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For all two of us that hang out here. It's been a while since the last one
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I'm RACIST but I want to FUCK a BLACK woman.
Every day I am genuinely thankful for my black girlfriend and her family, some of the best people I've ever met.
Before anyone says it, dating her has paradoxically made me more racist because her family clawed it's way out of poverty into upper middle class, the men worked trades, didn't abandon their families,sent kids to college, kids repeated the cycle, etc. And the whole time other black people are fucking with them about "acting too white" and trying to drag them down. Apparently having a good job and being a good father is being too white to some of those animals.

If you can find a black woman who's parents are still married, date them. Stay as far away as humanely possible from all the others unless you're just fucking them. In that case, bring your own condoms and if she comes to your place don't let her know where you keep your condoms at.
How come you can never find black women this cute in porn
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How do I get a black kween as a 6'3" white guy who has been described as good looking but is socially retarded?

If you're bald too you'd be literally me. Online dating works really well IMHO. If you aren't socially awkward, they're waaaaaay more receptive to striking up a conversation in the wild than white women. I ended up hooking up with a black "lesbian" I met in a bookstore that way.
Thankfully I still have all my hair. I haven't had much luck with the dating apps recently but I did go on a date with a Guinean girl last summer
If you live near a decent sized town/city, try Okcupid. Works better than Tinder for black chicks IMHO
what do i wear to attract a girl like this?
Thanks God for the huge chocolate udders I blew a load across last night. Amen
Because women who film porn are usually trailer trash. Which is why beautiful porn actresses are so sought after. Picrel is most likely a model with a real job, someone respectable, she probably is married or engaged to someone already.
Whats the point of this thread? There are no negresses on /fa/
and that’s unfortunate, i love black women
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why cant we genetically modify black women to only breed girls? that would change everything
they’re so fine, i don’t get how some people can claim they’re ugly
Because its the father that gives the second sexual chromosome, therefore deciding the baby's gender
Same, I wanna bleach so many of them
and it's not even a fetish, i really find them more attractive than women of other races
Id plap any race tbf
The more the better, a thicc black kween would fit me perfectly
Because 99% of them are very ugly? Nearly 60% of black women are obese as opposed to around 30% for white women. Meanwhile black men have the same obesity rate as white men.
>Because 99% of them are very ugly
that's a stupid generalization. where i live, there aren't too many, but the vast majority that i have seen i found attractive, and they weren't fat lol
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Yeah but there are so many cute white girls doing porn but no cute black girls
>proceeds to post anecdotal evidence of a women that isnt even half black
whos coping here?
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>Apparently having a good job and being a good father is being too white to some of those animals.

For Black people the only valid path to prosperity are unironically lottery, sportsball or singing.

>If you can find a black woman
Picrel is literally me
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Not him but in the European capital city in which I am forced to reside, it's 95 % ogre with a few attractive ones that generally dress very well, live centrally and are married to a high powered lawyer at mid-big sized firms, yet the top law programs are lily white.

Do you need to join DLA to get a 3.14 nubian?
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Respectibility politics and muh Religion. Most black women don't want to conform to the stereotypes of being hypersexual. Also, many are religious so any participation in porn is a no no.
Some black people yes, not every black person. For the ones who say that, it's usually thanks to ignorance(they think that means that we think we're better than them) and lack of education, sometimes jealousy. I don't think it's that they we successful that makes them "white" to them. It's the mannerism and how we talk.
I say this a a black person who has been told by some black people that I "sound white." the majority of black people are cool with me though and don't think less of badly of me but rather proud of my accomplishments.
Not sure why it would make you more racists when it's clearly not all black people. You dont deserve to be married to one of us if you spout this nonsense. I hope your wife finds out about this.
Not true. >>18162710
But of course you won't believe me and would say im larping. I am the one who corrected an anon on a thread about locs being inherently dirty. Unfortunately, would not date the majority of you here cause you're clearly racists.dont care how much you like me or certain black women, you're not going to disrespect my race.
why did you reply to me? i didn’t say anything bad about black people
>i would rather complain about racists online instead of confronting the selfdestructive behavior of my kind

I initially thought your were some asian dude larping but now I've my doubts...

He got the 'tism
Mamma mia, I want a woman with a nice hip-waist ratio so bad
Why are mixed girls usually cuter than the races they come from?
Mamma mia
Lucky dude
>And the whole time other black people are fucking with them about "acting too white" and trying to drag them down.
It's well know the black community has crab mentality and victimoonhood problems. Amala Ekpunobi has a few videos about this. Good luck to you and your girl, anon.
You can find some in r/GWBlackGirls and related sub. For example, u/Slutmeatcunt is cute and has a great body. She's Nigerian though
Fair. It's hard to trust you when you're on this site though. So it's gonna have to be a no from me.
If you all see nothing wrong with stereotyping all black people as shitty until proven otherwise, I think it's fair for me to assume you're all racist until proven otherwise.
Implying I can't do both shit head.
Also, it's difficult to improve the situation of every black person given the disproportionate poverty. Call me a commie all you want but the mian way out of this is fix the extreme income equality we have in this country(which many people arent interested in doing). It turns most out poor people tend to steal or be uneducated regardless of race. And it just so happens that blacks as a group for the longest time, were kept poor and given the least opportunities. It's doesn't get fixed overnight with bare minimum programs like "muh affirmative action."
Waiting for you to say that poor people are the reason for their poverty tho.
>it's gonna have to be a no from me.

wtf are you on? all i said was that i love black women, i even contradicted the anon who said that 99% of them are ugly, i’m the one that replied “that’s a stupid generalization”.

you sound really insecure, maybe it’s time to take a break from the internet
and i don’t need your validation to like a group of people lmao
Lol did I say you need my validation to like black girls? What are YOU on.
The point is I don't know you. Read my comment again if you don't get it.
"Blame your race" for my distrust. Lol
you’re actually retarded, not only you’re assuming that i’m white, but you’re also assuming that a race can be at fault because you’re an insecure loser
this unironically makes you racist
Its pretty common to assume most people here are white but assuming youre not: are you black? If not, regardless, if youre not white(but black), you're still white adjacent and we all know how alot of you(Asians, Hispanics, arabs) act towards us and hold us to stereotypes. I would care more if this same logic was upheld across the board but it is normalized to make how some black people act be grounds to judge all black people or to assume we're incompetent so I'm over it. Call me bitter if you want, how about you use that energy to call out your race on their bullshit?
At this point, you all have to prove to me that you're not racist before I assume you aren't. the same way I have to prove to white people constantly that I'm not a threat or incompetent.
That's all I'm saying yet you're getting butt hurt about it from a person you don't know either. Like you clearly care about validation from a stranger who doesn't even know you (as i said earlier lol).
No it makes bitter at worse. Protecting myself and my feelings at best. Racism is about feelings supremacy and power. I don't think you're inferior to me, I just don't trust you yet.
>And the whole time other black people are fucking with them about "acting too white"

This is exactly why i dont trust wiggers and jungle feveroids. You retards take everything at face value and think your obsession and fetish of black people means your opinions are more valid for some reason. Yes you have the entire black community figured out. Its not like white people dont have their banters or alienate other whites based on their values or backgrounds at all. you should uniroincally kys
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Can we please stop arguing and just appreciate black beauty?
i am confident this is a jungle fever fetishist thread
why are you calling it “jungle” fever? you like to denigrate your own people? I am convinced that you are either a larper or you have serious problems, maybe both
Can you even call it that when half the girls the retard coomer OP posted are biracial?
or i'm not black nigglet
not sure why you'd think that jungle = bad anyhow
maybe you da rayciss
Stay out of black people's business. This is our issue we need to sort out ourselves between eachother. You need to focus on what YOU can do to treat black people better. And shitting on most the the race besides the few you interact with, ain't it.
6 figures +, 6’0”+, 8”+ cock, good social skills, and a handsome face chiseled from stone
Fine. I still don't trust most of you you guys.
Adorable <3
>t. black anon
We don’t need your trust
Who is this I must fap
Weirdo, who do you think you are?
I don't think anything of myself but I said what I said. You're clearly upset about whether a stranger online trusts you or not. Lol
Guys who is this pair of tits
Why would I need your trust? Trust for what exactly?
In terms of I would not date you was my original point. I also hope no other black women end up with any of you racists here either, which includes you until proven otherwise. But sure, continue to post here to your hearts content. Ai wasn't saying anything about THAT.
You sure are replying a lot to a person who's opinion you don't care about btw.
What are you doing here since you consider us all racist?
Until proven otherwise.
I was just checking to see how much racist shit some of you assholes were outwardly posting.
Why are you calling me an asshole? I didn't say anything negative and I don't intend to
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What black hairstyle requires the least amount of maintenance and care but still looks presentable for black men?
I’m racist and I have fucked several black women. I made one insist on calling me massah while I creampied her and she was pretty active during the BLM fent floyd riot nonsense, appearing in news articles and all kinds of shit lol. Same bitch had this black BF later on and kept sending me nudes begging me to stretch her out again and I felt bad for the guy so I told him what’s he was sending me let him know I wasn’t gonna entertain any of it but I thought he should know. I’m racist but I’m not a monster.
This isn’t guaranteed. Dated one a year ago (not the one above) who seemed great. Good father, parents had a great marriage, she was born in the Caribbean moved to my area while young, super family oriented went to church was well read on the Bible, super into fashion, played vidya, really pretty girl, seemed to have a great head on her shoulders but turned out to be an undercover bop. She chased me ironically enough. It is what it is. Still the hottest women I’ve been with.

If you found one who is truly worthwhile, work hard to keep things good and make it work. They’re some of the greatest women when they’re not trashy and ghetto and not bops.
Had one insist* not made. Even I found it weird
>In terms of I would not date you was my original point. I also hope no other black women end up with any of you racists

Lmao turn your trip back on Vieo. You're not a woman, you look like Carrot Top decided to try drag and blackface in the same day.
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i have waves, theyre easy to get for some, harder for others but once you have them theyre easy to maintain, and they dont have to be perfect either, mine look more like this guy’s, i have the same fade
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Youssou N'Dour is my role model.
Blacks don't like Vieo either?
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I have an afro but my weird mutt genes make it have weird inconsistent volume(not super kinky, not straight either) and so it somewhat parts to the side and is heavier on the sides too with the top not looking as large as the sides. WHen I pick my hair it looks fine, but when it retracts it defaults to this weird shape like picrel but not as bad.

Is there a way to circumvent this with some product or should I go cut my hair a certain way? I also havent been to a barbershop in 13 years and only shaved my head bald at home a bit over a year ago.
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Also, anyone save a screenshot from this post all those years ago? It gave me a good laugh when I first saw it
>Stay out of black peoples business
>Said the black nigga after refusing to stay away from your water fountains and restaurants
>dont care how much you like me or certain black women, you're not going to disrespect my race.
Based beautiful black queen. stays loyal to her race, despite having chuddies throwing themselves at her.
>Based beautiful black queen. stays loyal to her race, despite having chuddies throwing themselves at her.

Lol.lmao even.

Despite the delusions of terminally online social failures, literally no one is throwing themselves at black women, not even black men. Let's check reality shall we?
one is not like the others
>For all two of us that hang out here.
>hang out

Little on the nose innit?

> respect blacks who were born into unfortunate conditions, but work their way up into a respectable living

> stay far away from the black girls who were born into unfortunate conditions, unless ure fucking them with a condom

>Whites have that thing to date women who look like they mom
Men have a tendency to reproduce with someone similar to themselves to pass on genes. There are many exceptions, of course. There are exceptions to any generalization but I point it out because you, as a nigger, likely have a low IQ. Men tend toward someone similar to themselves, you get your genes from your parents, so someone like you would be something like your parents. Edgelord faggots say ppl try to fuck their mom for basically clickbait
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What sport???
how do i get a black gf? (im white)
fake and gay
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So...then it's the black men that need to be genetically modified to not shed their y chromosome during meiosis?
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Wait...it would have to be done to white men too, since we're doing this to produce niggresses stock for white men to breed.
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what's a bop?
I've been trying to figure this out as a 5'11 guy who has been suggested to start modeling multiple times. I hope I'm autistic so I can have an excuse for being such a freak.
Try harder next time bruv
Can someone id everything she's wearing?
White top, blue jeans, beige shoes
hello black anons, i mean you no harm

however, with that being said, how do i get a nubian queen like these ladies in the thread as a white man?
No, the brands and specific items you silly goose
He's gay because a lot of black women are ugly? Huh?
how do I get chocolate wife as a slav?
online dating maybe
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With ease
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For the black girls here, do you prefer a (black) man with facial hair or without? If yes, how much? Like a full bushy beard? Mustache? Stubble beard? Show me what your preference looks like. I want something like picrel
Some white colleagues say i look like Will Smith when i rock a fade. I'm a white/black mutt.
I have easy time with black women on dating apps. Although i'm 100% into white women.
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Seems like no black man is into black women if they have the option of dating white women. White women are like status symbols for black men.
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I prefer black women though. Darker skin ones to be more specific. White girls dont do it for me, nor do Latinas. Some Indians can work for me as well but they have to be dark.
Because for every 1 attractive black women, there are 99 jungle bunnies? Use your head man
i could say the same shit about white women retard
Calling them jungle bunnies only makes it even hotter
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Incorrect assessment. The anon youre talking to is a mutt. Biracials are most likely to date outside their race. I think he’s a foolish faggot being so lustful for Becky but to each their own. Don’t start saying black men no longer like black woman after one Bed Wench’s Anonymous son posts their opinion. Just as a Black individual dating a white is frowned upon, the same goes on in the black community, albeit far less spergy like you white guys post here like.
Black love is alive and kicking. Inner city nigglets and horrendously educated southerners give it a bad representation.

>t. Lightskin African American born and raised in Florida around all races.
Moms lightskin, fathers dark skin from the Caribbean. I take after my mom a lot. I love Dark Skin woman <3
lmao even
and by option of dating white women, you mean the mentally ill leftoids or fat trashy girls kek

a black guy would legit rather date a fat single mom white women, over an attractive black women, which is insanity
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>I think he’s a foolish faggot being so lustful for Becky
Lmao, thanks for the good laugh. Don't get me wrong, i adore my black mom. But wtf, i don't want to date my mom, she's also very emotional. Don't need that drama in my life.
Also my first high school crush was a Fräulein. Of course i project all the good traits into her.
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Princia Gonoporo, great tits, world class piece of ass
'blackspo' and it's just giant knockers in clothes

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