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what happened to motocore? post more of these
only person I know who dresses like this nowadays is gizmo (the rapper)
literally who
everything looks meh but why include a ladies necklace that looks terrible
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Missed these threads a bunch. Will make sure to post some later
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Missed these threads
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love these threads
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>I need a hecking curated outfit before I ride a motorcycle
Reminder that being tryhard is not /fa/ and that a genuine outfit thrown together from odds and ends already owned will look better and more SOVLful than this gay a-- teen girl pinterest shit.
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what type of pants are those?
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what oakleys are these? they fire
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harem sweatpants

twenty xx fmj silver
This shit is comfy, good thread OP.
So do you guys want to look like Uber Eats or Grubhub? I think it really comes down to whether you patch your shitstain cargo pants with silver or black masking tape.
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If you don’t own and ride a motorcycle don’t dress like this. You’re appropriating my culture.
get the fuck back to /o/
no one gives a shit
Easily one of the best cores /fa/ has threads on
he's right nobody likes a larper
motorcycles express purpose is larping. Everyone should ride and everyone should larp while they do it
what are you a moron
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absolutely. Anyone that would willingly ride a motorcycle is a moron. Thank god I am one of them
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What an absolute retarded idea to put an ATV tire on a motorcycle.
What Barbour is that?
Come here about once a month to check for a moto thread
fuck yeah

Opinion discarded
God forbid people experiment
fashion is fantasy, costume, projection
moto threads are the only creative threads left on /fa/
anytime a sweaty chud from /o/ cries about "people not really riding bikes in that!!" or "girl pinterest shit" i just know they don't know how to dress themselves and live off of the walmart clothing aisle and whatever mom and dad bought and handed them down in their early 20s
truth. when i had my scooters i had fun with how i dressed because it was an opportunity to be creative, test things out (comfort while riding), etc. as much fun as i had fixing up my bikes, i had just as much fun making outfits up for whatever the weather was

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