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Why do women wear sandels? Most of the world considers bare feet to be vulgar.
If you have hot feet you should show them, regardless of your gender. If you don't, wear shoes. Simple as.
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>you should show them, regardless of your gender.
This person has ugly feet.
eh, a footjob is a footjob
well my mom said i have nice feet...
>Most of the world
You mean this "most of the world" brother PBUH??
Those are not nice feet, you fucking retard.
LOL gross that guy looks like hes never gone sockless outside in his life. imagine the yeasty smell
all feet are ugly and gross. a foot's grossness is directly proportional to its size, the bigger it is the more gross and ugly it is. dude's that are into feet deserve to be ostracized from society, humiliated, demeaned, and beaten into submission for their disgusting behavior.
Women are fucking whores and will always seek out male attention
fuuuu those are some nice feet on the left
>Most of the world considers bare feet to be vulgar.
Swearing is vulgar too, and you can hear it everywhere. Americans are rare in that we don't consider feet vulgar, but outright taboo and shameful
Look up what "vulgar" actually means
Summer is horrible, I literally can't stop sneaking constant glances at women's feet even if I'm talking to them. I'm positive they can all tell
>I'm positive they can all tell
The trick is to own it. If they're at all interested, they'll play along. If not, they'll cover their feet and the problem solves itself.

>Bbbut she might tell her friends I gave her the ick!

Let me share a secret about women's opinions: Women give even less of a shit about what other women think than men do, social media is performative.

Woman A tells B,C, D that you stared at her feet and she felt creeped out. The other three will nod along. B will think A is a whore, probably for unrelated reasons but in her head will think A dresses for attention and if she didn't want men to stare, she shouldn't have dressed that way. C will be jealous of any male attention that isn't coming her way, even if she isn't interested in the man giving in. D will make a note to show her feet more often to get more attention and validation for herself. They make "like" a social media post talking about the male gaze, that's the extent of their involvement.

Tldr: Stare if you want, literally nothing will happen as long as you're at least a 5 or 6 out of 10.
"Most of the world" is also shit hole thirdie countries
What are these kinds of shoes called?
Not like that, dude. Not like that.
Sandals are the most natural footwear there is
Except for cold places humans were wearing pretty much nothing but sandals for 100,000+ years
>had beautiful feet
>botched repeated ingrown toenails on both big toes fuck my shit up
>genuinely feel revolting because of it, never wear sandals or anything open toed, never go barefoot
>always try to wear socks even around long term partners for fear of them being disgusted with me if they see them

it’s so over. I had it all and they took it away from me …
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Are you a female?
ay yes the old white lady sandal
>Most of the world considers bare feet to be vulgar
Only westoid faggots think that. Most of the world wears sandals or goes barefoot whenever possible.
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God I hate shoe footed golems so much it's unreal.
Women use their bodies to manipulate men, same reason for low cut tops
This. I work for a company that hires tons of FOB thirdies and those motherfuckers really love walking around in sandals, stinking up the place with their filthy scabby feet.
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Whole existence of a women is to manipulate and tricking men to sleep with them.
Pretty crazy if you think about it.
>tricking men to sleep with them.
More like tricking men into paying for things but yeah
It's not that clear cut. Women often become flatfooted after pregnancy.
You can really have any foot shape on people of either sex, except for men they will be bigger and hairier
Once I was at a friend's house.
A 40 something female friend of his mother came.

She was wearing sandals, and had her foot extended
straight under the table,
she was sitting not on the sides of the table, but in a top side and I was sitting right across.

I looked down and she retracted it.
I've always thought of sandals as female footwear.

Females have smaller feet
Also female clothing is mostly only for females.

You can have sandals of all colors,
any type, any decoration.

Male clothing is unisex.

The male foot is bigger.

When I see a man wearing sandals I think of him
as either effeminate, or untrustworthy. Or both.
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personally i get my fashion inspo from child laborers in pakistan
Fuck no hide those goblin ass toes away from the public's sight
i know why, cause they have sweaty feet and wait all year for summer to not suffer from that, what fascinates me is that they dont even worry about how much dirt their feet will get on their outside, fucking plebs
>When I see a man wearing sandals I think of him as either effeminate, or untrustworthy.
in todays cities theres literal shit on the floor
people got no problem going around with open shoes collecting shit on the skin of their feet wtf
theres an easy fix for that, dont go into the city. why you would want to be around a bunch of loud stinky immigrants is beyond me
Sandals are literally unisex footwear
The only people who look down on men wearing sandals are American boomers and boomer-adjacents. The type of stuck-up freaks who wear shoes inside living areas

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