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>tfw turning 30 in a month but people still think you're around 19
feels fucking AMAZING
you have 1-3 years really, enjoy it
why is that?
i dunno ask GOD, im in my 30s and know shitload people in their 30s and could see day-by-day change going in that time period. well men have it easy when it comes to aging, women hit wall with full force sadly.
Not OC, but at 34 I've started to feel the effects of aging.
>Recovery time is slower at the gym (be it weights or high intensity cardio, even tennis)
>First knee injury from over training (see above)
>Generally more random aches and pains, digestive sensitivity
>Noticing stray gray hairs
>Hair thinning out on the crown of my head
>Metabolism slightly slower

I'm still very active and my diet has improved. Let the aging process inspire you to improve as a means to counteract the inevitable.
But you will start feeling the effects of aging, especially if you are active.
If you don't stay fit and thin from now on, you WILL turn into an uncle with a dad bod by the time you cross your mid 30's. Your joints will start stiffening up, your posture will get fucked up, you will lose your flexibility and agility, and as a result you will move around like a dad.
That's not a good thing
At 30 you should already look like a man
Jett was like mid 40s
I sure hope you've developed a healthy lifestyle because time is running out. Don't let time catch up to you, lift, stay hydrated, wear sun screen.
Gosh, who knew that not smoking would be beneficial for your body and in turn your looks.
op here, funny enough, i smoke since i was 18
it has fucked up my stamina but hasn’t done a thing to my skin or looks
>it has fucked up my stamina but hasn’t done a thing to my skin or looks
That all changes in your 30s.
I'm 40 and people still think I'm in my late 20s or early 30s. It's interesting because I often get hit on by 20 something girls and also sad when I think they're actually older than they really are because they're so haggard and busted.
women are a whole another story
they’re looking like wine aunts by the time they’re 22 and they make it worse with makeup and plastic surgery
It's absolutely insane how many women in their late 20s look utterly busted. I'm 28 and women my age almost always look much older than me. The first wrinkles, uneven or even unhealthy looking skin... The wall is absolutely brutal.
nasolabial folds kick in
Not all women age that badly
I'd go as far as to say that a lot of women age better because they use a lot more sunscreen, have a skincare routine and probably have some understanding of aesthetics/looksmaxing more than a normie dude has
Average guy looks like utter shit by late twenties

Men have better potential for anti ageing and looking good till late, but it's mostly squandered on retards who get skinny fat, don't do anything about balding and let themselves go with fast food, alcohol and other distractions
Also living sedentary
>have a skincare routine
that's literally fucking up their skin at younger ages because they get on too many products and most of them aren't even appropriate for their age. the guy using a shitty sunscreen he bought on sale at wal mart is gonna have better skin than most women in their early 20s already hooked on 40 minute skincare routines.
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just block DHT and you won't hit second puberty which really ages you fast.
and yes that shit will hit you fast, this is why all roiders have that inflamed skin look, the skull growth is irreversable too.
tbf the guy on the right looks way better
i've never thought of myself as gender dysphoric before but the thought of turning into the golem on the right fills me with the worst dread.
either meme or cope, at least from my pov
I work at a private HS and the ones in their thirties are fuckable as fuck, the zoomette students can't even compete
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This brings joy to my test maxing gym schizo heart
What's wrong with right? Left looks like a lesbian.
if you want to look like a middle aged retired wrestler who never got anywhere, sure

If I ever age I'm going ER and roping.
That "skincare" routine is the reason why most women age like milk in the first place. They rub all these degenerate chemicals into their skin since the age of like 10 which destroys and ages their skin horribly by the time they're in their 20's.
> just block DHT
can you illustrate how it can be done?
I spray topical finasteride on my balls i hope that's good enough
Finasteride for 90% effectiveness or Dut if you want to nuke it up to 99%
Also you stop hairloss

If I had nuked dht at 18 my face wouldn't have matured so much by 22 and I would have remained better looking than I am now, I wouldn't have gotten hair on my back and I wouldn't have had to spend a lot of time and money regrowing the hair on my crown, dht is pure cancer, if you don't get rid of it, by yout 30s or 40s it will have turned you into one of those bald, hairy, fat middle aged men with aged skin
Moisturising your skin and using a sunscreen doesn't ruin your skin. Ret/tret shouldn't be taken early unless acne is an issue. You're making up broscience.
Another broscience post. Women that age like shit typically had craploads of sun exposure, alcohol usage, poor dietary habits and lack of sleep. I don't know what ghetto whores you hang around but most women do look better than men their age. Not randomly having your hair nuked helps a ton for not looking old too. I'm fully convinced muh wall posting is just bitter unattractive retards coping.
I'm being real. Too many autists here cope with muh men age like fine wine when the average normie looks like utter shit.
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>retard thinks nuking your skin with 50 different chemicals everyday for years is good for you
Bitch, we've got literal teenagers and 20 something zoomers these days in most of the western world that look like 40 year old hags, despite barely going outside. And it's because they've been using makeup and garbage "skincare" routine since they were children, thanks to the influence of social media.

People were eating shitty junk food even in the 90's and 2000's, but girls back then didn't age nearly as bad as today's zoomers and ipad babies because they didn't start wearing makeup so early in their lives. Back then only the "hot" queen bee types used to wear makeup. The rest of them at the most used moisturizers. But these days, even the uglies think they are hot models thanks to social media and simps and abuse makeup, making them age worse.
your pic is the result of plastic surgery addiction, not skincare chemicals destroying your skin
doesnt that shit give u a beard and body hair?
i dont want to become a gross bear :/
>doesn’t it make your more manly
Shit you just sold me on fin
You posted a sixty year old woman or however old Madonna is. Wtf are you smoking? She's had tons of filler and anyone with a brain knows it will bog you unless you really know what you are doing.

Are those supposed zoomers that look fifty in the same roof as you? How the fuck would you now any if they never go outside? It just sounds like you're making up shit completely. If anything looking back even twenty years ago people in their teens and twenties used to look way older than their age compared to people now. People look younger than ever in the history of mankind lmao. I bet you're on of those retards that is pushing 40 in looks but thinks that they look 10 years younger.
It does the opposite; DHT can make you grow a ton of body hair and facial hair while also nuking your hair. It depends on individual genetics but you should have less body hair, somewhat better skin and better density on your head/potential regrowth.
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>looking back even twenty years ago people in their teens and twenties used to look way older than their age compared to people now
Thats true of al eras tb.h
People keep getting younger and younger looking
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what is this supposed to prove? that receding hairlines age men? no shit. if jason alexander had a full head of hair like chalakek he would've definitely looked 29 years old. the fucked hairline ages him 10 years at least
Jason Alexander is legit 29 in the picture, but he looks about 45.
that's not true. his skin is fine and in mint condition. far better than most women at 29 these days. it's just his hairline that ages him
FWIW I have used DHT blockers (finasteride and dutasteride) for 10+ years now. I am almost 32 and I get comments all the time about how young I look. Just had my annual physical yesterday and my T levels were right in the middle of the expected range and my free testosterone was in the upper band. You will be fine.
his hairline and glasses age him, his skin is quite good
dont be a roidtranny and you will be fine
refer to >>18053307 again retard
>hehehe women hit the wall at 30 while men age like fine wi- ACK!!!!
Women who wear makeup tend to have less acne that women who don't wear makeup. This is because they tend to touch their face less and also wash their face more.
>from victim weight søyboy to true masculine Chad in 1 year
>he's upset because now he looks "old"
What a fucking dork. He looks way better on the right.
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>the ones in their thirties are fuckable as fuck
Now try looking at their mugs without all the clown makeup.
did you grow tits too? does you dick work still?
its not only his hair, its his body too
jason already had a dad bod, complete with barrel chest and rounded shoulders, while tim is still a full on twink
jason is just one of those dudes no matter what he fixed he still always going to look 45 for his while adult life, skeleton genes are so important
Guys like op and other retards itt think they can pass as younglings but in reality they look like strange overgrown children. High estrogen and a pampered sheltered lifestyle help a bit with wrinkles but everything else ages normally and people can see.
That's a delusion that is common in aging women that have nothing else going for them except their looks.
t. roastie or bitter male who's given up on respecting/caring about themselves
im 36 and i still get carded at the weed/liquor stores. they all say that young guys these days look fucked up and old as hell. i blame supplements and energy drinks. i have a full head of hair (albeit greying) but also exercise regularly and eat healthily and spend a lot of time in nature and get vitamin d. oh and another thing is a lot of young guys are prone to wearing their favourite hat which just contributes to hair recession. stop wearing hats guys! you look like a dork wearing a hat in church anyway..
Fin increases testosterone by 15% usually so this doesn't come off as a surprise
i'm a 29yo male, once you get visible nasolabial folds it is absolutely literally over, shit ages you 15 years
most guys who work and study 5 days of the week would feel me, not leeching NEET parasites like yourself who's never been stressed in your life
they actually look the same, kek
Sure post a pic young man
I honestly feel like men in their 30s are deluded about how young they look. Just because you aren't balding or obese doesn't mean you look 19
you sound salty
im OP, 29, i go to school still (bad choices) and zoomers dont seem to have the slightest idea that im older than them. most of them actually treat me like their younger brother
i do the “-how old are you? -guess” thing and ive never have gotten a number over 21, sometimes even 16-17, it’s actually fucking insane, most of the time i feel wrong just knowing im like fooling everyone
that and getting carded everywhere, being called ‘boy’ or ‘kid’, attracting really young girls and guys etc etc you may not believe it but it happens, and im not the only one ive met
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Hair is the most important thing about this, honestly. I read somewhere on 4chan about hair theory and I've seen it's pretty much true.
I was browsing leddit and saw perfect example. Nigga went from 32/married/second kid incoming to 23/fresh out of college/looking for pussy with just a haircut.
you should have kids at 23. I had my first 1 at 22 and now my third at 27
They are. People overrate how young they look. It can happen but it isn't that common. I've met a few men and women who I thought were much younger than their real, chronological age in their early thirties, but they were fairly rare and they never said anything about them looking younger. No one ever posts a picture to back up their claims because they know they'll get called out for lying. I remember a few people who made such claims posting their faces in a similar thread on another board and they all looked like they were pushing their forties. They all had the same bullshit why they self delude, getting carded, etc. It's near impossible to look that young in your thirties. I've only seen one person who can pass as a teenager in mid thirties and that's a gay tiktoker named Pierre Boo. He's also gay and became obsessed with looking younger to get TV roles.
People will call you salty but they forgot extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Your hairline is your age but the guy also has great fat pads, youthful skin, nearly zero eyebags and very healthy coloring. Hes has tear throughs but that is his bones rather than his skin.
>no pic posted
Yep told ya
How is that amazing? I'm 32 and look 22 and I fucking hate it. No one respects me and I look like a giant baby. I can't even grow facial hair.
>No one ever posts a picture to back up their claims because they know they'll get called out for lying.
A picture cannot capture a person's essence. They know that people tell them they look young, but posting a picture is not going to prove it so who cares?
You will never be a woman, you /r9k/ tranny.
Mine aren't anywhere near that visible, but I worry about them.
why are you trying to fuck low class zoomers and not trying to have a wife and family?
Yeah but he looked the same in flashback scenes
That sounds like a complete cope.
You're such a tremendous faggot, both by how you look and type, and there's tonnes of trash behind you.
>still in college
I knew everyone on this board was a retard
Spot on
It's rare to have the genes or dedication to look younger than their real age
Most of the time when people say someone looks younger what they really mean is that they still look attractive/fuckable
and before anyone says muh some celebrity looks younger
Yes it happens, but they're usually good looking to start off with + have good routine + surgical treatments
Some random normie deluding himself that he's still hot is just cope to the max
What is it about “people” in their 30s that makes them so insecure about their age? Like seriously every one of these threads is full of “people” in their 30s talking about how young they look and how hot they still are. I never see people in their 20s or 40s talking about that shit. It’s always “people” in their 30s asking people to guess their age and believing that getting ID’d is some testament to eternal youth
why do western men want to look young?
where I live everyone wants to look older
that's only the case in US
I have receding hairline and keep getting ID'd
Low testosterone & wasted youth
I'm a man. Late twenties. I see too many delusional retards who clearly look their age think that they're younger because they got ID'd. I've gotten ID last month, but I clearly don't look under 18 or anywhere near that age. It's just procedure.
because looking young gets you 18-20 year olds, I can still pull an 18 year old at 32 if theyre drunk enough because I have hair
That's sexual assault
imagine some old busted bitch sucked your dick and you got jumpscared the day after waking up to a literal hag
>That's sexual assault
nope, they consent to it lmao, just as all the 18-22 year old escorts I use

keep coping roastie
lmao i cant post a pic because im kind of a well known of """"model"""" and everyone thinks im younger obviously
>I remember a few people who made such claims posting their faces in a similar thread on another board and they all looked like they were pushing their forties. They all had the same bullshit why they self delude, getting carded, etc. It's near impossible to look that young in your thirties. I've only seen one person who can pass as a teenager in mid thirties and that's a gay tiktoker named Pierre Boo. He's also gay and became obsessed with looking younger to get TV roles.
>People will call you salty but they forgot extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
yeah those are deluded attention seekers.
my last 3 WAYWT posts i was specifically called out for looking like a zoomer, young, or as one anon said "a real trucker would rape you in that jacket" you can probably find my pics from that if you really want to, then seethe about how i probably look younger than you going on 40.
finasteride works.
im a man, getting someone drunk and smashing is an easy way to get into legal trouble you complete retard
Link posts I can't be bothered to read the whole thread
itd be one of the old threads i post like 2 fits a year these days
no one is going to go through archives to find you
either post yourself or stfu
sure i will. but do me a favor first so i can get a lol out of this: post a selfie with your age.
I'm not posting shit you faggot. I'm not the one larping as younger.

this you?
thats because zoomer men are balding at 16 now
The truth is that
Feel young
You're old now
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I'm 28 and I got carded last time I went out drinking with friends last week
Is that typical midlife crisis time? My wife and I always are thought to be younger by a few years. We don't drink alcohol at all, no tobacco or drugs. I need to drink more water and sleep better though. I just want to age gradually and avoid any major health issues as long as possible. Simone Pace from Blonde Redhead is 60, so he's my inspiration for being cool and healthy for as long as possible.
More like quarter life crisis. Midlife crisis is more of a 40s and specially 50s thing.
Maybe if times were good. Lot of Millennials are probably pessimist, and don't expect to live very long.

For me
>I need to drink more water
You probably don't. Consume hydrating foods such as eggs, dairy, oranges and only drink when you're thirsty. Overhydration is a thing.
I mean, I've been having water with my meals instead of soda or other junk. I've lost about 14 pounds just from doing stuff like that. I don't have any kind of junk food on hand except for mini cokes or tonic water to make espresso tonic or really want something carbonated.
It entirely depends on the person. Biological age is the only thing that matters and biological age wildly varies. Some people age slow, some people age fast. Some people will naturally have very little muscle while others will have good muscles without training. Some people have stamina that remains even if they're fat, others will be out of breath going up a flight of stairs when skinny. Genetics is what matters. Not the chronological age. Take athletes. They're physically done usually by mid to late thirties. That might sound awfully early, but consider that they've been grinding their bodies since a very early age and working at an elite level. If anything it is a MIRACLE that athletes can go so long, and a testament to what modern medicine can do, when you consider the average person and how they're already showing signs of physical decay in their twenties, and that is after a largely sedentary lifestyle. If you made them train like an elite athlete from an early age most would be done very, very soon. This is why I think some people age like utter garbage with roids while others can seemingly go through it pretty fine. Compare average roider that ages ten years after one cycle vs someone like Arnold who aged pretty good considering the stress he put his body through + all the shit he took.

GENES is what matters.
Everyone who says they look 20 despite being much older needs to post pics right fucking now. If you don't I'll just assume you're lying for 4chan clout which, honestly, how pathetic
It's an ego/coping thing. Sometimes it genuinely happens, but looking MUCH younger than your true age is very rare. Either insane genetics or a very deliberate and dedicated effort. You won't see much of either on this website. People are really good at picking up someone's age. It's bit of a misconception when it is just wrinkles that show true age. Loss of fat pads around the eyes and upper face, bigger nose and ears, higher hairline, lack of luster/shine in the hair, eyes looking less bright, more prominent eyebags and bone resorption to name a few things. I think in theory it is definitely possible to anti-age hard with the right genetics and starting off early without major damage, but it's out of scope for most people. Even people who are somewhat aware of anti aging focus more on topical treatments when nutrition is far more important. Having top percentile diet is better than any skincare product, although those things are useful on top of everything else. If there was an easy and effective antiageing protocol everyone would use it, but there isn't because it requires a pretty high IQ and dedication to even bother reading into the topic even at the surface level.
As far as nutrition. I never realized how ubiquitous drinking alcohol was.
It is a poison indeed
Terrible how the scamdemic has made binge drinking so common. I love the occasional drink or smoke but man the people who were drinking 3 or more drinks a day for lack of better things to do are having the effects of that catch up with them
its all genetics.
maybe a bit of it was growing up on private well water instead of tap.

did in the other thread seething about the same topic.

sounds like coping.
most dudes hit second puberty at 22. if you're hitting second puberty at 30+ you had a hormonal issue throughout your 20s and likely can't procreate
I need to try that haircut on the right I pretty much look like this guy with darker hair.
who wants to have kids anyway lmao what a fucking loser
The dose makes the poison, but yeah most of us aren't old italians/japs sipping on a glass of wine/sake a day.
Faurk. U actually used to look young for my age. My sister sent me one of those "reminder" Snapchats from 4 years ago when the pandemic started and I looked a lot younger. I was 28 and still in school and people were actually shocked when I told them my age. Drinking, and working outside with no sunscreen (I'm so stupid) aged me. Oh and I have a bunch of gray hair.
Even my sister said that I used to look young but now I look my age (32). It's over for me. At least I have my hair
any normal people, having a family is a wonderful thing and one of the most enjoyable things in life
Sorry, which one is supposed to be the "good" one here?
Post your pic here
second one
how much did u drink? every day?
Looking younger than you are might be a good predictor of sexual success, but a bad predictor of financial success
I work as a physician and every time my patient is some drug addicted trainwreck who never had a job, he looks like a teenager even if he's 30. Meanwhile my coworkers often look rather old for their age, so do patients who are in intellectual careers (especially engineers, I've lost count of how many had early baldness and excessive body hair). But when I see homeless dudes, they always have full perfect heads of hair
Maybe it has something to do with genetic sensitivity to DHT, which ages you terribly, but also works as a neurotransmitter improving your cognitive function or maybe even giving you a certain set of personality traits that predispose to success
women hit wall with full force sadly.

they deserve it. look at their behavior.
fuck alcohol
I used to drink often when I was a student
now in this year I've had 1 beer so far, I will drink only a glass of wine on special occasions.
Alcoholism is really bad in my country, my friend is probably a high functioning one, I am kinda sad for him, he will be in his 30's and will start looking like his 50.
This plus sedentary lifestyle and shitty diet ages you 2 times faster it's scary.
All this talk about dht now I’m wondering if I should stop taking creatine
They literally card everyone you fucking moron
>This plus sedentary lifestyle and shitty diet ages you 2 times faster it's scary.
Those two combined yeah, but a sedentary lifestyle alone would age you slower than if you work outside at construction sites.
This is only good if you're going for a twink look to get railed by men at bathhouses. In every other aspect of life looking much younger than your age is a negative. No one respects you or takes you seriously, and you are often severely underestimated to the point where it harms your career potential
zoomer women are obsessed with anime and kpop, yeah men don't respect guys who look too young and feminine but teenage girls are very into them from my observations
>gays don't go for masculinity
you obviously don't know any openly gay people, are you a boomer or in russia?
I'm speaking from experience there. Not every fag is in to the cismale FtM look
this. i'm a twink and im into twinks.
Im 36 and balding severely
relatable :(
Left looks like a redditor caricature, right looks like a 50 year old who peddles gear out a locker room. Neither are where you wanna be in your early 20s anon.
finasteride ASAP bro
Which is why women were meant to stay virgin and get married within the age of 25. The age of 25 and up is supposed to be the time they spent raising their children, not whoring around in the peak of their youth and then decide to "settle down" in their 30's and 40's, when their eggs start to rot and their bodies become old and wrinkled.
Researcher vs DJ. Take your pick, you can dress and act for either.
>feels fucking AMAZING
Feels like absolute shit

I cant even grow a beard at 32, even zoomers can at least grow thick mustaches
It's because everybody in the healthcare field is haggard from going through med school and the retarded residency hours.
Could be that the site attracts ppl who've spent most of their days being sedentary. That or they're simply deluded.
dancing is a good counter to this
sounds stupid, but going dancing makes you fit because of just the fucking calories burned and the general “youthfulness” related to it
the gene that makes you introverted and neurotic (melancholic), which makes you end up on 4chan, is also responsible for slowing down your aging
bullshit I'm 26 have a free level of 911 and stil look like a teenager
pero porque pareces (eres) joto wey
>this cope
sure they do, bro
As a 35 year old I always lose my shit laughing when I see this picture because I know so many people who talk like this, just be happy you look your age, looking older is when you have problems
If you're male and don't lift and work a physical job, and look like it, then it's literally over for you no matter what age you are.
mainly dudes just want to keep their hairline.
you're fat and soft and that pushes out your wrinkles, dipshit.
What is your secret, frens?
t 26 look around 19
>be 19
>look 30
i dont even look 30 in the good way but in the alcoholic drug addict way
stop shitting up my favorite boards and just lurk like a normal person, namefag
>source: my ass

>am 34 years old
>have no sign of these folds
lol, i guess being an emotionless robot who doesn't smile has it's perks
Moisturizer (any is fine)
Cleanser (Cerave)
Cicaplast Baume (La Roche Posay)

Moisturize in the morning and any time after taking a shower or if you have dry skin. Cleanser before bed and then follow that with the cicaplast. Try to fix your diet too and get enough sleep. Sunscreen if you need it
My condolences to hear that you work 80 hours a week.
I am turning 29 and had someone that was aged 25 ask if I was old enough to work at the store where we sell alcohol. This happens frequently. (USA drinking age 21). I've stayed indoors most of my life and hit puberty at like age 16-17. My entire family looks very young so I am pretty sure its genetic. Never watched my diet. When I was 20 people thought I was 14, always 5-6 years behind my current age is peoples guesses, including people my age or younger, not just elderly people.
Because I'm a 30 years old virgin and still hope to molest 14 year old girl somehow
That shit hit me at the age of 25 lol
>you look like a dork wearing a hat in church anyway..
You are a dork if you go to church. Magic isn't real you LIGHTING BOLT larping loser.
its all about genes
Metabolism is a meme
read through the whole thread. Seeing all these insecure little bitches made me feel better about myself big up /fa/
wish I was american so I would be admired instead of bullied for looking young

Kinda, you do need less calories to maintain your body as you get older. But it's a very slight difference, really something you'll only notice if you're already on the cutting edge of being lean and interested in maintaining that.

Metabolism is a meme for people using it as an excuse for being overweight.. If you have a 'slower metabolism' i.e. your resting burn rate is low then account for it in your diet.
twinks are in right now, globally
if youre not getting pussy/bussy youre doing something wrong
Does shit diet trigger the wall?
>binge eaten daily for the past 5 years, honestly don't know how I'm not dead or at least diabetic yet
>facial bone structure and fat distribution still youthful but skin quality is that of a 40 year old man's and I have expression lines
I can turn back time right???

I don't really feel the age thing yet. I've worked out my whole life. Always making gains in the gym. constantly growing. in b4 cope

I feel like im 25 still. I also don't have kids and surround myself with people younger.

its a choice to be the "old" person.
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Basement dwelling means you dont go out
Not going out means your skin doesnt get damaged
not going out actually makes you look younger, but that’s only if you stay in shape
being fat will always make you look older
Pic on the left looks younger to me. Strange
I'll never give up my quest of banging 20 sometbings
You're young enough to bounce back, correct that shit starting today. A healthy diet is the most effective buffer against aging
man I have already got the young face but my hairline also receded quite a bit which make my forehead looks bigger, planning to do a hair transplant for the middle part later on.
He still looks like shit and a degenerate subhuman.
well maybe don't get drunk and do stupid things lmao.
What causes this so I can avoid it??
Killing yourself at a young age will stop it
microplastics kick in.
>Stay indoors or always wear sunscreen when you're outside
>Get lots of sleep

This will keep you looking young. I'm actually older than my brother and he looks older than me because he's sleep deprived / stressed out and always outside.
dont laugh
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wow it's almost like type casting is a thing and chalamet tries his hardest to preserve his youth for specific roles
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>mfw turning 40 and still have a lot of hair that's going grey in just the right way
If you got hair problems, I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but my strands ain't one
I'm not sure I believe if. I feel like that's his dad or uncle.
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I was mistaken for a high schooler until I was 26
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>buy suit
>cashier asks if I am going to prom because I still look 15 at 28
post bussy
dont be mad at looking like costanza, that guy is a fucking slayer. this is peak masculine appearance, not your faggy fairy bullshit that'll be gone by 40.
unironically dont ever laugh/smile.
Mrigashira Ascendant bros we can't stop winning
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Post face and I guarantee absolutely NO ONE will think you look 19. You won't, though. Old guys who think they look young never do. They always look their age.
i wish i could so i could shut all your stupid mouths
Nice cope manlet. Costanza is a pathetic loser and that's the point of his character. Absolutely hilarious though
They all were losers. That's the point.
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>>tfw turning 30 in a month but people still think you're around 19
>feels fucking AMAZING
haha shes still got it
But doctor, I just see two faggots
mfw women at work wanna act independent but need a guy to bring of the 5gallon water jug. smfh side to side
No it doesnt. Keep using facial cream and serums and you stay hella young for years without the stupid ass botox surgery
If you go outside and drink a lot it ages your skin.
Not saying that's a good idea but it will fix the "problem." Just keep in mind there's no way to unage your skin.
i'm 49 and people think i'm 39
just lather yourself in sunscreen and youll be fine
Laughing and no sunscreen. It's like the creases on your shoes, they're going to appear eventually, the trick is delaying them.
>live in rural area
>nowhere to go dancing anywhere nearby
Life sucks
>people thought I was an adult professional at like 17
>I never get carded
I don’t even think I look that old
Literally went from a lesbian to moreplatesmoredates, holy fuck
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This is an autistic video I took in a bathroom, I’m turning 29 in a few months
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It's been at least a month since this thread was made, happy birthday OP :)
you look like a girl
would fuck though if thats a plus
im 28 and this 22 y/o zoomette is trying to mommy me and won't take me seriously ever
Also, drinking alcohol and smoking is still quite ubiquitous. People can benefit from not doing that.
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Apparently the reason people look so young these days (i.e the "I'm 34 but look 20") is because zoomies just look so fucking ruined and aged that everyone older just looks the same age as them.
Right is a more dated haircut
thanks anon, has my birthday last week, it was nice :3
sleeping on your side
I doubt it desu

Unless you're black don't crack, asian don't raisin, or Latino don't expire-o

Whitoid brothers tend to age faster than other ppls

I'm 29 but get carded sometimes and match with women in their early 20s, I'm Latino though, still though I can see some aging coming in with crows feet or whatever that shit is called

But even then I had to get a hair transplant and apply sunscreen, my wfh job means I don't get much sun

Tretinoin after a skin routine helps at night

It is nice when 18-24yos still find you attractive

But one has to be proactive to not look older and you also gotta watch out for the Norwood reaper and collagen reaper and get your sleep

I haven't come on here in a long time desu

I saw some "doomer" outfit fit on reddit and it reminded me of this board
thanks man
is that you?
you look like shit
you look mid 30s and like a gay latinx
Nice filter faggot, I know you don't actually have that perfect face complexion
hey mr mexican. i have a question: why do straight hispanic men sound so gay? like they speak with a gay accent but are straight??
no fkn way, killing it!
>also works as a neurotransmitter
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I don't know, my voice is deep or whatever and sometimes I get told I sound "white" but other times I pick up a bit of an accent when I listen to myself

Must be a geographic thing idk how beaners in Chicago or Texas talk like

I'm in southern Cali but go down to Mexico alot and have way more exposure to Spanish so idk
Why didn't you save her, anons?
I'm 59 and get confused for 29
How much stretching and similar low impact workouts do you do? Being flexible and limber can help a lot with some of these.
I have an idea
Let's take all these 30-35 year old men that brag about looking like teenagers, right, and send them to concentration camps. Let's just send them to die.
Hi 35 yo roastie
Zoomers look like teenagers in their 30s because they are low test. They never fully develop secondary sex characteristics because their hormones were nuked by microplastics and estrogen in the water.
Beats looking like a lesbian
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I'm turning 29 in a few weeks. I've looked pretty much the same since high school.
>Dad was in his 50s before he even started noticing any gray hairs
>Still had people thinking he was in his 30s and the youngest of his siblings despite being older by like five years
>Coworker of his when he got a new job even tried setting him up with her 20 something daughter
>Never took care of his skin, ate like shit, worked nights for years, barely sleeps, and prone to stressing out
>Grandpa's also like fucking 90 and still has a full head of hair
Think I'm gonna be okay, bros.
pitifully low t
is that a knocked loose hoodie lmao??
do you use makeup??? you fucking fag
No because I'm going to find you and kill you
>If you don't stay fit and thin from now on, you WILL turn into an uncle with a dad bod by the time you cross your mid 30's.
Good thing I'm not an amerifag then
>went from looking like an irish dyke to polish construction worker
>Muh gym
Never set foot in one and don't have a single gray hair. Gym ages the body.
this is only a thing for amermongrels
>looking younger then your age is cope!
2 people post their pics proving they look like literal teenagers while they are pushing 30 lol. millenials really are the youngest looking gen for some reason
This. Sometimes I’ll run into someone I used to know from high school on the bus and the ones who drank tons of energy drinks in high school look really disheveled. If you look even somewhat presentable the driver is more likely to ID you if you try to buy an under 21s ticket.

>wearing a hat in church
Anon you know you’re not supposed to do this as a guy in church?

I don’t see why they’d don’t wash their faces with soap suds from a bar of imperial leather and reduce your intake of seed oils. That’s how I lost 40lbs and got rid of my acne.
feels great man
>can't shake the imposter infiltrator feeling when I'm 32 and hang out with friends who still have vertical drivers licenses and they don't know
>all these people being proud about looking "young"
I developed crippling body image issues and almost trooned out because I looked like "old young person". After I managed to look like "young old person" instead, things turned much better for my mental health. Like I know most people aren't as mentally ill as me but seeing 30 year old man with head full of hair and clean shave looks just weird because they still have the face shape of an adult which makes them look even older in my eyes. Extra points if they have long hair and 5clock shadow.
>Genes so good other people are driven to a homicidal rage
Yeah, I'm gonna be okay.
multivitamins aren't gonna turn you grey lmao
Why do you have folds at 29 lol, I never see anyone under 40 with folds
Fucking cringe
alcohol and cigarettes can do a number on you
go carnivore/keto

look up glycation and how it affects skin
The truth is it's like 50% genetics, 25% diet, 15% exercise and sleep, 5% style, and 5% skincare.

I'm 30, still look 19, my mom and dad are both 50 and still look 30. Some people just naturally age slower for some reason. There are studies on this, but I'm not about to go cite that shit, just look it up yourself.

If you don't have the first 50% covered, you'd better be perfect with the rest, or you'll age like milk, and probably die early. The diet part is the hardest, especially if you live in the U.S, all our food is horribly processed and void of nutrients. You have to learn to make everything fresh. You need fiber, from food, not pills, and you need to cut down on sugar and sodium... and drop the caffeine ffs.

It's hard to get into the lifestyle, but it's worth it, even with my slow-aging genes and athletic lifestyle, I felt like an immortal once I get my diet and sleep polished up. And once you're used it, it gets way easier. I used to be addicted to soda, but it genuinely disgusts me now, it's so damn sweet, I feel nauseous after just a few sips.
They also had no idea about sunblock back then
There's no zoomers in their 30s....
I've never seen fat guys say this, they act like their obesity is a product of aging and not their American diets
It's literally just weight. When you're thin in a nation that's 80% obese you're gonna get assumed younger because thinness is heavily associated with youth despite there being so many overweight young people
sculptra nigga
People with big noses tend to have them early
stray gray hairs is literally the only thing that's a mind fuck
>I've never seen fat guys say this, they act like their obesity is a product of aging and not their American diets
the ammount of people my age(30) who have given up healthy lifestyles after 23 and just got fat is insane, I still do my college football workouts and workout 5 times a week. the just say theyre again and getting old so its an excuse to gain 90lbs
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I hear yeah, brehs. I am 45 but think I could possibly pass or 25. Based genetics.
no you dont look like a girl, no you dont look hot, you look like a ghoul that's never set foot in sunlight in his entire life. your skintone matches the fucking sink dude. i bet you'd catch fire if you put your finger out in the sun
bro dont ever post madonna or a woman making kissie faces again i just came on myself from her blowing kisses at me
some zillenials are in their early 30s now, theyre at least half zoomer
No, they're not. Zoomers start at 97 or 98 depending on what source you look at. You remind me of a 45yr old gen xer I know who identifies as millenial
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I started at a new job back in November. Everyone is just turning either 30 or 50. I let slip that I'm turning 30 in July to one of my coworkers last week, and now I have random people coming up to me to make comment on it, because they all thought I was fresh out of highschool and apparently it's BIG NEWS in the warehouse. It'd be a big ego trip if I weren't visibly autistic and functionally non-verbal.
>biological female
They still wouldn't settle with you.
>identifies as millenial
Sound like something you’d see in a boomer comic kek
Zoomers can't tell how old people are. I assume social media has destroyed their pattern recognition. My 20YO friend thought I was his age until I told him I'm 30, yet I haven't gotten carded in 6+ years.
who the fuck wants to be alive at 40
zillenials start at 92
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here you go.
its genetics.
i smoked 2 packs, drank a half gallon, and at least a half gram of cocaine every day for like 10yrs.
Gen xer detected zillennials are 95-98
Not posting my face on 4chan so no proof. But it’s not surprising many of us look younger than we are, since most of us avoid sunlight, parties, girlfriends and other stressors that cause people to age. Also, there are many users on this site so it’s mostly the people this applies to that respond in these threads (same reason so many users seem to have millions of dollars and big penises. Anyway, I’m turning 30 next week and yes many people are surprised about that. It has a lot to do with hair.
her eyes look really icke-y
hair theory has a lot to do with it, indeed
it basically signals what age are you supposed to be
>never get carded
>go to same store I usually go to, but no shower and with messy hair covering forehead fully
>get carded by same woman who never cards me
Hair theory is real
It stems from the stigma about being in your 30s from when you were a teen pretty much, I bought into the whole " its all over at 30 " thing also growing up, now that I've reached that age and things aren't as bad as I imagined it just leads to questioning about the process and whether or not what I believed in was bullshit previously. It's going to vary from person to person but I believe that being so idealistic about reaching that age in hindsight has been pretty shallow and short-sighted in my experience.
Bitch that’s madonna
At 18 you see 30 as old. When you hit 30, you still feel really young. Nothing really changes. I remember being 34, having some drinks, online, music, and yes, still going to the club. I felt the same as I did at 24.

Now 43, age really only starts to impact you at around 40. Th original "midlife crisis" of 40, was/is correct. But do I now feel "old" so to speak? Not really. I'm just in a panic 50 will soon be here. Then 70. And being really old and death. It's not that I feel old; just that I am aware of what is coming.

And for me, I look young too. Around 28. In theory, this sounds good. In reality, women that age, finding out my age, are not interested. And women my age, they can often look super old and they don't want to be seen with a guy who looks way younger than them. So you're stuck in no mans land.

My only solution (cope) is to lie. I pretend I am 30, but this is just for hook ups. Long term, I have no answer, and are single. And as above, I feel kinda young, I know my future is going to be some single 60 year old dude with no kids.

So I just live for now. I have forgot about tomorrow, because it is destroying today.
You have to decide what you value. Statistically, there are women who aren't bothered by your appearance, especially if you have decent attainment in career/financials. If you value having kids, you just have to be upfront and aggressively seek the one who doesn't care and isn't bothered by however young you supposedly look so you can make it happen before you're too old to be a good parent.
What? Jerry Seinfeld, a famous stand-up comedian who frequently goes on late night talk shows and dates literal models and world-class gymnasts? Elaine Benez, who has worked for many years as a reader at a powerful publishing agency and is considered by almost everyone beautiful and intelligent, who once turned a gay man straight, however briefly? Cosmo Kramer, who has worked as an underwear model, and had such raw animal magnetism he almost stopped an acolyte nun from taking her vows? No, the point is not that they are losers, far from it. The point is that they are selfish, charismatic, ill-behaved 30-somethings who disagreed that one must settle down and begin to die, independent-minded people who bucked societal convention in favor of enjoying their lives how they saw fit.
George Costanza is not a loser because he is short, or overweight, or bald. He pulls attractive women and has had very good jobs. He is a loser because he cannot handle societal pressure to conform. He is a loser because he thinks constantly of what others think of hime. He is a loser because he is ashamed of himself and his parents. He is a loser because he decides to get married, and is upset when his friend, his idol, refuses to follow him into the conventional world.
I still like him though, great character, great actor, great fits.
>fucks like 15+ 9/10+ women most of which are canonically from wealthy families over the course of the show
>works for the yankees after shit talking the team owner to his face
>god tier fashion

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