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what's your usual headwear?
my hair
Only when it's cold, though
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I keep buying a new pair every year or two
I wear the Latino heritage night A's hat every day, I'm white but it looks great
main characters don't wear hats
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>anime gook
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Goorin Bros. I have ~100 of their hats and are adding more all the time.
It's very, very rare that I walk into any place with women of absolutely any age and aren't getting eyed-up and smiled at hard.
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>main characters don't wear hats
wearing a hat is bad for your hair, don't wear these you'll go bald
effay x kino
mostly just when hiking or doing yard work, never been much of a hat guy
I usually wear blank baseball caps and camp caps but now those are passe because of the stupid loro penisa stealth wealth $600 baseball hat meme.
So now i wear embroidered baseball caps from clubs or other groups that im a member of or are locally significant.
New era makes the best ones. You can buy unbranded ones too in every color you can think of if you don’t want to feel obligated to support breadandcircus-ball
hat from my university since i went to a really good school and like to mog people
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ive been wanting this exact hat for years, whats it called. is it just a stetson?
baldkeks keep seething
Electrician here. I wear picrel most often.
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snatched a friend's hat on a whim and people (two in fact) said it looked good on me
still feeling conflicted if I should start wearing one, feels a bit childish and I've never been a hat person
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>feels a bit childish
That feeling is far more childish than actually wearing hats.
>wearing a hat is bad for your hair, don't wear these you'll go bald
People wear hats less than ever before yet they're still going bald, maybe even more than before.
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>main characters don't wear hats

1: Bullshit
2: You aren't the main character bitch.
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>I usually wear blank baseball caps and camp caps but now those are passe because of the stupid loro penisa stealth wealth $600 baseball hat meme.

You are suffering from online brain rot if you genuinely think anyone you encounter in day to day life is going to see a blank baseball cap and think "stealth wealth" especially if the rest of your fit isn't in that style.
>feels a bit childish and I've never been a hat person
You aren't obligated to wear the hat, but it's a very functional accessory. Add a lil of color to your fit, keeps the sun out of your eyes and off your face too so it lowers the chance of sunburn.

>wearing a hat is bad for your hair, don't wear these you'll go bald

For most of American history, men wore hats on a daily basis, year round. Hats didn't go out of style till the JFK era. Some men still do wear hats but it's a far cry from the previous ubiquity. Hats don't cause baldness, there's a myriad of other factors that do. You could make a solid argument that they may even slow down balding by preventing sun damage to your scalp and hair follicles. Use Pubmed and read a couple of articles, long term exposure to UV light damaged hair follicles.


I've got a few ball caps I wear during the summer with casual fits, the gold cap gets the most use followed by the navy. I want to get a burgundy or maroon cap and a hunter green one as well.
w2c caps?
Gold is J Crew garment dyed, navy is Brooks Brothers, charcoal wool is an old Pendleton cap, white one is just a cap with a local landmark on it that I've blurred out to remain as anonymous as possible.
>wearing a hat is bad for your hair, don't wear these you'll go bald
Balds don't wear hats the same as everyone else. Watch them.
>Balds fidget with their hats, will adjust and take it off only to put it back on. They're basically retarded children.
>Balds do an insane thing when they put a hat on by basically dragging it across their entire scalp. They're confirmed psychopaths. They're literally too goddamned stupid to understand they're pointedly attempting to scrape every last follicle from their embarassing cranium.
>Balds cap selection is frequently the cheapest, crappiest hats possible. They're cheap faggots who seem to think the appearance of the cap having been casually chosen and shitty will make people think they're not focusing on their headwear thus they aren't a bald bitch. No one is ever fooled by this.
Place the front of the hat where you want it on your forehead, with the entirety of the rest of the hat angled up and then, when pleased with the placement, put a couple fingers onto the very back of the cap and push it down. If you're not placing it on yourself like a subhuman, your hair will be fine.
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Just ordered pic related. The Houston Texans are winning the Super Bowl this year btw.
peepin at the clown
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slouch hat, not a stetson
Same issue. 47brand fits well for me
looks good
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get the biggest size flexfit
only problem is they mess your hair up cause they're spandexy
this one I hate. Idk why they make it so big. still wear mine tho
the black steel that drips down my back
aka the bulletproof mullet
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That's a cool one. Idk the ones I've seen at lids I don't get because I don't want people to think I'm copying Bradley Martyn. That's literally all he wears. I own hats from Local Crowns, Travis Matthew and Brixton Manufacturing. Also have a regular Yankee snapback
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>I don't want people to think I'm copying Bradley Martyn.
Lots of people wear them, celebrities included. Lionel Messi is a superfan of Goorin, Kevin Bacon has worn them forever, Billie Eilish performed her set at Coachella a few months ago or whenever in "Buck Master," Sydney Sweeny a few months ago posted to Ig her in one, Tom Hardy on BBC and their socials a couple months back, MMA fighter Francis Ngannou, singer Ciara posted up a couple weeks ago, on and on... heck, Goorin was there when Trump was shot. You shouldn't think the brand associated with any particular person.
>DTLR, site has hundreds
>Buckle, has a bunch
>Amazon, three of their exclusives dropped today
They should get you started so you're not stuck with Lids' selection.

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