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Sofas are /fa/m. I'm thinking Dune elements, Roche Bobois vibes, Mah Jong type statements. You feel me anon? Give me all you got, with a 4chin twist of course. Don't be shy with an IKEA piece, as long as it absolutely bangs my brains out with your radical vision, i know u have it in you.
what the fuck
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that's more like it, now don't forget, it's an IMAGE board.
orgy couch
Yeah babe, give me the Tony Hawk 2 skate park lounge
Modular furniture is cool
People are going to smear shit on those bright colored sofas with their filthy American in-house shoe culture.
Looks based.
I don't need to take off my shoes if I'm about to leave again and am just walking around on hardwood floors for a bit. If I'm relaxing or actually using my home/furniture, shoes come off. My parents still go apeshit and have had others go apeshit if I keep my shoes on to walk from the front door to the backyard or sitting on the couch to put my shoes on so I can leave. Makes visiting my parents after moving out a very weird experience.
at the moment i'm looking at DIYing something like pic related, the table's just plywood, plaster and shellac and the pillows seem easy enough to sow myself. i love the rick owens aesthetic and low seating.
>Roche Bobois
i always preferred bellini's camaleonda over the bobois bubble sofa, so maybe that's something you could look into? not knowing your budget of course.

i've had the best sleep crashing at an old acquaintance's place on one of these, it's the perfect combination of beautiful design piece and comfortable furniture that you can lounge on.
i do wish i really had fuck you-money so i could buy rick owen's glade bench to be honest famalam
All of these seem nice enough until you have to use them and realize they're awful as anything but decoration pieces.
I literally own a Carmaleonda. Nothing awful about it. Maybe you should stop speaking on furniture you have no expierence with yourself instead of judging jpgs on the internet?
All of these have horrible ergonomics without proper back support, buy some real furniture that's made to be used instead of showcased and you'll find out the difference.
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I'm gonna do it
its been almost two years
please stop posting the same sofa you bought 2nd hand off facebook
lol why would you be pressed about that :D
how about you post your favorite sofa that you own (second or first hand, who cares) and add something other than whining to this thread

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