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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread: >>18161859
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Samefagging deserve death
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Still more reliable than the Lancia one.
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>Alfa Romeo Milano
>Swiss Made
>Old England
rate my new shitter
such an ugly watch
based safari doctor, I like French watches
Ugly indeed, but it fits the car theme we have going on.
Car themed watches are always ugly.
Another example.
some of the porsche design and ferrari by cartier watches are nice
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What the fuck is going on here?
Where is the car theme here?
What is this case shape? Ugh
>Where is the car theme here?
It was made as a collaboration with Aston Martin.
It's just a bad picture.
It doesn't look that bad, british racing green suits watches and should be used more if you ask me.
I see, that's one ugly case.
Aren't they like literally putting these in bentleys, like on a dashboard?
>It doesn't look that bad, british racing green suits watches and should be used more if you ask me.
For the dial sure, but for the case and bracelet I think it looks terrible and cheap. Ceramic breaks and shatters easily.
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Gay information about water resistance, antimagnetism, jewel count, movement, complications or certifications should not be openly visible anywhere on a watch, much less on the dial.

Fite me.
I will fite you. I just don't like millions of lines of text on a dial like on a rolex or pelagos.
a watch is a time measuring instrument, it makes perfect sense to indicate the specifications
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I have a watch related question. For how long do you need to wind up your automatic watch to keep it running when you don't wear it? NH35 specifically.
This looks good, very germanic, everything is where it should be.
Keep the dial clean, though. Leave the shit for the caseback, or with an open caseback the edges of it.

Automatic movements mostly have a mechanism where you cannot over-wind it, even when turning the crown a thousand times. The manual says 8 revolutions are enough, but I always do 20+ just because, this should keep it powered for those 38 or so hours. Strictly mechanicals or hand-wound have a wall.
t. NH35 shitter owner

Unrelated: how has noone been able to copy the design language of IWC pilots? Anyone who tried has fucked up the proportions.
I want one, but Im not payin IWC 3-6k for one.
Are you serious? There are millions of the damn things.
My point still stands about not being able to get it right. Does IWC have a patent on their design langue or what?
I know several companies, including quartz Messerschmitt copies/homages, but they still always look like shit, your pic also related. The fuck is "baltany" anyway? Baltics and Brittany combined for an aliexpress special.
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I unironically like Richard Mille. The RM05 is kino.
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>Unrelated: how has noone been able to copy the design language of IWC pilots? Anyone who tried has fucked up the proportions.
>I want one, but Im not payin IWC 3-6k for one.

I think it just cost more to get the finishing right, making it look crisp and clean. Smaller brands can't afford it and bigger brands isn't going to make an iwc copy.
Do you have a watch that you simultaneously want very bad and don't want at all?
For me it's the lunar pilot.
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Kofe time.
Why aren't there any cheap knock-offs of this?
Because only rich people can travel all over the world and/or need to keep track of the time in multiple timezones.
I cannot justify the price.
Farer makes one.
Aren't the more basic panerai fairly cheap if you buy used?
>3-4k used
They are, but the one anon showed is a pretty rare one. Only 200 examples made, back when Panerai was actually cool. Used examples will go for around 30k USD.
Panerai seems to make a habit of pumping out thousands of goyslop watches that immediately devalue on the secondary market and then once in a while put out something insane nobody else is doing for $100k to entrap 200 rich cunts.
I normally wear an automatic dive watch for work but recently I got a casio A158 I've been wearing when I get home just to try it out and I have to say the difference in the experience is night and day. The bracelet is slightly jangly, but the whole watch is so thin and light and comfortable and effortless to wear. How do they make such good watches so cheap and why aren't more people wearing these?
>why aren't more people wearing these?
Everyone knows Casio and they know they're good, but cheap watches. For people outside blue collar jobs a watch's purpose is to signal your status.
"wrist presence" is a cope meme that people lie to themselves about to justify a slab of stainless steel on their wrist
all watches should be handy, slim and light
if you need rugged, there is still no need for steel, as a mostly plastic digital gshock will do everything you need and more

mechanical watches nowadays are just jewelry, so there is no rationalizing, you can just sperg out whichever what way and not have to argument anything, or as >>18163652 said, status symbol, again, jewelry
I don't mean casio in general, I mean specifically the A line. They're so much slimmer and more wearable and more refined than most of the resin Casios and G shocks and they're still functional with a lot of options and they are DIRT fucking cheap.
People want nice things.
Casios aren't nice things.
reddit please lmfao
This is the week the Rolex Service will be complete, I can feel it in my bones
This one for sure
I am pleased to inform you guys that I got a call and I am currently wearing my grail timepiece.
Feels good bros.
Panerai's entirely fake history notwithstanding, old Panerai really died with the PAM 360 when they decided to shit on their own community.
After that, all the fun was gone and the only people left were the ones buying and flipping one limited edition after another. Then after that, the prices skyrocketed and the quality cratered and now the brand is basically dead.

I still have one and I do like wearing it from time to time, but I don't like the brand like I used to.
Based, go get 'em
Is chrono 24 or ebay better for buying used?

In terms of price and reliability, assuming you avoid private sellers on both and stick to dealer listing's with good feedback?
Ebay for dirt cheap watches.
Chrono24 for everything under 2k.
Ebay for everything over 2k.
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>45 million years accurate moon phase
>over 400 years calendar accuracy
>needs to be serviced every 5 years or so
>timekeeping accuracy couple of seconds per day
Watchcharts beats both.
Never buy any watch without checking pricing data there beforehand.
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>Ah yes IWC, the brand famous for its perpetual calendars and pushing the boundaries of watchmaking
I hate Richemont so fucking much. Even more than Swatch.
Is there any point to buying a gold toned watch? Won't it just fade? I like the two toned look but don't want to waste money on something that won't last.
I take it buying actual gold is out of the question?
graduated my master's degree. Want to get a watch to mark the achievement but personal stuff lately has caused me financial limits..
do you guys recommend something that isn't too expensive? 1k max.
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>do you guys recommend something that isn't too expensive?
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Wearing a 6900 today lads
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looking for some anonymous validation of my consumerism
what's with the two shitters on the left?
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The debate is settled

The 2k is because of their authentication process right?

What if I'm buying from outside the US?
Still better?
the hamilton is from when i was poor
the zenith is pretty nice, i don't think you can get a chronograph with date in a smaller profile
i don't wear it much now because it needs a servicing badly, it's like -45s/day, whoever was shit talking the high beat movement for being finicky was right
Zenith easily mogs Rolex and Omega
>4:30 date window
lmao even
Why is it quartz
Great collection except for the Hamilton
>Hamilton is... le bad!
El primeros are dope lmao you exposed yourself as a low born retard how embarrassing
Can't understand anons hate for them. It's literally his best piece.
The amerimutts can't figure out why everyone hates their Yankee doodle watches lmao
rent free
Uh what?
Hamilton is a Swiss brand.
they love the hamilton because it's the only one of the four they might possibly be able to afford
>fake speedy and fake rolex
yeah i dont think so
>i'm poor so anything nice posted must be fake
>the only way for me to cope with my reality
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>le moonwatch
>hamilton insterstellar
holy science!
Projecting much lmfao????
Just look at them, poorfaggot lmfao.
I like the Hamilton 38mm intramatic as an understated dress watch, but beyond that they're kind of meh.
Fuck off with your Hamilton fucking niggerfaggot
>the hamilton is from when i was poor
Why don't you smash it with a hammer then? Show us the pieces.
> 34–36mm stainless case
> 18mm lug width
> Silver or white dial with date
> 50m+ wr
> ETA 2824/2982 or SW200/300 or derivative
> No microbrands no Seiko
> under 5k
> new

what are my options, I can't find anything
Zenith is such a meme brand...
>4:30 date window on 90% of their watches
>overlapping subdials on their chronographs
>keep releasing obvious RO copes in 2024
>that one watch with a retarded small second that makes a full rotation in 10s
>a billion of random limited editions nobody asked for
>designs all over the place (skeletonized watches, Daytona copes, RO copes, pilot watches, 1:1 reissues of vintage watches)

They also make the most retarded design choice. Look at pic related. What's the point of that dodecagonal bezel between the dial and the rotating bezel? Also those thick hands lmao

Yeah, and Rolex decided to slow them down to 4Hz because of reliability issues.

What a shitshow this brand is.
>what are my options
Kill yourself or cope&seethe
that's a bit much
he could tip his waiter with that or something
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>Car themed watches are always ugly.
To put it short they are pieces of shit for shitheads who think "horological history" matters.
Yet another poorfag cope.
I'd rather wear a fucking omegay..
case in point LMFAO
reeks of poor in here.
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Pick one.
the calatrava
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The asking price for a 2492/SW330 that's not even the COSC'd version is ridiculous but black and white bezels are too nice.
Set the time on your sub.
i wish JLC made dual faced reversos that weren't so huge
they all wear so massive and boxy, just doesn't really work
wouldn't touch any of those shitters but if I have to choose I'd pick the calatrava

The Railmaster looks good but the co-axial movement is just going to grenade itself. The JLC Reverso should be a simple, white dial watch.
I regret to inform you people no longer buy mechanical chronographs to actually use the chronograph. Many who have them probably don't even know how, 99% of things you would want to time are better served with a dive time bezel for way less money, and even if you did actually need to time a race or use a totalizer a dirt cheap casio can probably do it better.

The actual reason people buy mechanical chronographs is to flex on poor retards. Poor retards look at all the buttons and subdials and it activates their lizard brains. Watch people rich and poor still "respect" it because they know what it takes to buy and maintain the higher end ones but they know you bought it just because it's a popular in-demand piece and not because you're actually timing anything. 9 times out of 10 all those subdials will be zeroed.
Because if it was mechanical chornograph the price would not match the name on a dial.
Even quartz is overpriced.
You're right, of course.
What I've always wanted to know however is who bought watches pre-1950s that explicitly weren't military or professional tool watches that had a chrono? Who was buying the Patek's, the Vacherons, the Universal Geneve's and the like that were what we now call "dress watches" (which was then just "a watch") that had chronographs?
For what purpose?
The midlife crisis boomer that goes and buys a bunch of sportswear meme didn't exist then and no respectable be-suited gentleman would wear a professional's, aka a prole's, watch on his wrist to a meeting in the Square Mile or wherever.

These watches exist, but why were people buying them?
At least post the Monaco
The answer is basically nobody. They were all sold at discounts because nobody wanted them. People didn't give a shit about chronographs until Paul Newman and the moon landing.
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I just placed an order for an Oceaus. It looks like an interesting timepiece
Cringe take. If that didn't matter why do people hate Chinese stuff
Cringier take, post your watch
Are they? You sure about that?
Just weird
It looks more boring than accountants trousers.
I mean not by the looks but the functions
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Posting my Chronomaster is a watch thread.
Damn this white blue combo looks nice.
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If you want to buy a gadget just buy applewatch, you don't have to stoop down to quartz.
Why can't they ban this guy
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I love watches so much. But I've begun to sell off my collection, parting ways with a couple rolexes. It's a weird feeling. For now I'm just keeping one nice watch and an f91-w. I think you can still appreciate this hobby from afar.
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I love how the sandwich dial plays with the light.
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Don't listen to these fucktards on the Hamilton. Everyone needs a beater and as mechanical watches go it's hard to beat the khakis. They just recently put out blue dial ones along with some other colors and I was thinking about buying one but I found they're on their bullshit again where they don't offer bracelets on all dial colors and by the time I buy the watch and an aftermarket bracelet I could have just got the blue dial titanium automatic khaki I'm also interested in.
>I'm new here, what did he do?
Go back and look at the archive threads. He spams the same set of images every...single...thread.
It looks a bit nautical-themed, I like that.
I don't use an IPhone. I also got an Bangle.js already, it's hard to get any more gadgety
It is indeed the superior color scheme.
Someone will shit on anything posted, don't dignify it by responding.
Everything on Chrono24 is wildly overpriced. eBay or nothing
How do you know watches are legit or guarantee you're getting legit shit through ebay?
There all ridiculously cheap too
I don’t buy anything they make counterfeits of, I’m not a basic bitch. A lot of dealers have an eBay presence too. So you can go by there reputation if you need too
>How do you know watches are legit or guarantee you're getting legit shit through ebay?
If the watch is over 2000 dollars, then it doesn't get sent to you directly. It gets sent to an authenticator who will check it to make sure it's legit before sending it to you. The process is pretty seamless.
>swatch shitters from hamilton to rado to whatever
>all use the C07 family
Ignoring the C07's that have plastic balance wheels and pallets, how bad are the other C07's considering none of this series have regulators?
I have an old Khaki with a standard 2824 that ran fine until I dropped it on a marble floor.

Anyone know anything about the "laser regulated" C07's? Do they keep their accuracy over time or is it truly just another jewish cashgrab from (((swatch}} and a dumb meme bought by retards?
Laser regulation in and of itself is a good thing. Companies like Rolex and Seiko also do it.

The thing with the C07 is that the balance wheel only has 2 balance weights. Compare to a Rolex which has four weights or Patek which has eight. Those weights are moved in and out to increase or decrease the inertia of the balance wheel. More weights gives you finer control. Two weights makes it difficult for a watchmaker to get perfect, but if you have a laser assisting you, it's easier.
really? I have never worn a casio A, but the resin 5610u already feels like nothing on my wrist.
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a156 is half the thickness and like 10mm smaller in every other direction, and it has normal 18mm lugs so you can put straps on it if you want to. It's also a lot more metal than resin so that's good for people who happen to get skin irritation from resin. The tradeoff is you don't get all the whizbangs like multiband and solar and all the water resistance and it has the shitty LED backlight, but if you don't really need all that shit and just want a little easy to wear digital watch it's great.
I see the bunny is comfy, nice.
Do you know what Stockholm syndrome is?
So it's a
>can only be regulated at the factory
deal? It's not that they've removed the need for regulating it ever again, they've just made it difficult to get regulated, which will need to be done one day, unless you go via the official channels?
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She's always comfy with us :)
>C A A F
Green ceramic looks fucking awful
No, it can be serviced and adjusted by a watchmaker; it's just more difficult than if it had a regulator like the ETA 2824 the movement is based on.

Also, important to note, regulation is not always necessary when servicing a movement. Once the movement is disassembled, cleaned and lubricated, its timekeeping will improve and be within factory specs again.
A watchmaker will only work on timekeeping once the movement has been reassembled.
nta but i agree, looks too plasticky. Aluminium bezels look way better.
I like it for the extra color option. Black looks good but every dive watch comes in black. It's nice to have something different. They really should do more colors. Blue would probably go insane if they made a steel one.
>extra color option
The previous green one (was it the Kermit?) looks nicer.
>They really should do more colors.
Nah, the opposite.
more color offerings = less iconic watches
Rolex should also discontinue A LOT of their models, and fire whoever insisted on adding a see through caseback on the precious metal Daytona.
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>date window
>central second hand
I am too jealous, like that animefag.
Nice Breguet, m8.
do you mean the aluminum bezel, or the earlier generation ceramic bezel (it was a darker, like forest green)
Probably because you were the first client this month and he will be able to eat today.
Honestly both. But the aluminium is better.
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>I didn't get it.
You made the right decision.
If there's one Breguet to buy, it's the 5907.
Breguet shouldn't come with a date window or a central second hand. These are modern features that don't work at all with the very traditional Breguet design.
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Why does this thing have to be so enormous and why the fucking japanese can't do anything right?
>I've begun to sell off my collection
You need the money or for other reasons?
I think I'd feel weird having multiple high end shitters unless my net worth was multi million.
>why the fucking japanese can't do anything right?
Because they don't understand good design. They just throw shit together they try to copy from better watches.
He also couldn't afford it. He was just wasting the salesman's time.
My Seiko blue coral monster
Breguet actually makes some sports watches that look oddly satisfying. At the very least they aren't aping other companies.
The Breguet Marine line is pretty gross. The Type XX chronographs used to be pretty slick, but they ruined them with the latest release.
>Breguet actually makes some sports watches that look oddly satisfying.
The Marine? It's awful.
Which models?
Whoretadello was so much fun back then. Now the magic is gone and he's just Finncel with body odor.
The entire Yacht-Master line
Air-King (unless they go back to what it used to be)
40mm Explorer I
Get rid of the Explorer II altogether
There's too many. Rolex should make only these models.
>Datejust (stainless steel only, lady size + 36mm)
>Day Date (precious metal, 36mm)
>Submariner (stainless steel and gold only, no two tone, 40mm)
>GMT Master II (stainless steel and gold only, no two tone, 40mm)
>Explorer 1 (stainless steel only, 36mm)
>Explorer 2 (stainless steel only, 40mm)
>Daytona (stainless steel and gold only, 40mm)
>Sea Dweller (stainless steel only, 40mm)
Fuck everything else.
I really wish these avatarfags started a discord or something..
What exactly did the Air King line "used to be"? It's probably the most confused Rolex line ever, they were kind of always just OP/explorer spin offs. The new ones are ugly but at least they have different dials.

I don't get the 40mm and 41mm explorers and datejusts, but for some reason they seem to sell.

Yacht-master is, effectively, just more Submariners in more colors and metals. Which is good, I think. Same with Explorer 2, It's kind of just a GMT master variant and a lot of people seem to like it.

Deepsea, Sky Dweller and 1908 are memes. Still, I think the 1908 has merit as an idea, the line needs a dressier watch. It's just not well executed and overpriced for what it is.
So just fuck 2 tone?
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>Pic related will drive that one anon into a blind rage
>What exactly did the Air King line "used to be"?

A simple, small pilot's watch.
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which one do you like? Me? I prefer the "super case", to me it's like a fat lady, and I like a woman you can grab onto something
>What exactly did the Air King line "used to be"? It's probably the most confused Rolex line ever, they were kind of always just OP/explorer spin offs. The new ones are ugly but at least they have different dials.
The Air-King was a pilot's watch, like the other anon said, but Rolex has since developed a new pilot's watch: the GMT-Master, which was explicitly created for pilots. I agree, it can go.
>I don't get the 40mm and 41mm explorers and datejusts, but for some reason they seem to sell.
Yes, fat people, Mediterraneans, Africans, Arabs, etc also like Rolex.
>Yacht-master is, effectively, just more Submariners in more colors and metals. Which is good, I think. Same with Explorer 2, It's kind of just a GMT master variant and a lot of people seem to like it.
Yacht-Master was a plan to replace the Submariner with a more upscale version that completely tanked. Continuing to make it is pointless.
>Deepsea, Sky Dweller and 1908 are memes. Still, I think the 1908 has merit as an idea, the line needs a dressier watch. It's just not well executed and overpriced for what it is.
I don't think Rolex needs a dress watch. Panerai doesn't need a dress watch. Leave the dress watches to the companies that do it well.
Yacht-master was never intended to REPLACE the submariner by any stretch. It's just another alternative for more upscale customers that like different colors and materials, which is fine.

There's nothing wrong with adding more color to the catalogue. The market actually supports that idea, every new color of OP goes insane on the secondary market. Color alone can sell a watch.
People were still seething at him the same and reporting his posts, so why would he post anything like that?
He ban evades anyway, what's the difference?
Only bittercel ban evades
+2 for khaki and El Primero
Ignore the other two
>Yacht-master was never intended to REPLACE the submariner by any stretch.
Yes, it was. In the late 80s as Rolex was moving into pure luxury and away from utilitarian tool watches, they test marketed a "luxury" submariner. The response was less than positive, so they marketed the watch anyway but called it "Yacht-Master" and not "Submariner".
No, whoretadello definitely ban evaded when he was banned for posting whores.
>Only bittercel ban evades
>t. bittercel
You're not fooling anyone, Bittercel. Keep spamming that report button, though.
None of that means they were replacing the original submariner.
Very nice.
But not something I'd buy.
>None of that means they were replacing the original submariner.
Yes, it does. They wanted to replace the old classic Sub with the precious metal version. More precious metals means higher margins.

The only remaining professional diver would have been the Sea-Dweller, since Rolex figured that they didn't need two professional divers.
lotta supposition and postulation in there bro.
Oh, hi, bittercel.
What are you wearing today?
Oh wait! HAHAHA
Threadlore: The original Bittercel is the one that puts -cel as a suffix behind everything. For some reason, he hated an anon who owned a Reverso and tried to call him Reversocel. Bittercel got his own name within minutes. Receiving that name shook him so badly he has spent the last couple of months trying to make it a common name. He stopped posting from his set of reaction images because all the users knew it was him
Lorecel please...

Everyone called reversocel reversocel.
Thank you, Lorecel.

Hey Bittercel. I miss the images you would make with AI. Those were funny.
>Everyone called reversocel reversocel.
No, it was just you. He was ReversoAnon. You started the -cel thing.
Why did you hate him so much? Just curious?
Classic bittercel (poor) diversion attempt
>N-n-n-no, it's you!!
I remember that. Christ, I've been here too long.
Does he still post image reaction of the guy with the weak chin?
Newfags not knowing what samefagging is And when and why it's pointed out are always hilarious. This site is so sad now. I almost want to think it's bait
>Had to respond still
Classic bittercel ego. Truly your number one giveaway, never letting an opportunity to seethe pass!
>He stopped posting from his set of reaction images because all the users knew it was him
What set was that?
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>never letting an opportunity to seethe pass!
You mean like you just did?

Also, NTA, here's proof I'm not bittercel. I own a watch. bittercel never, ever, ever posts watchpics.
Holy shit no wonder you're bitter
t. NTA
>bittercel never, ever, ever posts watchpics.

Yeah, he does this bizarre thing where he'll say "post watch" someone else will say "you first" and he'll insist, and then the other guy posts a watch and bittercel never does. he seems to think that this is some kind of a win. like "haha I tricked you into posting a watch in the watchthread."
>"haha I tricked you into posting a watch in the watchthread."
It look him less time to prove you right than it took to type out your response. >>18164160
Newfags do. Which is you
Truly fucking bizarre.
On par with his "not giving a (you)" habit where he responds to some post but breaks the post link. He think that is a great insult and hurts people.
I don't think that's bittercel. NTA means not that anon.
>He think that is a great insult and hurts people.
To be fair, it does bother avatarfags.
Also he has a watch and Bittercel does not. That's a dead giveaway, right there.
You'd think so, bittercel.
>17 matches
It's bad enough giving avatarfags attention, why are you responding to an obvious troll for the last hour?
I wonder if he's a 15 year old boy having a little fun or if he's like a 40 year old divorced millennial?
bittercel is easy to feed I guess.
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Based 1st gen. Last good diver Omega made.

Does anyone else swap out their bracelets for NATOs in summer? I love the look of a bracelet, but no matter how loose I wear it, it gets too hot. Picrel.
spoiler: mark picks squale and tgv picks panerai
>mark picks squale
Really sucking up to TGV, I see.
What's the full lore on this Bittercel guy?
Truthfully, I kind of like Squale. They know what they are.
The classic 1521 50ATMOS is a really capable diver in the old school mold. There aren't many, if any, divers that have 500m WR and are as thin.
Are any watchtubers good?
Aside from Archie obviously.
This guy summed it up for you >>18164137

He's just your run-of-the-mill jealous guy who became too recognizable in his trolling.
In terms of watch reviewers? No. None of the reviewers are honest.

teemosso is OK, as long as you understand he's a salesman flogging product.
the IDGuy has interesting content but his tastes are pretty narrow.

Really, the best YT watch content are the watchmakers calmly disassembling and servicing a movement, occasionally explaining what they're doing. It's both informative and relaxing.
Paul is the worst.
TGV, teddy, bens watch club are good ones.
If you're going to impersonate furio, you may as well wear his watch
It's almost as if Squale made cases for dive watch makers.
>the best YT watch content are the watchmakers calmly disassembling and servicing a movement, occasionally explaining what they're doing.
Wait. Zoomers actually LIKE watching adverts?
yes because they need someone to tell them what to think, and the shill gladly does this
What's your point?
I have one in black. It’s a great set it and forget it beater watch and it actually looks more expensive than it is
Mosso seems like a good dude for the most part
Love the zenith. Going to pick one up shortly :) good work fren
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One year out from a left frontal craniotomy. Wife surprised me with this Explorer homage today. Idk, I like it a lot. Mark seems like a solid guy.
I love this watch but you're wearing it wrong.
Do your bones hurt?
Sad that you clearly suffered some sort of brain damage, as we can tell by the fact that you "like" Islander watches.
menta watches for serious content
Producer Michael for modern watches. there bullshit, and they deserve to be treated with the respect they deserve.
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>Breguet shouldn't come with a date window or a central second hand. These are modern features that don't work at all with the very traditional Breguet design.
I like it
Good homage that isn't a pure ripoff.
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Kofe time.
Lacking (but not void of) personality.
Why do you put so much milk in your coffee? Are you a bitch?
He's right. It's like wearing a suit with sneakers. It shows a complete lack of taste.
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Want a Chudor for my collection, already have an Oyster Perpetual as my daily but Ive been wanting a Tudor for a while to celebrate a nice occasion coming up.

I've narrowed down my choices to

>black bay pro
>black bay 54
>black bay 58 GMT

I'm leaning toward the 54 but what do you guys think?
regular 58
54 is for fags like the one who raped me at the KFC in Doylestown, PA in June 2003
Hey, didn't think I'd hear from you again, wanna hook up?
Yes, meet me at the KFC in Doylestown.
>Car themed watches are always ugl-
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I've tried the Black Bay 58 GMT the other day. It's nice. My favorite Tudor so far.
I wouldn't buy it though, it gives off "my first big boy watch" vibes.
Honestly I don't think you should buy a Tudor if you're over 30 or 35 years old.
Okay, what watch are you wearing? I'm still rocking the bb54. I'll bring the tudor, you bring that tooter ;)
More like 25 but yea I agree.
Kek It looks a lot cheaper than the promotional pictures on their web site.We should have more of these images so that we can't avoid buying on impulse.
Tudor is a great choice if you want the quality of Seiko and the prestige of Longines.

No thanks I'm not into gambling
I love it
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Love that one. I tried it on at the store, it looks small for a 35 though.
Thanks. I really look forward to it. The seller shipped fast it should be here within a few days from Japan, I honestly thought it would take a few weeks.
36 I mean
Thoughts on the powarmatic80 movement watches tissot, certina etc?
It's fixed by laser and can not be regulated.
That aside the 2824 on which upon it is based is a good workhorse movement. If anything goes wrong after a few years you can replace it with that one as it will fits the dimensions.
NTA but it has inertial weights for regulating it
>We should have more of these images
The "people" who post in these threads never leave their basements.
>workhorse movement
Hi Tristano
Ok, ciao!
Can you really replace powetmatics with etas? Does that work for the Hamilton equivalent h10 and h40 and so on too?
Who makes the ugliest watches right now and why is it citizen?
Frank Muller
It eats itself away
A Powermatic 80 has the exact same dimensions as the ETA 2824-2. So, any drop-in replacement for an ETA 2824-2 will work. Not sure about the Hamiltons you need to check the specs. You can wiggle around small offs.
I recently swapped a 7S26 for a NH36. As the new movement was a little higher I installed a domed Saphire Crystal to give the hands a little more space.
Point taken. But servicing will require it to be sent to the factory, where they will probably just throw in a new movement
it's workhorse because when it breaks you shoot it in the head and get a new one
a mechanical watch movement should be serviceable by a certified watchmaker with traditional tools for a 100+ years
I refuse to make movement-swapped frankenwatches because the Swatch Group cut back on quality to reduce production costs
Isn't there a little more to it that just fitting in the case? Like they have to share the same methods of securing into the case and the dimensions of the components that do that and so on.
>servicing will require it to be sent to the factory, where they will probably just throw in a new movement
You never truly own a swiss watch, you merely pass it on to your kids after the 5th movement change
Swatch has issued service instructions and specs for the Powermatic (including oiling the pivots of the pellet fork which is very unusual with ETA and swiss watchmaking in general). It can be serviced without any issue by any place that's cleared for repair (which includes a lot of stores with their own watchmakers, some independent workshops with most levels of Swatch Group repair accreditation, level 2 onwards IIRC, and of course the repair platforms operated by Swatch themselves).
Only issue on the longer term is wear and tear on the silicon parts of the escapement and availability of replacement parts. Although the Powermatic is basically a 2824 with a fancy new escapement so there's a good chance you could, if all else fails and parts are unavailable, replace the escape wheel, pellet fork and balance wheel for that of a 2824.
Also, it's really not Swatch's repair policy to change movements entirely for mechanical and autos, and if they have to do it they usually inform you on their repair diagnosis and quote. That can always change, of course, but as of now it isn't the case.
>tl;dr :
The whole fuss about the Powermatic being unservicable is entirely wrong, Swatch has already issued service instructions for it and the only problem with ownership now is long-term durability of the silicon parts then availability of spare parts.
And if you want to kick up a fuss over spare part availability, then the Swatch Group is the very last one you should be mad at since they are the easiest ones to work with.
>get clearance for Tissot
>you now have access to basically the entire ETA parts catalog
>meanwhile Richemont requires you to go brand by brand and buy tools each time, Breitling, Oris and Zenith ask for huge sums upfront and still won't send anything for certain movements and the less said about Rolex the better
>Also, it's really not Swatch's repair policy to change movements entirely for mechanical and autos, and if they have to do it they usually inform you on their repair diagnosis and quote.
With the powermatic they WILL change the entire movement unless it's the COSC-certified version.
>this level of larp to defend swatch
Jesus Christ, bordering Rolex cucks mentality
It's basically the same movement with alterations. If you open up the case there is a spacer surrounding the movement to hold it in place. As the dimensions are the same it will fit in.
NTA but stay clear of the cheapo powermatic 80.

Watchmaker here, I consider the powermatic a satanic globalist invention designed to pervert horology and for that reason I refuse to work on it.
Finally someone who dares to speak the TRUTH.
>Le Powermatic 80 Le bad
>B-B-Because it just is! OKAY!??
Accept the facts, take your L and move on.
Enjoy your shitomatic and kys faggot
What a sad life you must have.
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save up for a Rolex
They already said why, it has plastic parts and they want you to service them in house.
Help me out guys.
What is a good watch?
Please name one (1) watch that you would deem as good and worthy of wearing. Can be any price, but preferably under 5k €.
Who would service them outside? You risk getting water, dust and all kinds of crap inside the watch.
>he doesn't know about plein air watchmaking
>meet the Certina authorized service center of Mumbai.
Captcha SARGP says it is actually Girard Perregaux service center
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>"I don’t understand why watch-making companies don’t release parts for us watch-repairers to fix watches,” says Asad Murtaza. “Our business relies on the availability of spare parts. We’re quite qualified to do those repairs but the manufacturers do not want us fix the watches. Watches are now disposable so they run accurately for a certain time period after which you have to throw out and get a new one.”
the powarmatic is bad sir please dont buy the powarmatic sir
>under 5k
black bay 58\pelagos FXD
As my co-worker has one of those and he is the cheapest guy ever (complaining to get free room upgrades or extras, visiting locations for free coffee, hauling perfume samples at different stores, etc.) I would believe that in an instant.
>posting all sorts of car themed watches
>not posting the best one
>mille miglia
can't speak for the watch but the edt is a nice cheapie
This but unironically sir
Shit choice for a diver, I bet only reason people get the submariner is because they want a RAWLEX
Gonna post Mt watch
Basically any other digital would be better here

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