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Ok, I have an observation and a hypothesis.
Since August 2023 I've been on 14 first dates.
What I noticed is the less effort I made in dressing and making myself look good, the more likely it was that the girl wanted to see me again.
And from what I can tell the amount of effort I made was more or less random, like it just so happened that I didn't have time to pick clothes or trim my beard or make my hair just right.
So my hypothesis is: if you present obvious fixable flaws, it will let the girl see potential for improvement rather than focus on your unfixable flaws (unattractive face for example)
However if you make everything that can be changed (clothes, grooming, manners, etc) as good as it can be, your unfixable flaws will actually be accentuated and she'll see no potential for improvement.

tl;dr I do better on dates when I look like a mess and I think it's because I look like a fixer-upper.

Do you have different experiences with how you dress on dates?
Nobody goes on dates anymore . People link up and just go to smoke weed and fuck
Is that your personal experience? Because less than 20% of Americans smoke weed so what you're describing can't be typical.
And from what I can tell, dating is about the same as 10-12 years ago. You meet up, do some activity (I prefer food but girls often just want coffee or drinks) and then you see if it has potential to go any further.
The only times a girl (non-relative) ever complimented my outfit was when I wore a full suit or blazer.

The rest is just whatever to them
The answer is simple:
Your fashion style is so shit so unbelievably shitty it’s an instant turn off for bitches.
So when you „don’t care“ you probably looks like an unkempt random dude which seems to be an real upgrade compared to what you mistake to be „stylish“.
Also you overthink. Like a lot. Do you have autism or adhs? If you talk like you write with your weird hypothesis and overthinking it’s no wonder you can’t hold a bitch.
Also to answer your question I have allways received compliments when I went on a date and showed afford
You sound inner-city.
>So my hypothesis is: if you present obvious fixable flaws, it will let the girl see potential for improvement rather than focus on your unfixable flaws
Wrong. Weak bitches are afraid of men with a sense of style.
Wear your outfit that scares the hoes the most and what you end up with has higher quality. Don't waste your time.
Yea I’m from the inner city why?
Or is that your counter argument ?
So ?
>tl;dr I do better on dates when I look like a mess and I think it's because I look like a fixer-upper.

First, can I get an ID on those shoes. Secondly I agree, hooked up with hot girls when I looked like shit, unshaven and not clean. I noticed when I clean up and go out I cant get anything. Never made sense
>First, can I get an ID on those shoes
Google grey suede chukka and you'll find similar ones.
Girls being put off by guys who put too much effort into their appearance is the much more obvious explanation.
Too much attention to detail might betray narcissistic traits or being a closeted homosexual.
Nah you just don’t look good
I think the combination of guys who put too much effort into their appearance + the effort not producing meaningful results.

>Your fashion style is so shit so unbelievably shitty it’s an instant turn off for bitches.
I don't wear anything outrageous. I meant like a button down shirt vs a polo, or freshly ironed chinos vs wrinkly jeans or bed hair vs actual bed hair.
>button up and chinos
maybe the problem is you're not wearing a bowtie. gotta commit harder to dressing up.
Well dressed and put together gives off a settled vibe. A button down especially says "full time office worker" and women in their 20s don't want a boring settled office drone they want excitement and hiking and traveling the world. You gotta be more casual until you're past 30.
It's too awkward to do lame date stuff before you fuck a girl. Invite them over first. Then a normal date if there's a next time.
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>People link up and just go to smoke weed and fuck
true bhad babie agree
What exactly do you think a date is?
I love the weird 4d chess interpretation you came up with when it's more likely you're just over doing it. When you're "dressed down" you are appearing more casual and easy going to her so she feels more comfortable. When you're doing everything super perfect she can see you're a little too full of yourself or too much of a perfectionist
Means you’re a negger or live near them. Means opinion disregarded. >>18167402
Jeans and t shirt is in. Do people wear shorts in cities? I have to go to them for work sometimes and don’t want to look out of place
Bro you are a weirdo who needs 4chan to tell him how to wear shorts lmao
You're around sluts and whores too much. Get off of tiktok.
Bro you get raped by male cops
my experience is the same, the last few girls I've dated or fucked all made it a point to comment on how well I dressed, at least on some occasions
then again, I don't live in a third world country (the USofA) where dressing well is seen as something tryhards do
maybe your idea of dressing well makes you look bad, you should post a couple of fits for reference
might very well be than less than 20% of americans without a long term partner have sex
Youre all wrong the real secret is looking good as long as it doesnt look like youre trying.

This is why casual streetwear\sneaker + gshock works
And red wings,+,boots and old money fail hard

Tou must pick similar style to your area and look good in it but if it looks like u tried then u failed and the magic disappear like their onto your decit its even turn off like ut trying to scam them
>I meant like a button down shirt vs a polo, or freshly ironed chinos
Thats just because you dress like a nerd.
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is it nerdy tho? or does the nerdy-ness of it depend on something else?
This 100%

A man should look handsome easily.

You want to avoid looking like you're trying super hard to put on a costume to impress other people because it will make you look anxious, needy, and insecure. Or narcissistic and manipulative. Super unattractive qualities.

The secret is to make looking good look easy.
This fit is awful
Shirt is too tight
Pants are WAY too tight and obviously made with some spandex strech shit, they also sit far too low on the waist, looks like he stole some teenagers pants.
"Classy minimalist leather sneakers" are a complete meme and look like shit.
>What I noticed is the less effort I made in dressing and making myself look good, the more likely it was that the girl wanted to see me again.
Damn man you spilled the beans.
There's a difference between "showing effort" and being a complete autist and wear a suit or some cringe over dress on a date to a casual restaurant. Even if you're going out to a nicer restaurant you don't need to go over the top
is it nerdy tho?
would that guy get denied pussy because of what he's wearing?
no and no.
What kind of shoes are guys supposed to wear to fancy restaurants in 2024?
>„don’t care“
> „stylish“
why does this guy type like he needs a tard helmet, bros?
Turns out, "putting in effort" under effays advice is fucking terrible.
No effort is a net positive over the absolute horse shit advice this board gives.

Funny how that works huh?
This is the way
But what do you actually wear to achieve this effect?
Being an office drone I’m always roaming around in polo shirts and dark jeans, but even that feels stuffy and formal
start with light and dark
now that it's summer get
light jeans, white tshirt, mostly white sneakers like jordan1 low, dunks, air forces, etc.. (dont get expensive brands that look bad)
also get dark set, black, navy shirt, black, indigo jeans, black/white shoes etc

for the tshirt u can go high quality as long as there are no prints and it doesn't have weird fit.

jeans u can go raw denim as long as it doesnt look like one (18OZ MAXX and only in winter) and u dont fold to show the seam, otherwise go levi's wrangler

get a gshock u like

focus on having really good haircut, and being trimmed all the time
AND YOU HAVE TO BE FIT so the cloths look good on you. if you are fit in white tshirt u easily mog anyone around you

anyway this is just the base u can build on top of it with chino shorts or cargo slim joggers
>narcissistic and manipulative
>Super unattractive qualities.
You will learn
which is utterly retarded because most men (who can and cannot afford expensive suits) don't value them and those men who do obsess autistically about irrelevant shit, utilitymaxxing the absolute shit of their outfit which ends up presenting an epilepy warning with shitty calendar watch, special cufflinks, vestigial pocket handkerchief, vest, jacket, pants, shone super tight shoes, hat, color matched socks... when all these niggas had to do was put on black, navy, or beige, gray, blue in combination with any of the previous, formal but not too conditioned shoes, an old watch with heritage, either cufflinks or a pocket square, MAYBE perfume.

I don't mean to say that bespoke clothing doesn't matter but if you outfit a suit and don't uniform it like those retards, or dress it down there is literally no reason to get a compliment because no one cares and you worst case you still look like an office drone or a revolutionary war general.
>crepe sole
no thanks
that shit can stay where we left it
we have progressed beyond slim pants and crepe soles.

depends how much money you have, who you're going with and how fancy the place is.
no oxfords if it's not a business meeting and the table is under one grand if you don't want to seem like a poorfag. if you think spending 70 on a meal is fancy then honestly just throw on rrl jeans, chelsea boots, a casual suit jacket and either a washed shirt or a white tshirt. and wear an adult watch (>6k) or no watch at all. pay in cash with big bills or prepare to tip handsomely when you pay with card.

nobody cares about your shoes as long as they're not offensive. wearing "fancy" shoes is rarely fancy. it's never fancy when you feel the need to wear them. you wear them because you ought to or because you want to .
What is it with this board and boots? Boots are worn ONLY in the winter. If I saw someone in boots in July, I'd kick their ass.
> If I saw someone in boots in July, I'd kick their ass.
Unless in Australia or New Zealand, then it's fine in July.
how do you have that much money and still have all those blackheads?
it's a balance
too little and you're a slob
too much and you're a faggot
just don't look slovenly
women cant stand when a man looks better than them too so that could play a part
I haven’t been on a date in about 4 years. I guess I just stopped caring and moved out to nowheresville.
I didn't go on any dates from age 23 to age 37. All that was needed was to not ask anyone out and no dates happened.
>nooo stop fucking girls and smoking weed, you are supposed to be a hecklin gentleman
Protip, the girl you are waiting 10 dates to hold hands with has smoked weed and fucked some bum on the first date, no matter how 'classy' they look.
There are some who aren't like that. Or at least were virgins when I got to them.
>"Classy minimalist leather sneakers" are a complete meme and look like shit.
no, some look good
You probably just have bad technique with whatever you're doing for your high-effort look that ends up making you look worse.
Like women who look better without makeup because they suck at doing makeup. It's user error.
That's probably because you aren't spending enough time getting to know them online first. Dates aren't awkward if you're basically already friends.
You have more success in your normal, messy style because it's *yours* and an authentic representation of yourself, which is the most important vibe to give off. Also dates are much more casual now than they were in the 20th century, at most a sweater with jeans, and never wear dress or business casual shoes. You need to fit the occasion and a first date is not the environment for fine dress
She's a dirtee gal
>Do people wear shorts in cities?
They do in California. East Coast, no.

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