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File: discophrenia 15 game Hendrick's Gin.swf-(1.55 MB, 550x400, Game)
You may or may not like this.
Hendricks Gin ad is such a bop,
So I tried to cover it
And then I made a dungeon crawler.
And this is the result
This game sucks, dont take it too seriously.
I am still fixing bugs

I made all of it.
How embarassing; I know how to fix the multiline console text in ruffle, but I cant update it. I'll try again later. Sorry guys
don't beat yourself up
Is the joke that you just eventually die to the dumb battles and never escape? Not terrible, but at least let me use the arrow keys.
There is a good ending;

My laptop arrow keys kinda shit the bed while making this; so I couldn't add in simple arrow functions, and I hear that.
I'm a fast clicker, but I did have an advantage from having two mice to click with: the trackpad mouse buttons and an actual mouse.
Success hinges on killing the enemies before they run away. If they run away, you don't get exp and don't get a full heal. It's not fun, but it's interesting.
I've been following your discophrenia posts since the first one. It's always nice to see new stuff, OP.

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