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>be 30+ year old
>finally able to afford grails
>look like a clown in them
Imagine being 30 and still being into meme owens
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if its tramones its not that bad
mine was geos
imagine being 30 and wearing geos
its so over
Spending more than 30 dollars on a shoe is woman and fag behaviour
clowncore is IN
They look good as long as you aren't wearing skinny jeans still like it's 2013.
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This. Gotta wear baggy pants that cover up 90% of your 1500 dollar shoe
Maybe for people that never leave the house
Objectively bad take
If you can't pull this off in 30s you wouldn't have been able to pull it off in your 20s either.
This is the only grail suitable for 30 year olds.
Do you just wear shit you find at target I can’t picture anything under 30
Same. Nobody looks at me anyway so I can get as wacky as I like. Problem is I've not worn clothing fit for ricks since 2013.
I finally visited a country that had rick and had enough geos in stock that I could get properly sized. They were usually out of stock when I went places. I bought a pair of black/milk geos at the ginza boutique.
I've been wearing boots for the past 15 years. Geos are more like boots than sneakers in my eyes.
I'm thinking of picking up some fakes from aliexpress to compare and see whether or not I wasted nearly $1k.
Are dreamboxes still a thing?

If the soles on these things are as fragile as people make them out to be I'll have to find something to protect the heels since I don't live anywhere near that one cobbler that can actually resole geos.
I told you this a decade ago

Wear converse for the look without the clown shit
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30 is the absolute cutoff for dressing like a tryhard
>seeeg is still here
Now I don't feel so bad.
>30 year old in converse
“Yes Im a pedo how did you guess?”
fuck off moistshitikal
Nah just use them to ride a Motorcycle or work on the truck in them and you’ll look good

I’m very boring now, old man that just works on shit does the same thing everyday and has strong opinions on the Jews nobody wants to hear about

So I’m your grandpa basically
redpill me on why i shouldn't buy rep ricks. they seem like they'd be really easy to get in 1:1 quality and you wear them out like beaters so any imperfections wouldn't really matter in theory
if thats your view then i suggest finding a different board to post on
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just wear these faggot
>he asks this a week after the pandabuy raid
nigga you goin to jail
zoomer thots would unironically love these
>185 dollars for fakes
What the fuck
185 is pretty cheap considering they use all the same materials as the real ones
i can't find anything wrong with these mainlines
Wear boots, you infantile negrified faggot. The only people who should wear clown sneakers like those are colored people with criminal and beastly proclivities. If you are a normal man over 20 and still wear sneakers for anything beyond running and gym, then you should consider transitioning.
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I honestly never got the appeal of Ramones. Rick Owens has so many cool and interesting designs, usually made from thick leather like the geo baskets, the doc martin boots or pic related for only 200 bucks

Meanwhile the Ramones are just a canvas converse with slightly thicker soles and cost 700 retail and 1000+ on the aftermarket
the bulbous toe cap. it makes you look like a goth clown going bowling. its such a normal regular shoe until you look at it for more than 2 and a half seconds. thats how long it takes to figure out if theres something really really wrong with you or maybe you might actually be onto something in this crazy thing called life. its a vibe check
>mine was geos
lmao same, when I got some money I almost bought one but it'd look like absolute shit on me
2013 me would've fucking loved it though
found a chinese guy on whatsapp selling ss24 red mainline ramones FUCK talk me out of pulling the trigger NOW
somebody that knows a lot about rick owens help me qc them because i dont see anything wrong with them. they don't even have the 2014-2016 ykk zippers on it which would have been a dead givaway
I have never seen a black man wear ricks
It’s always really skinny white and asian guys
>Spending more than 30 dollars on a shoe
Where the fuck do you get shoes that won't kill your feet for under $30? Even the most basic canvas shoes are like $40-60.
rick is the "im a drug dealer" look now
When I was a teen, the drug dealers all wore air forces because that was the “expensive shoe”
This inflation is a motherfucker
neets dont leave the house for longer than mcdonalds trips so the shoe doesnt matter
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yeah its kind of recently that rick blew up amongst black people
The toeboxes are always wrong. They're always bulbous and slightly too wide. I have fake canvas milk ramones and they're extremely uncomfortable to wear for any long periods of walking.

Why are you on /fa/?
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>wear boots
>Why are you on /fa/?
To fix you.
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idk these are real mainlines here and the overhead view looks the same in the video. side profile looked the same also. i think these are a new batch because they're from ss24. basically each generation of reps get progressively more accurate since they fix each little error until they finally become 1:1. thats basically what happened with nike dunks. you can't even tell a difference with them anymore
Rubber flip flops from the five and dime
Well noone is going to be inspecting your shoes with callipers and magnifying glass. There's nothing wrong with getting them if you like them, just don't expect them to be a perfect clone of the real thing. I've more or less stopped buying fake clothes outside a handful of things I can't justify retail for because I'm usually underwhelmed when I receive them, not that that doesn't happen with real stuff too.
i only bought reps once but i was pretty impressed with it. i vetted hard tho researched every little detail and my seller sent me a bunch of high quality pics to green light them or not before shipping them to me. i knew exactly what was being sent to me. i don't know if this is what you did but i wouldn't just be like fuck it and order off dhgate you got to know who is reputable first
Yeah, of course. I've been involved with fake clothing since 2014, and I bought those ramones in 2018 which were the best canvas ones available at the time. I'd rather just buy real stuff that I prefer than #ARCHIVE #FIRE #GRAILZ jeans number 94218654524022. All the fakes produced of my favourite brand are terrible now once the handful of stores that did produce good ones shut down too, which doesn't help.
had a greally great pair of fake geos when i was 17, kinda forgot about them and bought a real pair when i was 18-19, really liked them but eventually had sold them on grailed for way more than i paid about a year or two later

idk the more you care about fashion the less you do eventually. all i wear now are jeans, chucks & 1 of 20 obscure band shirt. this shit is all a phase
i can't really speak on clothing but with shoes anything that comes out of a mould, like the outsole, is usually 1:1 or close to perfect. that to me is always suprisingly good. rep kobe 6's are insane quality and the design is so complex and detailed. but anything that needs to be stitched thats where you start seeing errors either incorrect orientation (slightly diagonal) or incorrect spacing (too far to one side). but my cope is you see errors like that in retail also unless its really bad in which case its your fault for green lighting that pair. but yeah i feel like with reps you would want to just stick to shoes or wallets and shit like that.
Unless you're an artist or a rock star, you should dress like an adult after your 25th birthday, at the latest.
Clown shoes
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NEVER wear Oxfords or any faggy pointy shoes that try to larp as shoes meant for horse riders. You're not riding a horse. You don't need pointy shoes to stick your foot into a stirrup. Wear shoes that allow your toes to spread out like they're meant to.
The worst part about finally buying your grails is realizing 99,99% of normalfags wont even notice

I was wearing my margiela replicas to work for a week, literally nobody noticed it, I wore a carhartt sweatshirt I bought discounted for like 30 bucks just one time, three different people called me a showoff
stop caring what normals think
LOL that’s kinda sad actually. It’s like not making your high school basketball team, then going through a huge delayed growth spurt after you graduate. All you can do at that point is dominate YMCA Sunday rec games against chubby middle aged dudes in compression pants, with no one watching. everyone’s moved on.
guy at my gym dresses like this. he works out in raf simons.
bro I know you're here. just fucking stop. you're not a model. just a black gay dude
>tfw getting compliments on my ricks everyday when I worked luxury retail sales for a few years
Feels good man
Any converse alternatives that have a wider toebox? My toes fucking hurt after walking for an hour in chucks. At least my mainline ramones are more comfy
>carhartt sweatshirt
>three different people called me a showoff

uhhhh? where do you work lol.. I don' tthink this happened
I wouldn’t get rep clothing where quality matters

But fake magic cards and fake warhammer figures go for it,

A printed picture of a card has the same exact functionality as one printed in Texas

Warhammer the resin is bad for you but fuck it a lot of forgeworld is resin go with the Chinese on that one

Everything else knockoff is worse
That's not how feet fit in pointed shoes, retard.
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This! I wore derby shoes for a week and this is what my feet looked like

lol at the blatant insecurity of these age fags, which is absolutely astounding. these are the types of who start letting their bodies go to shit by 35 and look 50 while balding and greying, all caused purely by stress because, "can't wear sneakers after 20!" etc.

OP, do not listen to these fags. Genuinely feel sorry for them for their chains & insecurities, instead. Personally I believe Rick Owens clothing is absolutely faggy beyond comprehension, but if wearing them is gonna make you feel good (like, actually good; not just lying to yourself), then you should get them if you want. Also to note, I give this advice as a staunch right-winger, too; not some blue haired tranny who's been brainwashed just as badly as the age fags quoted above. Lol.

lol. funny response/10.

this. I don't really know why are 4chinners on fa so obessed with "dressing your age" -- what the fuck does this even mean? Am I supposed to wear tailored suits all the time?
This. Buy a house or tools or instruments and do your weightlifting, cardio, and stretching (and sauna)
I work out in vibrams toe shoes and otomix pants
Ricks are based af.
Just copped these ones.
Also I’m mid 40’s.
I bet your daughter’s friends all wanna bang you
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fuck it just go barefoot
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what a bunch of bullshit
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Get some cheap chinese shit with a wide toebox
comfy asf
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Imagine wearing ridiculously expensive clothes that look borderline retarded just to fish for a few compliments from other bought in retards like a scientologist
Don't listen to them, eventually they all look like some variation of pic rel
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oops forgor
Literally why do people even look at these when high top converse are under 100 bucks?
because high top converse are under 100 bucks
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Because it's not just about the importance of following trends, it's a fashion statement about taste and intelligence themselves. Hey, Anon! TRY GETTING A PAIR OF RICK OWENS SHOES NOW, YOU STUPID BASTARD!
They are not the same thing.
How do you come on /fa with such a clueless mindset?
Do you understand anything about quality,fashion or style?
Muh converse are cheaper holy fuck
what are you doing here
30 is when you become relevant, at least in my experience
people tend not to care about what you do or think if youre under 30
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>middle aged man wearing converse

>Because it's not just about the importance of following trends,
Oh because following a fashion trend that died 20 years ago is so much better?

>it's a fashion statement about taste and intelligence themselves.
Statement about what?
“Ah yes when I fought in world war 2 chuck taylor was my favourite basketball player”?
“It was an emo scene trend in the 2000s to wear chucks and I am desperately trying to hold on to my teenage years since I have peter pan syndrome induced arrested development”?
>t. never goes outdoors
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For me, it’s the rhinos
Bro only knows about the DRKSDHW version of Ramones.

It's over for you...
Just want to mention Rick Owens is not a trend.
It’s timeless pieces that never go out of style.
Zoomers think it is a trend and dubbed it "Opium"...

Hopefully they stop wearing it soon.
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>Completely misreads joke
>Posts fake social reinforcement for self validation
Why don't you just cum on your own face next time and save me the hassle of interpreting your cope?
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Rick Owens is just an overcompensating "intellectual" with enough money and industry cred to make people buy into his own self aggrandizement. These "pieces" are the most retarded kind of fashion statements. If you ever want to pick out a cultist pay attention to them using this kind of lingo. I mean, "Pieces"? WAY TO ELEVATE THAT RUBBER AND CANVAS. TRULY A GREAT WORK OF AVT. TRULY PROFOUND. Wearing this stuff is like unironically wearing a TOOL shirt or looking at somebodies dropped glasses in an art museum. It is an ironic self own that anybody actually does but like all retarded fashion shit it is propped up by a market full of desperate morons that want to LARP as tasteful and smart.
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I mean for fucks sake he is 1 for 1 copping the Iggy Pop style + black hair dye. At least Iggy Pop was a rock star.
They just openly sell fake Rick sneakers on Amazon now huh?

Damn what did Rick do to hurt you?

Who is your favorite designer?
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reminder that reverse leather mainline ramones are the goat
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Honestly? Nothing. If you can believe it I actually don't mind him for the most part. I also don't mind TOOL or Trent Reznor, I'm just not in their retarded cult of personality. He might have been my favorite designer if I cared about designer clothes, but I don't. I wouldn't wear most of his stuff and I hate you vapid social climbing /fa/ggots.
>can’t afford it
/fa/ggots always pull this same cope to justify the choices they are insecure about. It's the last retort of a man on the edge of feeling worthless. Just imagine your enemies are actually below you. Why don't you go beat up some homeless guy? Maybe then you'll feel better?
There is not a single designer you look up to or admire their creations ?
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I have seen stuff I thought was cool before sure, but I don't feel the need to spend my time tracking down deets on random fits I see online or following anyone in particular as if they are an artist that deserves that kind of dedication. That is kind of my point, someone like Rick Owens might be the most impressive or interesting designer out there but that just doesn't mean much. The art form is lacking depth. Like look, don't let me yuck your yum, alright? If you love obsessing over the particulars of clothing design like your an 18th century tailor with a hardcore BDSM fetish I am glad you get something out of it. I am just saying my piece to keep these pretentious pseuds and cringe hype beasts in their place.
Only Donatella Versace
>1000+ aftermarket
This is untrue.
You're clearly a coping poorfag.
Fake ramones are always dead obvious. I've never seen a decent pair of fakes in the flesh.
It's understandable why people buy the reps though, they're very overpriced.
But yeah everyone knows you're wearing fakes.
what flaws did you spot in the video?
knock off all stars are $22 on amazon
what would mister Pop wear? besides going nude after sucking up crack.
On close inspection there's many issues, stitching is good. But the cuts, lace colour and worse quality of leather are obvious. The inside of the eyelets differs from legit RO. The underside of the insole is not shown.
But these are not going to be visual to random people, and only relevant if you're trying to resell them as legit.

As said by >>18110613 the toebox, and shoe construction is always the dead giveaway.
Not only does the toebox look off, look at how the tongue collapses and creases.
As fake ramones begin to age the cheap rubber used may not contrast with the toe box like on legit pairs. Will the leather develop those fine creases like on calf leather? Will the laces get stained by the dye like on legit pairs?

Keep in mind when purchasing you get what you're given, and the display videos always show the best version of the shoe.

If it's between buying legit, or fake, go with secondhand. Older models are better quality and look better. Fuck Rick Owens and China.
To be fair if fakes age badly I can just throw them out and buy a new fake, I can do this five times for the price of a legit pair
Throwing them out if they don't "look legit" as they age is pretty wasteful and consumerist anon. They won't look legit out of the box.
In terms of construction they'll probably be fine, and can be repaired by a cobbler if necessary.
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>bringing up “muh environment” and “muh ethics”
>when talking about calfskin boots
i don't understand what you mean by "cuts" and i dont think you do either. you are free to explain yourself on that. i've seen the different inner eyelets on the fake ricks before but these don't have that. like i said these look like a newer batch to me. theres a guy on the rick reddit re-soleing his ricks with rep ricks which is a really smart idea imo
he measured both and confirmed the dimensions match up and says the laces quality is actually legit
maybe the leather is less quality? i can't really tell without touching it. visually they look the same to me because you have to remember mainlines come is so many different types of leathers. the leather textures you get on mainlines are always different from one to the other
but honestly you sound like someone who formed an opinion about reps like 10 years ago and dont really understand how it works now. when you order you have to green light the pair they send you before they send it to you by quality checking several pics of the exact item you're ordering. you don't just order and hope for the best. it doesn't work like that.
Objectively correct. You are supposed to steal them.
Ramones were always clownish. Dunks or nothing.
The geobaskets (like actual dunks) are and always will be girl shoes
Reps aren't made of calfskin.
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See picrel, look at the patch, look at the tongue. The cuts are off.
The eyelets are not the same as RO. Look.
The shoe is collapsing on itself, good leather has a stiffness to it and softens up after prolonged wear.
Did you look at the reps he bought? Did you look at how the sole is noticeably different? Waow they got 20c lace quality good, impressive.
You seem to be blind, so looking at images sent by the distributor, whether faithful or not doesn't matter.
Didn't realize you were actually considering buying these. Did you end up buying them?
You should definitely do it there's absolutely no problems with the shoe whatsoever. Great quality! You will be happy with your purchase anon. You should buy several more pairs, they might give you a discount! Please post them when they arrive and let us know how much you spent. Make sure to do a side by side with some legit mainline ramones too
they just look like chunkier leather converse
no one will care
when you say "the cuts are off" i have no idea what that means. what does that actually mean? you're not being specific. you said eyelets are not the same AGAIN you avoid describing how. please be specific or just shut the fuck up. the reps that guy bought are like 20 dollar reps off alibaba. these reps are probably like 250. no i didn't buy them but you're not helping at all with your vague as fuck descriptions and dick head attitude
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I’ll keep buying reps then
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that saddle will kill your ass btw
young people look like clowns in them too, but people expect them to look retarded.
How do you not know what a cut of material is? It's the dimensions of the material from when they "cut" it.
The back of the eyelets on the fakes have a ridge / indent around the edge. On legit pairs it's smooth / rounded with a single line at where the eyelet joins in construction. You could spend 5 minutes of your time finding a video comparing: https://youtu.be/xcxNALE11c4?si=H8AHkqcC3E5UvSAW&t=263
Took me two seconds, timestamp has the angle.

Hope you're full from the spoonfeeding now, Google exists, you should try using it sometime. You really need to go back to plebbit.
>250 on reps with that leather
I wish you had bought them.
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i zoomed in at the best viewpoint of both and the eyelets didn't look different here and by saying you think "the cuts are off" that could literally mean a hundred different things retard lol you have to actually be specific
also i don't know where you're getting your information about the leather rick uses from. the leather on these reps looks the same as the leather on the newest mainlines and the type of leather they use differs year to year
some comments about the leather
>I am always surprised by people fawning over the leather on Rick shoes. I mean it’s nice and all, but it’s far from noteworthy.
>yeah for real, I got a pair of geobaskets and the leather is nothing special. cool shoes though
its just a regular leather
For me it’s best ow than I’ve ever wear.comfy it can fits every style you wear .basic color
>the cuts are off!
>they just are!
thanks for nothing retard

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