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/f/ - Flash

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File: Sam sings a song to shadow.swf-(1.42 MB, 550x400, Game)
Shadow: So i was riding my bike home after killing AM when all of a sudden i rode past some guy with a red sword and i thought he looked cool so i stopped to exchange data but then all of a sudden he started singing to me........ wtf?
Dear god this is amazing
you are a god among men
There will never be another King of /v/ campaign like this
what the flipping fuck
I laffed it wus funnee
I voted Shadow just to make /v/ seethe.
I can understand Mr. DeusX
why shadow the edgehog all of a sudden though?
Hes the coolest.
Will you make a new Shadow flash animation for the finale of King of /v/?
i wont but maybe Xx_JACKSON-SHADOWFAN_2002_xX will....... who knows?

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