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A thread for stupid questions that don't deserve their own threads (about threads)
how can our eyes be real if mirrors arent real?
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What sneakers are these?
Was he /fa/?
What is the best way to be formally dressed while also PREVENTING sweat. Not mitigation, prevention.
Is that a v neck? No.
I recently started an internship at a certain very famous place for nerdy people and I’ve noticed most people there wear buttoned shirts tucked into jeans with running shoes. That’s weird, right? I thought you generally weren’t supposed to tuck shirts into jeans, nor wear running shoes with tucked shirts.

In the building I work shoes are expected to act as PPE from caustic chemicals, so fancy dress shoes are probably out of the question, but still.
Tucking shirts into jeans (high rise) is not really unusual at all.
> weren’t supposed to tuck shirts into jeans
Of course you are, gen x started the gay trend of not tucking.
Can /fa/ please recommend sandal brand? I used to wear Tevas but they completely dropped the ball in recent years - their designs are ugly now and quality took a huge dive.
>pic unrelated
Jeans alternative which goes well with lewis-style leather jackets? I can pull off jeans + jacket without issues but I'm getting tired of jeans at this point.
just too lazy to start a new one
how do you deal with the fact that the concepts you build for your outfits are limited by the fact that reality is never as perfect as it is in your mind, and more importantly, people perceive reality differently than you do? people seem to, for example, be blind or completely indifferent to what context you wear a black leather jacket in - because to them, it looks like a scary criminal or something.
should i get the grey belt or just stick with black?
Those are two entirely different fits. The black is the safer call, but you should go with grey if you can actually manage it. The fact that you're asking makes me doubt it.
you're probably right, the grey seems more suited to specific fits rather than something you can just slap on any pair of pants
anyone got the -core inspo image titled 'here comes the sun' that's just all reflective wear?
>What is the best way to be formally dressed while also PREVENTING sweat. Not mitigation, prevention.
Fitted underarmor isochill undershirt and boxers or under armour heat gear. Shit is impressive if you haven't tried it, makes it feel 10° cooler then it is.
For prevention prevention get topical antiperspirant for the body, search hyperhidrosis antiperspirant and put that shit on anywhere that sweats
What's fabric is the best combination of comfort, quality, and low maintenance?
Who are cool designers that hate homosexuals and transgendered people? I need new stuff. Just found out today that Gucci used Elliot Page in their ads so I have to throw it all out. Who is a designer that is based?
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This is like a typical dad/male teacher outfit. It feels vaguely 80s to me, but it's pretty normal.

Also, it's pretty much what Steve Jobs used to wear.
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What sneakers are these? What's similar to these that you can cop?
don't know is this is the right board, but I need a pair of shoes under $100 that are comfortable to stand in all day. I can push the price higher if it is really worth it. I do not care at all what they look like (which is why I'm not sure if it's the right board) but I am wearing jeans with them if it matters.
Does it matter how durable they are?
German army trainers in all white.
they need to last at least a year of near daily use
Just buy last year's model mens running shoes on discount, new balance 880 or 1080 are great.


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Nike Air Zoom Pulse
the heel will blow out quick and you'll need to shave a bit of the plastic inside to stop it from digging into your heel but I have about 1.5 years in my first pair atm and I have 3 others to go through since I work in healthcare. They're designed specifically as more techs nursing clogs but are inoffensive and trendy enough to be worn in other fields like serving or bartending. I paid full price for my first pair but the others I got for like $50 a pair on eBay. The rubberized upper will crack after a while but I'm always grinding my shoes down to the absolute pulp to get maximum value out of them and they've held up pretty okay despite that. Don't mind the dirt on the shoes, just snapped the pic to show how they wear over time. I went TTS to my Nike running sneaker size and there is a bit of a break in period but they are damn comfy cause the padding is like a complete inch thick
How important are undershirts when you’re wearing a button-up shirt?
Pretty important. Makes it drape far better onto your body. Also helps sweat not show up, and makes the shirt last far far longer.
How big of a t shirt size can someone wear relative to height before it turns grotesque? I'm 175cm tall, very thin 42cm clavicle to clavicle, somewhat short torso (88cm leg length, inseam to heel) I want to wear big t shirts this summer, can I go as far as XL? I hope this doesnt read too odd of a post
Hijacking this comment in case anyone really knowledgeable about sizing shows up. I’m 6’0”, I don’t exercise and all my fat is in my gut. A size large hangs off my shoulders like a trash bag and a medium accentuates my belly. Which do I wear?
I should add I’m 170 lbs, so if I’m wearing something flattering like a tailored suit people assume I’m slender. I’m very slightly overweight but I’m not a big fat guy.
cop or not? Idk I’m kinda feeling it
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>relative to height before it turns grotesque?
The fuck is it?
Thanks I'll try the UA stuff. I've actually never tried high tech clothing so I'm curious how well it'll work.
Looking at a laundry tag for a dark blue jacket and it says "Wash Dark Colours Separately. Do Not Soak. Wash Separately". Should I just throw it in the wash by itself?
thank you
>Should I just throw it in the wash by itself?
For the first time, yes, since its color is most likely to bleed on the first wash. After that I would wash it together with clothes of similar fabric (texture and color).
are darn tough wool socks the real deal? I see them getting shilled on reddit a lot, but they are like $25 per pair of socks. They have a million varieties, so which should I try? anything I should know about maintenance, or just treat them like normal socks?
Thank you!
When you're replying to a post you can highlight the text you want to spoiler, then ctrl-s to automatically spoiler it.

This only works when you've clicked the number of a post to reply, not the "Post a Reply" button on the top or bottom of the page.
>not the "Post a Reply" button on the top or bottom of the page
Actually it works with the one on the bottom of the page, but not the top. My bad.
Where the fuck do you buy jeans
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what do I do about my dumb fucking hair I have a fringe line thar is insanely far back on my skull
Why the FUCK did I ever thing cropped pants looked good? I've been wearing them like everyday for the past 2 years and then I looked in the mirror and holy FUCK they look so fucking dorky and shitty it reminded me of the movie Megamind when Megamind injects the ginger guy with the superhero serum and he grows like 2 feet instantly and suddenly his pants don't fit and are way too short
Most of my clothes are from Gap but according to /fa/ everything there is shit. What's a good place to shop that's around the same price range?
I'm going monk mode and I need to minimize my wardrobe to a weeks worth of clothes.
How would you do this? I live in a hot-humid climate.
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What is this thing circled in the pic called? I want to find more jackets with it.
Yes. They really are better than other wool socks I've had. They have a lifetime warranty, so if you ever get holes in them, you get a new pair. And because they're wool you can wear them multiple times before needing to wash them. That means you need fewer socks compared with, say, cotton socks. I'm sounding like a shill right now, but wool does have a tendency to wear out over time, so the fact that they issue replacements makes it a good deal in the long run.

The lifestyle line with no cushioning is what you should look at first for everyday wear, those are the "normal" socks.
storm flap. assuming a coat has functional details this is how it should look done up.
see how it would help prevent water running in underneath the front?
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forgot my pic.
thank you for the help, I couldn't find a mention to what it was anywhere.
is cashmere worth it? or just stick to wool
also my friend told me only woman wear cashmere is that true
What are nice non-binary/unisex things to wear? Regular men fashion is boring in my opinion and I would feel weird wearing women's clothing
I like my Børn Cabots just fine. They've stayed pretty comfy over the last few years.
What shoes are in?

I wear sambas right now but really dont like them
Any tips how to style these bad boys? They're so gorgeous but I haven't seen that many pics online
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This shit a cop? I really like that the fleece is seperate but 200 freedom burgers is high. I might just say fuck it but still unsure
id on these sneaks that were thrown onto the pitch at last night's RO16 match between Romania and the Netherlands?
Never mind, found 'em.
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Cop or not? Its local brand.
Will drinking a moderate amount of coffee make me look older or the opposite? If not, should I drink sugarless black coffee only?
Yeah looks good
Coffee is placebo. Smoke cigarettes and snort cocaine like a real man
Does rancourt shipping actually take as long as they say?
is it even possible to look good as a 5'7 man? Anything I try to wear except suits, looks unproportional and weird. I have to go literal highschooler core or I get uncanny vibes from my outfits. Why is that?
Long torso maybe? It's hard to find pants with a good rise to offset this.
Does anyone know of any pajama pants that come close to the ones that Foundry[JC Penny] would sell?
cop or not?
Best 100% cotton shorts? Everything has faggot "strech" plastic in it, I'm about to stretch out some fashion designers' assholes if they don't just give me some cotton shorts.
Best tank tops that can be worn as an undershirt and as a muscle t?
I'm 6'1 with kinda long legs and a lot of shitty online brands only offer 31 or 32 inseam on their pants, everything looks gay as fuck on me.
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Worth the cop or no?
Niko! Do you want to go bowling?
Well boys, Im convinced
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I bought a jacket from The Kooples similar to picrel. The sleeves are a bit too long, so I went to a tailor, but she told me it's fine like this. There were no other suit jackets in her shop, so maybe she just couldn't handle it? Where can I go to get my sleeves shortened?
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how can i improve the style i have
& some things i should try to make interesting/nice outfits
also wat are some brands that i should look at in particular to fit/improve my outfit
I wear them for work (miles of walking every day). Theyre the real deal, no major signs of wear after years. I machine wash them after a few uses and air dry and it works out fine.
The problem is, despite there being millions of men our height or less in the country, most dont actually care that their clothes are disproportionate. So clothing companies dont bother to fix the problem. Asian companies like Uniqlo often have clothes that are made for shorter guys.
I would guess "literal high schooler core" means baggy stuff, which gives it the appearance of intentionally poor fit.
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How do I get the confidence to wear slides in public? I live in the city and have never seen anyone wearing them
There's a reason you shouldn't be wearing them.
Nigga I paid 90 bucks for it, ai’m not gonna keep them in a box
What broken bit of brain chemistry is genuinely holding you back from wearing slides in public? They're an insanely common casual shoe, not a pair of platform boots that have screens blasting gay porn on them. If it's an issue with your feet just wear socks
I live in eastern europe and never seen anyone wear yeezy slides in public
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any idea where you can get a similar t-shirt nowadays?
Is it even worth it to be fa at 5'6? Whenever I try do dress like those Chad bois I just look like a dork because the clothes never fit the same even though I am lean and athletic.
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It’s not because of your height, it’s because of your personality. Your low confidence seeps through, through your face, posture and movements

And while you can wear lifted shoes or smash your legs and put metal rods in your bones to become 5”9, you cannot ever ever fix a terrible personality

Good luck!
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Is there anything I can do about these stains? The brown is sweat, the red must be spilled coolant in the carpet of my trunk.
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How do I look bros
You look like sam hyde except you did everything the articles said and more
Well… at least you are white
kys redditard
How do you cope with aging? Like I wanted to buy some baggy parachute pants and then I realized I'm 27 years old now
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Which is more fa?
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Any shoes that look similar to a white nike cortez?

I dont like the actual shoe, they fit me like shit, because it’s only in women’s sizes. I dont mind a high price
Moal 77 but be careful I've got them and they were to narrow for my feet. Never had this issue with literally any other brand.
Yes. They are pretty accurate with their lead times and shipping dates.

I haven’t bought anything during the presale though. I imagine they are just as accurate. I wish the did boots for the summer presale since they are delivering in November. I assume they don’t do it that way because they want you to buy the off season stuff for wholesale.

I’ll probably get some boots next presale. I really like their stuff.
What is brand for mid to high rise pants? I’m 6’5” and I always wondered why my pants looks like shit. I don’t know if it the rise or what, but the thread earlier convinced me try some out.
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when I get out of the shower after using shampoo I have luscious hair almost exactly like kyle hill (picrel), minus the blonde (border lining jet black). But once it dries I look like I been hiding in the jungle for a week. What do?

Im bio male if it matters for some reason
You’re right. I should have specified chinos in >>18171532. I’m boring and work in a boring office.
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any chance to get ID on shirt
How often should you wash pants?
What do you call the tight ending of a sleeve like this?
I've been looking for a jacket with a longer version of this, one that goes like halfway up the forearm
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forgot pic
>ending of a sleeve
>tight ending of a sleeve
Elastic cuff.
>like this
Ribbed elastic cuff.
>I've been looking for a jacket with a longer version of this, one that goes like halfway up the forearm
That sounds horrible.
On second thought, it doesn't seem that great. Still, I wonder why I almost never see it.
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I currently and pretty much always have exclusively worn black, white, and grey clothes including shoes
need something new for travelling and I kind of like these, would it look shit with those colors?
What’s a good “smart casual” shoe for daily wear? Wearing converse every day is embarrassing as I enter my late 20s
Assuming you are a women, that's kinda nice style you got there. Don't quite like the unfunctional sleeves but rest is cool. Might try some tight trousers to accentuate whatever.

IF you are not a women by birth, you have bigger issues to solve.
From more casual to less casual:
>minimalist leather sneakers
Looking for some shoes that have a similar look to the Salomon speedcross 4. I guess the slim outsole and aggressive thread showing are part of the appeal but can't really tell.
I see, well I work an office job and mostly just go from and to work, sometimes out to do errands, probably spend 30 minutes to an hour in direct sunlight tops, specially in summer when temps can reach 40ºC. I'd say I sweat a normal amount. My plan was to get four or so pairs of chinos so I can stagger them until I get 5~ wears out of each and toss them all in the washing machine at the end of the month. Would it be a good idea to leave them sitting in the dirty clothes basket for several days though?
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Ended up getting a Mexico 66. Thanks

Good video
Hey Bro you could start by wearing clothes that actually fit you. I mean it makes no sense to wear women's clothes as a man, it always looks terrible. Start there and feel free to come back and post the results.
Zoomer shoe
Are there any good round toe casual derbies that won’t make me look like a fag like doc martens/solovair?
Skolyx, Meermin, TLB Mallorca, Carmina, Carlos Santos, Shoepassion, Septieme Largeur, Crockett & Jones, etc., remember it is highly recommended to own two pairs so you can alternate them and let the leather rest otherwise they will wear out significantly faster. Also get ones with a rubber sole, the only purpose of leather soles is to show off the fact you have leather soles.
The shoe went out of style before zoomers had perm
how do you guys know when to donate something? what is your strat

usually I buy a bunch of items I like. I generally make sure they are similar colours to match.


should I just make outfits and have atleast 10 outfits and just wear those until they are no longer in fashion?

seriously... I have so many clothes. they all are pretty cool but I cycle through so many that none of them really wear out.
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Is this fit whack pls be honest
I've worn it before and people told me I looked nice, a few guys have tried to hit on me while I wearing it but when I posted it on /lgbt/ two people called it awful. I think it looks pretty cool. This was gonna be my main look for the summer, minus the jacket in the warmer months what is the problem?
Please don't be too mean okay? Please (._.)
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I wanna buy tapered jeans but I have a small waist (US 26/27)
what are some good brands other than apc or nudie?
Boots make you look like a child + shirt too tight + you don’t pass
PLEASE just tell me okay??? I am literally autistic, I'm constantly making fucking crazy ass fashion choices, even when I try to put a "normal" outfit together I do something weird. Okay?? This was my attempt at a NORMAL outfit I'm not trying to make any kind of statement FUXK
You can check out blue owl, they carry a lot of Japanese brands and have accurate size charts for individual products.
I don't think the shirts too tight. The next size up was too loose on me. Its a partially spandex $3 cami. I pulled it up a bit to show some midriff
>a few guys have tried to hit on me while I wearing it but when I posted it on /lgbt/ two people called it awful.

are you female gay?

get ankle high boots imo
:V omg
Should i get the white ones?
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All blue or blue/green?
Uh... you use conditioner too right?
Start using conditioner if not. Dont use shampoo every day. And air dry or blow dry your hair, dont use a towel.
Not a fan of that shade of green but the shorter inseam looks better proportionally than the blue shorts, unless its just the pose/angle.
The blue shorts are longer, they could be cuffed. Personally I'm leaning towards the green idk
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Is this an actual Bape design or just a bootleg to avoid a lawsuitssnh
I know I dress like shit but when I try to come up with any type of unique style it feels forced and contrived. The only time I feel like myself is if I dress like shit. What do?
Are there any manlet-friendly brands that will fit my massive 26 inch thighs?
>inb4 lose weight
I am sub 20% bmi
Is there a good brand of jeans for a short guy with thick thighs
blue boy for sure
They look like women's shoe my man
They won't fit you, women's shoes max out at like a guys size 9
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im losing weight rn
my hair hasnt been styled literally at all yet, i plan on doing it in august when its a little longer before classes start

you arent saying anything i havent literally said myself before
Dude, get some clothes that fit
Why the fuck are you wearing Sailor's Bell Bottoms and oversized Frat Boy Sweaters? It just makes you look more like a Sumo Wrestler.
Your hair fucking sucks tho just buzz it and grow some Designer Stubble.
Prob solved
Thanks anon, I'll try this out hopefully soon. Hot as fuck out here
Good info, thanks anon
Very funny. But I've already cut my balls off.
I'm 30 and not sure what to do hair-wise. On the one hand I'm considering something out-there and different from normie haircuts just to see what it looks and feels like, but on the other hand I know I look conventionally attractive with a standard haircut and I can style it well. Another factor is that I teach high school, so I have to deal with the opinions of teenagers daily.
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Im gonna be a teacher, is this a good style? I need something minimalist, cheap, but serious. My only leather shoes are 1461 doc monos, so i guessed a big chino like that would look good?
Oh, so you're a ball-less dude that tries to dress like a woman? How's that fashion choice going for you Broseph? Seems a little dated my man like 2018 or some shit
Anyone? >>18172319
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Cop or not? (Heavily discounted)
Sad you cut off your balls only to not pass
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recs for shorts that are lightweight and breathable (synthetic fibers are fine), baggy, ~7 or 6 inch inseam, doesn't look like something a frat brother would wear. Most decent quality linen shorts look like they have a slimmer cut (weird considering linen has no stretch)
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what are some /fa/ approved alternatives to the 1996 nuptse puffer? if im gonna be generic like every other bong uni student by wearing a black puffer, then i at least want to be be somewhat special. budget is £300 or under
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What can I wear under this shirt?
im 173 cms and I hit the gym
so I wear M for most brands but they seem to a bit long

do folks shorten the length of their polos and such? is it a known practice?
pants would be a good start
i can see the tip of your dick poking out, put a skirt on
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Wanted long hair but my shit's gone helmet mode and is getting larger not longer.
What's some haircuts that work on really thick hair? And ideally look good on my head shape
Take the shirt you want tailored to a tailor. If they can’t do it, they will tell you.
>do folks shorten the length of their polos and such?
yeah its called hemming. get a tailor. or even better get a sewing machine and learn.

>is it a known practice?
yeah its a standard thing.
it used to be a standard coming of age thing as a man where you'd go to your dad's tailor but it was lost after the boomers.
which severely fucks over short and tall guys and makes it a lot harder to navigate the fashion word. tall guys at least get the big and tall section at the store tho.
american brand clothes are designed for a 5'8-6' guy with a beer gut.
rough rule of thumb -- its more about torso length, and torso length isn't directly coordinated to height as much as people think. ethnicity is an even bigger factor cause different groups of peoples' torso and leg lengths vary a ton (compare michael phelps to usain bolt)
as a dude the same height as you if you have a large work surface in your living area and you're not in a tiny apartment rn get a sewing machine and learn how to do basic alteration yourself. it saves so much money when you have to tailor all your shirts and all you need on them is a hem. failing that take everything to a tailor in bulk its cheaper than a few items at a time.

>173cms and I hit the gym
same @ both.
clothes that come in asian sizing will fit you right off the rack. japanese/chinese/korean/indonesian/etc brands are the short and fit guy version of the big and tall store.
nothing sold by any american or any european brand will fit you without alteration without looking like the wrong size.
starting to get your clothes tailored is going to significantly improve your appearance and how you're perceived. being short and wearing un-tailored clothes from western brands basically gives you child proportions. i'm giving you the best fashion advice anyone will ever give.
for any lurkers everything in my post also applies to tall guys except a few things: big and tall store exists, and removing fabric is easier than adding.
yep on buttoned shirts they're a bit limited to how much they can remove from the hem based on how low the lowest button is. you can only go so close to it before it looks weird and cutting it higher always looks weird.
something like a polo or a tee you can hem however short. turn it into a crop top or a brazier if you want.
>and learn how to do basic alteration yoursel
you still want a tailor btw. its just a big money saver to do the really simple stuff yourself. i hem my own tees but i take my buttoned shirts to the tailor, and i have my tailor do anything that involves pants or pinning me up (getting a friend to do that, and correctly is a pain in the ass even if you know tailoring just pay someone)
feathered friends, montbell, patagonia, arcteryx
i'm american dunno what they cost you and availability. i would buy feathered friends based on usa prices, montbell second choice.
some other good brands for down jackets:
nunatak, kuiu, goosefeet, cumulus, rab, mont zero, kuiu, katabatic. could even get a good quality (visually and fill wise) moncler replica around that price. animals definitely got tortured for that down though.
for any americans lurking timmermade is the best in his price range and its not even close but i already know its impossible to get in europe. i see many posts on hiking forums from europeans lamenting not being able to buy his stuff.
theyre pretty cute desu
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Find a har salon or baber shop that does scissor cuts. Don't go to one of these trendy barbers that only do fades. Call them up ahead of time and ask if they do classic mens scissor cuts. Make an appointment, go in, short scissor trimmed sides. Talk to them about what you should do on top depends on your hair, how thick, hairline and how straight / curly it is.
Consider a short messy textured top you can throw some paste in and tossle to style. Or maybe a side part with some length on top so you can slick it back. Not a huge pompidor or anything silly like that.
Get some medium strong hold matte finish hair paste or clay to style with, stay away from shiny oil pomades.
Get a haircut routinely every 3-4 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows.
Yeah meme celebrity but that's an easy to style haircut that works for lots of men.
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Patagonia baggies
Nylon rugby shorts
Gramicci g-shorts
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You mostly just need a haircut, do a medium/ long sode part like pic related
Also look at the curly girl method haircare.
Mostly importantly get a cleansing shampoo with sulfates and use it once and then only as needed if you get excessive buildup, i got Garnier silicone free clarifying shampoo for a few dollars at my local drugstore. Then get a curly girl approved shampoo and conditioner, maybe a leave in conditioner as well for regular use.
Don't worry about the styling advice, focus on the cleansing shampoo and then finding the right shampoo and conditioner and following their recommendations for how to use it.
Product recs
Then also get a mild curl styling product like jessicurl confident curls styling solution and use that to style your hair.
You can get jessicurl shampoo and conditioner as well but there are cheaper options.
Getting the right shampoo and conditioner and learning how to best use them will make a huge difference in your hair and how happy you are with it.
>medium/ long sode part
*Medium / long side part
Thanks bro, this helps a lot
Bro that hippy henley shirt is sweet and you should throw on some faded light blue jeans. Looks like you've been banging the girlfriend on the floor, nice one dude
seconding patagonia baggies.
5ultimate used to be by far the best ultralight shorts but they sold the brand to guy who doesn't know how to run a business about a year ago sadly.
anybody here knows good brands for swimwear (swimming trunks in particular) in europe?
you have a big forehead so you should grow your fringe out long and stop going to that hairdresser. they are terrible
cashmere is thin so everyone will see your nips
different tailor
cashmere is a fiber bro. you can knit/weave a thick or thin sweater out of it. you're buying cheap bullshit. how much did you pay for your cashmere sweater and did it tell you the weight of the fabric in g/m2 or oz/yd in the product description? if it was less than like 300-600 there's your problem.
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broke problems. get a job. this is cashmere.
closest I can see
oof, no
new hat
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good cashmere sweaters cost around $1000-3000.
you can get a decent one for around $600 from the right brand.
or about $300 used for the ones that go for 1k new. a lot of people think cashmere knits can't be repaired when it gets holes but its actually rather easy to invisibly repair.
>What do?
looks fine. Would be /fa if you had some accessory or something in khaki
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cashmere literally thin bro
show me a thick cashmere sweater
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i've posted several you dolt.
nice jpeg dumb ass who the fuck makes a SWEATER out of coarse wool?
retard larping poorfag that's only used for outerwear.
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that is 100% wool and silk.
NOT cashmere lol
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that's a different sweater dumb ass. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296119721994

so you obviously don't know anything about wool. what compels you to larp like you do and post with such authority. you know how funny reading your posts are to anyone who actually knows their shit is right? what are you even trying to accomplish.
..... you know that with wool the smaller the fiber the better, right?
and no the fiber size doesn't determine how thick it can be or how durable it is. the most durable wools in the world bison and musk ox are very low micron count and soft.
have you ever even bought anything made of wool that wasn't $100 budget brand? post a pic of it pls?
just wash it with soap and a brush or soak it or even just throw it in your washing machine on low heat.
it will shrink so you'll need to find an object like a bowl or a melon or something roughly the same size as your head.
let it air dry on this object to shape it and there you go.
if you find the right brush with the right stiffness of bristle that lets you agitate it without fucking the fibers up it should come out. old toothbrush might do the job in a pinch but be a bit painstaking.
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>the micron count of the fiber is small
>so the garment must be thin!
>you can only make thick garments out of scratchy coarse wool!
peak midwit narcissism on display. he thinks he's a genius so he thinks he has the answers to everything even topics he knows nothing about and has no experience with.
i bet my gloves and beanie cost more than the most expensive wool garment he can post. and they weren't even that expensive.
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It's kind of understandable that people think cashmere can only make paper thin jumpers because that's 90% of the cashmere that people see sold.
Of course you can turn fine micron merino or cashmere into any thickness yarn you want and make a garment with it but most brands would rather sell you a glorified undershirt for $1,000.
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Recs for a Norwegian birdseye knit? Preferably whith a more classic fit that i can wear over a button down?
I was thinking i would just go for the classic llbean but i would like something made with some really fine fibers.
I have a workers comp court date coming up, just both sides and the judge. I'm honestly lost when it comes to fashion and just generally wear boots jeans and t-shirt. Probably because I'm a filthy tradie that is used to it.

Anyway, is business casual fine? I'm thinking Thursday Captains and chinos or jeans, but I'm not sure on what shirt. I don't really want to tuck in my shirt. I prefer a shirt with texture/pattern, not just plain color, because I think my rough appearance goes better with that. Short sleeve polo or button up? Long sleeve button up with rolled up sleeves? IDK

Slim jeans/chinos or something more relaxed? I'm 6'1" and 220lbs, with oddly large forearms.
100% agree.

here's some random ones i liked scanning goggle for a few mins.
the modern ll bean ones are a bit on the scratchy side i've held one in hand. i imagine the 80% wool 20% rayon vintage ones will be a bit softer if you nab one that hasn't been washed before.
surprised nobody really makes a ultra high end sweater in that knit, at least that i stumbled on i'm sure someone does search engines are such shit now. i saved the first one to my cop later list i like it a lot.


business casual is appropriate for a court date. go with the chinos not the jeans. if the jeans fit super good and are basically raw looking still they might be viable but lean towards chinos for this. pass on the short sleeve shirt go with the long sleeve and roll your sleeves if its hot out. if its too hot to do that get a shirt in a fabric weave more appropriate for hot weather honestly a basic ass ocbd that isn't a cheap shitty one will do the trick. tuck your shirt, if you're a princess untuck it after when you're in the parking lot. slim fit's fine wear what you are comfortable with. you might not dislike tucking as much if you get pants that are more of a mid rise i fucking hate tucking with low and low-mid rises personally, i like my shirt tuck to feel secure like i can do a day of construction and not have to fuck with it or think about it, even when i'm just farting about town.
char limit
be aware these are all blind recs except taylor stitch ymmv. my sweaters and everything else i have from taylor stitch has been a solid price to qual ratio. i usually try to stick to reccing only stuff ive handled or tried on hence the disclaimer.
g0ys catcha lol
caveat for you: short sleeve is acceptable if you live in socal, arizona, nevada a tropical island etc. inappropriate for the context basically anywhere else. theres social exceptions made for the formality of short sleeves in really hot especially hot humid climate areas.
also finding classic/vintage fit was a struggle be aware i mostly posted normal modern fit. id just cop vintage ll bean for that from what i saw. if the first sweater on my list was a vintage fit i would cop it this second i get you there.
thanks! looks pretty hopeless at the moment, usually it's red with white stripes

Thank you! Any recommended brands or brick and mortar stores for these items?
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Cop or not?
What color bowtie and pants should I wear with this shirt? Casual wedding reception and my wife is wearing an orange dress.
you can prly find brooks brothers or mercer locally if you need a dece shirt fast
brooks will nig you though they retail price their shit too high and do sales a lot
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Checked, but the only tailors I see are those cheap ones that fix regular clothes, not suits. How to look for a good tailor?
is this cringe just to stroll around in? (im 26 btw)
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i have worn this one out in public twice (mom and sister didnt mind it)
My bachelors graduation is coming up in September. It should be about 15C/60F. What should I wear?
Rick Calfskin cardholder with lambskin lining.
Normally 515 canuck bucks, on sale for 180
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oops i'm rarted
black would look the most modern
you could go blue/navy if you want to look a little more playful
don't love the shirt tbqh with you but the coordination idea is sweet
I know from experience it is pretty hard if you don't live in a super high populous area. Take a cheap pair of pants/blazer from a charity shop or that you don't really care about to the best reviewed cheap local places and see how it goes. If it goes badly, you might have to get it done in your nearest city.
i mean, if you don't mind pink.
personally, i would not
Not sure what other board to ask this:

What color of bedding is best for a man who will hopefully one day find a woman?

White sheets, dark or light blue comforter/duvet? White pillowcases?
Any other suggestions or would that be my best options?
going shopping today

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