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ebay seems like the only place for used yet affordable luggage.
I can't imagine having money to travel but not buy good luggage. Are you getting there on Greyhound?
Why spend $1,500 for new pilot (picrel) when you could probably get it for half off used?
It looks great, but I think you have to fly on a jet or first class. Imagine flying on a low-cost company with this suitcase, it is certainly pathetic.
How? Does flying with one in economy give off the impression that you're trying too hard? I've seen plenty of people fly with Rimowas in economy and didn't think much of it except, "I wonder if it'll be damaged in the overhead bin?"
it gives off the impression you spent most of your travel budget on your luggage
the key is to have a banged-up case to show you're a ~worldly~ traveler.
>I can't imagine having $75 for a southwest super saver ticket but not having $1375.00 for luggage
are you actually fucking retarded, or what? I'm asking seriously.
A hotel for any normal length of stay will me more than that. Food, admission prices, tours, etc.
Yes, but pro-tip; only buy a carry on, some low IQ handler will reminisce hearing how tough they are and throw the check-in rimowa like it's a basketball
more pathetic would be choosing a suitcase based on your ticket/flight lol, maybe if it's brand new and you're on some supersaver flight some autist might snort
>only buy a carry on
Which do you recommend?
Classic line is the best looking one for me, the mirror elbows blow the other lines out of the water, I got the classic cabin myself
there are people who travel between different places for reasons other than staying in hotels and being "admitted" to places and taking tours
Nice. How much have you been able to fit in it?
Enlighten me.
I have confidence in you. I'm almost certain you can come up with a reason someone might board a plane to travel other than being on vacation.
I've done some weekend and even long weekend trips, 48h cruises etc with it alone easily just planning a little ahead
I work as a baggage handler at an airport.

If I see a rimowa, you sure bet I'll trash that thing to see if its actually tough.
Where did you get yours?
Will airoport require proof of authenticity for a refund if you break one?
I bought it at their store on a whim, was talking with a saleslady and she gave me 10% or 15% off
You're no different to the niggers that key expensive cars. A poorfag destined to wagecuck your entire life.
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I read on a pilot's message board that from the airport insider's pov they intentionally bang up this kind of luggage because they know how much it costs.
Look up that vid of the airport luggage handlers who don't know they're being filmed throwing regular luggage around and it falls off the conveyor and that's how your shit gets "lost".
They apparently intentionally target Rimowa and bang it up extra for you.

I don't know if they still sell it, but a business partner of mine bought the black painted rimowa which he said ended up less banged to shit, presumably because the luggage handlers didn't know what it was because it wasn't shiny aluminum. I think the matte black was a limited edition? dunno
you can still get the all black in both aluminium and plastic, but I dunno if they had a special edition with different paint as well. Downside with the black ones is that every scratch and bump will show
>Airfare: 500
Hotel: 5 nights at $200/night 1000
Money for activities: $300/day 1500

Total 3 grand. That's a great budget for a vacation, honestly probably over budget but better safe than sorry. Even with that, $1500 for a single piece of luggage is fucking ridiculous.

OP: I'm assuming you live near a major airport. All you have to do is find the airports second hand store where they sell all the lost and found shit there. This will include a shit load of luggage. Just check in once a week for a couple weeks, grab what you want dirt cheap.
>cousin makes 90k a year
>has a rimowa
>internally laughing forever since it was probably bought by her mom

basically poorfags trying to look rich for a brief moment in time; most of the time it's like someone wearing reps or koreans
there is a steel bolt under the plastic, and they're sturdy as fuck. in fact think what you want about the brand but their wheels are best on the market for the size by a landslide
are you on drugs, they sell replacement wheels and the classic line has metal corners
why is there a retard screaming in all caps about luggage
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Just buy an aluminium carry on from AliExpress, how much do you really fly, check in bags should be kept low key unless you want it to go missing. Sometimes your made to check your carry on in. Get a nice leather backpack, something from Carl Friedrik or Cravar and you can use it year round.

No, go test it yourself. btw "ball-bearing mounted wheels with cushioned axels"
Also the castor itself is superb, have you ever even seen a rimowa
>I read on a pilot's message board
Which forum?
>they intentionally bang up this kind of luggage because they know how much it costs.
If I were to get a Rimowa, it'd only be for carry on. I'd never check it in.
rimowa is definitely /fa/.
if you can comfortably afford a rimowa without doing any pay-in-4-shenanigans or going over your budget - go for it. i've been using mine for 15+ years and it's still going strong. it helps that rimowa's an old german heritage brand and that they give you lifetime warranty.
Rimowa? More like RAHOWA but for your wallet
you should keep then in mind next time you need a carry on, but you're probably better off with the others you listed for check-in desu. also kudos to you for changing your stance, it's surprising from a caps writer desu but you seem allrite to me
them in mind* goddamn I double desu'd
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Fuck rimowa
Buy Zero Halliburton if you want fancy aluminum luggage.
Rimjob is owned by LVMH now and makes trash sold on their old reputation.
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>makes trash sold on their old reputation
Based on what? I don't like the emphasis on plastic models, or the sleeve models, which might be handy as they don't come out as real rimowas to me. But other than that my newest rimowa is better than any I have had before LVMH took over, details are better, quality is durability-wise the same, customer service has stayed the same (at least in my experience) the stageless telescope handle is best I've ever had on a luggage, I love the new wheels albeit they should be harder to de-attach
ITT: people having and forming opinions based on jpgs and their imagination without ever having had any real life experiences with the things they talk about
>Based on what?
Based on the fact that LVMH bought them, immediately moved production of the aluminum models from germany to china, and introduced a line of cheap plastic stuff to sell. It's just what LVMH does to every brand they buy.
So in other words you don't own one and have no idea what you're talking about? I remember these same rumours from reddit after the stock acquisition lol. The aluminum models are still made in the same factories in Germany and no models are made in China
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>moved production of the aluminum models from germany to china
lol, you're just making shit up now huh. they still produce all their aluminium models in Cologne, Germany and have for over a hundred years. the factory is literally 5 minutes from my house. even their website proves you wrong.
That's pretty much how I travel with carry on rimowa on weekend and long weekend trips; couple shirts and maybe second pair of trousers inside it and a blazer on my back.
>Buy Zero Halliburton
Do you own one?
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>That'll be half your carry-on allowance plus tip
Who buys this shit?
People who fly often but never carry much weight. With luggage fare today its often cheaper to buy super-light cheapish luggage and just use it for a year or two, but actually be able to travel with a good amount in it.
the only people I see with those things are chinese princelings
why are you shouting, you nonce?
White people have these, too.
>all caps guy got banned
thank fucking god
Does anyone know the regex to filter his shit?
better to just report it as spam instead of capitulating with a filter
How do you report a post for spam?
you need help using the potty too? how old are you?
I use 4chanX, but I found it now. Thanks. Blocked and reported.
this has to be some sort of psy-op. who actually thinks they need this shit? i get that they have a history and they're a german brand but the name RIMOWA just sounds retarded. i honestly thought this was some chinese brand from amazon until i looked at their website.
do retards like you really think you can just lie and get away with it? it takes 30 seconds to see that you're lying. i'm guessing you're just an eternally bitter poorfag
your ignorance towards heritage and great craftmanship isn't the brag you think it is.
I agree. What retard doesn't like well-build and long-lasting products?
Ebay is your best bet. No one makes good luggage anymore. :(
People who actually fly often either get high-end Travelpro or Briggs and Reilly.
>Briggs and Reilly
Noice. You can always judge a place by the quality of their backpacks.

It annoys me though that in the past couple of years, all backpack producers have gotten rid of the elastic mesh on the side of the backpack that holds your drink and replaced them with zip pockets.
Funny thing I've heard two different people tell me they were carrying a water bottle in one of those and when they realized it had been stolen. Who steals water bottles? Apparently more than one person.
yes they are great, but be prepared that it will be scratched as hell, that's inevitable
I still don't get how people travel so much. I've worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation saved up. I'll never fucking go anywhere at this rate. I read other countries mandate like a month of vacation per year.
>I've worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation saved up.
What's your job, and where are you located?
>worked at my job for 6 months and I have one fucking week of vacation
not them but i would bet on it being U S of a
>where are you located
the US. currently it's standard to only get 2 weeks of vacation a year, while every country in europe gets like a month or more by law or some shit. at this rate I'll never get to go on long trips unless I quit. which I'm genuinely considering now, get another job lined up after I've made it to a year at my current job, but delay that start date by like a month or something and use that time to travel somewhere.

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