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/fa/ - Fashion

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Seriously what the fuck happened, I got in pretty late in 2017, left for a while, came back when that schizo Cecil was shitting up the board by the literal fuckin hour, left again and now it’s basically, bald thread, schizo thread, starving schizos thread, what is shoe thread, how dress like dis thread, plus fragrance/watch thread. Now These are fine as long as actual discussions happen in parallel but seems the former overtook the latter. And scrolling the waywt thread is like browsing r/mfa on a slow weekday, painful. So…what the fuck happened?
Was the downfall a succession of disconnected events or was there a big exodus of cool users who got fed up and left? Did actual fa people subscribe to l’étiquette and finally learned how to dress well and over time forgot this cursed board? Where did everyone go? Where are the jannies? And is this place truly doomed?
trannies destroyed waywt with off topic cross dressing fetish bullshit and some skulls got smashed lol
everything else seems slow but fine idk
huh so you didn't realize we all moved to the new site
>nobody tell this fag where everyone migrated to
please gib
Because you can only talk about fashion so much un til your just repeating yourself.
a guy named pigfuck drove away a lot of tripfags and decent posters in the mid 2010s
Like many other small boards, /fa/ has no dedicated jannies. Upwards of 60% of threads are either obvious baits or trolling and should be deleted, but with no in-house jannies nothing ever gets removed so quality of the board continuously declines.
moot just needs to delete every general
the schizophrenic that spams bald content used to be a lot worse d esu
>Where did everyone go?
instagram, discord

also 4chan isn't bored college students anymore.
everyone here is old and has jobs now, and new blood coming in are actual eldery people who got banned from reddit.

>Where are the jannies?
busy serving subpoena requests on the right wing terrorist pipeline boards
At the very least he owned early Raf Simons stuff that archivebeasts now cream themselves over. I never thought he was a good poster but at least he put his money where his mouth is.
>$300 for DBSS high tops
>instagram, discord
Dont forget tiktok.
I'll tell him. It's Tumblr.
What a way to illustrate my point, this place really became one gigantic toxic sewer
I wasn’t there, any crunchy drama from those days?
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It's mostly just tiktok. All the "cool" /fa/gs are scrolling through their Chinese spyware and subversion app's feed mindlessly like a bunch of NPC at this very moment. The tiktok addiction has gotten so bad that even youtube had to come up with its own version of an ADHD friendly video clips scrolling app to keep its users from mass migrating to tiktok.
Do you know what a "vulnerable narcissist" is? Look up some youtube videos about it and watch the least retarded ones.
They are anti-content. They do not post content of their own and actively discourage others from doing so.
Where "content" could include ideas, pictures, opinions, even proper critiques.
not really anything that interesting, just this one dude who would spam mean threads about all the other tripfags until one by one they all just stopped posting
>i got in pretty late in 2017
you missed prime /fa/, i dont think there was even designer general threads or discussion of fashion week threads reaching bump limit fast af
people love scaring away decent or good posters. Recently the model looking guy with the e girl gf and Arachni. They doxxed Arachni and harrassed his irl friends and family and the other had his personal stuff leaked along with his penis.
Based on writing style I'm convinced it's the work of two bitter anons who just harass anyone who posts often enough to be recognizable. The bulk of their ire goes to the trannies which is weird because the troons live for any attention, even negative because it lets them feel like powerful victims. But if you look at anyone who posts more than once per thread, there's always inane comments about their clothes that don't even make sense, and the comments are in the same tone/style as the tranny bait comments.

I could accept the vitriol if they ever posted any sort of fit to put their money where their mouth is but it never comes. A couple threads back one of them posted "his" fit and it ended up being a pic from Reddit in 2018 that he stole. Pathetic.
2008 : I said he this is a new board cool
Tom, play, unpop, jackal, franz, Miranda posted

2009: fat girl named spoony posted her tits everyday while unemployed, casemods stealing from Ross and posting online, everyone wish h&m came to America

2010: blah decided to send nudes and cybersex everyone on fa. H&M overplayed

2011: Uniqlo obsession asap rocky ishygddt posting

2012: already kinda shitty, I think indre and her druggie ass buddies started posting this was all passé and the generation of trips that were lame

2013: more down fall

2014: mostly dead

2015: trump shit started politics on /fa/

2016: fa blows up again during trump years mostly stuff like soiboyz chicks etc

2017: mostly wojak and frog posting

2018: consumerism sneaker head bullshit

2019: more sneaker head

2020: ducking around pandemic
Pigfuck was one of the only tripfags other than Cecil that I agreed with the majority of their opinions with

All other trips had this closeted homosexual repression vibe to them
how the fuck are you still here
like ive been on 4chan since 2008 probably but i don't know any other trips who have consistently hung around, and you're on multiple boards too

that being said yeah pigfuck was a schizo but also not totally wrong about a lot of stuff
i wonder what pigfuck would make of 2024 /fa/

who was the tripfag that was bald and posted photos of him wearing rick owens stuff? wore baggy sweats with extremely low rise i can't remember much else
Oh, I got no life and I’m an asshole so I got no friends

So most people that have met their wives and husbands and started a real life and made friends… never happened for me

I tend to annoy or piss People off instantly lol

It’s got it’s benefits though, people avoid me at work and when I piss people off just by being present, it tilts them whe I play tournaments or get into confrontations like I get a lot of free shit from customer service to get me to go away
Trunks … I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a trans

He started off with Rick owens then further and further started like copping women’s pieces until he was mostly cross dressing and people were like goading him on

He’s probably tucking his dick and on her for sure now
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Most people don’t post fit and most people can’t handle criticism
Millennials in general really are a sensitive bunch
In the end a lot of guys post stupid shit but never back it up
If you talk big post fit and if you post fit be ready to get burned who cares if some guys don’t like your fit or how you look and sometimes they have a point and you can improve your looks
You want a bubble echo chamber go to Reddit. I’m really baffled how in a fashion forum there are so few people who want to show off their styles and clothes
now that is fucking cringe. Nice awkward hindu face, mutt.
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The whole site is dead, thanks to the great work of jannies over the years.
I'm currently banned from /pol/ for making a thread about technology (related to politics), permabanned from /tv/ for making a thread about youtube.

I guess Hiroshimoot is ok with trannies having killed his site, treating users like shit.
Hence why the userbase is total shit now, they are either thrid world newfags who will go to reddit once they learn proper english or the saddest/blandest people who survived the bans and are ok being treated like dirt.
Thanks for proving my point bro.
Ironically that’s a 10/10 exchange for the theme of this thread
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No :3
too much product perdeep. crusty looking hair from product is fucking gross. but that's the shitskin mudblood mentality.

Yea the product thing I get we latins love to overdo it lmao last time another anon also said it looks to groomed
don’t get why you are so angry though
Drop some fit bro
What happened to Cecil? Did he like fucking die or something? His posts always made me laugh, he was completely unhinged.
Amazing, I make a thread asking why fa died and inevitably an anon insults another poster. Priceless lmao.
stop being so selfish. We all moved to reddit OP
You know, the sad thing is, I don’t even think you’re trolling. 4chan really became what it hated most.
Reddit's userbase is way less shitty. It's not full of broke ass faggots from Eastern Yurop, India or Idaho who work at McDonalds at best.
The only good thing about this site was freedom of speech, back in 2007 or so, but it's been worse year after year. It's long gone.
2012-2015 was sufu faggotry and endless rick and julius posting
coming from 2011 effay which was cringe rolled denim and john varvatos boots it felt like the future
most 50iq frogshit is posted by the mod team to keep the board moving, this goes for every board.
Yeah desu I sometimes pop in here because before covid hit there were interesting pics posted from time to time, but now it’s a barren land. It’s hilarious and sad that fucking r/mfa is genuinely a better place to hang out than this piece of shit board now.
Yea he really drove my point home lmao
Trannies killed it
I think its a matter of effort and attention.
It's easier for users make low effort clickbait threads (ie: why am i balding?, why do women dress like sluts?, why do women not dress like sluts?, why do people have tattoos?) which get instant attention, and gratification for the OPs of said threads.
In contrast, threads which require different users to put some effort into their contributions, or require expertise in the topic at hand die off quickly.
It also doesn't help that 4chan users tend to be autistic shut ins, and autists like routine, leading to the same shitty threads gaining all the attention.
Yeah the moral of the story is: we should all get the fuck out of here. I’m OP and I’m likely never coming back. Got some good pics for my visual library but seems like the people posting those tapped out ages ago.
Only three threads have ever inspired me on /fa/


Probably not what you're looking for. I have no idea what to call this style or where these pictures all came from, but I thought it was an interesting collection of shit that wasn't really easily definable if you know what I mean
Im angry because I don't like brown people. Pretty straightforward. It doesn't look too groomed, it looks sticky and just nasty. I used to use too much product until a GF at the time made me aware of it. No one likes to touch greasy, crusty, crap in someones hair. Fingers get stuck/now hands have fucking residue on it. not to mention it causes build up on the scalp. Stop doing it, a dime size is all you need. You fucking spic.
how about you fuck off, yeah?
Hmm so you think it’s too groomed noted bro thx for the heads up
Relax Chico why are you so angry
you're a greasy disgusting spic underneath the facade.

kill yourself
Yeah these three threads are genuinely good, thanks
Lmao based Cecil insulting everyone. I really miss that guy, did he die or something?
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i think this image pretty much sums up the reason nobody cool wants to be on /fa/ at this point
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never forget
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Relax Chico it’s not that deep :3
You are welcome to show us how it’s done
Grazie my man
Millennials aged out of caring about clothes (or really anything, they all settled down) and 4chan is primarily a millenial site.
Well that does explain the irrational zoomer bashing in every post
He’s still around he just posted like last week
Thread, pretty much. This place is a lifeboat for retards
Meta threads are for fags. Take it to /lgbt/
Never underestimate the damage that even just couple of dedicated schizos can inflict on regular topics or the board as whole. Even if you personally know to ignore them, they will take focus away from stuff that actually matters and eventually kill discussion.
So again, Jannie being fucking useless. 4chan is proof moderation is needed
go fuck yourself you self policing fucking redditnigger. Get the fuck out of here.
while things are bad, yes, theres always things that can be done to improve morale.
I remember a while back i tried making a "Fitpics By Other Anons" thread which helped things be a little more positive, with people sharing outfits they thought were good and showing that this place still has the occasional good OC and moments of appreciation
We could also do some more /fa/ humour threads too, and the occasional (good-spirited) shitpost thread, the kind where everyone sort of immediately gets the joke and plays into it, not the kind where it just exists to put others down or get people mad
lol so true
the hair's really what ruins this and makes it all look cheap, because if your hair doesn't look natural and healthy, everything else you have on also looks cheap and most likely bootleg
Hmm the hair seems to really be a thang. I allready thought about going back to a buzzcut though. Bootleg isn’t my style. In this outfit everything except the loafers is Zara the loafers are prada I don’t like fake stuff but I also don’t buy brands for the branding I get it if the quality is on par

Thx for the feedback been thinking about changing up hairstyles either way
If you're really serious about getting feedback it's the one thing you'll get the most pushback on, and honestly what's doing the most damage to your overall look. Anything more in the "I woke up like this and my hairs naturally healthy and beautiful" will work wonders and really make everything else pop. Also, please start pressing your trousers, it looks like you pulled them out of a bag under your bed.
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hair is the most important thing there's this asshole who refuses to cut his idiotic hair and he is absolutely clueless the punishing damage it is doing to his quote unquote fit
honestly if you have bad hair people stop there and move on
men are le not allowed to have long hair
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not when it looks like a shitty joke and makes us ALL look bad
>I hate seeing thing X in one thread
>No, I won't leave the thread
>Yes, I will continue to look at the thing I hate
>Yes, I will save the image and take it to unrelated threads to talk about how much I totally dislike it
>Yes I do this 18 hrs a day

Just go pay for a tranny escort at this point. If it's terrible (which it will be) it will be out of your system, you won't obsess about it and spend all day talking about how much you hate them, etc. If you like it, congrats you're a fucking faggot, hope you accept it and shut up as well.

I don't have a plan for where to find you a bald hooker but give me time and I'll sort that too.
All fair points
Good advice thanks man
Stfu no one gives a shit
Lmao the schizo spammer is Mexican my fucking sides
The one that mogged you ?
uh no, the one that has never posted fit
That description fits unfortunately a lot of people on this board lmao
you genuinely need to be locked up
why do you have pictures of her saved?
how do i dress?
That fit makes you look like a spanish immigrant recently arriving at a south american developing nation in the Early 20th century to become a farmer, Which is to say, Great fit, Very classy, I'm not a fan of smooth surface clothing myself.

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