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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

What’s the best silhouetted service boot available?
viberg 2030
Just bought a pair of guidis and similar price point. I’ll put these in the queue. Thanks for the reply.
I'm glad I grew out of my cringy boot phase when I did around 2021. Last boots I bought were my Indys
They were overpriced then but with the Bidenflation they're only worse now.
$720 for a pair of Whites? Give me a fucking break. I got mine for $400 back in the day and the quality is worse now
It's just not worth it anymore
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You’ll live long enough to realize having options isn’t a bad thing
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doc shittan
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I should have gone for brown but these are ok.
i have ir and scratched the midsole and it looks like blueish whiteish paint?. i tried to clean it and brush it but no dice. any ideas to remove those things?
this nigga wearin beans
solvent required if its paint
Cop or not? Thorogood midnight.
whites after cleaning after a muddy hike
My arch length is longer than my heel to toe. When I try to buy loafers with my heel to toe length, they fit great up front but I get a ton of heel slip where it becomes unwearable. When I try on my heel to toe length, they cause too much pain at the forefoot. Wtf? How do so many people wear loafers? Do they just take the pain?
What’s up with the leather in OP picture? Is that loose grain?
>This White's collaboration utilizes a Division Road sourced Stone Rambler produced by the storied C.F. Stead, known for making some of the finest leathers in the world. The Rambler is an aniline dyed, combination re-tannage using hand-selected full-weight steer butt hides that have been air dried for a tightened shrunken grain. This tannage is finished on the roughout flesh side with a hardened wax to produce a leather that has an immense one-of-a-kind nature out of the box and is hyper-durable to handle the worst conditions while developing a rich patina.
>dude you don’t get it, it’s MEANT to look like shit
Any anons wear western style boots Some family in Mexico sent me a pair of "botines". They kind of look like chukka style boots. The leather is really great quality.
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Saw these on eBay - Cheaney Jarrow (with speed hooks added from what I can tell). Glad UK shoemakers are finally starting to do more American-inspired boots; I think I'll buy a pair.
not having fucked up feet
On feet
your dog should lose weight
Not me in the picture.
This is just a reference for cop or not. I have a husky who is in better shape than that.
they look good i want a pair fuck there goes another $200
Black mocs with black wedge sole reminds me of the creepers rockabillies wear.
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Grant Stone did it better though
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Are The Real McCoys boots good quality or not
yes, but overpriced.
Thanks for the response....I was merely window shopping...
Any thoughts on Danners for hiking (the ones with leather lining)
I have a pair
works fine for me I guess
They are the nice version of repros
How's the fit? Are they actually roomy or is it just looks?
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your boots surely don’t squish your toes right /btg/?
No, I only buy boots available in wide sizes.
shocking how many people post d width boot pics with them very obviously spilling over the side
My feet don’t seem unusual. And I think most people’s arch length doesn’t match their heel to toe.
My boots fit perfect everywhere except the heel. What do I do? I don’t like the look of a kiltie!
Heel pads
>heel pads
What are those? Pics? How do they help?
>What is Google. How does it help?
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i'd prefer norvegese/goiser to that thing
Whites semi Dress
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Boot check
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yes, im not a redditor
Picrel. They hold your heel in place and reduce chaffing. I never needed them, but the work by most accounts.
it says a lot about the state of the industry and how all the boots are now horrendously overpriced, when out of the blue half the reddit/stitchdown/heritage crowd tries their hand at shoemaking and when a new etsy leatherwork shop or 3rd world shoemaker amateur turns into a MTO instagram brand seemingly every months or so
clearly it's not about rising "competition" for big factory brands, but it shows that the market is saturated and people are looking elsewhere, into complete shit and wasted money mostly, but some interest is still there, that they can't capture anymore

i think there will be a lot of fat trimming for companies in the next couple of years, especially ones that ride hard on influencer marketing and trying to weasel themselves into the good graces of the "community"
a big downside of everyone posting their boots online is that everyone can see how you're shitting the bed on QC more and more despite increasing prices, even if they aren't vocal about it thanks to the massive hugbox that's being enforced everywhere
>hey if a $700 boot can have shit stitching and garbage finishing, maybe it's not so far-fetched for me to make my own boot from scratch
Why do Washington state cordwainers stitch half down and nail the rest?
theyre very lazy
Enjoy your heel slip
Nailing is fast and kinda brainless to do, as far as fixing 2 materials together go.

They would have nail the front too if they could get away with it. Too bad for them, walking on clinched nail is not comfortable.
the heel is sculpted and very secure
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Thoughts on these as a very casual non-brown chukka I can wear with something like jeans and a henley? If not what color? I was considering some Diesel boots in jungle but those might look too dressy.
go for clarks desert boots instead of this knockoff
These were the Grant Stones I was considering. I think this dark olive is very versatile, I already have Allen Edmonds Denali boots in Loden suede but they also look a bit dressier than I'd like.
Those are Clark's Bushsacre 3's, desert boots with a rubber sole instead of crepe.
Pic related, Allen Edmonds loden suede
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i cant stand light colored wedges, or wedge soles in general. Just get gumlte.
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Just purchased the Cranleigh I've been craving
I would like a pair as well but if I have to pay MTO fees for a 12F I’m probably just going to stick with G&G. Finding stock EG in my size is impossible.
They do different widths on stock models for no fee.
Does that go for sizes above 11.5? I was told that 12 wasn’t a “stock” model which never made sense they wouldn’t charge a fee for width but would for a larger size.
Not sure about larger sizes than stock.
Granted I only reached out to US retailers . It looks like direct from EG might not charge MTO on a stock model in a larger size/width.
yeah the bushacres are the knockoff
They're just desert boots with a better sole imo. Crepe is too soft, getas dirty too quickly, and wears out too fast. It does look nice but only for a while
What were you trying to say? It sounded retarded. Use plain English
Need a new pair of steel toe boots for a field school. Are there any that don't look like shit?
id on boots?

need a good pair of winter boots, had my eye on the Soler's Hi-Line but don't think they are so good
My heel slips laterally (not up and down). Will thicker socks work? I don’t want to wear thicker socks and have it not work while just stretching the leather further at the heel.
Jesus, were those sewn by a blind man via his seeing eye dog?
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Anyone ID? Another thread said these are Danners.
reddit discussing shell cordovan is pure schizo shit
>If I may, I would like to share what I personally will do.
>1. Brush thoroughly and then a coat of Bick 4
>2. Brush and then Renomat diluted with water, cover the welt as well
>3. Damp cloth to remove Renomat and then brush
>4. Matching colors of Saphir Renovating Cream on the gouges at the black leather rolling edge and the vamp
>5. Let dry and carefully sand the covered area down with 1000 grid sandpaper or higher
>6. Brush thoroughly
>7. Saphir Cordovan cream(optional) with deer bone or smooth spoon
>8. Brush and wipe with cloth and then a coat of Venetian Shoe Cream or Pure Polish Conditioner, cover the welt as well
>9. Brush and wipe with cloth and then a layer of Pure Polish high shine wax, spit shine with water droplets, less water is better
>10. Finish off with lady stocking
even if this is about restoring old shell it's still absolutely insane to think smearing in 6 different products will work out, because each of them is somehow that specialized and they will all absorb one after another
also it's so funny to me that the one conditioner that is designed for cordovan is just used optionally as lube for the dumb deer bone in this retards mind
my non schizo shell treatment
>use a bit of saphir corodvan cream
>wait overnight
real treatment
>oh shit its dusty lets brush it
>reno once a year
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should i? scarosso toto nero
shit last
I just ordered a pair of shell a few days ago and have been looking at articles about care. Nothing I've seen has come even close to this insanity.
Alden 401's
i got iron rangers and wtf and for some reason my right boot rekts my pinky toe. every time i take a step it feels like my toe is in one of those machines vise or like a crab pinching my toe. how can i fix this besides wearing another sock?
sounds like the IR last isn't appropriate for your foot
Do you guys use an insole with leather/dress boots?

I've been using the fancy supportive insole from my hiking boots because I thought you 'have to' use an insole. I assumed any discomfort from my new boots was just part of the break-in period but I tried thick socks directly on the leather footbed and holy shit they are comfy.

>babby's first real boots
They don't fit you colossal moron
huh? i'm size 7, a 6.5 = toes are all cramped, 7.5 = the boot is loose. it just happens on the right boot. my mocs are incredibly comfortable and have no issues whatsoever.

maybe youre right
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>huh? i'm size 7
Has anyone used tongue pads?
Do they work?
Can the type of socks you wear change heel slip?
depends, where are you trying to fix the fit? It has definitely fixed the instep on a couple of boots for me, and they are completely out of your way, so i really like tongue pads. But they won't make a huge difference, like say a half or full insole.
Maybe like red wing lineman boots like the 2907
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Just like in my animus
mto is almost always a mistake unless it's for sizing
what are some good lightweight boots for spring through fall when the temperature isn't scorching hot? is there anything of acceptable quality that can be had for less than $250?
buy some suede chukkas
clarks desert boot
jim green if you don't mind wearing an oversized toddler shoe made on the dark continent
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if you're a redditor, you can go MTO and be unique yet still tasteful.
There's something very low class about putting the American flag on the outside of a pair of boots.
I've been wearing the 8" midnights doing factory maintenance every day for the past year. They're holding up really well.
These look great, anon. Are they smokejumpers? They don't look like they have that high heel, which was the only thing keeping me from buying a pair.
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I want something durable and grippy for going to parks and stuff, but I don't want to get a full on hiking boot because I don't think I'd be doing it that often or intensely. My sneakers were slipping and getting cut up on rocks last time I went somewhere last year
whites semi dress like>>18116881
Speak for yourself, Bong
>low class
That's the whole point, boots are for the masses.
You sound like you watch fucking NASCAR.
any anons here have experiences with using tongue pads or heel pads? I hear that tongue pads are more comfortable and work better in alleviating fit issues, is that true?

I'm unfortunately a part of the cursed demographic of people who have both a low instep and narrow-er heel, and am trying to fix the fit for a pair of Oxfords that are at least a half size too big, much appreciated
Favorite summer boots?
my yuketen ring boots
what boots can i get that look similar to dr martins but aren't? looking for standard black lace up boot with zip on the side
they work for a bit and then the adhesive stops working and you'll have to keep replacing them
not really the case for tongue pads as they shouldn't see as much wear as the heel.
try a half sole if you got plenty of free room, tongue pads help, but its for minimal adjustments.
i got these and they fixed all the fit issues i had in 2 of my boots. Adds arch support too.
>zip on the side
I never had a boot. Cop or not?
What can I wear with this?
quality prob sucks and zippers are questionable
but if you bought them and wore them, nobody would ever think negatively about them or even look at them at all
so if the price is ok then sure bro why not
Wearing cushioned socks really improved my heel slip! But unfortunately my toes are now kind of cramped.
Any socks with a cushioned underfoot and heel but uncushioned toes? Is there such a thing?
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darn tough style 1403
When did Vibram start getting shilled so heavily?
It looks like the image shows cushioned toes?
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literally all i want is a GYW waterproof suede boot like this why the fuck is it so hard to find something like it?
Why don't you buy those ones then?
they haven’t restocked in a year
Big commando lugs for big commando dicks laying siege to ram ranch cowboy butts
Boots made my feet hurt when i'm just standing around. But not when i walk.
Is this normal? Or i just have shit boots?
same but for sitting
how many pairs of gyw shoes do you all have? I'm struggling to find a nice amount to stop my to buy list at, as I've managed to curate it down to about 20 and have 3 pairs atm (most are very differing styles)

this is considering that almost everyone on r*ddit has 20-30+ pairs AND these fools spec into the same single category of boots/shoes, and in a lot of cases, just get differing uppers in the same model 5+ times throughout their collection

like I know r*dditors struggle with consumerism but at that point I don't see why their so's or parents don't wake them up from their boot-collecting fever dreams
Just get any suede boot you like and spray some saphir invulner on it.
9 but I want a few more casual lasts. those ate harder to come by because 3/4 of them require waiting for months
what else is there?
vibram was considered the best long life rubber until dr sole came along and they became the de jure premium top dog of rubber outsoles
they still have by far the biggest catalog though
dainite is the only real competition to vibram, but they have almost no variety, they are a bit slimmer than vibram which is why all the dress shoe brands choose them
itshide and goodyear aren't as hard or long wearing and their top lifts have no metal washers for the nails
all the proprietary shoe brand specific hard outsoles suck ass and most long term have problems with chipping and breaking off
everything else is soft or blown rubber
Only 6 and just two of them are somewhat interchangeable or redundant to some degree

>these fools spec into the same single category of boots/shoes
While 30 pairs might be too much, I see nothing wrong in focusing on what you like and wear. Why spend money in a pair of boots that you don't like or ain't gonna wear just because they're different from your other boots?
I have 8 pairs which I'd like to reduce down to 5. I follow a "one in one out" rule for anything new that might catch my eye.
Recommend cowboy boots
Lucchese/Rio of Mercedes I believe are top of the line? Otherwise, Sancho Abarca look pretty good vfm
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Just 3. The black ones are actually a blake rapid stitch, but... same same.
one john lofgren GYW, three pairs of the handsewn rolled welt stitchdown from whites, one pair of true handsewn mocs, one pair of regular stitchdown from wesco
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Turdsdays Captain, Viberg 2030 and waiting on my Nicks. I’m going buy oak street’s trail Oxford when I’m no longer poor.
These threads are weird. I like boots and have a couple pairs of red wings, but it seems like you all are going for the ugliest strangest boots for some reason
which ones are strange?
I only have C&J Molton chukkas. Bought a pair of red wing 877s and they were a perfect fit but I'm currently a filthy urbanite so it didn't make any sense to keep them so I sold them. Once I move into the woods I'll buy new pair.

Probably should buy another pair of boots for winter though but dunno what I'll get. It's summer so the chukkas will do fine for now. I know technically you shouldn't wear the same boots all the time though so maybe I should get another pair to wear during the non-winter months.
Are Allen Edmonds good?
not since they moved production to DR
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i am going to africa for a year and leaving in august. what boots or shoes should i get that will be versatile enough to work with formal wear and business casual, and stand up to horrible conditions?
grant stone
thanks, they have some good options in wide widths and i won't feel bad about destroying them since they are a little cheaper. i was budgeting way more just in case.
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C&J Grizedale in Russian grain came in today. First impression I was surprised by how light they are. I mostly own PNW boots, these weigh nothing comparatively even though they have an extra 2" of length in the shaft. They seem like they'll be an easy break-in too.
The vibram commando sole needs a rubber midsole to cement properly, thats why its additionally lighter. Adds a lot of comfort though.
>They seem like they'll be an easy break-in too.
My experience with russian grain is that its really stiff and hard break in, makes sense considering its oak bark tanned and in the pits a lot longer than usual. Ends up being a really tough leather.
fair enough, but personally i believe there are way too many good makers and models to spend all your money and time in the one spot. I would very much rather stop at a small collection than buy 5+ of the same thing just because I don't like other variations or makers of the style

seems like a waste when you're extolling and justifying your purchases in this "hobby" with the reasoning of longevity, I mean, it's not like you have to buy that many pairs to be able to have a rotation that'll last a long time right?

id on boot in middle? leather looks great
If you wanna make a case against mindless consumerism and "hobbies" which at their core consist mainly of buying stuff, then I'm with you there.
But this makes "sense" if you view boot collecting as any other such hobby: some people are completionists and buy one of everything, others are specialists and amass a big collection of basically the same thing. This happens with funkos, legos, physical media, etc. I'm not endorsing this attitude, merely explaining it because I've spent a lot of time with collectors and people who make owning stuff the bulk of their personalities and the behaviour is the same.
Switch boots for motown vinyls 1960-1970 and it all makes sense... to a degree.
I used to collect things too until I found myself surrounded by stuff that I had little to no use for and was just there taking up space and accumulating dust.
And even so just yesterday I was eyeing a new release of a boot in the same model and leather but different color of another that I already own. Some things take restraint and sense, two qualities that collectors and redditors severely lack.
Anyone remember a few years ago when Whites did a sort of rebrand and completely redid their website?
They had one of the most embarrassing things ever on their homepage that said sometimes like "We're the last of a dying breed, but we're not gonna die"
It was like some cringy vet bro moto shit and they very quickly got rid of it
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What is the consensus on Solovair? I'm considering purchasing pic-related for use at festivals/outdoors.
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They're definitely much more comfortable than expected right out of the box. Taking them out for a spin today and I still don't think they're going to be that bad of a break in, the leather seems fairly pliable. Maybe I'll change my tune later. These are cool as hell though, glad I picked them up.
White’s wearers can name at least 50 kinds of IPA.
Crap materials, worse QC. Concensus is that the factory produces too little product to maintain quality.

You are advised to save your money a bit longer and buy something in the higher price brackets.

Personally I'd check out second hand red wings. Sizing is different than for sneakers, you can be up to 2 sizes smaller than you think. Check if you can measure your feet on a Brannock device, or go for the mondopoint size by measuring your foot length in centimeters.
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its over
you mean the old pube or the slight welt gap?
they're grant stone diesels in crimson cxl
My wife was making a stuffed animal last night, that's a stray piece of polyfil stuffing that was kicking around somewhere. You can see another piece sticking to my jeans. Believe me if the boots showed up with a scratch right on the front like that they'd be going back immediately.
i was just joking man nice boots
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Gonna purchase my first leather boot - Grant Stone Diesel (Earth).

Is there any reason to purchase their shoe tree? Or am I better of purchasing it for cheaper elsewhere?
>My wife was making a stuffed animal last night
may we see the stiffed animal?
Thanks m8.
I looked for it but she must have finished it and taken it with her to work. No idea who it was for, she makes them all the time. She's very creative, I just buy boots.
Why are the only good boot brands American?
This is how good you look with them boots
>cups hands to mouth
no, their shoe trees are just generic ones and not even that good
they aren't shaped specifically to GS boots
they have only 3 sizes that are supposed to cover a very broad range of boot sizes each, which isn't great because if your boot falls into the smaller size in the range it will have a very loaded spring inside or the opposite if it's a bigger size
get them somewhere else
how do i get creases out of polished leather boots ?
you mean the wax polish cracking or the leather creasing?
the wax polish you need to remove with a cleaner and redo avoiding excessive bulidup on areas that crease
the leather creasing is kind of unavoidable, you can minimize or postpone it by brushing your boots regularly and using shoe trees
Where would you recommend getting them?

Also, is there any specific care that waxy commander leather needs? This guy at GS says Neutral Venetian has worked great.
What's the consensus on boat shoes? Regardless of quality or brands, are they fashionable or cringe?

Looking at this model from Sperry in particular. It's too hot in the south to even consider wearing boots.

Or are unlined chukkas a better option? I'm also considering a pair of astorflex greenflex which are consistently being shilled here
everyone always recommends woodlore as "the best", i recommend just googling cedar shoe trees and getting the cheapest ones that have decent reviews, because most of them come from one factory mass producing them and everyone just slaps their own brand on them

venetian is ok, saphir renovateur is also good, both rewax the leather, if you don't want that saphir oiled leather
They're fine for the money. Get a pair with grain leather. I prefer my drs though.
i think the boat shoe is a better idea than wearing chukkas in the summer, chukkas are the better year-rounder
boat shoes are always worn sockless, which makes them a good pairing with shorts in the heat
chukkas with shorts looks too much safari larper

boat shoes and loafers were becomming a fad 2-3 years ago thanks to the stealth wealth sucessioncore meme, now they are kind of at their normie peak, which means they are going out style again soon
i had a pair of sperrys that lasted for a long time that i absolutely abused the shit out of.
they're cheap enough i don't care about replacing them but they lasted several years so i feel i got my money's worth
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>no midsole
>double midsole
just adds unnecessary weight
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pnw boots dont need the shelf and accepting it is cope
>double midsole
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>lets see what nigs is up to these days
Double midsoles give that extra half inch in height for us manlets.
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19 with 4 more pairs on the way this year.
Half my collection is Alden. The number has fluctuated as I’ve tried different bootmakers and lasts. The worst boots I have owned were (((Viberg))), Grant Stone, and Whites. The only brands I buy nowadays are Alden and Gaziano & Girling. Also I won’t buy Crockett & Jones again after an unsatisfactory experience on a MTO and customer service.

Reddit collections are mostly cheap garbage or boring dogshit from indonesia / pnw that is shilled incessantly.
>Also I won’t buy Crockett & Jones again after an unsatisfactory experience on a MTO and customer service.
tell us more
They fucked up a MTO Islay and won’t admit it and just remake it. Still waiting to get it back to see if it’s been fixed. Responses from CS were also very delayed.
What is going on here? Is your left foot like 3 sizes smaller than your right? Also I'm at awe that iron rangers; the quintessential clown shoe, always looks less clownish compared to all the supposed higher quality American boots. Every day that goes by I am more and more convinced that Red Wings is actually the best US boot maker, and second best in North America after Viberg.

It's unfortunate that there is no brand that have the European sense of style but overbuilt like American boots.
>tfw just want C&J with pnw thick uppers
Feels bad man
Because you (goyslopper) is shilled to believe so.
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any good looking boots that make my feet look like the left pic rather than the right pic? or that at least dont deform my feet as strongly. That is, a wide tip.

I was thinking that maybe a shoe that has a "fake" pointy tip would look good, that is, a shoe thats actually a wide tip but the wide tip is enlongated to give a pointy elegant look
What store did you do the MTO with?
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I own three pairs of Red Wings, including a pair of Iron Rangers, and while they have their shirtcomings I think they do give a lot of bang for your buck and have consistently better qc both in their price range and compared to more expensive brands.
The lack of a leather midsole and heel stack is a tradeoff of long term comfort vs. a sleeker sole profile that reduces the heftiness of the boots' looks.
I've been tempted to get some Grant Stones to see how they compare, but I've got enough boots and little reason to get more in this price range, or at any for that matter.
Are those Trumans on the right?
Yep, java waxed flesh. Had some issues with them.
Why are the facings so far apart? Don't you have mud and rain in America?
Not american. Not concerned about that because both boots are gusseted.
own 2 pairs, 0 problems
you just need properly sized shoes on a last that works for you. you only end up with the right foot if you cram your foot into shoes that don't fit.
i think american workboot brands have a wider toe box than most european boots or "classic" boots, let alone most dress boots
>5 months until I can wear boots again
I hate summer so much bros
Wide facing is a feature, not a bug. Designed so to fit as many feet as possible, the trade off is of course aesthetic.
Where do you live where you can't wear boots in the summer? Feels good to live in Northern Europe where summer temperatures remain in /comfy/ 20's(C) all summer long.
There are several brands that make barefoot style boots. As far as how good they look you will have to decide.
Just search barefoot boots or foot shaped boots and take a look.
there are a few places in burgerland where 40-43C is normal July weather. socal, arizona, nevada, the SW in general really
Anyone got a black boot that would suit a goth and a lawyer?
NTA but I'm med and about to pack my boots for summer. Maybe I can stretch the usage to mid june, but until late september my feet would cook in leather boots in july and august for sure. Can hardly wear regular pants too.
I don't think I've ever heard about a goth lawyer before. Seems antithetic to me. Anyway, it depends on what kind of goth. Are we talking about the Hot Topic type of goth or the Joy Division goth?
you've never heard of Bob Loblaw's Goth Law Blog
rolling dub trio griffin in black horse
jelado 2 monkeys sportif boot
john lofgren ludlow/combat/el capitan in black
or one of any alden "naval" type pattern on 379x in black shell cordovan
a lawyer can afford these so i don't even wanna hear it
I just heard Echo & the Bunnymen in my head by looking at that pic.
Mine had a tiny stitching defect (a thread sticking out from under the tongue). I was considering contacting customer support but I don't think it's a big deal. Their shoes are still very nice but I think their QC has gone downhill which seems to be a common sentiment.
look up munson last
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White's Closeout
thank you
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Barefoot shoes are flat earth for shoes
>every single boot feels like the right should be a half size larger or wider
>roomies boots I have feel loose on the right only
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>fucked up toe lasting
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>pattern is seriously ugly and just looks off
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another redditor over a grand down, lmao.
it's just a boot with the shaft cut off, which to an idiot might seem like a shoe
but it actually cut at the perfect length for maximum discomfort and the least ammount of freedom of movement in the ankle
everytime you move the raw unfinished edge will dig into your foot
if you ever had a shoe that digs into the underside of your ankle bone you would know how hellish it is
this should be at least one eyelet lower, you can even see that it's starting to crease there

fucking retards throwing money at every dumbass MTO flying by the seat of their pants with absolutely no formal shoemaking knowledge or experience
these people deserve to be scammed
Jim Greens
just get some lobbs already
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Nah, im exclusively EG and Bonafe for MTO when i want something special now. No need to fuck with other brands anymore.
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>it's just a boot with the shaft cut off
fuck me
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its not even an exaggeration
its the exact same as the boot sans shaft
these start at $1500 btw
>these start at $1500 btw
geez, that is highest end RTW and entry level bespoke.
Currently 80% off on Darntough socks by the way.
Actually it might be a fake site lel. I guess instagram allows fake advertisements or whatever
almost as bad a s the guy that thought $30 thursdays were too good to be fake
The main London one.
Do you buy the trubalance because finding other things hard to fit? If so what else have you had success fitting in?
That quarter is too high up.
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I have a larger volume foot with high instep that can be difficult to figure out sizing since I’m borderline US D/E width. I usually find luck with wider lasts or combination lasts like the TB. Most of the time I can find other brand/lasts that will fit just fine but I don’t find them as comfortable as my Aldens.

The one exception is Gaziano & Girling’s RTW lasts in a UK F width. They are as comfortable as my Aldens if not slightly more.
>fucking NASCAR
they WHAT
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are u going to work on a farm?
Is that a rubber coated leather or something
looks like something issued to soviet cannon fodder for wading through radioactive sewage, probably causes asbestosis and makes you go blind
New to /fa/ and typically wear cowboy boots every day (Texas fag) but recently saw a pair of Danner Jack II and really liked them. anybody got a pair? How is quality compared to the other company's I'm seeing y'all reference here?
If I plan on wearing thick wool socks with my boots should I 1/2 size up? Or still go tts?
Doesn't seem to be the best quality but there are a few people in the comments that said they bought them for like 90 bucks and that they were definitely worth that price so if you can get them at a discount and you like them then go for it. Otherwise there are better boots for that price.
TTS if thats how they size normally, thick socks don't quite add half a size to your foot over thin socks
>red wings work boots
>dickies work pants
>carhartt long sleeve t-shirt, and insulated jacket when climate requires
>drive to my 9-5 desk job as a software dev, drive back home
>never leave the house any other time since I hate being outside
Am I the only one?
indonesia truly makes some of the boots in the world
What's their idea with the midsoles? After 1 you just add more weight, less flexibility and a "platform"-like look.
>Am I the only one?
Lets hope so
>thick socks don't quite add half a size to your foot over thin socks
Good to know! Thanks
Kek why larp.
Dress in synthetic tech wear like your fellow coworkers.
I hadn't heard of this brand until last year. We had a big party for my cousin who's a mechanic. He and all his friends came decked out from head to toe in Carhartt.
Swedish military boots
Indonesians are manlets
this faggot is still a thing?
not really, he gets 20k views on average now
for whatever reason he hired like a dozen new employees and whoever manages his shit now spams the youtube page daily with low engagement community posts and shorts, which tanks his overall metrics and bumps him down in the youtube algorithm
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no way there's sufficient vertical clearance in those
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I'm looking for some boots like the Danner Pronghorn 17" snake boot that they've stopped making.
The thing I specifically like about these is the back construction, with its leather straps to keep the boot close to the calf (rather than the more galosh-y bucket style of all the other similar boots I can find, including what seems to be its successor, the 17" Sharptail).

Does anyone have any recommendations? Looking for something I can wear out in the woods on hikes that's tall and looks similar.
it looks well made but that thing is UGLY
the contrast between the elf toe and the wide as fuck shaft is great
Monkey boots are really freaky looking. What are the chances most people will think you're mentally ill if they see you wearing them?
Ludwig Reiter or Steinkogler hunting boots, the ones with the ankle height laces and extremely tall leather shaft. You can also try something like this.
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sup bootbros
i'm in australia and would love to own a pair of boots like these
anyone know of comparable boots that might be available in my cunt?
the high heel is just a meme forced by noboots
I'm similar, I work in a pharmacy so I wear PNW work boots with a wedge sole, and carhartt t-shirts under a lab coat. I don't wear dickies pants though, it's usually scrub pants or chinos.
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Can anyone identify these boots?
This you?
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nice birthing hips ma'am.
it fucking rained out of nowhere and my suede boots got water stains what do I do
Some questions about shoe trees:
what wood should they be made of?
What price range is a good one?
And should they be untreated, like raw wood? And if i have a pair of shiny ones and i get them sanded or something?
>what wood should they be made of?
cedar is what the generic cheap ones will be made out of, and its good.
>What price range is a good one?
in bulk i get mine for about $14 a pair or so. Otherwise its around $20 maybe.
>And if i have a pair of shiny ones and i get them sanded or something?
sounds like an expensive one that adds to the aesthetic, i wouldn't bother.
should have bought repello
>sounds like an expensive one that adds to the aesthetic, i wouldn't bother.
Well it might be but from what ive heard the coating blocks the wood from actually doing anything to the smell or moisture cause its sealed within the coating.
How many is that? And any tips to wash out for when buying some?
>rapello suede
they should've just made their own "rapello" by spraying scotch guard on their shit before going out because that's all CFStead means by "rapello treatment"
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Bought picrel a couple of weeks ago, and I'm having a bitch of a time breaking them in. Worn them about a dozen times around the house, but when I walked out to get some pizza yesterday, the skin on my heel got wrecked. What gives?
Are you wearing thick wool socks
Are you lacing the shaft snug?
Do you get a ton of heel slip?
> Are you wearing thick wool socks
I am not. I'm wearing ankle socks under crew socks, with a bandage on the heel.
> Are you lacing the shaft snug?
If by "lacing" you mean pulling the laces snug when I have the boot in so I have enough slack at the top to tie them, then, yes, I'm doing that.
> Do you get a ton of heel slip?
There is *some* heel slip, but nothing glaring.
>I am not. I'm wearing ankle socks under crew socks, with a bandage on the heel.
My heel getting wrecked yesterday was from me *only* wearing the crew socks. No second layer nor bandage.
well no they add the scotch guard during the tanning
its actually incorporated into the tanning process
That just means they throw a few cans of scotchguard into the vat lol
Or, more likely, they just spray it on after tannage and lie and charge a premium because no one would be able to say otherwise.
Bold accusation with 0 proofs. Keep it up btgay.
I love wedge soles, they're so comfy to walk in.
Bought RM Williams Comfort Craftsman boots. First time with Chelseas and wanted to keep it basic in case they don't work out. I've got a pretty high instep so I am a little worried the pressure will be too much. If these do work out though they're going to be my main office shoes so I am not beating up my single pair of dress shoes anymore.
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I usually get this. Blister gel plasters and just wearing them breaks them in.
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It actually does what it says. Maybe give it a go?
yeah as someone in NZ I'm torn between a pair of these or some meme indonesian chelsea's as my first pair of pricey boots
>unstructured is just better bro
What's the boot of choice for the sex-haver?
Just spray guard, or saphir nano, on any suede after buying and get the same result.
i don't know much about RM Williams, but most indog brands are crap.
It doesn't cost more than normal Suede.
I'm new to the boot scene and am looking at options that won't break the bank. What are some decent lower priced brands and realistically what is the cheapest you'd go in a quality boot?
cheapest i'd go for these days is Tricker's on the outlet, although that's not really their "real" price. So i guess i'd be something around the price of TLB Mallorca or Carlos Santos.
Lowest full retail for boots that aren't malltrash tier I'd say 250-300, but that's brands that might not be available everywhere.
If you're just starting out I'd go with Red Wing, but that'll set you back around 350-375.
Meermin I think is generally recommended as the cheapest you'd go and still get something passable.
Another victim claimed.
>What are some decent lower priced brands and realistically what is the cheapest you'd go in a quality boot?
>What are some decent lower priced brands
red wing heritage
watched it and what an absurd take
he sees that the hype is dying down and the market is at it's peak, but somehow doesn't want to admit it, because deluded terminal boot brain hyper consumers exist that are swamping indonesia and china with orders despite increasing prices, getting ghosted constantly and 4 year wait lists
and that is somehow a sign that all is good and sustainable, and it's not that everyone has moved on from overpriced RTW either into being done with new purchases, like he has for the last 2+ years, or going deeper into full retard MTO territory
hearing him directly admit that prices have doubled in the last 4-5 years, while the product stayed the same or in some cases the quality dropped, is so conceited, when he then praises all of this as "passionate people making their dreams come true"
he is absolutely right though, when he says the market won't be bottoming out and things will just settle down at this current level, because people are still willling to eat shit for big money and won't really complain
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I got a pair of comfort turnout recently and I've been thoroughly enjoying them. They're comfortable and look good. I kinda prefer the silhouette of the craftsman but the toebox was always a bit too shallow for my massive toes.
Only thing is I'm still not entirely convinced on the insole; I'd kinda rather a leather one than a synthetic one.
For me its the gardeners
Yeah, not sure if I agree. Gardeners are basically Comfort Turnout but with a chunky sole and without yearling leather. I kinda feel the whole point of going with RM Wiliams is the yearling leather is so comfortable and soft.
bottom left are perfect fuck three hundge tho idk
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>mexican't boots
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big cap toes
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>milo last
that shit looks terrible and jd hasnt seemed to have realized after all these years
i though everyone knew not to touch them after this debacle
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i need some inspo guys
what, other than boots and converse, would look good and be period correct with a pair of 1920's to 1950's era reproduction jeans and a fit/hairstyle/etc from that era?
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this kind of energy
but i don't like wearing boots
So basically Turdsdays for a higher price? Wtf is with reddit ordering the ugliest boots from mystery brands in 3rd world shitholes?
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>i want the look but i don't wanna wear the look
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people wore shoes back then too
but i'm not sure what would look good with the type of silhouette
sure but the look only works best if you're wearing engineer boots
its not that i'm opposed to boots i just don't like to wear them every day. hjalp.
the thing is there's nothing else quite like the shape and silhouette of an engineer

maybe a pair of chelseas, but those are skinnier in the shaft than engies
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>im a d width


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not the anon that replied to you but finishing or wood type REALLY doesnt matter, as what a shoe tree actually does for your shoes is straighten them out to prevent toe curl and any big excessive creasing

don't believe any of the idiots online peddling that shoe trees HAVE to be red cedar or tout that the reason you use shoe trees is to absorb foot moisture/make shoes smell good/etc. - that's all incredible bullshit that's harped on by people that either don't do their research, parrot everything they hear, or both

what's actually important in shoe trees is that you get correct sizing so there is at least some tension in the tube springs to help flatten out your shoes, and (most importantly imo) that they have the wooden overhang style handle like picrel as this style of shoe tree's heel fits the curves of the heel block better generally than the type with the brass knobs
Thoughts on William Lennon & co boots? Looking at them because they’re English, and haven’t caught the attention of redditors, yet.
T houghts on William Lennon & co boots? Looking at them because they’re English, and haven’t caught the attention of redditors, yet.

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