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File: Dark Academia.png (1.15 MB, 1200x1968)
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Dark Academia was made for the refined, young gentleman. This is what you should be wearing. This needs to be a movement. Fine chaps wearing quality clothing made in Europe not hoodies and trackie bottoms made in the third world. Do better. Get smarter.
Post a pic of yourself wearing a dark academia fit or suck my fat cock you poser faggot.
You're a yank aren't you?
You can yank my schlong all over your muted autumnal colors queercakes.

C'mon, prove me wrong. It's piss easy, sure if you love this style so much you have a pic of yourself wearing it right? Just crop your head out. Claiming a style of clothing is the "proper" way to dress and then having no evidence you actually dress that way is hypocritical poser faggot tier. You aren't a hypocritical poser faggot are you anon?
Cool your autism
Just like I thought. You don't actually dress like this, you just wanted to run your mouth and get some attention. Here's your (you). I'll give you another one, just as a little treat: (you)'re an ass.
Hahaha OP blown the fuck out
I do like the aesthetic, but this kind of clothing is susually ridiculously overpriced while decidedly impractical.
Think about it- the only time you can wear this is when youre young and noone gives a shit about what you wear yet. So exactly when you cant afford it.
pip pip cheerio guvna
what do you wear when it's >75 (23 in retard units) degrees outside?
It’s just trad in dark colors and Docs.

Anyway, I work at an Ivy and NOBODY dresses like this. I’ve always found that a little funny. Not even the BookTok girlies who push this aesthetic dress like this.
Yeah only young people can wear trousers ,shirts and blazers in grey and brown
How much do you weigh?
12 stone 'innit
If I step on a scale and take a pic will you post a pic wearing some stunning and powerful dark macadamia fits?
it's still literally just trad/ivy in fall and winter fabrics.
This is so aggro but completely spot on. Also made me lol
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I wear some of those pieces and have that general style. At all times including right now my wrist is adorned with a Cartier tank as well which is the perfect piece missing from your image. I have a man of letters personality which works with having this style. You are cheapening it by suggesting that any random anon should dress like this even though most probably don’t have the personality for it.
Hop on the scales fat boy
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I'm a man of my word. 6'1, 188lbs.
Lool why are your toenails so small freak
nah mate timestamp
>This needs to be a movement
you’re like 3 years too late, retard
tumblrinas obsessed with sherlock or harry potter core

probably decent if you have that emaciated leftist look
I dress like that but idk it was dark academia, it's just earth tones, no jeans and no sneakers. A good style
that's just dressing like your grandpa aka effay, they didnt call it anything back then.
I like this, but I live in southern europe. What's the warm weather alternative?
most of this stuff is wool and leather which is prohibitively expensive in today's economy, unless you buy from thrift stores and even thrift stores are price gouging these days.
same pants, different tops and less jackets. linen dress shirts, sometimes worn with suspenders. look into classic outfits worn by those who work outdoors (farmers, hunters, lumberjacks etc). something that comes with that outdoors-oriented style is over-the-calf leather boots or spats, but any dress shoes are fine.
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Hey everyone, this guy was staring at another guy's feet! Not only that, but he actually looked at the guy's toenails, and thought so much about it that he decided to make a post about it! LOOOLL FAGGOT
it's summer, fuck you
watch the godfather and copy everything from the italy sequence
Take the L Tiny Tim
That's Q from Book Club (RIP)
He died?
Did he really die? I remember when his channel first launched and he was talked about on /lit/.
It is not possible to wear this during summer or if you live in a tropical climate
This is strictly reserved for the Northeast
Just wear linen alternatives
This >>18176682 and loose fitting.
Most people nowadays are borderline retarded and think you combat the heat by wearing as little as possible (ie. exposing as much skin as possible to the sun), it really makes me think.
You don't need to wear 4 layers. A undershirt to collect sweat, something above that that covers the arms and so on. A hat is fine too, to cover the skin under your hair.
>LARP academia
Tropical wool trousers and jackets (unlined of course) with linen shirts. for footwear derbies, loafers, fisherman's sandals or a mule
Dark Academia was made for the gay and autistic gentleman. Just wear a nice Italian suit with a bright shirt and you will 100% look better than this.
>fisherman's sandals
I'm not even going to google what kind of bullshit monstrosity this is. Just wear business shoes or loafers, problem solved.
It’s the same but with tropical wool, more black and burgundy polos, linen pants, penny loafers, etc.
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>You can yank my schlong all over your muted autumnal colors queercakes.
all time great comeback 10/10 would kek again

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