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Were the late 1800's the worst era of fashion for women in the west?
It's no wonder why movies and shows set in this time period always use ahistorical clothing -- Who's going to take any woman seriously when she's dressed like picrel?
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Cope + you’re gay
Someone post that busty victorian woman pic.
>makes their bust and hips look huge and waist looks small
and this is supposed to be ugly somehow??
no it was fine
nobody talks about the 1800s revival moment in the 1970s
it was the best one
Doesn't Edwardian mean 1910s
It means 1901-1910
post more
Bottom left and bottom right - was it normal for skirts to be that short back then?
Next GF will be dressed in this.
I will never understand how so many people think wearing a dress = well dressed or peak fashion. Women’s fashion was mediocre at best until they started wearing pants, overalls, etc. in the early 20th century. Dresses are plain, boring and shapeless bags. No fun at all fashion-wise, and absolutely lazy and uncreative on the wearers part.
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The hats in >>18167914 are a lot bolder and show a lot more personality than anything you'd see today. The rest of the outfits are somewhat bland, but nothing you wont still see today in any trendy city
Wearing a dress is peak rebellion for a female in the current ‘there is no such thing a biological sex’ woke NPC era.
It’s refreshing seeing a women dress feminine without looking like a whore.
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Absolutely this. That's why i cherish it on women.
It's also a middle finger to the attempt to build the one world order(unifying gender, 2 trade center -> one trade center).
Women don't exist anymore, there's only thots:
They're all the same, cosplaying as something else. All of them claiming "they're not like the other girls"
Yeah, young girls wore shorter skirts, and when they became more sexually developed, they would wear longer skirts. Those girls are both teenagers.
They do.
So that's what happened to erin anderson? She made it sisters! From man to tradwife!
These are likely girls in their teens, hence the shorter skirts and looser hairstyles so at this age it was normal to wear shorter skirts no matter the occasion.
Shorter skirts were also fine for work and for exercising (both of which were completely normal for women no matter how much revisionism is done to tell everyone that women did nothing but stay at home and get beaten by their husbands before the sufferagettes and then the 70s women's liberation movement)
>taking women seriously
imma stop you there

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