pornstar outfit. Even in Japan it was a success.
pov: Reika getting ready for her DAP scene.
I want all of Reika's outfits
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I like all of them, really
I want to drink Reika's milk
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Season ending pregnancy
Telling Reika you'll pull out and then not pulling out.
Telling Reika you'll cum inside and then cum inside multiple times!
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source for these reikas?
>The modder added a mole in her left areola
Muh dick
Based taste
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Hostess shouldn't have such lewd body
>getting off to skin cancer

Too horny
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Never enough
Does she come with the car?
Meant to be impregnated before sending her back to her parents.
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I'd go back with her and become the head of the house, eventually
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I'd come inside her on top of the car
Nut inside Koharu
Nut inside Reika
anybody else have their Z bucks wiped (dmm)? I've gone from hundreds of millions down to around 200k for no discernable reason.
I did notice that they removed the Zack money from the home screen. I still have my Z-bucks, all 290,568,065 of em.
the only other explanation I can think of is I had so many that I went round the clock to zero
You could always raise a CS report, though it would have to be in japanese.
Finally got Momiji and Nanami (twice) for the new year's set on DMM. My rolls are cursed.
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Post More Of This But Topless Please
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What is the source of this hair mod? I very much prefer this lighter tone of yellow.
I'm 99% sure that pic is just reshade sliders turning down the saturation in her hair.
This might be a bit difficult to do without affecting the whole scene, but I will try. I think her original hair is way too orange.
I love Reika
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Also, I love Elise
Yall ever realize Reika is just Honoka with blue hair, slightly smaller boobs, a cuter face, a tighter body, more sex appeal, more cute appeal, better outfits, more elegance and taller?
>Different face
>Different body
>Different personality
>Different hair
Yes that's the joke here
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Post more wet naked Elise
I want more dry clothed Elise
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The new butt pose is favorite pose card in a while. Too bad the head isn't locked in place. I hate working with poses like that.
Made for hardcore breeding in the office while sucking those beautiful tits
Yukino birthday or Reika birthday?
Always bet on Reika.
The one that DMM got last year looks ugly though compared to what Steam got.
Probably this hair color mod?
Momiji is such best girl, holy shit
Nut inside Momiji
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After marriage, of course
Marrying Momiji! Nutting inside Momiji! Cheating on Momiji with Ayane after she's a few months pregnant!
Nut inside Momiji
>Not impregnating both at the same time
Why even marry Momiji if that doesn't give her exclusive access to carry your children though....
Momiji, Ayane and Kasumi should be in Prism.
TN has mentioned that trying to write for the OG girls can be troublesome since they want to have some progress to the character without breaking already established lore/backstory. Like with Kokoro/Marie's TC events.
Momiji, Ayane, Kasumi, Kokoro and Marie Rose should be in Prism.
I rather have Reika, Shandy, Monica, Yukino and Amy.
Reading between the lines it's clear they really mean the OG girls have middling popularity and it's far more economical and easier to reuse the VV gang plus series mascot Honoka. DOA lore is a clusterfuck and it was still a clusterfuck 15 years ago.
I'll have all of them.
Momiji, Ayane, Kasumi, Kokoro, Marie Rose, Reika, Shandy, Monica, Yukino and Amy should be in Prism.
>the OG girls have middling popularity
Not necessarily true for girls like Kasumi, Ayane and Momiji but Leifang, Helena and Tina have that sort of middling popularity.
>far more economical and easier to reuse the VV gang
Probably true as to why we still haven't gotten Nico and Lisa since they're big time VAs. Some of the VV gang do have big VAs (Lobelia, Elise) while the rest are mostly newbies.
>DOA lore is a clusterfuck
Just like any fighting game.
Leifang needs to be in Prism
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>pixiv just banned nyxdoaxvv
For real?
if you're a paypiggy tell the faggot to move to patreon, unifans
subscribestar is stupid and fantia will kill all of his gaijin paypiggies
Nut inside Momiji
Nut inside Momiji
his page instantly got rekt the moment he posted aislop
the reika one was pretty tho
kwab aislop posters
he just began doing ai and his was above other doa ai arts i've seen. i knew it was just matter of time before pixiv go after him
shouldn't have dabbled on aislop
should have just posted it on fanbox or made a deviantart page
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>he just began doing slop and his was above other slop i've seen
AI slop is just slop, no matter how "good" it is.
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>Fanbox or deviantart
Patreon has no shortage of AI slop, should have moved there.
he only usually posts nude penis vacation pictures and has thousands of said images and he wasn't on the shitlist
the moment he posted ai slop on pixiv it gets banhammered in a day kek
now his entire pixiv library is gone, if he's a typical nip he has no archives or doesn't keep them
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His fanbox is still up and Kemono has an archive of his stuff up till May of last year.
kemono's fanbox importer is dead and will never come back
>his fanbox is still up
it will be next on the chopping block
his only real choice is patreon (where it will get scraped by kemono) or unifans
moving to subscribestar will halve his current subs since it's a shit platform who is picky with credit cards
moving to fantia will kill all of his non-japanese subs
Nakadashinami set incoming?
I hope she has a big bush like that one previous animation of her.
Knowing Lazy he'll fumble the bag and only release 3 animations of the best Venus

Kinda like how Amy got ruined ;_;
That short Amy set has a good prone bone animation however, so it was all worth it in the end if you ask me.

Every girl should get a nice prone bone animation.
>That short Amy set has a good prone bone animation
The missionary one was better but lacked a creampie finish
Are these using any makeup mod? Its hard to tell sometimes. Some of mine look great, but Amy kind of looks off for me
Reshade, maybe?
The Amy one is using vanilla models and maybe textures too.
Reika and Elise's ones are totally modded.
Nut inside Amy
>Pajeet makes a rickroll site.
Unironically kill yourself, street shitter.
Definitely reshade, since you can manually adjust saturation etc. That Reika is Niarax and his reshade settings.
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>SFW, bushless Hitomi
Why even bother, anon?
She cute tho. More Tomi is a good thing
Nut outside Hitomi.
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This Tomi' shot turned out really well imo.
My favorite one of that set.
Not nutting inside Hitomi is a sin
Does anyone know the directory of the shower videos?

I moved my Penis Vacation to my newest drive and the launcher is asking me to reinstall.
As in the gacha SR/SSR videos?
I'm pretty sure it's the common folder in the dx11 folder. Somewhere buried in there are the shower videos.
>As in the gacha SR/SSR videos?
Yeah those, I want to download them before I nuke my current installation.
There's also a tanlines file. SAVESUNTAN.DAT I believe
That one is stored locally so if you want to keep your tans back that up too.
I don't use tans, the video files are like 1000kb+ ones right? What is their native format? .mp4?
iirc you add .avi to the end of files to see if they're videos. Try the 100+mb files
DMM about to go into maintenance, new suit perhaps? Or Reika's 3rd set?
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They are .wmv. The sizes vary depending on the scene:
please share
My Tsuk files are like 20mb-30mb except the POW one

POW and half of STM videos are only like 6mb-7mb
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For some reason they encoded only the Tsuk ones at 60fps and never went back to fix it. My guess is someone forgot to apply the standard settings or something.
It's over 2GB worth of files and I'm still missing two for Shizuku, so too much to ask when you could just collect them from your own game files.
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Looks like DMM is finally adding the Reika suit(s).
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I'm missing Shizuku's STM shower scene.

Also the game does deletes older birthday and TC intros, what a bummer.
Season ending pregnancy
It was always scheduled for "January 2025" on the news page since she launched.
Pornstar Reika > Steam birthday Reika > Debut Reika > Sexercise Reika > DMM birthday Reika
going to be absolutely hilarious when reika doesn't go free on steam instead both steam and dmm get an oc banner where reika is dumped behind 4-5 other girls
as in for >us plebs or still goy-only ?
Wasn't it "estimated by end of January 2025" or something similar?

The 3 debut outfits are always paid jewels only.
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It was always just "in/around January 2025". I wonder if we'll get the exact same girls/suits as EN.
>I wonder if we'll get the exact same girls/suits as EN.
I wanna say yes, because TN could just be lazy and reuse banners. On a side note, Colorful Wit was an old suit from when they only had 2 suits on trendies, and were for Hitomi/Leifang IIRC.
Got Kasumi, literally suboptimal since it was a POW suit with an F skill

Dumped 75k to unlock Yukino, got Momiji and 2 more Kasumi instead

Got Nanami the week after
I take it back, they decided to give new trendies on DMM. For a better fit of aesthetics, perhaps.
i'll guess Nanami will have a new suit compare to her steam version
>Steam gets gay Hitomi/Leifang outfit
>DMM gets hot exercise birb, ninja princess, mayor of burning LA
>mayor of burning LA
Nah, there's no way a Texan like Tina would ever become a mayor of LA.
>Nah, there's no way a Texan like Tina would ever become a mayor of LA.
She literally becomes one after DOA4...
Did she? All I remember was the skateboarding and guitar solo.
>After 5, tells Bass that she's planning to run for governor.
>During 6, gets told by Zack that she's too young to run anyways.
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Nut inside Reika
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i was talking about main server
anyway i cant believe reika is till goy only, she was released like what, 8 months ago?
this shit always happens when i save some vstones
>Reika released 8 months ago.
Gotta maximize that FOMO. Or more realistically, trying to sync Reika's free banner for both versions.
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Reika's body is so lewd
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Momiji milkers
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I want to rape Reika
Get in line, buddy.
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These prop mods are getting out of hand.
thats a big nyo
A big birb and a smol Twingo.
It really should've been Ayane with a Kenzo edition, she'd like that one.
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Well, most women do like Twingos, although Nyo would think that a car is kinda dumb if she'd have to respect laws
Unfortunately not all of us can fly, silly youkai.
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What a dumb birb
Birbs mate for life
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Nyo is for breeding for life
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I like how Momiji fans all seem to agree yea she has a tummy piercing. It's cute.
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>Sunrise Dance
>but with bleh girls

At least they were nice enough to give free 10-rolls on old Sunrise Dance, maybe I can finally unlock Nyotengu and Helena
>Koharu, Fiona, Monica
>bleh girls
Even more bleh
>dump 60k stones
>only get Monkers
>Koharu, Fiona, Monica
All made for extended breeding sessions
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anyone else having issues accessing arena on Steam?
It booted me to the title screen, so I'm gonna say it's broken.
Not only that but after going back into the game my fps was ruined until I relaunched.
I finally unlocked Helena, Gold Peace is so hot.

Now only missing Nyotengu, Sayuri, Shandy, Reika and Shizuku.

If only Reika's incoming birthday suit is hot I would have saved 100k for her but last year's Makeup Mare looks a thousand times better.
SS+ and above AI are cheating

They always will default to their higher stat (POW or TEC) ensuring you lose in autobattle more often
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Once you reach end-game builds (F2P) they're not a problem:
What suit is that?
The suit used for stats is the current trendy SR suit from the Event Shop. Nanami's Private Outfit showing in the match is the recent JP xmas suit:
>Helena, Gold Peace is so hot.
I'd agree but I have the worst luck with Helena suits. I never get them when they're trendy.
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Licking the sweat off of reika's pitts till they're completely clean
Reika's pits are salty
Not as salty as Tsuk's.
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Which hole first, anons?
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Meg prepaid card
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I will impregnate Reika
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Nut inside Momiji
Nut inside Reika
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I paypigged 15k paid stones for Koharu pits and didn't get anyone even at constant 3.3%

What a waste of shekels
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Yeah, the droprate fucking sucks
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I unlocked the Wavy Marine suit for Koharu with today's SSR ticket. Now to find a good mod for it and then she'll get some pictures of her in it.
I love this too horny little slut that I paypigged for a non-birthday swimsuit
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Too horny is goddamn nice
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Mai should be added as a guest character in XVV
I got Miji's Sunrise Dance
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These outfits are hot as fuck, but I don't have any of them, always because at this point I'm dry after the end year events.
Miji and Kasumi will make me dry
I don't know why but there's something with the girls wearing that costume that makes me horni as fuck
Even more if they're Momiji and Kasumi
One of the horniest suits along with Eyes on Me, Raise the Sail, Noel Charmant, Sparkling Blue/Red.
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My lovely wife...
Nut inside Momiji
Post more wet naked Momiji
Go on...
momiji should have been on prism
I dunno if Prism would made her justice
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>yukino bday soon
not sure if want or reika roll
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She's called Nanami
Nanami will always get pregnant with me on the island.
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Double JK
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Will rape Ayane, Fiona and Amy
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It still looks pretty bad in motion:
Nostalgia banner here to suck you dry.

Would have swapped out Ayane for Helena, she'd look better in it.
Hitomi > Honk > Kasumi > Birb > Misaki
How large is that Nanami pillow?
What kind of event is this?
Rock climbing iirc
Does DMM not do ranked events anymore?
Reika's 3rd paypig event on DMM is the bomb.

They get really hot and strong suits while Steamoids got trash.

Those black slutsuits are on par with prime coomsuits.
The Producer said since they added the load cache feature they don't plan to do ranked events(where you grind matches) because players that can't use it will be at a huge disadvantage compared to those who can use it. There was a discussion of using the Arena Mode from ENVV as an Event type for JP to give out the Vol.3 Accessory Tickets, but it hasn't happened yet (if that idea wasn't shelved).
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I will lick their pits
the average size of dakimakura, i think
Animations made with AI, doesn't look like mocap anymore
I want to bury my face there
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Monica and Amy look quite damn nice wearing this.
The suit fits perfectly with blondes.
Helena and Yukino would be great on this too. Marie maybe
I will breed this dealer
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This looks like Amy/July's birthday suit from last year just recoloured hence why it's literally sexo.
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> Amy/July's birthday suit from last year
It does look similar to the Radiant Red and the Reincarnation Wisdom.
Radiant Red is just Sparkling Blue but red
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>Radiant Red is just Sparkling Blue but red
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I'm busy playing VV and not this garbage aislop.
I want both
New doa general
>New doa general
get raped, faggot
Bite Monica's huge ass
Sweet baby jesus, look at those thighs!
Lick dealer pits
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People seems to like gyaru Amy
Licking Amy's pits!
Gyaru sexo
There are CC mod for it though
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did koei add this new pose for the users to nut to?
Nut inside Momiji
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It actually works. kek
SSS+ Finals btw.
Best gyaru's birthday!

PV [https://youtu.be/RE2jnuNkyiI]
>Steam has to wait to get this hairstyle
>giving her Tamaki's alt haircut
It's part of this pose.
Nut inside Momiji
>had to redeem Yukino
I think that they didn't realize about it because it happens too fast and is hard to take a proper picture without freezing time
After I posted this one it suddenly started to flow
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>They modelled the outer labia
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New global suit:
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Honoka is a real nigga from the good
Honoka wants to challenge you to a rap battle yo
Honoka is gonna steal yo Jordan's nigga
Check out Honoka's sick wheels nigga
i fucking love jacking off to doa so fucking much
i love it
i love their tits
i love her tits
i love fapping to doa so fucking much
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Free pull ticket.
I like the top, but the bottom seems a bit busy.
Looks like prime bait

>mid TEC suit
>3 POW girls on the popular gacha
>Valentines incoming
>Thief banner incoming
>free Reika next month or March
>Raise the Sail incoming

Also they've fucked Steamoids with Watermelon breaking, instead of a guaranteed high reward you're stuck with percentages even with a Trendy SSR
Do gold chips expire? I'm at the 4500 cap and the casino says 6 days left so I'm worried
Gold chips are only kept for the month. When the casino resets near the end of the month any remaining gold gets converted to silver iirc.

Then a new month starts with more gold to earn.
Guess I better spend them then, thanks.
Indeed it is
I usually spend half for the sparkling stone (the one that gives a lot of XP to the girls) and the rest into the object on sale.
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>SSR with my first 10 draw ticket
Feels good after getting cucked last event
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Well, goddamn I can't enter Steam to play this game
Post more naked Amy
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Got sexcretary after about 50k stones.
Droppin' a dope-ass beat is now on the itinerary.
she looks like she fucks black guys to be honest
The 2nd banner is godawful outside of Elise

1st banner is suboptimal with Nanami, Hitomi, Honkers and Yukino being POW girls
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Prism livestream later today, from 20:00 JST.

Is it just me or is the TEC to POW event suits ratio seriously skewed? Or do I just always somehow stop playing when there's POW events?
I swear I only have TEC suits.
My bad, supposed to be 20:00 Taiwanese time.
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New trailer for Prism

2nd banner has two girls that I really like, but the chance to get them is very low
follow your dreams
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I'm starting to understand why they're giving away daily 10draw tickets
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Meg is free after maintenance in DMM
>Meg and Reika will be free in DMM in a span of couple of months
>Steamoids won't get Meg until a few months later
Called it:
Are you also calling out that you won't get Meg on that banner as well?
I've done it before, but I don't have high hopes.
Kinda disappointing, but I guess it fits Meg.

Lame banner but hot Koharu and sexcretary
was meg popular?
Fun fact I got a warning for that thread, claiming it was a general.(it wasn't)
How does the schizo have so much power?
The schizo is an actual mod
He isn't. If that were true he would just prune every doa thread instantly and there was just a thread that was at the top of the catalog
>and there was just a thread that was at the top of the catalog
Sure doesn't feel like it.
WTF, meg went F2P before Reika?
Are the festival SRs only for paid girls? Noticed they were Shizuku and Reika the last two events.
When a girl is still paid-only they put old Event SR suits in the shop for them since they never rerun events. The only way for you to access those SR suits is to get the paid girl asap.
JP/DMM was always supposed to get Meg first.
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I only have 50k so as much as I want to throw those away trying to get Meg, I'll hold.
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Oh guess I'll never have to worry about it then. Lol paying.
Kasumi and Ayane are going to be too busy in Ninja Gaiden 4 to show up for Prism
I don't think so
Is Reika even free on Japan yet?
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The're going to be too busy being breed to show up in Prism
They should be bred in Prism along with Momiji.
Is there a difference between Momiji's Long and Long 2 hairstyle? I can't find any differences in the homescreen
>from 75k analstones to this
also i totally forgot this girl exsited, i hope they somehow fix that retarded hairdo with a alt oen soon
so i guess >we are gettign reiko in 2026 at this rate
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New thread should be a Momiji thread

Prism Momiji ain't so bad see
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Momiji and Ayane
I do wonder what Ayane will look like tho
DOA5 is on sale, still no Mai
Get out your calipers and measure the pixels to explain how Ninja Gaiden 2 for Xbox Series X|S is censored.
Where is this?
Player select screen for the tag missions. I beat the first boss then went back to main menu and it was there. Not sure if I could have done it sooner.
Can I just use Momiji and Ayane?

No Kasumi unlock?
The only characters I had for just starting the game was Ayane, Rachel, and Momiji.
>Made Ayane less fatty
Also, maybe her boobs are more covered? I dunno
wich game is from?
Ayane looks awesome!
UE5 remastered of Ninja Gaiden 2
Give up, Mai will never come back due to the right owners and franchises, best you can do is to have a separeted pirated version of the game, other than that nope.
A UE5 remake of Ninja Gaiden 2 was released alongside announcing Ninja Gaiden 4

The costume list looks like they just used the costumes from NINJA GAIDEN Σ2 minus anything that might have been a crossover.
Gentlemen, TC Honoka is coming. Details to be shown on the next livestream on the 28th.

Teaser [https://youtu.be/XED2gw8t4AI]
>free Meg
>Honk TC
>free Reika
Steam BTFO
>free Reika
There is still some time before Reika becomes free on DMM, considering that her last debut banner just finished. Maybe 2-3 months more.

>Max image replies
We should make a new thread.
Will the event change gacha and shop items halfway through? I remember it happening before but this one seems to have a lot more stuff to buy
Gacha banners have the end date indicated on the header.
Event shop end date is normally indicated on the event page and event shop (near the top of every item). They leave the shop open for another week after the event ends for players to spend all their event currency (at least for DMM, DMM player here).
If the event has multiple parts, it normally titled (First Half) or (Second Half).
Cool thanks
Also look at the end date for Event matches. When those end you will not be able to grind the currency they drop any more. In the case of split Events you can trade double the new currency for the old currency through the Event Shop though.
>We should make a new thread.
already done >>2933805

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