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post your inspo, I recently got my first pic rel
Reminder that "people" with tattoos shall be denied entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.
I told God I was sorry after I got a tattoo, shaved the sides of my head and sodomized my boyfriend, so it's fine. Now we're equal in the eyes of the lord. (Christians HATE when you do this but they can't stop you!)
not biblical. bordering on anathema.

I'm pretty sure that's a sword from Lord Of The Rings not Kingdom Of Heaven.
Reminder: tattoos are for stupid poor people.
this is why the planet is the way that it is
sex, have it
>All lowercase
Opinion discarded.
yourself, kill it
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I want thsi
what is it
>tattoos are for stupid poor people
Well, I wouldn't want to pretend to be something I'm not.
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I want thsi
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Got this a year and a half ago
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Is this a literal gaylord?
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Got my first a few months ago.
Tattooing a hand fingering a prolapsed anus is wild
only good if you feign not knowing the character and just say he's a cute bird.
the other day, one of my female coworkers asked me if she should get a shrek tattoo that costed $150 because they were having a shrek day this weekend at the tattoo place at the local mall. That's how I view all of you people
No, you are not unique. No, you are not making a statement. No, it does not express your personality but Yes, you are low iq and yes, you will never be special.

Tattoos are a subconscious cope low iq people do to stand out since they have no unique aura or personality in first place
did your mum lose her mind as well? bc mine almost sent herself to a mental institution
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First tatoo also
You should tattoo a fork on the other arm.
Then tatoo a toilet roll on your ass.
Then a carrott next to your mouth.
My sister has a disney castle tattooed on her arm, some scribble on her neck, and she tattooed left and right on her hands as a "joke" because she never remembers which is which.
Everybody thinks less of her since then.
>she tattooed left and right on her hands as a "joke" because she never remembers which is which.
forgot to add that "left" and "right" are also tattooed in Disney letters.
That's the classy touch.
>Eat grayons
>take a shit
>Some old pedo jew priest said so, so its true
I find the left and right tattoo's funny and practical though. I saw someone tattoo a ruler on their arm which i think is kind of genius
I have had sex with over 90 women
the closest thing to sex you've experience is falling out of your mother when you where born
tattoos are art, there is good art there is bad art
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Want to get something from this particular artist but a bit smaller than than pic related
What kind of comeback was that, you literal retard, kek

>huuuurrr me like knives! so me want a drawing of a knife on me arm!!

you literal trashbag, go fuck yourself with your knife tattooed arm
LOL faggot I do what I want, I like it, IDGAF about your opinion you've literally come into a thread to stink it up with your negativity NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR OPINION LMAOOOOO
Tattoos are based, bitches love them and no the girls I fuck don't have tattoos bc I don't like them on women, can't believe you've being hovering around this thread waiting for a reply, kek, get a life you pathetic waste, touch grass you faggot!
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This had the potential to be nice but the colors just make it an obnoxious mess. Theres also too much going on and it looks crowded af
You could have started with the basics like working out, eating and shaving but you went straight to getting bad tattoos.
tattoos are disgusting, 85%+ of people 35 and bellow nowadays have them, every single bitch and cuck at the gym have at least one visible

you are different if you DONT have theses disgusting random scribbles in your body

Tattoos are like a very fast IQ test to check if you make to the triple digits number
>tattoos are art, there is good art there is bad art
And that makes you a shitty canvas, not an artist.
First tattoo with good craftsmanship on this thread
I got my priorities
Why do culture war people get so upset about tattoos? Genuinely doesn't make a lot of logical sense to me. 'preserve the aesthetic sanctitude of the body' doesnt really slot neatly in with my understanding of right-wing beliefs
christ cunt discords raid 4chan routinely, the answer to your question is mental illness
please for the love of God save a few hundred dollars and get this fill shaded by someone who can correct this mspaint ass linework
I don't want it filled desu I like the stencil, it's a to scale version of gandalfs sword, hehe
>good craftsmanship
Fucking hell, look at how awkwardly the left forearm of the figure transitions into the wrist and the disgusting fingers and weird position of the left hand. Same with the fucked up armpit and horrific elbow on the right side. How hard is it to find a tattoo artist who can actually draw worth a shit?
Wow cool...thword
Interesting but badly done
>Cutesy tattoo over self harm scars
You're not a girl, bro
Good artist but I wouldn't associate with someone who had a tat like that
Eh, looks too plain for how much space it takes up
incorrect swords are based, simple is best
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u shud get the pistols nexts
>old retard
damn, never saw one of those before. from what i understand they all die young.
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My biggest tattoo ick must be anything that features like a circle. It never works.
It's literally just someone trolling ppl with tattoos
makes me think of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caduceus
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thoughts on blackwork? thinking of getting something like this, but instead of the geometric patterns I want random scattered thick lines.
I know how to make it work, you get it as an armband this will actually be my next tattoo in a similar style to the sword stencil, thick clean lines, less is more for tattoos imo makes them age better avoids them becoming essentially a grey smear, too much detail never ages well
Did he go to the tape guy that works on trashy escorts?
You're going to have the worst kind of autists asking for a "pocket dump. Now. Let me see your loadout." What are you going to tell the cute girl when she asks what it means? Might as well get the Nike logo too retard.
Midwit take. The coldblooded gymcel swallows his pride and gets the tattoo, for the same reason he went on a cut and bought a BMW. Because it is a statistically viable form of looksmaxxing. You will get the ink goy
tattoo hate is very strange, it's a picture on your skin, I don't understand it I mean I understood the hand wringing and angst about tattoos BEFORE I got one and now I don't even look twice at my own tattoo... it's a picture on my skin
nothing is here forever kiddo not even tattoos
I don't even hate tattoos but everything posted itt is very cringe and horrible. Even drunken stink-n-pokes are better than the stuff posted
thats cool. blackwork is the original style of tattoo after all. try to find an artist that specializes in it
I'm thinking about getting a tattoo kinda like this except it'd be of my cat. I have white skin and my cat was a tortoiseshell if that changes anything.
these are tattoos that look fantastic new but do not heal well and finish like the picrel
all the lines will lose their sharpness, especially the inside ones and the shading will be spotty.
It will need multiple rounds of touchup for sure
It might look cute from far away though but up close it will look kind of low res
Thank you for that info. To be honest I don't know much about tattoos so I'm still researching the idea. I'll keep that in mind.
You might be able to find an artist that specializes in this kind of style and talk to them, ask to see healed pictures to get an idea of what it might look like
To be honest with you most pics of tattoo inspiration you see online are very disingenuous, usually taken immediately after or the "healed" ones are only a month or two after.
Real tattoos are filled with imperfections. As I once read on reddit "Tattoos are imperfect designs, by an imperfect person, on an imperfect canvas"
Of course, the better your artist, the less imperfections there will be
Regardless, don't let me dissuade you from getting something you really want. Just do your research before so you know exactly what you are getting and manage your expectations accordingly
i just saw a tattoo that exactly describes what you're talking about on plebbit. linework gets smudged looking within 3 months and the color gets muddy. a lot of people in the comments say that the person should've gotten a tattoo way larger for the level of detail work that went in.

i also found an example of an old tattoo vs new that shows how much the ink expands over time.

These are good references for sure. This is exactly what you should be doing when you're looking up tattoo inspiration.
It's good to know how they will age rather than caught flat footed and regretting the tattoo later.

But yes, in general thick lines with large spaces in between heal the best and "last" the longest. There is a reason American traditional tattoos are an enduring and timeless design despite the mass appeal of them.
Some tattoos look neat but I'd probably regret getting one if I ever did. Can't imagine never getting tired of a design that's permanently on your body and that you see every single day
Definitely not seething at all
Tats are gay
y r u gey
Damn ur a big dude
i forgive you *kisses you*
degenerate and evil

>" Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:28
Anyone citing leviticus as law isn't a real Christian. How do you not know your own religion?
I always assume this one means the guy is into self-sucking.
Your personality is as trashy as your tattoo, proving the pricel right
you are from Poland right? I know you
he clearly hasn't actually read the Bible or he would have got to Hebrews where the relationship of Christ to Mosaic Law is explained. he just knows a couple of "gotcha" quotes to throw in people's faces. either that or he's actually Jewish.
Just come out of the closet. Skip the fruity tattoos.
That's a man in a wig.
not the worst
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You will not find a worse tattoo than this.
You simply can't be /fa/ and have a tattoo. Tattoos vastly reduce amount of different clothes you can wear and that would fit. Tattoos are just a fad, that sticks around only because removal is difficult and there is big group of people whose survival depends on this (people who make tattoos). There is also a cope group who sunk big amount of money they never had into tattoo obsession.
tattoo derangement syndrome is real and effects many lives, please seek help
Are tattoos that show your heritage /fa/? Im proud of my people
They don't upset me at all. I love that people will brand themselves with marks that let me know that they are low iq or mentally ill, probably both.
>when you want to speedrun getting poisoned by chinese chemical inks
go for it
rip your pineal gland
>surely god will overlook me playing semantic games with his laws
>he definitely wont be upset that he explicitly forbade something and i found some clever reasoning to use as an excuse to ignore his instructions
This is the same set of laws that said you can’t wear cloths of different threads and that you have to cut your foreskin off. Nice try jew.
I usually leave you tattoo people alone but holy shit man that sucks
>on white skin
how do i pick a tattoo artist if money isn't an object?

i want to get something like an old time encyclopedia drawing on my arm
What does it represent?
Midline tattoos are stupid.
T. Anesthesiologist
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Saw this on r*ddit, might cop similar eventually.
Cringiest shit ive seen for a while
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got my first tattoo a month ago
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I want his shitty shirt stripe tattooed around one of my fingers
brotha ew
what's that brotha
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Don't even know what this is supposed to be, you skinny lanket anime faggot twink bitch homo
Let me guess. You got the covid vaccine too
You should talk to more right wing people of various types if you want to understand them better, if you don't actually want to understand them better then Id stop making half hearted attempts
I like plenty of tattoos, but this makes me want to scrub it off
it's called having balance, you are unhinged
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tattoos are the new Funko pop. Everyone has them. If you want to rebel in 2024 don't get a tattoo
again, you obviously haven't actually read Hebrews or the Epistles of Paul if you think that's how it works.
Tattoos are reddit. I truly don't understand what goes on in the head of zoomers these days. A relative of mine decided to get a tattoo just to get a tattoo. Now he has a generic chinese dragon slop tattoo on his arm. I don't think he even knew why he wanted a tattoo. Maybe it was shit he saw on tiktok
Do you happen to be Dutch?
based and Christ-pilled

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