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does anyone else fucking hate how people on the internet talk about "le old money style"?
im just a middle class fag myself so im not even gonna try to understand rich people but the way people talk about old money sounds genuinely retarded to me
its like, for once the normies realize that luxury fashion is more than just gucci bags and flashy rolex, and immediately they act like they unlocked the secret key to the high society lifestyle
dont even get me started on the dumb threads and videos all over social media where people talk about why they love and respect "old money" and compare it to the "flashy and trashy new money", as if groups of rich people are somehow sports teams in a competition

i get it guys, you just discovered what ralph lauren is but please dont be so fucking pretentious about it
yes, your chinos and sweaters probably make you look cool and mature but dont pretend it automatically makes you look like a 20th century millionaire, it just doesnt
I'm surrounded by old money tourist fags all the time and they just dress in sort of that instagram core for the most part and just whatever looks nice and inoffensive

Also OP you're a gay retarded faggot you should probably kill yourself shut the fuck up you enormous cringe faggot
>Whining about old money
You are like a year late to the hate ,now you just outed yourself as a laggard flyover
no one cares. shut the fuck up stupid fucking faggot retard
yeah well i still see it often enough so clearly the hate wasnt enough yet
"Muh old money" is just basic bitch business casuals and office wear in muted colors and earth tones. Stuff that wage salves between the ages of 20-60 have been wearing across the world for at least the past 50 years now. Retards on the internet (who are mostly from western countries) act like it's something revolutionary because they never knew anything beyond t-shirts and jeans or flashy impractical clothes. Even western GenXers and boomers dress like manchildren most of the times, so regular casual clothes derived from formal attire looks groundbreaking to them.
There's good things to be learned from old money, for sure, but it's also boring as fuck, and may well not be good value for money. If you never go into a forest in your life and only take private jets and taxis, you'll be fine.
Touch grass, take meds etc.
this is hilariously true
its funny seeing how people react when they see adult clothes for the first time
It's because most high street stores nowadays only sell tacky streetwear which makes anyone look like a non-white teenager
yeah because retards keep buying it
probably because they are too intimidated to wear adult clothes and just keep buying the shit they got in childhood
I mostly think it’s annoying that it’s not even real old money. What they think is old money is like Getty family post-war rich. Real old money goes back to the early 19th century at least.
These dudes dress like waiters
It's just a meaningless buzzword
"Old money" is not a distinguishable style
It would have more meaning to just say you want to dress like the monopoly man
That's why every time you see someone using this term it's just normal clothes from an arbitrary time period just like this pic
I've been wearing linen pants, shirts and loafers since forever. I fucking hate instagram
>old money
dead prepandemic meme created by lvmh to sell their new loro piana brand to retards
the meme went away cause the price of food and rent doubled for the poor
Yeah, I full agree with your post. The trend is full of fucking retards who have just discovered the most basic clothing. They'll then lecture you about how rich people are all hiding it from sight and dress or act like regular people, after all, rich people only drive old shit cars because anyone who buys something nicer is new money. Fuck this makes me seethe. What's worse is that the proportions and silhouettes of these basic outfits are often not traditional at all and very wrong. It looks like children attempting to emulate an adult style.
>"Old money" is not a distinguishable style
of course it is you mouthbreather
it's literally any $$$ bespoke that has zero branding
You can buy cheap shit without branding too, you know? Only a handful of fast fashion brands have obnoxious visible branding. Most cheap clothes have no branding, and to the normalfag on the streets, they look indistinguishable from your fancy bespoke stuff.
it doesnt even make sense since there are many "new money" people who have a subdued and subtle style and there are plenty of "old money" people who love to show off too
the only idea of the trend that i can agree with is that rich people care more about the quality of a product rather than big logos
ironically, the harder people "try" to look old money, the harder they usually fail at it
it cant be a distinguishable style since there is not one specific way rich people dress
kek you can usually tell when something is cheap
Whatever makes them feel better about boring and ill-fitting business casual. I think it's just millenials getting old.
I LOVE YUPPIE FASHION MY CULTURE is not your costume..
>people on the internet
women and effete men obsessively seeking the attention of women

kind of like dark academia but worse
literally just disregard
yeah it's tiresome and I thank god most people seem to be over it
why are they always carrying a fucking bag? what do you have in there? your fucking gooning kit?
You're probably a highschooler for seething over this.
As a rule of thumb, the patricians are untouched by what happens to normie cattle, normies are in no superior position to influence the patricians' mood or opinions.
Secondly, this just makes it en vogue for normies to go unbranded and favour traditional pieces which aren't half-plastic
People you think are rich often aren't due to lifestyle expenses and people you'd assume are poor often have more money because their social group doesn't require big expenses to keep up appearances.

Think blue collar vs white collar. No one gives a shit if the certified welder making 80k drives a shitbox truck but a pharmacist making 150k? That image upkeep costs money.
Nah. Usually the blue collar guy blows his money on crap and dies at 53.
>Secondly, this just makes it en vogue for normies to go unbranded and favour traditional pieces which aren't half-plastic
this. why would anyone be upset at this? it means more brands will cater to the market and actually make decent clothes with a focus on fit construction materials and details instead of branding and marketing.
which as someone who has always dressed in nice shit only benefits me. sure thrift archival and second hand prices went up but it also means brands that i like will go under less often and in the future when this trend dies the market will correct and there'll be a larger pool of nice clothes to choose from for me.
i have a lot of friends who are young guys earning 150-250k who live paycheck to paycheck and have no savings.
the worst ones about it are my buddies who became game devs for aaa studios. they live in shoebox studio apartments that cost $4000 a month, their biggest expenses are their steam accounts and doordash and simping for egirls so they don't even have anything to show for it. one of them was working at valve and living in such hoarder tier squalor (all pizza boxes and chinese takeout boxes) that i found his missing cat dead trampled underneath a mountain of cardboard :/
>it means more brands will cater to the market and actually make decent clothes with a focus on fit construction materials and details instead of branding and marketing.
i would not sign on this. there has never been a point in our capitalism where commodity production has shifted to something more sustainable and monopolies have bent to consumer wills. It does not sound like something that would take place post-2020 at all.
There'll always be millions of poor chinee and indians and people with no taste who will buy just anything due to lack of taste and alternatives, "because it was trendy and just a few bucks".
I'm a cynic when it comes to capitalism, so I think Shein and Temu-type slopfactories will just shift their production into 'mimicking' organic materials more through color and textural choices
your example is actually backwards. most blue collars get a brand new car/tv/jet ski every year or two because they feel the need to show off to their buddies. meanwhile pharmacists and lawyers and the like are still driving their 15 year old honda accord because no one in their little world gives a fuck
>people who are poor deserve it because they bought a TV
I hope the 1% sees this bro
It's okay to be poor though.
>150k a year
>not poor
How fucking old are you??
they were genetic dead ends anyway

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