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714 Edition

Discuss sunglasses (and eyeglasses), post reqs, post inspo and ask questions
Previous: >>18131299
I think the Luxottica hate is justified, but I think a lot of it is overblown and people complaining because they are parroting what they heard someone else say.
Most of the brands Luxottica makes frames for are NOT eyewear brands. They are clothing brands that just happen to make eyewear. Most are fashion brands you pay for the name of, not the quality. So complaining that Luxottica is making frames for Prada or Polo or whoever and then whining about the quality is a little silly. It's like the saying goes: "Buy shoes from shoemakers, by clothes from clothes makers, but glasses from glasses makers." Don't buy glasses from a shoe company and expect it to be amazing
Of the brands that are eyewear brands, like Persol, Oliver Peoples, Ray Ban, Costa, etc. they have generally maintained their quality, in particular Oliver Peoples and Persol. Ray Ban is hit or miss. I have had great stuff from their made in Italy lines.
The one brand Luxottica has absolutely destroyed though has been Oakley, which is a shame to see. But in general, of the brands that make eyewear and aren't licensed like clothing brands, the quality is still considered to be good
So I guess what I'm saying is if you buy your frames from a brand known for Chink made clothes and then complain about Luxottica, you're kind of a retard
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so what?
which one is kino?
im thinking about the black/white
Where can I get horn rim frames and crystal glass lenses (in London)?
I think it's all personal preference based on your style
I pretty much only wear tortoise shell because it goes with my style, but black may be your thing
>in London
Pretty much anywhere
Anyone have Moscot? looking at the folding lemtosh glasses.
I own some Lemtosh eyeglasses. Mine are too small a size so I don't wear them much
The quality is really good. A lot of people rag on them for being made in China but the quality is nice. Very beefy hinges, I think they're 7 barrel
My biggest problem with Moscot is that they're made in China but cost nearly as much as brands making their stuff in Italy or Japan.
If I'm spending 350 on Moscots made in China, why not spend a but more and get some Julius Tart/Tart Optical (the original design Moscot ripped off and claims is theirs) Arnel frames that are made in Japan and better?
Moscot's biggest problem is charging Italian/Japanese prices for Chinese products
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Picked up a blue polaroid PLD 6141/S

I have pale skin and brown hair (with some greys). What do you guys think?
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Poorfag here. I shop at second hand stores in europe, what brands should i look for if i want a decent quality pair of sunglasses?
Are these ugly things the official poorfag sunglasses or what?
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i already have a folding wayfarer and i don't want to to spend that much on a sunglasses but i want a rund one too
imagine paying $500 on glasses that does the same thing as $50 sunglasses
They are the Casio watches of the Sunglass world.
I envision anyone who wears these to look like Paul Simon, but without the Jewish charisma and musical aptitude.
pure punching bag archetype.
Well I'm new to the sunglasses game. I used to just grab something from the dollar store. When I saw how much Raybans cost it seemed steep for a beginner. Are there any brands you would recommend?
NTA but this is my take...
If you don't need prescription lenses, buy Ray-Bans or any of the nicer brands (Persol, Barton Perreira, ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA) from online retailers like eBay or Jomashop.
They will be authentic and will be half the price (or less) than MSRP - usually around $100 is a good deal.
Do you want to wear something that says 'Polaroid' on the side of them? They don't look that nice style-wise, and the $50 extra dollars you spend on something nicer will pay dividends (Sunglasses can last you a lifetime).
Some of the Polaroids are fine and cost-efficient, but they feel like 3D-movie glasses to me and I don't love their blocky style.
>luxxotica bad
>buy these made in china glasses for the same price
I'll never understand luxxotica hate, if you're going to hate then recommend another company made in italy/japan with glass lenses for the same price (hint: you can't). excluding the fashion brands they make glasses for, luxx, like every other large company, makes money off volume and tiny margins
Dollar store glasses are ok as a backup but they're inferior lenses to even lower mid range brands a good 99.999% of the time.
There's good value to be found in a cheaper pair of say Oakleys or perhaps an Australian brand.

Thank you. I appreciate the suggestions, I didn't know those brands.

Honestly, I don't mind the Polaroid logo that much. I find the blue color quite nice for a casual wear. As a cost efficient pair for this use (28 euro) I think it works. I am going to go on vacation soon doing lots of activity outside, boating on the lake etc.

I do think I would want a nicer style, something classy, but I will take some time. I would like to try something on before spending that kind of money, which wont be possible with a ebay purchase.
They are lying by claiming it's "horn" when it is actually acetate imitation, every single time.
Are crystal lenses actually better?
Ray Bans or any other decent brand might seem like a lot but I have had my Original Wayfarers for probably 8 years or so and besides some scratches on the temples they're in excellent shape. I have another pair of RBs that I've had for 11 years that are practically new looking
If you take care of them they'll last forever
I don't hate Luxottica. I acknowledge however that they ARE increasing the prices way higher as a result of their "monopoly" (they're not even a monopoly, Kering also is huge but for some reason gets a pass)
Persols used to be 150, now they're 400. That's all on Luxottica. But Persol still makes excellent sunglasses, so you have to decide if the price is worth it to you
Yes, but I don't mind polycarbonate
Why did Raybans stop selling Yellow and Amber sunglasses lenses?
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I have a pair of Clubmasters, but they're old and also I sat on them once when I was drunk so they're slightly crooked, thinking it's time to retire those to the car or something and get a new (non-Rayban) pair. What else could I consider if that shape suits my face? Aviators tend to be a bit big on me, wayfarers are a bit chunky too.
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Asking again this thread
Should I get these? They can be had for cheap enough on eBay to not care if they don't live up to the hype
Real horn and tortoise shell is illegal to sell
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Asking in this again, any idea on where I can get something similar for less than $500?

GLCO Lagunas
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Maybe close enough
Try Matsuda M2040.
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just got these
>dat hinge
what are these, anon? looks based
Cleavon in Hickory by Jacques Marie Mage
how many barrels does that hinge have? 10? goddamn
here you go anon
be honest, does it feel like it was worth 800 bucks?
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yea, i like them.
they look heavy as fuck. are they comfy to wear for long periods?
i appreciate JMM for what they are, but they're not really for me, personally
> comfy
i wore these >>18158529 all day on saturday—6+ hours—and i didn’t feel uncomfortable.
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I like these but looking for a different style to get next
Nice low-T beard
please shave that disgusting beard
There is "water buffulo horn" which is shed from the animal so it is legal and have found Lindberg sell frames with it
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Bought my first ever pair of sunglasses, J.F. Rey JFR-2002 for $80, are they good or did I get scammed? I didn't do any research and picked them only cause I liked how they look and they have 12% VLT which seems pretty good.

>are they good
i mean, you're the one that is handling them. do they feel good?
>did i get scammed
is $80 considered a "too good to be true" price for these?
I cannot tell a difference between polarized and non-polarized lenses unless i am looking at a phone or when you look at a car window and it does the thing (polarized bros know what i'm referring to)
but as for reducing glare or any of that, i can't tell
Let's say that I'm cheap and buy from Zenni, GlassesUSA, or EyeBuyDirect.

Any frames or offers in particular that I should look out for?
Check out Warby Parker, they have better designs
For me it's the $20 pair of sunglasses from the petrol station.
You mean the ones that have no UV protection and as a result cause your pupils to dilate allowing more harmful UV rays into them? The ones that do no good, only harm?
Way to go, bro
Are Persols really "fragile" or is that just a meme people parrot?
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For me it's vintage jaguar frames. Just got this lense installed
>>18158200 #
>Do you want to wear something that says 'Polaroid' on the side of them? They don't look that nice style-wise, and the $50 extra dollars you spend on something nicer will pay dividends (Sunglasses can last you a lifetime).
>Some of the Polaroids are fine and cost-efficient, but they feel like 3D-movie glasses to me and I don't love their blocky style.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Polaroid has a ton of variety in their choice of frames, plenty of styles that look like more expensive brands like carrera for example. You act like you know the brand but in reality know nothing.
You sure are insecure about your cheap sunglasses
>dude just buy the same sunglasses but at a premium so that Stacy sees the rb logo and instantly flirts with you
just like you
And you sure are apprehensive about your reply.
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Can someone please ID these?
I just figured since you were going to reply nonsense to me I would return the favor.
Talking about Polaroids again, they're the best cheap glasses and they have their use. When you go out drinking, there's chance you lose or damage your sunglasses, no because of you but other people can cause it. I broke and lost a couple of Polaroids over the years and i don't regret it, I would have not liked if it was my Persols for example
>he doesn’t take his $500 persols to the club
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I like polaroids because they have some fun designs, simple as. I could not find anything like these glasses here, the aviator shape and the retro yellow color with the identical lens to match the frame. But I agree they're a good choice for beater sunglasses, but they're good not bad as a main choice too.
Port Tanger.
made in japan, they have those 3 dots thing and everything. Usually go for around 300 but since they are sold at fashion stores as well, you can buy then during the sales. I paid less than 100 for mine.
Might as well just rename these threads "/polaroid/ - poorfag general"
Well I lost some luxottica years ago and I never again risked

They have their uses and all the other cheap brands are worse

Post your sunglasses with a timestamp
poorfags unironically buy more luxotica brands than Polaroids
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>Post your sunglasses with a timestamp
My main rotation
>TBD Eyewear Donegal
>American Optical Saratoga (for when I want polarized)
>Persol 649
Probably gonna get some 714s next since the 649s are my favorite sunglasses and I want to try the folding version
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bros... do I drop $2000 on Cartier bagatelle woods?
might as well
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Why do you have 8 pairs of the same glasses?
Not my pic, I just like that collection, pretty sure this is him >>18161011
Anyone have experience with buying prescription glasses in Japan? I have cheapo Warby Parker right now and I want to upgrade when I'm there next month. Any brands to look for?
Which are these?
I assume it's the same as anywhere. You give them your prescription and they make the lenses for whatever frame you pick out
Should be straightforward I'd imagine
Because I really like plastic frame aviators, so I wanted different color combinations. At this point though I'm trying to branch out but I always end up wanting aviators.
I'll get back to you when I'm home, but they're old and probably sold out everywhere.
You're not Daniel Craig, you'd look like a fat bitch in tight black leggings thinking she's just like the slim girls in tight black leggings.
>You're not and never will be, get your own style dipshit.
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Look gay
>Get the look.
holy fucking SCHIZO! what the fuck are you rambling about you fucking retard?
Polaroid pld 6097/s
Yeah god forbid someone takes some inspiration from a movie they saw. All style is derivative since it's all items made by someone else and are modeled and advertised by someone else. By your retarded logic no one should wear anything they see anyone else ever wear. Kill yourself.
wearing glasses is the mark of a truecel. Switch to contacts or rope.
we're talking about sunglasses you fucking retard
Sounds like the kid needs glasses since he can't read the thread.
Any big schnoz fellas here? I need some inspo, I get subconcious wearing my temu sunglasses.
Ok I'll bite what's a truecel?
Should I get persol or rayban?
Persol are better in every way
I will get persols but I will also want to get some RB2132, is the lens made of glass? The website doesn't specify like with other models. Does anyone know?
I own the RB2132 as well as the 2140 (Original Wayfarer)
The new wayfarers just feel like cheap ass versions of the originals while still charging nearly the same. 3 barrel instead of 7 barrel hinges, no center wire, nylon instead of acetate and plastic lenses instead of glass
All those cheap differences and the price is only 20 bucks less than the Original
The Wayfarer is Ray Ban's only good looking frame
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About to cop these as my daily prescription frames. Don't know if I should get them in tortoise (looks better) or black since I mostly wear black clothes.
Personally I hate getting any tortoise because I don't like when parts are visible through the acetate. Black is just more versatile too.
Anyone have suggestions similar to these with the flat top? The persol are too giant for my face.
Which model is that? I literally just at a Sunglasses Hut an hour ago trying on Persols
Are folding wayfarers/fa/ or a meme?
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Chrome Hearts - slut bussy
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added to my filter list
>57mm lenses
lmao fuck that
Go back to twitter faggot
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ditched costa for bajio and am very pleased. they actually fit my big ass head.
Costa are boomer sunglasses for fat retards going fishing
Just bought my first pair of sunglasses.
What the fuck are you even asking
Does/fa/ approve if I buy rayban folding wayfarer or will I be bullied like the guy who wears Polaroids?
The Original Wayfarer Classic is generally agreed to be a very good pair of sunglasses despite the other issues Ray Ban as a brand and many of their offerings
It's one of the only things RB designates as "handmade in Italy" and it's made of acetate with a core wire and beefy sturdy hinges
I have no experience with the folding version, but if it's anything like most other folding frames on the market it's prone to getting loose and sloppy at the bridge and will require regular tightening of the screws
Anyone know of good brands or online stores that sell mens sunglasses for like under $100?
stop being poor
In a bit of a pickle here /glass/
>lost sunglasses
>fuck, 400+ USD to replace
>go to look them up
>half off, 260 USD
>can replace them for cheaper, or can buy other glasses entirely and replace them
would you rather make yourself whole or get 2 used pairs for the same price?
What do you mean by "good"?
What the fuck are you asking, retard? Do you speak English or are you permanently damaged by the internet? If you really want to ask for advice, tell us what the fuck you're talking about, don't dance around it like a retarded fucking faery.
rude ass faggot fuck you
would you
>replace original lost pair
>buy multiple different used pairs
i can tell you’re american by the way everything needs to be 10 words or less for you to grasp.
Wipe your tears stupid yuropoor
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Let me guess. You need more?
>Look mom I posted it again
You're going to get bullied because you're a fucking faggot who seeks approval from strangers on the internet
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Anyone know where to get a copy of these? No longer in production :(
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No, I don't. I love my Saratogas
Strangers? I consider every poster in this thread my friend
are the steve mcqueen 714s really that much better than regular 714s?
only difference is they fold in instead of down which from what i can see is a worse way of doing it since folding it requires the temples to rub against the lenses to fold
seems like a meme and you're paying for the name
Why shouldn't I just buy $30 sunglasses on Amazon?
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>buy Ray-Bans
>(Sunglasses can last you a lifetime).
my raybans after 2 years. they cost 110 euros.
Because they're made in China by slaves and there's no UV protection which means you're actually hurting your eyes by wearing them
Mirror coating wears off, I wouldn't recommend it. Obviously it's partially still there so it still works, but it looks like shit. It's up to you how much that matters to you.
Mirror coating is a meme and you fell for it
It is a meme. It's for people who want the exact same thing as the original, collectors are weird. The lens color combinations are also unique last I checked
>I treat my possessions like shit and them I'm surprised they look like shit
Also you're an idiot for buying mirrored lenses.
Does anyone know what Gucci sunglasses these are?
They look similar to GG1528S, but these have more rounded corners instead of pointed.
Has raybans quality gotten meaningfully worse in the last decade? I lost the pair of G15 RB3025 classic aviators I had since 2016 or so, and dunno if I'll be disappointed rebuying them.
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cop or not?
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depends on the model, but in general yeah. some are still made in italy, the original wayfarers still handmade in italy
but a lot are made in china now and i've handled some chinese made frames that were junk
my pairs of wayfarers (original and new) are good though and held up for a decade
i've moved on to persol personally, i don't fuck with rayban any more
I'm stuck on raybans because I can put the outdoorsman style cable temples on them and they work perfectly with aviation headsets.
The quality already dropped by 2016 which shows that guys who complain about the quality of the product like >>18168326 have no fucking clue what they're talking about. They're also metal, the main quality drop was on the acetate models, the metal ones will be fine. I swear none of you could feel the difference between good and bad wayfarers minus a couple of exceptions.
does lindberg have boutiques/stores outside of denmark (specifically in los angeles) or is your only way to get them in america online, or at some optometry office that carries them
When was the quality even actually good then for metal raybans? My understanding is B&L had also gone to shit before luxxotica bought Raybans from them.
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Do you guys think it's time for a change? I've been wearing this style now for some amount of time. A few buddies were telling me I should get something new, but honestly I'm not even sure what. I was thinking of maybe getting contacts, but I'm WFH so it's sort of moot. Kinda just going by the general standards if eyeglasses,this feels like the best shape I'd find for my big ass long head.
>Sorry for attention whoring
i'm trying to figure out what could be fixed but you're not fat so i don't know
Maybe there isn't anything to be fixed and I shouldn't worry about what some other group if internet retards say lol. I do think I might pursue contacts though, but I struggle to think of a glasses style that would fit me as well. I used to wear skinnier rectangular frames that honestly looked fine.
I mean no disrespect, but you're a very average looking person. And that's fine. All it means is nothing you do will really matter, so you're free to just get whatever is affordable, comfortable and that you like
Give contacts a try definitely
Ray Ban was bought in 1999. Do the math. I doubt there much difference in how the metal ones are made apart from more imperfections getting through QC, maybe cheaper hinges. It doesn't change the fact that the retards on this board wine about quality when they don't even know what they're whining about.
Grey looks like shit on you
Your haircut is ass
Get rid of that thick frame. Get gold rimless.
You look like you're as confident a mouse.
damn, fall from grace, probably because I'm not lifting enough. I think I was a more attractive younger man, but haven't aged all that well kek. Nice wakeup either way, but appreciate it anon.

Well it's just a gym shirt, but I can go get a new haircut, idk what. You think gold rimless is the way? I can work with that, it's something new to do. Yeah, my confidence is SHIT.
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Can I just get an eye exam anywhere? I wanna get a pair of Lindberg's. Brick and mortar stores would require me to take a day off to make an appointment since I have to drive to a town over. But if I can just walk in with my prescription on a weekend, then that's something I can work with. Most of these places I've found don't take appointments on the weekend.
Yep, it's that easy. Anywhere can do an exam and tell you your prescription
A lot of places try to hold it hostage in the hopes you'll only buy frames from them but you literally just ask for it
A lot of places know when you're only doing an exam through them and plan to buy frames elsewhere so they try and be a dick and won't tell you your pupillary distance
But just show up to anywhere with a prescription (that isn't more than 2 years old or they won't accept it and singed by an optometrist) and you're good to go
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>RayBan Thalia

Employer is buying me a pair of maui jims. I dunno shit about sunglasses. What do I cop?
Buy the ones you like, castratti
Do you get to pick the frame? Just get what you like
I own these. They looks great.
>>I treat my possessions like shit
nope. i'm a poorfag and they were my first “expensive” glasses and treated them extremely carefully.

that said they are objectively terrible glasses. the rubber like frame feels REALLY good when you first try them but they are very reactive with water. any water. im not talking about the sea or the pool or the rain but your sweat. in a summer's worth of time the rubber becomes sticky because of your sweat alone no matter what.
now the mirror coating was of bad quality as well. i knew it was sensitive but it peeled off just from cleaning. which is insane.
not a fan. i honestly don't like anything ray ban makes other than the original wayfarer and clubmaster
all their other designs are bad to me
bro, shut the fuck up. you didn't take care of them at all. look at the picture you posted. those are the sunglasses of some slob that threw them in the car, no case, didn't care.
if they get into salt water don't be a retard and clean them off. obviously you didn't
i have sunglasses that are over a decade old that still look great
>bro, shut the fuck up. you didn't take care of them at all.
what part of "treated them extremely carefully" was too hard for you to grasp. the rubber is reactive to moisture. i once forgot them inside the case for a couple of months and they smelt like petrol.
the coating peeled off from cleaning alone. i think they were exposed to rain literally once.
polarized vs non polarized sunglasses? choose one and explain why
Non, it's cheaper and I notice no difference when wearing polarized.
Probably going to order original wayfarer tortoise with green polarized lenses . Should I consider clubmaster? Which is better for what
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How do you remove hard water/water spots from your eyeglasses?

I've tried rubbing with microfiber and rinsing with dishwasher but it's still there.
Isopropyl alcohol, or get glasses wipes
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I need to look this based, which are these exactly?
>the coating peeled off from cleaning alone.
Did you use alcohol like this retard >>18171643 ? Because that will ruin your lenses. Did you use anything other than a microfiber cloth to wipe them? Most fabrics are much more abrasive than you think.
>what part of "treated them extremely carefully" was too hard for you to grasp
You can say what ever you want but the picture speaks for itself. You mishandled them. I'll grant you that the rubberized plastic ages like shit but everyone kinda knows that apart from you lol. Here's a tip for the future, absolutely never buy mirrored anything and get normal acetate, acrylic, or metal frames. You'll get much better mileage. Honestly you kind of did yourself a favor in a way because you have been freed from owning a hideous pair of glasses. No one has ever looked good in mirrored sunglasses.
It says it in the fucking picture. Nobody tell him.
You're as stupid as Biden if you can't tell what they are
Stupid migacels
It's called a mask you fucking retard
Are you crying?
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>No one has ever looked good in mirrored sunglasses.
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i like 3 but it's not available.
will probably go with 2.
lmao what the fuck
brother you have to understand that most of us are clueless. stop with the lmao and say something useful
Just got my Real McCoys repros of these with the celluloid frames. Have zero complaints
Look like shit mate, the proportions are off and the lenses look Oakley tier
Based! Is that an original blacked snapback?
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No. No one looks good in them and you're not Kimi. He just looks good, the mirrored lens is a downgrade, here he looks a million times better with a black lens. Fuck you, you fucking faggot.
Ok fren I will give you advice that I have always stuck with. Buy the things from companies for which they are known for. If you're buying levi's buy their jeans, not their glasses. If you want glasses, buy from a company known for making glasses. If you buy a watch, buy from a company known for selling watches, instead of a company known for clothes (ie: Michael Kors, Armani, Guess, etc). Some companies are exceptions like you'll buy casio watches even though they're known for many consumer electronics, or you'll get a cartier watch or sunglasses, even though they're known for their jewelry. Occasionally there are exceptions, like when an item is really unique and only offered by that company. I for example like adidas but do not buy their hats, because if I were to get a hat I would get one from a company known for their hats, unless it yas a very unique design, which is why I have 2 adidas hats. These are my 2 cents, do with this information as you choose. If this is incoherent I apologize I am drunk.
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bump these look good
considering buying these
kinda like chimi sunglasses
Is this a even remotely good idea? I like getting attention even if its negative
hell no
Go for it retard
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Based Happy Chaos enjoyer. I might have wanted them myself but I wear prescription glasses.
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Just ordered these since I found them for a super good price
Oh, I guess I should say I found them, they're GG1531SK
What are the dimensions? They look too big on your face but it may just be the angle
Also, nice dick-duster, faggot
Well my new ones came in and I can't tell any difference. Same weight on the scale, and no hinge creaking. The 62mm RB3025 at least hasn't changed since ~2015 or so when I got my original pair.
This is an interesting video that compares vintage B&L and Luxottica Wayfarers
Watch it and decide for yourself how much quality has declined or not
so the quality is the same?
The whole "muh Luxottica" thing is mostly something you hear repeated by bugmen on reddit and people shilling independent eyewear brands
2140's are still handmade in italy so it makes sense
Persolsisters, we won
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Anything with the same shape as these Persols but all black without the contrasting hinges?
Ask /r/sunglasses
Persol is my favorite brand after getting my 649s. Seems like a big step up from Ray Ban
I'd like to get a pair of Oliver Peoples now and see how they compare
We brutally mogged raycels
Those are ok if you are a woman over the age of 60 or a homosexual.
Is cope because all you can afford are the Polaroid frames?
5 dollar Temu sunglasses are all you need
Should I buy new wayfarer or vintage wayfarer? The new ones are cheaper at about $120 on eBay for polarized while the vintage with BL lenses are also around $120-$150 but they come used and scratched.
To destroy your eye health
Obviously new you dumbass. The differences aren't what reddit would have you believe
They're still made of acetate with beefy hinges and glass lenses. Why pay for some scratched up shit just to try and own Luxottica or something
Why do redditors fear spending $200 in sunglasses but think it's normal paying the same for a yearly blacked.com subscription?
I'm confused, is there a new rayban aviator case style? I just saw some in a store with a much thinner than normal case that had the temples remain exposed and fold down to be held under the cover snap. I can't find anything about it anywhere online though.
Redditvan is dead
Honestly it's kinda insane that people here debate and shitpost over some of the most basic, generic-looking sunglasses imaginable. You might as well just call the thread Ray-Ban general because that's all that people here are interested in talking about.
I thought the new lenses are plastic?
Why spend $200 on glasses instead of $120 on ray ban wayfarers? Convince me jew boy
Yea man I just want a decent pair of sunglasses that aren’t made by chinks for around $120. Ray ban is my baseline but let me know what else I should look at for a classic look
Not on the Original Wayfarers
>people want to talk about the largest sunglasses brand in the world more than other brands
The $120 ones are made in China
Polaroid makes sunglasses that look very similar so your insult is a little retarded. I think he's the autist who hate tortoise shell. No need to shit on other sunglasses brands, except for rayban.
There's tons of NOS, vintage doesn't necessarily mean used. Also makes them a little more special if you care about that sort of thing.
They're probably still made by chink just in Italy.
This place isn't what it used to be. All everyone wants to do now is fit in. I'm awestruck by pain when I see someone with a collection of 5 exactly identical pairs of black and brown sunglasses. At least this guy>>18161781 has some color variations among the same shape.
Only reason to get something more expensive is if you like it and can't settle for anything less. If you see a pair of JMM sunglasses and nothing else does it for you then get it. Conversely, if you don't care about detail and just like the general shape there's no point in even getting wayfarers when half price polaroids have practically the same shape for under 100$, and are polarized if that's your thing.
I have those persol and I have had Polaroids and it's a huge difference. Don't be a redditor.
I'm not sure I would say Ray-Ban is the largest sunglass brand in the world. Maybe the largest dedicated sunglass brand, but there are plenty of other people that make sunglasses. Ray-Bans are everywhere because they're cheap, not because they are the best.

I mean if that's what you truly want then Ray-Ban will have something for you. But if you're a thread regular, why are you hanging out in a thread dedicated to the topic when you just want generic items? It would be like if we had a thread dedicated to shirts and all someone wanted to talk about was Uniqlo basic tees. Past a certain point, there's nothing to really say. And there's certainly nothing to argue about.
This is my first time in here. I am upgrading from my old schwood sunglasses that are falling about after 5 years. I just wanted to see if the wayfarer are good quality/price products.
you're mainly paying for the name though they're not bad, you could just get similar quality for less from less popular brands. If you're looking for best value per dollar my recommendations are KITS for the absolute best value for money or Polaroid for a little more and comes with polarization. KITS is like 30CAD per sunglasses and they absolutely do not feel like $30 sunglasses, I would even say they have nicer frames than some more expensive brands. Polaroid is my step up from KITS, they have a wide range of styles and are all polarized. They're the ones responsible for polarized technology. I'm assuming since you used schwood sunglasses you don't particularly care about brand
persol 649 or rb original wayfarer?
I own both. Both are very nice, the 649 feels a little more "dainty"I guess and the Original Wayfarer feels sturdy.
The 649 feels nicer, more polished and premium. My biggest gripe is the 649 only has 140mm temples which is common with Persols. Just feels too short, would much rather them be 145mm like is basically industry standard
am I retarded if I want to buy a vintage wayfarer model (5022) instead of the new ones (RB2140) just because I don't like the fact that they have a visible logo? I also think the B&L tortoise is way better than the current tortoise
It's all about the little details for me. If the logo bothers you then get something that you enjoy.
It means you're based for not wanting to advertise redditvan for free
I really don't want to be a walking ad, another option would be to buy AO saratoga
This walking add thing is pure autism. It's a miniature fucking logo.
cool, let me be autistic. enjoy your miniature logo
Says Las Vegas billboard
The Saratogas fit better in my opinion anyway. Lenses are bigger but bridge is smaller and they just fit on my face a lot better
My Wayfarers feel too wide
fuck these are good maybe i should get persol not ray ban
>maybe i should get persol not ray ban
I'm a huge fan of them and think they're "my brand" now
I got my first pair and was like "yep, this is it"
Your balls finally dropped
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where i get the ray ban have some kinda the same price
>ray bans
imagine paying 2/3 the price of an actual good pair to look indian
If I have ugly bug eyes will it be cringe if I wear sunglasses all the time?
Just don't buy redditvan. Even Polaroids are better, see >>18177423
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Where do I buy these shades? Not the live action movie sunglasses, the animated ones.
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Would anyone know the brand and model of the aviator frames in picrel? I want a pair like this
Maui Jim, Carrera, etc.
MJ would have those red lenses, Carrera would have that double bridge design
I'm gonna be honest, they look like cheap plastic.
Tres Noir are super high quality for the price
100 bucks for US made pure acetate frames
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I am planning on getting these as my cycling glasses but with the white frames
I tried them in store and they feel great
Better than indiavans
Boring designs but good price point if you want to buy American. Wish they had an acetate frame aviator
>acetate frame aviator
Stop being poor and just get the Persol 649/714
My sunglasses collection is worth at least 2k and 649s are very far down the list of glasses I want to get. My next purchase will be a pair of Cazals, model 163/301. If I find 649s on a good deal I'll buy them but I'm just not interested in them that much.
Didn't ask. Faggot
ok nerd
>buy shitxottica
it's to be expected
>thinking Luxottica is bad
Hi leddit
they are the first pair of glasses that are worth it for cycling i've had
the build quality isn't that good desu (plastic feels shitty and cheap) but the lens is fantastic and they actually shield eyes completely from wind

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