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Yay or gay?
Anytime I see someone with one of these or a crossbody bag I know they’re either a drug dealer or they’re LARPing as one
Just say 'he', you fucking tranny. We're talking about men here.
Women carry bags because their clothes have no pockets, they need feminine pads to not stain their clothes and they need to reapply makeup multiple times a day, none of these are problems experienced by men.
>dumbass mong rears their head after getting btfo in the last thread
Lmfao. Singular they has been in use since the 1300s and no amount of bitching on your part will change that.
I carry too much shit to put in my pockets and need to reapply sunscreen. Not to mention that putting anything in your pockets make them bulge out, ruining your look
I wear a leather one all the time, except with the strap across the body. Sometimes you need more than your phone, keys and wallet and I don't like cargo pants in casual environments.
I think it’s fine but difficult to pull off.
I just use a sling bag but I see many men with a murse here in NYC so wear it if you can rock it. Don't mind fags like >>18161982, a sling bag or murse is pure practicality for the man who's out and about
I usually carry my stuff around in a walmart bag. No one really questions it. The just assume i bought some stuff
I'm afraid to go anywhere unarmed, so I carry one for my gun. Especially in the summer it's hard to both dress well and have your gun on you when going out. That and I don't like my pockets bulging out.

just those three things are already basically too much for men's pants.
You have back pockets for keys and wallet. your phone can go in your right side pocket. What the fuck else do you need to carry in your pockets as a man?
This. I just call them drug dealers handbags and yeah they're extremely gay. If you want to get stopped by the police multiple times a day go for it
You dumb shit. Even trannies use singular they when talking about people in general, not a particular sex. When you're talking about men, say 'he'. Nobody thinks a woman carrying a cross bag is a drug dealer. We're specifically talking about men here.
How are you going to unzip and fumble it out of that stupid little bag in a self defense situation?
back pocket is the easiest one to pick and makes it uncomfortable to sit down.
i tried it once, i liked the utility. but i just can't do it long-term. i feel gay as hell.
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More pants need to be designed or advertised with ONE extra pocket dedicated for a phone goddammit picrel this shit is peak. No flopping around. Wallet goes in normal pocket on other side, and keys go in normal pocket on same side. I hate the rear pockets.
If you can't fit a phone and minimal wallet (Herschel Charlie because the hard edges of a Ridge wallet will start wearing out the same spot of pants) then your pants are too tight.Keys don't take up space but feels like weird little fuckers... idk.
You guys don’t go outside
>t. drug dealer larper
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Or, just wear cargo pants. Put your candies and trinkets and whatever fuck in the bottom pockets and use the side and back pockets normally.
The front slit is the superior spot for a phone than the side pockets or cargo pockets. I'm serious.
Slit: rectangular-shaped dedicated phone pocket, stick thumb and finger in to pull out, frees side pockets without needing visible external pockets
Side: not that bad when not storing anything else, but technically non-zero greater risk of falling out or pickpocket when sitting down
Cargo: flap, further to reach
i use the meme uniqlo bag. it's super useful. i mainly use it for when i need to sleep over at someone's place. change of underwear/socks, toothbrush, phone charger, etc.
I just assume they've got a gun in it, I know a lot of people who carry in those stupid little bags, usually either fat guys who can't stand wearing a properly concealed gun or guys who refuse to wear appropriate clothing for concealment.
I usually prefer a satchel/messenger bag over a backpack. GOAT for daily trinkets whilst walking around all day travelling for example
>drink bottle
>power bank

Considering copping pic related, my current canvas satchel is velco-wallet-tier kek
home keys
car keys
I agree no satisfying male purse format currently exists, but were it devised by someone that man would be covered in gold.
>What the fuck else do you need to carry in your pockets as a man?
Sewing kit, first aid kit, OTC medicine, prescription drugs, sunscreen, blunt, lighter, candy, gum, protein bar, sunglasses/compact umbrella, powerbank, cables, charger. Water bottle clipped on.
I might have to get one.
Same I wear something very similar to that. Having a bag with alot of random stuff for whatever moment has been amazing for alot of situations.
I keep
>Bandaids, alcohol wipes, pack of tissues
>Ear plugs, earbuds, sunglasses
>tweezers, nail cutters
>Flash drive, a pen, folding box cutter knife
>and wallet of course
>they’re LARPing as one
I think this is generally the case, especially if you are some white 16 year old working class chav in the uk who is 5 stone wet through who likes dressing like a london jungle bunny.

People who are actually hard don't feel a need to advertise it.
Most are shitty. Momotaro made the perfect one and I wish I had bought an extra one because it's discontinued and for some reason nobody makes anything like it. Perfect size, not weirdly flashy, comfy cotton strap with no plastic anywhere.
That's literally all you need to carry thoughever
Crossbodies for everyday, messengers for when you need to carry some docs
Besides cases where you don't have enough room in your pockets, I'd note that it's just comfortable to have few options where to put your stuff into: sometimes I keep phone in the pocket, and sometimes in the purse
If I could advice, get a horizontal purse (like pic related, but rotated 90 degree), those are more comfortable to wear differently (on the side, on the back, on the front, on the chest etc.)
I'm in NYC, see a bunch of man with slingbags, and no police is stopping them. Where did you get this from?
Tomtoc just released the SlingBean with a similar footprint as this one and the only logo is a T at the bottom
Looks decent for travel, when you know it will get a little fucked up, but it’s all plastic, and a gay feminine shape that won’t fit square items like an ereader, the main reason I use one.
I was thinking about getting something like this for traveling in Europe this summer, I hear the gypsies love to pickpocket
it's okay little bro, i also let my insecurities hold me back
Places like NYC are different because most people walk and take public transit everywhere, so they're more likely to have a bag since they need to carry all their stuff with them. A guy with a bag is way more suspicious if you're in an area where most people drive everywhere and therefore have a car to leave excess stuff in.
pic rel. always gets me compliments from girls
>an area where most people drive everywhere and therefore have a car to leave excess stuff in.
Yeah we call those "flyovers"
Who are you, Indiana Jones nigger?
it's actually much easier to steal from a purse or bag than from someone's pocket, because you're not going to feel their hand on your body.

If you are scared of pickpockets, the better option is a jacket or coat with an inside pocket that can be closed. Or just the front pocket of some relatively tight trousers.
Left pocket: phone and wallet
Right pocket: keys, multi-tool and coins
Back pockets: meds and headphones
Simple as. My wife says my pockets are too full. I don't care. I'm a man and I'm using pockets for their intended purpose. Walking around with empty pockets is feminine. Only women do that.
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>just those three things are already basically too much for men's pants.
No they're not. They're too much for men's pants if you wear tight slim/skinny fit pants like a woman/faggot. Wear regular fitting pants like a proper man, so that your pants don't get tight even with full pockets. I have never had any problem carrying my phone, wallet and keys in my jeans or even chino pockets. What kind of faggy pants have you people been wearing all your lives?

And if even that is not enough for you, then wear cargo pants with pockets that have pleats to help them expand. There is no excuse for a man to carry a gay little bag simply to put his phone and wallet in. Be better.
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I honestly wouldn't mind wearing pants with a front pocket like that. It's like a bigger and more functional version of that tiny little useless "coin pocket" a lot of chinos have.
Or rich people
i totally fucking agree bro
i hate having fucking keys in my pocket
I hate having shit in my pockets especially when wearing nice clothes like suits or dress pants. I hate having shit in my jacket pocket when wearing a suit as well.

I rock a gucci messenger, the smallish one.
>Anytime I see a man with one of these or a crossbody bag I know he's either a drug dealer or he's LARPing as one
Fight me fashion mid wit
also post your pants RIGHT NOW
nigga thinks hes +cum genus+
Thoughts? For a man?
It's like this >>18165717 but plastic and feminine.
nta but you faggots sound like middle school dropouts
Infinitely more /fa/ than bulging pockets stuffed with shit
Workable with the right fit
Backpacks, crossbody, sling, messengers, and anything that hangs from your shoulder will cause friction, piling and wear our your top a lot fasten on the contact areas. For that reason alone they are and shall forever be uneffay. If you really need to carry a lot of stuff with you use a briefcase or a weekender bag, both carried in your hand and not slung on the shoulder. For wallet keys and phone your pants should really be enough, skinny fit is out so you don't have any reason to be wearing pants without useful pockets.
All nigger drug dealers in Buffalo rochester syracuse carried these 2 years ago.
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>If you really need to carry a lot of stuff with you use a briefcase or a weekender bag, both carried in your hand and not slung on the shoulder
>keys in the back pocket
Have you never fucking sat down before? They'll stab you in the arse, hurts so much. Wallet is bad enough back there; huge fucking uncomfortable lump
Keeping a concealed carry all day can get pretty uncomfortable. You have to wear more clothing typically to effectively conceal it if you're carrying IWB and that's pretty wack during the summer. Only doing pocket carry means sacrificing the capacity/caliber of whatever you're carrying usually and even with the smallest platforms, they'll take the entire pocket of the average trouser or short.
Looks gay


You are gay
>books are gay
Smells like nigger in here.
>What the fuck else do you need to carry in your pockets as a man?
Glasses (prescription or sun). Medication. Backups of important documents. A pen knife. Passport. Pencils. Note pad.
Your dad?
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Prada (expensive) and Porsche (moderate) make decent looking bags. Most man bags are hideous though.
Try it sometime, bros, it feels amazing
I wear sports short commando these days, it's so freeing
Bumbag/fannypack across the chest is superior
I wear one if I'm gonna be out extra long or if I have my little cousins with me and need to carry snacks and water and shit. These bags have been pretty big for a while now, it's not something you would look at twice unless you live in hicksville or the 3rd world.
>Singular they has been in use since the 1300s
Typical misinformed, reddit cope. They is used to describing a group of people. There are only two genders, so use HE or SHE when describing a singular person.

If you're a man and you need a purse to carry your shit, you need to carry less shit. All you need are your phone, wallet, and keys.
I wear sling bags because I have diabetes so I usually have to carry more shit around than I keep in my pockets but not enough to justify a full on backpack. if you can get away with just carrying what can fit in your pants then i think it's kinda pointless but lots of fashion is pointless

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