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Hygiene/skincare General #10 post your summer routine edition

Previous >>18138981

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:
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I think using the Cerave SA Cleanser every night was too much. I might cut back to once a week, or not at all...
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Looking to up my sunscreen game this summer, found pic related to be promising. Any opinions on this? Would be much appreciated!
how do you guys cope with normies now knowing every single top tier product/ingredient? How are we supposed to have a leg up anymore
Kiehl's Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash
Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner
Boost Lab Night Renewal Retinol Serum

Kiehl's Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash
Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner
Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream with Squalane
Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Moist Sun Serum (if I am going out)
Rinse face with water
Pat dry with towel
Tiny bit of cerave lotion
Skin aqua uv super moisture get sunscreen
Wash face with Neutrogena hydro boost foaming cleanser (unscented)
Pat dry with towel
Slap on some hado labo goku jyun light lotion (its hydrating toner) or some korean ferment filtrate hydrating toner
Let it soak in
Let it soak in
Rub on a generous amount of cerave lotion
I might start using a copper peptide serum or azelaic acid in the AM again.
Are you set on mineral sunscreen?
I strongly suggest the Japanese/ korean chemical ones, they work great. I use skin aqua uv super moisture gel, easy to fina on amazon / ebay and reasonably priced.
skincare is the definition of normie
Your grandma has a skincare routine
Post face
It's been 6 months and the differin + benzol peroxide hasn't improved my acne just want to die
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>normies now knowing every single top tier product/ingredient?
Hahaha... no, they don't and people here aren't significantly more knowledgeable than them, doing things in a suboptimal or even terrible way like >>18166245 and >>18165972.
yeah, and 5+ years ago that consisted of st. ives apricot scrub and coconut oil as mosturizer. Every normie now knows of tret and various serums.
What's terrible and/or suboptimal about acne specific active ingredients
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What are your thoughts on slugging with Vaseline? It's the best occlusive on the market imo
Several, one of them being that 5% of benzoyl peroxide applied topically will be absorbed systemically. That can hurt glutathione.
Several *things
led face mask
Ordinary Argireline 10% Serum
Timeless Coq10 Serum
Facetheory Azelaic Acid 10%
Numbuzin No.5+ Vitamin Concentrated Serum
Geek and Gorgeous Hydration Station cream

Hada Labo Cleansing Foam
Ordinary Argireline 10% Serum
Timeless Coq10 Serum
Geek and Gorgeous Hydration Station cream
Cerave Healing Ointment (undereyes and lips)
Tret 0.025%
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Since hydroquinone is banned, is this a suitable alternative for hyperpigmentation?
>buy revitalift retinol eye cream
>third day of use, eyes were bone dry and itchy as hell
>retinol is known to destroy tear ducts and tear glands, resulting in ruined eyes which are always dry

Disappointed, don't feel safe going forward with it.
years of alcohol and poor sleep has destroyed my skin
lines under the eyes, dried out collagen depleted looking skin on cheeks

will retinol save me
>Are you set on mineral sunscreen?
Not necessarily, this one just caught my eye. Are chemicals better than minerals? I have pretty dry skin, is that something one should consider when choosing a sunscreen?
i have brown boxers turned to yellow because of this. no idea what to do with them tho. id try to dye it
nice, happy for you anon. might try this myself
salicylic acid is good stuff
boj rice probiotic spf50
double cleanse or neutrogena hydroboost alone
>why you chose those products
works on me and fairly cheap
if its micro blood vessels, yes
if its pigmentation, somewhat yes
other than that, not sure
niacinamide serums are pretty useless if you get niacinamide in a moisturizer or any other products. other than that, looks okay
take a look at "faded" cream too
doubt that but give it a try and let us know
depends on your goals. a basic routine would be cleanser, moisturizer and spf in AM; cleanser, retinoid and moisturizer in PM. some people just use sunscreen in AM and wash it off before bed
yeah it can be pretty harsh for some
these look great
something else is wrong then
post routine. have you reviewed your lifestyle?
checked and agree tho it makes me itchy sometimes
packs a bunch of ingredients, its recommended a lot, but its not hydroquinone. good choice nevertheless
just leave more spacing and use the regular retinoid product for face
for me even moisturizers itch my eyes af
depends, it can help a little
does anyone do DIY microneedling?
wondering if there's any sort of collagen supplement I should use to go along with it

I've heard that collagen isn't bioavailable so there's no point in trying? thoughts
Rinse face with water
Clean with Head&Shoulder 7 in 1
Cerave Moisturizing solar cream SPF50
Rinse with water
Clean with Cerave Foaming Cleanser
Hydrate with Cerave Moisturizer
Tret 0.1%

Do you guys have any rec for a mat sunscreen ? I don't like the glow the tret is giving me
So the whole point of using a cleanser is to not trash your face with strong detergents.

So what exactly do you do in the shower with shampoo and conditioner running down your face?
Do you keep your face as dry as you can in the shower, get out and cleanse?
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>Do you guys have any rec for a mat sunscreen ? I don't like the glow the tret is giving me
Ive been working on this, sunscreen worked great before tret, leaves me a bit shiny after. Annoying that 90% of the korean / Japanese sunscreens go for a dewy look.
Apparently the Japanese sunscreens that are cslled something milk instead of gel are typically more matte finished.
Ive seen pic related suggested but have tried it because it's scented.
Kose suncut uv perfect milk
>So what exactly do you do in the shower with shampoo and conditioner running down your face?
Try and tilt your head back and face away from the shower to wash shampoo out, you can get 90% of it that way without it running down your face.
I usually wash my face first in the shower but on days when i use shampoo i wash it last right before i get out, that seems to help a lot with not stripping my face with shampoo.
29M, oily t-zone, acne prone
Roast me or recommend a centella serum

Wash with water
Geek & gorgeous 15% vitamin c serum
Azelaic acid 20% (if not going out)
Cetaphil lotion (if not going out) or cerave AM if going out

Twice a week the ordinary 30% AHA 2% BHA + cetaphil lotion instead

Double cleanse (random local company cheap oil cleanser + LRP Toleriane)
Tazarotene 0,05%
Sometimes azelaic acid 20%
Sometimes cetaphil lotion

Cool routine
Beauty of Joseon rice probiotic sunscreen spf50 is apparently okay-ish with the lack of shine
>something else is wrong then
>post routine. have you reviewed your lifestyle?

Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser
PanOxyl Foaming Wash (Benzol Peroxide 10%)
Vanicream Moisturizing Cream

Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Differin Adapalene 0.1%
PanOxyl Foaming Wash (Benzol Peroxide 10%)
Vanicream Moisturizing Cream

New pillow case for every night
Don't touch face
Tried elimination diets for 2+ months a piece
Nice but I’d recommend a full LED panel instead if you have the money. Might as well get the benefits throughout your body
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>make sure you start off small!!!111 once every 3 days in the beginning!!
>it's gonna makE ur sKin iRRiTatEd be really careful
Been applying a pea-size amount of this donkey jizz to my face every night for 8 days now and I don't feel or see any difference. MAYBE a bit smaller pores in some places.

I feel scammed. Is retinol a meme or is this product just watered down garbage?
Thoughts on curology? I’ve heard good things about it
worked pretty well for me
>I've heard that collagen isn't bioavailable so there's no point in trying?
No, what they claim is that collagen will not be digested intact, which is partially true but even if it were completely true, it's a stupid point to make.
pretty much. retinols are a weaker form of retinoids. try adapalene, it's the only otc retinoid available. if you want the most effective form, you have to get tretinoin which is perscription only
I was posting in the balding thread but I figured I might have more luck here - has anyone experienced any increased hair loss following the use of retinol? If you have experienced this and continued using it, did the shedding go away? I've been using Epiduo (Adapalene/ Benzo P.) since Feb with pretty decent improvements on acne, but over the past 3 months I've noticed a a massive increase in hair loss. I'm not putting it in my hair or anything, and in fact it seems to be from all over the scalp not just the hairline areas. My hairline hasn't receded much but my hair is definitely thinner. I've also read that retinoids can help promote hair growth, and was thinking that the shedding might just be a phase, similar to the initial shedding phase with Fin.
Also any recs for acne treatment that isn't retinol based? I've heard good things about AHAs and glycolic acid.

It's expected to take at least 1-2 months to see noticeable improvements in acne.

AM: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, CeraVe Moisturising Cream, if going in the sun I also apply La Roche Posay Anthelios at the end.
PM: Same minus the sun lotion
>Also any recs for acne treatment that isn't retinol based?
Vitamin B5, read >>18165281
That literally accelerates hair loss through a different mechanism
He he, you again. That won't happen if you supplement with vitamin B7 as well, like I mentioned.
Why do i have smile lines at 20? Ive had them since around 14 and they come and go. Is it just because of dehydration?
Ive noticed they get especially bad when i have little sleep


Wake up
CoQ10 serum
Sunscreen (if I’m going out)

Wash face, currently using this donkey milk soap but I also have an avene gentle cleanser that I use sometimes
Lactic acid
Awuaphor on lips

so what kind of collagen supplement should i pair with microneedling
not sure if there is a point of using hydrating cleanser and then panoxyl.
panoxyl after adapalene is just wrong. you should leave adapalene on for the night.
overcleansing sometimes leads to more breakouts, because sebum production increases
these look good, how about diet? do you eat dairy and stuff with added sugar?
do you take hot showers?
gym? make sure to have at least a splash of water whenever you sweat on face
and lastly, go to a derm if you can afford it. they will be better to address this than us. you will probably get epiduo or a stronger retinoid while at it. and if you are not satisfied with one derm, always try second opinion.
do you expect every change in your body to happen in 8 days or is it just skincare?
for faster results, consider procedures
no hair loss increased, sorry
>recs for acne treatment that isn't retinol based?
azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, aha&bha, niacinamide, some people use zinc creams or washes
>Why do i have smile lines at 20?
ask your parents when they started noticing them. maybe its just genetics. mine are 10x more visible when im cold (so mostly winter) or after using something that contains alcohol (dehydrated skin)
>CoQ10 serum
does it work? post product
Epiduo is literally just adapalene and benzol peroxide, how is that any different than what in doing? I don't wash the evening differin/BP off
>Epiduo is literally just adapalene and benzol peroxide
retinoids should not be combined with BP, but epiduo is an exception being specifically formulated for this
>I don't wash the evening differin/BP off
wait, you dont wash off a wash?
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Recommend face washes other than CeraVe and the other that sounds similar?
This routine mostly seems reasonable but i think that using a strong aha peel is completely overkill when using both a prescription retinoid and azelaic acid. Those both already provide so much exfoliation that the AHA just seems overkill. My assumption would be you aren't gaining much in the way of exfoliation but are adding a good bit more irritation and dryness.
Im currently just using .05% tret and i will throw on a mild pha exfoliator once or twice a week and even that can be too much sometimes.
>Cica toner
SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Probio-Cica Essence Toner
ONE THING CICA Ceramide Toner
ONE THING Centella Asiatica Extract CICA Toner
MANYO Factory Our Vegan Heartleaf CICA Toner
>Differin Adapalene 0.1%
>PanOxyl Foaming Wash (Benzol Peroxide 10%)
Are you washing off the adapalene? Because that would explain why it's not doing much for you.
2x benzol peroxide washes a day also seems excessive.
Cut it down to once a day in the am, leave the BP wash lathered up on your face for 3-4 minutes to improve effectiveness.
Don't wash your face 2x in the am or pm
Maybe add a 10% or 15% azelaic acid cream in the am
Also you should be wearing sunscreen
>Nice but I’d recommend a full LED panel
Get a full length led panel, get naked and just spoon with the thing for 10-15 minutes a day. Get plenty of light on your groin region
>Thoughts on curology?
Cheapest of the mail order prescription tret services in the US.
Relatively affordable if you just buy the tret serum and dont let them upsell you all their moisturizers and sunscreens and shit.
Legal prescription if you actually care, it's not like its a controlled narcotic drug or anything, cops aren't going to but you for importing tubes of tret
Compounding pharmacy means different cream base then the prescription tubes, for some this base causes more irritation.
Compounding pharmacy, they want to add things other then tret, if you let them they usually add a large amount of niacinamide say 5% which can irritate the shit out of some people's skin.
They sometimes want to start you on a pretty high dose like .05%, start with 0.025% for at least the first tube
If they insist they have to add something other then tret get the smallest amount of azelaic acid they can do, that will actually help sooth skin at the cost of stinging slightly for a few minutes after application which the tret usually does anyways.
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I got a tip of buying sunscreen meant for blue-collars in building supply stores because they're much cheaper and efficient, am I being memed?
About the coq10 serum, apparently it’s more preventative so I wouldn’t know if it worked, my skin is in good shape tho. I apply the serum, then after 10-20 mins I apply sunscreen on top if I’m going out.

it’s from living libations

Anyone here use bakuchiol? The apparent natural alternative for retinol? Does it work? or what are anyone’s thoughts on it?
Other femanons, help me. I cannot figure out foundation. I look like shit after applying it after only a couple hours. My skin looks flakey, the foundation creases at my smile lines and eyelids, and overall gets a mottled look after only a short time. I thought it was because I used a matte foundation, so I moved to a hydrating one, but it still results in looking bad. Am I not prepping my skin right?
I wash my face first with a hydrating wash, use a niacinamide toner, then apply a light ceramide lotion. Put on sunscreen, then skin primer. I either use my fingers to put the foundation on or a sponge blender. I lightly put on a loose powder. Should I use a fixer? Should I not use so much stuff before foundation application? I even bought a more pricier foundation and it didn't fix the problem.

I hope it’s any help but for makeup:

Mac Studio Face and Body has been good to me (btw it’s the old version I’m talking about, not the new one). If ur white, they still have ur shade in the old MAC face and body foundation. This paired with the Westman Atelier Vital Pressed Skincare Powder (in translucent or pink) is a godsend for me.

For reference
> old MAC face and body foundation (would recommend)

>new MAC face and body foundation (not as good, I would avoid)
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this may be because I am Australian but no, you will get them for about the same price as you will at the supermarket unless you are talking some wholesaler

just buy cheap bulk packs of spf 50+ suncreen for your body and buy a good quality one for your face otherwise you will look like pic related
I don't know.
Also I learned that from a dr dray video
Why have I never used bar soap before for my body? It's fucking incredible. Feels like I showered for the first time forever, my skin was so nice afterwards and has stayed like that for 3 hours so far.
It may feel nice but detergents are terrible for the skin.
>Anyone here use bakuchiol? The apparent natural alternative for retinol?
It kind maybe does something sort of
Calling it an alternative to retinol is extremely generous.
If you want a mild retinoid get a Granactive Retinoid serum or creme like The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion.
Mild but still effective
Use dove bars instead
Most bar soap is way to aggressive imo. You don't actually want you skin to feel squeaky clean after showering.
Is there a sort-of-painless way of caring for the rest of your skin below the neck? Lathering your entire body in moisturizing cream is a big ask, surely there must be an easier way to do it.
Nta, but I tried Dove bodywash and it gave me weird rashes... Idk which ingredient was the cause, but it makes me a little nervous to try anything else from Dove. I use Ivory soap bars now, and they're quite harsh (so never on my face/head)... I might try the Dove bars, but any other suggestions?
If it’s any consolation, my brother is 23, has visable crows feet, smile lines, forehead lines, and preorbital veins and he still gets tons of game
>but any other suggestions?
I think the dove bars are different then at least the older body washes but i understand not wanting to find out if those irritate your skin too.
Other gentle cleansers
the cerave Hydrating Cleanser Bar
Vanicream cleansing bar (not the z bar)
Vanicream gentle body wash
Aveno skin relief body wash
Eucerin Advanced Cleansing Body & Face Cleanser
Lubriderm Advanced Therapy Body Wash
Here's a story for you all since I won't be back here.

I've been into skincare since I was late teen. The reason was my skin wss dry to the point of hurting and I had acne from that so the doctor prescribed tret. All I used was some shitty super harsh cleanser without moisturizing. Ok i got Tret for it. Still using harsh cleaser, no moisturizer. Terrible combo. Plus habit of picking my zits.

Spent many years dealing with acne and still have permanent scarring from the stupidity of picking tretne. I eventually moved on into using moisturisers and a bunch of actives. Still getting acne. Tried fixing my diet, doing all sort of things to avoid acne (paper towel for washed face, removing diary, exercising etc...) nothing worked for years. Eventually i just randomly threw away my actives for some reason

Turns out i wssnt patch testing the products.

That's my advice : be careful with actives and always patch test. Fuck the sunk cost. I'm definitely getting subscision and will have to deal with permeanent scarring. Kinda scared to add more than tret nowadays.

Also if you're a man keep it fucking simple. Be healthy, minimal skincare shit just the basics (foundations)
niacinamide / caffeine / salicylic acid / succinic acid solution

vit E serum
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/fa/ i need some recommendations for shampoo and conditioner. i'm very budget and i used to buy argan oil shampoothie from target (~$10 a bottle) but they stopped carrying it. i need a new argan oil shampoo. i also have bought crew regular (not the citrus mint version) condition forever and it looks like they dont even make that anymore (more like ~$13/bottle). i have very thick black hair. my skin is kind of sensative (i get eczima if i dry my skin out too much) which is why i thought argan oil was gentle enough. i wash my hair twice a week and condition every day. any recommendations that won't break my bank? thanks bros.
Thanks, I'm trying to keep things cheap right now (unemployed), so I'll try the Dove bars first. They're more than the Ivory, but hopefully worth it.
Looking at my grocery store website, there's apparently
>Sensitive Skin
>Cool Moisture
I'll probably try Original first
>Sensitive Skin
I use these because they are unscented, i think they are otherwise the same as the original.
>any recommendations that won't break my bank? thanks bros.
Just pick whatever cheap curly girl approved conditioner and shampoo you can find locally.
Shea Moisture Argan Oil & Almond Milk shampoo Is good choice.
Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Conditioner
The v05 brand moisture milk conditioners are cheap and work well
Or anything from these lists that is CG approved
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thanks ill try some of these out
anyone know about a website that calculates the efficacy of uv filters in a given product or based on INCI list?
Is shaving cream bad for the face?
Also is aftershave bad?

I put aftershave on recently, had razor burn and it stung. Reminded me I was dousing face in alcohol, just to go and moisturize it afterwards. Seemed counterintuitive
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How do I get rid of this basketball skin
>facial cleanser
>facial cleanser
>exfoliant 3 times a week
>retinol every day
What does this look like to you
And is it fixable
I had normal not sandpaper skin until veery recently
I have been very depressed for a long time and have basically every premature aging factor going for me, but, it still seems extreme
Man, Cerave face wash and moisturiser is kinda shit. It initially cleaned up my face and made it glow in combination with things like vitamin c serum (which i think did the heavy lifting). But overall has done more damage than good. My face is very sensitive, gets super dry, and peels/flakes easily. My partner used it once and it made him breakout the next day - he barely ever has spots. I've also cut down serum use in case it was the acid causing the issue.

But anyways, I need a cleaner, more sensitive, cheaper alternative. No point spending so much on face products that I don't think are actually helping me.
>surprised his body looks like shit
it doesnt make ur skin look like sandpaper over the course of a week u baby
It does with time though.
do u think its fixable with tretinoin and skincare in general
which morning face wash do you guys use?
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just got into skincare about a week ago
its made my face look noticeably better already
Also even though it's winter here in Australia the the sun has made my skin a bit red. Can anyone recommend a good sunscreen?
nvm, I googled sunscreen and the first result with 50 thousand reviews was La Roche Posay Anthelios, and since I saw it in the thread as well, I bought that
cleanser twice daily. worked for me.
thoughts on this product? i just started using it over CeraVe
no different than cerave. its just a cleanser...similar formula, attaches to gunk on your face and in your pores and makes it disappear when you rinse it off.
it cleanses a bit better than cerave hydrating cleanser while still being gentle
i got a cleanser but i don't feel like it does anything, should i trade this for cerave
aqua, ethylhexyl stearate, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate citrate, glyceryl stearate, myristyl myristate, allantoin, nelumbium speciosum flower extract, prunus persica kernel oil, parfum, xanthan gum, sodium cetearyl sulfate, alcohol, phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, linanool, alpha-isomethyl ionone, limonene, sodium chloride, citric acid, sodium hydroxide
How can I get rid of post-inflammatory erythema as quickly as possible?
I use 10% niacinamide in the morning and 0.05% tretinoin at night.
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I have 2a highly porous long hair I need to wash my hair everyday with a Jew product if I don't want to look like a greasy mop.
is it your first cleanser
is it a non foaming cleanser
which is better cerave hydrating cleanser or cerave foaming cleanser?
post routine and skin type
I had really bad skin when I was younger but then took accutane. Some of my acne is coming back and I have been doing the Ordinary boxed routine night/day,but I haven't seen much results so far (2ish weeks). Should I keep going or switch?
>the Ordinary boxed routine
what does it consist of? these?
Squalane Cleanser
Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5
Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
and yet again i got clear skin for 1.5 weeks, thought to myself
>it's been too good lately, about to get multiple breakouts
2 days later and i get multiple breakouts
my body is straight up mocking me
See >>18167372. I personally can vouch for its efficacy. It's the best since it actually deals with the root cause, not just the symptoms.
is 29 too old to start skincare?
I am 28 and started a week ago (I have always used a cleanser but have added in toner/moisturizer/collagen masks).
Skin already looks better
Thank you dear
it's funny how i can apply all the topical shit to my face under the sun yet one single night of unintentionally sleeping on the side of my face will give me the nasolabial folds of a 40 year old
Here's some life advice, if you ever think questions along the lines of "Am I too old to", the answer should always be no(unless it would mean you break the law).
how do you start sleeping on your back, i try from time to time but it's always very uncomfortable, i sleep on my side and used to sleep on my stomach before that started to hurt my chest
cleansers will not provide the squeaky clean effect as soaps do because they are much more gentle and formulated differently
there is also psychological effect because lack of foam visually tells user that nothing is happening
cant really decipher all the ingredients you posted but if you have sensitive skin then continue gentle/hydrating/non foaming cleansers. if you have oily skin type get a foaming one
i have both (LRP Toleriane + Neutrogena HydroBoost cleanser) and use them depending on my needs in a given day/routine
you could also try double cleansing (oil-based cleanser + gentle water based cleanser) and while both are gentle, your skin will feel even more clean
I was just born two weeks ago, is it too late to start skincare?
Yes, but if you want to make up for that lost time get the strongest tret as your first skincare product or don't ever post here
lol it's over for you, just start cleaning the gutters already low caste skinlet
>But anyways, I need a cleaner, more sensitive, cheaper alternative.
Vanicream facial cleanser and facial moisturizer
Aveno gentle facial cleanser and one of their facial moisturizers
Elf holy hydration moisturizer make sure to get the fragrance free version
>i want a spf50 mineral sunscreen that's non-nano, no chemical mask, unscented or only mildly scented, decently waterproof & matte finish.
Basically look at the "milky" Japanse sunscreens
Biore kids uv pure milk is one
Kose - Sekkisei Clear Wellness UV Sunscreen Mild Milk
Pigeon - UV Baby Milk Waterproof
>Roche Posay Anthelios
Yeah that's a solid choice for anyone outside of the US. The USA formula isn't as good
>10% niacinamide in the morning
Ditch that shit, its not the most effective product and 10% is too fucking strong, 4% is pushing it.
Get azelaic acid 20% or 10%-15% if that's what you can buy without a prescription.
>I have 2a highly porous long hair I need to wash my hair everyday with a Jew product if I don't want to look like a greasy mop.
Just go to the curly girl method reddit, look up their google doc and follow their shampoo/ conditioner/ leave in conditioner recommendations.
Also get a cleansing shampoo with sulfates and use it once when you switch shampoos and only when needed afterwards.
Ditching hair products that use silicones with dramatically decrease how greasy your hair looks.
>using cerave AM facial moisturiser on the body

Yay or nay? i have some left over that I never use on my face and don't just want to chuck it in the bin
Sure why not? It's just sunscreen + moisturizer
i think my skin tends to be more oily. so if i don't wanna waste the cleanser i already got, i can complement it with an oil-based one, is that it? any recs?
KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil, easy to find on ebay / Amazon, it's relatively cheap and unscented.
Put it on when your face and hands are completely dry, massage the oil on your face for a minute or three, then when your hands and rub lather it up on your face, then rinse with water and follow up with your facial cleanser.
The cleansing oil will pick up oil dirt and debris on your face and in your pores and then carry it away when you wash it off
okay nice. thanks
i see, thank you. in my local amazon the deep cleansing oil is more than 2x cheaper than the speedy cleansing oil, from what im seeing online it's just a difference of convenience in applying and removing, would you say the deep one is also worthwhile?
also, maybe im being cheap, but since the main thing in this is mineral oil, couldn't i just use johnsons baby oil to double cleanse?
Is there ever a reason to not check "sensitive skin" when shopping for skincare and haircare products?
I have normal skin but it seems like a no-brainer to reach for stuff that's minimally irritating nonetheless.
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>would you say the deep one is also worthwhile?
Haven't used it but they are pretty similar, the deep uses a more heavy oil blend and maybe takes more effort to wash off from what ive read.
>couldn't i just use johnsons baby oil to double cleanse?
The secret to cleansing oil is the added emulsifiers so it lathers up and rinses off when you add water.
I just made brand suggestions based on what's available in the US, if prices are different or products aren't available where you live then any cleansing oil you can find will do.
In the US kose softymo is about $9-$10 a bottle, it's a cheap Japanese drugstore brand so i wouldn't pay a lot for it.
Neutrogena also makes several cleansing oil products that should be pretty widely available or just look at what is available in your country and pick something reasonably priced.
thank you for your suggestions. i'll look around and decide on an actual oil. tried johnson's today and it was a pain to remove, i now value emulsifiers more
You can always use the baby oil in the winter. After the shower pat dry with a towel but leave your skin slightly damp, carefully apply the thinnest layer of baby oil possible on your arms legs chest etc, USE a VERY SMALL AMOUNT, then wait 5-10 minutes for it to soak into your skin before getting dressed.
You can also use it as a hydrating oil on your face, just apply a tiny amount after washing and before your moisturizer.
Helps when the air is dry or you have dry skin.
Shower: shampoo and conditioner, rinse out, cleanser and rinse face, then soap and rinse rest of body
Moisturizer on face
Sunscreen on face and arms

Not directly relevant but I also supplement with fish oil and zinc pills.
Which morning face wash do you use ?
Partly answered my own question: you'll end up missing some good products that will be totally fine for you if you have no sensitivities to their ingredients.
I plan to start using azelaic acid like this:
>10% azelaic acid, in the morning, every other day for 2 weeks
>10% azelaic acid, in the morning, everyday for 1 week
>20% azelaic acid, in the morning, every other day for 2 weeks
>20% azelaic acid, morning and evening, everyday
Is this too slow, too fast, or just right?
Honestly it's a bad product because it's way too shiny and greasy. I only use Japanese and Korean sunscreens like SKIN1004 - Centella Hyalu-Cica Water-Fit Sun Serum, Nivea Japan - UV Super Water Gel SPF 50 PA+++, Skin Aqua Super Moisture UV Gel SPF 50+ PA++++, Canmake - Mermaid Skin Gel UV Sunscreen SPF 50+ PA++++, and SCINIC - Enjoy Super Mild Sun Essence.
It's not shiny or greasy at all. Blends right in and you wouldn't know I've got sunscreen on. The only thing you could tell I have on is moisturiser, only if you were within 1 metre of me. Also my skin looked noticeably clearer the next day after my first use. The only thing I don't like about it is how small it is. But oh well, it's only for my face, and it doesn't take much to cover it, so I'll see how long it lasts.
people talk about az like it's tret but I have not found that to be the case. I spam 20% on my face every day, never built up to it, went straight to the rx only stuff and I don't have any problems. tret I have to be careful with or it will fuck me up and I've been using it for years, but I stick to 0.025 mostly
I was using 10% AA for a while.
I went right in to daily use and it was fine.
When starting it stings for about 5 minutes after you put it on. This is totally normal but it freaks some people out and they stop using it. I honestly kind of enjoyed it.
If you want to be conservative. Then start 10% every other day, after about a week if it's going well switch to daily, if you need more time do every other day for another week. Then once you have almost used up the tube of 10% open a tube of 20%, then switch every other day 10% one night, 20% the next until you use up the tube of 10%.
Is it ok to still get a little dry flakiness when using Tret usually when I wake up in the morning even though I use moisturizer 2 times a day or should I buy stronger moisturizers?
How long have you been using tret? What strength? Where is the flakyness specifically?
For the first month or so when you start you are probably going to get some dry skin here or there.
Depending on where it is you can be more careful about applying less in those places.
When i moved up to 0.05% i had to stop putting tret on the middle of my chin because it kept getting dry.
You can also do things like make sure your skin is dry before applying tret, and then letting it sit for a few minutes before putting lotion on it.
If you put tret on wet skin it soaks in faster and can increase the dryness/irritation. Same thing if you put lotion on top of it immediately after you apply the tret.
I sometimes get flakiness if i accidentally put tret on the tops of my eyebrows, also if i put too much on my forehead between my eyebrows, so i make sure to be careful when applying in those areas.
You can also certainly try a heavy moisturizer at night but adjusting how you apply tret will probably have more effect.
Mostly chin yea lol.
It's kinda hard to apply a pea sized amount evenly everywhere.
Its 0.05%, I use it once every 2 or 3 nights using the sandwich method.
cleanse > light moisturizer > let it dry 15 mins > tret > wait 20-30 mins > heavy moisturizer
I have very sensitive skin and it's red and painful when I don't moisturize. So far this has been the only moisturizer that works but it's $60. Anyone found something useful in this category that's a little cheaper? I've tried different Neutrogena and Olay but they didn't work.
Is it worth going to get an extraction done? I only recently started giving a shit about my skin but I have a ton of little blackheads in my pores, possibly hundreds. Sometimes I go over my face with a magnifying camera and get what i can but it would take days to get all of them and some won't come out.
Are these blackheads or visible sebaceous filaments?
i had to look those up, it seems they're the filaments. is there any way to lessen these? I really don't like seeing them, my pores look huge
>beer and Chinese takeout tonight
I'm going to regret this so much
Cleanser plus moisturizer twice a day. Look for moisturizers that make pores look smaller. Look for moisturizers that have minimal oil. Optionally (or maybe not so optional but I personally don't bother with it yet) exfoliate twice a week.

A common recommendation for moisturizers I've found in my research is LaRoche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair. Available at drugstores, popular choice, safe bet.
For facial cleansers the basic popular choice is Cerave Hydrating Face wash.

Those are literally just choices that I saw in a lot of lists and that I'm fairly confident you can't go wrong with; look up how to identify your skin type and what your specific concerns are if you want to optimize more.
>>18176491 (Me)
>Look for moisturizers that make pores look smaller.
*Cleansers that make pores look smaller. My bad.
I would also advise taking a look at some "ingredients to avoid" lists although some of them really aren't that bad unless you have specific sensitivity (e.g. my understanding is that butylene glycol shouldn't be a dealbreaker unless you're specificially sensitive).
thank you, going to head to pick these up now. I have a little silicone face pad I use to wash my face with, but I just use a cheap kmart face wash and then put petroleum jelly all over my face after showering to moisturise. i see some people outside of this thread recommend the jelly and say it doesn't clog pores, but some say it does. what is this thread's opinion of it?
Ceramides: should I look out for them as explicit ingredients or is it enough for the product to contain oils that contain them?
Is there a good non-comedogenic moisturizer for oily skin that is more than 200ml?
cetaphil feels way too heavy.
you might want to reconsider what you are washing your body with. if you dont want to moisturize then maybe something that does not dry you out - perhaps a non foaming moisturizing body wash?
for uv protection there are uv clothes
>always patch test
>Is shaving cream bad for the face?
depends, some people dont like scented products. other than that, its a good lubricant
>is aftershave bad?
these are mostly scented moisturizers. i think dr dray said to just use moisturizers instead but its up to you
>dousing face in alcohol
try nivea sensitive cool aftershave balm. lasts quite some time for me
post retinol and exfoliant
this happens sooner or later to anyone
>is it fixable
maybe with procedures? you would have to go ask a professional what are possibilities
but topically - look for products that stimulate collagen production in your skin to slow it down
>I had normal not sandpaper skin until veery recently
if there was a sudden change with your skin then something must have changed. even if you use best skincare routines they wont make a sudden change.
one of the Doctorly guy was saying that there was a common pattern with certain skin issue with his patients in one region where he had his practice. turns out it was bad water in the area.
maybe its dry at your house. or thousand other reasons. its tough to guess like that. hope you get better anon
>My partner used it once and it made him breakout the next day
a fully expected skin reaction to a new product/ingredients. also one of the reasons why people quit skincare overnight
just water these days
azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide or something with salicylic acid if you dont want the first two
me too desu, had two cysts but they went away before anything bad happened
>Mostly chin yea lol.
Lately i just apply on my lower face to about the edges of my lips or a bit further in and skip the middle of my chin.
When applying i put a pea sizee amount on my finger and then carefully dot it onto my face, one dot on each upper cheek one on each lower cheek, two on forehead, one on tip of nose,
Practice trying to get even sized dots and you will get the hang of it.
>Every two or three nights
Just have patience, it takes a while to adapt.
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Try aveno redness relief moisturizing cream
Or laroche posay cicaplast balm
>zinc pills
heard they reduce sebum production
dubadubs checked
LRP Toleriane currently
yeah if you are starting its a trial and error. i had problem with an ingredients in an eye cream and dumped it but never really had it ever again so idk which ingredient exactly caused instant redness
sure looks fine desu. good luck
azelaic acid is not a substitute for retinoids. it compliments each other with tret for acne. if you dont have acne, probs no point in using azelaic acid.
>Is it ok to still get a little dry flakiness when using Tret
yes. its a common side effect
take ingredients list and look for something similar. heard vanicream is well tolerated but never really tried it
i got epiduo for this and they got reduced significantly after a few months
other than that, try double cleansing
>what is this thread's opinion of it?
nta but this varies from case to case really. its pretty cheap so no harm in trying
good question. from what i see there is no need for them to be in some kind of ratio to be effective. having a product that was tested and proven effective is probably more important. centella also has many forms and is still effective regardless. cerave seems to be all about ceramides but there are other ingredients that can stimulate ceramide production in our skin (like urea, pretty sure there are more)
ceramides are also tough to work/formulate with apparently so putting a drop of oil that contains them in your moisturizer might hit your ceramide needs
probs not the best answer but hope it helps
yeah, cetaphil lotion contains avocado oil i think (at least in my region)
if i remember correctly cerave lotion (the one in a bottle with pump) was oil free
got a sunburn all over my face and mom said it's gonna set my skincare back a year is that true
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What is your skin type and what are your concerns? Are you acne-prone? Any specific allergies or skin disorders? Also are you willing to splurge a bit?
First thing I do is just google "best face wash dermatologist" and read a couple of lists; they usually break it down by concern (including budget) too.
In general you want something gentle, moisturizing, and non-disruptive. Avoid simple alcohols (ethanol, isopropanol, etc) like the plague. Moisturizing has 3 components: humectant (attracts moisture), emollient (holds moisture in skin, repairs barrier), and occlusive (forms a layer over the skin), but you're not concerned about occlusives for a facial wash since it's a rinse-off product. Look for ingredients like Aloe Vera juice.
Anyway in terms of specific recommendation: Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser looks hard to go wrong with, but that is close to off the top of my head.
I've heard so much conflicting advice about hair from people I know.
Can I just get a final answer as to how often I should wash with shampoo and how often I should condition?
i don't know how often you in particular should be shampooing but i can tell you that you should be conditioning as often as you shampoo, since you condition to replenish oils and moisture in your hair that you strip with shampoo
I personally shampoo every third day, but rinse my hair with water every single day. This keeps grease and dirt from building up to an unwanted degree without stripping away my scalp's natural oils and dehydrating it.
I selected my shampoo and conditioner by treating my scalp as an extension of my face and looking for moisturizing ingredients and nutrients, and eliminating harsh and dehydrating ingredients. I do not bother with ketoconazole or caffeine.
What exactly is a serum for
It's a delivery mechanism for one or more active ingredients. That's like asking what's a pill for
Are you using a liquid or a cream?
I have a face wash, vitamin c, lotion, and SPF. What am I missing from morning routine ?
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Anons who cleared their acne and became a smoothskin, what moisturizer did you use during your process? Aka some comedogenic stuff that will help me in my journey and not cause problems.

recently switched to a new moisturizer after my Amazon brand shit ran out, new stuff still moisturizes me but like I think it's giving me little bumps or more texture.
Double cleanse, get something like Softymo oil cleanser and just massage that shit where you have the most filaments for as long as you want. They will come right out. Make sure to wash your hands but Dry them and oil cleanse with a dry face, water will change the substance.
Cerave Moisturizing face wash
COSRX 6 Peptide skin serum
COSRX 96% snail mucin
COSRX 0.5% retinol serum with squalane (night)
COSRX 23% vitamin C serum (Day)
Skinfix Peptide facial Moisturizer
Eucerin 35 SPF broad spectrum tinted mineral sunblock. (Day)

I’m considering buying some collagen face masks from medifix as well.

What do you guys think?
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I know you niggers like smearing your face with HA but have you ever considered this right here? Can supposedly reverse wrinkles by 18% and acts like a lubricant for your joints.
Why is nobody talking about HA as a pill supplement around here?
What does the literature say
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How do I fix this?
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Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

MUST BUY NOW skincare
The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution
Best BHA i have tried. Will not dry you out like a croissant. Does not smell like pencils like Paula's choice. Excellent exfoliant and will leave you baby Soft.

>gentle retinol/ the one serum you need.
Dr Dennis Gross Skincare Hyaluronic Marine Hydration Booster 30ml
If other retinols have left you dry, do not cry. Dr Dennis Gross. This is a great formulation. Kind of an every-serum. Check out the ingredients, they are great. Packed with pretty much everything you need. Don't overuse this.

Ole Henriksen Strength Trainer Peptide Boost
Has niacinamide and all the ceramides. Super gentle. Great for skin barrier. Will not leave you shiny. Get this if you like looking and feeling soft.

Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel
This is the best sunscreen i have tried on the face. SPF 50. No competition, no complaints. Bought on ebay super cheap. Does not cause breakout, nor cast, nor shinyness. Get it.

you're WELCOME
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New to skincare. Would you trust this? Cheapest 1% retinol i could find and it also has vit C too which would check another box (i thought you were meant to do vit c in the morning and retinol at night). https://www.amazon.ca/Retinol-Cream-Moisturizer-Hyaluronic-Niacinamide/dp/B08ZDT6LSL/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1

Someone I asked suspected it was a chinese relabel but their website says they're canadian with the address and phone number checking out.

Would this interfere with my cerave cleanser and moisturizer (PM version) that both already have hyaluronic acid in them?
Basically I'm looking for a good strong retinol product that's not 50$/100ml. I'm in canada.
Look up curry girl method reddit, find their google doc
Follow their shampoo advice, works for everyones hair not just the blacks.
>Cerave Moisturizing face wash
>COSRX 6 Peptide skin serum
Fine but i would suggest the ordinary copper peptides
>COSRX 96% snail mucin
Fine but kind of a meme, still fun so keep it
>COSRX 0.5% retinol serum with squalane (night)
>COSRX 23% vitamin C serum (Day)
Meme, maybe skip vit c
>Eucerin 35 SPF broad spectrum tinted mineral sunblock
Eh, look into Japanese or Korean tinted sunblock and use that. Lots of info on YouTube and Reddit skincare subs
>I’m considering buying some collagen face masks from medifix as well.
Fun but not particularly impactful
Overall yeah
Make sure you add once product per week after moisturizer and sunscreen so if something bothers your face you know what it is
>How do I fix this?
Those are pores
You can shrink them long-term and make them stand out less but it's just part of your skin
This girl covers most of what works and explains pros and cons
>I'm in canada.
Isn't The Ordinary brand stuff made in Canada? They have some affordable retinol setums.
I'll be seeing some old friends, family etc come 26th
is there a routine I can stick to for 10 days that'll have fantastic results?
Rinse face with water
Facial Sunscreen (mandatory)
Neutrogena 10% glycolic acid overnight peel (only use every third day)

You MUST wear sunscreen while using glycolic acid or any other acid exfoliator or you will get awful sunburns from being outside for just a few minutes and your face will turn pink.
can I buy a branded cleanser with a flashy package and apply it every night? and be done with it?

I also have a vitamin C under eye thing, I could use that every morning too
No cleanser in the morning?
I asked ChatGPT what the best skincare routine was and it said

Cerave cleanser
Cerave moisturiser

Cerave cleanser
Cerave moisturiser
Welp that confirms it
AI will take your job
Morning (AM) Skincare Routine:

Product: Getchu a gentle foaming cleanser that fit yo' skin type.
Example: CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser.
Steps: Wet yo' face wit' some lukewarm water, put on the cleanser, rub it in gently, then rinse it off real good.

Product: Lightweight moisturizer that keep yo' skin hydrated.
Example: CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion.
Steps: Put it on yo' face and neck evenly.

Evening (PM) Skincare Routine:

Product: Use that same gentle foaming cleanser.
Example: CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser.
Steps: Wet yo' face wit' some lukewarm water again, put on the cleanser, rub it in gently, then rinse it off real good.

Product: Use a hydrating night cream or moisturizer.
Example: CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion.
Steps: Put it on yo' face and neck evenly before you hit the bed.
Patch Test: Always try out new stuff on a small spot first to make sure it ain't gonna mess up yo' skin.
Consistency: Stick wit' it to see results.
Hydration: Drink plenty water and eat good to keep yo' skin lookin' right.

aha you were right
>takes roughly 30 days for skin to completely regrow
Literally all skincare products are snake oil garbage.
You put something on your skin to "repair it", funny how the instructions say itll take 2-3 weeks huh?
Repairing skin that will literally be sloughed off in a couple weeks.
Its a bandaid that doesnt even work.

Its all in what you eat and drink.
If you have a good diet, you will have good skin
Spending $300 a month on product will have little to no effect.
Can someone explain where this naive take came from and why it's so prevalent on this website
I hear youtubers and tiktokers always say sunscreen is mandatory.
Little do they know,
>99% of us severely vit D deprived.
I haven't seen the sun, forgotten what it looks like.
I haven't been outdoors in a week.
Might as well buy a pool noodle.
Utter useless trite
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is retinol a meme? I'm 30 and still look fairly young. Do i start that shit when I'm seeing lines? No acne.
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Almost no one knows that sunlight doesn't necessarily age the skin and it even can improve it. If someone doesn't want their skin to get tanned, possibly worsening their attractiveness (particularly in the case of women), they can still sunbathe and get benefits.
LLMs are not designed to give optimal or even good information. They're designed to parrot what's in their training set and tell users what they want to hear.
When I was starting out I took a look at a bunch of "best facial cleanser" and "best face moisturizer" lists and Cerave appeared in nearly all of them because it's cheap, ubiquitous, and effective, usually as "best budget". Guaranteed ChatGPT looked at the same lists I did.
If you don't think very hard about it it seems intuitively true and if you choose to believe it, you save a bunch of money, so you get to look down on the fools "wasting their time and money" on skincare.
It's defeated the instant you ask "why does my skin look better despite changing literally nothing except for adding a skincare routine?"
I wanna get on tretinoion, I feel like it’s the final phase for porcelain skin. How difficult is it to get a prescription? Do I need a really bad case of acne?
Omega 3 anon here. Slipped a bit on both my skincare routine and my diet. The supplements couldn't salvage that. I'd still like to believe they had some effects at least, so I'll keep taking them. Sorry for not being able to provide a mostly scientific and controlled experiment, my cravings for patisseries made me falter. Will try B5 supplements as per the B5 shiller anon's recommendation. I wish I'd just won the genetic lottery instead of having to be autistic about my skin in order to not look like shit.

Routine (I'll take feedback and recs):
AM: La Roche sensitive cleanser, 10% Azelaic acid and La Roche anthelios airlicium sunscreen on top
PM: Same La Roche cleanser, Skinceuticals phyto corrective every other day alternating with 0,025% tret, hialuronic acid, viamin C and fitic acid (these are all from a cream my dad was prescribed but didn't use).
Also, would love some specific feedback on the tretinoin cream. I only use it because it was the best I could get without illegally purchasing it. Is it too weak? Is it overkill?
should I get the corsx snail cream thingy or is it a meme?
30 is a good time to start, your body starts producing less collagen after 25 and that'll cause your face to sag more.
>is retinol a meme?
Pretty much. You can start with some 0.3% over-the-counter Retinol just to see if you tolerate it but you'll wanna move on to a higher potency Retinoid like Tretinoin to see better results. Requires a prescription in most countries.
Not really, tretinoin is also not suited for severe acne cases.
I got it immediately after asking and the doctor didn't even ask me 1 question, they just wanna make sure you use it strictly at night and use sunscreen. Can't speak for all countries though.
impossible to estimate. by saying this she just wants whats good for you
post skin type and routine first
depends on a serum
post what skin issues you have and exact products for a better advice
its a combination of things that help with acne, not just moisturizer. one with niacinamide will be probably good
>collagen face masks
nah i wouldnt, save up for something better
get spf50
based on 2 studies i read seems like it can mostly increase skin hydration. there is also skin thickness increase in one of the studies which i might be interested in but it would be a good idea to compare efficacy with something like oral collagen products
>The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution
>Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel
next on my list actually
>Would you trust this? Cheapest 1% retinol
retinol tends to detoriate and getting cheapest one is not always good idea. look up cerave package for retinol. keeps it away from oxidization and stuff
as for the vitamin c part, not sure if it will be as effective as a separate vitamin c product. it comes down to what type of vit c is inside (INCI list just says vitamin c...) and then what formulation it has to go with (eg l-ascorbic acid goes well with with vitamin E and ferulic acid with Ph level of 3 which was scientifically proven to work for anti-oxidant as well as anti-aging purposes)
if its your first retinol go with cerave resurfacing serum or any other you see recommended on youtube derm reviews (most often are cerave, neutrogena or olay i think). for vitamin c timeless or geek&gorgeous seem great but havent done much research on these
>good strong retinol
is adapalene legal in Canada?
>fantastic results
wouldnt expect any after 10 days of skincare. probably the opposite due to possible purging and/or skin adaptation
drink a lot of water and maybe get a moisturizer
My azelaic acid arrived today and I'm using it with tretinoin.
what should I put on first and how long should I wait before applying the other?
Regarding HA, you might find this study interesting:
It found that topical HA serums are no better than placebo. Also the study was sponsored by a skin serum company, they were hoping to see the opposite results.
nta but cleanser in the morning is optional. probably good if you have oily skin. but not always the case with dry skin
in pm its used to get rid of spf
beside this >>18178534
problem with LLMs is that they cant be held accountable. this renders many use cases worthless, especially in healthcare. it does not see you and does not know what skin issues you have for best advice. although i think it can take pictures now but i have mixed feelings about this anyway
it might very well just told you what was the most commonly used products in a dataset it was trained on
is this a tiktok hot take? shit like this probably prints millions of views
hope you will never get cancer from sun exposure or any other skin defect like melasma or eczema that does not go away after 30 days
social media
its cool to be pretentious on this website
>seen the sun
its about UV, you dont get to see it. check UV rating in your area for a given day (just like you would check weather)
>sunlight doesn't necessarily age the skin
there is just too many studies that say otherwise, google photoaging
>and it even can improve it
thats true, apparently it even delays gray hair, great for vision too
>If someone doesn't want their skin to get tanned, possibly worsening their attractiveness (particularly in the case of women), they can still sunbathe and get benefits.
people mostly talk here about sunscreen on face though, not applying it over whole body everyday. you can use it on your whole body when going to the beach and then use it just on your face the next day to get the sun exposure benefits
>How difficult is it to get a prescription?
in my country it is impossible to get (legally), check in your area
>Do I need a really bad case of acne?
depends on your derm. i got strongest prescription retinoid available when i told derm im on retinol. some derms might not be keen on giving tret as a first retinoid
>Sorry for not being able to provide a mostly scientific and controlled experiment
your input is still gazillion times more helpful than shit like >>18178485
>I wish I'd just won the genetic lottery instead of having to be autistic about my skin in order to not look like shit.
me too desu, just like anyone here
>Skinceuticals phyto corrective
thats expensive. probably wouldnt get it again unless it works well for you
>hialuronic acid, viamin C and fitic acid
id alternate this with tret instead since phytic acid or vitamin c and tret should not be combined from what i see
its okay, if you feel like your skin have some buffer before irritation happens and have established your routine you could bump it up to 0,05% in the near future
no idea but im definitely not a fan of the consistency
AZ in the morning preferably
if you cant, apply 20-30 minutes after tret
yeah i dont really see much point in HA serums and i skip them personally. i just replied to the anon that posted HA as an oral supplement instead of serum
Ate a big sugary desert yesterday and now I'm developing cystic acne on my forehead. Is there anything i can do to prevent it from developing? I'm drinking lot of water and eating completely clean today
>there is just too many studies that say otherwise, google photoaging
I know even an instant of UV exposure damages it. This doesn't necessarily result in permanent damage and people in this thread should know why.
>apparently it even delays gray hair, great for vision too
Head hair should definitely be protected from noon sunlight. There are no benefits that we know of, only disadvantages; including that UV damages melanocytes, so it definitely doesn't delay grey hair.
Has anyone used the numbuzin no.5+ serum?
>use cases
just say uses
Been using Selsun shampoo for what I thought was sort of extreme dandruff, which works like a charm, and also clears up my usually very dry skin (to the point of flaking). After reading more about selenium sulfide though, I think I might have https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seborrhoeic_dermatitis
And selsun might cause hair loss, so one alternative I've seen mentioned is ketoconazol. Anyone got experience with this, more so for general dry skin on the face than particularly on the scalp?
I'd recommend azelaic acid during the day and epiduo/differin during the night
>azelaic acid
Thank you! Any brand that you recommend?
would tretinoin suffice for this?
been washing my face with salicidic acid and using retinol at night and sunblocker during the day, also mosturizing it but i see no improvements after almost a month. never really took care of my skin and i'm already 34yo, was it too late for me or do these things take longer to work?
>Any brand that you recommend?
Any that sells a 10% or more concentration. Brands depend a lot on where you live.
>would tretinoin suffice for this?
These both contain retinol and are made for acne, so they're preferable.

What is your condition besides age and what are you looking for?
want to get rid of my big pores on my cheeks mainly, but also soften the skin
Its reality.
Half of this thread says shit like "im eating pizza this weekend, im so going to regret it!"
Everyone knows diet, exercise plays the biggest role in your skin.
Staying fully hydrated etc etc.

Why you would then get mad when people say the most important thing is in fact the most important thing.

Moisturizing cant hurt. Putting on sunscreen protects your skin from the sun.
Much more than that is all a joke with diminishing returns, until you hit your 50s.

Maybe its just this innate need to consume product

>It's defeated the instant you ask "why does my skin look better despite changing literally nothing except for adding a skincare routine?"
Not really
You are treating the symptom, not the root cause.
You wouldnt need hundreds of dollars worth of boutique skin care products every month if you had decent skin to start with.

Slapping skin care product on doesnt create good skin, it masks bad skin.
Everyone knows how to grow good skin, but nobody wants to do it.
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>Can someone explain where this naive take came from and why it's so prevalent on this website
It's some ugly polcel gremlin that decided to spend his time seeing on effay
>be me
>hate my face because my pores are so big
>start to think theres something wrong with me and that i shouldnt look like this
>see a really good looking celebrity's photo in high detail
>his pores are exactly the same as mine
huh. i guess i dont need to bother with skincare after all. just need to stop looking at my face in the mirror from 10 cm away.
any good cleansing oil available in europe?
Genetica cursed me with prominent nasolabial folds complemented by early jowls/buccal fat, I look middle aged in my early twenties. Are there any solutions to naso besides temporary fillers or should I just rope?
Shit. I've left my Skin Aqua Super Moisture Gel in a house that was 90F, at least, for a week because the power was out. Should it still be good, or should I throw it out?
Its a prevalent opinion, not just an isolated opinion of a /pol/tard
What ingredients should I be concerned about in sunscreen, and should I go with mineral or chemical? I was all in on no sunscreen but think there is probably validity to the skin cancer stuff so wearing it.
Don't even bother with American sunscreens.
As for mineral, they usually tend to leave a white cast. They're far too greasy, and usually tend to leave some sort of cast. The decent stuff is quite expensive.
Don't fuck with Korean shit, either. The gooks are dishonest, and there have been sunscreen scandals in the past.
Get yourself some nice Japanese sunscreen. Far cheaper. I will note that many Japanese sunscreens are meant for indoor use, as in they will not hold up under heavy physical activity. I'd look at Ratzillacosme to see what she says.
You can usually get these off of yesstyle.
I've noted that mineral stuff is pretty expensive, seeing what my gf uses. Avoid American is because the ingredients are dogshit?

Thank you desu
Ah, and I forgot to mention, you should probably look for Uvinal A, because it has strong UVA protection. I can also say that Avebenzone is irritating, if you have more sensitive skin (the chemical filter we use.) I know there are more compounds which make sunscreen filters stronger or are synergystic with them, like Vitamin C. In fact, some of these components and be pretty important in creating a strong formula. Ratzilla has information on this. In the guide I link, she states which sunscreens are intended for daily/outdoor use. Also, check out labmuffin.com. She has a chemistry PHD and discusses some of the science behind filters.
It's less that they are dogshit and moreso that they just don't have the newer filters, which they're simply not going to be as effective, easy to tolerate, and cosmetically elegant.
>and there have been sunscreen scandals in the past.
I looked into this. There was a scandal that hit a ton of sunscreen brands including Western brands, where inadequate testing for SPF led to the stated SPF being (sometimes dramatically) higher than the actual SPF. Including shit like Banana Boat being actually SPF 9.
My takeaway here is one should basically ignore SPF and look at what percentage of the sunscreen is active ingredients, and how wide a variety of active ingredients are used (I am assuming here that these brands are not out and out lying about the ingredients and percentages).
It also appears that you can't really trust reviews.
Can I get some hot tips on what percentage of my sunscreen I should want to be active ingredients? I only use chemical. The shit I have at home is about 10%.
I heard that 4-butylresoricnol is the most effective treatment for hyperpigmentation and that it's also OTC but I can't find where to buy it on the internet. Anyone knows where I can get it?
The "avoid american" thing is just hipsterism, there's some great sunscreen that is not sold in the US, so that's the basis of that meme, but noobs who just found /r/skincareaddiction/ last month will rant about how american sunscreen is trash because this stuff is all still new and exciting to them and they feel like it makes them part of a secret club where there's an "us" (people who know REAL skincare gear) and "them" (NPC chumps who literally think banana boat is good lolololmao)
FDA approval is so behind on sunscreen thoughbeit, that's why people say to get European/asian/australian sunscreens
Now that we're talking about sunscreen is there one that will hold up all day? I checked Skin Aqua UV gel but it still said to reapply every couple hours. I'm not going to the beach or anything, I just want something that I can put on in the mornings and be able to go to work and back without it wearing off.
There's a lot of awful foreign sunscreen floating around out there that just gets by on the fact that it's not sold in the US so hipsters assume it must possess some magical qualities
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Is there any brands like this sunscreen? Where it doesn't smell like sunscreen and doesn't leave you all greasy? I used to use this, but the new formula is now like every other sunscreen I've seen, which sucks
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Would this be a good substitute?
whenever you find a good sunscreen that doesn't have all the bad traits of sunscreen, you should be investigating what you're giving up, because it's going to be something

a relatively straightforward metric is the % of each active, which I believe is required to be listed by law. back when there was that korean sunscreen scandal the shit that everyone loved and was impossibly user friendly and good smelling and good texture had a % that was there for everyone to see, and that % was too low to be plausible

the thing that's harder to measure is water resistance but presumably you're asking for an everyday that you won't be sweating in
>noobs who just found /r/skincareaddiction/ last month will rant about how american sunscreen is trash because this stuff is all still new and exciting to them and they feel like it makes them part of a secret club where there's an "us" (people who know REAL skincare gear) and "them" (NPC chumps who literally think banana boat is good lolololmao)
You daft motherfucker. I have been using Amerishit sunscreens for the past fucking five years despite still knowing about jap sunscreens. Only after trying and fucking trying to find something that either 1: doesnt make my skin break out 2: does not give me an ungodly white cast 3: makes my skin greasy 4: makes my skin burn. My parents wouldn't stop hounding me about why my face was greasy (inb4 overapplication. I did use lesser amounts) My holy grail for the longest time was some Australian Gold Coconut sunscreen, which eventually just ended up breaking me out at some point, anyway. Eventually, I was so sick of wasting money and product because my experiences were so poor and finally bought jap sunscreen. After doing careful research, i found the right ones. I'm most certainly not going to say that all Japanese sunscreens are a hit. The first one I tried actually broke me out. I can't speak for higher end American sunscreens with regards to their cosmetic elegance, but I know filter-wise, I can't tolerate Avebenzone to get the UVA protection, and Zinc Oxide makes you white as a ghost. It is also challenging, because regardless of where you buy your sunscreen, protection will be likely traded off for cosmetic elegance. But it simply depends on your needs. You wear everyday sunscreen for everyday purposes, the more cosmetically elegant type. Then, you use your greaseball shit on days where you want to be more active. This was probably, bait, but oh well, you got me.
If you're looking for long-lasting protection or strong protection, I wouldn't recommend it.
>If you're looking for long-lasting protection or strong protection, I wouldn't recommend it.
what would you recommend?
As I mentioned, you should look for strong UVA filters like Uvinal A. You can't quote me on this since I have not tried either, but I have read reviews and researched into them. Supposedly Biore UV Athlizm Protect Essence is good for that and so is ANESSA Perfect UV Milk if you are willing to spend a bit.
Also, check out the ones labeled outdoors under
I tend to have dry skin so I us the cerave hydrating facial cleanser, but once in a while I wake up with oily skin so I take a drop of bronners castile soap to get it off, then use the hydrating cleanser, then toner and moisturizer after the shower, so I'm doing plenty to hydrate my after the occasional castile soap use on my face but is that still a problem?
How long do I let my PM cleanser sit before rinsing it off?
I need answers before prime day deals go away desu
I have a large white head zit on the tip of my nose. What can I do to make it go away faster?
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on the days that your skin presents oily, I would use a foaming cleanser meant for oily skin. Personally I use La-Roche Posay Foaming Cleanser, I got it for $15 at Target lel but it may be cheaper on Amazon? So far it's been good and that skincacea chick recommends it but check pic related for all her reccs for oily skin
recs for exfoliators? should I get the ordinary 30 aha + 2 bha?
Sad that you didn't get all 18s
but is it a problem to use castile soap on my face if I moisturize right after?
I got the foaming cleanser anyway, I'm a cerave boy
I cleanse plus moisturize in the morning and the evening.
I also work out (and hence sweat) in the middle of the day. Obviously I don't want salt water sitting on my face and scalp for hours on end. So I also wash up with some moisturizing body wash and re-moisturize my face afterward.
My question is, is this too much washing? Am I stripping away my skin's oils too much? Can I get away with just rinsing the sweat off? Any advice is appreciated. I also have a Dove Sensitive Skin bar in my shower.
my lips are chronically chapped in the area where they touch, how can i quickly exfoliate them? something like those lactic acid foot peel masks that work over 1-2 weeks is what im picturing
Skill issue

Depends on your use case
Any tips for neurodermatitis/psoriaris/eczema?
Moisturizing sunscreen on top of moisturizer: anything wrong with this beyond risk of my skin looking greasy?
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I was looking for a sunscreen i could wear while using tret that didn't leave my face shiny.
I have found one.
Hada labo uv perfect gel.
Goes on smooth and easy, maybe has a bit of gloss for 5-10 minutes but dries down completely matte. Skin just looks normal, doesn't look like i put some mattifying oil absorbing shit on my face.
Love it
Good shit
Easy to get on Amazon / ebay
Used to be called hada labo uv white gel, but they changed the name and packaging last year.
As always make sure to apply a proper amount for good effective coverage, don't skimp on it. Even with a proper full application its not shiny at all.
I’ve started using a light cleanser plus moisturizer and it feels like my skin is a lot more sensitive to water now. When I was using no skincare I could wash my face with water and it would feel fine. Now when I wash my face with even room temp water my forehead gets really dry for like 30 minutes
The moisturizer I’m using is the SKIN AQUA Super Moisturizing UV Essence
>SKIN AQUA Super Moisturizing UV Essence
That's a moisturizer + sunscreen
The skin aqua line sunscreens tend to use a lot of alcohol and ive seen several people say they find them to be very drying on their skin. I haven't used that particular one but i used the skin aqua uv super moisture gel and found it a bit drying sometimes.
Also with sunscreen you should be putting it on in the morning and washing it off at night. You don't want to sleep with it on at night.
I would suggest just getting a simple facial moisturizer or light lotion without sunscreen. Cerave daily moisturizing lotion, something from laroche posay or some other drugstore brand.
You should be doing something like
Put on a thin layer of regular lotion
Put on skin aqua uv sunscreen
Wash face with cleanser
Put on a more generous application of regular lotion
The GOAT, have been using for 7 years
That's what Patrick Bateman did so I'd say you're on the right path.
You know what? Works for me. I switched from barbell bench press to dumbbell bench because I saw Batman do it and that paid off.
is there a point buying a safety razor if I have a pathetic excuse of a beard? Wouldn't I be better off with a mach 3?
>I know even an instant of UV exposure damages it. This doesn't necessarily result in permanent damage and people in this thread should know why
well that may be true but then there is this guy. though he probably didnt use sunscreen
>Head hair should definitely be protected from noon sunlight. There are no benefits that we know of, only disadvantages; including that UV damages melanocytes, so it definitely doesn't delay grey hair.
sorry i meant gray hair due to vitamin d deficiency
give it a few more months
>just need to stop looking at my face in the mirror from 10 cm away.
a very common problem
i had problem finding one in eu too. decided on some basic drugstore oil based makeup removal from a local brand
best to visit a professional and ask for possibilities
try on your body i guess
>What ingredients should I be concerned about in sunscreen
>mineral or chemical
depends on your use case
>Now that we're talking about sunscreen is there one that will hold up all day?
there are too many variables to consider. get a mirror with uv camera and you will know when it wears off.
>is that still a problem?
no if your skin isnt getting more dry in the long term
consider double cleansing if you are still worried. oil based cleanser removes oil better. then use your gentle cleanser and your skin will be extra clean without using anything harsher
i wouldnt leave it for longer than a minute. but check instructions on the package
acne patches
azelaic acid
benzoyl peroxide
salicylic acid
good shit but it its your first one go for 7% glycolic acid toners first
skip cleanser in am
use just water on your face after workout. if you dont break out (thats the main goal) then you are fine. if you break out, use cleanser/dove
>is this too much washing?
if you observe skin dryness/flaking, yes; otherwise no
not hating but this is funny, if shaving, washing face and using a cream is a skincare routine then even my blue collar railroad worker dad has a skincare routine I guess
>try on your body i guess
So I should give up using it on my face? Time to get new shit?
>is there a point buying a safety razor if I have a pathetic excuse of a beard? Wouldn't I be better off with a mach 3?
No you would be better off with a braun foil shaver or a Phillips one blade unless you really need a super smooth clean shave.
so if i use tretinoin do i have to wash it off in the morning. The last few days ive been outside more then usual and despite wearing good sunscreen on my face im still feeling a bit burned and looking pink
Shaving cream/gel recs? I'm assuming the process is no more complicated then "apply the product, maybe let it sit for a minute or two, then shave and moisturize".
I'll be honest aside from basically being a lubricant for the razor I'm not 100% sure what to look for ingredients-wise.
true but still above average for males especially with the cleanser
try on your body first and if its fine (eg the texture is not weird, cakey, is not piling and does not smell bad) then give it a try on your face with the rest of your routine. if it behaves as before you are probably fine
>so if i use tretinoin do i have to wash it off in the morning
its the hygiene side of things to splash water on your face in the morning
>wearing good sunscreen
post it
doctorly had some recommendations here iirc
>drink chamomile tea
>have random retard idea
>take teabag out
>rub against face
fast forward next day
>most acne gone, all redness is basically gone
Can I get a rundown on basic steps to take when you have dry scalp? Or dandruff? And how to tell the difference between the two
Had no problems with my scalp for months, then suddenly I get huge giant flakes and somewhat itchy
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Why the fuck did I get acne on my brow??? I was doing so much great progress with my skincare routine and my face started clearing up and then bam fucking Iraq invaded my eyebrows, anons what cause this?
>Can I get a rundown on basic steps to take when you have dry scalp? Or dandruff?
Try and figure out which issue you have, there are multiple scalp problems that can cause dandruff and itchyness and they have different treatments.
Seborrheic dermititis, overgrowth of fungus, dry skin,
Dr dray on YouTube has some good videos about the different causes and treatments
Do you wash your eyebrows when you wash your face? If you don't maybe try that
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I do, all over my face, including my neck. All of a sudden, I'm getting acne on my brow area. My sleeping, eating, washing habits are the same.
If I can’t have clear skin by the end of the year I am killing myself
Good. The key to that is deeply hidden on the web but you can find it if you know how to look.
Kk but I’m a licensed esthetician, so most of the products I have are expensive, but I either got them for free or extremely discounted. I also really love PCA skin.

Dermalogica special cleansing gel
PCA nutrient toner
Dermalogica pro collagen serum
PCA hydrator + SPF 30
I live in a warm and humid climate so I keep my moisturization during the day minimal

Either Dermalogica special cleansing gel or PCA facial wash
PCA nutrient toner
twice weekly I do the pore refining treatment from PCA for my exfoliation.
PCA hyaluronic acid boosting serum. Fun fact, this particular serum stimulates your body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid. Cool stuff.
Then I finish off with the hydrabright moisturizer from PCA (again) lol.

Sometimes I will spot treat my acne with their acne gel, it dries up pimples overnight and doesn’t leave scars. I also really like their hyaluronic acid lip serum. Magic in a tiny tube.
Accutane but you won't even try it
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>Hyaluronic Acid Boosting Serum
>1oz tube
Oh my godddddd
Dude i fucking know, even with my discount it’s still like $60. But holy shit it’s the best-feeling serum I’ve ever used. Like silk woven from god himself, straight from heaven above. Way better than any other hyaluronic acid serum I’ve used. Their products are insanely expensive but unfortunately they do work very well lmfao

One extra plus I will give them is that you can get away with using the tiniest amount of product. Everything is like an 8 months supply or more. I use half of a pea size amount, and sometimes that’s even too much.
How long after applying retinol does the skin stay extra photosensitive? How much harder do I need to go on the sunscreen the following day if I apply it only at night?
I’m not having my testosterone permanently lowered
>Dermalogica pro collagen serum
interesting, does it do anything? seems like it has lots of essential oils
>PCA SKIN Pore Refining Treatment
how much AHA does it have? I mean at this price point it is crazy that it is not mentioned. it's like buying a gun and having no idea what caliber you are about to shoot

also, just curious, no retinoids? is your skin too sensitive?
Hi everyone, I'm looking to get into skincare and I have a question about cleansers and moisturizers: Will my skin be better off the earlier I start using them? For instance, I get that using sunscreen from the beginning is absolutely essential because it prevents damage. While cleansers and moisturizers obviously are different, do they still have any form of lasting effect so you don't want to hold off with them? thanks
Crazy how you just made that up
Will you double down and pretend it's real?
You need to use cleanser if you use sunscreen, you must wash the sunscreen off at night and a cleanser is the most effective way to do that
I would strongly suggest using a cleanser and moisturizer daily at night. Cleanser will remove dry skin, dirt, pollution grease oils etc and will just on its own make some improvement to your skins appearance and texture. Moisturizer will also improve your skins health, it will hydrate your skin, improve it's appearance and elasticity and help protect it.
You do not need to use expensive products, a 12oz bottle of CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion and cerave foaming cleanser will last you six months or more.
Just get some cheap drugstore products, preferably unscented and get in the habit of using them.
Cleanser and moisturizer are sort of the foundations of a skincare routine.
Accutane has all kinds of nasty side effects but i don't think fucking with testosterone production is one of them.
ty, so is it fair to say that my overall skin health would be better in, say, 5 years if I started with these products right now as opposed to waiting that long to use them?
(not that I actually have to wait or anything, just trying to gauge if there's any urgency to it like it is with sunscreen, which I already use)
>jergens ultra healing moisturizer for body
>jergens natural glow face for... face
>jergens natural glow wet skin for body after shower
It's literally this simple.
Most people should start using a cleanser and moisturizer as soon as they hit puberty, sunscreen even before then if they spend any significant amount of time outside.
If you aren't particularly greasy use a mild hydrating cleanser, your face should not feel squeaky clean when you wash it unless you are using a stronger cleanser to deal with oily skin/acne. Use a lightweight moisturizer.
Give it a try for a few months and see if you feel like it makes a difference, if you don't then i guess don't worry about it.
got it

Speaking of sunscreen, I'm soon 21 and I've only just now begun using it before I go outside. While I on one hand mostly am an indoors person it still kinda sucks to have recklessly exposed myself to the sun on some days. Hopefully I'm not too screwed
How do you get rid of an uneven tan?

It's been 6 months so I don't know if it'll go away on its own
This is an incredibly expensive routine can you post your skin with no filters please
my mom has pretty bad melasma on her face
she tried an expensive laser treatment at a clinic once and it didn't help
I did some research and from what I understand the only remedy is retinoids + sunscreen
any info/tips you guys can give me? also is there a recommended retinoid brand?
Tretinoin (prescription) and sunscreen every single day. Chemical peels work better for melasma than laser resurfacing.

Also helpful:
>azelaic acid
>kojic acid
>tranexamic acid
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I have these red marks on my face from picking at ingrown hairs/acne. Is there a way to clean these up?

Please ignore patchiness. I'm gonna shave.
What is the ultimate skincare routine aimed at preventing aging? i have normal skin.

I currently use a lot of COSRX products and mineral sunscreen but I want to get into more effective and higher end products.

so in your opinion if you could have a dream skincare routine to prevent aging what would it be?
> Skinceuticals Glycolic Renewal Cleanser
> Skinceuticals Conditioning Toner
> Skinceuticals Hydrating C E Ferulic with 15% L absorbs acid
> Skinceuticals H.A intensifier
> Skinceuticals A.G.E Advanced Eye for Dark Circles
>Skinceuticals Triple Lipid Restore moisturizer
> Laroche posay 50spf tinted mineral sunscreen

>Skinceuticals Glycolic renewal cleanser
>Skinceuticals Conditioning toner
>Skinceuticals Resveratrol B E antioxidant serum
>Skinceuticals P-TIOX Peptide Serum
>Skinceuticals Advanced A.G.E eye serum for dark circles
>Skinceuticals 1.0% retinol serum
>Skinceuticals A.G.E Interrupter advanced anti wrinkle cream
>Skinceuticals Triple Lipid Restore moisturizer
indeed. The only problem I have right now is some hyperpigmentation, occasional acne, and dark circles, but I’ve had my dark circles since I was a kid. They’re genetic.
The Dermalogica serum isn’t going to reverse years of depleted collagen- but it does plump the skin and leave it hydrated/dewy. Gives you a very shiny look. And the glycerin helps with hydration. Although they say the peptides do help your body create its own collagen, but I wouldn’t take this product for a miracle worker lol

Interesting, you’re right, I can’t find the AHA percentages for the PCA pore refining treatment. But I can’t imagine the mandelic percentage would be very high, because the idea is that you get 3 form of exfoliation (cellular, enzymatic, and physical) so I would be more inclined to say it was at least 5%, but not more than 10%.

I’m not currently using retinol because i just got out of esthetician school recently, and in school we had to have a service done on us probably 2-3 times a week, which includes microderms and chemical peels. So I was playing it safe. Now I just have to find a retinol I like.
I tried Differin for a year and didn't feel like it made any appreciable difference to the quality of my skin or to my acne. Is it worth trying a stronger retinoid?
How is my recent amazon basket for general skincare? I was using TheOrdinary before and still have retinol, but couldn't find easy shipping, and an acquaintance recommended Weleda. Good products for a basic male routine?

I wasn't using toner before but bought some this time, is it effective or snake oil? Anything else worth getting?

I also have a derminator but it's at my old address abroad, will need to get it shipped over and I felt my skin was generally better when I'd use it every couple of weeks. Anyone else use it?
>I’m a licensed esthetician,
Can I ask your opinion on at-home microneedling?
I'm considering buying a dermapen to use on my scalp but I'm concerned about giving myself scarring if I do it incorrectly.
I've already read a bunch of guides and watched some youtube tutorials and it seems intuitive enough.
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My cerave facial moisture AND Paula's Choice exfoliant are absolutely too thicc for the summer, I sweat all day at work and makes to no good at my pores causing a pretty ugly breakout that ended once I tried to stop apply them for a few days

Howhever I still need something to moisture and exfoliate my face, anything more "fresh" that I can use?
Nice you get what you pay for I guess
I will stick with my peasant tier routine and hope it works out over time
Azelaic acid

Tretinoin, nothing else comes close for anti-aging

If your acne is bad you probably need more than just Differin. I would add benzoyl peroxide to your routine.

Toners are unnecessary for most people except the Korean girls doing 500-step skin routines who actually need to change pH before the next layer. Weleda is good but not everyone’s skin likes it due to fragrance

Move your exfoliant step to night. For summer day moisturiser Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Water Gel
>have ingrown hairs that can't be shaved
>pluck them with pincers
>next shave (4-5 days later)
>ingrown hairs in the same spot
Most times it's like this. Is this normal? What should I do?
>Howhever I still need something to moisture and exfoliate my face, anything more "fresh" that I can use?
Aveno oat gel moisturizer
Elf holy hydration gel yeah moisturizer
>so in your opinion if you could have a dream skincare routine to prevent aging what would it be?
Copper peptide serum (get Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1% Serum) apply peptides in the am after rising face to remove last night's tret, then moisturizer, then sunscreen.
That's really all you need for skincare products, just as important is a good diet, get 8 hours sleep every night, not drink excessively or smoke
Use a glycolic acid toner the night before shaving or i guess some exfoliating scrub if you insist
>get Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1% Serum
From the ordinary, every other copper peptide serum is so fucking expensive or weird Chinese bootleg shit i wouldn't trust
Literally all you need:
-rice water

Anything else is a scam.
Quick rundown on skincare peptides? Seems like a money waster just like fitness industry peptides
Mmm I wouldn’t personally recommend doing it yourself, just keep in mind that at-home devices are going to go less in-depth than a professional service is. So you might not get the best results. I would say if you are going to do it, use caution, maybe try it out in one area first just to see how it is. Also remember that professional devices used in med spas have to comply with various regulations, but this isn’t necessary true for at-home ones. So if you’re going to get a device, research it to hell. I haven’t personally done at-home micro needling so this is the best answer I have, hope it helps lol.

I don’t think you have to have an insanely expensive routine in order to have good skin. If you’re smart and savvy, you can get cheap products that work wonders. I just have an expensive routine because I get free products pretty often.
chamomile has anti-inflammatory or anti-bacterial effect iirc
maybe something has changed in your everyday life. or maybe its the summer (my acne gets worse during summer)
>basic steps to take when you have dry scalp
id drop harsh shampoos which are drying and has strong surfectants like SLS etc. maybe try a non foaming one? or specifically moisturizing one
dont use hot water
dont scratch your head or its going to get worse (derm told me that)
use conditioner or maybe apply body lotion to your scalp for 5-10 minutes after using shampoo when hair is still wet/damp, wash off afterwards
>anons what cause this?
my acne gets 10x worse during summer for no reason
very cool
i wanted to get laser procedure and they said to lay off retinoids and exfoliants for 2 weeks before procedure
try to prevent next time
maybe try this lol
but basically start retinoids, report back in 3 months
>Differin for a year and didn't feel like it made any appreciable difference to the quality of my skin or to my acne
epiduo might do the trick then
boj is okay, cant speak for the rest
urea, azelaic acid and i think salicylic acid helps with ingrown hairs
not quick but here goes
If you're over 32 and not using retinol yet please dear God start
>sit next to window for years during work hours so I can look out at nature from time to time
>one side of my face now has sun damage, dark spots and lines around eyes
>other side has no lines or discoloration

If both sides looked the same I'd probably just assume that's what my face is supposed to look like at my age.

Been using sunscreen regularly (including indoors) for the past 2-3 years now. I've used tret on and off but I've been using it consistently for almost a year now. The difference doesn't seem that huge. The lines I were targeting are for the most part still there and the dark spots have faded maybe 20%. Feels like it might take 5 years to get my skin how I want.

- cerave hydrating cleanser
- vitamin c serum (previously timeless 20%, now RoC)
- isntree bifida (don't care if it even does anything it feels good)
- photozyme DNA Youth Recovery Facial Serum (got it on sale, probably won't buy it again due to $$$)
- cerave body lotion
- Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel

- cerave hydrating cleanser
- isntree bifida again because I just don't like putting tret on raw skin
- tretinoin 0.1% every other night
- cerave body lotion
- cosrx snail mucin 92%
- aquaphor

products i've tried in the past that I used for at least 3 months and didn't seem to hit:
10% - 20% azelaic acid (didn't seem to help with hyperpigmentation)
regimen lab level serum (same ^)
regimen lab vitamin x (same ^)
the ordinary copper peptides (just seem to fuck my skin up for some reason)
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Recommend me some good OTC serums.

Shit's so confusing, pic related advertises itself as 1% retinol while in the description it says
>THE INKEY LIST’s answer to retinol is sublime in its simplicity, uniting 1% stable Retistar retinol (the equivalent of 0.05% retinol) and 0.5% granactive retinoid (slightly stronger than retinol) with squalane for hydration and soothing.
So 0.05% + 0.5% = 1%? I don't get it. Shouldn't it be specifying Retistar retinol on the package? The developers of this product deserve to be thrown into a caged prison where they get routinely raped by niggers twice daily.

Just give me a quick rundown on what to buy, pretty please.
What do you guys do about whiteheads? Have one show up on my forehead today and I tried to squeeze it, but it didn't pop, despite adding a lot of pressure. Just made my forehead really red, so I stopped before making it worse.
I get a needle (sewing type), dip it in rubbing alcohol for a few seconds, then pop it with that.
Is this stupid? Maybe, idk
Any suggestions for dealing with dry/cracked/peeling cuticles? They keep turning into hangnails too. I've tried just moisturizing my fingers (Cetaphil) but it didn't do much. It also made my fingers feel too greasy, which I didn't like.
>Recommend me some good OTC serums.
Just get the ordinary granactive retinoid 5% if you want a mild retinoid or the ordinary .5% retinol in squaline if you just want retinol.
You can move up to a higher concentration of retinol after a bottle or two if you want but .5% is already stronger then most drugstore retinol serums.
Slop on a thick moisturizer before bed, or a thin moisturizer with some Vaseline on top, get thin cotton gloves to wear while you sleep if you can't stand the greasiness.
I had the same issue recently and just slopping on a thick cerave cream before bed helped a lot.
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Is it necessary to use sunscreen on days when I don't leave my house but I do go out to my garden for routine things like feeding my pets and stuff?
Is it okay if on those days I just use a weaker or at least cheaper sunscreen?
i only use pic related
>Is it necessary to use sunscreen on days when I don't leave my house but I do go out to my garden for routine things like feeding my pets and stuff?
Sure buy a big bottle of banana boat spf 50+ for $8 or whatever cheap sunscreen people buy for the beach
I have clear skin but still want to invest in skincare, do i need to do skincare daily for good results, or can i do it twice a week?
>sorry if this is a retarded question
Well yeah, sunscreen, cleanser, moisturizer is a daily routine.
>thin cotton gloves
Oh, you can buy these at a pharmacy apparently.
Though I do like to read my phone in bed a bit, not sure how that will work.
new bread
new bread
new bread

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