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is 25 too old to be wearing band t-shirts outside of concerts?
If you are in the west nobody gives a shit about what you wear. Not even boomers care about formality anymore. This being said band tshirts look like shit
17 is too old to be wearing band shirts
25 is too old to be going to concerts, period.
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post a non cringe fit
it may sound like im fucking with you but im not
25 is too old for t-shirts period. Wear button up shirts and flaunt your chest hair to the females.
Nice, a band shirt thread on /fa/. Hey maybe we can get a tattoo hate thread going next? Or how about a safety razor thread? Lots of exciting things we have yet to discuss.
duck dynasty looking ass
Shampoo/conditioner can't melt safety razor beams.
Don't wear any of the following:
The Smashing Pumpkins
Pink Floyd
Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
SP & Ramone's are too good for that list
Do wear any of the following:
Jesus is a cunt
Are those Salomons?
If you're hot its ok.
Almost anything is wearable if you're hot.
band shirts came back as part of the thrifted y2k aesthetic
>is 25 too old
no that puts you in the bracket of people dressing like that
Wearing a tour shirt when you weren't at the tour
is indeed lame and cringe but otherwise there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't buy merch at concerts to support your favorite bands then you're a faggot and if you buy a shirt but don't wear it then you're a double faggot. The only fate worse than this is being a triple faggot like this guy >>18172152.
No just make sure it works with the fit

In fact, wearing a Metallica shirt under the age of 25 just makes you look like a poser

Stop thinking you're too old for shit like this. 25 is a fucking baby age and you'll regret locking yourself out of life for your age when you get old and realize you were a kid.

I'm not saying a 35 year old should go get a zoomer perm, there are limits, don't put on a middle schooler's YOU SAY PSYCHO LIKE ITS A BAD THING shirt but fucking band shirts? Come on that's basic as hell. No one at any age spends their whole life in button ups, stop thinking like that. Casual clothes will be a part of your wardrobe for you whole life
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I'm 42 and I have tshirt of:
Black Sabbath,
Led Zeppelin
Iron Maiden
Pink Floyd

Fuck everyone who says what you can and can't wear, especially some random /fa/gget on Chinese image board.
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Band shirts are cool as fuck
Copped this recently, thoughts?
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i like bootleg shirts from old concerts. i got some warren zevon ones and a NIN one. i like grindcore and pv band shirts too.
>Pink Floyd
Go fuck yourself, you'll have to pry my Pink Floyd shirts from my cold,dead hands.
Here's the "rules" I operate by doing this kind of thing OP. Keep in mind I'm upper middle class.

Band Tshirts etc

Supermarket, Gas Station, Etc: Ok
Eating out, meeting friends non bar or concert: Not ok.
Gym: No (unless its an old one)
Work: Uh no.

Unless your some billionares kid follow that and you'll be fine in most places in the western world.
No, it's around 28. Definitely 30.
I'm 30 and wear band t shirts all the time
If you don't throw out all your t-shirts and shorts the second you graduate high school, and buy/wear only button ups and wool trousers with smart derbys, then you're a tryhard
Is this shit true? I remember guys on here all saying 23 is too old for clubs but I started going to clubs and it was full of guys around 23-27 or so.
Utero shirt is kino though
looking to others to validate your decisions is pathetic, wear what you want and don't apologize
once you turn 25 you're meant to stay inside, no one wants to see the elderly
>Not even boomers care about formality anymore.

never met a boomer that ever did.
Because most "men" these days are manchildren. They think, behave and dress like children and even women. By the time you're 25 you should already have a girlfriend if not a wife who is in a serious relationship with you. As well as a steady job to keep you busy and plan for the next step in your life: a wife and children, to inherit your material and genetic legacy. Going to clubs and dressing in t-shirts (which are just glorified undershirts) is for teenagers, college kids and promiscuous women.

A man has creative and meditative hobbies (like playing an instrument, fishing, woodworking, art, hiking/camping, working out, or just reading books). He also hangs out with his buddies to work on building his friendships and increasing his network of important contacts who will help him out in times of need, rather than relying on daddy state. He doesn't dance in clubs for recreation like a demon possessed whore.
i was bored with night clubs before i turned 21. people our age don't even socialize at them they just buy overpriced cocktails and listen to bad music with friends they showed up at the club with. house parties are where you actually make friends and meet the cute girl next door not the local bar whore village bicycle. if you're like 18-21 you're already too old for those unless you're a dj or a pedophile or something.
Sorry bro but I've had my RTL shirt for too long to give that sucker up
i would castrate myself for an original issue intestine baalism, bolt thrower or in flames jester race tee.
at the concert it was almost all 16 year olds wearing anime shit even half cosplay and some crossdressing idk. of course noone seeing you in the shirt would know about their concerts and accoiate you with it, but i will
wear what you want and own it. if you're nervous about how other people perceive your attire you're going to come off as a faggot. i'm 32 and wore pikachu socks yesterday. today i wore a domo shirt. who gives a fuck
>By the time you're 25 you should already have a girlfriend if not a wife who is in a serious relationship with you.
This isn't even remotely true. 25 is when you should start thinking of getting a serious relationship. Marriage before 25 is insanity.
this is a fucking retarded take, did you grow up with lead pipes in your house?
depends on the merch but if it's stuff you genuinely fuck with no, especially if it's shit from your local scene
this, wearing generic mainstream band merch outside of highschool is cringe
Why do we grant shut-ins like this >>18176617 the ability to shitpost?
if youre a pussy. Its a t shirt, why does it matter?
typical retard /fa/ take

whooooo weeeeeeee lad what the fuck are you smoking? a man should be in his 30s before that shit, 25 is where youre developing your life and brain still.
You're clearly intelligent because you play Fallout.

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