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remember when overalls looked good?
>hes from some buck fuck nowhere where the women haven’t adopted wearing overalls with nothing underneath yet
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>woman wearing overalls with nothing underneath
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>hadaka overalls
Yes I remember women looking sexy with stupid denim and stupid thai dye. It boils down to them having a sexy silhouette.
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>railroad back
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Overalls (we call them dungarees in the UK) seem to have become very popular with trans and queer types lately, especially in bright colours.
They like to dress like children.
those look awful
fashion went out the window when people started getting so fat
fat women should wear nothing but fishnet bodysuits and oil.
fat women should be put in camps, awway from the public eye.
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only if I get to run the camps
Right? My girl wears them, she's hot so it looks good
overalls and bra is such a great combination
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overalls are for lesbians, bisexual women and farmers. if your name isn't billie joe and you're not a carpet muncher don't bother
I got a pair of Patagonia overalls and they're excellent. Use them while gardening, hiking, camping. Got them for 80 dollars instead of 230 because of a pro-deal with a place I used to work at
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Overalls are for autist women.

I swear, every single one of those Lucy & Yak wearing women are full on autismo
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You say that like it's a bad thing
post pics plz
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I can never find shit like this, literally my dream overalls
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Can men wear these still or is this exclusive women now?
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you can but it won't be cute
it's pretty much a work-wear only thing for men now
otherwise you either look like you're gay or you're a redneck
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overalls rock but you have to get creative. They look best with boots but it is possible to wear them with other footwear depending
The insulated ones are also perfectly acceptable non-workwear for men when it's cold outside, but that's the only other exception I can think of
I miss when Carhartt wasn't a fashion statement
Why would women dress in a way that would attract pedophiles?
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daddy issues
I do not, and I maintain that the only things overalls are good for are farm work and hiding diapers).
>hiding diapers
god I miss 2018 era art-hoe looks, they were pretty accessible and cute without being too revealing. now if you dress like this people will think you're ten years younger and not in a good way
They have always looked good you faggot.
>Verification not required
In general or on women?
They didn't but the people wearing them did.
Obesity rates across the 1st and most of the 2nd world being what they are nothing including the birth rates will ever look good again until this is solved.
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They look extremely hot on women.
who is she?
daisy ridley
Still do
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not the low-waisted shit they're making these days
I want to believe a high-profile celeb gets into it and revives this trend
Too few overall connoisseurs around
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Prefer overalls and tube/ crop tops personally.
Because they aren't thinking of pedophiles in the first place and they dress for themselves and their own personal satisfaction?
Incels I swear..
This and the back straps being just thin straps that lead right into the waist. Something like picrel being the norm would be much better
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this is definitely an improvement over >>18161446, but the classic look is still best
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>She's got paint on her overalls, what is that?
They still look cute if you wear the nice ones or style them correctly
best womens' overalls ever created, change my mind
>when you're a 1700s farmer but have a spirit cooking party to get to in the NUC underground tunnels after work
Girls in overalls with striped knitted ribbed tops are my weakness
I spoke to someone and made a comment white collar works stealing blue collar workers cloths, and she didn't ever know Carhartt was work wear.
Don't know why people waste their money on that shit, I just buy Dickes actual work wear, it's cheap and lasts ages.
carhartt unironically does have better construction and materials, i recommend thrifting it or buying factory seconds
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a girl at my work likes wearing these. what does it mean?
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The only women who wear overalls are fat dyke women and i live in the South, like the deep south. Outside of the south the only women I've ever seen wearing them are dorky hipster girls
>i live in the South, like the deep south
skill issue
I dress exactly like this.
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Post men inspo. Pic not related.
>thai dye
still waiting on those "naked overall" examples
>remember when overalls looked good?
They looked good for about 3 years back in 1983
I'm telling you man the only women who wear overalls here are like old white butch ladies.
those look awful
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we need to go back to shunning people like this
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that's an outfit for a 13 year old girl, lol
>tranny immedietly resorts to dressing like a child
You "people" will never convince me you're all not just pedophiles
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>garment, attractive person
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It's literally impossible to suffer in Suomi.
Cute femboy but the bargain basement Amazon thigh-highs ruin it
these don't look good at all
how about this one?
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he needs to shorten the straps so it's a bit less bunched up in the legs, but otherwise this is a very good look
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I cant look at overall without thinking of pamperchu

Do I remember?

What do you mean?

They look good right now.

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